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报道发现于阳山县的广东省植物新记录属,即景天科石莲属(Sinocrassula Berger),描述新记录种石莲[S. indica (Decne.) Berger]的主要形态特征。凭证标本存放于南方医科大学植物标本馆。  相似文献   

冯慧喆  严克俭  黄云峰 《广西植物》2016,36(8):1014-1018
在第四次中药资源普查中采集了大量标本,经过对这些标本进行仔细鉴定并查阅相关资料,确定其中两号标本为香茜属(Carlemannia Benth.)和粘腺果属(Commicarpus Standl.)植物。这两属植物在广西尚无报道,为首次记录。香茜属植物叶对生,子房下位,无托叶,雄蕊仅有2枚,这和茜草科相似但又不同,系统位置较混乱,以前曾放于茜草科( Rubiaceae)和忍冬科( Caprifoliaceae)中,最近该属和蜘蛛花属独立成香茜科( Car-lemanniaceae)。该属植物共有3种,沿喜马拉雅山脉向东一直分布到缅甸、越南北部。我国西藏东南、云南南部、广西西北部分布一种即香茜( Carlenannia chinenesis Hook. f.)。粘腺果属是紫茉莉科( Nyctaginaceae)主产热带地区的1个属,全世界约25种分布于热带非洲和阿拉伯半岛南部,在南亚、东南亚和墨西哥至热带美洲也有少量分布。中国产2种,其中广西产1种即中华粘腺果[ Commiaicarpus chinensis ( L.) Heim.]。该种植物分布广泛,从南亚次大陆向东至中南半岛、马来半岛,向北到我国西沙群岛、海南岛以及广州附近,在广西首次记录,产凤山县和凌云县。  相似文献   

本文报导五加科一新属,人参本属Chengiopanax Shang et J.Y.Huang,新组合2种,即华人参木Ch.fargesii(Franch.)Shang et J.Y.Hung及人参木Ch.sciadophylloides(Franch.et Sav.)Shang et J.Y.Huang。  相似文献   

中国五加科楤木属一些分类群的订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面修订五加科檧木属的基础上 ,对中国檧木属几个有问题的种 ,即A .chinensisL .,A .de caisneanaHance,A .elata (Miq .)Seem .,A .stipulataFranch .,A .dasyphylloidesJ.Wen ,A .thomsoniiSeem .exClarke,A .vietnamensisHa,A .foliolosa (Wall.)Seem .,A .armata (Wall.exDon)Seem .,A .finlaysoniana(Walli.exDon)Seem .和A .debilisJ.Wen进行了讨论 ,并对若干名称作了异名处理。  相似文献   

菜用短梗五加四种害虫的为害习性及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
短梗五加(Acanthopanax sessiliflorus Seem.)为五加科药膳两用灌木植物,其嫩茎俗称刺拐棒,是传统食用的精品山野菜。对菜用短梗五加的4种主要害虫:五加肖个木虱Triozidus acanthopanaicis Li.、黄刺蛾Cnidocampa flavescens Walker、眼纹疏广蜡蝉Euricania ocellus Walker及大造桥虫Ascotis selenaria Schiffermller & Denis的危害习性进行简要概述,并提出人工除虫、化学防治等综合防治建议。  相似文献   

无梗五加果化学成分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从无梗五加(Acanthopanax sessiliflorus(Rupr.et Maxim.)Seem.)果70%乙醇提取物中分离鉴定了12个化合物.经波谱鉴定为东莨菪内酯(1),原儿茶酸甲酯(2),槲皮素(3),无梗五加苷B(4),金丝桃苷(5),(-)-pinoresinol-4,4'-di-O-β-D-glucopyranoside(6),chiisanoside(7),22a.hydroxyehiisanoside(8),niduloic acid(9),胡萝卜苷(10),东莨菪苷(11)和无梗五加苷D(12).其中化合物9为新天然产物,化合物1,2,6和11是首次从五加科植物中分离得到,化合物3是首次从五加属植物中分离得到.  相似文献   

韦发南   《广西植物》1992,12(3):193-208
<正> 大戟科在广西植物区系中为大科之一,约50属,200种以上,广布区内各地,但热带性较强的种类主要见于桂东南经桂南至桂西北山区。近年来笔者在编写《广西植物志》第二卷工作中,按分工要求,对所承担的属的馆藏标本作了全面整理研究。现将研究结果报道,以资利用。本文共记载19属56种。  相似文献   

陆昭岑  陈海玲  覃营  刘演 《广西植物》2023,43(12):2203-2212
薹草属(Carex L.)是广西物种多样性丰富的大属,目前记录的物种达100种,然而广西薹草属植物资源仍然不清楚,缺乏系统的调查与研究。该文基于馆藏薹草属植物标本鉴定,文献收集整理和野外调查等基础上,对广西薹草属植物的前期研究进行系统的梳理,对广西薹草属植物物种编目简况进行了概述;另外,广西薹草属植物特有性高,通过对16个模式标本采自广西的类群进行系统梳理,考证其模式产地准确性,补充分布信息,确定目前广西特有薹草属植物共8种;报道了广西薹草属植物8个新记录种,即禾状薹草(C.alopecuroides D. Don)、仲氏薹草(C.chungii Z. P. Wang)、糙毛囊薹草(C.hirtiutriculata L. K. Dai)、秆叶薹草(C.insignis Boott)、云雾薹草(C.nubigena D. Don)、仙台薹草(C.sendaica Franch.)、伴生薹草(C.sociata Boott)、横果薹草(C.transversa Boott),提供其形态特征集要与凭证标本照片,并对广西薹草属植物的多样性、特有性、地理分布以及资源潜在利用价值等进行了讨论,该...  相似文献   

邹春玉  孟世勇  许为斌  刘演 《广西植物》2023,43(12):2213-2223
该文基于文献考证、馆藏标本鉴定及野外调查,对广西景天属(Sedum L.)植物进行了系统的梳理,对景天属植物物种多样性进行概述,确定目前分布有17种,其中有6个新记录种。该文概述了广西景天属植物物种多样性,订正了藓状景天(S.polytrichoides Hemsl.),简述了6个新记录种,即钝萼景天(S.leblancae Hamet.)、黎平景天(S.lipingense R. B. Zhang, D. Tan&R. X. Wei)、龙泉景天(S.lungtsuanense S. H. Fu)、圆叶景天(S.makinoi Maxim.)、细小景天(S.subtile Miq.)、土佐景天(S.tosaense Makino),并提供其形态特征集要与彩色照片。该文还对广西景天属植物的多样性以及资源潜在利用价值等进行了讨论,并附有分种检索表和各个分类群在广西的分布情况,为该属后续的研究与利用提供了本底资料。  相似文献   

丘华兴  陈秀香   《广西植物》1992,12(3):209-214
<正> 广西的大戟科植物种类众多。作者对广西中草药原植物研究过程,将已采集的标本及华南植物所标本室(SCBI)和广东、广西主要标本室(均有注明)收藏的广西及其邻近地区的大戟科标本进行整理;现报道(一)、三宝木属植物摘记;有5种和3个新变种,其中广西产5种、1变种。(二)、广西白大凤属植物;1种。  相似文献   

在本文中描述了乌头属和翠雀属各一新种和一新亚种,唐松草属一新种,侧金盏花属一新亚种,以及毛茛属五新种,首次报道了圆叶唐松草在中国西藏南部的分布,在对叶、雄蕊和心皮的形态特征进行了分析之后认为,这种植物与特产云南的糙叶唐松草有一定亲缘关系。  相似文献   

This paper considers intraguild predation (IGP) systems where species in the same community kill and eat each other and there is intraspecific competition in each species. The IGP systems are characterized by a lattice gas model, in which reaction between sites on the lattice occurs in a random and independent way. Global dynamics of the model with two species demonstrate mechanisms by which IGP leads to survival/extinction of species. It is shown that an intermediary level of predation promotes survival of species, while over-predation or under-predation could result in species extinction. An interesting result is that increasing intraspecific competition of one species can lead to extinction of one or both species, while increasing intraspecific competitions of both species would result in coexistence of species in facultative predation. Initial population densities of the species are also shown to play a role in persistence of the system. Then the analysis is extended to IGP systems with one species. Numerical simulations confirm and extend our results.  相似文献   

A preliminary detective survey for the hymenopteran insect fauna of Jazan Lake dam region, Southwest Saudi Arabia, was carried out for one year from January 2018 to January 2019 using mainly sweep nets and Malaise traps. The survey revealed the presence of three hymenopteran Superfamilies (Apoidea, Vespoidea and Evanioidea) representing 15 species belonging to 10 genera of 6 families (Apidae, Crabronidae, Sphecidae, Vespidae, Mutillidae, and Evaniidae). The largest number of species has belonged to the family Crabronidae is represented by 6 species under 2 genera. While the family Apidae, is represented by 2 species under 2 genera. Family Vespidae is represented by 2 species of one genus. While, the rest of the families Sphecidae, Mutillida, and Evaniidae each is represented by only one species and one genus each. Eleven species are predators, two species are pollinators and two species are parasitics. Note for each family was provided, and species was provided with synonyms and general and taxonomic remarks and their worldwide geographic distribution and information about their economic importance are also included. All species were photographed with dorsal and lateral views.  相似文献   

Eighteen chromosome counts of 14 species of Centaurea, two species of Serratula and one species each of the genera Amberboa and zoegea from Iran are reported; 15 of them are new reports, one is a correction of a previous count and two are confirmations of very scarce previous data. A new nomenclatural combination is proposed: Serratula khuzistanica comb. nov.  相似文献   

中国东北原尾虫一新种记述(原尾纲,蚖科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了采自辽宁省鞍山市千山的原尾虫1新种,千山线毛蚖Filientomon qianshanense sp. nov.,新种第Ⅱ、Ⅲ对腹足上各仅具1根刚毛,前足跗节末端的爪上具有内外悬片各1个.文中给出了线毛蚖属世界种类检索表.新种模式标本保存在上海昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

When two species compete with each other, one is likely to displace or exclude the other. Several circumstances under which they may coexist indefinitely have been presented in the literature; the present contribution presents examples of one more. Under circumstances where both populations are repeatedly decreased (for example because of annual environmental changes) then subsequent to each decrease both species grow unrestrictedly and then interact with each other in a competitive fashion. If the species that grows more rapidly under unrestricted conditions is at a disadvantage during competitive phases of growth, this effect prolongs coexistence but may not prevent eventual extinction of one or the other species. However, it is shown that there are certain broad ranges of conditions for population growth that lead to permanent cyclical stability. The stability described here is such that the ecosystem will return to the same dynamic balance even when severely perturbed. It is also shown that this kind of stability can be either favored or prevented in certain cases by random fluctuations in the environment affecting season length, kill factor, etc.  相似文献   

广西棕榈科植物分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韦发南   《广西植物》1997,17(3):193-205
笔者近年来在编研广西单子叶植物志棕榈科过程中,对我所历年来收集到的馆藏标本及文献资料进行全面研究,订正,发现广西的棕榈科植物种类相当丰富,野生和主要栽培的一起,计有22属,约50种,占全国总种数的近1/2,与广东所产的种数近相等。在园艺上享有很高声誉的国外种,例如王棕、假槟榔、散尾葵、金山葵等,广西南部及东南部普遍栽培;热带著名水果海枣及椰子和油料植物油棕等,广西亦有引种。经济价值高的野生种类为数也不少,颇受园艺界青睐的棕竹类,全国有5种,广西全产,而且广布于全区各地,产量大宗;濒危植物棕,在广西西南部及西部的石山区成片生长,长势旺盛,姿态优雅,构成独特景观,十分引人注目。本文报道研究结果的一部分,共记载8个属,25个种,并有广西产各属的分属检索表。  相似文献   

Two new three-disulfide intermediates have been found to be populated in the oxidative folding pathway of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A at a low temperature (15 degrees C). These intermediates, des-[26-84] and des-[58-110], possess all but one of the four native disulfide bonds and have a stable tertiary structure, similar to the two previously observed intermediates, des-[65-72] and des-[40-95]. While the latter two des species each lack one surface-exposed disulfide bond, the newly discovered intermediates each lack one buried disulfide bond. The possible involvement of these species in the rate-determining steps during the oxidative folding of RNase A is discussed and a specific role for such species during oxidative folding is suggested.  相似文献   

The taxonomic and genetic relationship of the two nominal species of catadromous Atlantic eel poses the question whether or not each eel species has one independent and recognizable gene pool. The positive answer to this question is reinforced by comparing the isoelectric points of muscle proteins in samples of eels from two freshwater sources, one in Nova Scotia, Canada, the other in East Anglia, England. Particular proteins are exclusive to each species sample.  相似文献   

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