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目的:依托第四次全国中药资源普查(试点),采用野外样地调查和查阅文献资料等方法,对通川区中药植物资源进行调查,并对科、属组成类型、生活类型、组成特点、药用功效等多方面进行分析,旨在全面系统了解通川区中药材资源的分布情况。方法:通过选择双龙镇、盘石镇等共7个镇、3个乡、1个街道社区等区域,由全国中药资源普查信息管理系统随机生成41个样地,通过调查样方180个,样方套1 080个,全面掌握通川区中药材资源的分布情况。结果:共完成36个样地调查,统计到通川区药用植物共775种,隶属于154科,533属,其中被子植物719种,蕨类植物44种,裸子植物12种。结论:通川区中药资源丰富,了解通川区中药材资源分布,可为持续开发利用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

现在的森林防火已经非常全面了,但是还不是很完善,所以,为了提高森林防火的信息化管理,我们必需对防火管理进行高科技的监测。随着信息化的不断进步,信息技术也被运用到森林防火中,例如,我们文中即将要讲到的Google Earth,研究者们通过对Google Earth的方法调对,并且逐步进行开发森林防火系统。这个系统可以通过读取数据库中的信息,自动加载每个地方的各类地标文件,实现GPS的定位,火场的重现,为森林防火提供预防。  相似文献   

目的:通过对仁怀市中药资源普查,全面掌握该地药用植物资源现状,并摸底中药材市场和流通情况。方法:以全国第四次中药资源普查技术规范为指导,采用野外样地实地调查、市场走访调查的方法,对仁怀市药用植物资源进行普查与统计分析。结果:本研究共调查了41个样地1 230个样方,采集药用植物566种,隶属130科365属,其中127种植物被2020版《中国药典》收载。植物生活型主要以草本为主,占总种数的48.94%。植物药材入药部位以全草类,根及根茎类为主,占总种数的72.09%。药材性味以寒性、苦味药物最多,分别占总种数的27.09%和41.34%。结论:仁怀市中药资源较为丰富,但存在“多的不特,特的不多”情况,中药材产业发展滞后。建议当地政府合理规划中药材产业发展,促进中药材资源的可持续开发利用。  相似文献   

陕西乾县第四次全国中药资源普查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以全国第四次中药资源普查为契机,通过查阅相关文献资料和野外实地走访调查,对陕西乾县药用植物资源的种类、栽培情况和药材的市场流通情况进行了初步的调查。此次调查完成36个样地共180个样方套,发现药用植物226种,涉及57科198属,其中国家重点调查品种49种,调查栽培品种8种,完成了6种药材的市场流通调查。此次普查基本摸清了乾县野生和种植中药资源的本底情况,该县域内药用植物资源物种数较第三次全国中药资源普查更丰富多样,中药材种植产业有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

目的:摸清陕西省金台区中药资源现状,为该区中药资源的保护与合理开发利用提供参考依据.方法:根据全国中药资源普查技术规范,对金台区野生中药资源、栽培药用植物、药材市场及中医药传统知识进行调查分析.结果:共调查28块样地,140个样方套,840个样方,采集药用植物标本2800份左右,共发现中药资源755种涉及127科424...  相似文献   

江苏省地产地道中药资源的生产现状与开发利用(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是在以往中药资源普查资料的基础上 ,结合本次对江苏省地产、地道中药资源普查资料的基础上 ,结合本次对江苏省地产、地道中药资源及其产业化背景调查、分析和评价工作 ,基本上客观地反映出目前江苏省地产、地道中药资源的开发利用现状 ,为本省中药资源及中药产业的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

江苏省地产地道中药资源的生产现状与开放利用(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是在以往中药资源普查资料的基础上,结合本次对江苏省地产、地道中药资源普查资料的基础上,结合本次对江苏省地产、地道中药资源及其产业化背景调查、分析和评价工作,基本上客观地反映出目前江苏省地产、地道中药资源的开发利用现状,为本省中药资源及中药产业的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

依托第四次全国中药资源普查项目,调查青海省班玛县野生药用植物资源状况。以《第四次全国中药资源普查技术规范》为指导,采取实地走访调查与样方套调查相结合的方法调查班玛县野生药用植物资源,并对班玛县野生药用植物资源基于物种类型、科属构成、生活型及各植物药用部位进行多样性统计分析。此次普查队实地走访调查了班玛县全域八乡一镇,一共完成36块普查样地,180个普查样方套,采集标本1 268份。共发现班玛县蕴藏的野生药用植物4门51科154属317种。其中包括第四次中药资源普查重点药用植物品种21种,国家重点保护野生植物18种。班玛县药用植物物种以被子植物为主、蕨类和裸子植物相对稀少。药用植物科以菊科(Compositae)、毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)、豆科(Leguminosae)等为优势科。生活型以多年生草本为主、一年生草本、灌木、藤本次之。用药部位则以全草为主,根及根茎类等次之。班玛县野生药用植物资源丰富多样,应充分给予保护和利用。  相似文献   

目的:对陕西宁强县药材资源种类进行全面调查和数据分析.方法:按照全国中药资源普查技术规范,结合宁强县植被特点,全县共设置44个样地(灌丛15个,阔叶林23个,针叶林6个);在野外样方调查的基础上,补充线路调查、采集腊叶标本和物种鉴定;最后,对全县药用植物资源种类进行统计分析.结果:宁强县实际完成40个样地(灌丛13个,...  相似文献   

目的:对泸定县中药资源的现状进行普查,促进中药及民族药资源有效利用与可持续发展提供依据.方法:以全国第四次中药资源普查技术规范为指导,通过外业调查、内业整理等方法,对泸定县现有中药资源进行普查、统计分析.结果:本次调查共完成样地41个、样方套205个,采集标本5028份.调查的野生药用植物共837种、179科,重点药用...  相似文献   

加拿大及其保护区系统在国际自然保护界居领先地位。这个世界第三大保护区系统[3] 具有 4个主要的层次 :国家级、省 /地区级、区域级和地方级。其子系统也有跨两个以上层次的 ,还有的成为国际遗产组织的成员。本文拟对这一庞大而有序的保护区系统进行分析研究。1 国家系统加拿大的国家级自然保护区系统主要有 :由加拿大文化遗产部的加拿大公园局管理的国家公园和国家海洋保护区 ,由加拿大环境部的加拿大野生动植物保护局管理的国家候鸟禁猎区和国家野生动植物保护区 ,由国家首都委员会管理的国家首都保护地。这些系统形成加拿大国家级保护…  相似文献   

In wolves, most offspring mortality occurs within the first 6–8 months of their life. As wolf pups pass this entire period at either the den or rendezvous sites, their selection by wolf packs may affect pup survival and recruitment. Rendezvous sites are important for pup survival as they are used during summer and early autumn, when intense human activity may increase pup mortality. Adult wolves and pups can be killed by livestock guarding dogs during summer and intentionally or accidentally during large game hunting in autumn. This study describes factors related to rendezvous site selection in order to enhance their protection and management. We studied the rendezvous site selection of 30 wolf packs in central and northern Greece between 1998 and 2010, after locating 35 sites using the simulated howling survey method and telemetry. We considered a series of environmental and anthropogenic predictors of wolf rendezvous site selection at two spatial scales. At the landscape-population scale, wolves selected rendezvous sites below 1,200 m asl, with large inter-site distance (mean, 12.9 km), and avoided partially forested or open habitats, indicating preference for covered, spaced areas with seasonally stable resources. At the home range scale, wolves selected rendezvous sites away from forest roads and villages, close to water sources, and in areas with low forest fragmentation, indicating avoidance of human presence and disturbance. In the summer of 2011, we used an ensuing resource selection model (RSF, AUC?=?0.818) to successfully locate seven new rendezvous sites outside our previous survey area, verifying the utility of prediction maps (all new sites were at areas with 0.8–1 model probability). Rendezvous prediction maps can be used to reduce field effort when monitoring wolf populations, assess livestock predation risk, design protected areas, and reduce human disturbance on reproductive wolf packs.  相似文献   

Survey‐gap analysis in expeditionary research: where do we go from here?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research expeditions into remote areas to collect biological specimens provide vital information for understanding biodiversity. However, major expeditions to little‐known areas are expensive and time consuming, time is short, and well‐trained people are difficult to find. In addition, processing the collections and obtaining accurate identifications takes time and money. In order to get the maximum return for the investment, we need to determine the location of the collecting expeditions carefully. In this study we used environmental variables and information on existing collecting localities to help determine the sites of future expeditions. Results from other studies were used to aid in the selection of the environmental variables, including variables relating to temperature, rainfall, lithology and distance between sites. A survey gap analysis tool based on ‘ED complementarity’ was employed to select the sites that would most likely contribute the most new taxa. The tool does not evaluate how well collected a previously visited site survey site might be; however, collecting effort was estimated based on species accumulation curves. We used the number of collections and/or number of species at each collecting site to eliminate those we deemed poorly collected. Plants, birds, and insects from Guyana were examined using the survey gap analysis tool, and sites for future collecting expeditions were determined. The south‐east section of Guyana had virtually no collecting information available. It has been inaccessible for many years for political reasons and as a result, eight of the first ten sites selected were in that area. In order to evaluate the remainder of the country, and because there are no immediate plans by the Government of Guyana to open that area to exploration, that section of the country was not included in the remainder of the study. The range of the ED complementarity values dropped sharply after the first ten sites were selected. For plants, the group for which we had the most records, areas selected included several localities in the Pakaraima Mountains, the border with the south‐east, and one site in the north‐west. For birds, a moderately collected group, the strongest need was in the north‐west followed by the east. Insects had the smallest data set and the largest range of ED complementarity values; the results gave strong emphasis to the southern parts of the country, but most of the locations appeared to be equidistant from one another, most likely because of insufficient data. Results demonstrate that the use of a survey gap analysis tool designed to solve a locational problem using continuous environmental data can help maximize our resources for gathering new information on biodiversity. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85 , 549–567.  相似文献   

高黎贡山羚牛生境选择初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年1月~2005年12月,在高黎贡山自然保护区内开展了羚牛指名亚种的生境调查研究,在调查点内对与羚牛生存有关的生境因子(植被型、郁闭度、坡向、坡位、水源、人为干扰、距主要公路距离、距农用地距离)进行了调查统计。在研究中,将这些生态因子分别分成了3个等级进行回归分析,建立羚牛在不同生境中出现概率的预测方程,通过分析后发现,影响高黎贡山羚牛生境选择的主要生态因子是人为干扰和隐蔽条件,其次是距农业用地距离、距主要公路距离和水源,坡度、坡向和植被型对羚牛生境选择的影响不明显。  相似文献   

Authié CN  Mestre DR 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31479
Many experimental approaches to the control of steering rely on the tangent point (TP) as major source of information. The TP is a good candidate to control self-motion. It corresponds to a singular and salient point in the subject's visual field, and its location depends on the road geometry, the direction of self-motion relative to the road and the position of the driver on the road. However, the particular status of the TP in the optical flow, as a local minimum of flow speed, has often been left aside. We therefore assume that the TP is actually an optimal location in the dynamic optical array to perceive a change in the trajectory curvature. In this study, we evaluated the ability of human observers to detect variations in their path curvature from optical flow patterns, as a function of their gaze direction in a virtual environment. We simulated curvilinear self-motion parallel to a ground plane. Using random-dot optic flow stimuli of brief duration and a two-alternative forced-choice adaptive procedure, we determined path curvature discrimination thresholds, as a function of gaze direction. The discrimination thresholds are minimal for a gaze directed toward a local minimum of optical flow speed. A model based on Weber fraction of the foveal velocities (ΔV/V) correctly predicts the relationship between experimental thresholds and local flow velocities. This model was also tested for an optical flow computation integrating larger circular areas in central vision. Averaging the flow over five degrees leads to an even better fit of the model to experimental thresholds. We also found that the minimal optical flow speed direction corresponds to a maximal sensitivity of the visual system, as predicted by our model. The spontaneous gazing strategies observed during driving might thus correspond to an optimal selection of relevant information in the optical flow field.  相似文献   

加拿大自然保护区规划的启迪   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许学工 《生物多样性》2001,9(3):306-309
为了更好地国际接轨,搞好自然保护区的管理工作,我们需要学习其他国家的先进经验,本文重点介绍加拿大自然保护区规划方面的典型经验,包括系统规划,综合管理规划,资源管理规划,服务规划,行动规划,以及各种规划之间的关系,并提出了对我们的启迪与可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

In Western Europe, habitat loss and landscape fragmentation has led to significant population decline in various animal groups, including amphibians. The extinction of the last natural populations of the yellow-bellied toad in Belgium, Luxembourg and several regions of southern and western France suggests a widespread decline. By using site-occupancy models and adding covariates corresponding to the human-influenced features of the landscape, we tried to identify the relative effects of different land-use types on the species’ distribution pattern in a man-made environment (the Alsatian Rhine floodplain in France). We recorded presence–absence data in 150 forest sample plots (300 × 300 m) and then modeled species distribution while taking into account detection errors in the field. Land-use was recorded on two spatial scales: within the forest sample plots and in a 1500 m radius buffer area around the forest plots. In the forest plots, toad occurrence was negatively correlated with loss of forest cover to agricultural land. In contrast, occurrence is positively correlated with the density of human-made rutted dirt paths and tracks, which provide semi-natural breeding sites. In the 1500 m radius buffer zones around forest plots, toad occurrence was negatively correlated with the density of urbanization and road networks. These results can be used to plan conservation strategies for amphibians in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical work argues that growth rate can evolve and be optimized, rather than always being maximized. Chronically low resource availability is predicted to favour the evolution of slow growth, whereas attaining a size-refuge from mortality risk is predicted to favour the evolution of rapid growth. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) evolve differences in behaviour, morphology and life-history traits in response to predation, thus demonstrating that predators are potent agents of selection. Predators in low-predation environments prey preferentially on small guppies, but those in high-predation environments appear to be non-selective. Because guppies can outgrow their main predator in low- but not high-predation localities, we predict that predation will select for higher growth rates in the low-predation environments.However, low-predation localities also tend to have lower productivity than high-predation localities, yield-ing the prediction that guppies from these sites should have slower growth rates. Here we compare the growth rates of the second laboratory-born generation of guppies from paired high- and low-predation localities from four different drainages. In two out of four comparisons, guppies from high-predation sites grew significantly faster than their low-predation counterparts. We also compare laboratory born descendants from a field introduction experiment and show that guppies introduced to a low-predation environment evolved slower growth rates after 13 years, although this was evident only at the high food level. The weight of the evidence suggests that resource availability plays a more important role than predation in shaping the evolution of growth rates.  相似文献   

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