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Sexual conflict has recently been proposed as a driving force behind the rapid diversification of genitalia among sexually reproducing organisms. In traumatically inseminating insects, males stab females in the side of the body with needle‐like genitalia, ejaculating into their body cavity. Such mating is costly to females and has led to the evolution of cost‐reducing ‘paragenitalia’ in some species. Whereas some consider this evidence of sexually antagonistic coevolution, others remain unconvinced. Variation in the reproductive morphology of both sexes – particularly males – is alleged to be negligible, contradicting the expectations of a coevolutionary arms race. Here, we use a phylogeny of the traumatically inseminating plant bug genus Coridromius to show that external female paragenitalia have evolved multiply across the genus and are correlated with changes in male genital shape. This pattern is characteristic of an evolutionary arms race driven by sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflict between the sexes is predicted to lead to sexual arms races in which male adaptations for acquiring mates ("offense" traits) are met by female counteradaptations--for example, to reduce mating rate ("defense" traits). Such coevolutionary chases may be perpetual. However, we show here that the coevolutionary process may also lead to a stable state in which multiple offense-defense trait pairs are maintained. This type of polymorphism below the species level is a result of sexual conflict in combination with nonrandom mating. Our results show that if nonrandom mating occurs with respect to male and female conflict traits, genetic correlations will act to stabilize the trait frequencies so that all morphs are maintained. We discuss the results in special relation to the evolution of female polymorphism in diving beetles and argue that the process we describe may be a general force that maintains polymorphism in other taxa as well.  相似文献   

This study analyses the role of body size and symmetry in the sexual selection and courtship behavior of Dysdercus maurus Distant. Sexual conflicts signaled by coercive mating, female resistance, and pre-copulation fights illustrate the mating system. Male-female struggles were observed in all mating attempts. Females tried to reject males by pushing or running and even by vigorously shaking their bodies, in attempts to dislodge the male from their dorsum. In spite of sexual conflicts during courtship, females actively chose their mates based on morphological and behavioral traits. Larger males with more symmetrical tibiae and longer tarsi that are better copula imposers were more successful in sexual competition. Evidence is presented that sexual conflict and female mate choice should not be mutually excluded.  相似文献   

Rapid divergence of male genitalia is one of the most general evolutionary trends in animals with internal fertilization, but the mechanisms of genital evolution are poorly understood. The current study represents the first comprehensive attempt to test the main hypotheses that have been suggested to account for genital evolution (the lock-and-key, sexual selection and pleiotropy hypotheses) with intraspecific data. We measure multivariate phenotypic selection in a water strider species, by relating five different components of fitness (mating frequency, fecundity, egg hatching rate, offspring survival rate and offspring growth rate) to a suite of genital and non-genital morphological traits (in total 48). Body size had a series of direct effects in both sexes. Large size in females was positively related to both fecundity and egg hatching rate. There was positive sexual selection for large size in males (mating frequency), which to some extent was offset by a reduced number of eggs laid by females mated to large males. Male genitalic morphology influenced male mating frequency, but the detected directional selection on genitalia was due to indirect selection on phenotypically correlated non-intromittent traits. Further, we found no assortative mating between male intromittent genitalia and female morphology. Neither did we find any indications of male genitalia conveying information of male genetic quality. Several new insights can be gained from our study. Most importantly, our results are in stark disagreement with the long standing lock-and-key hypothesis of genital evolution, as well as with certain models of sexual selection. Our results are, however, in agreement with other models of sexual selection as well as with the pleiotropy hypothesis of genital evolution. Fluctuating asymmetry of bilaterally symmetrical traits, genital as well as non-genital, had few effects on fitness. Females with low fluctuating asymmetry in leg length produced offspring with a higher survival rate, a pattern most proba bly caused by direct phenotypic maternal effects. We also discuss the relevance of our results to sexual conflict over mating, and the evolution of sexual traits by coevolutionary arms races between the sexes.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflict between the sexes has been studied in various taxa and in various contexts. When the sexes are in conflict over mating rates, natural selection favors both males that induce higher mating rates and females that are more successful at resisting mating attempts. Such sexual conflict may result in an escalating coevolutionary arms race between males and females. In this article, we develop simple replicator-dynamics models of sexual conflict in order to investigate its evolutionary dynamics. Two specific models of the dependence of a female's fitness on her number of matings are considered: in model 1, female fitness decreases linearly with increasing number of matings and in model 2, there is an optimal number of matings that maximizes female fitness. For each of these models, we obtain the conditions for a coevolutionary process to establish costly male and female traits and examine under what circumstances polymorphism is maintained at equilibrium. Then we discuss how assumptions in previous models of sexual conflict are translated to fit to our model framework and compare our results with those of the previous studies. The simplicity of our models allows us to consider sexual conflict in various contexts within a single framework. In addition, we find that our model 2 shows more complicated evolutionary dynamics than model 1. In particular, the population exhibits bistability, where the evolutionary outcome depends on the initial state, only in model 2.  相似文献   

Genital morphology is informative phylogenetically and strongly selected sexually. We use a recent species-level phylogeny of nephilid spiders to synthesize phylogenetic patterns in nephilid genital evolution that document generalized conflict between male and female interests. Specifically, we test the intersexual coevolution hypothesis by defining gender-specific indices of genital complexity that summarize all relevant and phylogenetically informative traits. We then use independent contrasts to show that male and female genital complexity indices correlate significantly and positively across the phylogeny rather than among sympatric sister species, as predicted by reproductive character displacement. In effect, as females respond to selection for fecundity-driven fitness via giantism and polyandry (perhaps responding to male-biased effective sex ratios), male mechanisms evolve to monopolize females (male monogamy) via opportunistic mating, pre- and postcopulatory mate guarding, and/or plugging of female genitalia to exclude subsequent suitors. In males morphological symptoms of these phenomena range from self-mutilated genitalia to total castration. Although the results are compatible with both recently favored sexual selection hypotheses, sexually antagonistic coevolution, and cryptic female choice, the evidence of strong intersexual conflict and genitalic damage in both sexes is more easily explained as sexually antagonistic coevolution due to an evolutionary arms race.  相似文献   

Speciation and sexual isolation often occur when divergent female mating preferences target male secondary sexual traits. Despite the importance of such male signals, little is known about their evolvability and genetic linkage to other traits during speciation. To answer these questions, we imposed divergent artificial selection for 10 non-overlapping generations on the Inter-Pulse-Interval (IPI) of male courtship songs; which has been previously shown to be a major species recognition trait for females in the Drosophila athabasca species complex. Focusing on one of the species, Drosophila mahican (previously known as EA race), we examined IPI's: (1) rate of divergence, (2) response to selection in different directions, (3) genetic architecture of divergence and (4) by-product effects on other traits that have diverged in the species complex. We found rapid and consistent response for higher IPI but less response to lower IPI; implying asymmetrical constraints. Genetic divergence in IPI differed from natural species in X versus autosome contribution and in dominance, suggesting that evolution may take different paths. Finally, selection on IPI did not alter other components of male songs, or other ecological traits, and did not cause divergence in female preferences, as evidenced by lack of sexual isolation. This suggests that divergence of male courtship song IPI is unconstrained by genetic linkage with other traits in this system. This lack of linkage between male signals and other traits implies that female preferences or ecological selection can co-opt and mould specific male signals for species recognition free of genetic constraints from other traits.  相似文献   

Mating decisions usually involve conflict of interests between sexes. Accordingly, males benefit from increased number of matings, whereas costs of mating favour a lower mating rate for females. The resulting sexual conflict underlies the coevolution of male traits that affect male mating success ('persistence') and female traits that affect female mating patterns ('resistance'). Theoretical studies on the coevolutionary dynamics of male persistence and female resistance assumed that costs of mating and, consequently, the optimal female mating rate are evolutionarily constant. Costs of mating, however, are often caused by male 'persistence' traits that determine mating success. Here, we present a model where the magnitude of costs of mating depend on, and evolve with, male persistence. We find that allowing costs of mating to depend on male persistence results in qualitatively different coevolutionary dynamics. Specifically, we find that male traits such as penis spikes that harm females are not predicted to exhibit runaway selection with female resistance, in contrast to previous theory that predicts indefinite escalation. We argue that it is essential to determine when and to what extent costs of mating are caused by male persistence in order to understand and accurately predict coevolutionary dynamics of traits involved in mating decisions.  相似文献   

The spectacular variability that typically characterizes male genital traits has largely been attributed to the role of sexual selection. Among the evolutionary mechanisms proposed to account for this diversity, two processes in particular have generated considerable interest. On the one hand, females may exploit postcopulatory mechanisms of selection to favour males with preferred genital traits (cryptic female choice; CFC), while on the other hand females may evolve structures or behaviours that mitigate the direct costs imposed by male genitalia (sexual conflict; SC). A critical but rarely explored assumption underlying both processes is that male and female reproductive traits coevolve, either via the classic Fisherian model of preference-trait coevolution (CFC) or through sexually antagonistic selection (SC). Here, we provide evidence for this prediction in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a polyandrous livebearing fish in which males transfer sperm internally to females via consensual and forced matings. Our results from a paternal half-sibling breeding design reveal substantial levels of additive genetic variation underlying male genital size and morphology—two traits known to predict mating success during non-consensual matings. Our subsequent finding that physically interacting female genital traits exhibit corresponding levels of genetic (co)variation reveals the potential intersexual coevolutionary dynamics of male and female genitalia, thereby fulfilling a fundamental assumption underlying CFC and SC theory.  相似文献   

A model of sexual selection that leads to the evolution of exaggerated male display characters that is based on antagonistic coevolution between the sexes is described. The model is motivated by three lines of research: intersexual conflict with respect to mating, sensory exploitation, and the evolution of female resistance, as opposed to preference, for male display traits. The model generates unique predictions that permit its operation to be distinguished from other established models of sexual selection. One striking prediction is that females will frequently win the coevolutionary arms race with males, leaving them encumbered with costly ornaments that have little value except that their absence understimulates females. Examples from the literature suggest that the model may have broad application in nature. The chase-away model is a special case of the more general phenomenon of Interlocus Contest Evolution (ICE).  相似文献   

Acoustic signals are well established as key components of mate selection in terrestrial species, but not in aquatic species. It has long been known that damselfish (Pomacentridae) use a combined visual and acoustic display in their courtship.. This study examined several male qualities including individual size, courtship vigor, territory size and complexity, as well as components of the acoustic call including dominant frequency, pulse characteristics and repetition rate. The objective was to determine which male traits were correlated with mating success. Observations made over ten reproductive cycles revealed that female mate choices were not random and that male mating success was correlated with courtship rate (a simultaneous visual and acoustic cue) and the number of neighboring females, but not with male morphological traits, territory quality, or acoustic call structure. These results suggest that females choose mates based on a condition-dependent trait (courtship rate) that advertises quality of paternal care, which supports good parent models of sexual selection, thereby demonstrating the importance of the combined acoustic/visual display for sexual selection in fishes  相似文献   

The contemporary dynamics of sexually antagonistic coevolution caused by sexual conflicts have seldom been investigated at the intraspecific level. We characterized natural populations of Gerris gillettei and documented significant intersexual correlations for morphological traits previously related to sexual conflict in water striders. These results strongly indicate that sexually antagonistic coevolution contributed to population differentiation and resulted in different balances of armaments between the sexes within natural populations of this species. No-choice mating experiments further revealed that both male and male-female relative arms levels influence copulation duration. However, there were no asymmetries in reproductive behaviour and fitness between sympatric and allopatric mating pairs, suggesting that differentiation by sexual conflict was not sufficient to influence the outcome of mating interactions. Altogether, these results question the relative importance of female connexival spines vs. genitalia traits in mediating pre- and post-copulatory conflict in Gerris.  相似文献   

Identifying targets of selection is key to understanding the evolution of sexually selected behavioral and morphological traits. Many animals have coercive mating, yet little is known about whether and how mate choice operates when these are the dominant mating tactic. Here, we use multivariate selection analysis to examine the direction and shape of selection on male insemination success in the mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). We found direct selection on only one of five measured traits, but correlational selection involving all five traits. Larger males with longer gonopodia and with intermediate sperm counts were more likely to inseminate females than smaller males with shorter gonopodia and extreme sperm counts. Our results highlight the need to investigate sexual selection using a multivariate framework even in species that lack complex sexual signals. Further, female choice appears to be important in driving the evolution of male sexual traits in this species where sexual coercion is the dominant mating tactic.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict can result in coercive mating. Because males bear low costs of heterospecific mating, coercive males may engage in misdirected mating attempts toward heterospecific females. In contrast, sexual selection through consensual mate choice can cause mate recognition cues among species to diverge, leading to more accurate species recognition. Some species show both coercive mating and mate choice‐associated courtship behaviors as male alternative reproductive tactics. We hypothesized that if the selection pressures on each tactic differ, then the accuracy of species recognition would also change depending on the mating tactic adopted. We tested this hypothesis in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) by a series of choice experiments. Poecilia reticulata and Gaffinis males both showed imperfect species recognition and directed all components of mating behavior toward heterospecific females. They tended to direct courtship displays more frequently toward conspecific than heterospecific females. With male Preticulata, however, accurate species recognition disappeared when they attempted coercive copulation: they directed coercions more frequently toward heterospecific females. We also found that heterospecific sexual interaction had little effect on the fecundity of gravid females, which suggests that prepregnancy interactions likely underpin the exclusion of Gaffinis by P. reticulata in our region.  相似文献   

Natural selection and post‐copulatory sexual selection, including sexual conflict, contribute to genital diversification. Fundamental first steps in understanding how these processes shape the evolution of specific genital traits are to determine their function experimentally and to understand the interactions between female and male genitalia during copulation. Our experimental manipulations of male and female genitalia in red‐sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) reveal that copulation duration and copulatory plug deposition, as well as total and oviductal/vaginal sperm counts, are influenced by the interaction between male and female genital traits and female behaviour during copulation. By mating females with anesthetized cloacae to males with spine‐ablated hemipenes using a fully factorial design, we identified significant female–male copulatory trait interactions and found that females prevent sperm from entering their oviducts by contracting their vaginal pouch. Furthermore, these muscular contractions limit copulatory plug size, whereas the basal spine of the male hemipene aids in sperm and plug transfer. Our results are consistent with a role of sexual conflict in mating interactions and highlight the evolutionary importance of female resistance to reproductive outcomes.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict over mating can result in sex-specific morphologies and behaviours that allow each sex to exert control over the outcome of reproduction. Genital traits, in particular, are often directly involved in conflict interactions. Via genital manipulation, we experimentally investigated whether genital traits in red-sided garter snakes influence copulation duration and formation of a copulatory plug. The hemipenes of male red-sided garter snakes have a large basal spine that inserts into the female cloaca during mating. We ablated the spine and found that males were still capable of copulation but copulation duration was much shorter and copulatory plugs were smaller than those produced by intact males. We also anaesthetized the female cloacal region and found that anaesthetized females copulated longer than control females, suggesting that female cloacal and vaginal contractions play a role in controlling copulation duration. Both results, combined with known aspects of the breeding biology of red-sided garter snakes, strongly support the idea that sexual conflict is involved in mating interactions in this species. Our results demonstrate the complex interactions among male and female traits generated by coevolutionary processes in a wild population. Such complexity highlights the importance of simultaneous examination of male and female traits.  相似文献   

Traditional models of sexual selection posit that male courtship signals evolve as indicators of underlying male genetic quality. An alternative hypothesis is that sexual conflict over mating generates antagonistic coevolution between male courtship persistence and female resistance. In the scarabaeine dung beetle Onthophagus taurus, females are more likely to mate with males that have high courtship rates. Here, we examine the effects of exposing females to males with either high or low courtship rates on female lifetime productivity and offspring viability. Females exposed to males with high courtship rates mated more often and produced offspring with greater egg-adult viability. Female productivity and lifespan were unaffected by exposure to males with high courtship rates. The data are consistent with models of sexual selection based on indirect genetic benefits, and provide little evidence for sexual conflict in this system.  相似文献   

We consider mathematical models describing the evolutionary consequences of antagonistic interactions between male offence, male defence and female reproductive tract and physiology in controlling female mating rate. Overall, the models support previous verbal arguments about the possibility of continuous coevolutionary chase between the sexes driven by two-way (e.g. between male offence and female traits) and three-way (e.g. between male offence, male defence and female traits) inter-sexual antagonistic interactions. At the same time, the models clarify these arguments by identifying various additional potential evolutionary dynamics and important parameters (e.g. genetic variances, female optimum mating rates, strength of selection in females and the relative contributions of first and second males into offspring) and emphasizing the importance of initial conditions. Models also show that sexual conflict can result in the evolution of monandry in an initially polyandrous species and in the evolution of random mating in a population initially exhibiting non-random mating.  相似文献   

In sex‐role‐reversed species, sexual selection acts more strongly on females than on males, a situation that can result in the evolution of secondary sexual traits in females and strong mating preferences in males. While some research exploring mating preferences in sex‐role‐reversed species has been conducted, overall, this topic remains relatively unexplored. The Gulf pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli, is a highly polyandrous pipefish species. Sexual selection is significantly stronger in females than in males, which has led to the evolution of both morphological and behavioral female secondary sexual traits. However, because males gestate the offspring in specialized pouches and make a substantial investment in embryos during development, females may also benefit from being choosy. The goal of this study was to examine both male and female mating preferences in this species. We found that male mating preference was significantly associated with female courtship behavior. Larger females were also able to maintain these behaviors for longer intervals than smaller females. No evidence of female mating preference in regard to male size was observed but the data suggest that male behaviors may be providing positive reinforcement to courting females. This research provides further insight into how mate preferences vary among sex‐role‐reversed species.  相似文献   

Genitalia are among the fastest evolving morphological traits as evidenced by their common function as diagnostic traits in species identification. Even though the main function of genitalia is the successful transfer of spermatozoa, the presence of diverse structures that are obviously not necessary for this suggests that genitalia are a target of sexual selection. The male genitalia of many spider species are extremely complex and equipped with numerous sclerites, plates and spines whose functions are largely unknown. Selection on male genitalia may be particularly strong in sexually cannibalistic spiders, where mating success of males is restricted to a single female. We investigated the copulatory mechanism of the sexually cannibalistic orb weaving spider Argiope bruennichi by shock freezing mating pairs and revealed a complicated interaction between the appendices and sclerites that make up the male gonopods (paired pedipalps). The plate that covers the female genital opening (scape) is secured between two appendices of the male genital bulb, while three sclerites that bear the sperm duct are unfolded and extended into the female copulatory opening. During copulation, females attack and cannibalise the male and males mutilate their genitalia in about 80% of cases. Our study demonstrates that (i) genital coupling is largely accomplished on the external part of the female genitalia, (ii) that the mechanism requires an interaction between several non-sperm-transferring structures and (iii) that there are two predetermined breaking points in the male genitalia. Further comparative work on the genus Argiope will test if the copulatory mechanism with genital mutilation indeed is an adaptation to sexual cannibalism or if cannibalism is a female counter adaptation to male monopolisation through genital plugging.  相似文献   

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