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The mannolipid synthesized from GDP-mannose and lipid acceptors in a particulate enzyme preparation from the yeast Hansenula holstii (R. K. Bretthauer, S. Wu, and W. E. Irwin, (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 304, 736–747) has the properties of dolicholmonophosphate mannose. Transfer of [14C]mannose from exogenously supplied, purified mannolipid to endogenous protein acceptors of the particulate enzyme fraction has now been demonstrated. The synthesis of radioactive products which are insoluble in chloroform-methanol and water is dependent upon time and concentrations of substrate, particulate fraction protein, and detergent. Addition of MgCl2 or MnCl2 to incubation mixtures prepared in the absence of these ions had only small stimulatory effects (20–25%), suggesting that the reaction is not dependent upon metal ions. Relatively high concentrations (0.005 m-0.05 m) of EDTA did partially inhibit the reaction, but this is considered to be due to secondary effects.Seventy percent of the radioactivity in the chloroform-methanol insoluble residue was solubilized with hot, neutral citrate buffer. The Chromatographic properties of this material on Sephadex gels and on DEAE-Sephadex were very similar to the properties of glycoprotein products derived from GDP-[14C]mannose. The chloroform-methanol insoluble products were also solubilized with Pronase which subsequently resulted in the isolation of a radioactive glycopeptide that contained 25% of the radioactivity transferred from mannolipid. The radioactive component of this glycopeptide was shown by β-elmination experiments and by amino acid analyses to be [14C]mannose residues linked O-glycosidically to serine and threonine residues. It was concluded, therefore, that one function of the mannolipid is to serve as mannosyl donor in the synthesis of the mannosyl-O-serine (threonine) linkage region of glycoproteins which may be part of the cell wall mannan-protein complex. Other mannose-containing products may also be synthesized from the mannolipid, as β-elimination of the chloroform-methanol insoluble fraction or of the Pronase soluble fraction did not result in recovery of all of the radioactivity as [14C]mannose.  相似文献   

A previously unstudied acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase activity has been demonstrated in submitochondrial particles from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The preferred substrate for the enzyme activity is oleoyl-coenzyme A. Tests with inhibitors of the thioesterase showed that, in addition to common thiol inhibitors, the oxidative phosphorylation inhibitors oligomycin and venturicidin also blocked thioesterase activity. Purification of the enzyme catalyzing this activity revealed that thioesterase copurified with mitochondrial ATPase. When thioesterase was isolated from oxidative phosphorylation mutants selected for resistance to these two inhibitors, thioesterase activity was also resistant. The results suggest that thioester hydrolysis may be catalyzed by components associated with the isolated ATPase complex. Further attempts to link this activity to in vivo function of ATPase were not successful.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of phosphorylase from baker's yeast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A rapid, reliable method for purification of phosphorylase, yielding 200-400 mg pure phosphorylase from 8 kg of pressed baker's yeast, is described. The enzyme is free of phosphorylase kinase activity but contains traces of phosphorylase phosphatase activity. Phosphorylase constitutes 0.5-0.8% of soluble protein in various strains of yeast assayed immunochemically. The subunit molecular weight (Mr) of yeast phosphorylase is around 100,000. The enzyme is composed of two subunits in various ratios, differing slightly in molecular weight and N-terminal sequence. Both are active. Only the enzyme species containing the larger subunit can form tetramers and higher oligomers. The activated enzyme is dimeric. Correlated with specific activity (1 to 110 U/mg), phosphorylase contained between less than 0.1 to 0.74 covalently bound phosphate per subunit. Inactive forms of phosphorylase could be activated by phosphorylase kinase and [gamma-32P]ATP with concomitant phosphorylation of a single threonine residue in the aminoterminal region of the large subunit. The small subunit was not labeled. The incorporated phosphate could be removed by yeast phosphorylase phosphatase, resulting in loss of activity of phosphorylase, which could be restored by ATP and phosphorylase kinase.  相似文献   

Zeta-bind, a positively charged nylon membrane, was tested as an immobilizing matrix for the electrophoretic transfer of proteins from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. It was found that Zeta-bind has a considerably greater capacity than does nitrocellulose for protein binding. Because of this property, more efficient elution of proteins from gels can be used (by omitting methanol from transfer buffers). The procedure described is more amenable to quantitation than usual nitrocellulose-based transfer. Antibody or lectin overlay techniques are also more sensitive on Zeta-bind than on nitrocellulose.  相似文献   

RNase-sensitive glucocorticoid-receptor complexes from HELA cell nuclei   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dexamethasone-receptor complexes can be extracted from HeLa cell nuclei by mild sonication. These complexes can account for 800-1000 binding sites/cell, and are indistinguishable from salt-extractable ones as judged by sucrose gradient centrifugation in the presence of 0.3 M KCl, showing a sedimentation coefficient of 3.6 S. These complexes, however, broadly sediment in the 7 to 3.6 S region of low salt sucrose gradients. Enzymatic treatment of soluble extracts from nuclear sonicates shows that RNA is associated to dexamethasone-receptor complexes.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase from yeast was partially purified by heat treatment (70°C, 30 min) and immobilized on porous glass, Enzacryl-TI0 and hornblende. The stabilities of these preparations were studied at 30°C and in the case of Enzacryl-TI0 and hornblende at 50°C also. These stabilities were compared with those of immobilized alcohol dehydrogenase from yeast cytosol. In all cases the mitochondrial enzyme provided the more stable bound enzyme conjugates. However, at 50°C the soluble mitochondrial enzyme was more stable than any of the immobilized derivatives: half-life values were 40, 14 and 8 h for the soluble, Enzacryl-TI0 and hornblende samples, respectively.  相似文献   

Starting from 2-acetamido-4,6-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-3-O-(methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranosyluronate)-α-D-glucopyranose (20), a crystalline intermediate prepared by a conventional sequence of reactions, the total synthesis of N-acetyl-hyalobiosyluronic dolichyl diphosphate was achieved. One of the key steps involved the transformation of the disaccharide 20 into the methyloxazoline 26, which was then converted into the stable, crystalline disaccharide phosphate derivative in ~30% yield. The methyloxazoline 26 was directly prepared from the corresponding methyl α-glycoside by acetolysis. Similarly, the allyl α-glycoside was transformed into 26.  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of cell-mediated immunity to the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is restricted by the H-2 complex of mice. Using C57BL/10 and C57BL/6 congenic strains of mice it was shown that compatibility of the H-2K locus, not the I region, was essential and sufficient for adoptive transfer and that H-2D compatibility was not relevant. Mutation at the H-2K locus prevented adoptive transfer, while mutation at the Ia-1 locus, as in the B6.C-H-2bm12 mutant of C57BL/6, did not affect adoptive transfer. The contrast between these findings and the previously accepted I region restriction of adoptive transfer of Listeria immunity is discussed.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for the synthesis of chiral acetic acids has been developed. The key step is an enzymatic exchange reaction which introduces 3H from 3H-labeled water into ethane 1,2-diol. The method involves no resolution of racemic intermediates and the products are of high specific radioactivity and optical purity.  相似文献   

Two enzymatic assay procedures for the measurement of 2,5-anhydrohexitol fructose analogs have been devised. Both procedures are based on the measurement of ADP formed during enzymatic phosphorylation of the analogs either by hexokinase or by fructokinase. The actual measurement makes use of the coupled assay system using pyruvate kinase, PEP, lactate dehydrogenase, and NADH. Both systems can be used to measure fructose and appropriate analogs at cuvette concentrations up to 0.10 mm. The hexokinase procedure allows the measurement of fructose, 2,5-anhydromannitol, and 2,5-anhydromannose. Glucose, which also reacts, can be removed by pretreatment of the samples with glucose oxidase. The fructokinase procedure allows the measurement of fructose, 2,5-anhydromannitol, 2,5-anhydroglucitol, and 2,5-anhydrotalitol.  相似文献   

A-U-G analogs, either reactive on their 5′ or their 3′ side, were employed in affinity labeling of the ribosomal A-U-G binding site. These experiments have been carried out such that the chemically reactive A-U-G analog became covalently bonded to ribosomal proteins only in the presence of fMet-tRNAfMet and initiation factors. Subsequent radioimmunodiffusion of A-U-G-labeled proteins identified proteins IF3, S1, S18, S21 and L11 as being in the neighborhood of the ribosomal codon binding site. A location of reactive sites of these proteins relative to the P or A site bound codon is, however, not clear.The A-U-G labeling results are quantitatively as well as qualitatively very different in the absence or presence of fMet-tRNAfMet. It is concluded, therefore, that fMet-tRNAfMet directs A-U-G into its final binding site. Streptomycin cannot release fMet-tRNAfMet from initiation complexes which contain irreversibly bound 5′- {4-(bromoacetamido)phenylphospho}-adenylyl-(3′–5′)-uridylyl-(3′–5′)-guanosine. This suggests that codon-anticodon interaction between A-U-G and fMet-tRNAfMet is still intact in the P site of the ribosome.  相似文献   

Mating-type switching in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves the transposition of a copy of a or α information from unexpressed “library” genes, HML or HMR, to replace the sequence at the mating type locus, MAT. In normal homothallic strains, where conversions of MAT may occur as often as every cell division, the switching of MAT alleles does not alter the alleles at HML or HMR. We have discovered that several mutations within or adjacent to MAT that impair the excision of the MAT allele permit conversions of the alleles at HML or HMR in more than 1% of the cells analyzed. The two mutations within the MAT locus (MATa-inc and MATα-inc) can transpose to HML or HMR without being lost at MAT. Thus a MATα-inc HMLα HMRa HO strain can switch to MATα-inc HMLα HMRα-inc HO. Even though the α-inc and a-inc alleles prevent their own replacement at MAT, these sequences are efficiently transposed back from HMLα-inc or HMLa-inc to replace normal MAT alleles. When these alleles reappear at MAT, they are again blocked in excision. Thus the sequences used to remove an allele from MAT must differ from those used to replicate and transpose it. Two cis-acting stk mutations adjacent to MAT that block switching of MATa to MATα also induce the conversion of HMLα to HMLa. However, we have previously shown that these events do not occur in strains carrying a recessive “switch” mutant (swi1) or in strains carrying a defective allele of the HO gene. In stk1 MATa HO strains, HMLα was converted to HMLa in approximately 4% of the subclones examined. In contrast, the HMLα-inc sequence was not converted in similar stk1 MATa HO strains. Thus the excision of the α-inc sequence seems to be prevented at both MAT and HML. These results suggest that the illegal conversions of HML and HMR occur by a mechanism similar to that used for normal conversions of MAT.  相似文献   

Chemistry and subunit structure of yeast hexokinase isoenzymes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Evidence from ultracentrifugation, sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis, peptide mapping, and carboxypeptidase A digestion allows the conclusion that the two native hexokinases, P-I and P-II, consist of polypeptide chains having molecular weights slightly higher than 50,000. It was demonstrated that some preparations are contaminated with a protease, and that this impurity caused erroneous results in sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis and carboxypeptidase A digestion.Amino acid analyses indicated that both P-I and P-II contain four cysteine, four tryptophan, and eleven methionine residues per mole. In contrast, P-I contains eight, and P-II five, histidine residues per mole. Many of the differences in amino acid composition are small, but reproducible.Peptide mapping indicated that many segments of P-I and P-II have identical sequences. There were about 27 common tryptic peptides, and about 16–19 unique to each form. In addition, both isozymes were found to have the same amino terminus, valine, and the same carboxy terminus, alanine; some evidence for a difference in the penultimate residue at the carboxy terminus was indicated.  相似文献   

The extent of increase in the activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase upon illumination for 15 hr of cultured Petroselinum hortense cells was greatly dependent upon the age of the culture. Two distinct peaks in specific activity were observed during the growth cycle, one occurring at the beginning and the other at the end of the period of increase in cell fresh weight. High yields in both cell fresh weight and enzyme activity were obtained with the second peak shortly before the stationary phase of the culture was reached. Cells were harvested at this stage and stored at ?20 °C.The enzyme was purified from the frozen cells to apparent homogeneity by precipitation with (NH4)2SO4, chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, Sephadex G-200 and hydroxyapatite columns, and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. An over-all yield of 16% was achieved with a 440-fold increase in the specific activity by purification of the enzyme through the hydroxyapatite step.Upon analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis either in the presence or in the absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, the purified protein migrated essentially as a single band. Molecular weights of about 330,000 and 83,000, respectively, were estimated for the enzyme and for its protein subunits. Thus, the enzyme molecule seems to be composed of four probably identical protein subunits. Two Michaelis constants for l-phenylalanine (KmL, 3.2 × 10?5 M, and KmH, 2.4 × 10?4 M) and a Hill coefficient of h = 0.6 were obtained. This suggests that the enzyme is subject to regulation of its catalytic properties by negative cooperativity of the protein subunits.  相似文献   

A permeabilization method which allows the assay of several intracellular enzymes within the boundaries of the yeast cell wall is described. Toluene treatment was found to make yeast cells completely permeable to exogenous substrates, and intracellular enzymes did not leak out of the treated cells. This method was also compared with the permeabilization techniques reported previously. Electron microscopic examination of toluene-treated cells indicated that they were essentially intact. The kinetic properties of AMP deaminase, examined in the permeabilized cells, including allosteric regulation by polyamine and Zn2+, suggest some differences in protein interactions for AMP deaminase in situ and in vitro.  相似文献   

The applicability of a spectrophotometric assay of phosphoenolpyruvate car?ykinase to crude yeast extracts has been studied. The assay measured oxalacetate production by coupling to the malate dehydrogenase reaction (phosphoenolpyruvate + ADP + bicarbonate → oxalacetate + ATP; oxalacetate + NADH → malate + NAD). Disappearance of NADH depended strictly on the presence of phosphoenolpyruvate, bicarbonate, ADP, and Mn2+. Furthermore, the disappearance of NADH was shown to be accompanied by stoichiometric accumulation of malate. Addition of 10 mm quinolinate, which is a known inhibitor of liver phosphoenolpyruvate car?ykinase, completely prevented phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent NADH disappearance. These observations demonstrated that the assay provides a quantitative measure of phosphoenolpyruvate car?ykinase activity in crude extracts. The assay could be applied to crude extracts from yeast cells grown under laboratory conditions but not to extracts from commercially produced baker's yeast, because of an extremely high rate of endogeneous oxidation of NADH in the latter extracts. With the spectrophotometric assay, optimal activity was observed at pH 7.0 with both crude extracts and a 15-fold-purified preparation.  相似文献   

Calf brain membranes have been shown to enzymatically dephosphorylate endogenous and partially purified, exogenous dolichyl [32P]monophosphate. The properties and specificity of the dolichyl monophosphatase activity have been studied by following the release of [32P]phosphate from exogenous dolichyl [32P]monophosphate added in a dispersion with Triton X-100. The calf brain phosphatase (1) is inhibited by Mn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, fluoride, and phosphate; (2) exhibits a neutral pH optimum; and (3) has an apparent Km of 200 μm for dolichyl monophosphate. Dolichyl monophosphatase activity can be distinguished from phosphatidate phosphatase on the basis of their responses to fluoride and phosphate. Based on differential thermolability and the effects of divalent cations and EDTA, the calf brain dolichyl monophosphatase can also be discriminated from the general phosphatase activity assayed with p-nitrophenyl phosphate. Dolichyl monophosphatase activity can be solubilized by treating microsomes with Triton X-100. The enzymatic dephosphorylation of exogenous dolichyl [32P]monophosphate catalyzed by particulate and detergent-solubilized preparations is negligibly affected by equimolar concentrations of ATP and an assortment of phosphomonoesters, including phosphatidic acid and hexadecyl phosphate. A reduction of approximately 40% in dolichyl monophosphatase activity is observed in the presence of equimolar amounts of retinyl monophosphate. Overall, these results represent good evidence for the presence of a neutral polyisoprenyl monophosphatase in central nervous tissue.  相似文献   

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