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The sleeping brain retains some residual information processing capacity. Although direct evidence is scarce, a substantial literature suggests the phase of slow oscillations during deep sleep to be an important determinant for stimulus processing. Here, we introduce an algorithm for predicting slow oscillations in real-time. Using this approach to present stimuli directed at both oscillatory up and down states, we show neural stimulus processing depends importantly on the slow oscillation phase. During ensuing wakefulness, however, we did not observe differential brain or behavioral responses to these stimulus categories, suggesting no enduring memories were formed. We speculate that while simpler forms of learning may occur during sleep, neocortically based memories are not readily established during deep sleep.  相似文献   



During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep synchronous neural oscillations between neural silence (down state) and neural activity (up state) occur. Sleep Slow Oscillations (SSOs) events are their EEG correlates. Each event has an origin site and propagates sweeping the scalp. While recent findings suggest a SSO key role in memory consolidation processes, the structure and the propagation of individual SSO events, as well as their modulation by sleep stages and cortical areas have not been well characterized so far.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We detected SSO events in EEG recordings and we defined and measured a set of features corresponding to both wave shapes and event propagations. We found that a typical SSO shape has a transition to down state, which is steeper than the following transition from down to up state. We show that during SWS SSOs are larger and more locally synchronized, but less likely to propagate across the cortex, compared to NREM stage 2. Also, the detection number of SSOs as well as their amplitudes and slopes, are greatest in the frontal regions. Although derived from a small sample, this characterization provides a preliminary reference about SSO activity in healthy subjects for 32-channel sleep recordings.


This work gives a quantitative picture of spontaneous SSO activity during NREM sleep: we unveil how SSO features are modulated by sleep stage, site of origin and detection location of the waves. Our measures on SSOs shape indicate that, as in animal models, onsets of silent states are more synchronized than those of neural firing. The differences between sleep stages could be related to the reduction of arousal system activity and to the breakdown of functional connectivity. The frontal SSO prevalence could be related to a greater homeostatic need of the heteromodal association cortices.  相似文献   

<正>2003年,美国叶史瓦大学阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院的科学家发现了一种被称作胆固醇酯转运蛋白(con-text polymorphisms in the cholesteryl ester transfer protein,CETP)基因的长寿基因,胆固醇酯转运蛋白(CETP)  相似文献   

We examined correlation between the development of slow potentials in the rhinal cortical region of cats and results of behavioral testing of visual recognition memory of these animals in the “delayed nonmatching-to-sample” (DNMS) selection version. Among different types of cognitive memory, the recognition memory occupies a special position because the process of taking off (retrieval) of a memory trace from the “stores” can be completely and effectively controlled by the experimenter (this process is initiated only after repetitive presentation of a stimulus identical to that whose trace should be subjected to retrieval or after presentation of an absolutely new stimulus whose trace had not been formed earlier). Recording of the field potentials was performed from the surface of the rhinal cortex using stereotaxically implanted mono- or bipolar Ag-AgCl electrodes after the experimental animals reached a sufficiently high level of successful performance of the test for recognition memory. Analysis of relations between negative slow potentials in the rhinal cortex and the correctness of performance (according to Spearman’s nonparametric test) demonstrated the existence of significant correlation between the electrophysiological and behavioral indices of visual recognition memory only within a late portion (final 10 sec but not initial 10 ones) of the retention interval for memorizing the trace of single presentation of a visual stimulus. The data obtained are interpreted as a confirmation of the existence of correlation between generation of negative slow potentials in the rhinal cortical region and the process of retrieval of the sample from the visual memory stores.  相似文献   

This study is the first to use genome-wide association study (GWAS) data to evaluate the multidimensional genetic architecture underlying nasopharyngeal cancer. Since analysis of data from GWAS confirms a close and consistent association between elevated risk for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and major histocompatibility complex class 1 genes, our goal here was to explore lesser effects of gene-gene interactions. We conducted an exhaustive genome-wide analysis of GWAS data of NPC, revealing two-locus interactions occurring between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and identified a number of suggestive interaction loci which were missed by traditional GWAS analyses. Although none of the interaction pairs we identified passed the genome-wide Bonferroni-adjusted threshold for significance, using independent GWAS data from the same population (Stage 2), we selected 66 SNP pairs in 39 clusters with P<0.01. We identified that in several chromosome regions, multiple suggestive interactions group to form a block-like signal, effectively reducing the rate of false discovery. The strongest cluster of interactions involved the CREB5 gene and a SNP rs1607979 on chromosome 17q22 (P = 9.86×10−11) which also show trans-expression quantitative loci (eQTL) association in Chinese population. We then detected a complicated cis-interaction pattern around the NPC-associated HLA-B locus, which is immediately adjacent to copy-number variations implicated in male susceptibility for NPC. While it remains to be seen exactly how and to what degree SNP-SNP interactions such as these affect susceptibility for nasopharyngeal cancer, future research on these questions holds great promise for increasing our understanding of this disease’s genetic etiology, and possibly also that of other gene-related cancers.  相似文献   

Colour polymorphism is a widespread phenomenon in vertebrates and has often been linked with differences in behaviour such as aggression or boldness, behaviours that are often part of personality traits in monomorphic species. However, up to now, very few studies have looked whether colour morphs just differ in average behaviour or whether specific combinations of behaviours are favoured in relation to a particular morph therefore signalling personality traits. This was tested in the highly social and polymorphic Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Tests were performed in pairs of a red‐headed and a black‐headed individual of same sex and size but different age. Capture rank in the aviary as well as latency to feed beside a novel object (neophobia) and to approach and touch a novel object on a perch (neophilia) were measured. For neophobia and neophilia, ranks of latencies calculated across all individuals were used and general and within‐pair comparisons were made. Neophobia and approach neophilia were consistent over time (2 mo), and approach neophilia was positively correlated with capture rank and neophobia indicating that the behaviours are part of personality traits. Moreover, black‐headed birds generally approached the novel object earlier than red‐headed birds. Similarly, within pairs, black‐headed birds were first to approach the novel object and were also captured first. Relative age (younger or older than the partner) was related to neophobia and tactile neophilia ranks; older birds reacted faster. The results indicate that colour morphs not only differ in average behaviour but that specific combinations of behaviours are related to colour morphs suggesting that head colours signal personality traits. Furthermore, depending on age individuals may have different roles in a social network.  相似文献   

Events preliminary to avocado (Persea americana Mill) fruitletabscission include senescence of the nucellus and seed coat.The dynamics of nucellar deterioration and ethylene productionleading to seed abortion and abscission in avocado was examined.Excised branches bearing clusters of fruit from 1.0–2.5cm diameter were placed in humid chambers to reduce transpirationalwater loss. Fruitlets synchronously began nucellar and seedcoat deterioration 27–33 h after excision and rapidlyprogressed through stages of increasing degradation culminatingin abscission approximately 2 days later. The nucellus-seedcoat produced a temporary burst of ethylene at the first visiblesign of nucellar senescence followed by less ethylene productionin the mesocarp approximately 12 h later. All fruit underwentnucellar degradation prior to abscission. Exogenously appliedethylene accelerated fruitlet abscission with concentrationsas low as 1.0µ 1–1 and with maximum response at100µl–1 or greater. Maximal response took 2 days.Aminoethoxyvinyl-glycine (AVG) at 30 µ M inhibited ethyleneproduction and fruitlet abscission. The senescence process,however, was not af fected in any way by ethylene or AVG treatments.Observations of attached fruit suggest that nucellar-seed coatsenescence, concomitant ethylene production, and resulting abscissiontake place in a manner and within a time period similar to thatobserved on detached branches. It is concluded that nucellarand seed coat senescence is prerequisite to avocado fruitletabscission, and the time required from the first indicationof nucellar breakdown to abscission of that fruitlet appearsto be approximately 2 days. The senescence process is responsiblefor a large, transient rate increase in ethylene productionby the nucellus and perhaps seed coat. Ethylene is consideredto be the result rather than the cause of nucellar-seed coatsenescence. The ethylene thus produced induces fruit abscission.  相似文献   

Incremental photic stimuli have been used to elicit small amplitude retinal action potentials from light-adapted ocelli of the wolf spider, Lycosa baltimoriana (Keyserling) in order to see whether or not the amplitudes of these potentials are linearly related to the stimulus amplitudes. Sine wave variations of light intensity around a mean elicit sine wave variations in potential which contain inappreciable harmonics of the stimulus frequency and whose amplitudes are linearly related to the stimulus amplitudes. Likewise, the responses to the first two periodic Fourier components of incremental rectangular wave stimuli of variable duty cycle are directly proportional to the amplitudes of these components and have phases dependent only on the frequencies and phases of these components. Thirdly, a linear transfer function can be found which describes the amplitudes and phases of responses recorded at different frequencies of sine wave stimulation and this transfer function is sufficient to predict the responses to incremental step stimuli. Finally, it is shown that flash response amplitudes are linearly related to incremental flash intensities at all levels of adaptation. The relations of these linear responses to non-linear responses and to physiological mechanisms of the eye are discussed.  相似文献   

The trophic habits, size and condition of yearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) caught early in their marine residence were examined during 19 survey years (1981–1985; 1998–2011). Juvenile salmon consumed distinct highly piscivorous diets in cold and warm ocean regimes with major differences between ocean regimes driven by changes in consumption of juvenile rockfishes, followed by several other fish prey, adult euphausiids and decapod larvae. Notable, Chinook salmon consumed 30% more food in the warm versus cold ocean regime in both May and June. Additionally, there were about 30% fewer empty stomachs in the warm ocean regime in May, and 10% fewer in warm June periods. The total prey energy density consumed during the warmer ocean regime was also significantly higher than in cold. Chinook salmon had lower condition factor and were smaller in fork length during the warm ocean regime, and were longer and heavier for their size during the cold ocean regime. The significant increase in foraging during the warm ocean regime occurred concurrently with lower available prey biomass. Adult return rates of juvenile Chinook salmon that entered the ocean during a warm ocean regime were lower. Notably, our long term data set contradicts the long held assertion that juvenile salmon eat less in a warm ocean regime when low growth and survival is observed, and when available prey are reduced. Comparing diet changes between decades under variable ocean conditions may assist us in understanding the effects of projected warming ocean regimes on juvenile Chinook salmon and their survival in the ocean environment. Bioenergetically, the salmon appear to require more food resources during warm ocean regimes.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological age and sex differences in visual pattern responsivity were investigated. Pattern reversal evoked potentials (PREPs) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to patterned and unpatterned flashes were recorded from 20 normal subjects in each of 4 groups: young females and males aged 25–35 years and older females and males aged 55–70 years. PREP waves N70-P100 and P100-N150 from the older women were significantly larger than those from subjects in the other groups; mean amplitudes for the young females, young males and older males were not different. A similar effect, unusually large potentials for the older women, was obtained for VEPs, but only for VEPs elicited by patterned flashes and recorded from occipital scalp, i.e., an area overlying visual cortex which is sensitive to lines and edges. Our findings suggest that the visual system of older females is unusually responsive to patterned stimuli.  相似文献   

It is well established that in problems featuring slow passage through a Hopf bifurcation (dynamic Hopf bifurcation) the transition to large-amplitude oscillations may not occur until the slowly changing parameter considerably exceeds the value predicted from the static Hopf bifurcation analysis (temporal delay effect), with the length of the delay depending upon the initial value of the slowly changing parameter (temporal memory effect). In this paper we introduce new delay and memory effect phenomena using both analytic (WKB method) and numerical methods. We present a reaction–diffusion system for which slowly ramping a stimulus parameter (injected current) through a Hopf bifurcation elicits large-amplitude oscillations confined to a location a significant distance from the injection site (spatial delay effect). Furthermore, if the initial current value changes, this location may change (spatial memory effect). Our reaction–diffusion system is Baer and Rinzel’s continuum model of a spiny dendritic cable; this system consists of a passive dendritic cable weakly coupled to excitable dendritic spines. We compare results for this system with those for nerve cable models in which there is stronger coupling between the reactive and diffusive portions of the system. Finally, we show mathematically that Hodgkin and Huxley were correct in their assertion that for a sufficiently slow current ramp and a sufficiently large cable length, no value of injected current would cause their model of an excitable cable to fire; we call this phenomenon “complete accommodation.”  相似文献   

In the brain, resting-state activity refers to non-random patterns of intrinsic activity occurring when participants are not actively engaged in a task. We monitored resting-state activity using electroencephalogram (EEG) both before and after a verbal recognition task. We show a strong positive correlation between accuracy in verbal recognition and pre-task resting-state alpha power at posterior sites. We further characterized this effect by examining resting-state post-task activity. We found marked alterations in resting-state alpha power when comparing pre- and post-task periods, with more pronounced alterations in participants that attained higher task accuracy. These findings support a dynamical view of cognitive processes where patterns of ongoing brain activity can facilitate –or interfere– with optimal task performance.  相似文献   

Many species introduced by humans for social and economic benefits have invaded new ranges by escaping from captivity. Such invasive species can negatively affect biodiversity and economies. Understanding the factors that relate to the establishment of feral populations of introduced species is therefore of great importance for managing introduced species. The American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) is one species that has escaped from farms, and it is now found in the wild in China. In this study, we examined influences of two types of bullfrog farm (termed simple and elaborate farm enclosures) on the establishment of feral populations of this species in 137 water bodies in 66 plots in four provinces of China. The likelihood of establishment of bullfrog populations in water bodies in plots with simple enclosures (49/89 = 55.1%) was higher than those with elaborate enclosures (3/48 = 6.3%). Based on the Akaike Information Criterion, the minimum adequate model of generalized linear mixed models with a binomial error structure and a logit link function showed that the establishment or failure of bullfrog populations in water bodies was positively correlated with the presence of a simple enclosure, the number of bullfrogs raised and the presence of permanent water in a plot, but negatively correlated with distance from a bullfrog farm and the occurrence of frequent hunting. Results therefore suggest that a simple farm enclosure can increase the establishment of feral bullfrog populations compared with an elaborate enclosure. Our findings are the first to quantify the importance of improving farming enclosures to control and minimize the risk from introduced species.  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanics of alveolar parenchyma, we undertook a stereological and topological study in perfusion-fixed canine lungs of the borders of alveolar septa. We defined the principal borders as those along which one septum 1) joins two others (J), 2) joins one other at a distinct angle (B), or 3) joins no other structure (E). E and B borders are invariably reinforced with heavy connective tissue cables; J borders are not. Relative net lengths, determined from the number of traces per section area, were J, 45%; E, 19%; and B, 25%. These were remarkably constant over 10 canine lobes (5 animals, 4 volumes). Parenchyma, then, departs from the simple models that comprise only Js and Es. Bs are important; their net length exceeds that of Es. With lobe deflation, E shortened somewhat more than required to maintain geometric similarity, suggesting that the alveolar duct contracted disproportionately. A three-dimensional reconstruction was made from serial sections, and individual border segments were followed through the reconstruction. Typical lengths of individual J, B, and E borders were nearly equal. To characterize how the network of borders were interconnected, we counted the nodes at which they meet by class, e.g., EBE for the meeting of one B, two Es. The most common are JJJJ, 26%; EEEJ, 10%; EBJ, 24%; EBE, 8%; BBJJ, 12%. If parenchyma were constructed only from free-standing entrance rings and septal junctions, only JJJJ and EEEJ would be anticipated. The presence of EBJ, EBE, and BBJJ underscores parenchymal complexity. Only 7% of septa examined were bordered entirely by Js. Connective tissue cables were not confined to the alveolar duct's lumen but often extended to the primary septa at the periphery of the ductal unit. They rarely linked adjacent alveolar ducts; only 1 in 200 cable segments crossed from one duct to another. These observations support the concept that the parenchyma is an elastic network, characterized in part by a serial mechanical linkage from connective tissue cable to septal membrane to cable again.  相似文献   



Antiretroviral therapy has led to a decrease in HIV-related mortality and to the emergence of non-AIDS defining diseases as competing causes of death. This study estimates the HIV mortality rate and their risk factors with regard to different causes in a large city from January 2001 to June 2013.

Materials and Methods

We followed-up 3137 newly diagnosed HIV non-AIDS cases. Causes of death were classified as HIV-related, non-HIV-related and external. We examined the effect of risk factors on survival using mortality rates, Kaplan-Meier plots and Cox models. Finally, we estimated survival for each main cause of death groups through Fine and Gray models.

Mortality Results

182 deaths were found [14.0/1000 person-years of follow-up (py); 95% confidence interval (CI):12.0–16.1/1000 py], 81.3% of them had a known cause of death. Mortality rate by HIV-related causes and non-HIV-related causes was the same (4.9/1000 py; CI:3.7–6.1/1000 py), external was lower [1.7/1000 py; (1.0–2.4/1000 py)].

Survival Results

Kaplan-Meier estimate showed worse survival in intravenous drug user (IDU) and heterosexuals than in men having sex with men (MSM). Factors associated with HIV-related causes of death include: IDU male (subHazard Ratio (sHR):3.2; CI:1.5–7.0) and <200 CD4 at diagnosis (sHR:2.7; CI:1.3–5.7) versus ≥500 CD4. Factors associated with non-HIV-related causes of death include: ageing (sHR:1.5; CI:1.4–1.7) and heterosexual female (sHR:2.8; CI:1.1–7.3) versus MSM. Factors associated with external causes of death were IDU male (sHR:28.7; CI:6.7–123.2) and heterosexual male (sHR:11.8; CI:2.5–56.4) versus MSM.

Conclusion and Recommendation

There are important differences in survival among transmission groups. Improved treatment is especially necessary in IDUs and heterosexual males.  相似文献   

We have investigated three classes of small bacteriophage T4 particles which differ from normal T4 particles in length of their deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), in head length, in protein content, and in density. The different particles contain DNA molecules measuring 0.90, 0.77, or 0.67, respectively, of the normal T4 length. An additional class of viable particles contains DNA molecules of 1.1 unit length. These discrete differences in DNA length correspond to discrete differences in length (but not width) of the respective heads and are roughly proportional to the resulting differences in head volumes. The measured relative dimensions of the different heads fit best the relative dimensions predicted by a quasi-icosahedral model in which the smallest T4 head corresponds to an icosahedron with a triangulation number T = 21. The mid-portion of this structure is thought to be elongated by adding successive rows of gene 23 protein hexamers, the normal T4 head having three added rows. Different mutants produce small particles of the three classes in varying proportions, but no mutant produces exclusively particles of a single class. Particles of each class, with indistinguishable DNA content, show additional minor differences in protein content, as measured by differences in buoyant density and in the relative ratio of (32)P to (35)S.  相似文献   

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