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Gene therapy and viral therapy are used for cancer therapy for many years, but the results are less than satisfactory. Our aim was to construct a new recombinant adenovirus which is more efficient to kill hepatocarcinoma cells but more safe to normal cells.


By using the Cancer Targeting Gene-Viro-Therapy strategy, Apoptin, a promising cancer therapeutic gene was inserted into the double-regulated oncolytic adenovirus AD55 in which E1A gene was driven by alpha fetoprotein promoter along with a 55 kDa deletion in E1B gene to form AD55-Apoptin. The anti-tumor effects and safety were examined by western blotting, virus yield assay, real time polymerase chain reaction, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay, Hoechst33342 staining, Fluorescence-activated cell sorting, xenograft tumor model, Immunohistochemical assay, liver function analysis and Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling assay.


The recombinant virus AD55-Apoptin has more significant antitumor effect for hepatocelluar carcinoma cell lines (in vitro) than that of AD55 and even ONYX-015 but no or little impair on normal cell lines. Furthermore, it also shows an obvious in vivo antitumor effect on the Huh-7 liver carcinoma xenograft in nude mice with bigger beginning tumor volume till about 425 mm3 but has no any damage on the function of liver. The induction of apoptosis is involved in AD55-Apoptin induced antitumor effects.


The AD55-Apoptin can be a potential anti-hepatoma agent with remarkable antitumor efficacy as well as higher safety in cancer targeting gene-viro-therapy system.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricularly administered angiotensin (Ang) II and III dose-dependently suppressed food intake in mice and their anorexigenic activities were inhibited by AT(2) receptor-selective antagonist. Ang II did not suppress food intake in AT(2) receptor-knockout mice, while it did significantly in wild-type and AT(1) receptor-knockout mice. The suppression of food intake in AT(1) receptor-knockout mice was smaller than that in wild-type. The anorexigenic activities of Ang II and III were also blocked by a selective antagonist for prostaglandin EP(4) receptor. Taken together, centrally administered Ang II and III may decrease food intake through AT(2) receptor with partial involvement of AT(1) receptor, followed by EP(4) receptor activation, which is a novel pathway regulating food intake.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated that some of the angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonists have insulin-sensitizing property. We thus examined the effect of telmisartan on insulin action using 3T3-L1 adipocytes. With standard differentiation inducers, a higher dose of telmisartan effectively facilitated differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Treatment of both differentiating adipocytes and fully differentiated adipocytes with telmisartan caused a dose-dependent increase in mRNA levels for PPARgamma target genes such as aP2 and adiponectin. By contrast, telmisartan attenuated 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 mRNA level in differentiated adipocytes. Of note, we demonstrated for the first time that telmisartan augmented GLUT4 protein expression and 2-deoxy glucose uptake both in basal and insulin-stimulated state of adipocytes, which may contribute, at least partly, to its insulin-sensitizing ability.  相似文献   

In the present study, we demonstrated that Ang II provokes a transitory enhancement of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and paxillin phosphorylation in human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVEC). Moreover, Ang II induces a time- and dose-dependent augmentation in cell migration, but does not affect HUVEC proliferation. The effect of Ang II on FAK and paxillin phosphorylation was markedly attenuated in cells pretreated with wortmannin and LY294002, indicating that phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) plays an important role in regulating FAK activation. Similar results were observed when HUVEC were pretreated with genistein, a non-selective tyrosine kinases inhibitor, or with the specific inhibitor PP2 for Src family kinases, demonstrating the involvement of protein tyrosine kinases, and particularly Src family of tyrosine kinases, in the downstream signalling pathway of Ang II receptors. Furthermore, FAK and paxillin phosphorylation was markedly blocked after treatment of HUVEC with AG1478, a selective inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) phosphorylation. Pretreatment of cells with inhibitors of PI3K, Src family tyrosine kinases, and EGFR also decreased HUVEC migration. In conclusion, these results suggest that Ang II mediates an increase in FAK and paxillin phosphorylation and induces HUVEC migration through signal transduction pathways dependent on PI3K and Src tyrosine kinase activation and EGFR transactivation.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is the most potent vasoconstrictor by binding to endothelin receptors (ETAR) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). The complex of angiotensin II (Ang II) and Ang II type one receptor (AT1R) acts as a transient constrictor of VSMCs. The synergistic effect of ET-1 and Ang II on blood pressure has been observed in rats; however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. We hypothesize that Ang II leads to enhancing ET-1-mediated vasoconstriction through the activation of endothelin receptor in VSMCs. The ET-1-induced vasoconstriction, ET-1 binding, and endothelin receptor expression were explored in the isolated endothelium-denuded aortae and A-10 VSMCs. Ang II pretreatment enhanced ET-1-induced vasoconstriction and ET-1 binding to the aorta. Ang II enhanced ETAR expression, but not ETBR, in aorta and increased ET-1 binding, mainly to ETAR in A-10 VSMCs. Moreover, Ang II-enhanced ETAR expression was blunted and ET-1 binding was reduced by AT1R antagonism or by inhibitors of PKC or ERK individually. In conclusion, Ang II enhances ET-1-induced vasoconstriction by upregulating ETAR expression and ET-1/ETAR binding, which may be because of the AngII/Ang II receptor pathways and the activation of PKC or ERK. These findings suggest the synergistic effect of Ang II and ET-1 on the pathogenic development of hypertension.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (Ang II) plays an important role in inflammatory process. Acute lung injury (ALI), an inflammatory disorder of the lung, is commonly associated with endotoxemia; however, the mechanism that endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) induces the inflammatory response in ALI is not well defined. Here, we showed, in LPS-induced ALI rat model, that Ang II and Ang II type 1 (AT1) receptor were significantly increased in lung tissues, compared with those in controls. Meanwhile, nuclear factor (NF)-κB-DNA-binding activity, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α mRNA, and pneumocytic apoptosis were significantly increased. Moreover, pretreatment of rats with losartan, an antagonist of AT1 receptor for Ang II, improved the inflammation, reduced the elevation of Ang II and AT1 receptor, and inhibited NF-κB-DNA-binding activity, expression of TNF-α mRNA, and pneumocytic apoptosis. The data indicate that Ang II may mediate the inflammatory process in LPS-induced ALI through AT1 receptor, which can be blocked by losartan.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (Ang II) stimulates oral water intake by causing thirst in all terrestrial vertebrates except anurans. Anuran amphibians do not drink orally but absorb water osmotically through ventral skin. In this study, we examined the role of Ang II on the regulation of water-absorption behavior in the Japanese tree frog (Hyla japonica). In fully hydrated frogs, intracerebroventricular (ICV) and intralymphatic sac (ILS) injection of Ang II significantly extended the residence time of water in a dose-dependent manner. Ang II-dependent water uptake was inhibited by ICV pretreatment with an angiotensin II type-1 (AT1) receptor antagonist but not a type-2 (AT2) receptor antagonist. These results suggest that Ang II stimulates water-absorption behavior in the tree frog via an AT1-like but not AT2-like receptor. We then cloned and characterized cDNA of the tree frog AT1 receptor from the brain. The tree frog AT1 receptor cDNA encodes a 361 amino acid residue protein, which is 87% identical to the toad (Bufo marinus) AT1 receptor and exhibits the functional characteristics of an Ang II receptor. AT1 receptor mRNAs were found to be present in a number of tissues including brain (especially in the diencephalon), lung, large intestine, kidney and ventral pelvic skin. When tree frogs were exposed to dehydrating conditions, AT1 receptor mRNA significantly increased in the diencephalon and the rhombencephalon. These data suggest that central Ang II may control water intake behavior via an AT1 receptor on the diencephalon and rhombencephalon in anuran amphibians and may have implications for water consumption in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The role of p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in NCI-H292 cells, a human bronchial epithelial cell line, was analyzed. Treatment with the protein kinase C (PKC) activator 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) (16.2 nM) or interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) (100 U/ml) induced phosphorylation of p44/42 MAPK. The MEK inhibitor U0126 (0.1 to 10 microM) enhanced the TPA-induced ICAM-1 expression but not the IFN-gamma-induced one. U0126 also enhanced the ICAM-1 expression induced by two other PKC activators teleocidin (22.5 nM) and aplysiatoxin (14.9 nM). Furthermore, PD98059 (0.5 to 50 microM), another MEK inhibitor, enhanced the TPA-induced ICAM-1 expression as well. The inhibitor of p38 MAPK SB203580 did not affect the TPA-induced ICAM-1 expression. BAY11-7082, an inhibitor of nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation, and MG132, a 26S proteasome inhibitor, reduced the TPA-induced ICAM-1 expression but not the IFN-gamma-induced one. TPA partially decreased the level of IkappaB-alpha and the reduction was further augmented by U0126 in a concentration-dependent manner. These findings suggested that, in NCI-H292 cells, p44/42 MAPK suppresses PKC activator-induced NF-kappaB activation, thus negatively regulating the PKC activator-induced ICAM-1 expression but not the IFN-gamma-induced one.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the mechanism by which angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT(2)) regulates carcinogen-induced lung tumorigenesis, we have newly developed anti-AT(2) single chain variable fragment (ScFv) antibodies using a rodent phage-displayed recombinant antibody library with various peptide fragments of the receptor protein, and investigated the expression of the AT(2) receptor protein. The specificity of the antibodies was verified using AT(2) over-expressing COS-7 cells and AT(2) naturally expressing PC12W cells. In control wild type mouse lung, a stronger immunoreactivity was observed in bronchial epithelial cells. A moderate immunoreactivity was detected in pulmonary vascular walls and vascular endothelial cells. In the lungs possessing tobacco-specific nitrosamine (NNK)-induced tumors, significantly increased AT(2) and AT(1 )immunostaining was observed in adenomatous lesions. These data suggest that the increase in both receptors' expression in the alveolar epithelial cells may be accompanied with the onset of NNK-induced tumorigenesis and hence play important roles in lung tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

AngiotensinII (AngII) induces vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation, which plays an important role in the development and progression of hypertension. AngII-induced cellular events have been implicated, in part, in the activation of protein kinase C (PKC) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2). In the present study, we investigated the effect of Ib, a novel nonpeptide AngII receptor type 1 (AT1) antagonist, on the activation of PKC and ERK1/2 in VSMC proliferation induced by AngII. MTT, and [3H]thymidine incorporation assay showed that AngII-induced VSMC proliferation was inhibited significantly by Ib. The specific binding of [125I]AngII to AT1 receptors was blocked by Ib in a concentration-dependent manner with IC50 value of 0.96 nM. PKC activity assay and Western blot analysis demonstrated that Ib significantly inhibited the activation of PKC and phosphorylation of ERK1/2 induced by AngII, respectively. Furthermore, AngII-induced ERK1/2 activation was obviously blocked by GF109203X, a PKC inhibitor. These findings suggest that the suppression of Ib on AngII-induced VSMC proliferation may be attributed to its inhibitory effect on PKC-dependent ERK1/2 pathway.  相似文献   

Kv1.5 potassium channel represents a promising target for atrial fibrillation (AF) therapy. During AF, the renin–angiotensin system is markedly activated. Recent evidence indicates that angiotensin II (Ang II) can upregulate Kv1.5 channel, but the mechanism remains unknown. In this study, we report that Ang II-mediated transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1)/Smad2/3 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 signalings are involved in atrial Kv1.5 expression. In neonatal rat atrial myocytes, quantitative PCR and Western blotting revealed that Ang II upregulated TGF-β1, synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97) and Kv1.5 expression in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. The Ang II-induced upregulation of Kv1.5, SAP97 and phosphorylated Smad2/3 (P-Smad2/3) were reversed by the Ang II type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist losartan, an anti-TGF-β1 antibody and the ERK 1/2 inhibitor PD98059 but not by the AT2 receptor antagonist PD123319. mRNA knockdown of either Smad2 or Smad3 blocked Ang II-induced expression of Kv1.5 and SAP97. These data suggest that AT1 receptor/TGF-β1/P-Smad2/3 and ERK 1/2 signalings are involved in Ang II-induced Kv1.5 and SAP97 expression. Flow cytometry and Western blotting revealed that losartan and the anti-TGF-β1 antibody diminished Ang II-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and that the antioxidants diphenyleneiodonium and N-acetyl cysteine inhibited Ang II-induced expression of P-Smad2/3, phosphorylated ERK (P-ERK) 1/2, Kv1.5, SAP97, suggesting that ROS participate in Kv1.5 and SAP97 regulation by modulating Ang II-induced P-Smad2/3 and P-ERK 1/2 expression. In conclusion, we demonstrate that ROS-dependent Ang II/AT1 receptor/TGF-β1/P-Smad2/3 and Ang II/ERK 1/2 signalings are involved in atrial Kv1.5 and SAP97 expression. Antioxidants would be beneficial for AF treatment through inhibiting atrial Kv1.5 expression.  相似文献   

Recently we proposed that COX-2 induction precedes expression of HO-1 in ischemic preconditioned rat brain. In the current study, we investigated the molecular mechanism by which prostaglandin E2, one of COX-2 metabolites, induces HO-1 in rat C6 brain cells. We demonstrated that concentration of PGE2 increased HO-1 expression in C6 cells in vitro. The effects of PGE2 were mimicked by PGE2 receptor EP2 agonists, 11-deoxy PGE2, and cAMP analog, dibutyl-cAMP. HO-1 expression by PGE2 was inhibited by LY294002, PI3K inhibitor and H89, PKA inhibitor. The EP2-specific antagonist, AH8006 also inhibited PGE2-mediated HO-1 expression in a concentration-dependent manner. Finally, PGE2 inhibited GOX-induced apoptosis as assayed by FACS analysis or DNA strand breaks assay, and this cell death was reversed by ZnPPIX, HO-1 inhibitor. In addition to HO-1 induction, PGE2 also increased phosphorylation of Bad by PKA- and PI3K-depednent manner. Taken together, we conclude that PGE2 induces HO-1 protein expression through PKA and PI3K signaling pathways via EP2 receptor in C6 cells. The induction of HO-1 along with increase of p-Bad by PGE2 is responsible for anti-apoptosis against oxidant stress.  相似文献   

Tumor angiogenesis and immune response have in common to be cell recognition mechanisms, which are based on specific adhesion molecules and dependent on nitric oxide (NO). The aim of the present study is to deepen the mechanisms of angiogenesis and inflammation regulation by NO to find out the molecular regulation processes that govern endothelial cell permeability and leukocyte transmigration.Effects of NO, either exogenous or produced in hypoxic conditions, were studied on microvascular endothelial cells from skin and lymph node because of their strong involvement in melanoma progression. We found that NO down-regulation of pseudo-vessel formation was linked to a decrease in endothelial cell ability to adhere to each other which can be explain, in part, by the inhibition of PECAM-1/CD31 expression. On the other hand, NO was shown to be able to decrease leukocyte adhesion on an endothelial monolayer, performed either in static or in rolling conditions, and to modulate differentially CD34, ICAM-1/CD54, ICAM-2/CD102 and VCAM-1/CD106 expression.In conclusion, during angiogenesis and leukocyte recruitment, NO regulates cell interactions by controlling adhesion molecule expression and subsequently cell adhesion. Moreover, each endothelial cell type presents its own organospecific response to NO, reflecting the functions of the tissue they originate from.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), the most prominent lysoglycerophospholipids, are emerging as a novel class of inflammatory lipids, joining thromboxanes, leukotrienes and prostaglandins with which they share metabolic pathways and regulatory mechanisms. Enzymes that participate in LPC and LPA metabolism, such as the phospholipase A2 superfamily (PLA2) and autotaxin (ATX, ENPP2), play central roles in regulating LPC and LPA levels and consequently their actions. LPC/LPA biosynthetic pathways will be briefly presented and LPC/LPA signaling properties and their possible functions in the regulation of the immune system and chronic inflammation will be reviewed. Furthermore, implications of exacerbated LPC and/or LPA signaling in the context of chronic inflammatory diseases, namely rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis and hepatitis, will be discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in Lysophospholipid Research.  相似文献   

The epithelial and endothelial barriers of the human body are major obstacles for drug delivery to the systemic circulation and to organs with unique environment and homeostasis, like the central nervous system. Several transport routes exist in these barriers, which potentially can be exploited for enhancing drug permeability. Beside the transcellular pathways via transporters, adsorptive and receptor-mediated transcytosis, the paracellular flux for cells and molecules is very limited. While lipophilic molecules can diffuse across the cellular plasma membranes, the junctional complexes restrict or completely block the free passage of hydrophilic molecules through the paracellular clefts. Absorption or permeability enhancers developed in the last 40 years for modifying intercellular junctions and paracellular permeability have unspecific mode of action and the effective and toxic doses are very close. Recent advances in barrier research led to the discovery of an increasing number of integral membrane, adaptor, regulator and signalling proteins in tight and adherens junctions. New tight junction modulators are under development, which can directly target tight or adherens junction proteins, the signalling pathways regulating junctional function, or tight junction associated lipid raft microdomains. Modulators acting directly on tight junctions include peptides derived from zonula occludens toxin, or Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin, peptides selected by phage display that bind to integral membrane tight junction proteins, and lipid modulators. They can reversibly increase paracellular transport and drug delivery with less toxicity than previous absorption enhancers, and have a potential to be used as pharmaceutical excipients to improve drug delivery across epithelial barriers and the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

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