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Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) signaling plays crucial roles in various developmental processes including those in the brain. We examined the role of Fgf16 in the formation of the zebrafish brain. The knockdown of fgf16 decreased cell proliferation in the forebrain and midbrain. fgf16 was also essential for development of the ventral telencephalon and diencephalon, whereas fgf16 was not required for dorsoventral patterning in the midbrain. fgf16 was additionally required for the specification and differentiation of γ–aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons and oligodendrocytes, but not for those of glutamatergic neurons in the forebrain. Cross talk between Fgf and Hedgehog (Hh) signaling was critical for the specification of GABAergic interneurons and oligodendrocytes. The expression of fgf16 in the forebrain was down-regulated by the inhibition of Hh and Fgf19 signaling, but not by that of Fgf3/Fgf8 signaling. The fgf16 morphant phenotype was similar to that of the fgf19 morphant and embryos blocked Hh signaling. The results of the present study indicate that Fgf16 signaling, which is regulated by the downstream pathways of Hh-Fgf19 in the forebrain, is involved in forebrain development.  相似文献   

The vertebrate inner ear develops from initially 'simple' ectodermal placode and vesicle stages into the complex three-dimensional structure which is necessary for the senses of hearing and equilibrium. Although the main morphological events in vertebrate inner ear development are known, the genetic mechanisms controlling them are scarcely understood. Previous studies have suggested that the otic placode is induced by signals from the chordamesoderm and the hindbrain, notably by fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) and Wnt proteins. Here we study the role of Fgf8 as a bona-fide hindbrain-derived signal that acts in conjunction with Fgf3 during placode induction, maintenance and otic vesicle patterning. Acerebellar (ace) is a mutant in the fgf8 gene that results in a non-functional Fgf8 product. Homozygous mutants for acerebellar (ace) have smaller ears that typically have only one otolith, abnormal semi-circular canals, and behavioral defects. Using gene expression markers for the otic placode, we find that ace/fgf8 and Fgf-signaling are required for normal otic placode formation and maintenance. Conversely, misexpression of fgf8 or Fgf8-coated beads implanted into the vicinity of the otic placode can increase ear size and marker gene expression, although competence to respond to the induction appears restricted. Cell transplantation experiments and expression analysis suggest that Fgf8 is required in the hindbrain in the rhombomere 4-6 area to restore normal placode development in ace mutants, in close neighbourhood to the forming placode, but not in mesodermal tissues. Fgf3 and Fgf8 are expressed in hindbrain rhombomere 4 during the stages that are critical for placode induction. Joint inactivation of Fgf3 and Fgf8 by mutation or antisense-morpholino injection causes failure of placode formation and results in ear-less embryos, mimicking the phenotype we observe after pharmacological inhibition of Fgf-signaling. Fgf8 and Fgf3 together therefore act during induction and differentiation of the ear placode. In addition to the early requirement for Fgf signaling, the abnormal differentiation of inner ear structures and mechanosensory hair cells in ace mutants, pharmacological inhibition of Fgf signaling, and the expression of fgf8 and fgf3 in the otic vesicle demonstrate independent Fgf function(s) during later development of the otic vesicle and lateral line organ. We furthermore addressed a potential role of endomesomerm by studying mzoep mutant embryos that are depleted of head endomesodermal tissue, including chordamesoderm, due to a lack of Nodal-pathway signaling. In these embryos, early placode induction proceeds largely normally, but the ear placode extends abnormally to midline levels at later stages, suggesting a role for the midline in restricting placode development to dorsolateral levels. We suggest a model of zebrafish inner ear development with several discrete steps that utilize sequential Fgf signals during otic placode induction and vesicle patterning.  相似文献   

The telencephalon is formed in the most anterior part of the central nervous system (CNS) and is organised into ventral subpallial and dorsal pallial domains. In mice, it has been demonstrated that Fgf signalling has an important role in induction and patterning of the telencephalon. However, the precise role of Fgf signalling is still unclear, owing to overlapping functions of Fgf family genes. To address this, we have examined, in zebrafish embryos, the activation of Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), one of the major downstream targets of Fgf signalling. Immunohistochemical analysis reveals that an extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), a vertebrate MAPK is activated in the anterior neural boundary (ANB) of the developing CNS at early segmentation stages. Experiments with Fgf inhibitors reveal that ERK activation at this stage is totally dependent on Fgf signalling. Interestingly, a substantial amount of ERK activation is observed in ace mutants in which fgf8 gene is mutated. We then examine the function of Fgf signalling in telencephalic development by use of several inhibitors to Fgf signalling cascade, including dominant-negative forms of Ras (Ras(N17)) and the Fgf receptor (Fgfr), and a chemical inhibitor of Fgfr, SU5402. In treated embryos, the induction of telencephalic territory normally proceeded but the development of the subpallial telencephalon was suppressed, indicating that Fgf signalling is required for the regionalisation within the telencephalon. Finally, antisense experiments with morpholino-modified oligonucleotides suggest that zebrafish fgf3, which is also expressed in the ANB, co-operates with fgf8 in subpallial development.  相似文献   

Fgf3 has long been implicated in otic placode induction and early development of the otocyst; however, the results of experiments in mouse and chick embryos to determine its function have proved to be conflicting. In this study, we determined fgf3 expression in relation to otic development in the zebrafish and used antisense morpholino oligonucleotides to inhibit Fgf3 translation. Successful knockdown of Fgf3 protein was demonstrated and this resulted in a reduction of otocyst size together with reduction in expression of early markers of the otic placode. fgf3 is co-expressed with fgf8 in the hindbrain prior to otic induction and, strikingly, when Fgf3 morpholinos were co-injected together with Fgf8 morpholinos, a significant number of embryos failed to form otocysts. These effects were made manifest at early stages of otic development by an absence of early placode markers (pax2.1 and dlx3) but were not accompanied by effects on cell division or death. The temporal requirement for Fgf signalling was established as being between 60% epiboly and tailbud stages using the Fgf receptor inhibitor SU5402. However, the earliest molecular event in induction of the otic territory, pax8 expression, did not require Fgf signalling, indicating an inductive event upstream of signalling by Fgf3 and Fgf8. We propose that Fgf3 and Fgf8 are required together for formation of the otic placode and act during the earliest stages of its induction.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) form a large family of secreted signalling proteins that have a wide variety of roles during embryonic development. Within the central nervous system (CNS) Fgf8 is implicated in patterning neural tissue adjacent to the midbrain-hindbrain boundary. However, the roles of Fgfs in CNS tissue rostral to the midbrain are less clear. Here we examine the patterning of the forebrain in zebrafish embryos that lack functional Fgf8/Ace. We find that Ace is required for the development of midline structures in the forebrain. In the absence of Ace activity, midline cells fail to adopt their normal morphology and exhibit altered patterns of gene expression. This disruption to midline tissue leads to severe commissural axon pathway defects, including misprojections from the eye to ectopic ipsilateral and contralateral targets. Ace is also required for the differentiation of the basal telencephalon and several populations of putative telencephalic neurons but not for overall regional patterning of forebrain derivatives. Finally, we show that ace expression co-localises with anterior neural plate cells that have previously been shown to have forebrain patterning activity. Removal of these cells leads to a failure in induction of ace expression indicating that loss of Ace activity may contribute to the phenotypes observed when anterior neural plate cells are ablated. However, as ace mutant neural plate cells still retain at least some inductive activity, then other signals must also be produced by the anterior margin of the neural plate.  相似文献   

Members of the fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) family are important signaling molecules in several inductive and patterning processes, and act as brain organizer-derived signals during formation of the early vertebrate nervous system. We isolated a new member of the Fgf8/17/18 subgroup of Fgfs from the zebrafish, and studied its expression and function during somitogenesis, optic stalk and midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB) development. In spite of a slightly higher aminoacid similarity to Fgf8, expression analysis and mapping to a chromosome stretch that is syntenic with mammalian chromosomes shows that this gene is orthologous to mammalian Fgf17. These data provide a further example of conserved chromosomal organization between zebrafish and mammalian genomes. Using an mRNA injection assay, we show that fgf17 can act similar to fgf8 during gastrulation, when fgf17 is not normally expressed. Direct comparison of the expression patterns of fgf17 and fgf8 suggest however a possible cooperation of these Fgfs at later stages in several tissues requiring Fgf signaling. Analysis of zebrafish MHB mutants demonstrates a gene-dosage dependent requirement of fgf17 expression for the no isthmus// pax2.1 gene, showing that no isthmus/pax2.1 functions upstream of fgf17 at the MHB in a haplo-insufficient manner, similar to what has been reported for mammalian pax2 mutants. In contrast, only maintenance of fgf17 expression is disturbed at the MHB of acerebellar/fgf8 mutants. Consistent with a requirement for fgf8 function, implantation of FGF8-soaked beads induces fgf17 expression, and expression is upregulated in aussicht mutants, which display upregulation of the Fgf8 signaling pathway. Taken together, our results argue that Fgf8 and Fgf17 act as hierarchically organized signaling molecules during development of the MHB organizer and possibly other organizers in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

Characterisation of human craniofacial syndromes and studies in transgenic mice have demonstrated the requirement for Fgf signalling during morphogenesis of membrane bone of the cranium. Here, we report that Fgf activity is also required for development of the oro-pharyngeal skeleton, which develops first as cartilage with some elements subsequently becoming ossified. We show that inhibition of FGF receptor activity in the zebrafish embryo following neural crest emigration from the neural tube results in complete absence of neurocranial and pharyngeal cartilages. Moreover, this Fgf signal is required during a 6-h period soon after initiation of neural crest migration. The spatial and temporal expression of Fgf3 and Fgf8 in pharyngeal endoderm and ventral forebrain and its correlation with patterns of Fgf signalling activity in migrating neural crest makes them candidate regulators of cartilage development. Inhibition of Fgf3 results in the complete absence of cartilage elements that normally form in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth pharyngeal arches, while those of the first, second, and seventh arches are largely unaffected. Inhibition of Fgf8 alone has variable, but mild, effects. However, inhibition of both Fgf3 and Fgf8 together causes a complete absence of pharyngeal cartilages and the near-complete loss of the neurocranial cartilage. These data implicate Fgf3 and Fgf8 as key regulators of cartilage formation in the vertebrate head.  相似文献   

In looking for novel factors involved in the regulation of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling pathway, we have isolated a zebrafish sprouty4 gene, based on its extensive similarities with the expression patterns of both fgf8 and fgf3. Through gain- and loss-of-function experiments, we demonstrate that Fgf8 and Fgf3 act in vivo to induce the expression of Spry4, which in turn can inhibit activity of these growth factors. When overexpressed at low doses, Spry4 induces loss of cerebellum and reduction in size of the otic vesicle, thereby mimicking the fgf8/acerebellar mutant phenotype. Injections of high doses of Spry4 cause ventralization of the embryo, an opposite phenotype to the dorsalisation induced by overexpression of Fgf8 or Fgf3. Conversely we have shown that inhibition of Spry4 function through injection of antisense morpholino oligonucleotide leads to a weak dorsalization of the embryo, the phenotype expected for an upregulation of Fgf8 or Fgf3 signaling pathway. Finally, we show that Spry4 interferes with FGF signaling downstream of the FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1). In addition, our analysis reveals that signaling through FGFR1/Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is involved, not in mesoderm induction, but in the control of the dorsoventral patterning via the regulation of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) expression.  相似文献   

We present here an analysis of cardiovascular and pharyngeal arch development in mouse embryos hypomorphic for Fgf8. Previously, we have described the generation of Fgf8 compound heterozygous (Fgf8(neo/-)) embryos. Although early analysis demonstrated that some of these embryos have abnormal left-right (LR) axis specification and cardiac looping reversals, the number and type of cardiac defects present at term suggested an additional role for Fgf8 in cardiovascular development. Most Fgf8(neo/-) mutant embryos survive to term with abnormal cardiovascular patterning, including outflow tract, arch artery and intracardiac defects. In addition, these mutants have hypoplastic pharyngeal arches, small or absent thymus and abnormal craniofacial development. Neural crest cells (NCCs) populate the pharyngeal arches and contribute to many structures of the face, neck and cardiovascular system, suggesting that Fgf8 may be required for NCC development. Fgf8 is expressed within the developing pharyngeal arch ectoderm and endoderm during NCC migration through the arches. Analysis of NCC development in Fgf8(neo/-) mutant embryos demonstrates that NCCs are specified and migrate, but undergo cell death in areas both adjacent and distal to where Fgf8 is normally expressed. This study defines the cardiovascular defects present in Fgf8 mutants and supports a role for Fgf8 in development of all the pharyngeal arches and in NCC survival.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) signaling plays important roles in brain development. Fgf3 and Fgf8 are crucial for the formation of the forebrain and hindbrain. Fgf8 is also required for the midbrain to form. Here, we identified zebrafish Fgf19 and examined its roles in brain development by knocking down Fgf19 function. We found that Fgf19 expressed in the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain was involved in cell proliferation and cell survival during embryonic brain development. Fgf19 was also essential for development of the ventral telencephalon and diencephalon. Regional specification is linked to cell type specification. Fgf19 was also essential for the specification of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons and oligodendrocytes generated in the ventral telencephalon and diencephalon. The cross talk between Fgf and Hh signaling is critical for brain development. In the forebrain, Fgf19 expression was down-regulated on inhibition of Hh but not of Fgf3/Fgf8, and overexpression of Fgf19 rescued partially the phenotype on inhibition of Hh. The present findings indicate that Fgf19 signaling is crucial for forebrain development by interacting with Hh and provide new insights into the roles of Fgf signaling in brain development.  相似文献   

Axial eye patterning determines the positional code of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which is crucial for their topographic projection to the midbrain. Several asymmetrically expressed determinants of retinal patterning are known, but it is unclear how axial polarity is first established. We find that Fgf signals, including Fgf8, determine retinal patterning along the nasotemporal (NT) axis during early zebrafish embryogenesis: Fgf8 induces nasal and/or suppresses temporal retinal cell fates; and inhibition of all Fgf-receptor signaling leads to complete retinal temporalization and concomitant loss of all nasal fates. Misprojections of RGCs with Fgf-dependent alterations in retinal patterning to the midbrain demonstrate the importance of this early patterning process for late topographic map formation. The crucial period of Fgf-dependent patterning is at the onset of eye morphogenesis. Fgf8 expression, the restricted temporal requirement for Fgf-receptor signaling and target gene expression at this stage suggests that the telencephalic primordium is the source of Fgf8 and acts as novel signaling center for non-autonomous axial patterning of the prospective neural retina.  相似文献   

Significant progress has been made toward understanding the role of fgf8 in directing early embryonic patterning of the pharyngeal skeleton. Considerably less is known about the role this growth factor plays in the coordinated development, growth, and remodeling of the craniofacial skeleton beyond embryonic stages. To better understand the contributions of fgf8 in the formation of adult craniofacial architecture, we analyzed the skeletal anatomy of adult ace(ti282a)/fgf8 heterozygous zebrafish. Our results revealed distinct skeletal defects including facial asymmetries, aberrant craniofacial geometry, irregular patterns of cranial suturing, and ectopic bone formation. These defects are similar in presentation to several human craniofacial disorders (e.g., craniosynostosis, hemifacial microsomia), and may be related to increased levels of bone metabolism observed in ace(ti282a)/fgf8 heterozygotes. Moreover, skeletal defects observed in ace(ti282a)/fgf8 heterozygotes are consistent with expression patterns of fgf8 in the mature craniofacial skeleton. These data reveal previously unrecognized roles for fgf8 during skeletogenesis, and provide a basis for future investigations into the mechanisms that regulate craniofacial development beyond the embryo.  相似文献   

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