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Stenocereus quevedonis (‘pitire’) is a columnar cactus endemic to central Mexico, grown for its edible fruit. Phenology, pollination biology and behaviour of flower visitors of this species were compared in six conserved and disturbed sites, hypothesising that: (i) pitire pollination is self‐incompatible, requiring animal vectors; (ii) higher incidence of radiation on plants in cleared forest may lead to a higher number of flowers per pitire plant and longer blooming season, and disturbing and differential spatial availability of flower resources may determine differential attraction of pollinators to conserved and disturbed areas; (iii) if pitire pollination system is specialised, reproductive success would decrease with pollinator scarcity, or other species may substitute for main pollinators. In all sites, pitire reproduction started in January, flowering peak occurring in April, anthesis duration was 15 h and predominantly nocturnal (9 h), pollen was released at 23:00 h, nectar was produced throughout anthesis, and breeding system was self‐incompatible. Flower production per plant was similar in disturbed and conserved sites, but flower availability was higher (because of higher tree density) and longer in disturbed sites. Pollination is nocturnal, the most frequent legitimate pollinator being the bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae; diurnal pollination is rare but possible, carried out by bee species. Fruit and seed set in control and nocturnal pollination treatments at disturbed sites were higher than in conserved sites. Frequency of L. yerbabuenae visits was similar among site types, but more visits of complementary nocturnal and diurnal pollinators were recorded in disturbed sites, which could explain differences in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Generalized pollination systems may be favored in early spring flowering plants, as during this period pollinator activity is unpredictable. Many previous studies have concentrated on the importance of diurnal visitors in pollination, and consequently, information on the contribution of nocturnal visitors to pollination in early spring is limited. This study was conducted to evaluate the relative importance of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in the early spring flowering dioecious shrub Stachyurus praecox (Stachyuraceae), in two temperate forests in central Japan. Visitors to the female and male flowers were observed during day and night, and their relative contributions to seed set were compared. The pollinator observations revealed that the diurnal and nocturnal insects visited both male and female flowers, and that the main flower visitors were diurnal small bees and flies as well as nocturnal settling moths. The diurnal and nocturnal flower visitors also acted as pollinators, as the pollen grains of S. praecox were attached to the insects collected from the female flowers. Pollination experiments demonstrated that the contributions of diurnal pollinators to the seed set were higher than those of the nocturnal pollinators. The results of this study indicate that S. praecox has a generalized pollination system, comprising both diurnal insects and nocturnal settling moths. Although the roles of diurnal insects are more important in the pollination of S. praecox, nocturnal settling moths may have a complementary role in early spring.  相似文献   

The mistletoe Psittacanthus robustus was studied as a model to link flower phenology and nectar secretion strategy to pollinator behaviour and the reproductive consequences for the plant. The bright‐coloured flowers presented diurnal anthesis, opened asynchronously throughout the rainy season and produced copious dilute nectar as the main reward for pollinators. Most nectar was secreted just after flower opening, with little sugar replenishment after experimental removals. During the second day of anthesis in bagged flowers, the flowers quickly reabsorbed the offered nectar. Low values of nectar standing crop recorded in open flowers can be linked with high visitation rates by bird pollinators. Eight hummingbirds and two passerines were observed as potential pollinators. The most frequent flower visitors were the hummingbirds Eupetomena macroura and Colibri serrirostris, which actively defended flowering mistletoes. The spatial separation between anthers, stigma and nectar chamber promotes pollen deposition on flapping wings of hovering hummingbirds that usually probe many flowers per visit. Seed set did not differ between hand‐, self‐ and cross‐pollinated flowers, but these treatments set significantly more seeds than flowers naturally exposed to flower visitors. We suggest that the limitation observed in the reproductive success of this plant is not related to pollinator scarcity, but probably to the extreme frequency of visitation by territorial hummingbirds. We conclude that the costs and benefits of plant reproduction depend on the interaction strength between flowers and pollinators, and the assessment of nectar secretion dynamics, pollinator behaviour and plant breeding system allows clarification of the complexity of such associations.  相似文献   

Inga species present brush‐type flower morphology allowing them to be visited by distinct groups of pollinators. Nectar features in relation to the main pollinators have seldom been studied in this genus. To test the hypothesis of floral adaptation to both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, we studied the pollination ecology of Inga sessilis, with emphasis on the nectar secretion patterns, effects of sequential removals on nectar production, sugar composition and the role of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in its reproductive success. Inga sessilis is self‐incompatible and pollinated by hummingbirds, hawkmoths and bats. Fruit set under natural conditions is very low despite the fact that most stigmas receive polyads with sufficient pollen to fertilise all ovules in a flower. Nectar secretion starts in the bud stage and flowers continually secreting nectar for a period of 8 h. Flowers actively reabsorbed the nectar a few hours before senescence. Sugar production increased after nectar removal, especially when flowers were drained during the night. Nectar sugar composition changed over flower life span, from sucrose‐dominant (just after flower opening, when hummingbirds were the main visitors) to hexose‐rich (throughout the night, when bats and hawkmoths were the main visitors). Diurnal pollinators contributed less than nocturnal ones to fruit production, but the former were more constant and reliable visitors through time. Our results indicate I. sessilis has floral adaptations, beyond the morphology, that encompass both diurnal and nocturnal pollinator requirements, suggesting a complementary and mixed pollination system.  相似文献   

Abstract: Isertia laevis (Rubiaceae) possesses flowers with traits typical for the pollination syndrome of sphingophily. Diurnal flower observation showed that nine different hummingbirds (Trochilidae) and one flower piercer (Coerebidae) were frequent visitors. Their activity on the flowers peaked in the morning hours. Very low nectar volumes were found in the morning (8.00 h) in unbagged flowers. Nectar volumes, however, reached their peaks (27 μl) at night (2.00 h) in bagged, as well as in unbagged flowers. At night few individuals of sphingids were observed. Pollination experiments showed that flowers presented to nocturnal pollinators from 18.00 h to 6.00 h had low fruit set (14 %) but high seed set (59 %). Flowers accessible from 6.00 h to 18.00 h for diurnal flower visitors showed high fruit set of 63 % but low seed set of 14 %. This suggests that pollination of individual flowers is less effective during daytime. Regarding relative reproductive success, i.e., efficiency of pollination defined as fruit set x seed set, both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, however, are equally successful. We conclude that frequently occurring, but not very effective pollinators contribute substantially to seed production, when the expected pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

  • Mexico has one of the highest diversities of barrel cacti species worldwide; however, all are threatened and require conservation policies. Information on their reproductive biology is crucial, but few studies are available. Ferocactus recurvus subsp. recurvus is a barrel cactus endemic to the Tehuacán‐Cuicatlán Valley. Our research aimed to characterise its floral and pollination biology. We hypothesised bee pollination, as suggested by its floral morphology and behaviour, and self‐incompatibility, like most barrel cacti studied.
  • Three study sites were selected in the semiarid Zapotitlán Valley, Mexico. We examined 190 flowers from 180 plants to determine: morphometry and behaviour of flowers, flower visitors and probable pollinators, and breeding system.
  • Flowers showed diurnal anthesis, lasting 2–5 days, the stigma being receptive on day 2 or 3 after the start of anthesis. Flowers produced scarce/no nectar and main visitors were bees (Apidae), followed by flies (Muscidae), ants (Formicidae), thrips (Thripidae) and hummingbirds (Throchilidae); however, only native bees and occasionally wasps contacted the stigma and anthers. Pollination experiments revealed that this species is self‐incompatible and xenogamous. In natural conditions, fruit set was 60% and cross‐pollination fruit set was 100%. Percentage seed germination resulting from cross‐pollination was higher than in the control treatment.
  • Our results provide ecological information for conservation programmes to ensure a high probability of breeding and seed production in natural populations of F. recurvus.

Flowers of columnar cacti are animal-pollinated, often displaying a chiropterophylic syndrome. This study examined if the columnar cactus Stenocereus queretaroensis, a tropical species endemic to western Mexico, is bat-pollinated, by studying its pollination biology and the foraging behavior of potential pollinators. Flowers were produced in winter through spring, peaking in April. Anthesis was nocturnal, and stigma and anther turgidity began around 2200 hours. Production of nectar secretion and highest sugar concentration and energy supply were nocturnal, peaking between 2200 and 2400 hours. Manual auto-pollination and exclusion experiments showed that self-pollination yielded no fruits, while nocturnal pollinators resulted in high fruit set and seed set compared to diurnal pollination treatments. The nectar-feeding bat Leptonycteris curasoae (Phyllostomidae) was the main nocturnal pollinator with the highest effective pollination. Peak bat visitation coincided with peaks in nectar production. The high abundance of L. curasoae throughout the 4-yr study, suggests that it is a seasonally reliable pollinator for this columnar cactus. While pollination syndromes have been increasingly called into question in recent years, this study suggests that at least for this system, there is a fairly close fit between pollinator and pollination syndrome.  相似文献   

The geographical dichotomy hypothesis suggests that columnar cacti in the tropics depend primarily on bats for pollination. This dependence may to be less in the outer tropics where many columnar cactus species (or their populations) show a relatively generalized pollination system with both nocturnal (moths and bats) and diurnal pollinators (bees and hummingbirds) (geographical dichotomy hypothesis). This hypothesis has been mostly tested in the northern tropics; nonetheless, our knowledge of columnar cactus species inhabiting the southern tropics is still scarce. The aim of this project was to evaluate the pollination biology of Oreocereus celsianus, a columnar cactus with restricted distribution in the subtropical Andes, to determine if the pollination system of this cactus tends to be more generalized than specialized because of the geographical position where it occurs. Observations of frequency of visit showed that Patagona gigas (Giant Hummingbird) is the main pollinator of the flowers, visiting them when they are opening (afternoon of the first day). Bees, wasps and moths were occasional visitors of the flowers. None of them seem to act as pollinator. Autogamy, geitonogamy and xenogamy treatments produced high fruit set, showing that O. celsianus has an unusual mixed mating system. The results suggest that this Andean columnar cactus is partially specialized on hummingbirds, with most pollination service performed by a single species, and it has the capacity of selfing (??fail-safe?? pollination system). This mixed mating system (both outcrossing and selfing) may be a response to the unpredictable environment of the Prepuna in the subtropical Andes.  相似文献   

In a study of sexual reproduction in long-lived semelparous plants, we observed Agave macroacantha in the tropical desert of Tehuacán-Cuicatlán, Mexico, describing duration of flowering, flower phenology, and nectar production patterns. We also performed two manipulative experiments evaluating (a) the seed production efficiency of different crossing systems (selfing, cross-pollination, apomixis, and control), and (b) the effect of different pollinators (diurnal exposure to pollinators, nocturnal exposure, exclusion, and control) on the seeds produced. Flowering occurred from early May to late July and had a mean duration of 29 days in the individual rosettes. The flowers were protandrous; anthesis occurred in the afternoon of the third day after floral opening, and the pistils matured in the afternoon of the fifth day. The stigmas remained receptive from dusk to the following morning. Pollination was mostly allogamous. Nectar was produced principally during the night, from the first stages of floral aperture until the stigmas wilted and flowering ceased. The flowers were visited during the day by hymenoptera, butterflies, and hummingbirds and during the night by bats and moths. Only the nocturnal visitors, however, were successful pollinators. Agave macroacantha is extremely dependent on nocturnal pollinators for its reproductive success.  相似文献   

The pollination biology of the cactus Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum was studied in a tropical location in western Mexico (ca. 18° N latitude) to compare with data from a northern population (ca. 28° N latitude). Throughout this range, the nectar-feeding bat Leptonycteris curasoae is resident within the tropics but migratory in its northern range. The hypothesis was tested that if a predictable bat presence has been an important force in the evolution of pollination systems in columnar cacti, P. pecten-aboriginum will have a specialized pollination system within the tropics and a generalized pollination system in northern populations. In both areas, pollination experiments showed that P. pecten-aboriginum has a self-incompatible, hermaphroditic breeding system. In the tropical area, flowers open at night and close early in the morning. Nectar is secreted only during the night, and flowers are exclusively pollinated by three species of nectar-feeding bats, indicating a specialized pollination system. In contrast, anthesis and nectar secretion in northern populations occur during the night and day, allowing visitation and effective pollination by both nocturnal and diurnal pollinators. This study provides evidence of divergence mediated by pollinator predictability (resident vs. migrant), through shifts from short to long anthesis and nectar production periods from southern to northern populations.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) is being increasingly planted worldwide, but questions remain regarding its pollination biology. This study examined the contribution of diurnal and nocturnal insects to the pollination of monoecious J. curcas, through its floral biology, pollination ecology, and foraging behavior of potential pollinators. Nectar production of both male and female flowers peaked in the morning, declined in the afternoon, and rapidly bottomed during the night in all of their anthesis days. The diurnal visitors to the flowers of J. curcas are bees and flies, and the nocturnal visitors are moths. Flowers received significantly more visits by diurnal insects than by nocturnal insects. Through bagging flowers during night or day or both or exclusion, we compared fruit and seed production caused by diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. Both nocturnal and diurnal visitors were successful pollinators. However, flowers exposed only to nocturnal visitors produced less fruits than those exposed only to diurnal visitors. Thus, diurnal pollinators contribute more to seed production by J. curcas at the study site.  相似文献   

The considerable floral diversity present in the cactus family has often been associated with the specificity of its pollinators. However, many cactus pollination systems are generalized as their flowers are pollinated by a wide spectrum of animals. For example, cactus species with white flowers, nocturnal anthesis and extended floral cycles would present generalized pollination systems in which both nocturnal and diurnal visitors could be effective pollinators. In this article, we tested this hypothesis by studying the pollination biology of Echinopsis schickendantzii, an Andean cactus with sphingophilous flowers. In addition, we evaluated whether the cactus’s pollination system is complementary or redundant regarding the relative contributions of nocturnal and diurnal pollinators. Specifically, we studied the floral cycle, the reproductive system and the pollination effectiveness of floral visitors. The flowers of E. schickendantzii are self-incompatible; they opened at crepuscule and have an extended floral cycle. Moths were frequent visitors at night, whereas bees were frequent visitors during the day; both were effective pollinators of the cactus. Our results indicated that the flowers of this species present phenotypic, functional and ecological generalization, and their fruit set is determined by the contributions of both pollinator functional groups, i.e., they have complementary pollination systems. These results support the hypothesis that cacti in the extra-tropical deserts of South America have generalized pollination systems.  相似文献   

Summary Pink-flowered tubular Penstemon roseus (Plantaginaceae), which has shifted partially to hummingbird pollination, blooms on high-elevation slopes in the mountains in Tlaxcala, Mexico. We studied the interactions between pollinator visitation rates to flowers, pollen removal and deposition, flower size, and nectar removal frequency on seed production in P. roseus. We combine observational and experimental studies in two contrasting natural populations. Our manual pollinations revealed that P. roseus is fully self-compatible. Autonomous self- and manual self-pollinated flowers matured as many seeds as when outcrossed, but outcrossing seems to become better than selfing as the flowering season progressed. Early in the season flowers that were bagged and hand-selfed, hand-outcrossed, or autonomously selfed, or unbagged and naturally pollinated had equal seed set in all four treatments. But later in the season, outcross pollen gave approximately twice as much seed set as the two self-treatments. Low levels of pollen receipt and pollen removal were consistent with the long time elapsed for a given plant to be visited by hummingbirds, which suggests pollen shortage in both sites. Despite differences in pollinator visitation rates to flowers, probability of flower visitation, removal and deposition of pollen, and nectar production rates between populations, we found that total nectar production had no effect on seed production at either site. The daily nectar secretion rate of 0.3–0.65 mg sugar per flower per 1–3 days was low relative to other hummingbird-adapted Penstemon species (typical range: 1.5–5 mg sugar per flower), and it might be intermediate between hummingbird- and bee-adapted Penstemon flowers. Our results support the hypothesis about a shift toward hummingbird pollination, and provide an example of a ‘despecialized’ Penstemon species, which attracts high-energy pollinators (hummingbirds) and profits from outcrossing, but retains bee-syndrome floral traits and low sugar production rates.  相似文献   

Luis Navarro 《Biotropica》1999,31(4):618-625
The floral syndrome of Macleania bullataYeo (Ericaceae) reflects its adaptation to hummingbird pollination. Its flowers, however, are subject to high levels of nectar robbing. I examined the floral visitor assemblage of M. bullata in a tropical montane wet forest in southwestern Colombia, focusing on the behavior of the visitors. I also tested for the presence of nocturnal pollination and the effects of nectar removal on new nectar production. The principal floral visitors were the nectar robbing hummingbirds Ocreatus underwoodii (19.1% of visits) and Chlorostilbon mellisugus (18.9%). Only two species of long–billed hummingbirds visited the flowers of M. bullata as “legitimate” pollinators: Coeligena torquata (14.7% of visits) and Doryfera ludoviciae (14.3%). The remaining visits constituted nectar robbing by bees, butterflies, and other species of hummingbirds. Nocturnal pollination took place, although fruit set levels were 2.4 times higher when only diurnal pollination was allowed as opposed to exclusively nocturnal pollination. Nectar robbers removed floral nectar without pollinating the flower. Treatments of experimental nectar removal were carried out to examine if flowers synthesize more nectar after nectar removal. Nectar removal increased the total volume of nectar produced by each flower without affecting sugar concentration. Thus, nectar robbing can impose a high cost to the plants by forcing them to replace lost nectar.  相似文献   

Floral traits and sexual systems in angiosperms are strategies that enhance outcrossing within hermaphrodite flowers and among individuals in a population. Sexual systems with unisexual flowers have also evolved among angiosperms, resulting in sex specialization. Furthermore, the interaction of floral traits and floral visitors determines successful plant reproduction. Globose cacti are bee pollinated, and variation in the diversity of their pollinator assemblages is strongly associated with floral phenotype. Our objective was to describe the floral biology of the cactus Coryphantha elephantidens and to determine its relationship with pollinators. Floral traits were studied by direct observations in live and fixed flowers. The breeding system was determined using two estimators based on floral morphology: pollen grains to ovules per flower (P/O) ratio and outcrossing index. Pollination treatments were conducted to determine the mating system. Floral visitors were recorded using direct observation. Flowers of C. elephantidens are variable in color, protandric, herkogamous and nectarless. Estimators of the breeding system indicated xenogamy, which is consistent with the obligate outcrossing revealed by the pollination experiment. Thirty-seven percent of the plants have female flowers that do not produce pollen, making this population functionally gynodioecious. Both fruit and seed set were high compared to other globose cacti. Pollinators included eight species of native bees, a more diverse pollinator assemblage than other globose cacti. Given the high pressure on pollen due to functional gynodioecy, nectarless flowers, an outcrossing mating system, and the necessity of pollinators to set seeds, we concluded that native bees are highly efficient pollinators that play a crucial role in the sexual reproduction of C. elephantidens.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the reproductive biology of Echinopsis terscheckii, a species endemic to northwest Argentina that has nocturnal flowers. We expected that this species had a generalised pollination system, with moths and diurnal visitors as the primary pollinators. To test this, we studied the floral biology, breeding system and floral visitors of this species and the effectiveness of nocturnal and diurnal visitors. Floral biology was defined based on floral morphology, floral cycle and nectar production of the flowers. The breeding system and relative contributions of diurnal and nocturnal visitors to fruit and seed set were analysed through field experiments. E.?terscheckii flowers opened at sunset and closed the following day. The peak of nectar production occurred at midnight. Flowers were determined to be self-incompatible. Moths, bees and birds were identified as floral visitors. Moths were the most frequent visitors at night, whereas bees were the most frequent visitors during the day. Fruit production by diurnal pollinators was less than that by nocturnal pollinators; among all floral visitors, moths were the most effective pollinators. We have demonstrated for the first time that moths are the primary pollinators of columnar cacti of the genus Echinopsis. Our results suggest that moths might be important pollinators of columnar cactus species with nocturnal flowers in the extra-tropical deserts of South America.  相似文献   

Many modern crop varieties rely on animal pollination to set fruit and seeds. Intensive crop plantations usually do not provide suitable habitats for pollinators so crop yield may depend on the surrounding vegetation to maintain pollination services. However, little is known about the effect of pollinator‐mediated interactions among co‐flowering plants on crop yield or the underlying mechanisms. Plant reproductive success is complex, involving several pre‐ and post‐pollination events; however, the current literature has mainly focused on pre‐pollination events in natural plant communities. We assessed pollinator sharing and the contribution to pollinator diet in a community of wild and cultivated plants that co‐flower with a focal papaya plantation. In addition, we assessed heterospecific pollen transfer to the stigmatic loads of papaya and its effect on fruit and seed production. We found that papaya shared at least one pollinator species with the majority of the co‐flowering plants. Despite this, heterospecific pollen transfer in cultivated papaya was low in open‐pollinated flowers. Hand‐pollination experiments suggest that heterospecific pollen transfer has no negative effect on fruit production or weight, but does reduce seed production. These results suggest that co‐flowering plants offer valuable floral resources to pollinators that are shared with cultivated papaya with little or no cost in terms of heterospecific pollen transfer. Although HP reduced seed production, a reduced number of seeds per se are not negative, given that from an agronomic perspective the number of seeds does not affect the monetary value of the papaya fruit.  相似文献   

We document the pollination biology and mating systems of Neobuxbaumia mezcalaensis and Neobuxbaumia macrocephala, two Mexican giant columnar cacti. These two species form mixed forests in the western Tehuacan Valley, Mexico. The flowers of both N. mezcalaensis and N. macrocephala exhibit nocturnal anthesis, are self-incompatible, and are pollinated primarily by three species of nectar-feeding bats (Choeronycteris mexicana, Leptonycteris curasoae, and Leptonycteris nivalis). Neobuxbaumia mezcalaensis is androdioecious, a breeding system that appears to be uncommon among Cactaceae. Neobuxbaumia macrocephala is hermaphroditic. We hypothesize that columnar cacti show a geographical dichotomy in floral biology specialization that probably can be related to predictability in pollinator abundance.  相似文献   

Dyckia is the third most diverse genus from Pitcairnoideae, pollinated mainly by insects and hummingbirds. In this study, we evaluated demography, reproductive biology and pollination of Dyckia excelsa, a saxicolous species typical of ironstone outcrops. It occurs in groupings composed of genets, ramets and seedlings and bloomed several times, principally in September, with fruiting and dispersing of seeds in November. The anthesis is diurnal and flowers remain open for 2 days. Nectar volume decreased during the anthesis, whereas nectar sugar concentration remained constant. Dyckia excelsa is partially self-compatible and xenogamic; the highest fruit set was observed in the control and cross-pollination treatments; high seed germination rates were observed in all treatments. Flowers have the ornithophilous syndrome, but hummingbirds, bees and butterflies visited them. The occurrence of groupings with multiple inflorescences could contribute to geitonogamy. The high number of flowers during a year supplies food resources and ensures the fidelity of pollinators.  相似文献   

The geographic dichotomy hypothesis suggests that columnar cacti inhabiting the tropics depend on flower visitors (birds and bats) for their pollination, showing highly specialized animal‐pollinated systems. This pattern has been demonstrated for the northern hemisphere; however, our knowledge of the species of columnar cacti growing in the southern tropics is still scarce. In this study, we studied the reproductive biology of Oreocereus fossulatus (Cactaceae, Tribe Trichocereae), an endemic, columnar cactus of the tropical Andes, to determine if its pollination system tends to be more generalized (mixed systems of autogamy and xenogamy) than specialized (xenogamy) as a consequence of the geographic position of where it lives. Observations of the frequency of visits showed that Patagona gigas (Trochillidae) is its main pollinator. It visits the flowers when they are open, coinciding with the periods of greater floral reward (dusk and dawn of the first day of anthesis). The treatments of autogamy, xenogamy and geitonogamy produced fruits, showing that O. fossulatus exhibits a generalized pollination system, in the same way as its congeneric species O. celsianus, which is distributed farther south in the Prepuna biogeographical region. Our results suggest that species partially specializing in pollination by hummingbirds and, besides, capable of autopollination, could be common in the tropical and subtropical Andes, probably as a response to the unpredictable environments present in their ecosystems.  相似文献   

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