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大鼠延髓外周橄榄腹外侧核在中枢化学感受中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田国锋  钱梓文 《生理学报》1995,47(4):327-335
本工作采用微量注射、电损毁、电刺激和微电泳的方法,探讨了大鼠延髓外周橄榄腹外侧核(LVPO)的否真正参与中枢化学感受功能。实验在38只雄性SD大鼠上进行。结果表明:(1)微量注射酸化人工脑脊液于LVPO可引起隔神经放电活动明显加强。(2)微电泳给予H^+对LVPO的自发放电单位主要引起兴奋反应,微电泳给予H^+引起兴奋反应的部分单位也可被腹外侧表面微量注射酸化人工CSF所兴奋。(3)损毁LVPO后  相似文献   

本实验采用HRP逆行示踪结合免疫组织化学方法,对大鼠杏仁底基底外侧核腹侧部向中央杏仁核的纤维投射特征及其化学特性进行了研究。一侧杏仁中央核(Ce)内注射HRP后,于双侧杏仁基底外侧核腹侧部(BLV)观察到大量HRP标记神经元,以对侧为主;在杏仁基底外侧核前(BLA)、后(BLP)部及梨状皮质内侧部(PCM)第Ⅱ、Ⅲ层仅观察到少量HRP标记神经元。当注射范围局限于杏仁中央核内侧部(CeM),BLV的标记神经元相对多.当注射范围局限于杏仁中央核外侧部(CeL),BLV的标记神经元相对少。将有HRP标记神经元的切片分别与生长抑素(SOM)、脑啡呔(ENK)、P物质(SP)抗血清按ABC法完成免疫组织化学反应,结果在BLV、PCM第Ⅱ、Ⅲ层观察到HRP-SOM免疫阳性双标记神经元,但未发现HRP-SP、HRP-ENK免疫阳性双标记神经元;在BLA和BLP未发现HRP-SOM、HRP-ENK、HRP-SP免疫阳性双标记神经元。本文着重讨论了BLV与内脏功能活动的关系,认为BLV不同于BLA与BLP,它参与“内脏环路”。此外,还分析了PCM投射到Ce的神经元的功能学意义。  相似文献   

自发性高血压大鼠下丘脑加压素能神经元形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用光、电镜和免疫组织化学方法观察了自发性高血压大鼠(SHRs)下丘脑加压素能神经元的形态结构。电镜下SHRs加压素能神经元胞体大,电子密度高,核大有皱褶细胞质内密集充满各种细胞器。可见膜包神经分泌颗粒。PAP法显示精氨酸加压素(AVP)阳性细胞主要分布于视上核(SON)腹外侧部及室旁核(PVN)内。在SON和PVN之间尚有一个AVP阳性细胞的密集核团。说明SHR下丘脑也有产生AVP功能。SON和PVN之间的核团是否与SHRs下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴ACTH的异常有关?有待进一步研究。本文为探讨SHRs正常生理功能及高血压的发生提供形态学资料。  相似文献   

田国锋  钱梓文 《生理学报》1995,47(5):491-497
本文采用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)组化方法,对大鼠延髓腹外侧表面化学感受区与延髓内部核团之间的神经结构联系进行了系统的探查。实验在30只麻醉且自主呼吸的雄性SD大鼠上分四组进行。用HRP滤纸分别局部敷贴于延髓腹外侧表面的头端化学感受区(R区,n=10)、尾端化学感受区(C区,n=10)、中间区(I区,n=6)和对照区(n=4)。动物存活24h后,检查HRP标记细胞所在的核团部位。(1)于R区表面敷贴  相似文献   

一氧化氮合酶在豚鼠听觉核团的分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究一氧化氮合酶(nitricoxidesythase,NOS)在听觉核团的分布特点,探讨一氧化氮(nitricoxede,NO)在听觉径路中的作用,本文采用NADPH硫辛酸胺脱氢酶(NADPH-d)组织化学方法,研究了豚鼠听觉核团内NOS的分布。结果发现,在各级听觉传入核团,均有NOS阳性神经元,而上橄榄复合体NOS反应阴性。耳蜗核NOS阳性神经元主要集中在耳蜗后腹核,为圆形或椭圆形双极神经元。下丘NOS阳性反应神经元位于下丘中央核团,胞体形状和大小不一。内侧膝状体背侧核NOS阳性神经元相对集中,多为双极神经元,部分神经元突起很长,散在阳性纤维,部分阳性纤维穿行于内侧膝状体背侧核与内侧膝状体之间。本研究提示,NO可能是听觉中枢的神经递质或调质,参与声信号传递的调节。  相似文献   

Li Q  Song G 《生理学报》2001,53(5):401-404
实验在10只成年家兔上进行,斜方体后核(RTN)内微量注入霍乱毒素β亚单位耦合辣根过氧化酶(CB-HRP)后,在脑桥Koelliker-Fuse 核,臂旁内侧核及臂旁外侧核观察到大量HRP标记神经元,在延髓孤束核腹外侧区,疑核和后疑核,面神经后核的腹侧及内侧区观察到少数HRP标记神经元,在面神经后核,疑核及后疑核区域观察到大量HRP顺行标记末梢纤维,实验结果表明,RTN和脑桥及延髓的呼吸相关结构之间存在纤维联系。  相似文献   

本实验用寒冷刺激大鼠,观察垂体ACTH细胞及下丘脑核团c-fos癌基因表达蛋白出现的变化。发现寒冷能促使垂体前叶ACTH细胞数目增多,体积胀大,且具有粗大突起伸到扩张的血窦旁。在视交叉腹外侧的视上核(SO)神经元及视交叉上核(Sch)周围部神经元皆出现c-fos强阳性反应。第三脑室侧壁室管膜上皮及少数室周核(pe)神经元为c-fos阳性。视前内侧区(MPA)可见分散的阳性神经元。位于室旁核内的外侧,出现c-fos反应较浅的小神经元。本文最后探讨有关ACTH释放的调节。  相似文献   

实验在66只麻醉、制动,断双侧颈迷走神经和人工通气的家兔上进行。通过微量注射神经元胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸钠和神经元胞体抑制剂甘氨酸,改变孤束核腹外侧区神经元兴奋活动,探讨对下丘脑弓状核诱发电位的影响及其可能的机制和意义。实验结果如下:(1)孤束核腹外侧区微量注射谷氨酸钠,可使膈神经放电显著增加和使弓状核诱发电位P2及N2波幅显著降低;而微量注射甘氨酸则使膈神经放电显著减少和使弓状核诱发电位P2及N2波幅显著增大。(2)静脉注射纳洛酮对谷氨酸钠引起的膈神经放电兴奋效应无明显影响,但能翻转谷氨酸钠对弓状核诱发电位P2及N2波幅的抑制效应。提示:孤束核腹外侧区呼吸神经元的兴奋活动可扩散至弓状核,并对弓状核诱发电位产生影响,此影响可能是由内源性阿片系统参与而实现的。  相似文献   

血管活性肠肽免疫阳性神经元在家鸽中脑和间脑中的分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用免疫细胞化学技术研究了血管活性肠肽(VIP)阳性神经元在家鸽(Columbalivia)中脑和间脑核团的分布。实验结果表明,VIP阳性神经元主要分布于如下核团:下丘侧核(LHY)、蔡氏腹区(AVT)、中央灰质(GCt)、中脑深核腹部(MPv)、中脑外侧核背部(MLd)、脑桥脚盖致密体(TPc)、丘脑间核(ICo)、兰斑核(LoC)、脑桥嘴部网状核(RPO)、兰斑背部亚核(SCd)、兰斑腹部亚核(SCv)和脑桥尾部网状核巨细胞部(RPgc)。在这些核团中,除MLd中的VIP阳性神经元位于其背部外,其余核团中VIP阳性神经元分布基本上是均匀的。  相似文献   

刘诗翔  魏书均 《生理学报》1995,47(4):343-348
实验在66只麻醉、制动,断双侧颈迷走神经和人工通气的家兔上进行。通过微量注射神经元胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸钠和神经元胞体抑制剂甘氨酸,改变孤束核腹外侧区神经元兴奋活动,探讨对下丘脑弓状核诱发电位的影响及其可能的机制和意义。实验结果如下:(1)孤束核腹外侧区微量注射谷氨酸钠,可使膈神经放电显著增加和使弓状核诱发电位P2及N2波幅显著降低;而微量注射甘氨酸则使膈神经放电显著减少和使弓状核诱发电位P2及N2波幅  相似文献   

Neurokinin-1 receptor immunoreactive (NK1R-ir) neurons and processes are widely distributed within the medulla, prominently at central chemoreceptor sites. Focal lesions of NK1R-ir neurons in the medullary raphe or the retrotrapezoid nucleus partially reduced the CO(2) response in conscious rats. We ask if NK1R-ir cells and processes over a wide region of the ventral medulla are essential for central and peripheral chemoreception by cisterna magna injection of SSP-SAP, a high-affinity version of substance P-saporin. After 22 days, NK1R-ir cell loss was -79% in the retrotrapezoid nucleus and -65% in the A5 region, which lie close to the ventral surface, and -38% in the medullary raphe and -49% in the pre-B?tzinger complex/rostral ventral respiratory group, which lie deeper. Dorsal chemoreceptor sites, the caudal nucleus tractus solitarius and the A6 region, were unaffected. At 8 and 22 days, these lesions produced 1) hypoventilation during air breathing in wakefulness ( approximately 8%) and in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) ( approximately 9%) and rapid eye movement ( approximately 14%) sleep, as measured over a 4-h period; 2) a substantially reduced ventilatory response to 7% CO(2) by 61% in wakefulness and 46-57% in NREM sleep; and 3) a decreased ventilatory response to 12% O(2) by 40% in wakefulness and 35% in NREM sleep at 8 days, with partial recovery by 22 days. NK1R-ir neurons in the ventral medulla are essential for normal central chemoreception, provide a drive to breathe, and modulate the peripheral chemoreceptor responses. These effects are not state dependent.  相似文献   

Kainic acid (4.7 mM) applied to the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) surface decreases phrenic output, CO2 sensitivity, and blood pressure in chloralose-urethan-anesthetized, vagotomized, paralyzed, glomectomized, servoventilated cats. In this study using the same preparation, bilateral 50- to 100-nl kainate injections just below the RVLM surface better localized these responses topographically. The physiological responses to unilateral 10-nl kainate injections were then correlated with anatomic location determined by fluorescent microbeads (0.5 micron diam). Many sites were associated with no effect, a few rostral and caudal sites with increased phrenic activity, and cluster of sites with decreased phrenic activity often to apnea, decreased CO2 sensitivity, and decreased responses to carotid sinus nerve stimulation. Blood pressure was unaffected. These sites, within 400 microns of the surface, were ventral to the facial nucleus, ventrolateral to the nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis, caudal to the superior olive, and rostral to the retrofacial nucleus. They appeared to be within the recently described retrotrapezoid nucleus, which contains cells with respiratory-related activity and projections to the dorsal and ventral respiratory groups. Cells within this site appear able to provide tonic input to respiration and to affect peripheral and central chemoreception.  相似文献   

The rostral fastigial nucleus (FNr) of the cerebellum facilitates the respiratory response to hypercapnia. We hypothesized that some FNr sites are chemosensitive to focal tissue acidosis and contribute, at least partially, to respiratory modulation. Minute ventilation (VE) was recorded in 21 anesthetized and spontaneously breathing rats. Acetazolamide (AZ; 50 microM) was microinjected unilaterally into the FNr while an isocapnic condition was maintained throughout the experiment. AZ (1 or 20 nl) injection into the FNr significantly elevated VE (46.0 +/- 6.7%; P < 0.05), primarily via an increase in tidal volume (31.7 +/- 3.8%; P < 0.05), with little effect on arterial blood pressure. This augmented ventilatory response was initiated at 6.3 +/- 0.8 min and reached the peak at 19.7 +/- 4.1 min after AZ administration. The same dose of AZ delivered into the interposed and lateral cerebellar nuclei, or vehicle injection into the FNr, failed to elicit detectable cardiorespiratory responses. To determine whether the ventilatory response to AZ injection into the FNr resulted from an increase in respiratory central drive, the minute phrenic nerve activity (MPN) was recorded in seven paralyzed and ventilated rats. Similar to VE, MPN was increased by 38.9 +/- 8.9% (P < 0.05) after AZ administration. Our results suggest that elevation of CO2/H+ within the FNr facilitates respiratory output, supporting the presence of ventilatory chemoreception in rat FNr.  相似文献   

Using a histochemical technique, we examined distribution of the neurons containing a marker of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d), on frontal slices of the medulla and upper cervical spinal segments of 4-day-old rats. It was demonstrated that NADPH-d-positive cells are present within the dorsal and ventral medullary respiratory groups. The highest density of the labeled middle-size multipolar neurons (27.9±2.6 cells per 0.1 mm2 of the slice) was observed in the rostral part of the ventral respiratory group, within the reticular lateral paragigantocellular nucleus. Similar NADPH-d-positive neurons were also observed in other reticular formation structures: rostroventrolateral reticular, gigantocellular, and ventral medullary nuclei, and in the ventral part of the paramedial nucleus. There were no labeled neurons in the lateral reticular nucleus. Single small and medium-size labeled neurons were found at all rostro-caudal levels of thenucl. ambiguous (nuclei retrofacialis, ambiguous, andretroam-biguous). Groups of NADPH-d-positive neurons were also revealed within the dorsal respiratory group, along the whole length of thenucl. tractus solitarii (mostly in its ventrolateral parts). Single labeled neurons were also observed in thenucl. n. hypoglossi, and their groups were observed in the dorsal motor part of thenucl. n. vagus. Involvement of the structures containing NADPH-d-positive neurons in the processes related to generation of the respiratory activity is discussed. Our neuroanatomical experiments prove that in early postnatal mammals NO is actively involved in generation and regulation of the medullary respiratory rhythm. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 128–136, March–April, 2000.  相似文献   

In order to understand better the organisation of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus of the ventral thalamus, this paper has examined the patterns of connections that this nucleus has with various nuclei of the dorsal thalamus in rats. Injections of biotinylated dextran or cholera toxin subunit B were made into the parafascicular, central lateral, posterior thalamic, medial dorsal, lateral dorsal, lateral posterior, dorsal lateral geniculate, anterior, ventral lateral, ventrobasal and medial geniculate nuclei of Sprague-Dawley rats and their brains were processed using standard tracer detection methods. Three general patterns of ventral lateral geniculate connectivity were seen. First, the parafascicular, central lateral, medial dorsal, posterior thalamic and lateral dorsal nuclei had heavy connections with the parvocellular (internal) lamina of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. This geniculate lamina has been shown previously to receive heavy inputs from many functionally diverse brainstem nuclei. Second, the visually related dorsal lateral geniculate and lateral posterior nuclei had heavy connections with the magnocellular (external) lamina of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. This geniculate lamina has been shown by previous studies to receive heavy inputs from the visual cortex and the retina. Finally, the anterior, ventral lateral, ventrobasal and medial geniculate nuclei had very sparse, if any, connections with the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. Overall, our results strengthen the notion that one can package the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus into distinct visual (magnocellular) and non-visual (parvocellular) components.  相似文献   

The locus coeruleus (LC) has been suggested as a CO2 chemoreceptor site in mammals. This nucleus is a mesencephalic structure of the amphibian brain and is probably homologous to the LC in mammals. There are no data available for the role of LC in the central chemoreception of amphibians. Thus the present study was designed to investigate whether LC of toads (Bufo schneideri) is a CO2/H+ chemoreceptor site. Fos immunoreactivity was used to verify whether the nucleus is activated by hypercarbia (5% CO2 in air). In addition, we assessed the role of noradrenergic LC neurons on respiratory and cardiovascular responses to hypercarbia by using 6-hydroxydopamine lesion. To further explore the role of LC in central chemosensitivity, we examined the effects of microinjection of solutions with different pH values (7.2, 7.4, 7.6, 7.8, and 8.0) into the nucleus. Our main findings were that 1) a marked increase in c-fos-positive cells in the LC was induced after 3 h of breathing a hypercarbic gas mixture; 2) chemical lesions in the LC attenuated the increase of the ventilatory response to hypercarbia but did not affect ventilation under resting conditions; and 3) microinjection with acid solutions (pH = 7.2, 7.4, and 7.6) into the LC elicited an increased ventilation, indicating that the LC of toads participates in the central chemoreception.  相似文献   

Role of gap junctions in CO(2) chemoreception and respiratory control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gap junctions are composed of connexins, which are organized into intercellular channels that form transmembrane pathways between neurons (cell-cell coupling), and in some cases, neurons and glia, for exchange of ions and small molecules (metabolic coupling) and ionic current (electrical coupling). Cell-cell coupling via gap junctions has been identified in brain stem neurons that function in CO(2)/H(+) chemoreception and respiratory rhythmogenesis; however, the exact roles of gap junctions in respiratory control are undetermined. Here we review the methods commonly used to study gap junctions in the mammalian brain stem under in vitro and in vivo conditions and briefly summarize the anatomical, pharmacological, and electrophysiological evidence to date supporting roles for cell-cell coupling in respiratory rhythmogenesis and central chemoreception. Specific research questions related to the role of gap junctions in respiratory control are suggested for future research.  相似文献   

Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC), an acylating agent that reacts with imidazole-histidine in vitro, inhibits CO2 sensitivity when applied by pledget to the rostral chemosensitive area on the ventrolateral medullary (VLM) surface in glomectomized, chloralose-urethan-anesthetized cats. In this study similar application of DEPC inhibits the phrenic nerve response to CO2 expressed as a function of VLM [H+] measured by surface pH electrode. Attempts to evaluate direct chemoreceptor stimulation by HCL-soaked surface pledgets proved difficult, but rostral DEPC did inhibit the response to intravenous infusion of HCl. As previously reported, the CO2 and intravenous H+ responses are not a unique function of the VLM [H+]. DEPC had similar inhibitory effects on both the CO2 and the intravenous H+ responses, suggesting that the difference between them may reflect more the orientation or accessibility of the central chemoreceptor than a different mechanism for sensing CO2 vs. H+. DEPC did not alter the phrenic nerve response to hypoxia, indicating that DEPC effects on central chemoreception are not the result of a generalized inhibitory process. The results support the hypothesis that imidazolehistidine is involved at the rostral area with chemoreception of both CO2 and H+.  相似文献   

Studies in cats have shown that, in addition to respiratory neuron groups in the dorsomedial (DRG) and ventrolateral (VRG) medulla, neural structures in the most ventral medullary regions are important for the maintenance of respiratory rhythm. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a similar superficially located ventral region was present in the dog and to assess the role of each of the other regions in the canine medulla important in the control of breathing, in 20 anesthetized, vagotomized, and artificially ventilated dogs, a cryoprobe was used to cool selected regions of the medulla to 15-20 degrees C. Respiratory output was determined from phrenic nerve or diaphragm electrical activity. Cooling in or near the nucleus of the solitary tract altered timing and produced little change in the amplitude or rate of rise of inspiratory activity; lengthening of inspiratory time was the most common timing effect observed. Cooling in ventrolateral regions affected the amplitude and rate of rise of respiratory activity. Depression of neural tidal volume and apnea could be produced by unilateral cooling in two ventrolateral regions: 1) near the nucleus ambiguus and nucleus para-ambiguus and 2) just beneath the ventral medullary surface. These findings indicate that in the dog dorsomedial neural structures influence respiratory timing, whereas more ventral structures are important to respiratory drive.  相似文献   

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