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海洋酸化生态学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
汪思茹  殷克东  蔡卫君  王东晓 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5859-5869
工业革命以来,人类排放的大量二氧化碳引起温室效应的同时,也被海洋吸收使得全球海洋出现了严重的酸化。海洋酸化及伴随的海水碳酸盐化学体系的变化对海洋生物产生深远的影响。以海洋酸化对钙化作用和光合作用的影响为重点,总结了近年来关于海洋酸化的研究,介绍了海洋中不同生态系统对海洋酸化的响应。一方面,海水中CO23-浓度和碳酸钙饱和度的降低对海洋钙化生物造成严重损害,生活在高纬的冷水珊瑚和翼足目等文石生产者是最早的受害者;贝类和棘皮动物在钙化早期对海洋酸化尤其敏感,其幼体存活率受到海洋酸化的严重制约。另一方面,CO2浓度的增加能促进海洋植物的光合作用和生长,增加初级生产力,改变浮游植物的群落组成。此外,海洋酸化可以促进固氮和脱氮作用同时削弱硝化作用,改变溶氧浓度分布和金属的生物可利用性,从而对海洋生物产生间接影响。海洋酸化对海洋生态系统的影响机制复杂,影响程度深远。为了能准确的评估海洋酸化的生态学效应,需要更全面深入的研究。  相似文献   

植物群落中不同“功能身份”物种的多样性与特定生态系统功能之间具有何种关系及其作用机制尚不明确。通过在高寒矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸为期5年的刈割(不刈割、留茬3 cm、留茬1 cm)、施肥(施肥、不施肥)和浇水(浇水、不浇水)控制实验, 研究了刈割与土壤资源获得性梯度上不同“功能身份”物种(群落中所有物种、响应物种、作用物种和共有物种)的多样性变化与群落地上净初级生产力和稳定性的关系以及稳定性机制。研究结果显示: 群落中响应物种、作用物种和共有物种数分别占全部物种数的36.6%、18.3%和64.8%, 物种多样性对生态系统功能具有不同的效应, 净初级生产力主要受响应物种和作用物种的多样性变化影响, 而稳定性则主要由共有物种的多样性变化决定; 群落稳定性的维持主要依赖于共有物种的多样性增加, 其作用机制是投资组合效应, 而超产效应和异步性效应对稳定性并无作用; 刈割和施肥对物种多样性、稳定性和净初级生产力具有相反的影响, 前者能增加物种多样性和稳定性, 并降低净初级生产力, 而后者的作用正相反。这与群落中全部物种的多样性变化受刈割影响较大, 而作用物种的多样性变化受资源获得性影响较大有关。上述结果表明高寒草甸生态系统地上净初级生产力主要由少数影响生产力的作用物种的多样性决定, 而稳定性则由大量共有物种的多样性所掌控。投资组合效应是物种多样性导致稳定性的机制。由于群落中不同物种的多样性效应具有分异性, 对于特定的生态系统功能而言, 物种的“功能身份”可能比物种多样性本身更重要, 不加区别地笼统定义物种多样性与生态系统功能的关系可能欠妥。  相似文献   

正当前人类社会发展改变了整个地球生态系统,地球历史进入了全新的人类世(Anthropocene)阶段(Steffen et al,2007)。人类活动对海洋生态系统及其生物多样性造成越来越显著的影响,尤以全球气候变化(global climate change)对海洋生物多样性的改变最为深刻,且影响面较广。全球气候变化主要表现在人类活动造成的化石燃料向大气排放过多的CO2而引起海水表层升温、海平面上升、降雨改变、海洋表层海水酸化、海流变化及紫外线辐射增强等一系列环境改变  相似文献   

采用遥感手段估算海洋初级生产力研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海洋初级生产力的精确估算对渔业资源评估与管理、海洋生态系统和全球变化等研究具有重要意义.传统的现场测量与估算方法必须依赖于随船采样数据.卫星遥感具有能够获取实时的、大尺度的、动态的海洋环境参数的优点,因此卫星遥感日益成为大尺度海洋初级生产力估算的重要手段.本文从海洋水色传感器的发展历程出发,着重归纳了以叶绿素、浮游植物碳和浮游植物吸收系数为参量的海洋初级生产力的遥感估算方法,并就这3类模型的适应性和复杂程度进行了讨论.在此基础上,进一步分析评价了全球海洋初级生产力遥感估算的研究现状.鉴于当前海洋初级生产力遥感估算研究中存在的问题,今后的研究需要在4个方面进一步加强:1)对全球海洋初级生产力估算进行分区域研究;2)加深对浮游植物吸收系数的研究;3)提高海洋遥感技术水平;4)加强实地测量技术的研究.  相似文献   

青藏高原草地生态系统对气候变化的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青藏高原高寒草地生态系统对气候变化高度敏感,其如何响应和反馈气候变化一直以来受到极大关注.本文系统综述了近5年来有关青藏高原草地生态系统在物候、生产力、碳循环等方面对气候变化的响应过程以及应对气候变化的适应性管理的最新研究成果,发现气候变化对高寒草地生态系统的诸多影响还存在很大的不确定性.多数研究结果表明,增温使高寒草甸的植被物候提前和初级生产力水平提高,而高寒草原有相反的影响趋势,说明不同地域、不同群落类型对不同季节温度变化的响应模式不同.而气候变化对物种多样性和碳循环有关过程的影响结果尚没有一致的结论,时空尺度和方法上的差异可能是导致不同结果的主要原因.因此,建议在增强时空异质性的响应与反馈研究的同时,更需要加强生态过程和机理的研究.  相似文献   

赵旭辉  孔繁翔  谢薇薇  史小丽 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6880-6891
工业革命以来由于化石燃料的大量燃烧,大气CO2水平不断增加,预计在21世纪末将增至现有水平的两倍,达到750 μL/L。作为全球初级生产力的重要贡献者,浮游植物应对CO2水平升高的生理生态响应必然会对水生生态系统和碳、氮等元素的生物地球化学循环产生重要影响。全球CO2水平的升高将显著改变水体的碳化学环境,淡水生态系统(湖泊和河流)由于容量小变化比海洋更为显著。水体碳化学环境的改变首先会影响浮游植物个体,在高CO2水平下,浮游植物的细胞会有变小的趋势,并且细胞的光合作用强度也会有不同程度的增加,其中细胞较小或者不具有碳浓缩机制(CCM)的浮游植物增加较多,此外浮游植物细胞的化学元素计量值也将显著改变。随后浮游植物个体水平上的变化会进一步影响水生生态系统,例如水体初级生产力水平的提高,浮游植物、浮游动物群落结构组成以及水体微食物网结构的变化等。此外浮游植物对CO2水平升高的生理生态响应程度还与水体的营养水平有关。总结了大气CO2水平升高对浮游植物生理生态影响的研究方法,展望了未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

许多研究探索了与全球变化相关的生态系统功能的变化,但对生态系统功能变化的机制与途径了解较少。初级生产力是生态系统功能的重要组分,但关于氮(N)添加下荒漠草原植物群落初级生产力如何变化以及变化机制尚未明确,N是否通过影响生物多样性来影响荒漠草原初级生产力?为此,本研究在荒漠草原开展了为期4年的N添加控制实验(2018—2021年),试验处理包括对照和4个N添加水平(5、10、20和40 g m-2 a-1),研究了N添加对荒漠草原物种多样性、功能多样性、初级生产力及其关系的影响。结果表明:(1)N添加处理(2018—2021年)改变了植物物种多样性及功能多样性,但年际间变化趋势不同。N添加处理第四年(2021年)荒漠草原植物功能多样性(Rao指数)、群落加权平均值-株高、功能均匀度和功能离散度均显著增加,而荒漠草原植物物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener指数均显著降低。(2)N添加可以通过影响物种丰富度和功能多样性进而间接地促进荒漠草原初级生产力,但群落加权性状值-株高对初级生产力的影响是正效应,而物种丰富度和功能离散度对初级生产力的影响是...  相似文献   

高山生物多样性对气候变化响应的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高山带是指自然气候森林边界即林线到雪线之间的无林区域。受低温限制的高山生物对气候变化具有高度的敏感性, 因此高山带被视为监测气候变化的理想试验场所。气候变暖加速了高山冰雪消融, 也加剧了高山生物多样性的波动, 因而高山生物多样性变化对于指示全球气候变化具有十分重要的意义。目前, 高山生物多样性对气候变暖响应的研究主要集中在高山物种组成和群落结构的变化、物种的分布格局和适宜生境的变化、林线交错带的位移、种间关系的变化等方面。气候变化与人为干扰等因素的叠加效应为预测未来生物多样性的变化增加了很多不确定性, 从长期来看, 气候变化效应相对于其他因素会显得越来越重要。未来的重点研究领域包括高山带生物多样性对极端气候变化的响应、全球气候变化背景下生物多样性与生态系统过程的关系、高山带地上/地下生物多样性的相互作用关系及其对气候变化的响应与适应、全球气候变化与人类活动干扰的叠加效应对高山生物多样性格局的影响等。  相似文献   

气候变化和放牧活动对草地植物物种多样性和生产力具有重要影响。为探索藏北高寒草地植物物种多样性和生产力对增温、放牧及其交互作用的响应, 于2011年在藏北高原开始建立增温实验平台, 2016年起增设放牧、增温+放牧实验, 连续2年(2016-2017年)观测了植物群落特征、群落组成、生产力和物种多样性。结果表明, 增温和放牧对高寒草地植物高度和净初级生产力具有显著交互作用。在放牧条件下, 增温对植物高度无显著影响; 但在不放牧条件下, 增温却显著增加了植物高度。在放牧条件下, 增温对净初级生产力的影响存在年际差异, 2016年增温对生产力无显著影响, 2017年增温显著降低了植物净初级生产力; 但在不放牧条件下, 增温对植物净初级生产力无显著影响。增温和放牧对高寒草地植物物种丰富度、盖度、重要值及多样性均无显著交互作用。植物盖度在增温和放牧条件下显著降低, 杂类草物种比例显著增加, 但物种多样性均无显著变化。研究表明, 增温和放牧显著改变高寒草地群落结构。未来气候变化条件下, 放牧活动加剧有可能导致高寒草地生产力降低。  相似文献   

气候变化和放牧活动对草地植物物种多样性和生产力具有重要影响。为探索藏北高寒草地植物物种多样性和生产力对增温、放牧及其交互作用的响应,于2011年在藏北高原开始建立增温实验平台, 2016年起增设放牧、增温+放牧实验,连续2年(2016–2017年)观测了植物群落特征、群落组成、生产力和物种多样性。结果表明,增温和放牧对高寒草地植物高度和净初级生产力具有显著交互作用。在放牧条件下,增温对植物高度无显著影响;但在不放牧条件下,增温却显著增加了植物高度。在放牧条件下,增温对净初级生产力的影响存在年际差异, 2016年增温对生产力无显著影响, 2017年增温显著降低了植物净初级生产力;但在不放牧条件下,增温对植物净初级生产力无显著影响。增温和放牧对高寒草地植物物种丰富度、盖度、重要值及多样性均无显著交互作用。植物盖度在增温和放牧条件下显著降低,杂类草物种比例显著增加,但物种多样性均无显著变化。研究表明,增温和放牧显著改变高寒草地群落结构。未来气候变化条件下,放牧活动加剧有可能导致高寒草地生产力降低。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton are key components of aquatic ecosystems, fixing CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and supporting secondary production, yet relatively little is known about how future global warming might alter their biodiversity and associated ecosystem functioning. Here, we explore how the structure, function, and biodiversity of a planktonic metacommunity was altered after five years of experimental warming. Our outdoor mesocosm experiment was open to natural dispersal from the regional species pool, allowing us to explore the effects of experimental warming in the context of metacommunity dynamics. Warming of 4°C led to a 67% increase in the species richness of the phytoplankton, more evenly-distributed abundance, and higher rates of gross primary productivity. Warming elevated productivity indirectly, by increasing the biodiversity and biomass of the local phytoplankton communities. Warming also systematically shifted the taxonomic and functional trait composition of the phytoplankton, favoring large, colonial, inedible phytoplankton taxa, suggesting stronger top-down control, mediated by zooplankton grazing played an important role. Overall, our findings suggest that temperature can modulate species coexistence, and through such mechanisms, global warming could, in some cases, increase the species richness and productivity of phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

Rising carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere result in increasing global temperatures and ocean warming (OW). Concomitantly, dissolution of anthropogenic CO2 declines seawater pH, resulting in ocean acidification (OA) and altering marine chemical environments. The marine biological carbon pump driven by marine photosynthesis plays an important role for oceanic carbon sinks. Therefore, how ocean climate changes affect the amount of carbon fixation by primary producers is closely related to future ocean carbon uptake. OA may upregulate metabolic pathways in phytoplankton, such as upregulating ß-oxidation and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, resulting in increased accumulation of toxic phenolic compounds. Ocean warming decreases global phytoplankton productivity; however, regionally, it may stimulate primary productivity and change phytoplankton community composition, due to different physical and chemical environmental requirements of species. It is still controversial how OA and OW interactively affect marine carbon fixation by photosynthetic organisms. OA impairs the process of calcification in calcifying phytoplankton and aggravate ultraviolet (UV)-induced harms to the cells. Increasing temperatures enhance the activity of cellular repair mechanisms, which mitigates UV-induced damage. The effects of OA, warming, enhanced exposure to UV-B as well as the interactions of these environmental stress factors on phytoplankton productivity and community composition, are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

While the isolated responses of marine phytoplankton to climate warming and to ocean acidification have been studied intensively, studies on the combined effect of both aspects of Global Change are still scarce. Therefore, we performed a mesocosm experiment with a factorial combination of temperature (9 and 15°C) and pCO2 (means: 439 ppm and 1040 ppm) with a natural autumn plankton community from the western Baltic Sea. Temporal trajectories of total biomass and of the biomass of the most important higher taxa followed similar patterns in all treatments. When averaging over the entire time course, phytoplankton biomass decreased with warming and increased with CO2 under warm conditions. The contribution of the two dominant higher phytoplankton taxa (diatoms and cryptophytes) and of the 4 most important species (3 diatoms, 1 cryptophyte) did not respond to the experimental treatments. Taxonomic composition of phytoplankton showed only responses at the level of subdominant and rare species. Phytoplankton cell sizes increased with CO2 addition and decreased with warming. Both effects were stronger for larger species. Warming effects were stronger than CO2 effects and tended to counteract each other. Phytoplankton communities without calcifying species and exposed to short-term variation of CO2 seem to be rather resistant to ocean acidification.  相似文献   

河口浮游植物生态学研究进展   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
综述了河口浮游植物种类组成、时空分布、初级生态及其影响因素等方面的主要研究进展,同时,对河口浮游植物在水环境监测中的作用以及河口浮游植物多样性与边缘效应进行了初步探讨。研究表明,通常河口区重要的浮游植物有硅藻、甲藻等,微型、超微型浮游植物在河口生态系统中占有重要地位。河口浮游植物种类组成、初级生产的时空变化明显,并受到光、温度、营养盐、动物摄食以及径流等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Both ocean acidification and viral infection bring about changes in marine phytoplankton physiological activities and community composition. However, little information is available on how the relationship between phytoplankton and viruses may be affected by ocean acidification and what impacts this might have on photosynthesis‐driven marine biological CO2 pump. Here, we show that when the harmful bloom alga Phaeocystis globosa is infected with viruses under future ocean conditions, its photosynthetic performance further decreased and cells became more susceptible to stressful light levels, showing enhanced photoinhibition and reduced carbon fixation, up‐regulation of mitochondrial respiration and decreased virus burst size. Our results indicate that ocean acidification exacerbates the impacts of viral attack on P. globosa, which implies that, while ocean acidification directly influences marine primary producers, it may also affect them indirectly by altering their relationship with viruses. Therefore, viruses as a biotic stressor need to be invoked when considering the overall impacts of climate change on marine productivity and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

While most biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) studies have found positive effects of species richness on productivity, it remain unclear whether similar patterns hold for marine phytoplankton with high local richness. We use the continuous trait‐based modelling approach, which assumes infinite richness and represents diversity in terms of the variance of the size distribution, to investigate the effects of phytoplankton size diversity on productivity in a three‐dimensional ocean circulation model driven by realistic physics forcing. We find a slightly negative effect of size diversity on primary production, which we attribute to several factors including functional trait‐environment interactions, flexible stoichiometry and the saturation of productivity at low diversity levels. The benefits of trait optimisation, whereby narrow size distributions enhance productivity under relatively stable conditions, tend to dominate over those of adaptive capacity, whereby greater diversity enhances the ability of the community to respond to environmental variability.  相似文献   

Eutrophication, coupled with loss of herbivory due to habitat degradation and overharvesting, has increased the frequency and severity of macroalgal blooms worldwide. Macroalgal blooms interfere with human activities in coastal areas, and sometimes necessitate costly algal removal programmes. They also have many detrimental effects on marine and estuarine ecosystems, including induction of hypoxia, release of toxic hydrogen sulphide into the sediments and atmosphere, and the loss of ecologically and economically important species. However, macroalgal blooms can also increase habitat complexity, provide organisms with food and shelter, and reduce other problems associated with eutrophication. These contrasting effects make their overall ecological impacts unclear. We conducted a systematic review and meta‐analysis to estimate the overall effects of macroalgal blooms on several key measures of ecosystem structure and functioning in marine ecosystems. We also evaluated some of the ecological and methodological factors that might explain the highly variable effects observed in different studies. Averaged across all studies, macroalgal blooms had negative effects on the abundance and species richness of marine organisms, but blooms by different algal taxa had different consequences, ranging from strong negative to strong positive effects. Blooms' effects on species richness also depended on the habitat where they occurred, with the strongest negative effects seen in sandy or muddy subtidal habitats and in the rocky intertidal. Invertebrate communities also appeared to be particularly sensitive to blooms, suffering reductions in their abundance, species richness, and diversity. The total net primary productivity, gross primary productivity, and respiration of benthic ecosystems were higher during macroalgal blooms, but blooms had negative effects on the productivity and respiration of other organisms. These results suggest that, in addition to their direct social and economic costs, macroalgal blooms have ecological effects that may alter their capacity to deliver important ecosystem services.  相似文献   

There is growing concern that modifications to the global environment such as ocean acidification and increased ultraviolet radiation may interact with anthropogenic pollutants to adversely affect the future marine environment. Despite this, little is known about the nature of the potential risks posed by such interactions. Here, we performed a multifactorial microcosm experiment to assess the impact of ocean acidification, ultraviolet B (UV‐B) radiation and oil hydrocarbon contamination on sediment chemistry, the microbial community (composition and function) and biochemical marker response of selected indicator species. We found that increased ocean acidification and oil contamination in the absence of UV‐B will significantly alter bacterial composition by, among other things, greatly reducing the relative abundance of Desulfobacterales, known to be important oil hydrocarbon degraders. Along with changes in bacterial composition, we identified concomitant shifts in the composition of oil hydrocarbons in the sediment and an increase in oxidative stress effects on our indicator species. Interestingly, our study identifies UV‐B as a critical component in the interaction between these factors, as its presence alleviates harmful effects caused by the combination of reduced pH and oil pollution. The model system used here shows that the interactive effect of reduced pH and oil contamination can adversely affect the structure and functioning of sediment benthic communities, with the potential to exacerbate the toxicity of oil hydrocarbons in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Plant biodiversity can enhance primary production in terrestrial ecosystems, but biodiversity effects are largely unstudied in the ocean. We conducted a series of field and mesocosm experiments to measure the relative effects of macroalgal identity and richness on primary productivity (net photosynthetic rate) and biomass accumulation in hard substratum subtidal communities in North Carolina, USA. Algal identity consistently and strongly affected production; species richness effects, although often significent, were subtle. Partitioning of the net biodiversity effect indicated that complementarity effects were always positive and species were usually more productive in mixtures than in monoculture. Surprisingly, slow growing species performed relatively better in the most diverse treatments than the most productive species, thus selection effects were consistently negative. Our results suggest that several basic mechanisms underlying terrestrial plant biodiversity effects also operate in algal-based marine ecosystems, and thus may be general.  相似文献   

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