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Strains of ' Streptococcus pluton ' isolated from honeybee larvae with European foul-brood from widely separate parts of the world represent a relatively homogeneous taxon; all are related serologically. Added cysteine or cystine make a variety of otherwise unsuitable nitrogen sources satisfactory for all strains, which all have the same fastidious culture requirements. Test strains lack respiratory quinones and possess a Group A peptidoglycan based upon lysine, primarily straight-chain and cyclopropane-ring fatty acids, and a DNA base composition of 29–30 G + C mol %. Results obtained indicate that the strains presently designated ' Strep. pluton ' should constitute the nucleus of a new genus.  相似文献   

The Indianspeciesof the ant genus Cerapachys Smith are keyed. Twelve species are recognized of which 6 are described as new. The species are: Cerapachys aitkenii Forel, Cerapachys alii sp. n., Cerapachys anokha sp. n., Cerapachys besucheti Brown, Cerapachys biroi Forel, Cerapachys indicus Brown, Cerapachys longitarsus (Mayr), Cerapachys nayana sp. n., Cerapachys schoedli sp. n., Cerapachys seema sp. n., Cerapachys sulcinodis Emery and Cerapachys wighti sp. n. Geographic distribution and group affinities of the new species are discussed. A revised key to the Indian species is provided. The rare ergatoid queens of Cerapachys nayana, Cerapachys schoedli and Cerapachys seema are reported. Formed in response to selective pressures these ergatoid queens have a significant role in dispersal strategies and contribute much to our understanding of the biology of these ants.  相似文献   

Fourteen species ofAsarum s. str.,Asiasarum andHeterotropa were studied cytotaxonomically. Their karyotypes and C-banding patterns were examined in detail. The results obtained were different in some important respects from previous reports related to the chromosomes of these plants, and were partially disharmonious with the assumptions presented for the relationships among these genera by some previous workers. Furthermore, it was confirmed thatAsarum s. str. (2n=26) (excludingAsarum leptophyllum),Asiasarum (2n=26),Heterotropa (2n=24) andAsarum leptophyllum (2n=24) are distinct from one another in the karyotype and the C-banding pattern of a few pairs of the small chromosomes in each set. The significance of these small chromosomes in considering the relationships among the plants concerned is discussed.  相似文献   

The karyotype and the C-banding pattern in two species ofHexastylis andAsarum epigynum were analysed in detail, and the results obtained were compared with those of the other species ofAsarum, Asiasarum andHeterotropa previously reported. The present results were partially different from the previous reports related to the karyotypes of these species. The karyotype observed in two species ofHexastylis (2n=26) was represented by ten pairs of metacentric chromosomes and three pairs of small subtelocentric chromosomes, which is very similar to that ofAsiasarum in eastern Asia. The C-banding patterns ofHexastylis andAsiasarum, however, were clearly different from each other. A striking difference was found in one of the three pairs of small subtelocentric chromosomes. A Formosan speciesAsarum epigynum had the somatic chromosome number 2n=12 and a highly asymmetrical karyotype composed of mainly subtelocentric chromosomes. These karyological features were remarkably different from those of the other groups inAsarum s.l.  相似文献   

The floral vascular anatomy of 12 species representing each ofAsarum s. str.,Asiasarum, Geotaenium, Heterotropa andHexastylis are compared to clarify intergeneric relationships. The five genera have basically similar structures in floral morphology and vasculature, and consistently have a six-carpelled compound ovary and the associated similar placental vasculature. They show, however, a significant difference in the position and the constituent of the “ventral” carpellary bundles in the placental axis betweenAsiasarum-Heterotropa-Hexastylis andAsarum-Geotaenium. InAsiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis the ventral bundles of each carpel are basically free and antilocular as expected in the least specialized compound ovary of angiosperms; in contrast, inAsarum andGeotaenium the ventral carpellary bundles are antiseptal and heterogenous (i.e., formed by the lateral fusion of ventral bundles of adjacent carpels). Shared probable apomorphic floral vasculature, as well as shared single style-column, suggests the closest mutual relationships betweenAsarum andGeotaenium. In terms of floral morphology and anatomy,Asiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis retain plesiomorphies. Possible chromosomal evolution in the related genera is also discussed.  相似文献   

中国鸡皮衣科地衣的分类研究Ⅰ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>鸡皮衣科Pertusariaceae隶属于鸡皮衣目Pertusariales。该科的主要特征是地衣体壳状,常缺乏下皮层;子囊器茶渍型,侧丝分枝结网状;子囊壁一般较厚,多为两层,顶部内  相似文献   

报道了采集自我国境内的皮司霉属Pithomyces 8个新种:山葵皮司霉P.arecastri sp.nov.,串珠皮司霉P.cateniformis sp.nov.,椭圆皮司霉P.ellipticus sp.nov.,蠕形皮司霉P.helminthosporioides sp.nov.,长柄皮司霉P.longipes sp.nov.,倒梨形皮司霉P.obpyriformis sp.nov.,络石皮司霉P.trachelospermi sp.nov.,和羊蹄甲皮司霉P.variegatae sp.nov.。2个中国新记录种:油棕生皮司霉P.elaeidicola和垫状皮司霉P.pulvinatus。新种分别进行了详实的拉丁文和中文描述并附图。研究标本(自然标本和干制培养物)保存于山东农业大学植物病理系标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

Taxonomic studies in Dasypyrum (Poaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dasypyrum (tribe Triticeae) is revised. Two species are recognized: the annual D. villosum (2n = 14) and the perennial D. breviaristatum (2n = 28). The typification of D. villosum is discussed. The combination D. hordeaceum is demonstrated to be based on a later homonym and for that reason a new combination, D. breviaristatum , is made. A key and a map showing the distribution of the species are presented. Interspecific hybridization and the phylogenetic relationships of the genus are discussed.  相似文献   

Eremopyrum (tribe Triticeae) is revised and 4 species are recognized: E. triticeum (2n = 14), E. orientate (2n = 28), E. distans (2n = 14) and E. bonaepartis (2n = 14,28). A key and maps showing the distribution of the species are presented. The relationships within Eremopyrum , including the origin of the tetraploids, and the relationships between Eremopyrum and other genera of the Triticeae are discussed.  相似文献   

报道了采集自我国境内的皮司霉属Pithomyces 8个新种:山葵皮司霉P.arecastri sp.nov.,串珠皮司霉P.cateniformis sp.nov.,椭圆皮司霉P.ellipticus sp.nov.,蠕形皮司霉P.helminthosporioides sp.nov.,长柄皮司霉P.longipes sp.nov.,倒梨形皮司霉P.obpyriformis sp.nov.,络石皮司霉P.trachelospermi sp.nov.,和羊蹄甲皮司霉P.variegatae sp.nov.。2个中国新记录种:油棕生皮司霉P.elaeidicola和垫状皮司霉P.pulvinatus。新种分别进行了详实的拉丁文和中文描述并附图。研究标本(自然标本和干制培养物)保存于山东农业大学植物病理系标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

The ploidy level and karyotype ofMuscari botryoides (s.l.) samples from Hungary (25 localities) and Romania (1 locality:locus classicus ofM. transsilvanicum) were determined. The Romanian sample proved to be diploid (2n=18), while in Hungary both diploid and tetraploid (2n=36) populations occurred. The karyotypes of all diploid populations were similar: 2 pairs of long acrocentric (one of them usually with satellites) + 3 pairs of medium-sized submetacentric-metacentric + 4 pairs of short ± metacentric chromosomes. All diploid populations in Hungary can be identified asM. transsilvanicum. There is no reason to support the taxonM. botryoides subsp.hungaricum because it does not differ from the sample collected at thelocus classicus ofM. transsilvanicum (Romania, Sibiu-Gu?teri?a) in any of the characteristics mentioned in its protologue. Its karyotype also corresponds to that ofM. transsilvanicum. Contrary to the former assumptions, the tetraploidM. botryoides is also native to Hungary. The tetraploid karyotype seems to be somewhat of a duplication of the diploid one. Morphological characters used in the identification keys are not suitable for unambiguous separation of the taxa mentioned above, though morphometric analyses revealed some quantitative differences between diploids and tetraploids. Their separation on species level can only be supported by the supposed reproductive barriers caused by different ploidy level and chorology. In HungaryM. transsilvanicum is restricted mostly to the Eupannonian Region, the Mecsek and Villány Mts.M. botryoides does not occur in the Eupannonicum, instead it inhabits the subatlantic hilly W and SW part of Hungary and the Northern Mountain Range. The latter territory (including also the Slovak localities) seems to be the easternmost extension of the area ofM. botryoides.  相似文献   

The concept of taxonomic sufficiency (identifying organisms only to a level of taxonomic resolution sufficient to satisfy the objectives of a study) has received little attention in ecological studies of terrestrial invertebrate assemblages. Here we critically evaluate three approaches to taxonomic sufficiency: the use of morphospecies, genera and functional groups. The objective was to compare estimates of richness (α diversity) and turnover (β diversity) of ant assemblages generated by these data with estimates produced using data for ant species. Ground-active ants were sampled using pitfall trapping within three habitat types: a eucalypt plantation, woodland regrowth patches and the surrounding grassland at a study site in the upper Hunter Valley, New South Wales. Comparisons of assemblage richness and turnover among taxonomic data sets and habitats and after different data transformations used univariate (simple correlation and ANOVA ) and multivariate (Mantel tests, ANOSIM and SSHMDS ) techniques. Our study found: (i) morphospecies and genus richness was highly correlated with species richness over the study area; (ii) ordination scatterplots using species, morphospecies and genus data revealed similar patterns of site separation for the three habitats; (iii) the results were very similar using untransformed, log transformed and binary data; (iv) functional group ordinations separated all three habitat types for untransformed abundance data; and (v) estimates of species turnover were highly correlated with estimates of morphospecies and genus turnover. These results are discussed in relation to future monitoring of ant community structure.  相似文献   

With the aim of making clear the boundaries between species in thePoa acroleucahisauchii-nipponica aggregate, chromosomes and morphological features of 746 collections gathered from 125 localities in Japan were examined. For morphological observations, the voucher specimens of 95 collections whose chromosome numbers were reported previously (Tateoka, 1985) were also used. Tetraploids (2n=28) and hexaploids (2n=42), as well as a few pentaploids which were the hybrids between 4× and 6×, were found. By examining morphological features of these collections, two groups were recognized in tetraploids and one in hexaploids. The two tetraploid groups corresponded toPoa acroleuca Steud. andP. hisauchii Honda, and the hexaploid group toP. nipponica Koidz. It was confirmed that the hairiness on the internerve surface of lemma, ligule hairiness and the length ratio of anther/ lemma are the most important features for discriminating between these species; panicle shape, leaf shape and anther length are also helpful for the identification. The ambiguity of the boundaries between species which was hitherto present in the taxonomy of this species aggregate was unrelated to the creation of nature itself but was attributable to the insufficiency of our research work.  相似文献   

张修国  张天宇 《菌物学报》2006,25(4):516-520
描述报道了细基格孢属Ulocladium Preuss 的4个新种韭细基格孢U. allii-tuberosi、栗细基格孢U. castaneae 、高粱细基格孢U. sorghi 和马蹄莲细基格孢U. zantedeschiae;3个中国新记录种黑细基格孢U. atrum、倒卵细基格孢U. obovoideum和奥德曼细基格孢U. oudemansii.对新种分别进行了拉丁文和中文描述,并附图.研究过的自然标本和干制培养物标本保存于山东农业大学植物病理系标本室(HSAUP).  相似文献   

双歧杆菌作为一种重要的益生菌,被广泛应用在乳制品和微生态制剂生产中。本文围绕双歧杆菌在《伯杰氏系统细菌学手册》中的演化历史、最新分类,以及其多相分类法的应用进行了阐述,并对近年来双歧杆菌属的新种做了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

East African material of the genus Hypoxis L. has preliminarily been divided into the heterogenous, probably apomictic H. obtusa Burch- complex (2n = 40–50, ca. 75, 76, ca. 85, >86, ca. 92, ca. 98, ca. 108, 130–135, 160–200) and 5 rather homogenous species: H. angustifolia Lam. (2n = 14, 28), H. goetzei Harms (2n = ca. 62), H. kilimanjarica Bak., H. malosana Bak. (2n = 14) and H. macrocarpa Holt & Staubo sp. nov. H. kilimanjarica is divided into ssp. kilimanjarica and ssp. prostrata Holt & Staubo ssp. nov.  相似文献   

A taxonomic methodology based on current keys and the ready availability of refrigerated slant media is presented. It utilizes defined media, surface inoculation, and reagent indicators which simplify final readings. Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids or Ammonium Sulfate (DIFCO) is used as a source of vitamins and trace nutrilites. The medium consists of the Seitz-filtered vitamin base (0.1 % w/v), nitrogen source (0.5 %), and carbon source (1.0 %) mixed into 1.5 % agar slants. Test inocula are taken from a vitamin base-ammonium sulfate-dextrose positive control slant. Cultures are incubated for 2–4 days at 25° C. Nitrate assimilation is tested with the usual sulfanilic acid-alphanaphthylamine reagents. Carbon assimilation is tested with 0.04 % aqueous brom-phenol-blue. These reagent tests help discriminate between negative, weak, and doubtful test results. Tables of test results onCryptococcus, Rhodotorula, and non-fermentingTorulopsis species are presented.
Zusammenfassung Eine taxonomische, an gegenwärtige Schlüssel gebundene Methode und die leichte Verfügbarkeit eines gekühlten, schrägen Nährbodens werden beschrieben. Es sind definierte Nährböden, Oberflächenverimpfung, und Reagensindikatoren benützt, um die Endablesung zu erleichtern. Hefen-Stickstoffbase mit Aminosäuren oder Ammonium sulfate (DIFCO) war als Vitaminquelle und als Spurnährstoffe benützt. Der Nährboden besteht aus einer Seitz-filtrierten Vitaminbase (0.1 % w/o), Stickstoffquelle (0.5 %) und Kohlenstoffquelle (1.0 %) mit einem 1.5 % Schrägagar. Testinoculums sind von einem positiven Kontrol-schrägagar mit Vitaminbase-Ammonium sulfate-Dextrose genommen. Kulturen sind für 2 bis 4 Tage bei 25° C bebrühtet. Nitrat-Assimilation ist mit dem üblichen sulfanilic acid-alphanaphtylamine Reagens getestet. Kohlenstoff-Assimilation ist mit 0.04 % wässerigem Bromphenol-blue getestet. Diese Reagenstests erleichtern die Unterscheidung unter den negativen, schwachen und zweifelhaften Testergebnissen. Testergebnisse anCryptocoscus, Rhodotorula und an nicht vergärendenTorulopsis-Arten sind beschrieben.

Presented at the American Society for Microbiology meeting in Miami Beach on May 5, 1969.  相似文献   

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