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Parasite communities of the Schlei Fjord (Baltic coast of northern Germany)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The parasite faunas of snails, mussels, crustaceans and small-sized fishes were investigated over a period of six months in the Schlei fjord, on the Baltic coast of Schleswig-Holstein. Two sites differing in salinities were compared: Missunde with 5–9 ‰ and Olpenitz with 12–20 ‰. Prevalences, number of host-parasite combinations, numbers of core and secondary species were generally higher in Olpenitz than in Missunde. In the latter site, only prevalences of cestodans in planktic copepods and the number of rare species were apparent. Specificity of parasites was relatively high in snails, mussels and fishes, but lower in benthic crustaceans. Parasites may survive in an extreme environment like brackish water by means of special strategies which differ from those acquired in the marine milieu: suspension of specificity, adaptation to hosts which are genuine brackish water species, extension of host spectra, and shortening of life-cycles. Although the parasite communities of the Schlei fjord were primarily influenced by the prevailing salinities, the influence of other factors, e.g. environmental stress, was also confirmed. Whereas generally low prevalences in Missunde may contradict Thienemann’s biocoenotic rule, planktic parasites infested their hosts often at higher rates than in Olpenitz. This phenomenon is explained by the poorer environmental condition of the benthal zone in Missunde compared to that of the pelagial or the benthal zones of Olpenitz.  相似文献   

The present study tests whether relationships between macroalgal cover and water quality, recently developed for Danish coastal waters, are more universal and also applies at the other extreme of the Baltic Sea in Finnish coastal waters. We found that algal cover increases as a function of Secchi depth according to the same logarithmic function in Danish and Finnish coastal waters. Algal cover at a given depth (here modelled for 4 m) increases with increasing Secchi depth and approaches a maximum at the high Secchi depths found in the clearest areas of the Danish coastal waters. For a given Secchi depth the combined Danish/Finnish algal model thus predicts a similar cover of the algal community at a given water depth at both extremes of the Baltic Sea which represent quite different algal habitats. These results suggest that light limitation, and thus shading effects of eutrophication may cause similar reductions of macroalgal cover across ecosystems.  相似文献   

We studied the vertical structure of the phytoplankton community in two toxic cyanobacterial blooms in the offshore Baltic Sea. In 1994, vertically separated potentially toxic, diazotrophic and mixotrophic species (belonging to Cyanophyceae, Dinophyceae and Prymnesiophyceae) dominated. In 1997, picocyanobacteria, mainly in colonies, made up 40–50% of the total phytoplankton carbon biomass in the top 20 m both day and night. Colony-forming species of picocyanobacteria seem to be occasionally important and hitherto underestimated in the Baltic Sea.We found species-specific depth distribution patterns. Nodularia spumigena and Anabaena spp. were observed mainly above 10 m depth, while Aphanizomenon sp. was mostly found deeper, especially at night. Dinophysis norvegica was only abundant near the seasonal pycnocline and showed very limited diurnal migration. Other flagellates, including small Cryptophyceae and 10 identified Chrysochromulina species, occurred down to 40 m depth. Their vertical migration may help to retrieve nutrients from below the summer pycnocline.We conclude that considerable differences in dominating functional groups may occur between years/bloom stages, and that the vertical distribution pattern of many species is recurring at similar environmental conditions, suggesting species-specific niche-separation.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur frequently in the South China Sea (SCS), causing enormous economic losses in aquaculture. We analyzed historical HAB records during the period from 1980 to 2003 in SCS. We found that HABs-affected areas have expanded and the frequency of HABs varied during this period. The seasonal and annual variations, as well as causative algal species of HABs are different among the four regions. Areas with frequent HABs include the Pearl River Estuary (China), the Manila Bay (the Philippines), the Masinloc Bay (the Philippines), and the western coast of Sabah (Malaysia). HABs occurred frequently during March–May in the northern region of SCS, May–July in the eastern region, July in the western region, and year-round in the southern region. Among the species that cause HABs, Noctiluca scintillans dominated in the northern region, and Pyrodinium bahamense in the southern and eastern regions. Causative species also varied in different years for the entire SCS. Both P. bahamense and N. scintillans were the dominant species during 1980–2003. Some species not previously recorded formed blooms during 1991–2003, including Phaeocystis globosa, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Heterosigma akashiwo, and Mesodinium rubrum. Variations in HABs are related to various regional conditions, such as a reversed monsoon wind in the entire SCS, river discharges in the northern area, upwelling in Vietnam coastal waters during southwest winds and near Malaysia coastal waters during northeast winds, and eutrophication from coastal aquaculture in the Pearl River estuary, Manila Bay, and Masinloc Bay. Handling editor: D. Hamilton  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the zoobenthos of southwest Mecklenburg Bay were studied using routine survey data collected in 1980–94. Earlier studies suggested that long-term oxygen deficiency on the scale of several months affects the zones below 20 m depth. Episodic benthic recolonization occurred during periods with improved oxygen conditions, as a rule by opportunistic polychaetes followed by some actively immigrating adult species. However, these observations were restricted to central and southern Lübeck Bay. Our recent data indicate that benthic recolonization exhibits greater regularity along the northern shore of Lübeck Bay. Special wind conditions and water exchange processes in the western Baltic Sea are likely to displace the deep water in northern Lübeck Bay more rapidly than in the southern zones. By means of multidimensional scaling, two types of episodic recruitment are identified in the benthos that are probably related to enhanced nitrogen discharge through river runoff in the winter and exceptionally weak water stratification in the summer.  相似文献   

Populations of the lizard Zootoca vivipara (Juaquin, 1787) (Lacertidae, Sauria) from Western and Central Europe are poorly differentiated in morphology. However, they differ from each other by several karyotype markers and their reproductive mode (oviparous and viviparous types). Here we report for the first time the results of combined investigations of Z. vivipara from Eastern Europe (the Baltic Sea basin of Western Russia). The karyotype and reproductive mode of the specimens from four previously not examined populations in Kaliningrad region have been studied. It has been shown that these lizards have viviparous mode of reproduction and their karyotypes vary on morphology of W-sex chromosomes. Females possess 2n = 35 : 32 A + Z1Z2W, with W--SV and 2n = 35 : 32 A + Z1Z2W, with W--A/ST. We have identified these populations karyologically and have first revealed that they belong to two different viviparous forms of nominative subspecies Z. v. vivipara, namely to its "western" and "Russian (eastern)" forms. These data have confirmed that the Baltic Sea basin in Eastern Europe is a zone of secondary contact of these chromosomal forms of Z. v. vivipara. The results obtained do not now allow us to speak about their sympatry, parapatry and (or) hybridization events. The results suggest that during postglasial time "western" form might colonize this region from western Europe whereas "Russian (eastern)" form might do it from Southern-Eastern Europe. It has been recommended to save the biodiversity of Z. vivipara in Kaliningrad region, namely the peripheral and very rare on vast territory of Russia "western" form and unique for western region of Russia "Russian (eastern)" form.  相似文献   

This study compares two stations each sampled at the Øresund (Denmark) and the German coast (western Baltic Sea), with respect to sublittoral Harpacticoida. The associations were found to differ considerably in diversity, species numbers, evenness and also in the species composition. At the two northern stations, mainly polyhaline species were found and they showed the highest species and individual numbers as well as the most even species distribution. At the two southern stations, mainly pleiomesohaline species were found and they were dominated by one species that was very resistant to eutrophication, so that they showed an uneven species distribution, but also had lower individual numbers and thus lower diversity. Some samples at the German coast were found to have an extremely low harpacticoid number, which was attributed to the severe oxygen deficiency that occurred in autumn 2002 in the western Baltic Sea. This can also be considered to be the main reason for the low species diversity of the southern stations.  相似文献   

Populations of the common mussel ( Mytilus edulis ) from the North Sea area (Skakerrak-Kattegat) and those from the Baltic Sea are almost diagnostically differentiated at five out of 22 studied allozyme loci; at a further seven loci, alleles predominant or common in one area are nearly absent in the other. Genetic distance was estimated at 0.28; this is similar to the distances of these populations to the Mediterranean mussel M. galloprovincialis. The three mussel types obviously represent equal evolutionary divergence from one another, and should also be taxonomically equally separated; a semispecies rank within a more comprehensive M. edulis complex or superspecies is suggested. The age of the Baltic mussel type ( 'M. trossulus' ), as an independent evolutionary lineage, is probably far greater than that of the post-glacial Baltic Sea.
Allele frequencies change gradually and in parallel when entering from the Kattegat through the Sound into the Baltic. Only a slight Wahlund effect at the strongly diverged Gpi and Pgm loci was found in intermediate populations, indicating that extensive hybridization of the two taxa takes place in the area. However, strong interlocus genotypic associations suggest that selection against hybrids is intense in later generations; the c. 100 km wide hybrid zone is narrow relative to the dispersal distance. The genotypic structure of the Lap locus does not conform with those of the other loci studied in the hybrid zone; it cannot be viewed merely as a neutral marker of the process of hybridization.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA based analysis of the pattern of genetic diversity among three coastal and five freshwater populations of pikeperch Sander lucioperca in the northern part of the Baltic Sea drainage basin indicated marked genetic differentiation between the coastal and lake populations. The F(st) between these population groups was as high as 0.25 and R(st) =0.32. In general, the lake populations showed higher genetic diversity than the coastal ones. In terms of genetic distance, the three coastal populations (Vanhankaupunginlahti, V?stanfj?rd and Taivassalo) grouped tightly together. The freshwater samples formed a looser group, in which the northern Lake Kemij?rvi showed greater distance from the southern lakes than these did from each other. The two lake populations originally established through stockings (Lakes Painio and Averia) grouped near to their source population of Lake Lohjanj?rvi and their diversity level was nearly the same. Safeguarding the unique Baltic coastal populations of S. lucioperca against gene flow from increasing hatchery releases using freshwater S. lucioperca should be a high management priority.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial bloom samples from the Gulf of Finland (northern Baltic Sea) were collected in July 2003 and analyzed for microcystins and nodularins, cyanobacterial peptide hepatotoxins, by ELISA, HPLC-UV and LC-MS. The blooms consisted mainly of the genera Nodularia, Anabaena and Aphanizomenon. The main hepatotoxin in the samples was nodularin-R (Nod-R), all the samples also contained demethylnodularin-R. The presence of microcystin-LR was confirmed in three locations out of nine by multiple reactant monitoring on the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. This is the first reported finding of microcystins in the Baltic Sea from the open sea area. Anabaena was the likely producer of microcystin-LR in the samples.  相似文献   

Abstract To simulate the occurrence of bacterial and algal blooms in the Dead Sea, we filled 5.6 m3 outdoor ponds with mixtures of Dead Sea water and Mediterranean water, at different seasons, and studied the effect of salinity and of addition of glycerol, glucose and different concentrations of phosphate on the rate and extent of bacterial and algal growth. Addition of phosphate appeared to be essential for the development of mass blooms of both the green alga Dunaliella and of the red halobacteria. In the presence of phosphate the growth rates were high only when the Dead Sea water was diluted by at least 25–35% with Mediterranean water. Also, at low temperatures (14–17°C) mass blooms of bacteria and algae occurred, but growth rates were reduced, and the maximal salinity at which growth was observed shifted to a lower value. Glucose, glycerol and a Dunaliella bloom all proved to be suitable carbon sources for mass development of halobacteria.  相似文献   

Two freshwater populations and one marine population (Baltic Sea) of threespine stickeback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from Northeastern Germany were studied with regard to locomotory capacity: sustained swimming performance, activities of key enzymes in axial muscle, pectoral fin muscle and heart, and morphology. We postulated that life history differences between migratory Baltic Sea and resident freshwater populations could have led to a divergence in their locomotory capacity. The activity of citrate synthase (CS) in pectoral muscle correlated with critical swimming speed. Critical swimming speed, aerobic and anaerobic capacity of the pectoral fin muscle were population-specific. The Baltic Sea sticklebacks had a higher locomotory capacity (activity of CS in pectoral muscle, critical swimming speed) than sticklebacks of one freshwater population. However, another freshwater population expressed a similar locomotory capacity as the Baltic Sea population. In addition, Baltic Sea sticklebacks had a greater mass and lower anaerobic capacity of the pectoral fin muscle than the freshwater sticklebacks. The results are interpreted as an indication of a proceeding divergence between marine and resident freshwater populations and between freshwater populations of G. aculeatus originating from marine ancestors. The migratory Baltic Sea sticklebacks had better morphological prerequisites for sustained swimming than both freshwater populations, but there was no general difference in the locomotory capacity between marine and freshwater sticklebacks. However, their morphology could favour a more effective locomotion in the Baltic Sea sticklebacks.  相似文献   

From the observed pattern of aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase activities in the Baltic Sea, the question arose whether there is an interaction between the activities of both enzymes. In experiments with 0.8 m filtered seawater, the effects of commercial alkaline phosphatase on bacterial aminopeptidase, the effects of commercial peptidase on bacterial alkaline phosphatase activity (APA), and the effects of proteins, carbohydrates and inorganic nutrients on the activities of both enzymes were investigated.Addition of commercial alkaline phosphatase stimulated bacterial aminopeptidase activity and, similarly, the addition of commercial peptidase increased the APA in bacteria. The proteins, albumin and casein, stimulated aminopeptidase activity and APA simultaneously. Experiments using ammonium and glucose suggested that stimulation of APA by peptidase could be mediated by nitrogen and carbon availability. There were also some indications that stimulation of aminopeptidase activity by alkaline phosphatase functioned by catalysing phosphate release from organic phosphorus compounds.  相似文献   

Stomach content composition and prey‐specific consumption rates of juvenile and adult harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) were estimated from a data set including 339 stomachs collected over a 32 yr period (1980–2011) in the western Baltic Sea. The stomach contents were mainly hard parts of fish prey and in particular otoliths. The bias originating from differential residence time of otoliths in the stomachs was addressed by use of a recently developed approach. Atlantic cod and herring were the main prey of adults, constituting on average 70% of the diet mass. Juvenile porpoises also frequently consumed gobies. Here, the mass contribution by gobies was on average 25%, which was as much as cod. Other species such as whiting, sprat, eelpout, and sandeels were of minor importance for both juveniles and adults. The diet composition differed between years, quarters, and porpoise acquisition method. Yearly consumption rates for porpoises in the western Baltic Sea were obtained in three scenarios on the daily energy requirements of a porpoise in combination with an estimate including the 95% CLs of the porpoise population size. Cod of age groups 1 and 2 and intermediate‐sized herring suffered the highest predation from porpoises.  相似文献   

赫冬梅  段舜山 《生态科学》2011,30(4):454-458
海洋生态系统是地球生物圈的重要组成部分。目前,人类活动已经严重破坏了海洋生态系统,导致了海洋生态系统的失衡。赤潮的发生正是这种不平衡的具体体现。文章讨论了人类活动对海洋生态系统的负面影响以及对近海海域赤潮发生的推波助澜作用;主要综述了影响赤潮发生和消亡的生态条件及环境影响因子。最后,强调了学科交叉研究在管理和防范赤潮的发生,维护近海海洋生态系统健康服务功能的必要性,并提出了一些相应的对策和措施。  相似文献   

Blooms of the green macroalga Ulva prolifera in the western Yellow Sea occurred every year since 2008, and they have been reported and studied extensively using a variety of means including remote sensing. However, to date, long-term bloom patterns have not been reported except for a few case studies showing examples in different years. Here, using MODIS observations and an objective method to perform statistical analysis, mean Ulva coverage in the western Yellow Sea has been derived and analyzed between 2007 and 2015 at both monthly and annual scales. On annual scale, mean Ulva coverage decreased after 2008, but increased rapidly after 2012 from 8 km2 in 2012 to 116 km2 in 2015 (the largest ever reported in history for this region). In the month of June the mean coverage increased from 18 km2 in 2012 to 363 km2 in 2015. Other than 2009 and 2010, the month of June showed maximum Ulva coverage in every year. These coverage estimates are significantly lower than previously reported values as they represent “pure” algae coverage after taking into account of partial pixel coverage. Several environmental factors were examined in an attempt to determine the reasons behind such long-term changes, yet the results are inconclusive, suggesting a strong necessity of further coordinated and multi-disciplinary researches.  相似文献   

The planktonic and epibenthic crustacean fauna from two sites of the brackish Schlei fjord, Northern Germany, was investigated over a six-month period. Calanoid and cyclopoid copepods were more abundant in lower salinities, whereas, benthic decapods, isopods and amphipods prevailed in the site of higher salinity. Cestodan larvae were found only in spring which may be due to the timing of the respective life-cycles. Parasites of benthic crustaceans, mostly digenean metacercariae but also cestodans, acanthocephalans and nematodes, appeared from spring to late summer. Decreasing salinities caused lower intensities of the most abundant parasite,Maritrema subdolum; only the true brackish-water species among the hosts were more heavily infested than those found in higher salinities. The correlation of parasite size and host size at infestation became apparent. Therefore,Crangon crangon is an optimal host for the largePodocotyle atomon metacercariae. Coevolutive trends between some hosts and parasites are made evident.  相似文献   

Colony-forming cyanobacteria of the genus Aphanizomenon form massive blooms in the brackish water of the Baltic Sea during the warmest summer months. There have been recent suggestions claiming that the Baltic Sea Aphanizomenon species may be different from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae found in lakes. In this study, we examined variability in the morphology and 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of A. flos-aquae populations along a salinity gradient from a string of lakes to a fjord-like extension of the Baltic Sea to the open Baltic Sea. Morphological differences among the populations were negligible. We found that the Baltic Sea was dominated (25 out of 27 sequences) by one ITS1-S (shorter band of ITS 1 [ITS1]) genotype, which also was found in the lakes. The lake populations of A. flos-aquae tended to be genetically more diverse than the Baltic Sea populations. Since the lake ITS1-S genotypes of A. flos-aquae are continuously introduced to the Baltic Sea via inflowing waters, it seems that only one ITS1 genotype is able to persist in the Baltic Sea populations. The results suggest that one of the ITS1-S genotypes found in the lakes is better adapted to the conditions of the Baltic Sea and that natural selection removes most of the lake genotypes from the Baltic Sea A. flos-aquae populations.  相似文献   

Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (AAPB) are a new functional group of heterotrophic bacteria capable of phototrophy, and are suggested to be closely related with phytoplankton. However, less known is the relationship between AAPB and dominant phytoplankton populations. In this tudy, the responses of AAPB to algal blooms (ABs) in the AB-frequent-occurrence area of the East China Sea were investigated during four cruises from March to June 2005, using an advanced ‘Time-series observation-based cyanobacteria-calibrated InfraRed Epifluorescence Microscopy (TIREM)’ approach. Generally, total bacterial abundances at the bloom stations were higher than or similar to those at the non-bloom stations during the same time period. Interestingly, the responses of AAPB to ABs seemed to be more diverse and complex. AAPB abundance was higher at the stations with ABs where Thalassiosira curviseriata Takano and Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve, Noctiluca scintillans (Macartney) Kofoid et Swezy, or Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu and Karenia mikimotoi Hansen co-dominated than those at the non-bloom stations during the same time period. However at the stations with a bloom of Akashiwo sanguinea Hansen, AAPB abundance only accounted for ~20% of the average abundance of AAPB at the non-bloom stations. In addition, variations of AAPB’s proportion to total bacterial abundance (AAPB%) in response to ABs basically followed AAPB abundance. Overall, our results suggest that the responses of AAPB to ABs are AB-species specific and somewhat independent of chlorophyll a concentration.  相似文献   

The occurrences of harmful algal blooms (HABs), in terms of frequency and area in the Chinese coastal waters, have been increasing since 1980s and caused considerable economic losses. In the present study, we have analyzed spatial and seasonal characteristics of HAB events in the southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea along Chinese coast from 1933 to 2004. With a total 435 HAB records, the most frequent HAB occurrence area (FHA) is off the Yangtze River mouth and another two FHA areas are located south of the Yangtze River estuary along about isobaths of 30–60 m coastal water in the East China Sea. The time of HAB occurrence shifted during our study period: from autumn (August–October) before 1980s to July–August in 1980s, during May–July in 1990s, and May–June for the period of 2000–2004. Causative species were found to be different: Noctiluca scintillans and Skeletonema costatum were dominant causative species prior to 2000; and Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu was dominant from 2000 to 2004 and also caused large blooms in May. Trichodesmium sp. caused many HABs in autumn (August–October) prior to 1980s with only one HAB between 1980 and 2004. The changes of the dominant HAB species may have affected the timings of HAB occurrence, as well as the increasing HAB-affected areas in recent years.  相似文献   

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