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Summary The origin of the limiting membranes of autophagic vacuoles (AV) in mouse hepatocytes was studied by cytochemical techniques. Autophagocytosis was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of vinblastine (50 mg/kg). The marker enzymes used were adenosine triphosphatase for the plasma membrane, glucose-6-phosphatase for the endoplasmic reticulum and thiamine pyrophosphatase for the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum. All the three enzymes showed a characteristic localization in both control and vinblastine-treated hepatocytes. The space between the limiting membranes of a few apparently newly formed AV's showed weak glucose-6-phosphatase activity. Neither adenosine triphosphatase nor thiamine pyrophosphatase activities were observed on or between the AV membranes. It was suggested that endoplasmic reticulum membranes may be used as a source of AV membranes in hepatocytes. The lack of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in the limiting membranes even of most of the newly formed AV's suggests a transformation process of the membranes destined to form AV, during which the enzyme activity characteristic for endoplasmic reticulum may disappear from them.  相似文献   

The origin of the limiting membranes of autophagic vacuoles (AV) in mouse hepatocytes was studied by cytochemical techniques. Autophagocytosis was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of vinblastine (50 mg/kg). The marker enzymes used were adenosine triphosphatase for the plasma membrane, glucose-6-phosphatase for the endoplasmic reticulum and thiamine pyrophosphatase for the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum. All the three enzymes showed a characteristic localization in both control and vinblastine-treated hepatocytes. The space between the limiting membranes of a few apparently newly formed AV's showed weak glucose-6-phosphatase activity. Neither adenosine triphosphatase nor thiamine pyrophosphatase activities were observed on or between the AV membranes. It was suggested that endoplasmic reticulum membranes may be used as a source of AV membranes in hepatocytes. The lack of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in the limiting membranes even of most of the newly formed AV's suggests a transformation process of the membranes destined to form AV, during which the enzyme activity characteristic for endoplasmic reticulum may disappear from them.  相似文献   

Summary The origin of the membranes of autophagic vacuoles (AV) and acquisition of acid phosphatase into AV's were studied in vinblastine-induced autophagocytosis (VBL, 50 mg/kg, i.p.) in mouse hepatocytes. Using unbuffered OsO4, very intense staining was observed in the outer cisternae of the Golgi apparatus and also frequently in the cavity between the double membranes obviously destined to form AV's as well as in the cavity between the double membranes of newly formed AV's. There may occur a transformation process in the membranes limiting an AV analogous to that observed at the Golgi cisternae. The transformation of the outer AV membrane occurs independently of fusion with lysosomes. Inosine diphosphatase activity was localized within the cisternae and on the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and occasionally within the innermost cisterna of the Golgi apparatus. The results together with the unbuffered OsO4-staining pattern suggest that the membranes of most AV's are derived from the transformed smooth surfaced cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum which do not have inosine diphosphatase activity. Acid phosphatase activity was localized in lysosomes, occasionally within the innermost cisternae of the Golgi apparatus, between the double membranes of a few newly formed AV's and within most older single membrane-limited AV's. VBL did not prevent the fusion of lysosomes with AV's.This research was supported by grants from the Ellen and Artturi Nyyssönen Foundation and the Heikki and Hilma Honkanen Foundation  相似文献   

Summary The origin and the structure of the limiting membranes of autophagic vacuoles (AV) in mouse hepatocytes was studied using cytochemical techniques. Autophagocytosis was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of viblastine (50 mg/kg). Imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide impregnation was used as a marker for unsaturated fatty acids, and uranyl-lead-copper impregnation for the, determination of possible connections of AV membranes with the other cellular membranes.AV membranes stained strongly with both techniques. The staining pattern of AV membranes differed from that of the other cellular membranes. AV's were frequently seen to fuse with vesicles containing very low density lipoprotein particles. No other connections of AV membranes with other cellular membranes were observed. The results suggest that if pre-existing cellular membranes are used in AV formation some kind of transformation must occur in these membranes during AV formation. The content of unsaturated fatty acids appears to be high in AV membranes.  相似文献   

The microtubule inhibitor vinblastine (25 mg/kg, i.p.) induces autophagocytosis in mouse hepatocytes. The formation of autophagic vacuoles, their contents, and other cellular changes after vinblastine injection in hepatocytes, were studied by light and electron microscopic morphometric analysis. The volume density of autophagic vacuoles increased significantly during the experimental period (24 h). This increase was due to the significant increase in their number, which was approximately 5-fold 4 h, 12 h and 24 h after vinblastine injection. The mean volume of the autophagic vacuoles increased significantly 1 h after vinblastine injection, at which time the formation of new autophagic vacuoles was at its greatest. There was an accumulation of single membrane-limited, obviously older autophagic vacuoles in the cytoplasm. Their volume density was at its maximum 12 h after injection, suggesting a retarded turnover of autophagic vacuoles. The segregation of cytoplasmic components into autophagic vacuoles may not be selective after vinblastine injection. The injurious effects of vinblastine were evident both in light and electron microscopic studies. In the parenchymal cells the Golgi cisternae were dilated and disorganized and the volume density of the Golgi apparatus was significantly decreased 12 h after vinblastine injection. The volume density of lysosomes was increased during the 12 h after vinblastine injection. Vesicles containing very low density lipoprotein particles accumulated in the cytoplasm so that their volume density was significantly increased during the entire experimental period. Vinblastine apparently interfered with the transport and secretion of the very low density lipoproteins from the parenchymal cells.  相似文献   

The origin of the membranes of autophagic vacuoles (AV) and acquisition of acid phosphatase into AV's were studied in vinblastine-induced autophagocytosis (VBL, 50 mg/kg, i.p.) in mouse hepatocytes. Using unbuffered OsO4, very intense staining was observed in the outer cisternae of the Golgi apparatus and also frequently in the cavity between the double membranes obviously destined to form AV's as well as in the cavity between the double membranes of newly formed AV's. There may occur a transformation process in the membranes limiting an AV analogous to that observed at the Golgi cisternae. The transformation of the outer AV membrane occurs independently of fusion with lysosomes. Inosine diphosphatase activity was localized within the cisternae and on the membranes of the endoplasmic recticulum and occasionally within the innermost cisterna of the Golgi apparatus. The results together with the unbuffered OsO4-staining pattern suggest that the membranes of most AV's are derived from the transformed smooth surfaced cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum which do not have inosine diphosphatase activity. Acid phosphatase activity was localized in lysosomes, occasionally within the innermost cisternae of the Golgi apparatus, between the double membranes of a few newly formed AV's and within most older single membranes of a few newly formed AV's and within most older single membrane-limited AV's. VBL did not prevent the fusion of lysosomes with AV's.  相似文献   

The effect of energy deprivation on autophagocytosis in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells was studied using cytochemical techniques. Autophagocytosis was induced with vinblastine incubation (0.1 mM) and the cellular ATP-level was lowered with 2-deoxy-D-glucose (0.35 mM). Acid phosphatase was used as a marker for lysosomal enzymes and imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide impregnation in order to study the effects of energy deprivation on the maturation of autophagic vacuole (AV) membranes. Control and vinblastine treated cells maintained their ATP-levels throughout the incubation period tested (120 min). 2-Deoxy-D-glucose alone and with vinblastine decreased the intracellular ATP-level significantly after only 3 min incubation. Most of the AV's in control and vinblastine treated cells contained degraded material and acid phosphatase activity. Their membranes were stained only slightly or not at all with imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide. 2-Deoxy-D-glucose alone as well as with vinblastine induced in particular an accumulation of early stages of AV's. These vacuoles contained undegraded cytoplasmic material and no acid phosphatase activity and their membranes were stained usually partly with imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide. The membranes of some early AV's resembled endoplasmic reticulum and still had attached ribosomes. It was concluded that the inhibition of cellular energy production used in the present study did not inhibit autophagic sequestration but retarded the maturation of AV membranes and impaired the functioning of lysosomal hydrolases.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of energy deprivation on autophagocytosis in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells was studied using cytochemical techniques. Autophagocytosis was induced with vinblastine incubation (0.1 mM) and the cellular ATP-level was lowered with 2-deoxy-d-glucose (0.35 mM). Acid phosphatase was used as a marker for lysosomal enzymes and imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide impregnation in order to study the effects of energy deprivation on the maturation of autophagic vacuole (AV) membranes.Control and vinblastine treated cells maintained their ATP-levels throughout the incubation period tested (120 min). 2-Deoxy-d-glucose alone and with vinblastine decreased the intracellular ATP-level significantly after only 3 min incubation. Most of the AV's in control and vinblastine treated cells contained degraded material and acid phosphatase activity. Their membranes were stained only slightly or not at all with imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide. 2-Deoxy-d-glucose alone as well as with vinblastine induced in particular an accumulation of early stages of AV's. These vacuoles contained undegraded cytoplasmic material and no acid phosphatase activity and their membranes were stained usually partly with imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide. The membranes of some early AV's resembled endoplasmic reticulum and still had attached ribosomes.It was concluded that the inhibition of cellular energy production used in the present study did not inhibit autophagic sequestration but retarded the maturation of AV membranes and impaired the functioning of lysosomal hydrolases.  相似文献   

Administration of vinblastine (5 mg/kg) in two doses intraperitoneally to rats induced a prominent formation of autophagic vacuoles in rat liver parenchymal cells. Four hours after the first injection of vinblastine, clearly recognizable organelles were seen inside these vacuoles, and by 12 h the cells were filled with residual body type of lysosomes. As compared with glucagon administration, vinblastine was followed by a far greater degree of autophagy, and therefore, offers an excellent model for future studies on autophagy.  相似文献   

Activities of glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase) and other phosphatases were determined in nuclei, nuclear membrane and microsomal fractions and subfractions, and condensed chromatin isolated from the liver of adult, newly born and prenatal rats. The purity of the fractions was controlled by electron microscopic morphometry and by measurement of various marker enzymes. The specific G-6-Pase activity of the nuclear membranes was found to be about 60% that of the microsomes. However, when calculated on the basis of the phospholipid content, all fractions had similar activities. Determinations of G-6-Pase enrichments and recoveries were also made. The correspondence of the hydrolysing activities of glucose-6-phosphate, mannose-6-phosphate, and inorganic pyrophosphate, together with various phosphotransferases, showed the same association of the G-6-Pase with these enzymes in the nuclear envelope as in the microsomal membranes. G-6-Pase was also demonstrated in the fractions by cytochemistry, and the activity was localized alongside the cisternal surfaces of both, inner and outer, nuclear membrane. ‘Free’ inner nuclear membrane fragments contained also G-6-Pase. No activity was observed at the nuclear pore complexes. Both, nuclear and microsomal membranes revealed a parallel rapid perinatal increase of G-6-Pase activity climaxing at 23 to 28 h after birth. Triton-X-100 treatment of isolated nuclei, which was found not to selectively release outer nuclear membranes, resulted in a great decrease of G-6-Pase activity as well as in losses of membrane phospholipids. The results clarify the divergence of earlier reports concerning the presence of G-6-Pase in the perinuclear cisterna and add biochemical evidence to the morphologically derived view of the nuclear envelope as being a special form of the ER system.  相似文献   

Cytochemical techniques were used to study chromatin during spermiogenesis and sperm maturation in the mouse, starting from the stages at which the substitution of somatic histones by testis-specific proteins occurs. It was possible to distinguish and analyze the different temporal incidence of two processes involved in sperm maturation, i.e. chromatin condensation (a tridimensional highly compacted arrangement) and chromatin stabilization (a tough structure, which protects the genome DNA). The first process, involving a reduction in the nuclear size and a decrease in the amount of sperm DNA accessible to specific cytochemical reactions and stainings, was found to reach its maximum in caput-epididymidis spermatozoa, in which electron microscopy revealed that the sheared chromatin was mainly organized into 120-A-thick knobby fibers. No further changes were found in sperm up to their appearance in the fallopian tubes. On the contrary, chromatin stabilization, the onset of which occurs in the testis (at the late spermatid stage) via the formation of -S-S- cross-links, is completed in the vas deferens, where chromatin has a superstructure consisting of thicker fibers, with diameters of 210 and 350 A. The reductive cleavage of disulfides in vas-deferens spermatozoa does not completely destroy the superstructure of sperm chromatin, which could indicate 'coiling' of the basic knobby fiber. In fact, when the ion concentration was increased, the chromatin of vas-deferens spermatozoa appeared to be organized into fibers with diameters similar to those of the caput epididymidis. This unique organization of mature sperm chromatin should have an essential role in the fast swelling of spermatozoa during fertilization.  相似文献   

The coating of mouse myocardial cells has been investigated with a variety of cytochemical methods. The coating of the surface membrane gives a positive reaction with ruthenium red, colloidal thorium, phosphotungstic acid (PTA) at low pH, silver methenamine after periodic oxidation (PA-silver technique) and with silver proteinate after periodic oxidation and thiocarbohydrazide treatment (PA-TCH-silver technique). The coating of the T system gives almost similar results. The nexuses do not react with PTA nor with the PA-silver and PA-TCH-silver techniques, but they are strongly stained with ruthenium red which reveals periodic structures in their gaps. The specificities of the colloidal thorium technique and PAT staining have been tested by chemical treatments (methylation, acetylation, saponification), enzymatic digestions (pronase, trypsin, hyaluronidase, neuraminidase) and carbohydrate extractions (with 0.1 N NaOH and 0.05 M H2SO4). These cytochemical data indicate, considering the specificity of the reactions, that the coating of the membrane surface and the T system contains polyanionic groups. A part of them, at least, would belong to a carbohydrate-containing material (glycoproteins), whereas at the level of nexuses the sugar residues would probably be absent.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma membranes were isolated under hypotonic conditions from rat and mouse livers and five hepatomas, i.e. one rather anaplastic rat hepatoma (and its subline) and three well-differentiated mouse hepatomas. All these membranes contained some 25% protein soluble in 0.15m NaCl. Evidence is presented that this protein is mainly, if not exclusively of nonmembranous origin. Protein/phospholipid P (P=phosphorus) ratios did not differ significantly for the various plasma membrane species except the rat-hepatoma subline, which showed a markedly lower ratio and was thus identified. Hepatoma membranes contained more P of a nonphospholipid nature than did liver membranes and to this increase contributed in all instances an increased RNA content and in some cases also an increased DNA content. The presence of DNA in these plasma membranes is artefactual, but that of RNA is more complicated. Artefactually, Ca2+-associated RNA of low mol wt and soluble in 0.15m NaCl, and residual RNA (genuine?, in liver membranes less than 1% in respect of protein) have been demonstrated. The increase in hepatoma-membrane RNA is attributed to the ribosomal RNA of the few microsomal vesicles which are structurally connected with these plasma membranes. The sialic acid content and the percentage of neuraminidase-resistant sialic acid of hepatoma as compared with liver membranes was either similar or changed, depending on the hepatoma strain. Gelfiltration of trypsin-released peptides of liver plasma membranes showed hexosamine and hexose to be confined to the sialic acidcontaining fractions. In spite of quantitative differences among fractions, the relative contents of the three carbohydrates in the combined fractions were (about) similar to those in intact liver membranes. Similar experiments with the rat-hepatoma membranes showed a changed carbohydrate expression.  相似文献   

Catechol-o-methyl transferase is usually localized predominantly in the cytosol fraction of cells, but fractionation of mouse liver showed plasma membranes contain ~ 70% of the total enzyme activity and have a specific activity ~ 10x greater than the cytosol fraction. Treatment of the membrane fraction with Lubrol-PX solubilized 47% of the membrane protein and 95% of the enzyme activity. A comparison of Lubrol-solubilized enzyme and [3H]norepinephrine binding activities in a variety of experimental conditions suggest binding is not related to interaction with the active site of catechol-o-methyl transferase. Isoelectric focusing of solubilized membrane proteins showed the enzyme has an isoelectric pH of 4.5-4.8.  相似文献   

We examined four extracts of mouse liver for histone-binding proteins using histone affinity chromatography and positively charged resins. The extracts used were cytoplasm and washes from isolated nuclei with buffers containing 0.05 M Tris, 0.15 M NaCl or 0.35 M NaCl. Proteins from the nuclear washes showed greater binding to the columns than proteins from the cytoplasm. The binding fractions were heterogeneous in gel electrophoresis systems. Proteins bound to affinity columns of individual histones were similar to those bound to columns of whole histone, polylysine and DEAE. A 25,000 dalton polypeptide (J2), found only in nuclear washes was a prominent histone-binding protein. It could be competitively eluted from DEAE with histones, suggesting polypeptide J2 may show a specific affinity for histones. Polypeptide J2 has an acidic to basic amino acid ratio of 1.58, and its amino acid composition is not similar to that of the high mobility group 1 protein. Polypeptide J2 binds to hydrophobic columns and may play a role in modifying histone-histone and histone-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

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