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刺激兔皮层感觉运动区引起的膈神经放电效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在53例清醒、肌肉麻痹、切断迷走神经的家兔,刺激对侧皮层感觉运动区引起膈神经上的放电效应包括两种不同成分。第一效应指紧接刺激发生的放电变化。在呼气相刺激时,第一效应表现为短暂的放电;在吸气相刺激时,则表现为放电的抑制。士的宁刺激较易在呼气相引起第一效应,电刺激较易在吸气相引起第一效应。在 C_2切断同侧背外侧束可使第一效应消失,提示第一效应经皮层脊髓束和皮层红核脊髓束下行。第二效应指刺激后呼吸周期放电的变化。不论是在呼气相或吸气相刺激,第二效应均表现为吸气放电的提前出现、吸气时程和呼气时程的缩短。同时记录延髓孤束区单位放电与膈神经放电时,两者放电均有表现一致的第二效应。在 C_2切断同侧背外侧束,不影响第二效应的出现;完全切断同侧脊髓,则膈神经放电消失,但不影响孤東区的第二效应。以上结果说明,皮层控制膈运动神经元有两条途径,一条是皮层直接下达脊髓的途径,另一条是间接通过脑干呼吸中枢下达脊髓的途径;皮层直接下达脊髓的通路,既可兴奋也可抑制膈运动神经元的活动。  相似文献   

在30例清醒,肌肉麻痹、切断迷走神经的家兔,观察到刺激对侧皮层感觉运动区时,胁间神经的放电效应包括两种成分。在呼气相电刺激,肋间外神经的第一效应表现为短暂的放电,肋间内神经表现为呼气放电的抑制;在吸气相电刺激,肋间外神经的第一效应表现为吸气放电的抑制,肋间内神经表现为短暂的放电。肋间外神经的第二效应表现为吸气放电的提前出现,吸气时程和呼气时程的缩短;肋间内神经的第二效应表现为吸气时程的缩短和呼气时程的延长,呼气放电的幅度明显增加。上述结果说明,皮层直接控制脊髓的通路既能兴奋也能抑制肋间吸气或呼气运动神经元的活动,且吸气与呼气运动神经元之间表现交互抑制。静注士的宁引起肋间神经梭形放电的发生过程和放电频率,与膈神经上表现相同;但恢复过程不同,膈神经上吸气放电恢复早,肋间神经上呼吸性放电恢复迟。此外,肋间神经的呼吸性放电不具有高频振荡现象。  相似文献   

实验在40只氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的成年家兔上进行,观察电刺激Btzinger复合体(Bt.C)对呼吸节律的影响.结果表明: (1)吸气相早期短串电刺激Bt.C导致膈神经放电被短暂抑制,被抑制的程度与刺激强度呈正相关.当刺激落位在吸气相中、晚期时,可导致吸气提前终止("吸气切断"),之后跟随一缩短的呼气相.导致"吸气切断"的阈强度与刺激落位呈负相关.(2)呼气相短串电刺激Bt.C,可诱导膈神经短暂放电,呼气相晚期诱导出现放电之后往往跟随一正常的吸气放电,结果导致该呼气相缩短.该效应亦具有刺激强度、刺激落位依赖性.结果提示: Bt.C参与吸气向呼气以及呼气向吸气的时相转换.  相似文献   

实验在40只氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的成年家兔上进行,观察电刺激B¨otzinger复合体(B¨otC)对呼吸节律的影响。结果表明:(1)吸气相早期短串电刺激B¨otC导致膈神经放电被短暂抑制,被抑制的程度与刺激强度呈正相关。当刺激落位在吸气相中、晚期时,可导致吸气提前终止(“吸气切断”),之后跟随一缩短的呼气相。导致“吸气切断”的阈强度与刺激落位呈负相关。(2)呼气相短串电刺激B¨otC,可诱导膈神经短暂放电,呼气相晚期诱导出现放电之后往往跟随一正常的吸气放电,结果导致该呼气相缩短。该效应亦具有刺激强度、刺激落位依赖性。结果提示:B¨otC参与吸气向呼气以及呼气向吸气的时相转换。  相似文献   

切断大鼠舌咽神经(包括窦神经)可导致通气反应减弱。刺激舌咽神经可引起膈神经放电抑制,呼气相刺激则诱发成束放电。吸气相刺激舌咽神经咽支引起膈神经放电加强,呼气相出现兴奋反应。但是,舌咽神经舌支能否影响呼吸和血压,咽支对血压有无影响尚不清  相似文献   

电及化学刺激兔面神经核腹内侧区对呼吸时相的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘钧  刘磊 《生理学报》1988,40(5):494-501
实验用家兔42只,乌拉坦静脉麻醉、三碘季铵酚麻痹、人工通气、断双侧颈迷走神经、引导膈神经传出电活动,观察电及化学刺激面神经核腹内侧区(VMNF区)对呼吸时相的影响。结果表明:(1)长串(6—8s)电脉冲刺激VMNF区,刺激强度达到相应阈值(100—15OμA,频率100c/s,波宽0.3ms)可完全抑制膈神经放电。(2)短串(0.1s)电脉冲刺激VMNF区,适当强度的刺激落位在吸气相中后期,可引起吸气切断(IO-S)效应;落位在呼气相中后期,可引起呼气切断(EO-S)效应。(3)此区微量注射细胞体兴奋剂L-谷氨酸钠后,呼吸频率减慢,膈神经放电积分幅度降低。结果提示:VMNF区可能是延髓呼吸中枢IO-S机制的重要结构之一,并参与呼吸时相转换控制的调节。  相似文献   

满恒业  刘磊 《生理学报》1992,44(1):92-97
实验在45只麻醉、自主呼吸、断双侧颈迷走神经的家兔上进行。电刺激或微量注射L-谷氨酸钠于中缝隐核(Nucleus raphe obscurus,NRO),观察到:(1)长串电脉冲刺激NRO(50—200μA,波宽0.3ms,100Hz,4—6s),出现膈神经放电被抑制的反应,被抑制的程度与刺激强度、刺激频率间存在相关性。(2)吸气期用短串电脉冲(100—200μA,波宽0.3ms,50—100Hz,5—20个脉冲)刺激NRO,可提前终止膈神经放电,产生吸气切断效应。吸气切断时间具有刺激落位和刺激强度依赖性。(3)NRO内微量注射细胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸钠(1mol/L,1μl),注药期间出现膈神经放电抑制,注药后为吸气时程(Ti)缩短和呼气时程(Te)延长。  相似文献   

在46例清醒、肌肉松弛和两侧颈迷走神经切断的家兔,在膈神经、延髓孤束区和脑桥网状鲒构等部位观察了士的宁梭形放电效应。静脉注射士的宁后,膈神经上吸气放电迅速被梭形放电听取代。梭形放电频率开始为14—23赫茨,半小时内下降到10—19赫茨。在恢复期,吸气放电和梭形放电同时出现,但前者可压抑后者。孤束区吸气放电的消失稍迟于膈神经,而恢复则稍早于膈神经。脊髓C_(2_3)间的横切能同时取消外周脊神经和脑干网状结构的梭形放电;电刺激离断的两端能使上下两部重新出现梭形放电,但节律不再一致。这说明脑干网状结构与脊髓之间环路联系的完整性对士的宁梭形放电起着重要作用。传导束分析的结果提示脊髓网状束和网状脊髓束可能是环路联系的途径。  相似文献   

在52只麻醉兔和4只清醒兔上均观察到,自然呼吸时膈神经于呼气相有紧张性放电。同时引导膈肌肌电表明这种活动与膈肌紧张性的维持有关。这种电活动在切断引导电极外周段的膈神经后仍然存在。通气量不足、动脉血 PCO_2增加或 PO_2减少使其减少或消失;吸入纯氧或过度通气引起相反效应。切断窦神经或延髓腹外侧面化学敏感区局部贴敷浸有普鲁卡因的滤纸片,使膈神经呼气相放电增强;颈动脉窦区注入30—75μg NaCN 或将 pH=6的酸性人工脑脊液滤纸片贴于延髓化学敏感区,使膈神经呼气相放电减弱。本工作提示正常血气浓度及其变化经相同的外周和中枢化学感受机制同时发动两种调节过程:1.通过调节吸气肌位相性活动而调节肺通气量;2.通过调节吸气肌呼气相紧张性活动而调节肺机能余气量。  相似文献   

黄彰海  孙文颖 《生理学报》1986,38(6):589-596
本文在 79只清醒麻痹大鼠身上,用玻璃微电极记录丘脑束旁核痛兴奋(PfPE)和痛抑制(PfPI)单位的放电及其对刺激下丘脑背内侧核(DMH)的反应,并观察切割脊髓背外侧束的效应。主要结果如下:(1)刺激DMH使PfPE 单位的自发放电及痛放电有明显的抑制作用,而使PfPI 单位的自发放电增多,并解除伤害性刺激引起的抑制效应;(2)刺激DMH引起PfPE 单位的抑制效应,在切割脊髓背外侧束后仍然出现。上述结果提示:DMH 对丘脑束旁核在处理痛觉信息上具有调制作用,这种调制作用可能不通过脑干下行性抑制系统完成,而主要是通过脊髓上联系抑制丘脑束旁核神经元对痛传入的反应。  相似文献   

Antidromic and monosynaptic unit responses to the stimulation of the corpus callosum and the symmetrical cortical area as well as antidromic responses to pyramidal tract and thalamic nuclei stimulation were recorded in the sensorimotor cortex of unanaesthetized rabbits. Out of 182 callosal neurones 13 exhibited transcallosal monosynaptic responses. 8 out of 56 callosal units responded antidromically to pyramidal tract or thalamic stimulation. Thus callosal neurones may be monosynaptically excited by callosal units via the corpus callosum and by the pyramidal tract units. It was also found that a pyramidal tract neurone may send a collateral through the corpus callosum and at the same time have a transcallosal monosynaptic input. The role of monosynaptic transcallosal excitation of callosal neurones is discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of monosynaptic afferent and efferent connections of callosal neurons and target neurons of transcallosal fibers with neurons of the specific ipsilateral thalamic nuclei (ventral posterolateral, ventral posteromedial, ventral lateral, and anteroventral) was undertaken on the sensomotor cortex of unanesthetized rabbits, using an electrophysiological method. Differences were demonstrated between callosal neurons and target neurons of transcallosal fibers with respect to monosynaptic inputs from the thalamic nuclei and pathways proceeding toward these structures and (or) entering the pyramidal tract. Among target neurons, compared with callosal neurons, more cells had descending projections (54 and 14%, respectively). Monosynaptic action potentials arose in 22% of target neurons in response to stimulation of specific thalamic nuclei, whereas no such responses occurred in callosal neurons. Projections of target neurons into thalamic nuclei were shown to be formed both by independent fibers and by axon collaterals of the pyramidal tract. It is postulated that the distinctive properties thus discovered indicate significantly greater convergence of influence of thalamic relay neurons on the target neurons; this determines differences known to exist in characteristics of receptive fields and spontaneous and evoked activity of callosal neurons, on the one hand, and of neurons excited synaptically by transcallosal stimulation, on the other hand.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 305–314, May–June, 1985.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the head of the caudate nucleus in cats anesthetized with chloralose and pentobarbital evoked spike responses of the Purkinje cells and other cerebellar cortical neurons in the paramedian lobes, lobulus simplex, and the tuber of the vermis. Phasic responses in the form of simple discharges (on account of activation of the neurons through mossy fibers) appeared mainly after a latent period of 5–12 and 14–20 msec; the latent period of responses consisting of complex discharges (on account of activation of Purkinje cells through climbing fibers) was 5–6, 9–22 msec, or more. Depending on the latent period, the spike responses differed in their rhythm of generation. In response to stimulation of the caudate nucleus with a frequency of 4–6/sec recruiting responses were found. An inhibitory pause was an invariable component of the tonic responses. During stimulation of the globus pallidus responses of the same types (phasic and tonic) appeared as during stimulation of the caudate nucleus, but they differed in the distribution of the neurons by latent period of spike responses. The minimal latent period was 4 msec. Recruiting also was observed during repetitive stimulation of the globus pallidus. During stimulation of the substantia nigra Pukinje cells activated by climbing fibers responded. Evoked complex discharges appeared after a stable latent period of 8.5±0.3 msec. Arguments are put forward regarding the role of the substantia nigra, the globus pallidus, nuclei of the inferior olive, and also the thalamic nuclei in the mechanism of caudato-cerebellar oligosynaptic and polysynaptic connections.N. I. Pirogov Medical Institute, Vinnitsa. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 375–384, July–August, 1978.  相似文献   

We have used single-unit recording techniques to map the spatial distribution of the primary somatosensory (SI) cortical influences on thalamic somatosensory relay nuclei in the rat. A total of 193 microelectrode penetrations were made to record single neurons in tracks through the medial and lateral ventroposterior (VPL and VPM), ventrolateral (VL), posterior (Po), and reticular (nRt) thalamic nuclei. Single units were classified according to their (1) location within the nuclei, (2) receptive fields, and (3) response to standardized microstimulation in deep layers of the SI cortical forepaw areas. The SI stimulation produced short-latency (1- to 7-msec) excitatory responses in different percentages of neurons recorded in the following thalamic nuclei: VPL, 42.0%; Po, 25.0%; nRt, 16.4%; VL, 13.6%; and VPM, 9.9%. Within the VPL, the highest proportion of responsive neurons was found in the anterior region. Although most of the VL region was unresponsive, the caudal subregion bordering the rostral VPL showed some responsiveness (13.6% of neurons). In general, the spatial pattern of corticothalamic influences appeared to reciprocate the known thalamocortical connection patterns, but with a heterogeneity that was unpredicted.

The same parameters of SI cortical stimulation were used in studies of corticofugal modulation of afferent transmission through the VPL thalamus. A condition—test (C-T) paradigm was implemented in which the cortical stimulation (C) was delivered at a range of time intervals before test (T) mechanical vibratory stimulation was applied to digit 4 of the contralateral forepaw. The time course of cortical effects was analyzed by measuring the averaged evoked unit responses of thalamic neurons to the T stimuli, and plotting them as a function of C-T intervals from 5 to 50 msec. Of the 20 VPL neurons tested during SI stimulation, the average response to T stimulation was decreased a mean of 36%, with the suppression peaking (at 49% inhibition of the afferent response) about 15 msec after the C stimulus. Considerable rostrocaudal variation was observed, however. Whereas neurons in the rostral VPL (near VL) were strongly inhibited (-69%), neurons in the middle and caudal VPL exhibited facilitations at long and short C-T intervals, respectively. This study establishes a specific projection system from the forepaw region of SI cortex to different subregions of the VPL thalamus, producing specific temporal patterns of sensory modulation.  相似文献   

We have used single-unit recording techniques to map the spatial distribution of the primary somatosensory (SI) cortical influences on thalamic somatosensory relay nuclei in the rat. A total of 193 microelectrode penetrations were made to record single neurons in tracks through the medial and lateral ventroposterior (VPL and VPM), ventrolateral (VL), posterior (Po), and reticular (nRt) thalamic nuclei. Single units were classified according to their (1) location within the nuclei, (2) receptive fields, and (3) response to standardized microstimulation in deep layers of the SI cortical forepaw areas. The SI stimulation produced short-latency (1- to 7-msec) excitatory responses in different percentages of neurons recorded in the following thalamic nuclei: VPL, 42.0%; Po, 25.0%; nRt, 16.4%; VL, 13.6%; and VPM, 9.9%. Within the VPL, the highest proportion of responsive neurons was found in the anterior region. Although most of the VL region was unresponsive, the caudal subregion bordering the rostral VPL showed some responsiveness (13.6% of neurons). In general, the spatial pattern of corticothalamic influences appeared to reciprocate the known thalamocortical connection patterns, but with a heterogeneity that was unpredicted. The same parameters of SI cortical stimulation were used in studies of corticofugal modulation of afferent transmission through the VPL thalamus. A condition-test (C-T) paradigm was implemented in which the cortical stimulation (C) was delivered at a range of time intervals before test (T) mechanical vibratory stimulation was applied to digit 4 of the contralateral forepaw. The time course of cortical effects was analyzed by measuring the averaged evoked unit responses of thalamic neurons to the T stimuli, and plotting them as a function of C-T intervals from 5 to 50 msec. Of the 20 VPL neurons tested during SI stimulation, the average response to T stimulation was decreased a mean of 36%, with the suppression peaking (at 49% inhibition of the afferent response) about 15 msec after the C stimulus. Considerable rostrocaudal variation was observed, however. Whereas neurons in the rostral VPL (near VL) were strongly inhibited (-69%), neurons in the middle and caudal VPL exhibited facilitations at long and short C-T intervals, respectively. This study establishes a specific projection system from the forepaw region of SI cortex to different subregions of the VPL thalamus, producing specific temporal patterns of sensory modulation.  相似文献   

反射性呼吸暂停中延髓各类呼吸性神经元的放电变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在向家兔颈动脉窦区注入拘椽酸钠引起呼吸暂停期间,和在持续性肺充气引起延长的呼气相中,延髓大多数吸气神经元和膈神经停止放电;而大多数呼气性神经元呈连续性放电,放电频率持续地高于或接近于平静呼气时呼气神经元的高峰放电频率,并伴随肋间内肌电活动增强,直至呼气性神经元放电频率衰减或停止放电时,膈神经才恢复放电。这提示呼气性神经元的持续兴奋状态可能与呼气性呼吸暂停的维持或呼气相的延长有关。在延髓闩前部可以记录到少数放电频率渐增型的跨时相呼气-吸气神经元,在呼吸暂停期间,它们呈低频连续放电,逐渐增大放电频率,在其放电频率急剧增高时,膈神经恢复放电。这提示该类神经元可能与吸气的发动有关。本文尚就呼吸节律的发生机制做了讨论。  相似文献   

The dynamics of evoked potentials during blocking of cholinergic cortical structures was investigated in unanesthetized cats. Application of the anticholinergic drug benactyzine inhibits the negative phases of cortical responses to stimulation of the reticular formation and non-specific thalamic nuclei and also of responses to direct cortical stimulation. Direct cortical responses (DCRs), inverted by -aminobutyric acid, are also depressed, indicating the role of cholinergic mechanisms in the genesis of these responses. During blocking of cholinergic synapses, negative phases of the primary response (PR) and response to stimulation of the specific thalamic nucleus are facilitated. A tendency is then observed toward grouping of spontaneous unit discharges and abolition of inhibition of cortical neurons produced by high-frequency stimulation of the reticular formation. One cause of the increase in amplitude of the primary response (PR) to the action of anticholinergic drugs may be widening of the zone of cortical neurons involved in the response because of abolition of the localizing effect of inhibitory neurons.Institute of Physiology, Siberian Division, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 406–411, July–August, 1970.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) results in apnea in animals of different species, the mechanism of which is not known. We studied the effect of the GABA(A) receptor blocker bicuculline, given intravenously and intracisternally, on apnea induced by SLN stimulation. Eighteen 5- to 10-day-old piglets were studied: bicuculline was administered intravenously to nine animals and intracisternally to nine animals. The animals were anesthetized and then decerebrated, vagotomized, ventilated, and paralyzed. The phrenic nerve responses to four levels of electrical SLN stimulation were measured before and after bicuculline. SLN stimulation caused a significant decrease in phrenic nerve amplitude, phrenic nerve frequency, minute phrenic activity, and inspiratory time (P < 0.01) that was proportional to the level of electrical stimulation. Increased levels of stimulation were more likely to induce apnea during stimulation that often persisted beyond cessation of the stimulus. Bicuculline, administered intravenously or intracisternally, decreased the SLN stimulation-induced decrease in phrenic nerve amplitude, minute phrenic activity, and phrenic nerve frequency (P < 0.05). Bicuculline also reduced SLN-induced apnea and duration of poststimulation apnea (P < 0.05). We conclude that centrally mediated GABAergic pathways are involved in laryngeal stimulation-induced apnea.  相似文献   

Central inspiratory influence on abdominal expiratory nerve activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our purpose was to determine whether the intensity of abdominal expiratory nerve discharge is conditioned by the intensity of the preceding inspiratory phrenic discharge, independent of mechanical and chemical afferent influences. In decerebrate, paralyzed, vagotomized cats with bilateral pneumothoraxes, we recorded phrenic and abdominal (cranial iliohypogastric nerve, L1) nerve activities at hyperoxic normocapnia. We reduced the duration and intensity (i.e., integrated peak height) of phrenic nerve discharge for single cycles by stimulating the cut central end of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) during the central inspiratory phase (75 microA, 20-50 Hz, 0.2-ms pulse). Premature termination of inspiration consistently reduced expiratory duration (TE) and abdominal expiratory nerve activity (area of integrated neurogram), but the average reduction in TE was much less than the reduction in abdominal nerve activity (14 vs. 51%). Stimulation of the cut central end of the vagus nerve yielded similar results, as did spontaneous premature terminations of inspiration, which we observed in one cat. SLN stimulation during hyperoxic hypercapnia resulted in more variable responses, and higher stimulation frequencies were usually required to abort inspiration. SLN (or vagal) stimulation during expiration consistently increased abdominal expiratory nerve activity. We speculate that this facilitatory response is gated during inspiration, thereby allowing the inspiratory conditioning effect on the subsequent expiration to be expressed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Attenuation of phrenic motor discharge by phrenic nerve afferents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Short latency phrenic motor responses to phrenic nerve stimulation were studied in anesthetized, paralyzed cats. Electrical stimulation (0.2 ms, 0.01-10 mA, 2 Hz) of the right C5 phrenic rootlet during inspiration consistently elicited a transient reduction in the phrenic motor discharge. This attenuation occurred bilaterally with an onset latency of 8-12 ms and a duration of 8-30 ms. Section of the ipsilateral C4-C6 dorsal roots abolished the response to stimulation, thereby confirming the involvement of phrenic nerve afferent activity. Stimulation of the left C5 phrenic rootlet or the right thoracic phrenic nerve usually elicited similar inhibitory responses. The difference in onset latency of responses to cervical vs. thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation indicates activation of group III afferents with a peripheral conduction velocity of approximately 10 m/s. A much shorter latency response (5 ms) was evoked ipsilaterally by thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation. Section of either the C5 or C6 dorsal root altered the ipsilateral response so that it resembled the longer latency contralateral response. The low-stimulus threshold and short latency for the ipsilateral response to thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation suggest that it involves larger diameter fibers. Decerebration, decerebellation, and transection of the dorsal columns at C2 do not abolish the inhibitory phrenic-to-phrenic reflex.  相似文献   

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