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Burger SK  Ayers PW 《Proteins》2011,79(7):2044-2052
Recognizing the limits of trying to achieve chemical accuracy for pK(a) calculations with a purely electrostatic model, we include empirical corrections into the Poisson-Boltzmann solver macroscopic electrostatics with atomic detail (Bashford, Biochemistry 1990;29:10219-10225), to improve the reliability and accuracy of the model. The total number of parameters is kept to a minimum to maximize the robustness of the model for compounds outside of the fitting dataset. The parameters are based on: (a) the electrostatic interaction between functional groups close to the titratable site, (b) the electrostatic work required to desolvate the residue, and (c) the site-to-site interactions. These interactions are straightforward to calculate once the electrostatic field has been solved for each residue using the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation and are assumed to be linearly related to the intrinsic pK(a). Two hundred and eighty-six residues from 30 proteins are used to determine the empirical parameters, which result in a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.70 for the entire set. Eight proteins with 46 experimentally known values were excluded from the parameterization to test the model. This test set had a RMSE of 1.08. We show that the parameterized model improves the results over other models, although like other models the error is strongly correlated with the degree to which a residue is buried. The parameters themselves indicate that local effects are most important for determining the pK(a), whereas site-to-site interactions are found to be less significant.  相似文献   

The enzyme glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase (GART) catalyzes the transfer of a formyl group from formyl tetrahydrofolate (fTHF) to glycinamide ribonucleotide (GAR), a process that is pH-dependent with pK(a) of approximately 8. Experimental studies of pH-rate profiles of wild-type and site-directed mutants of GART have led to the proposal that His108, Asp144, and GAR are involved in catalysis, with His108 being an acid catalyst, while forming a salt bridge with Asp144, and GAR being a nucleophile to attack the formyl group of fTHF. This model implied a protonated histidine with pK(a) of 9.7 and a neutral GAR with pK(a) of 6.8. These proposed unusual pK(a)s have led us to investigate the electrostatic environment of the active site of GART. We have used Poisson-Boltzmann-based electrostatic methods to calculate the pK(a)s of all ionizable groups, using the crystallographic structure of a ternary complex of GART involving the pseudosubstrate 5-deaza-5,6,7,8-THF (5dTHF) and substrate GAR. Theoretical mutation and deletion analogs have been constructed to elucidate pairwise electrostatic interactions between key ionizable sites within the catalytic site. Also, a construct of a more realistic catalytic site including a reconstructed pseudocofactor with an attached formyl group, in an environment with optimal local van der Waals interactions (locally minimized) that imitates closely the catalytic reactants, has been used for pK(a) calculations. Strong electrostatic coupling among catalytic residues His108, Asp144, and substrate GAR was observed, which is extremely sensitive to the initial protonation and imidazole ring flip state of His108 and small structural changes. We show that a proton can be exchanged between GAR and His108, depending on their relative geometry and their distance to Asp144, and when the proton is attached on His108, catalysis could be possible. Using the formylated locally minimized construct of GART, a high pK(a) for His108 was calculated, indicating a protonated histidine, and a low pK(a) for GAR(NH(2)) was calculated, indicating that GAR is in neutral form. Our results are in qualitative agreement with the current mechanistic picture of the catalytic process of GART deduced from the experimental data, but they do not reproduce the absolute magnitude of the pK(a)s extracted from fits of k(cat)-pH profiles, possibly because the static time-averaged crystallographic structure does not describe adequately the dynamic nature of the catalytic site during binding and catalysis. In addition, a strong effect on the pK(a) of GAR(NH(2)) is produced by the theoretical mutations of His108Ala and Asp144Ala, which is not in agreement with the observed insensitivity of the pK(a) of GAR(NH(2)) modeled from the experimental data using similar mutations. Finally, we show that important three-way electrostatic interactions between highly conserved His137, with His108 and Asp144, are responsible for stabilizing the electrostatic microenvironment of the catalytic site. In conclusion, our data suggest that further detailed computational and experimental work is necessary.  相似文献   

A new graph–theoretical approach called thermodynamic sampling of amino acid residues (TSAR) has been elaborated to explicitly account for the protein side chain flexibility in modeling conformation‐dependent protein properties. In TSAR, a protein is viewed as a graph whose nodes correspond to structurally independent groups and whose edges connect the interacting groups. Each node has its set of states describing conformation and ionization of the group, and each edge is assigned an array of pairwise interaction potentials between the adjacent groups. By treating the obtained graph as a belief‐network—a well‐established mathematical abstraction—the partition function of each node is found. In the current work we used TSAR to calculate partition functions of the ionized forms of protein residues. A simplified version of a semi‐empirical molecular mechanical scoring function, borrowed from our Lead Finder docking software, was used for energy calculations. The accuracy of the resulting model was validated on a set of 486 experimentally determined pKa values of protein residues. The average correlation coefficient (R) between calculated and experimental pKa values was 0.80, ranging from 0.95 (for Tyr) to 0.61 (for Lys). It appeared that the hydrogen bond interactions and the exhaustiveness of side chain sampling made the most significant contribution to the accuracy of pKa calculations. Proteins 2011; © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A statistical method to predict protein pKa has been developed by using the 3D structure of a protein and a database of 434 experimental protein pKa values. Each pKa in the database is associated with a fingerprint that describes the chemical environment around an ionizable residue. A computational tool, MoKaBio, has been developed to identify automatically ionizable residues in a protein, generate fingerprints that describe the chemical environment around such residues, and predict pKa from the experimental pKa values in the database by using a similarity metric. The method, which retrieved the pKa of 429 of the 434 ionizable sites in the database correctly, was crossvalidated by leave‐one‐out and yielded root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.95, a result that is superior to that obtained by using the Null Model (RMSE 1.07) and other well‐established protein pKa prediction tools. This novel approach is suitable to rationalize protein pKa by comparing the region around the ionizable site with similar regions whose ionizable site pKa is known. The pKa of residues that have a unique environment not represented in the training set cannot be predicted accurately, however, the method offers the advantage of being trainable to increase its predictive power. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Do salt bridges stabilize proteins? A continuum electrostatic analysis   总被引:9,自引:21,他引:9  
The electrostatic contribution to the free energy of folding was calculated for 21 salt bridges in 9 protein X-ray crystal structures using a continuum electrostatic approach with the DELPHI computer-program package. The majority (17) were found to be electrostatically destabilizing; the average free energy change, which is analogous to mutation of salt bridging side chains to hydrophobic isosteres, was calculated to be 3.5 kcal/mol. This is fundamentally different from stability measurements using pKa shifts, which effectively measure the strength of a salt bridge relative to 1 or more charged hydrogen bonds. The calculated effect was due to a large, unfavorable desolvation contribution that was not fully compensated by favorable interactions within the salt bridge and between salt-bridge partners and other polar and charged groups in the folded protein. Some of the salt bridges were studied in further detail to determine the effect of the choice of values for atomic radii, internal protein dielectric constant, and ionic strength used in the calculations. Increased ionic strength resulted in little or no change in calculated stability for 3 of 4 salt bridges over a range of 0.1-0.9 M. The results suggest that mutation of salt bridges, particularly those that are buried, to \"hydrophobic bridges\" (that pack at least as well as wild type) can result in proteins with increased stability. Due to the large penalty for burying uncompensated ionizable groups, salt bridges could help to limit the number of low free energy conformations of a molecule or complex and thus play a role in determining specificity (i.e., the uniqueness of a protein fold or protein-ligand binding geometry).  相似文献   

Natural evolution has resulted in protein molecules displaying a wide range of binding properties that include extremes of affinity and specificity. A detailed understanding of the principles underlying protein structure-function relationships, particularly with respect to binding properties, would greatly enhance molecular engineering and ligand design studies. Here, we have analyzed the interactions of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase for which strong evolutionary pressure has enforced high specificity for substrate binding and catalysis. Electrostatic interactions have been identified as one efficient mechanism for enhancing binding specificity; as such, the effects of charged and polar groups were the focus of this study. The binding of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli to several ligands, including the natural substrates, was analyzed. The electrostatic complementarity of the enzyme to its ligands was assessed using measures derived from affinity optimization theory. The results were independent of the details of the calculational parameters, including the value used for the protein dielectric constant. Glutamine and ATP, two of the natural ligands, were found to be extremely complementary to their binding sites, particularly in regions seen to make electrostatic interactions in the structure. These data suggest that the optimization of electrostatic interactions has played an important role in guiding the evolution of this enzyme. The results also show that the enzyme is able to effectively select for high affinity and specificity for the same chemical moieties both in the context of smaller substrates, and in that of a larger reactive intermediate. The regions of greatest non-complementarity between the enzyme and ligands are the portions of the ligand that make few polar contacts with the binding site, as well as the sites of chemical reaction, where overly strong electrostatic binding interactions with the substrate could hinder catalysis. The results also suggest that the negative charge on the phosphorus center of glutaminyl-adenylate plays an important role in the tight binding of this intermediate, and thus that adenylate analogs that preserve the negative charge in this region may bind substantially tighter than analogs where this group is replaced with a neutral group, such as the sulfamoyl family, which can make similar hydrogen bonds but is uncharged.  相似文献   

Michael J. Dudek 《Proteins》2014,82(10):2497-2511
A molecular mechanics model, previously validated in applications to structure prediction, is shown to reproduce experiment in predictions of protein ionization state, and in predictions of sequence and pH dependence of protein stability. Over a large dataset, 1876 values of ΔΔG of folding, the RMSD is 1.34 kcal/mol. Using an alternative measure of accuracy, either the sign of the calculated ΔΔG agrees with experiment or the absolute value of the deviation is less than 1.0 kcal/mol, 1660 of 1876 data points (88.5%) pass the condition. Relative to models used previously in computer‐aided protein design, the concept, we propose, most responsible for the performance of our model, and for the extensibility to non‐neutral values of pH, is the treatment of electrostatic energy. The electronic structure of the protein is modeled using distributed atomic multipoles. The structured liquid state of the solvent is modeled using a dielectric continuum. A modification to the energetics of the reaction field, induced by the protein in the dielectric continuum, attempts to account for preformed multipoles of solvent water molecules and ions. An adjustable weight (with optimal value.141) applied to the total vacuum energy accounts implicitly for electronic polarization. A threshold distance, beyond which pairwise atomic interactions are neglected, is not used. In searches through subspaces of sequences and conformations, efficiency remains acceptable for useful applications. Proteins 2014; 82:2497–2511. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the implementation of a finite-difference algorithm which solves the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation for molecules of arbitrary shape and charge distribution and which includes the screening effects of electrolytes. The microcoding of the algorithm on an ST-100 array processor allows us to obtain electrostatic potential maps in and around a protein, including the effects of ionic strength, in about 30 minutes. We have applied the algorithm to a dimer of the protein Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) and compared our results to those obtained from uniform dielectric models based on coulombic potentials. We find that both the shape of the protein-solvent boundary and the ionic strength of the solvent have a profound effect on the potentials in the solvent. For the case of SOD, the cluster of positive charge at the bottom of the active site channel produces a strongly enhanced positive potential due to the focusing of field lines in the channel-a result that cannot be obtained with any uniform dielectric model. The remainder of the protein is surrounded by a weak negative potential. The electrostatic potential of the enzyme seems designed to provide a large cross-sectional area for productive collisions. Based on the ionic strength dependence of the size of the positive potential region emanating from the active site and the repulsive negative potential barrier surrounding the protein, we are able to suggest an explanation for the ionic strength dependence of the activity of the native and chemically modified forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

A computational method, to predict the pKa values of the ionizable residues Asp, Glu, His, Tyr, and Lys of proteins, is presented here. Calculation of the electrostatic free-energy of the proteins is based on an efficient version of a continuum dielectric electrostatic model. The conformational flexibility of the protein is taken into account by carrying out molecular dynamics simulations of 10 ns in implicit water. The accuracy of the proposed method of calculation of pKa values is estimated from a test set of experimental pKa data for 297 ionizable residues from 34 proteins. The pKa-prediction test shows that, on average, 57, 86, and 95% of all predictions have an error lower than 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 pKa units, respectively. This work contributes to our general understanding of the importance of protein flexibility for an accurate computation of pKa, providing critical insight about the significance of the multiple neutral states of acid and histidine residues for pKa-prediction, and may spur significant progress in our effort to develop a fast and accurate electrostatic-based method for pKa-predictions of proteins as a function of pH.  相似文献   

While ion pairs are readily identified in crystal structures, longer range electrostatic interactions cannot be identified from the three-dimensional structure alone. These interactions are likely to be important in large, multisubunit proteins that are regulated by allosteric interactions. In this paper, we show that these interactions are readily detected by electrostatic modeling, using, as an example, unliganded Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase, a widely studied allosteric enzyme with 12 subunits and a molecular weight of 310 kD. The Born, dipolar, and site-site interaction terms of the free energy of protonation of the 810 titratable sites in the holoenzyme were calculated using the multigrid solution of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation. Calculated titration curves are in good agreement with experimental titration curves, and the structural asymmetry observed in the crystal structure is readily apparent in the calculated free energies and pK1/2 values. Most of the residues with pK1/2 values that differ substantially from those of model compounds are buried in the low dielectric medium of the protein, particularly at the intersubunit interfaces. The dependence of the site-site interaction free energies on distance is complex, with a steep dependence at distances less than 5 Å and a more shallow dependence at longer distances. Interactions over distances of 6 to 15 Å require a bridging residue and are often not apparent in the structure. The network of interactions between ionizable groups extends across and between subunits and provides a potential mechanism for transmitting long-range structural effects and allosteric signals. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Li X  Hassan SA  Mehler EL 《Proteins》2005,60(3):464-484

Conservation of function is the basic tenet of protein evolution. Conservation of key electrostatic properties is a frequently employed mechanism that leads to conserved function. In a previous report, we identified several conserved electrostatic properties in four protein families and one functionally diverse enzyme superfamily. In this report, we demonstrate the evolutionary and catalytic importance of electrostatic networks in three ubiquitous metabolic enzymes: triosephosphate isomerase, enolase, and transaldolase. Evolutionary importance is demonstrated using phylogenetic motifs (sequence fragments that parallel the overall familial phylogeny). Phylogenetic motifs frequently correspond to both catalytic residues and conserved interactions that fine-tune catalytic residue pKa values. Further, in the case of triosephosphate isomerase, quantitative differences in the catalytic Glu169 pKa values parallel subfamily differentiation. Finally, phylogenetic motifs are shown to structurally cluster around the active sites of eight different TIM-barrel families. Depending upon the mechanistic requisites of each reaction catalyzed, interruptions to the canonical fold may or may not be identified as phylogenetic motifs.  相似文献   

He Y  Xu J  Pan XM 《Proteins》2007,69(1):75-82
We propose a simple model for the calculation of pK(a) values of ionizable residues in proteins. It is based on the premise that the pK(a) shift of ionizable residues is linearly correlated to the interaction between a particular residue and the local environment created by the surrounding residues. Despite its simplicity, the model displays good prediction performance. Under the sixfold cross test prediction over a data set of 405 experimental pK(a) values in 73 protein chains with known structures, the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) between the experimental and calculated pK(a) was found to be 0.77. The accuracy of this model increases with increasing size of the data set: the RMSD is 0.609 for glutamate (the largest data set with 141 sites) and approximately 1 pH unit for lysine, with a data set containing 45 sites.  相似文献   

The identification of protein mutations that enhance binding affinity may be achieved by computational or experimental means, or by a combination of the two. Sources of affinity enhancement may include improvements to the net balance of binding interactions of residues forming intermolecular contacts at the binding interface, such as packing and hydrogen-bonding interactions. Here we identify noncontacting residues that make substantial contributions to binding affinity and that also provide opportunities for mutations that increase binding affinity of the TEM1 beta-lactamase (TEM1) to the beta-lactamase inhibitor protein (BLIP). A region of BLIP not on the direct TEM1-binding surface was identified for which changes in net charge result in particularly large increases in computed binding affinity. Some mutations to the region have previously been characterized, and our results are in good correspondence with this results of that study. In addition, we propose novel mutations to BLIP that were computed to improve binding significantly without contacting TEM1 directly. This class of noncontacting electrostatic interactions could have general utility in the design and tuning of binding interactions.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the net effect of electrostatics is generally to destabilize protein binding due to large desolvation penalties. A novel method for computing ligand-charge distributions that optimize the tradeoff between ligand desolvation penalty and favorable interactions with a binding site has been applied to a model for barnase. The result is a ligand-charge distribution with a favorable electrostatic contribution to binding due, in part, to ligand point charges whose direct interaction with the binding site is unfavorable, but which make strong intra-molecular interactions that are uncloaked on binding and thus act to lessen the ligand desolvation penalty.  相似文献   

The crystal structure for an antibody-antigen system, that of the anti-hen egg lysozyme monoclonal antibody HyHEL-5 complexed to lysozyme, is used as the starting point for computer simulations of diffusional encounters between the two proteins. The investigation consists of two parts: first, the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation is solved to determine the long-range electrostatic forces between antibody and antigen, and then, the relative motion as influenced by these forces is modeled within Brownian motion theory. The effects of various point mutations on the calculated reaction rate are considered. It is found that charged residues close to the binding site exert the greatest influence in steering the proteins into a configuration favorable for their binding, while more distant mutations are qualitatively described by the Smoluchowski model for the mutual diffusion of two uniformly charged spheres. The antibody residues involved in forming salt links with the lysozyme, Glu-H35 and Glu-H50, appear to be particularly important in electrostatic steering, as neutralization of both of them yields reaction rates that are two to three orders of magnitude below those of wild-type rates. The relative rates obtained from the simulations can be tested through kinetic measurements on mutant protein complexes. Kinetically efficient partners can also be designed and constructed through directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The structure of the 36 residue villin headpiece subdomain is investigated with the electrostatically driven Monte Carlo method. The ECEPP/3 (Empirical Conformational Energy Program for Peptides) force field, plus two different continuum solvation models, were used to describe the conformational energy of the chain with both blocked and unblocked N and C termini. A statistical analysis of an ensemble of ab initio generated conformations was carried out, based on a comparison with a set of ten native-like structures derived from published experimental data, by using rigid geometry and NMR-derived constraints obtained at pH 3.7. The ten native-like structures satisfy the NMR-derived constraints. The whole ensemble of conformations of the terminally unblocked villin headpiece sub-domain, generated by using ECEPP/3 with a continuum solvation model, were subsequently evaluated at pH 3.7 with a potential function that includes ECEPP/3 combined with a fast multigrid boundary element method. At pH 3.7, the lowest-energy conformation found during the conformational search satisfies approximately 70% of both the distance and the dihedral-angle constraints, and possesses the characteristic packing of three phenylalanine residues that constitute the main part of the hydrophobic core of the molecule. On the other hand, computations at pH 3.7 and pH 7.0 for the ten native-like structures satisfying the NMR-derived constraints indicate a substantial change in the charge distribution for each type of amino acid residue with the change in pH. The results of this study provide a basis to understand the effect of the interactions, such as hydrophobicity, charge-charge interaction and solvent polarization, on the stability of this small alpha-helical protein.  相似文献   

Protein folding, stability, and function are usually influenced by pH. And free energy plays a fundamental role in analysis of such pH-dependent properties. Electrostatics-based theoretical framework using dielectric solvent continuum model and solving Poisson-Boltzmann equation numerically has been shown to be very successful in understanding the pH-dependent properties. However, in this approach the exact computation of pH-dependent free energy becomes impractical for proteins possessing more than several tens of ionizable sites (e.g.>30), because exact evaluation of the partition function requires a summation over a vast number of possible protonation microstates. Here we present a method which computes the free energy using the average energy and the protonation probabilities of ionizable sites obtained by the well-established Monte Carlo sampling procedure. The key feature is to calculate the entropy by using the protonation probabilities. We used this method to examine a well-studied protein (lysozyme) and produced results which agree very well with the exact calculations. Applications to the optimum pH of maximal stability of proteins and protein–DNA interactions have also resulted in good agreement with experimental data. These examples recommend our method for application to the elucidation of the pH-dependent properties of proteins.  相似文献   

Lee MS  Salsbury FR  Brooks CL 《Proteins》2004,56(4):738-752

Relationships between protein structure and ionization of carboxyl groups were investigated in 24 proteins of known structure and for which 115 aspartate and 97 glutamate pK(a) values are known. Mean pK(a) values for aspartates and glutamates are < or = 3.4 (+/-1.0) and 4.1 (+/-0.8), respectively. For aspartates, mean pK(a) values are 3.9 (+/-1.0) and 3.1 (+/-0.9) in acidic (pI < 5) and basic (pI > 8) proteins, respectively, while mean pK(a) values for glutamates are approximately 4.2 for acidic and basic proteins. Burial of carboxyl groups leads to dispersion in pK(a) values: pK(a) values for solvent-exposed groups show narrow distributions while values for buried groups range from < 2 to 6.7. Calculated electrostatic potentials at the carboxyl groups show modest correlations with experimental pK(a) values and these correlations are not improved by including simple surface-area-based terms to account for the effects of desolvation. Mean aspartate pK(a) values decrease with increasing numbers of hydrogen bonds but this is not observed at glutamates. Only 10 pK(a) values are > 5.5 and most are found in active sites or ligand-binding sites. These carboxyl groups are buried and usually accept no more than one hydrogen bond. Aspartates and glutamates at the N-termini of helices have mean pK(a) values of 2.8 (+/-0.5) and 3.4 (+/-0.6), respectively, about 0.6 units less than the overall mean values.  相似文献   

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