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It has been shown previously (Treeby et al., 1989) that phytosiderophores, released by roots of iron deficient grasses (Gramineae), mobilize from calcareous soils not only iron (Fe) but also zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu). Mobilization of Fe may therefore be impaired by other micronutrient cations. This has been studied in both, model experiments with Fe hydroxide and with a calcareous soil (15% CaCO3, pH 8.6) amended with micronutrients as sulfate salts.Mobilization of Fe from Fe hydroxide by phytosiderophores (epi-3-hydroxymugineic acid) was not affected by the addition of CaCl2, MgSO4 and MnSO4, slightly inhibited by ZnSO4 and strongly inhibited by CuSO4. In a calcareous soil amended with increasing levels of ZnSO4, MnSO4 and CuSO4, mobilization of Fe by phytosiderophores remained uneffected by Zn and Mn amendments but was progressively impaired by increasing levels of Cu amendment, correlated with corresponding enhancement of Cu mobilization.High concentrations of ZnSO4 and MnSO4 and relatively high concentrations of CuSO4 were required for inhibition of Fe mobilization by phytosiderophores. It is therefore concluded that in most calcareous soils phytosiderophores efficiently mobilize Fe, and that phytosiderophores play an important role in Fe acquisition by grasses grown on calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Graminaceous species can enhance iron (Fe) acquisition from sparingly soluble inorganic Fe(III) compounds by release of phytosiderophores (PS) which mobilize Fe(III) by chelation. In most graminaceous species Fe deficiency increases the rate of PS release from roots by a factor of 10–20, but in some species, for example sorghum, this increase is much less. The chemical nature of PS can differ between species and even cultivars.The various PS are similarly effective as the microbial siderophore Desferal (ferrioxamine B methane sulfonate) in mobilizing Fe(III) from a calcareous soil. Under the same conditions the synthetic chelator DTPA (diaethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) is ineffective.The rate of Fe(III)PS uptake by roots of graminaceous species increases by a factor of about 5 under Fe deficiency. In contrast, uptake of Fe from both synthetic and microbial Fe(III) chelates is much lower and not affected by the Fe nutritional status of the plants. This indicates that in graminaceous species under Fe deficiency a specific uptake system for FePS is activated. In contrast, the specific uptake system for FePS is absent in dicots. In a given graminaceous species the uptake rates of the various FePS are similar, but vary between species by a factor of upto 3. In sorghum, despite the low rate of PS release, the rate of FePS uptake is particularly high.The results indicate that release of PS and subsequent uptake of FePS are under different genetic control. The high susceptibility of sorghum to Fe deficiency (lime-chlorosis) is most probably caused by low rates of PS release in the early seedling stage. Therefore in sorghum, and presumably other graminaceous species also, an increase in resistance to lime chlorosis could be best achieved by breeding for cultivars with high rates of PS release. In corresponding screening procedures attention should be paid to the effects of iron nutritional status and daytime on PS release as well as on rapid microbial degradation of PS.  相似文献   

Discovery of mugineic acids as phytosiderophores has shown that some graminaceous monocotyledonous plants have a different iron acquisition strategy (strategy II) from dicotyledonous and nongraminaceous monocotyledonous plants (strategy I). The process of iron acquisition by strategy II plants can be divided into four main steps: biosynthesis, secretion, solubilization, and uptake, all of which are effectively regulated by different systems. The biosynthesis of mugineic acids is controlled by an on-off system which is operated under the control of iron demand in the plant. All mugineic acids share the same biosynthetic pathway from L-methionine to 2'-deoxymugineic acid, but the subsequent steps differ among plant species and even cultivars. The biosynthesis of mugineic acids is associated with the methionine recycling pathway. The secretion of mugineic acids shows a distinct diumal rhythm. Mugineic acids solubilize sparingly soluble inorganic iron by chelation and possess a high chelation affinity for iron, but not for other polyvalent ions such as Ca2+, Mg2+ and Al3+. The iron uptake process is regulated by a specific uptake system that transports the mugineic acid-Fe(III) complex as an intact molecule. This system specifically recognizes the mugineic acid-Fe(III) complexes, but not other mugineic acid-metal or synthetic chelator-Fe(III) complexes, suggesting that binding sites with strict recognition for stereostructure of the complex are located on the plasma membrane. All these regulatory systems are considered to represent an efficient strategy to acquire adequate amounts of iron and to avoid factors unfavorable for iron acquisition such as high pH, high concentrations of bicarbonate, Ca2- and Mg2+, microbial degradation, and uptake of other metals that are common in calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Mobilization of Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn by various chelators from a calcareous soil was measured using a simple dialysis tube/complexing resin system. Root exudates from Fe-deficient barley increased the concentrations of all four metals in solution by, on average, a factor of 20, and the addition of complexing resin as a sink for heavy metal cations forced steady state solution concentrations to be reached sooner. Root exudates mobilized increasing amounts of the various micronutrients in the following order: Cu<Fe<Zn<Mn. Phytosiderophores isolated from root exudates of Fe-deficient barley mobilized similar amounts of Cu and Zn but somewhat more Fe and considerably more Mn than crude exudate. The synthetic chelators EDDHA and DTPA showed low specificity in micronutrient mobilization, but the microbial siderophore Desferal was relatively more specific, preferentially mobilizing Fe and Mn. The data indicates that phytosiderophores are capable of increasing the amount of complexed cations in solution. Despite their lack of specificity, phytosiderophores were just as effective as Desferal increasing the availability of Fe. Thus, phytosiderophores, as plant-borne chelators, are certainly of significance for the Fe nutrition of cereals grown in calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Mugineic acid family phytosiderophores (MAs) are secreted from iron-deficient barley roots with high equimolar correlation of potassium. To determine the form of MAs when it is secreted, we investigated the effect of anion channel blockers and valinomycin on the secretion of MAs. Among the anion channel blockers, anthracene-9-carboxylic acid and phenylglyoxal drastically reduced the amount of secreted MAs, while 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2- stilbene disulfonate slightly inhibited the MAs secretion. Trifluoromethyl-3-phenylamino-2-nicotinic acid reduced the secreted amount to the half of non-treated. This result suggested that MAs are secreted in the form of anion through an anion channel. The elimination of potassium gradient between the cytoplasm and the cell exterior by treatment with valinomycin reduced the amount of secreted MAs. Analysis of potassium distribution in root by LV-SEM-XMA indicated that potassium in the cortex cells of iron-deficient roots is released with MAs secretion and the amount of potassium in the cortex cells decreases after secretion. These results suggested that MAs are secreted in the form of a monovalent anion via anion channels using the potassium gradient between the cytoplasm and the cell exterior. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cakmak  I.  Erenoglu  B.  Gülüt  K.Y.  Derici  R.  Römheld  V. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(2):309-315
The effect of varied light intensity (50 – 600 mol m-2 s-1) on the rate of phytosiderophore release was studied under zinc (Zn) deficiency using a bread (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Aroona) and a durum wheat cultivar (Triticum durum Desf. cv. Durati) differing in zinc (Zn) efficiency and under iron (Fe) deficiency using a barley cultivar (Hordeum vulgare L. Europe). Plants were grown under controlled environmental conditions in nutrient solution for 15 days (wheat plants) or 11 days (barley plants). Phytosiderophore release was determined by measuring capacity of root exudates to mobilize copper (Cu) from a Cu-loaded resin.With increasing light intensity visual Zn deficiency symptoms such as whitish-brown lesions on leaf blade developed rapidly and severely in wheat, particularly in the durum cultivar Durati. In wheat plants supplied well with Zn, increases in light intensity from 100 to 600 mol m-2 s-1 did not clearly affect the rate of phytosiderophore release. However, under Zn deficiency increases in light intensity markedly enhanced release of phytosiderophores in Zn-deficient Aroona, but not in Zn-inefficient Durati. When Fe-deficient barley cultivar Europe was grown first at 220 mol m-2 s-1 and then exposed to 600 mol m-2 s-1 for 24 and 48 h, the rate of release of phytosiderophores was enhanced about 4-fold and 7-fold, respectively. Transfer of Fe-deficient plants from 600 to 50 mol m-2 s-1 for 48 h reduced the rate of release of phytosiderophores by a factor of 7. The effect of light on phytosiderophore release was similar regardless of whether the rate of phytosiderophore release was expressed per plant or per unit dry weight of roots.The results demonstrate a particular role of light intensity in phytosiderophore release from roots under both Zn and Fe deficiency. It is suggested that in the studies concerning the role of phytosiderophore release in expression of Zn or Fe efficiency among and within cereals, a special attention should be given to the light conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in the properties of soil solution in the rhizosphere of developing radish plants were investigated. Variations in these properties were expected to affect the distribution and speciation of metals in the soil and soil solution. Applications of essential nutrients were linked to plant transpiration rates and prevented excess addition of nutrient ions, so that subtle changes in soil solution composition would not be obscured. Soil solution pH, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the concentrations of major and trace elements in solution were found to vary over time. Strict control of fertilizer additions led to the maintenance of a relatively low ionic strength in the soil solution, and under such conditions trace metal solubility appeared to be highy influenced by the concentration of DOC. A chemical speciation analysis was performed which showed that, while dissolved Cd and Zn were largely uncomplexed in unplanted soil, Cd and Zn in the rhizosphere existed mainly as complexed forms. It is hypothesized that this is partly a result of Ca-metal-ligand equilibrium in solution, with higher Ca concentrations in unplanted soil leading to more of the Cd and Zn in solution existing in the uncomplexed state. Changes in the concentrations of uncomplexed Cd and Zn with time gave the best correlations with changes in plant uptake of these metals over time, supporting the hypothesis that plants mainly absorb the free metal ion from soil solution.  相似文献   

铜是人体必需的微量元素,参与体内多种蛋白和酶的组成,机体内存在严格的铜稳态调控机制。作为血浆中最主要的多铜亚铁氧化酶——铜蓝蛋白,与另外两种同源亚铁氧化酶——膜铁转运辅助蛋白和zyklopen,共同参与体内铁的转运,维持铁代谢的平衡。将对调节铜和铁平衡的重要意义以及铜和铁在机体代谢过程中的相互作用、发展动态进行讨论。  相似文献   

The photosynthetic picocyanobacteria and eukaryotic microorganisms that inhabit the open ocean must be able to supply iron for their photosynthetic and respiratory needs from the subnanomolar concentrations available in seawater. Neither group appears to produce siderophores, although some coastal cyanobacteria do. This is interpreted as an adaptation to the dilute oceanic environment rather than a phylogenetic constraint, since there are cases in which related taxa from different environments have the capacity to produce siderophores. Most photosynthetic marine microorganisms are presumably, however, capable of accessing iron from strong chelates since the majority of dissolved iron in seawater is complexed by organic ligands, including siderophores. Rather than direct internalization of siderophores and other iron chelates, marine organisms primarily appear to use uptake pathways that involve a reduction step to free bound iron, closely coupled with transport into the cell.  相似文献   



Iron (Fe) deficiency in crops is a worldwide agricultural problem. Plants have evolved several strategies to enhance Fe acquisition, but increasing evidence has shown that the intrinsic plant-based strategies alone are insufficient to avoid Fe deficiency in Fe-limited soils. Soil micro-organisms also play a critical role in plant Fe acquisition; however, the mechanisms behind their promotion of Fe acquisition remain largely unknown.


This review focuses on the possible mechanisms underlying the promotion of plant Fe acquisition by soil micro-organisms.


Fe-deficiency-induced root exudates alter the microbial community in the rhizosphere by modifying the physicochemical properties of soil, and/or by their antimicrobial and/or growth-promoting effects. The altered microbial community may in turn benefit plant Fe acquisition via production of siderophores and protons, both of which improve Fe bioavailability in soil, and via hormone generation that triggers the enhancement of Fe uptake capacity in plants. In addition, symbiotic interactions between micro-organisms and host plants could also enhance plant Fe acquisition, possibly including: rhizobium nodulation enhancing plant Fe uptake capacity and mycorrhizal fungal infection enhancing root length and the nutrient acquisition area of the root system, as well as increasing the production of Fe3+ chelators and protons.  相似文献   

  • Cadmium (Cd) contamination occurs in paddy soils; hence it is necessary to reduce Cd content of rice. Application and mode of action of ferrous sulphate in minimizing Cd in rice was monitored in the present study.
  • Pot culture with Indian rice variety Swarna (MTU 7029) was maintained in Cd‐spiked soil containing ferrous sulphates, which is expected to reduce Cd accumulation in rice. Responses in rhizosphere pH, root surface, metal accumulation in plant and molecular physiological processes were monitored.
  • Iron plaque was induced on root surfaces after FeSO4 application and the amount of Fe in plaque reduced with increases in Cd in the soil. Rhizosphere pH decreased during plaque formation and became more acidic due to secretion of organic acids from the roots under Cd treatment. Moreover, iron chelate reductase activity increased with Cd treatment, but in the absence of Cd, activity of this enzyme increased in plaque‐induced plants. Cd treatment caused expression of OsYSL18, whereas OsYSL15 was expressed only in roots without iron plaque. Fe content of plants increased during plaque formation, which protected plants from Cd‐induced Fe deficiency and metal toxicity. This was corroborated with increased biomass, chlorophyll content and quantum efficiency of photo‐synthesis among plaque‐induced plants.
  • We conclude that ferrous sulphate‐induced iron plaque prevents Cd accumulation and Fe deficiency in rice. Iron released from plaque via organic acid mediated dissolution during Cd stress.

The aim of this study was to determine the zinc, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium levels in blood serum and zinc and copper levels in hair of dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis. The serum zinc and iron levels were found to be significantly lower in diseased dogs than those of healthy controls. Serum copper levels were significantly higher, whereas no significant differences were observed for calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. There were no significant differences in the zinc and copper levels in hair. Our results show that the serum zinc, iron, and copper levels are altered in canine leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Background. – Under conditions of iron overload non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI) occurs in the circulation and is mainly cleared by the liver. Beside iron, gallium and aluminum enhance accumulation of NTBI. We try to characterize the mechanism and metal-mediated regulation of NTBI uptake using cultivated primary rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The present experiment was conducted to study effects of Cu, Fe and Zn on activities of digestive enzymes of the hybrid tilapia Oreochromis niloticus×Oreochromis aureus. The acidic protease activities increased 65·5 and 55·1% by addition of homogenates of digesta‐containing stomach with copper (75 mg l−1) and zinc (50 mg l−1) respectively. Addition of Cu and Zn increased the activities of protease in the hepatopancreas homogenates by 132·7 and 38·1% respectively, and reduced the activity of protease in the digesta‐containing intestine homogenates by 11·0 and 13·8% respectively. Addition of Fe (50 mg l−1) increased the acidic protease activity by 96·7% but did not alter the activities of protease in the intestine and hepatopancreas. Addition of Cu markedly inhibited activities of amylase in intestine and hepatopancreas homogenates, while Zn addition showed no effects. Addition of Fe reduced activities of amylase in the intestine homogenates by 47·9% but had no effect on amylase activities in the hepatopancreas. When Cu (75 mg kg−1), Fe (50 mg kg−1) and Zn (50 mg kg−1) were supplemented to basal diet for 3 weeks, the activities of amylase in hepatopancreas homogenates increased 125·3, 215·6 and 70·0%, respectively, the activities of amylase in intestine increased 79·8, 74·6 and 48·5%, respectively, and the activities of lipase in intestine increased 90·5, 149·8 and 84·0%, respectively. Supplementation of Cu, Fe or Zn into diet had no effects on activity of protease in all digestive organs. Therefore, the results suggest that effects of Cu, Fe and Zn on activity of digestive enzymes in vitro were different from those seen in vivo, and that the positive effects of Cu, Fe and Zn supplemented to fish diet would be valuable information for formulating fish feed.  相似文献   

The effects of simultaneous changes of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc concentrations were evaluated in normal human T and B lymphocytes, cultured in cation-depleted media. Optimal concentrations for thymidine incorporation (TI) in both cell populations were Fe and Zn 15 μM and Cu 5 μM; for t cells Ca 2 mM and Mg 4 mM; for B cells Ca 4 mM and Mg 6 mM. TI decreased with increasing molarity of cations and the decrease was particularly apparent with Cu. Minimal amounts of Ca and Mg (0.5 mM) were necessary for growth, even in presence of optimal concentrations of Fe, Cu, and Zn. Fe and Cu showed synergistic stimulatory effects at low concentrations and synergistic inhibitory effects at high concentrations. Antagonism between Fe and Zn, Cu and Zn, and Ca and Zn was also demonstrated. CD4/CD8 increased with PHA stimulation in presence of Zn, and decreased with ConA stimulation in presence of Zn or Fe. The results demonstrate: (1) the relationship and interdependence of Fe, Cu, and Zn concentrations in modulating the growth of normal lymphocytes; (2) the stimulatory effects of Fe on B cells and Zn on CD8 positive cells; (3) the inhibitory effect of Cu at concentrations lower than those of Fe and Zn; (4) the requirement of Ca and Mg in certain concentration and ratio for the action of the other cations; and (5) the Ca and Mg requirement for the growth of B cells higher than T cells.  相似文献   


Five chelated iron sources have been applied to barley and maize to investigate the effect of differing chemical form on the formation and persistence of root apoplastic Fe pools. Short-term Fe exposure (barley) experiments indicated that the charged state of the Fe complex was the most important factor regulating the initial formation and magnitude of the apoplastic pool. Longer term experiments (maize), incorporating a period of Fe deprivation, produced more complex results. Differences in plant growth during the experiment produced changes in the magnitude of the root Fe pool; these interacted with the chemical form of the applied Fe to regulate the release, utilisation and hence the ultimate size of the apoplastic pool produced by each Fe source. It is concluded that such experiments are poor indicators of the potential performance of novel chelated Fe sources.  相似文献   

The toxic milk (tx) mouse is a rodent model for Wilson disease, an inherited disorder of copper overload. Here we assessed the effect of copper accumulation in the tx mouse on zinc and iron metabolism. Copper, zinc and iron concentrations were determined in the liver, kidney, spleen and brain of control and copper-loaded animals by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Copper concentration increased dramatically in the liver, and was also significantly higher in the spleen, kidney and brain of control tx mice in the first few months of life compared with normal DL mice. Hepatic zinc was increased with age in the tx mouse, but zinc concentrations in the other organs were normal. Liver and kidney iron concentrations were significantly lower at birth in tx mice, but increased quickly to be comparable with control mice by 2 months of age. Iron concentration in the spleen was significantly higher in tx mice, but was lower in 5 day old tx pups. Copper-loading studies showed that normal DL mice ingesting 300 mg/l copper in their diet for 3 months maintained normal liver, kidney and brain copper, zinc and iron levels. Copper-loading of tx mice did not increase the already high liver copper concentrations, but spleen and brain copper concentrations were increased. Despite a significant elevation of copper in the brain of the copper-loaded tx mice no behavioural changes were observed. The livers of copper-loaded tx mice had a lower zinc concentration than control tx mice, whilst the kidney had double the concentration of iron suggesting that there was increased erythrocyte hemolysis in the copper-loaded mutants.  相似文献   

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