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Embryo aggregation has been demonstrated to improve cloning efficiency in mammals. However, since no more than three embryos have been used for aggregation, the effect of using a larger number of cloned zygotes is unknown. Therefore, the goal of the present study was to determine whether increased numbers of cloned aggregated zygotes results in improved in vitro and in vivo embryo development in the equine. Zona-free reconstructed embryos (ZFRE''s) were cultured in the well of the well system in four different experimental groups: I. 1x, only one ZFRE per microwell; II. 3x, three per microwell; III. 4x, four per microwell; and IV. 5x, five ZFRE''s per microwell. Embryo size was measured on day 7, after which blastocysts from each experimental group were either a) maintained in culture from day 8 until day 16 to follow their growth rates, b) fixed to measure DNA fragmentation using the TUNEL assay, or c) transferred to synchronized mares. A higher blastocyst rate was observed on day 7 in the 4x group than in the 5x group. Non-aggregated embryos were smaller on day 8 compared to those aggregated, but from then on the in vitro growth was not different among experimental groups. Apoptotic cells averaged 10% of total cells of day 8 blastocysts, independently of embryo aggregation. Only pregnancies resulting from the aggregation of up to four embryos per microwell went beyond the fifth month of gestation, and two of these pregnancies, derived from experimental groups 3x and 4x, resulted in live cloned foals. In summary, we showed that the in vitro and in vivo development of cloned zona-free embryos improved until the aggregation of four zygotes and declined when five reconstructed zygotes were aggregated.  相似文献   

Viability of equine embryos produced by oocyte maturation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection and embryo culture to the blastocyst stage in vitro was evaluated after transfer of embryos to recipient mares. No pregnancies were produced after transfer of five blastocysts that had been cultured in G media. Transfer of 10 blastocysts cultured in modified DMEM/F-12 medium produced five pregnancies and three live foals; the two lost pregnancies developed only trophoblast (based on transrectal ultrasonography). To evaluate the status of the inner cell mass, equine blastocysts produced in vivo and in vitro were assessed after differential staining. A discrete inner cell mass could not be appreciated in blastocysts of either source after staining; this was attributed to the presence of a network of cells within the trophoblastic vesicle. Because increased medium calcium concentrations have been reported to decrease the incidence of trophoblast-only pregnancy after transfer of equine nuclear transfer embryos, we investigated the effect of increased calcium concentrations during oocyte maturation or during embryo culture. Increasing calcium concentration of culture medium from 2 to 5.6mM during in vitro oocyte maturation did not affect maturation rate (75 and 68%, respectively) or blastocyst development after fertilization (23 and 27%). However, increasing calcium concentration (from 1.3 to 4.9 mM) of medium used for embryo culture significantly decreased blastocyst development (27% versus 13%, respectively) and adversely affected embryo morphology. More work is needed to optimize culture systems for in vitro production of equine embryos.  相似文献   

In general, pig embryos established by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) are transferred at the one‐cell stage because of suboptimal embryo culture conditions. Improvements in embryo culture can increase the practical application of late embryo transfer. The goal of this study was to evaluate embryos cultured with granulocyte‐macrophage colony‐stimulating factor (GM‐CSF) in vitro, and to track the in vivo developmental competency of SCNT‐derived blastocysts from these GM‐CSF embryos. The receptor for GM‐CSF was up‐regulated in in vitro‐produced embryos when compared to in vivo‐produced cohorts, but the level decreased when GM‐CSF was present. In vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos, supplemented with GM‐CSF (2 or 10 ng/ml), showed a higher frequency of development to the blastocyst stage compared to controls. The total cell numbers of the blastocysts also increased with supplementation of GM‐CSF. Molecular analysis demonstrates that IVF‐derived blastocysts cultured with GM‐CSF exhibit less apoptotic activity. Similarly, an increase in development to the blastocyst stage and an increase in the average total‐cell number in the blastocysts were observed when SCNT‐derived embryos were cultured with either concentration of GM‐CSF (2 or 10 ng/ml). When SCNT‐derived embryos, cultured with 10 ng/ml GM‐CSF, were transferred into six surrogates at Day 6, five of the surrogates became pregnant and delivered healthy piglets. Our findings suggest that supplementation of GM‐CSF can provide better culture conditions for IVF‐ and SCNT‐derived embryos, and pig SCNT‐derived embryos cultured with GM‐CSF in vitro can successfully produce piglets when transferred into surrogates at the blastocyst stage. Thus, it may be practical to begin performing SCNT‐derived embryo transfer at the blastocyst stage. Mol. Reprod. Dev. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the effect of culture system on bovine blastocyst formation rates and quality. Presumptive IVM/IVF bovine zygotes were cultured either in vitro in synthetic oviduct fluid (SOF, 25 embryos/25 microL in 5% CO2, 5% O2, 90% N2 at 39 degrees C) or in vivo in the ewe oviduct (approximately 100 embryos per oviduct). The recovery rate after in vivo culture was 53% (813/1,530). The blastocyst rate on Day 7 was significantly higher for the in vitro system (28%, 362/1,278 vs 17%, 37/813; P< 0.0001). However, after culture in vitro for a further 24 h, there was no difference in Day 8 yields (36%, 457/1,278 vs 32%, 258/813, for in vitro and in vivo culture, respectively). There was no difference in blastocyst cell number between treatments (Day 7: 96 vs 103; Day 8: 78 vs 85 for in vitro and in vivo culture, respectively). Irrespective of culture system, Day 7 blastocysts had a significantly higher cell number than those appearing on Day 8. There was no difference in pregnancy rate at Day 35 after fresh transfer of a single Day 7 blastocyst (37.5%, 21/56 vs 45.3%/, 24/53 for in vitro and in vivo culture, respectively). After cryopreservation by freezing in 10% glycerol, VS3a vitrification or solid surface vitrification, the survival of in vitro cultured embryos was significantly lower than survival of embryos cultured in the ewe oviduct or those produced by superovulation of donors. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that while bovine zygotes cultured in vitro are capable of rates of development similar to those of their in vivo cultured counterparts (in terms of Day 8 blastocyst yield, cell number and early pregnancy rate), there are significant differences in embryo cryosurvival. This suggests that current in vitro culture systems need to be improved to optimize embryo quality and pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

The occurrence of pregnancies and births after embryo transfer (ET) of in vivo produced embryos is generally more successful compared to that of embryos produced in vitro. This difference in ET success has been observed when embryos of morphological equal (high) quality were used. The incidence of apoptosis has been suggested as an additional criterion to morphological embryo evaluation in order to assess embryo quality and effectively predict embryo viability. In this study, equine, porcine, ovine, caprine and bovine in vivo and in vitro produced morphologically selected high quality (grade-I) blastocysts were compared for the occurrence of apoptosis in blastomeres. The total number of cells per embryo and the number of cells with damaged plasma membranes, fragmented DNA and fragmented nuclei per embryo were assessed in selected blastocysts by combining Ethidium homodimer (EthD-1), terminal dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) and Hoechst 33342 staining. In general, the level of blastomere apoptosis was low. A higher level of apoptosis was observed in in vitro produced equine, porcine and bovine blastocysts compared to their in vivo counterparts. Interestingly, 4 of the initially selected 29 bovine in vitro produced blastocysts exhibited extensive signs of apoptosis affecting the inner cell mass (ICM), which is not compatible with a viable conceptus. Repeated occurrence of this observation may explain the lower ET outcome of in vitro produced bovine embryos compared to in vivo produced embryos. It is concluded that, although in morphologically high quality blastocysts of several farm animal species a significant difference exists in the percentages of apoptotic cells between in vivo and in vitro produced embryos, the incidence of apoptosis at the blastocyst stage is at such a low level that it cannot reflect the substantial differences in embryo viability that have been described between in vivo and in vitro produced blastocysts following ET.  相似文献   

Ball BA  Miller PG 《Theriogenology》1992,37(5):979-991
In this study we examined the ability of equine oviductal epithelial cells (OEC) to support the development of four- to eight-cell equine embryos in vitro and investigated the ability of co-cultured embryos to continue normal development after transfer to synchronous recipient mares. Equine embryos obtained at Day 2 after ovulation were cultured with or without OEC for 5 days. Those OEC co-cultured embryos that reached the blastocyst stage and embryos recovered from the uterus at Day 7 were surgically transferred to synchronous recipient mares. Co-culture with OEC improved (P < 0.01) development of four- to eight-cell embryos to blastocysts compared to medium alone (11/15 vs 0/6) during 5 days in vitro. Embryos co-cultured with OEC were smaller (P < 0.05) and more delayed in development than Day-7 uterine blastocysts. There was no difference in the Day-30 survival rate of co-cultured blastocysts (3/8) or Day-7 uterine blastocysts (5/8) after transfer to recipient mares. These results indicate that co-culture with OEC can support development of four- to eight-cell equine embryos in vitro and that co-cultured embryos can continue normal development after transfer to recipient mares.  相似文献   

Perturbations of the development of preimplantation embryos may have long-term consequences for the health of progeny. There are no standardized methods for assessing such risks. The OECD/OCDE 416 Guideline for Testing of Chemicals (Two-Generation Reproduction Toxicity Study) is a standardized assay for detecting potential toxic effects of chemicals. The present study assessed the utility of this guideline for identifying long-term consequences of perturbing preimplantation development. Extended culturing of mammalian zygotes commonly results in retarded preimplantation development. Mouse zygotes were cultured in vitro for 96 h until the blastocyst stage (cultured blastocysts) or blastocysts were collected from the Day-3.5 uterus (in vivo blastocysts). The resulting blastocysts were transferred to the uteri of pseudopregnant recipients (P generation). Progeny from both treatments were mated for a further two generations (F1 and F2 generations). There was no effect of treatment group on gross fertility across the generations tested. Progeny of the cultured blastocysts had lower body weights to the time of weaning compared to in vivo blastocysts in the P and F1 generations, but not in the F2 generation. At maturity, there was no effect of treatment group on body weight, although thyroid weight was higher in the in vivo blastocyst group in the P generation, while the brain, pituitary, and kidneys were larger in the progeny of the cultured blastocysts of the F1 generation. The OECD/OCDE 416 assessment may have a role as a standardized test for the assessment of the biological consequences of perturbing the growth environment of the preimplantation embryo. Embryo culture influenced the somatometric parameters of the resulting progeny, some of which were maintained across a generation.  相似文献   

Ovine IVP embryos were derived from frozen-thawed unsorted and frozen-thawed sex-sorted spermatozoa that had been refrozen and thawed. The embryos were bisected and cultured in vitro, or transferred to recipient ewes to determine their survival in vitro and in vivo. Oocyte progression to the blastocyst stage was similar for unsorted (97/232, 41.8%) and sex-sorted spermatozoa (113/286, 39.5%; P > 0.05). Embryo survival in vitro post-bisection was similar for demi-embryos derived from unsorted and sex-sorted sperm, and embryos bisected at the blastocyst and expanded blastocyst stage (P > 0.05). A higher proportion of recipient ewes were pregnant at Day 63 after transfer of two intact embryos derived from unsorted (17/21, 80.9%) than two demi-embryos derived from unsorted (5/15, 33.3%) or sex-sorted spermatozoa (7/17, 41.2%). The number of fetuses per original embryo at Day 63 did not differ among groups (unsorted intact: 23/42, 54.8%; unsorted demi: 7/15, 46.7%; sex-sorted demi: 10/17, 58.8%) and twin pregnancies were observed in all groups. Embryo survival to term was high, and was not significantly different among intact (unsorted: 22/42, 52.4%) and demi-embryos (unsorted: 4/15, 26.7%; sex-sorted spermatozoa: 7/17, 41.2%; P > 0.05). Dizygotic twins (n = 6 sets) were born after the transfer of two intact embryos derived from unsorted spermatozoa, but only singleton lambs resulted from the transfer of demi-embryos. In conclusion, bisected IVP embryos successfully developed into morphologically normal lambs. However, embryo survival to term was neither increased nor decreased by embryo bisection.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the development of porcine embryos from the 2- and 4-cell stages to the blastocyst stage after in vivo or in vitro fertilization and in vivo or in vitro culture. Early-stage embryos were collected either from superovulated gilts 36 h after the second mating or after in vitro fertilization (IVF) of in vivo-matured oocytes, both followed by in vitro culture to the blastocyst stage. Blastocysts collected from superovulated donors served as controls. In the first experiment, a total of 821 2- and 4-cell embryos derived from in vivo-fertilized oocytes was cultured either in medium NCSU 23, modified Whittens' medium or modified KRB for 5 d. Significantly (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001) more embryos overcame the 4-cell block and developed to the blastocyst stage in medium NCSU 23 than in the 2 other culture media. Hatching was only observed in medium NCSU 23. In the second experiment, embryos derived from in vivo-matured oocytes fertilized in vitro were cultured in medium NCSU 23. Of 1869 mature oocytes 781 (41.8%) cleaved within 48 h after in vitro fertilization. A total of 715 embryos was cultured to the morula and blastocyst stages, and 410 (57.3%) overcame the developmental block stage, with 358 embryos (50.1%) developing to the morula and blastocyst stages. None of the embryos hatched, and the number of nuclei was significantly (P < 0.05) lower compared with that of in vivo-fertilized embryos (18.9 +/- 9.8 vs 31.2 +/- 5.8). In the third experiment, 156 blastocysts derived from in vitro fertilization and 276 blastocysts derived from in vivo fertilization and in vitro culture were transferred into synchronized recipients, while 164 blastocysts were transferred immediately after collection into 6 recipients, resulting in a pregnancy rate of 83.3%, with 35 piglets (on average 7.0) born. From the in vitro-cultured embryos, 58.3% (7/12) of the recipients remained pregnant at Day 35 after transfer, but only 33.3% maintained pregnancy to term, and 14 piglets (on average 3.5) were born. In contrast, the transfer of embryos derived from in vitro-fertilized oocytes did not result in pregnancies. It is concluded that 1) NCSU 23 is superior to modified Whittens' medium and modified KRB and 2) blastocysts derived from in vitro fertilization have reduced viability as indicated by the lower number of nuclei and failure to induce pregnancy upon transfer into recipients.  相似文献   

Embryo survival rates obtained after transfer of in vitro produced porcine blastocysts are very poor. This is probably related to poor quality of the embryos. The aim of the present study was to determine markers for good quality blastocysts. Therefore, we tried to link blastocyst morphology to several morphological and cell biological properties, and evaluated the survival of in vitro produced, morphologically classified, blastocysts following non-surgical transfer. In vitro and in vivo produced blastocysts were allocated to two groups (classes A and B) on the basis of morphological characteristics. The quality of their actin cytoskeleton, their total cell number, their ability to re-expand after cytochalasin-B treatment and the occurrence of numerical chromosome aberrations were studied and compared. In vivo produced blastocysts were used as a control. Our results indicate that the ability of blastocysts to re-expand after cytochalasin-B-induced actin depolymerization was positively correlated with the morphology of the blastocyst, and associated with the quality of the actin cytoskeleton. Chromosome analysis revealed that mosaicism is inherent to the in vitro production of porcine embryos, but also that in vivo produced blastocysts contained some non-diploid cells. In non-surgical embryo transfer experiments more recipients receiving class A blastocysts were pregnant on Day 20 than those receiving class B blastocysts. One recipient gave birth to six piglets from class A in vitro produced blastocysts, providing a verification of the enhanced viability of blastocysts that were scored as 'good' on the basis of their morphology.  相似文献   

Oviductal factors may be obtained by ultrafiltration of conditioned medium, added to a simple media and used in bovine embryo culture. In this study, we aimed to analyze the development of bovine embryos produced with oviductal factors compared to those cultured in the presence of BSA or serum, the effects of glucose in presence of these protein supplements, and the ability of oviductal factors to support embryo development during the entire culture period. In vitro produced bovine zygotes from slaughterhouse ovaries were cultured in modified-synthetic oviduct fluid (mSOF) alone or supplemented with (1) oviductal factors, (2) BSA and (3) FCS. Oviductal factors showed embryotrophic activity, although with blastocyst rates lower than those in BSA and FCS. Glucose (1.5 mM) added at Day 2 of culture did not affect development in the presence of oviductal factors. The number of cells in expanded blastocysts was unaffected by the presence of glucose or any of the protein supplements used. Both BSA and FCS, respectively, improved blastocyst rates of Day 6 embryos produced with oviductal factors. The effect of oviductal factors was masked by the presence of BSA during the entire culture. FCS promoted an earlier appearance of blastocysts. It is concluded that the effect of glucose on in vitro embryo development depends upon the source of protein. Oviductal factors are not an appropriate supplement for embryos beyond Day 6 of culture in SOF, although blastocyst rates of such embryos may be increased by culturing them in the presence of FCS or BSA.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted to determine whether bovine blastocysts would develop beyond the blastocyst stage in the ovine uterine environment. In Experiment 1, in vitro matured, fertilized and cultured (IVM/IVF/IVC) expanded bovine blastocysts were transferred into uteri of ewes on Day 7 or 9 of the estrous cycle and collected on Day 14 or 15 to determine if the bovine blastocysts would elongate and form an embryonic disk. Springtime trials with ewes that were synchronized with a medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) sponge resulted in a 78% blastocyst recovery rate, and 68% of the recovered spherical or elongated embryos had embryonic disks. In Experiment 2, transfer of 4-cell bovine embryos to the oviducts of ewes at Day 3 resulted in a lower recovery (47 vs 80%) than the transfer of blastocysts at Day 7 when embryos were recovered at Day 14. However, the percentage of embryos containing embryonic disks was higher for embryos transferred at the 4-cell stage (71%) than for embryos transferred as blastocysts (50%). In Experiment 3, IVF embryos from super-ovulated cows or Day 8 in vitro produced embryos transferred to cows were collected at Day 14 and were found to be similar in size to those produced by transfer to ewes in Experiment 2. In Experiment 4, the transfer of bovine blastocysts to ewes did not prolong the ovine estrous cycle. In Experiment 5, extension of the ovine estrous cycle by administration of a MAP releasing intravaginal device allowed bovine embryos to elongate extensively and to become filamentous. In Experiment 6, uterine flushings on Day 14 or Day 16 contained elevated levels of interferon-tau when bovine blastocyst were transferred on Day 7. Transfer of bovine embryos to the reproductive tract of a ewe allows some embryos to develop normally to advanced perimplantation stages and may be a useful tool for studying critical stages of embryo development and the developmental capacity of experimental embryos.  相似文献   

Embryos were recovered from the uteri of mares 5 d after ovulation. Six embryos, all morulae, were placed singly in 200-ul droplets of Ham's F-12 with 10% fetal calf serum and cultured at 37 degrees C in a 5% CO(2) atmosphere. The embryos expanded to form blastocysts by the third day of culture. The blastocysts hatched from their zona pellucida, rather than the zona thinning and flaking off, as occurs in vivo. Hatching from the zona pellucida began on the third day of culture and was complete in five of six embryos by the sixth day. The embryonic capsule, normally present in equine embryos after Day 6, was not seen in the cultured embryos. The blastocysts continued to expand until 15 to 17 d of age (10 to 12 d in culture), reaching an average diameter (+/- SD) of 2052 +/- 290 um, after which time they either collapsed or contracted. These results demonstrate that equine embryos can be maintained in long-term culture in vitro, exhibiting continued growth and expansion in the absence of the embryonic capsule.  相似文献   

In pigs, the morphology and cell number of in vitro-produced blastocysts are inferior to those of their in vivo counterparts. The objective of this study was to increase developmental competence and to gain an understanding of cell allocation in blastocysts derived from the aggregation of four-cell stage porcine embryos produced in vitro. After removal of the zona pellucida, two (2x) and three (3x) four-cell stage embryos were aggregated by co-culturing them in aggregation plates. Five days after aggregation, the developmental ability and the number of cells in the aggregated embryos were determined. The percentage of blastocysts was higher (P < 0.05) in both the 2x and 3x aggregated embryos (66.6% and 72.0%, respectively) compared to that of the 1x embryos and the intact controls (43.1% and 36.4%, respectively). The total cell number of blastocysts also increased in aggregated embryos compared to that of intact controls (2.6-fold for 2x and 3.4-fold for 3x) (P < 0.05). The cells of two differentially stained embryos were started to mix at 72 hr after aggregation. In vitro-fertilized porcine aggregates (2x) were developed to blastocyst with a random distribution of cells from each embryo. The mRNA levels for the oct-4, bcl-xL and connexin 43 genes were higher (P < 0.05) and bak gene were lower (P < 0.05) in both the 2x and 3x aggregated embryos than the intact controls. Therefore, the aggregation of the four-cell stage embryos could be used to improve the quality of porcine preimplantation stage embryos produced in vitro.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine the effect of pooling embryos from two donors on the reproductive success of transfer of vitrified/warmed porcine blastocysts. Intact blastocysts were collected from superovulated Large White Hyperprolific gilts (n = 24) on Days 5-5.5 after artificial insemination. Embryos were recovered by flushing the uterine horns, and unhatched blastocysts were selected. Vitrification and warming were performed as described by Berthelot et al. [Cryobiology 41(2000) 116]. To evaluate in vitro development, 37 vitrified/warmed blastocysts were cultured, non-vitrified embryos (n = 48) were used as controls. Embryo transfers were conducted in asynchronous (-24 h) Meishan gilts (n = 20). Twenty vitrified/warmed blastocysts were surgically transferred into one uterine horn. Ten recipients received embryos from one donor (Group 1) and the other 10 transfers were performed with mixed embryos from two donors (Group 2). Pregnancy was assessed ultrasonographically at Day 25 after estrus and recipients were slaughtered at Day 30 after transfer. In vitro survival rate of the vitrified/warmed blastocysts was lower (P < 0.01) than that from control embryos (73.0% versus 93.7%). The pregnancy rate for Group 1 (70%) was not different (P > 0.05) than that from Group 2 (90%). No significant differences were detected between Groups 1 and 2 for in vivo embryo development (number fetuses/transferred embryos in pregnant recipients) or in vivo embryo survival (number viable fetuses/transferred embryos in pregnant recipients). However, the in vivo efficiency (number viable fetuses/total transferred embryos) was higher (P < 0.05) when transfers were performed with embryos from two donors (19.5% versus 30.5%). These results indicate that pooling embryos from two donors increases the in vivo efficiency after transfer of vitrified/warmed porcine blastocysts.  相似文献   

Unhatched blastocysts from Large White hyperprolific gilts (n=103) were identified, measured and vitrified using the Open Pulled Straw (OPS) technique to evaluate the effects of the collected blastocyst size and cryoprotectant concentrations used for vitrification, and the number of embryos transferred per recipient. Vitrified/warmed blastocyst viability was estimated in vitro, as the percentage of embryos developing after 72h, and in vivo, on pregnancy Day 30. In the in vitro study, we compared the use of three cryoprotectant concentrations (16.5, 18, or 20% DMSO+16.5, 18, or 20% EG+0.4M sucrose). Survival rates differed significantly between the control (98.3%) and the three cryoprotectant concentrations (67, 62.3, and 57%, respectively). Blastocyst size at vitrification determined the further in vitro development of embryos (26% survival for blastocysts 126-144microm versus 100% for blastocysts >199microm). For the in vivo study, blastocysts were vitrified using cryoprotectant concentrations of 16.5 or 18% DMSO+EG and transferred surgically in groups of 20 or 30 per recipient (n=40). Recipients were slaughtered on pregnancy D30. No significant differences were detected in gestation rates (50-70%) and embryo survival rates (14.7-25%), although survival was higher (P=0.0003) when 20 blastocysts were transferred compared to 30 (24.7% versus 15.5%). Our findings indicate that best results, in terms of subsequent in vivo embryo survival, were achieved after transferring 20 embryos at the blastocyst or expanded blastocyst stage, previously vitrified using cryoprotectant concentrations of 16.5 or 18%.  相似文献   

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