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Darwin (1871) and later Fisher (1958) suggested that sexual selection can drive the evolution of ornamental traits in monogamous species when female preferences for these traits allow well-ornamented males to begin breeding earlier in a season and, as a result, gain reproductive advantages over poorly ornamented males. However, few studies have been conducted to test this fundamental concept upon which much of the sexual selection theory for monogamous species has been based. In this study, we examined the relationship between breeding onset, reproductive success, and male ornamentation in the House Finch Carpodacus mexicanus , a species in which males display bright carotenoid-based plumage pigmentation. In previous work, it has been shown that bright male House Finches are preferred as social mates by females and, as a result, begin nesting earlier in the season than do drab orange and yellow males. Here we show that, by initiating breeding earlier in the season, brightly colored males fledge more offspring in a season than do drab males. Thus, differential timing of breeding generates considerable variance in reproductive success among male House Finches and contributes to sexual selection for male plumage ornamentation in this species.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, extra-pair paternity can increase the variance in reproductive success and thereby the potential for sexual selection on male ornaments. We studied whether male secondary sexual ornaments are selected through within- and/or extra-pair reproductive success in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus). Male blue tits display a bright blue crown plumage, which reflects substantially in the ultraviolet (UV) and previously has been indicated to be an important sexual signal. We show that males with a more UV-shifted crown hue were less cuckolded, which probably resulted from female preference for more ornamented mates. By contrast, however, older males and males with a less UV-shifted hue sired more extra-pair young. This probably did not reflect direct female preference, since cuckolders were not less UV-ornamented than the males they cuckolded. Alternatively, a trade-off between UV ornamentation and other traits that enhance extra-pair success could explain this pattern. Our results might reflect two alternative male mating tactics, where more UV-ornamented males maximize within-pair success and less UV-ornamented males maximize extra-pair success. Since crown colour was selected in opposite directions by within-pair and extra-pair paternity, directional selection through extra-pair matings seemed weak, at least in this population and breeding season. Reduced intensity of sexual selection due to alternative mating tactics constitutes a potential mechanism maintaining additive genetic variance of male ornaments.  相似文献   

Males of monogamous birds often show secondary sexual traits that are conspicuous but considerably less extreme than those of polygynous species. We develop a quantitative-genetic model for the joint evolution of a male secondary sexual trait, a female mating preference, and female breeding date, following a theory proposed by Darwin and Fisher. Good nutritional condition is postulated to cause females to breed early and to have high fecundity. The most-preferred males are mated by early-breeding females and receive a sexual-selection advantage from those females' greater reproductive success. Results show that conspicuous male traits that decrease survival can evolve but suggest that the extent of maladaptive evolution is greatly limited relative to what is possible in a polygynous mating system for two reasons. First, in the absence of direct fitness effects of mate choice on the female, the equilibria for the male trait and female preference form a curve whose shape shows that the maximum possible strength of sexual selection on males (and hence the potential for maladaptive evolution) is constrained. Under certain conditions, a segment of the equilibrium curve may become unstable, leading to two alternative stable states for the male trait. Second, male parental care will often favor the evolution of mating preferences for less conspicuous males. We also find that sexual selection can appear in the absence of the nutritional effects emphasized by Darwin and Fisher. A review of the literature suggests that the assumptions of the Darwin-Fisher mechanism may often be met in monogamous birds and that other mechanisms may often reinforce it by producing additional components of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Early male arrival at breeding sites, or protandry, is thought to have evolved from intrasexual competition among males for access to mates or breeding resources. Males of polygynous species tend to be larger than females and have exaggerated secondary sexual traits. Additionally, such species show a high degree of protandry, suggesting that timing of arrival is sexually selected. Species showing limited sexual dimorphism and showing sexual monochromatism may be expected to show limited early male arrival. However, there are very few studies of migration timing of the sexes in such species because individuals cannot be readily identified to sex in the hand. In this study, we genetically sexed birds and found no evidence for early male arrival, for a population of migratory Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia . For our study population, males and females display limited sexual size dimorphism and are sexually monochromatic which is characteristic of the species. Fat scores for males were inversely associated with timing of arrival, whereas for females, larger-winged birds arrived sooner – suggesting that early migration timing may be selected for in both sexes.  相似文献   

Theories of sexual selection usually assume that female preferences for male ornamental traits are fixed and always likely to favour the largest or most extravagant sexual ornaments. This is not, however, always necessary or likely, particularly in resource-based monogamous systems. Here we show that in a closed population of house sparrows, small-badged males were preferred by females as both social and genetic mates and produced a higher number of viable offspring. Previous studies of other house sparrow populations have shown females to prefer large-badged males. Given the likely trade-offs operating between different male behavioural and morphological traits, we propose that female choice is a flexible adaptive strategy through which females can select those males likely to supply the male-acquired benefits that are locally most important.  相似文献   

In many species of monogamous birds females copulate with males other than their social mates, resulting in extrapair fertilizations. Little is known about how females choose extrapair mates and whether the traits used to choose them are reliable indicators of male quality. Here we identify a novel male trait associated with extra-group mating success in the superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus), a cooperatively breeding bird with one of the highest known frequencies of extra-group mating. Female fairy-wrens chose extra-group mates that molted earlier into breeding plumage. Males molted up to five months before the breeding season began, and only males that molted at least one month prior to its onset gained any extra-group fertilizations. This conclusion held after controlling statistically for the effect of age and social status on molt date. Once males acquired breeding plumage, they began courtship display to females on other territories. Thus, some males were displaying to females for several months before the breeding season began. This extraordinarily long period of advertisement by males may be facilitated by the long-term ownership of territories. We suggest that early acquisition of breeding plumage or the subsequent display behavior can be reliable cues for mate choice because they are costly to acquire or maintain.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of sexual selection in the monogamous, sexually dimorphic barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) were studied during a seven-year period. First, the sex ratio of reproducing adults was male-biased, and mated males had significantly longer tail ornaments than unmated males. Secondly, some of the unmated individuals later committed infanticide and became mated with the mother of the killed brood. Fathers of killed broods had significantly shorter tails than other males, and there was a tendency for infanticidal males to have longer tail ornaments than other unmated males. Thirdly, long-tailed male barn swallows were more successful in acquiring extra-pair copulations than other males, and females involved in extra-pair copulations, as compared to females not involved in such copulations, had mates with shorter tail ornaments. Fourthly, male barn swallows having long tails as compared to short-tailed males acquired mates in better body condition. Females mated to long-tailed males reproduced earlier, laid more eggs and were more likely to have two clutches than were females mated to short-tailed males. Finally, females mated to long-tailed males put more effort into reproduction than did other females, as evidenced by their relatively larger contribution to feeding of offspring. Thus, at least five different components of sexual selection affected male reproductive success. Selection arising from differential success during extra-pair copulations, differential reproductive success and differential male reproductive effort thus accounted for most of the selection on tail ornaments in male barn swallows.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is thought to favor the evolution of secondary sexual traits in males that contribute to mating success. In species where females mate with more than one male, sexual selection also continues after copulation in the form of sperm competition and cryptic female choice. Theory suggests that sperm competition should favor traits such as testes size and sperm production that increase a male's competitive fertilization success. Studies of experimental evolution offer a powerful approach for assessing evolutionary responses to variation in sexual selection pressures. Here we removed sexual selection by enforcing monogamy on replicate lines of a naturally polygamous horned beetle, Onthophagus taurus, and monitoring male investment in their testes for 21 generations. Testes size decreased in monogamous lines relative to lines in which sexual selection was allowed to continue. Differences in testes size were dependent on selection history and not breeding regime. Males from polygamous lines also had a competitive fertilization advantage when in sperm competition with males from monogamous lines. Females from polygamous lines produced sons in better condition, and those from monogamous lines increased their sons condition by mating polygamously. Rather than being costly for females, multiple mating appears to provide females with direct and/or indirect benefits. Neither body size nor horn size diverged between our monogamous and polygamous lines. Our data show that sperm competition does drive the evolution of testes size in onthophagine beetles, and provide general support for sperm competition theory.  相似文献   

In many animal species, females select a mate on the basis of the expression of secondary sexual traits. A prevalent theory suggests that male ornaments are reliable indicators of immunocompetence, because the cost of immune function prevents cheating. However, sexual signalling is a component of male reproductive effort, and an immune challenge may also alter his perceived future prospects and hence signalling effort. In this study, blue‐footed booby males (Sula nebouxii) were inoculated with a diphtheria–tetanus vaccine during courtship to investigate the consequences of mounting an immune response on signalling effort. We found that, after this immune challenge, on average, males increased their signalling effort but lost more body mass compared with control males. Importantly, vaccination affected the partner's reproductive decisions: compared with control females, females paired with vaccinated males laid eggs earlier and increased clutch volume in pairs that laid early. Overall, our results suggest that blue‐footed booby males invest more in sexual signals when future breeding opportunities are at risk, eliciting a greater reproductive investment by their partners. Increased signalling effort by infected individuals may contrast the idea of sexual ornaments as signals of infection status.  相似文献   

In monogamous species, the value of present reproduction is affected by the current condition of the mate, and females may use male ornaments to evaluate his condition and adjust their level of investment according. Many animals display colour in fleshy structures which may be accurate indicators of quality due to their potentially rapid response to changes in condition. Here we show that in the blue-footed booby, Sula nebouxii, male foot colour is structurally (collagen arrays) and pigment based. In 48 h foot colour became duller when males were food deprived and brighter when they were re-fed with fresh fish. Variation of dietary carotenoids induced comparable changes in cell-mediated immune function and foot colour, suggesting that carotenoid-pigmentation reveals the immunological state of individuals. These results suggest that pigment-based foot colour is a rapid honest signal of current condition. In a second experiment, we found that rapid variation in male foot colour caused parallel variation in female reproductive investment. One day after the first egg was laid we captured the males and modified the foot colour of experimental males with a non-toxic and water resistant duller blue intensive make-up, mimicking males in low condition. Females decreased the size of their second eggs, relative to the second egg of control females, when the feet of their mates were experimentally duller. Since brood reduction in this species is related to size differences between brood mates at hatching, by laying lighter second eggs females are facilitating brood reduction. Our data indicate that blue-footed booby females are continuously evaluating their mates and can perform rapid adjustments of reproductive investment by using dynamic sexual traits. We suggest that this fine-tuned adjustment may be widespread in socially monogamous animals.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is responsible for the evolution of male secondary sexual ornaments. If male ornamental traits reflect indirect, genetic benefits and/or direct, material benefits to females, choosy females may benefit from their choice, indirectly and/or directly. We examined a breeding population of Japanese barn swallows Hirundo rustica gutturalis to determine whether male tail streamer length reflected indirect and/or direct benefits to females. There was no significant positive relationship between male streamer length and the number of extra-pair young (EPY) sired, suggesting that male tail streamers are not a signal of indirect benefits (i.e. good genes theory). In addition, we found no evidence that males with longer streamers fed their offspring more frequently or sired more within-pair young (WPY). The result indicates that male streamer length probably does not act as a signal of direct benefits. Our finding that the length of tail streamers in Japanese barn swallows plays no role in sexual selection is not consistent with studies on European subspecies, but is consistent with studies on North American subspecies where sexual selection on tail streamer is weak. The present study supports the recent suggestion that the pattern of sexual selection on tail streamer length in barn swallows varies geographically. Instead of tail length, males in better condition sired more EPY and WPY. Males in better condition, however, did not feed their nestling more frequently. These results indicate that females gain indirect benefits but not direct benefits, in terms of feeding of young, on choosing social mates.  相似文献   

The signaling role of sexual ornaments that are displayed during the mating season is well known for many species, but dimorphisms that occur in the non‐breeding season have received much less attention, particularly when individuals only partially express their breeding condition during reproductively inactive periods. I assessed variation in the expression of colorful breeding and non‐breeding plumages in male American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis), a species in which males molt out of their colorful breeding ornaments in the fall but still display reduced carotenoid‐ and melanin‐based sexual dichromatism during the winter. I found that variability in the saturation of carotenoid‐based plumage pigmentation did not differ significantly between the breeding and non‐breeding seasons. Moreover, the area of melanin coloration in the cap was more variable in winter than when it is fully displayed during breeding. I also detected a significant positive correlation between the extent of melanin coloration during the winter and the saturation of non‐breeding carotenoid‐based plumage. Because of such variation in and correlated expression of these two color ornaments in winter, it is conceivable that male goldfinches display these hints of non‐breeding coloration for use as conspecific social or sexual signals. Natural selection pressures like predation and energetic demands are traditionally thought of as factors that restrict sex ornaments to breeding times alone, but this should not preclude animals from simply reducing their exaggerated features during winter and finding an expression optimum that balances signal costs and value. Such ‘remnant’ winter ornaments might be expected to evolve not only in animals that live in large non‐breeding groups (e.g. status‐signaling systems) but also in those where mates begin associating before breeding onset.  相似文献   

Models of sexual selection predict that females use ornament size to evaluate male condition. It has also been suggested that ornament asymmetry provides females with accurate information about condition. To test these ideas we experimentally manipulated condition in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni, by varying the amount of food available to developing larvae. Males of this species have greatly exaggerated eyestalk length and females prefer to mate with males with wider eyespans. Our experiments show that male ornaments (eyestalks) display a disproportionate sensitivity to condition compared with the homologous character in females, and to non-sexual traits (wing dimensions). In contrast, in neither sex did asymmetry reflect condition either in sexual ornaments or in non-sexual traits. We conclude that ornament size is likely to play a far greater role in sexual selection as an indicator of individual condition than does asymmetry.  相似文献   

The selection pressures by which mating preferences for ornamental traits can evolve in genetically monogamous mating systems remain understudied. Empirical evidence from several taxa supports the prevalence of dual‐utility traits, defined as traits used both as armaments in intersexual selection and ornaments in intrasexual selection, as well as the importance of intrasexual resource competition for the evolution of female ornamentation. Here, we study whether mating preferences for traits used in intrasexual resource competition can evolve under genetic monogamy. We find that a mating preference for a competitive trait can evolve and affect the evolution of the trait. The preference is more likely to persist when the fecundity benefit for mates of successful competitors is large and the aversion to unornamented potential mates is strong. The preference can persist for long periods or potentially permanently even when it incurs slight costs. Our results suggest that, when females use ornaments as signals in intrasexual resource competition, males can evolve mating preferences for those ornaments, illuminating both the evolution of female ornamentation and the evolution of male preferences for female ornaments in monogamous species.  相似文献   

Extravagant secondary sexual characters are assumed to have arisen and be maintained by sexual selection. While traits like horns, antlers and spurs can be ascribed to intrasexual competition, other traits such as extravagant feather ornaments, displays and pheromones have to be ascribed to mate choice. A number of studies have tested whether females exert selection on the size of male ornaments, but only some of these have recorded female preferences for the most extravagantly ornamented males. Here I demonstrate that female choice can be directly predicted from the relationship between the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and the size of a secondary sexual character. Fluctuating asymmetry is an epigenetic measure of the ability of individuals to cope with stress, and it occurs when an individual is unable to undergo identical development of an otherwise bilaterally symmetric trait on both sides of its body. There is a negative relationship between the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and the absolute size of an ornament in those bird species with a female preference for the largest male sex trait, while there is a flat or U-shaped relationship among species without a female preference. These results suggest that females prefer exaggerated secondary sexual characters if they reliably demonstrate the ability of males to cope with genetic and environmental stress. Some species may demonstrate a flat or U-shaped relationship between the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and the absolute size of an ornament because (i) the genetic variance in viability signalled by the secondary sex trait has been depleted; (ii) the secondary sex trait is not particularly costly and therefore does not demonstrate condition dependence; or because (iii) the sex traits can be considered arbitrary traits rather than characters reflecting good genes.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexually monomorphic (i.e. mutual) ornamentation has attracted growing attention as a 'blind-spot' in evolutionary biology. The popular consensus is that female ornaments are subject to the same modes of sexual selection as males: intrasexual competition and mate choice. However, it remains unclear how these forces interact within and between sexes, or whether they fully capture selection on female traits. One possibility is that the 'armament-ornament' model - which proposes that traits used primarily in male-male contests are also co-opted by females as indicators of male quality - can be extended to explain signal evolution in both sexes. We examine this idea by testing the function of acoustic signals in two species of duetting antbirds. Behavioural observations and playback experiments suggest that male and female songs function primarily as armaments in competitive interactions. Removal experiments reveal that song is also a classic ornament used by unpaired males and females to advertise for mates. These results indicate that 'armament-ornament' processes may operate in reciprocal format, potentially explaining widespread mutual ornamentation in species with elevated intrasexual competition for resources. In addition, given that songs mediate competition between species outside the breeding season, our findings suggest that processes shaping monomorphic ornaments extend beyond the traditional definitions of sexual selection and are best understood in the broader framework of social selection.  相似文献   

The red-backed fairy-wren is a socially monogamous passerine bird which exhibits two distinct types of breeding male, bright males that breed in bright red and black plumage and dull males that breed in dull brown plumage. Most males spend their first potential breeding season in dull plumage and subsequent breeding seasons in bright plumage, but a relatively small proportion of males develop bright plumage in their first breeding season. This study quantifies morphology, behavior, and reproductive success of dull and bright males to assess the adaptive costs and benefits of bright plumage while controlling for age. Older bright males (two years of age or older) attempted to increase their reproductive success via copulations with extrapair females, whereas younger (one-year old) bright males and dull males did not. Thus, older bright males spent less time on their own territories, intruded on neighboring groups with fertile females more frequently, gave more courtship displays, and had larger sperm storage organs than did younger bright males and dull males. Microsatellite analyses of paternity indicate that the red-backed fairy-wren has extremely high levels of sexual promiscuity, and that older bright males had higher within-brood paternity than dull males or younger bright males. Regardless of age, bright males were more attractive to females in controlled mate choice trials than were dull males, and both age classes of bright males obtained higher quality mates earlier in the breeding season than did dull males, when nesting success was higher. In conclusion, although it appears that bright plumage increases access to higher quality mates, age also plays a central role in determining a male's overall reproductive success because of the high levels of sexual promiscuity exhibited by the red-backed fairy-wren.  相似文献   

1. Handicap models of sexual selection propose that male ornaments are indicators of male quality and that honesty is enforced by the costs imposed by the exaggerated ornamental traits. In long-distance migratory birds that feed on the wing, the aerodynamic cost of exaggerated ornamental characters should be particularly high because the size of the ornaments deviates from the natural selection optimum. During migration, birds are expected to raise their oxygen consumption in relation to the energetic demands imposed by their morphology. An increase of haematocrit is an adaptive response to enhance oxygen uptake and efficiency of transfer to the muscular tissues during spells of intense muscular activity.
2. The change of haematocrit of Barn Swallows ( Hirundo rustica ) after their arrival to the breeding sites, and the relationships between haematocrit values recorded after migration and the size of ordinary and sexually selected morphological characters in three Barn Swallow populations were analysed.
3. Males had higher haematocrit values than females. Individual haematocrit values declined after arrival to the breeding sites. Haematocrit values of males were significantly and positively correlated with the size of their ornamental tail but not correlated with other characters, thus suggesting that well-ornamented males, in order to arrive early, have to raise their haematocrit above the level of short-tailed males.
4. Males and females of similar tail length did not differ in their haematocrit, thus suggesting that sexual dimorphism in haematocrit might be functionally related to dimorphism in tail length.
5. Our results are consistent with the handicap principle because long-tailed males experience lower mortality and larger seasonal reproductive success compared with short-tailed males.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory assumes that secondary sexual characters do not influence female reproductive effort. Female animals may invest relatively more in reproduction if they acquire mates of high phenotypic quality, because offspring sired by preferred males may be relatively more viable than offspring sired by less preferred males. Here we report for the first time in a field study that females of the monogamous barn swallow Hirundo rustica adjust their reproductive effort to the attractiveness of their mates. Experimental manipulation of male tail length, which is a trait currently subject to a directional female mating preference, affected the reproductive effort by females in single broods as well as their decision on the seasonal number of clutches. These results, and those of previous experiments, demonstrate that female barn swallows assess the quality of their mates throughout the reproductive season and adjust their reproductive decisions accordingly. This result has important implications for the theory of sexual selection and for the possibility of testing current models of female mate preferences, because the viability of offspring will be confounded by differential reproductive effort.  相似文献   

Male sticklebacks display multiple ornaments, and these ornamentshave been shown to be preferred by females in laboratory experiments.However, few field data exist, and it is not known whether thesepreferences are simultaneously or sequentially operative ina single population. We report correlates of reproductive successin two stickleback populations that differ in their ecology,over several periods within their breeding season. In both populationslarger males had higher reproductive success, but not in all periodsof the breeding season. Reproductive success increased withredness of the throat only in the Wohlensee population, andonly in one period that was characterized by low average success.In the Wohlensee population, the parasitic worm Pomphorhynchuslaevis is abundant, and reproductive success decreased withthe presence of the parasite. In the Roche population, maleswith nests concealed in a plant had higher mating success. Thesenests were less likely to fail, suggesting that females preferredto spawn in concealed nests because of higher offspring survivorship.The different sexual traits appear to reveal different aspectsof male quality (multiple message hypothesis): females probablyfind large males attractive because of their higher paternalquality, but it seems more likely that red males are preferred forbetter genetic qualities. Females also discriminate on territoryquality, and male traits may be important in competition forthese territories. The correlates of reproductive success werenot consistent during the season, probably due to changes inthe availability of ripe females. Such fluctuating selectionpressures will contribute to the maintenance of genetic variationin sexual traits.  相似文献   

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