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Ujjwal Layek 《Grana》2018,57(4):298-310
One-hundred-and-five species corresponding to 38 families were identified through pollen analyses of 53 Apis dorsata honeys collected from Bankura and Paschim Medinipur districts, West Bengal. The families most frequently encountered were Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Asteraceae and Myrtaceae. Fabaceae had the greatest representation in number of pollen types (18 types), followed by Asteraceae (nine types), Cucurbitaceae (seven types), Lamiaceae and Myrtaceae (each with six types) and Malvaceae and Rutaceae (each with five types). Most of the honey samples correspond to class I. The presence of dominant pollen was detected in 18 samples. The predominant pollen types were Borassus flabellifer, Sesamum indicum (during summer), Eucalyptus globulus (during late autumn), Brassica nigra, Eucalyptus globulus (during winter) and Borassus flabellifer and Lannea coromandelica (during spring). The unifloral honeys obtained mostly during late autumn and winter were dominated by Eucalyptus globulus type. In monsoon and autumn unifloral honeys containing predominant pollen types (> 45%) were not found. However, according to frequency distribution the pollen types represented as very frequent were Peltophorum pterocarpum, Tridax procumbens (in monsoon) and Acacia auriculiformis, Cocos nucifera, Eucalyptus globulus, Tridax procumbens and Ziziphus mauritiana (in autumn). The seasonal diversity of pollen types obtained was at a maximum during spring (36 types) and minimum during late autumn (14 types). Seasonal variation in the number of pollen types per sample range from 5.86 ± 1.87 (during late autumn) to 6.86 ± 1.95 (during autumn) and exhibit low correlation (r = 0.31) with floral diversity. The diversity of pollen types per unifloral honey sample remains lower than multifloral honeys.  相似文献   

The pollen content of 31 honey samples from 19 different apiaries of El Hierro (Canary Islands) were subject to qualitative and quantitative melissopalynological analysis. The quantitative analysis demonstrated that 13% of the honey belonged to Maurizio Class I (<2?000?grains), 68% to Class II (2?000–10?000?grains) and 19% to Class III (10?000–50?000?grains). The pollen density ranges from 1?042?grains/g of honey to 24?478?grains/g with an average of 7?471?grains/g. According to the qualitative analysis, six honeys were typified as unifloral and 25 as multifloral. The unifloral honey samples were broken down as follows: two of heather (Erica arborea L.), two of Chamaecytisus proliferus (L. f.) Link‐type (“tagasaste”), one of Fabaceae (Genisteae sp.) and one of Lamiaceae Origanum vulgare L. ssp. virens (Hoffmanns. &; Link) Ietsw.‐type (thyme: Micromeria hyssopifolia Webb &; Berthel.). Honeydew elements were practically absent. Sixty‐nine pollen types were identified belonging to 42 families. The number of pollen types range between 18 and 39 (mean of 27.42). Foeniculum vulgare Mill.‐type pollen is present in all the samples. Galactites tomentosa Moench‐type, Echium plantagineum L., Echium L. sp., Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) C. H. Stirt., Chamaecytisus proliferus ‐type and Origanum vulgare ssp. virens ‐type pollen were found in 96.8% of the samples. The sensorial analysis indicated that honey types are generally of good quality, because 62% were evaluated as very high (16%), high (23%), and good (23%).  相似文献   


Melissopalynological analysis is the official test to determine the botanical and geographical origin of honey. Geographical characterisation is generally obtained by synthesising the pollen data of all available local honeys in a pollen spectrum interpreted according to palynological expertise. The subjective ability to interpret data is considered a limiting factor for this method and alternative tests are promoted. Nevertheless, melissopalynological analysis is still the most reliable test, and data, if properly exploited, could provide a large amount of information that is generally disregarded. The aim of our work was to apply a new experimental approach for honey sampling, and a statistical multivariate analysis of melissopalynological data. The study was conducted in the Sorrento-Amalfi Peninsula (southern Italy) where 36 hives were positioned in 12 experimental stations distributed in three main land-use types (citrus orchards, chestnut woods and Mediterranean maquis). The new approach proved to be useful for the comprehensive evaluation of honey variability across time and space, allowing objective identification of the pollen types as markers of a given geographical area.  相似文献   

In order to contribute to the knowledge of monofloral honeys from northern Africa, a number of 116 honey samples were collected in three areas in the northern region of Algeria and analysed for their melissopalynological characteristics. Fifty-one of them proved to be monofloral and were mainly from four botanical sources: Eucalyptus spp., Hedysarum coronarium, Pimpinella anisum and Citrus spp. The honeys could be differentiated from honeys from neighbouring countries by the presence of specific associated pollen. Besides the main pollen species, the characteristic 12 pollen types in the four monofloral Algerian honeys in this study were: Acacia sp., Brassicaceae, Carduus sp., Centaurea sp., Convolvulus arvensis, Eucalyptus spp., Olea europaea, Papaver rhoeas, Pimpinella anisum, Trifolium spp., Rubus sp. and Vicia sp. Regional differences in the pollen composition were also observed. Characteristic associated pollen grains in the north-western region were Acacia sp., Brassicaceae, Carduus sp. and Centaurea sp., in the central north region Coriandrum sativum, Echium sp. and Trifolium spp. and in the north-eastern region Apiaceae.  相似文献   

Tea is one of the top beverages used around the world every day, which contains a high amount of polyphenols and antioxidants. The main aim of this research is to quantify some marketed black tea (Rabea, Lipton, Alkbous, Green gold and Haritham) for phenolic contents and antioxidant potential evaluation by ultrasound solvent extraction and was compared with conventional extraction. Ultrasonic extraction was optimized by considering frequencies (26 kHz, 40 kHz), temperature (30, 40 and 50 °C), and power (30, 40 and 50%) at a fixed time of 30 min. In both the ultrasonic frequencies, 40 °C temperature and 40% power combination exhibited highest cumulative yield (mg/100 g DW), total phenolic content (mg gallic acid/g DW), flavonoids (mg/g DW) and DPPH radical scavenging activity (%) in all branded tea. Within each brand of tea, at any temperature-power combination at particular frequency results were not significantly different. But, at a similar condition of temperature power results were found significantly different between two frequencies. Furthermore, ultrasonic extraction process was analyzed thermodynamically by selecting some basic parameters. Thermodynamics results showed the extraction process was feasible, spontaneous and irreversible. Also, 26 kHz ultrasonic probe is more appropriate for the extraction purpose and thermodynamically more acceptable as compared to 40 kHz ultrasonic bath. Moreover, Haritham was selected as the best tea brand due to its high polyphenol contents and antioxidant potential.  相似文献   

This study aims at distinguishing honey based on botanical and geographical sources. Different floral honey samples were collected from diverse geographical locations of Saudi Arabia. UV spectroscopy in combination with chemometric analysis including Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA) were used to classify honey samples. HCA and PCA presented the initial clustering pattern to differentiate between botanical as well as geographical sources. The SIMCA model clearly separated the Ziziphus sp. and other monofloral honey samples based on different locations and botanical sources. The results successfully discriminated the honey samples of different botanical and geographical sources validating the segregation observed using few physicochemical parameters that are regularly used for discrimination.  相似文献   

Three important varieties of dates (Sukri, Barhi, and Rothana), grown in Saudi Arabia were analyzed for their chemical, mineral and anti-bacterial activity. Among all the varieties analyzed, the Sukri dates had the highest moisture (16%), carbohydrate (80.65 mg/g) and the phenolic content (1.24 mg GAE/100 g) whereas, the ash content was the lowest (2.22%). The mineral content analyzed by ICP OES reveals that all three varieties contain an appreciable amount of essential macro and micro nutrients. They contain a good amount of potassium; the maximum amount of K (8171.24 mg/kg) was recorded in Barhi dates. Besides that, all three varieties of dates contain a good amount of Se, Cu, P, Fe, Mn. The comparative analysis of the GC MS chromatogram reveals that there were only five compounds that were present in all three varieties. The bioactive compounds Mannoic and Lactone were detected in all three varieties. The fruits contain some important groups of sugar, alcoholic sugar, aromatic hydrocarbon, phenol(s) and esters. The extracts of dates were assed for their antibacterial activity against 6 important strains of human pathogenic bacteria. The strains of E. coli-ATCC25922, B. subtilis-ATCC6633, S. aureus-ATCC25923, were observed to be highly sensitive to most of the extracts whereas S. pyogenes and S. flexeneri (clinical isolates) showed moderate sensitivity to some extracts. The variety Sukri was found to be superior to the other two varieties in terms of sugar and phenolic contents, in addition, the methanol extract of Sukri dates showed excellent antibacterial activity against most of the bacteria evaluated. These varieties of dates prove to have immense potential to be utilized as a therapeutic agent for curing mineral deficiency also can be explored for developing antibacterial agents.  相似文献   

This study investigated the concentrations of selected metals (Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Sr, and Zn) in freshwater source lakes in Pakistan and assessed the preliminary health risks associated with them. Water samples were collected from Khanpur and Simly Lakes and analyzed for the metals using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Major contributions were noted for Ca, K, Mg, and K; however, the measured levels of Cd, Co, Cr, and Pb were many times higher than the permissible national/international guideline values. The risk characterization revealed that hazard quotient (HQing) and hazard index (HIing) values exceeded the acceptable limit unity, indicating non-carcinogenic risk to the recipients via oral intake of contaminated water. The carcinogenic risk (CRing) via ingestion route for Cd, Cr, and Pb was found much greater than the acceptable limit (10–6). Overall, Cd, Co, Cr, and Pb were the major contributors to potential adverse health risk to the inhabitants. Multivariate analysis demonstrated anthropogenic intrusions of the metals in both lakes. The study clearly indicated that there was gross contamination of water in both lakes, so special attention should be paid to manage the pollution sources of metals.  相似文献   

DNA barcodes were obtained for 81 butterfly species belonging to 52 genera from sites in north‐central Pakistan to test the utility of barcoding for their identification and to gain a better understanding of regional barcode variation. These species represent 25% of the butterfly fauna of Pakistan and belong to five families, although the Nymphalidae were dominant, comprising 38% of the total specimens. Barcode analysis showed that maximum conspecific divergence was 1.6%, while there was 1.7–14.3% divergence from the nearest neighbour species. Barcode records for 55 species showed <2% sequence divergence to records in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD), but only 26 of these cases involved specimens from neighbouring India and Central Asia. Analysis revealed that most species showed little incremental sequence variation when specimens from other regions were considered, but a threefold increase was noted in a few cases. There was a clear gap between maximum intraspecific and minimum nearest neighbour distance for all 81 species. Neighbour‐joining cluster analysis showed that members of each species formed a monophyletic cluster with strong bootstrap support. The barcode results revealed two provisional species that could not be clearly linked to known taxa, while 24 other species gained their first coverage. Future work should extend the barcode reference library to include all butterfly species from Pakistan as well as neighbouring countries to gain a better understanding of regional variation in barcode sequences in this topographically and climatically complex region.  相似文献   

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne virus that causes epidemics widely in the world especially in the tropical and subtropical regions. Phylogenetic analysis has found that the CHIKV lineages were associated with the spatial and temporal distributions, which were related to the virus adaption to the major mosquito species and their distributions. In this study, we reported the complete genome sequences of eight CHIKV isolates from the outbreak in Pakistan last year. Then we reviewed the evolutionary history using extensive phylogenetic analysis, analyzed lineage-specific substitutions in viral proteins, and characterized the spreading pathway of CHIKV strains including the Pakistani strains. The results showed that the Pakistani stains belonged to the ECSA.IOL sub-lineage and derived from India. The genetic properties of the Pakistani strains including the adaptive substitution to vectors were further characterized, and the potential risks from the occurrence of CHIKV infection in Pakistan were discussed. These results provided better understanding of CHIKV evolution and transmission in the world and revealed the possible origination of the CHIKV outbreak and epidemic in Pakistan, which would promote the disease prevention and control in the identified countries and territories with the history of CHIKV infections as well as new regions with potential risk of CHIKV outbreaks.

The pollen present in honey in colonies of Melipona seminigra merrillae and Melipona interrupta bred in Manaus was analysed. Between August and October 2012, honey samples were collected from the Sucupira meliponary, located in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. We identified a total of 70 pollen types belonging to 35 botanical families. In the samples from Melipona seminigra merrillae, the most represented pollen types were: Miconia-type (Melastomataceae) was the dominant pollen (DP) in August (51.19%), September (76.83%) and October (58.33%); Triplaris-type (Polygonaceae) was an accessory pollen (AP) in August (20.5%); and the remaining pollen types were classified as isolated pollen (IP), with Talisia macrophylla (Sapindaceae) exhibiting the highest percentage in August (12.92%). For Melipona interrupta, the most frequent pollen types were as follows: Miconia-type was the DP in August (59.33%) and October (61.33%) and an AP in September (37.5%); and Triplaris-type was an AP in August (35.83%), September (34.16%) and October (23.33%). The diversity of pollen types was not significantly different between the bees in the months evaluated. However, there was a large significant niche overlap in the months studied, August (Oik = 0.95), October (Oik = 0.89) and September (Oik = 0.69), revealing that of the 70 pollen types found in the samples, 22 were shared by the two bee species in large proportions, 28 were exploited exclusively by Melipona seminigra merrillae and 20 were collected only by Melipona interrupta.  相似文献   

Honey is a nutrient rich natural product and has been utilized as traditional and complementary medicine since ancient times. In this study, antibacterial activity of Sider (Ziziphus spina-christi), Dharm (Lavandula dentata), and Majra (Hypoestes forskaolii) honey samples collected from Asir region of Saudi Arabia was in vitro evaluated at 80% and 50% w/v concentrations against five pathogenic bacteria i.e. Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella flexneri, and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Well diffusion assays to measure the average zone of inhibition (ZOI) and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were employed in the experiments. All the tested honey samples showed antibacterial activity in a dose-dependent manner. Sider and Dharm exhibited a good antibacterial activity at high concentrations while, Majra honey of Apis mellifera jemenitica and of Apis florea showed comparatively low antibacterial activity. The average MIC values of Sider, Dhram from Rijal Alma, Dharm from Al-Souda, Majra (A.m. jemenitica), and Majra (A. florea) honey against all tested bacteria were 22%, 16%, 18%, 32%, and 28% (v/v) respectively. Dharm and Sider honeys showed better antibacterial activity than Majra honey. Saudi honey can be considered as a promising future antimicrobial agent and should be further investigated as an alternative candidate in the management of resistant bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

The present research was carried out to assess raw milk's quality as collected from the commercial markets of the Mardan district (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa). The locality from which milk samples were collected included; Bijligar (BG), Manga (M), Chamthara (CM), Main Bazar Mardan (MB), Mahidherai (MD), and Sharif Abad (SB), located in district Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). A total of 36 milk samples were collected at the rate of 6 samples per location. The outcome of the data exhibited that the percentage of protein content was highest (3.34%) in MB and SA (3.30%), while lower percentages were recorded in sample M (3.03%) and CM 93.06%). Maximum pH were shown in M and BG to be 7.55 and 7.33, respectively. For fats content, the highest percentage of fats was witnessed in MB as 4.04%, and minimum fats content was noted in Sample M as 3.57%. Water content was highest in Sample SA and BG at 15.85% and 15.64%, respectively. Qualitative analysis of adulterants like detergents, Formalin, starch, and Hydrogen peroxide was also carried out for all the collected samples. Adulteration results were positive for all the milk samples, with the highest being in samples MB (30%), while all the remaining samples had adulteration at 20% each. Both MB and CM samples were adulterated with urea, while the remaining 4 were adulterated with neutralizers. Thus, it may be summarized from the whole analysis that the milk available in commercial markets of district Mardan was adulterated with different adulterants and is not recommended for consumption.  相似文献   

Bees represent an important element for the preservation of plant biodiversity. During their activities, bees cover a large area around the hive and their products strictly reflect the distinctive traits of these environments. In honey, the floral diversity of the areas inspected by bees is revealed by their pollen spectra. The present work characterized 460 Italian unifloral honeys by melissopalynological and physicochemical analyses. Obtained data contributed to: confirm the botanical identity of the samples; determine the plant biodiversity revealed in each honey; differentiate the samples of the same monofloral typology in relation to their geographical origin; and identify peculiar floristic associations in the Italian regions. Moreover, gas chromatographic analysis was carried out on rare unifloral honey to study their sugar profiles. This work provided the scientific base to create a valid tool able to assign a territorial brand and an authenticity guarantee to the honey, protecting the consumers from adulterations.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study examined usefulness and efficiency of Lurasidone in appraisal with the placebo as for the treatment of Bipolar Disorders.MethodsSeven treatment centers in Pakistan were selected for the purpose of starting a six week-long control trial (randomized and double-blind placebo). 76 subjects, already diagnosed with Bipolar I or II based on DSM 5 diagnosis, were selected after randomization. Patients were allocated in one of the two groups. Primary efficacy of the drug was measured using Young Mania Rating Scale. Positive response of the drug was defined as 50% reduction in symptoms from the baseline/13 point less than the baseline score on Young Mania Rating Scale. Efficacy and safety of the drug was assessed using variety of markers such as administering extra-pyramidal symptoms rating scale, adverse side effects reported, electrocardiograms, body weight, vital signs changes, and laboratory investigations.ResultsPatients treated with Lurasidone showed enhanced improvement in their overall health and symptoms manifestation in comparison to patients who were given placebo. Lurasidone treated patients showed a better response to the drug (66%), in comparison with the placebo treated patients (42%).LimitationsStudy was conducted on small scale due to complexity.ConclusionPatients treated with Lurasidone showed reduction in bipolar symptoms and tolerate the drug well.  相似文献   

Taxonomic identification and classifications of insect pest genera Chrysodeixis and Ctenoplusia of the subfamily Plusiinae is very compulsory due to their phytophagous nature and potential to damage the cash as well as cereal crops. Taxonomy plays a key role in proper not only in identification and classification of the pest but also in designing a successful managing strategy. In current study, specimens of Chrysodeixis and Ctenoplusia genera were collected from different geographical areas of south Punjab, Pakistan and their diagnostic features were examined following taxanomic keys. The data of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall were also recorded during the study period. Genitalia was extracted by dissecting of the abdomen and inspected under Stereo microscope. The results revealed two new species, Chryodeixis maxus and Ctenoplusia oleraceaus, from south Punjab region in addition to previously reported species: Chrysodeixis furihatai. Suitable management of the voracious insect pest at appropriate time may help in sustaining the agriculture in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Astract  The mycotoxin ochratoxin A (OTA) is a public health issue in many countries. Data on OTA concentrations in foods and in blood are available for several European countries including the Balkan area, as well as for Canada and Japan. Yet, for developing countries such data are scarce. In this study we determined OTA blood levels as biomarker of exposure in bladder cancer patients and in healthy controls from Pakistan. OTA in blood was analyzed after extraction by HPLC with fluorescence detection (limit of detection: <0.03 ng/mL) in 96 patients and in 31 controls. Over 92% of all blood samples (87 patients, 30 controls) contained quantifiable amounts of OTA: The mean OTA concentrations were 0.33 ng/mL (SD 0.42; range: 0.03 to 3.41 ng/mL) in bladder cancer patients, and 0.31 ng/mL (SD 0.29; range: 0.04 to 1.25 ng/mL) in healthy controls. These OTA concentrations are comparable to those reported for the general population in the European Union. Presented at the 27th Mykotoxin-Workshop, Dortmund Germany, done 13–15, 2005. The IfADo is accredited as WHO Cellaporating Center for Occupational Health.  相似文献   

Rare unifloral willow (Salix spp.) honeys obtained from nectar or honeydew were investigated by direct RP‐HPLC‐DAD method in order to identify and quantify compounds that can be used as possible markers of their origin. Antioxidant and antiradical activities of willow honeys were evaluated using FRAP (=ferric reducing antioxidant assay) and DPPH (=1,1‐diphenyl‐2‐picrylhydrazyl radical) tests, respectively. Also HMF (=5‐(hydroxymethyl)furfural), diastase activity, and CIE L*a*b*C*h* chromatic coordinates were evaluated. Abscisic acids (ABA) are typical of willow nectar honey, with a predominance of (Z,E)ABA on (E,E)ABA (98.2 and 31.7 mg/kg, resp.). Kinurenic acid and salicylic acid are useful to mark willow honeydew honey. The proposed HPLC‐DAD method proved to be easy and reliable to identify the two different Salix spp. honeys, being not affected from any sample preparation artifact. Total antioxidant activity measured with the FRAP assay ranged from 3.2 to 12.6 mmol Fe2+/kg, and the antiradical activity measured with the DPPH assay ranged from 0.6 to 3.0 mmol TEAC (=Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity)/kg in nectar and honeydew honeys, respectively. Salix spp. nectar and honeydew honeys proved to be two completely different honeys, because, besides color attributes, they show different antioxidant properties and specific compounds.  相似文献   

Sargodha district is one of the least studied regions of Pakistan regarding its ethnobotanical values. This paper is the first report related to the documentation and conservation status of the tree species in the Sargodha district, and their folk ethnobotanical uses. An interview base survey was conducted in the study area in 2010-2013. The ethnobotanical data revealed the use of 100 tree species (6 gymnosperms, 94 angiosperms) belonging to 77 genera (6 gymnosperms, 71 angiosperms) and 39 families (4 gymnosperms, 35 angiosperms), with the Fabaceae ranking first with 19 tree species, followed by the Moraceae (12 species). Tree species like Aegle marmelos, Butea monosperma, Diospyrus malabarica, Gmelina arborea, Kigelia africana, Manilkara hexandra, Manilkara zapota, Mimusops elengi, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Putranjiva roxburghii, Terminalia arjuna and Terminalia bellerica are not only unique in their medicinal value but also interesting because of their unusual occurrence here. Thevetia peruviana, Cassia fistula, Celtis australis, Delonix regia, Diospyrus malabarica, Grevillea robusta, Haplophragma adenophylum, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Plumeria rubra, Pterospermum acerifolium, Roystonea regia, Taxodium distichum and Tectona grandis are included among the worth looking ornamental tree species. Capparis decidua, Dalbergia sissoo, Tamarix aphylla, Tamarix dioica, Prosopis cineraria and Ziziphus mauritiana are the most commonly used timber species. Other common ethnobotanical utilization of these trees includes either sheltering or fuel or agricultural uses. Lack of awareness about the potential uses of these species, and particularly ignorance of the concerned authorities, have led to a decline in the population of this precious tree flora. Documentation of this tree flora, and as-sociated indigenous knowledge, can be used as a basis for developing management plans for conservation and sustainable use of this flora in the study area. A well-organized management is critical to restore and conserve this endangered natural resource in the District Sargodha, Pakistan. The immense medicinal and timber value of these tree species make it necessary to promote their conservation to simultaneously alleviate the poverty and improve the socio-economic status of the study area.  相似文献   

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