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J. S. Pringle  J. Cooper 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):98-105
Pringle, J. S. & Cooper, J. 1977. Wader populations (Charadrii) of the marine littoral of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. Ostrich 48: 98–105.

Waders (Charadrii) were counted regularly on two stretches of coastline, totalling 5,6 km, on the Cape Peninsula from January 1975 to July 1976. Eight Palaearctic species and seven indigenous species were observed. Arrival of migrants extended from mid-August to January. Autumn departure of Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea occurred approximately six weeks before departure of Sanderlings C. albu. No overwintering populations of migrant waders were observed. Information is presented which suggests that overwintering Turnstones Arenaria interpres, but not Sanderlings, Maycongregate at a sheltered coastal wetland. Observations of marked birds suggest that individual Sanderlings regularly use particular feeding localities. Populations of indigenous waders showed little seasonal variation in numbers, Flocking was observed in winter.  相似文献   

Mark-recapture analyses were performed on photo-identification data for Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) inhabiting Algoa Bay, on the Eastern Cape coast of South Africa. Boat-based photo-ID surveys were undertaken between May 1991 and May 1994. The rate of discovery of newly identified dolphins, distribution of sightings and frequency of resightings of known individuals indicate a high level of seasonal immigration of humpback dolphins into, and emigration from, the Algoa Bay region in summer. Consequently, humpback dolphins from Algoa Bay appear to be part of a substantially larger population that uses a considerable length of the coastal zone. The minimum population size is estimated to be about 466 dolphins.  相似文献   

This paper examines environmental and behavioral determinants of the habitat use and preferences of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins inhabiting the Algoa Bay region on the south Eastern Cape coast of South Africa. In order to quantify the habitat use and preference, two indices were used, the Coefficient of Area Use (AU) and the Activity Index (AI). The dolphins inhabit a narrow strip of shallow, inshore waters of Algoa Bay and remain mostly within 400 m of the shore, in water less than 15 m deep, with no apparent preference for clear or turbid water. Water depth is probably the main factor limiting their inshore distribution, and the 25-m isobath seems to represent the critical depth. Within this confined, inshore distribution, dolphin activities concentrate in the vicinity of rocky reefs-their primary feeding grounds. Dolphin dependence on these shallow-water habitats is evident throughout the year and, consequently, the inshore shallow reefs are identified as the "key habitat" which is of primary importance for humpback dolphins in Eastern Cape waters. The dolphins' dependence on this restricted type of habitat within an already restricted inshore distribution makes them particularly vulnerable to alteration or loss of this habitat.  相似文献   


The present study examined the composition, abundance and seasonality of fish larvae occurring in Richards Bay Harbour, over an 18-month period from June 1991 to November 1992. Ichthyoplankton samples were collected every six weeks at top, mid and bottom depths in the dredged channel 100 to 200 m from the harbour entrance. A total of 7 163 fish larvae, representing 105 taxa and 53 families, was collected throughout the study period. The dominant families were the Engraulidae and Gobiidae representing 50% and 37% of the total catch, respectively. The most abundant larvae were those of the thorny anchovy, Stolephorus holodon, and an unidentified goby, Gobiid 12 (32% and 30% of the total catch, respectively). Estuarine-associated taxa dominated the total catch in terms of density (61%), with 11 out of the 28 taxa being totally dependent on estuaries at some stage in their life cycle. Turbidity and temperature were significant variables accounting for 27% of the variation in larval densities of estuarine-dependent species. The main peak in larval density occurred in January 1992 (summer) with a mean larval density of 160 larvae per 100 m3. Larvae of estuarine-associated taxa were predominantly at the flexion and postflexion developmental stages. Since larval densities of certain estuarine-associated species were significantly greater in bottom samples and on flood tides, it is suggested that selective tidal stream transport is a recruitment mechanism used by these species. The present study concluded that it is important to maintain and preserve the estuarine component of Richards Bay Harbour so that the system can function as an estuarine nursery for many of the fish species depending on it at certain stages in their life cycle.  相似文献   

Whittington, P.A., Hofmeyr, J.H. & Cooper, J. 1996. Establishment, growth and conservation of a mainland colony of Jackass Penguins Spheniscus demersus at Stony Point, Betty's Bay, South Africa. Ostrich 67: 144–150.

Following the discovery of a single pair of Jackass Penguins Spheniscus demersus nesting on the mainland at Stony Point, Western Cape Province, South Africa (34 22S 18 53E) in 1982, a colony developed and has since been regularly monitored. Numbers of nests increased to 35 in 1986, until a leopard Panthera pardus severely reduced the size of the colony. Numbers subsequently rose again to a total of 139 nests in 1990, but fell to 57 in 1993. This decrease was probably due to predation by mammals. Following the use of a trap and translocation of the animals caught, the colony increased again in 1995 and 1996. Productivity of the colony was insufficient for it to be self-sustaining, and it therefore presently represents a population sink.  相似文献   

Batchelor, A. L. & Ross, G. J. B. 1984. The diet and implications of dietary change of Cape Gannets on Bird Island, Algoa Bay. Ostrich 55:45-63.

The diet of the Cape Gannet Sula capensis breeding on Bird Island, Algoa Bay, South Africa, was investigated. Approximately 2000 regurgitations representing 13300 prey items were examined. Twenty-three teleost and two cephalopod species were recorded in the diet. More than 90 % of the numerical composition consisted of the three species Pilchard Sardinops ocellata, Anchovy Engraulis capensis and Saury Scomberesox saurus. The proportions of these three species in the diet changed during the sampling periods. These changes were not related to the implied migration patterns of these species. Chick growth rates were investigated in conjunction with the dietary study. These results indicated that Cape Gannet chicks on a diet of Pilchard and/or Anchovy were more likely to fledge successfully than those on a diet of Stockfish Merluccius capensis or Saury. These observations were based on differences in growth rate, and peak and fledgling mass, The data suggest that Pilchard is a preferred prey species and its presence or absence in regurgitationsMayreflect a similar situation on the feeding grounds. The observed increase in the Bird Island gannet populationMaybe related to the availability of high-quality food and consequent reduced pre-breeding mortality. In the absence of historical dietary data, further detailed population dynamics studies are required to support this supposition.  相似文献   

Syroechkovski, E.E. Jr. & Lappo, E.G. 1994. Migration phenology of waders (Charadrii) on the Taimyr Peninsula, northern Russia. Ostrich 65:181–190.

Palearctic waders from six flyways breed on the Taimyr Peninsula. They can be observed in winter from Europe to South Africa and Australia. The interval between pre- and postbreeding movements of waders in Taimyr is short. Breeding waders, which spend from 50–70 days on the tundra have a arrival tight schedule, dependent mostly on weather conditions. Most species arrive during the first half of June, with the more northern areas occupied several days later than southern areas. However, Turnstone, Dunlin and Curlew Sandpiper arrive in the optimal art of their breeding ground first, and subsequently occupy sup-optimal areas to the north and the south. In autumn waders migrate in small groups across the tundra. The schedule depends greatly on the breeding success of the year. Large numbers of Ruff and Bartailed Godwit concentrate in high arctic areas, 300–500 km north of their breeding grounds, before commencing southwards migration. Autumn concentrations of waders in intertidal areas are rare.  相似文献   


An overview of the water quality status of False Bay identified the bacterial/viral water quality of stormwater and rivers discharging near contact recreation beaches to be the management concern of highest priority. A second water quality concern is the potential impact of nutrients being discharged into False Bay on the surf zone and bay ecosystems. Heavy metals, hydrocarbons and industrial chemical discharges into the Bay are not regarded as a serious water quality threat. Much of the future development planned for Metropolitan Cape Town will impact on the volume and water quality of rivers, groundwater, stormwater and wastewater flowing into False Bay; hence the need for an integrated catchment management approach to the management of the bay.

An assessment of the constraints facing the holistic management of the bay and catchment concludes that the four main concerns are: (1) a lack of key research information on the options for stormwater management, and on the loading and potential impacts of nutrients being discharged into the surf zone and bay ecosystems; (2) jurisdictional fragmentation, and the lack of coordinated policy and planning between different local and government authorities and other users; (3) legislative fragmentation; and (4) a lack of private sector and public consultation by authorities. Preliminary ideas on the structure of a management body for False Bay and its catchment which address the concerns listed above are presented.  相似文献   

W. K. Steele  P. A.R. Hockey 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):97-106
Steele, W.K. & Hockey, P.A.R. 1990. Population size, distribution and dispersal of Kelp Gulls in the southwestern Cape, South Africa. Ostrich 61:97-106.

There are indications that the Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus population of the southwestern Cape Province, South Africa, is increasing. It is proposed that decreased post-fledging mortality due to supplementary food from man's activities, at sites such as fishing harbours and refuse dumps, is likely to be the main cause of this population increase. Kelp Gulls aggregate, and juveniles (first-year birds) are disproportionately abundant, at sites where supplementary food is available. Juvenile dispersal from the two largest breeding colonies, 38 km apart, is in opposite directions.  相似文献   

Boshoff, A.F., Palmer, N.G., Avery, G., Davies, R.A.G. & Jarvis, M.J.F. 1991. Biogeoraphical and toporaphical variation in the prey of the Black Eagle in the Cape Province, South Africa. Ostrich 62: 58–72.

Prey remains collected at or near Black Eagle Aquilu verreauxii nest sites in the Cape Province, South Africa, were analysed according to frequency of occurrence of prey scies in the samples. A total of 5748 prey individuals, collected from 73 sites, was analysed according to tree biome groups and four nest site types. The Rock Hyrax Procuvia capensis is the dominant prey species, but the eagles' diet sctrum vanestypes. The according to its availability. Indices of species richness and diversity of the prey are inverser correlated with the proportion of the prey contributed by P. capenis, which in turn is determined by topography and vegetation. Biome has a greater influence on the indices than has nest site type. The age structure of the P. capensis prey remains closely reflects the juvenile: sub- adult: adult ratios in the biomes and at the nest site tpes. hfedium-sized (aprox. 1–4,5 kg) pre is usually taken. Juvenile domestic small-stock (lambs ani goat kids) comprised onb 3,4% of the over, total.  相似文献   

The seasonality of Delesseria sanguinea, Membranoptera alata, and Phycodrys rubens (Rhodophyta) was studied at Helgoland (North Sea, Germany) and Roscoff (Brittany, France). Plants were collected at bimonthly intervals, and growth and reproduction were monitored. Growth of blades was observed mainly in spring, although small blades were found on plants of M. alata and P. rubens all year round. In summer, plants started to degenerate and in autumn they became fertile. The reproductive season of D. sanguinea lasted from October to February/April at both locations, whereas reproductive plants of M. alata and P. rubens were found until April at Helgoland and until June and August, respectively, in Roscoff: Lower winter temperatures at Helgoland than at Rascoff may have caused these differences in the duration of the reproductive season. Using published data, the seasonal patterns at Helgoland and Roscoff were compared to those found at other locations (e.g. Barents Sea; Maine, USA; Isle of Man, UK) and local temperature/daylength conditions. Blade growth was synchronized across all populations and occurred in spring, when temperatures were usually still suboptimal for growth. Maximum reproduction was generally found in the colder half of the year but started earlier in autumn in the Barents Sea. Adaptive strategies in the seasonal control of growth and reproduction are discussed. Adequate timing of the history events (e.g. appearance of juveniles in spring) appears more important than maximal growth and reproduction of adults during the season with the most favorable temperatures.  相似文献   

J. Sneyd Taylor 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):22-27
Sibley, C. G. &; Ahlquist, J. E. 1974. The relationships of the African sugarbirds (Promerops). Ostrich 45: 22–30.

Certain characters of the sugarbirds (Promerops) seem to suggest that the genus may be a geographically isolated derivative of the Australo-Papuan Meliphagidae or a separate group of unknown ancestry, the Promeropidae. Both theories have received support to the present day.

New data from comparisons of the egg whi te and red blood cell proteins, using the technique of isoelectric focusing in acrylamide gel, indicate that Promerops is a specialized starling and that an appropriate taxonomic treatment is to include the subfamily Promeropinae in the Sturnidae. This discovery not only explains the characters of Promerops but solves one of the most contentious zoogeographic problems in ornithology.  相似文献   

Environmental factors are thought to strongly influence the distribution and predictability of the coastal distribution of southern right whales ( Eubalaena australis ) off South Africa. Preferred habitat had generally shallow sloping sedimentary floors and was characteristically protected from open ocean swell and prevalent seasonal winds. This study investigated whether habitat choices at smaller scales (within bays) were similar. Fine scale distribution patterns (GPS) from three years' surveys (1997, 1999, 2000) were analyzed separately within the three main concentration areas St Sebastian Bay, De Hoop, and Walker Bay (containing ∼73% of cow-calf pairs and ∼49% of unaccompanied adults in the whole survey region). Whale density at this scale of within particular bays did not correlate well with predicted variables, but Chi-squared analysis strongly supported results at broader scales, in all bays. Post-hoc "choice" tests between similar areas differing in only one variable revealed that cow-calves preferred (presumed) sandy substrates and especially protection from swell. The strength and predictability of preferences shown at fine scale (where individual movement and weather variability could have great influence) provide strong support for findings at larger scales and emphasize the importance of environmental factors in the habitat choice of wintering right whales.  相似文献   


Data on the relative abundance, penetration and breeding biology of the freshwater mullet Mugil cephalus and the flathead mullet Mugil cephalus in the freshwater reaches of some Eastern Cape coastal rivers are described. The differences found between the two species indicate that Myxus capensis is more specialized for a catadromous life history in an unstable riverine environment. Evidence showing the importance of the freshwater phase for the latter species is given and the disastrous effects of the erection of barriers to fish movement are stressed.  相似文献   

Pepler, D., Van Hensbergen, H.J. & Martin, R. 1991. Breeding density and nest site characteristics of the Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus minor in the southwestern Cape, South Africa. Ostrich: 62: 23–28.

A survey of nest sites and nest site characteristics is used to obtain an estimate of the breeding density of the Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus minor in the southwestern Cape, South Africa. The breeding density from a small intensively studied area around the town of Stellenbosch is extrapolated to the region. This extrapolation is justified since nest site characteristics suggest that suitable sites are widespread in the region. Lower and upper estimates of 48 and 95 pairs respectively were obtained for the area above 300 m. This gives densities of one pair per 199 km2 for the lower estimate and one pair per 100 km2 for the upper estimate. For the entire study area the densities are one pair per 806 km2 and 407 km2 respectively.  相似文献   

Gillian M. Puttick 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):158-167
Puttick, G. M. 1978. The diet of the Curlew Sandpiper at Langebaan Lagoon, South Africa. Ostrich 49:158-167.

Nereid worms (mainly Ceratonereis erythraensis) and the hydrobiid gastropod Assiminea globulus were the most important prey items throughout the year for Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea feeding at Langebaan Lagoon. Other important items were the amphipod Urothoe grimaldi, the crabs Hymenosoma orbiculare and Cleistostoma edwardsii and dipteran larvae (Stratiomyidae). Immature Curlew Sandpipers took smaller prey items than adult birds. The diet of male and female birds differed in the proportion, sue and range of prey items taken.  相似文献   

Aerial surveys ( n = 88) were used to document locations and count sightings of manatees ( Trichechus manatus latirostris ) in the inshore waters of Tampa Bay, Florida, between November 1987 and May 1994. We made 5,358 sightings of manatees in 1,958 groups. Calves represented 8% of the manatees sighted. Counts were significantly higher in winter ( = 79, n = 29 flights) than in non-winter ( = 46, n = 47) months. Counts of manatees in winter increased significantly during the study, but warm-season counts did not. Regression models demonstrated a relationship between counts and environmental factors. Year-round counts were related to air temperatures and seasons, with highest counts in winter. However, in the winter season, counts were significantly correlated only with wind speed, not air temperature. Yearround counts were predicted to be curvilinear with highest counts at 15°C average air temperature. Areas used differed with season: in cold weather, 76% of all sightings occurred in zones with warm-water sources. High-use areas were identified for summer months. Spatial filter analysis was used to compare manatee density in high-use areas between two two-year time periods. The data indicate that (1) manatee use of Tampa Bay was high and increasing in winter, (2) there are particular zones of the bay where conservation of manatees and habitat should be a priority, and (3) sufficient information has been collected for management agencies to develop and implement manatee protection plans.  相似文献   

W. K. Steele 《Ostrich》2013,84(2-3):68-82
Steele, W.K. 1992. Diet of Hartlaub's Gull Larus hartlaubii and the Kelp Gull L. dominicanus in the southwestern Cape Province, South Africa. Ostrich 63:68-82.

Hartlaub's Larus hartlaubii and Kelp Gulls L. dominicanus in the southwestern Cape feed on a wide range of prey species. On average, Kelp Gulls feed on larger-sized prey than do the smaller Hartlaub's Gulls. In an undisturbed environment the preferred foraging habitats of Hartlaub's and Kelp Gulls are rocky shores and open, sandy beaches (where sand mussels Donax serra are common) respectively. However, as a result of man's activities, several new foraging habitats have become available including croplands, fishing harbours and refuse dumps. The provision of supplementary food at these new foraging habitats is likely to be the cause of a recent population increase. Kelp Gull chicks are fed predominantly “natural” prey which indicates that the population increase may not be due to enhanced reproductive success, but to improved post-fledging survival of juveniles, which are known to aggregate at sites where supplementary food is provided.  相似文献   

Velasquez, C.R., Kalejta, B. & Hockey, P.A.R. 1991. Seasonal abundance, habitat selection and energy consumption of waterbirds at the Berg River estuary, South Africa. Ostrich 62:109-123.

The distribution and abundance of waterbirds at the Berg River estuary were studied between September 1987 and April 1989. The estuary supports an unusually high density of waterbirds, especially of Pale-arctic migrant waders, and is a site of subregional importance for at least nine species. Intertidal mudflats are the favoured feeding habitat of the majority of species on the estuary during the low tide period. Low tide feeding densities on saltmarshes are mud less than on mudflats, but saltmarshes are important as roost sites, high tide feeding sites, and in counteracting the negative hydrological consequences of development. The current conservation status of the estuary is not commensurate with its importance as a waterbird habitat and, given the current threats facing the estuary, enhanced protection at the national level is considered a greater priority than registration with, for example, the RAMSAR Convention.  相似文献   


The major components of the nitrogen balance of hypertrophic Hartbeespoort Dam were studied at weekly intervals from October 1980 to September 1984. The Crocodile River contributed over 80Z of the hydraulic load and over 97X of the annual total nitrogen load to the impoundment. More than 802 of this nitrogen load was composed of nitrate. Monthly measurements of nitrification and denitrification rates carried out within the impoundment over one annual cycle revealed that the rates of both processes were highest at the ammonia-oxygen chemocline during summer stratification and at the sediment-water interface during winter isothermy. Mass balance calculations showed that between 35 and 49% of the annual total nitrogen load were lost via denitrification each year; the data are compared with those in the literature. Conditions in the lake will favour a change in phytoplankton species composition from Microcystis to a nitrogen-fixing species if the present trend of decreasing inorganic nitrogen concentrations and N: P ratios is maintained.  相似文献   

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