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Long-term studies have revealed population declines in fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. In birds, and particularly amphibians, these declines are a global phenomenon whose causes are often unclear. Among reptiles, snakes are top predators and therefore a decline in their numbers may have serious consequences for the functioning of many ecosystems. Our results show that, of 17 snake populations (eight species) from the UK, France, Italy, Nigeria and Australia, 11 have declined sharply over the same relatively short period of time with five remaining stable and one showing signs of a marginal increase. Although the causes of these declines are currently unknown, we suspect that they are multi-faceted (such as habitat quality deterioration, prey availability), and with a common cause, e.g. global climate change, at their root.  相似文献   

The habitats of many species are fragmented. Therefore, the survival in a metapopulation depends on the stability of the single populations and the amount of movements between patches. We chose the calcareous grassland specialist butterfly species Polyommatus coridon as a model. As study area, we selected a mosaic-like landscape in Rhineland-Palatinate (western Germany) with several well preserved calcareous grassland fragments. We marked a total of 2,211 individuals during July and August 2003. The overall recapture ratio was 7.1%. The estimated mean butterfly densities over the whole flight season ranged from 52 to 487 individuals per hectare. The within-patch movements were relatively low (13.3%) compared with the between-patch movements (3.2%). Therefore, the metapopulation structure appears to be intact in our study area.  相似文献   

The Karner blue butterfly (KBB), Lycaeides melissa samuelis, is a federally protected taxon whose relationship to the Melissa blue, Lycaeides melissa, has been a point of contention during the 66 years since the KBB was first described. Using a large population-genomic dataset and a model of population divergence with migration, we investigated the relationship between the KBB and L. melissa, as well as the relationship between L. melissa and a third taxon, Lycaeides idas. We report that gene flow between the KBB and L. melissa is low, and comparable to gene flow between L. melissa and L. idas. Considering this population-genetic evidence, we conclude that the KBB is a unique evolutionary lineage that should be recognized as Lycaeides samuelis.  相似文献   

Taste, smell, and chemical irritation (so-called trigeminal sensation) combine in our daily experience to produce the supramodal sensation of flavor, are processed by partly overlapping neural mechanisms, and show functional interconnectivity in experiments. Given their collaboration in flavor formation and the well-established connections between these senses, it is plausible that polymodal detection mechanisms might contribute to individual differences in measured sensitivity. One would expect the existence of a general chemosensory sensitivity factor to result in associations among taste, smell, and trigeminal stimulation thresholds. Measures of 5 detection thresholds from all the chemical senses were assessed in the same group of young healthy subjects (n=57). An unbiased principal components analysis (PCA) yielded a 2-component solution. Component 1, on which taste thresholds loaded strongly, accounted for 29.4% of the total variance. Component 2, on which the odor and trigeminal lateralization thresholds loaded strongly, accounted for 26.9% of the total variance. A subsequent PCA restricted to a 3-component solution cleanly separated the 3 sensory modalities and accounted for 75% of the total variance. Thus, though there may be a common underlying factor that determines some individual differences in odor and trigeminal lateralization thresholds, a general chemical sensitivity that spans chemosensory modalities seems unlikely.  相似文献   

A molecular survey of basidiomycete ectomycorrhizal fungi colonising root tips at a site in Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) forest revealed the presence of many fungal species which could not be identified from a database of ITS-PCR-RFLP profiles from morphologically identified species. Three of these unidentified taxa were among the six most frequently encountered profiles. Phylogenetic analyses of ITS and nuclear LSU sequences revealed a close relationship among the three fungi and that they belong to the family Sebacinaceae (sensu Weiss and Oberwinkler 2001). The possibility that DNA of non-ectomycorrhizal rhizosphere or endophytic fungi had been amplified selectively by the basidiomycete-specific primers was tested by amplification with fungal-specific primers. A single PCR fragment was amplified in all but two of the 24 samples tested and digestion with two restriction enzymes produced RFLP profiles which matched those from the Sebacinoid sequence. We conclude, therefore, that at least three species of Sebacinaceae are common ectomycorrhizal associates of E. marginata.  相似文献   

Regrettably, 140 years after the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, we face the grotesque situation that we still do not know what is a species whose origin Darwin wanted to explain. A generally applicable species definition is not available. Is there a basic unit of biodiversity above the level of individuals? Do we try to define something that does not exist in reality? The strong potential for the evolution of genetic variability in parasites together with the importance of species diagnosis for applied fields of parasite research make biodiversity research a key role in parasitology. Frequent occurrence of sympatric speciation, clonal reproduction, selfing, sib mating or parthenogenesis imply exceptional conditions for the evolution of gene pool diversities in parasites.  相似文献   

We tested for the existence of latitudinal gradients in the body sizes of butterflies in North America, Europe, Australia and the Afrotropics. We initially compared body sizes (measured as male forewing length) of all butterflies found in 5° latitudinal bands in each region, and then evaluated the relationship between body size and latitude statistically using the latitudinal midpoint of each species' distribution. Trends were examined for species in all butterfly families together and for each family separately. We found that gradients in body sizes were inconsistent in different geographical regions and butterfly families; in some cases species were larger towards the tropics, in some they were smaller, and in other cases there were no relationships. Most of the gradients, when they existed, reflected between-family effects arising from changes in the relative numbers of species in each family across regions. We conclude that general ecological explanations for geographical trends in butterfly body sizes are inappropriate, and gradients largely reflect historical patterns of speciation within and between taxa in each biogeographical realm. Thus, the robustness of body size gradients found in other insect groups should be confirmed in future studies by including more than one geographical region whenever possible.  相似文献   

Here we examine the ability of butterflies to learn colour cues in two different behavioural contexts, nectar foraging and oviposition, more or less simultaneously. We first trained female Battus philenor (Papilionidae) butterflies to associate a given colour with the presence of host plant leaf extract and assayed their colour preference; we then trained a subset of these butterflies to associate a second colour with the presence of sucrose solution and assayed colour preference once more. When offered an array of four unscented and unrewarding coloured models, ‘single-trained’ butterflies consistently alighted most frequently on their oviposition training colour. Green-trained butterflies landed on nontrained colours only about 4% of the time, while butterflies trained to red, yellow or blue made about 23% of their landings on nontrained colours; of those nontrained landings, most were on green. The majority of ‘dual-trained’ butterflies made the greatest number of visits to both training colours in the appropriate behavioural context; that is, they probed the models of their sucrose-associated colour and alighted on the models of their oviposition-associated colour. Landings or probes on nontrained colours in one context were consistently biased towards what was learned in the alternative context, suggesting an information-processing constraint in the butterflies. This paper provides a clear demonstration that butterflies can learn in two behavioural contexts within a short span of time. A capacity for such dual conditioning presumably permits female butterflies to forage effectively for egg-laying sites and nectar resources even when those activities are intermingled in time. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.    相似文献   

Two-thirds of cases of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) are sporadic and usually are attributed to new mutations, but unaffected parents sometimes have more than one affected child. We sought to determine how many of these cases represent germ-line mosaicism, as has been reported for other genetic diseases. In our sample of 120 families with TSC, 7 families had two affected children and clinically unaffected parents. These families were tested for mutations in the TSC1 and TSC2 genes, by Southern blotting and by single-strand conformational analysis. Unique variants were detected in six families. Each variant was present and identical in both affected children of a family but was absent in both parents and the unaffected siblings. Sequencing of the variants yielded two frameshift mutations, one missense mutation, and two nonsense mutations in TSC2 and one nonsense mutation in TSC1. To determine which parent contributed the affected gametes, the families were analyzed for linkage to TSC1 and TSC2, by construction of haplotypes with markers flanking the two genes. Linkage analysis and loss-of-heterozygosity studies indicated maternal origin in three families, paternal origin in one family, and either being possible in two families. To evaluate the possibility of low-level somatic mosaicism for TSC, DNA from lymphocytes of members of the six families were tested by allele-specific PCR. In all the families, the mutant allele was detected only in the known affected individuals. We conclude that germ-line mosaicism was present in five families with mutations in the TSC2 gene and in one family with the causative mutation in the TSC1 gene. The results have implications for genetic counseling of families with seemingly sporadic TSC.  相似文献   

A recent study in the rat has shown that hippocampal place cells and entorhinal grid cells exhibit vertically-elongated firing fields, indicating that the rat's brain may encode the animal's elevation less accurately than its horizontal position.  相似文献   

Failing to acknowledge substantial differences between Darwinism and neo-Darwinism impedes evolutionary biology. Darwin described evolution as the outcome of interactions between the nature of the organism and the nature of the conditions, each relatively autonomous but both historically and spatially intertwined. Furthermore, he postulated that the nature of the organism was more important than the nature of the conditions, leading to natural selection as an inevitable emergent product of biological systems. The neo-Darwinian tradition assumed a creative rather than selective view of natural selection, with the nature of the organism determined by the nature of the conditions, rendering the nature of the organism and temporal contingency unnecessary. Contemporary advances in biology, specifically the phylogenetics revolution and evo-devo, underscore the significance of history and the nature of the organism in biology. Darwinism explains more biology better, and better resolves apparent anomalies between living systems and more general natural laws, than does neo-Darwinism. The "extended" or "expanded" synthesis currently called for by neo-Darwinians is Darwinism.  相似文献   

The span of complexity in brains, between the simplest flatworms and the most advanced mammals is exceedingly great, measured by the number of different anatomical parts, physiological processes, sensory discriminations, and behavioral alternatives in the repertoire. Most evolution of brains has been adaptive radiation within the same grade of complexity. Distinct grades of complexity have appeared a dozen or more times and quite often in the retrograde direction. Advancement has not been inevitable or obviously advantageous in survival value but has happened-long before primates or mammals or vertebrates. Compare cuttlefish and the most advanced gastropods, bees and the best brine shrimp, primates and the most advanced reptiles known-all twigs with common branches. This repeated achievement of evolution has had all too little study in respect of the detailed listing of differences between major taxa of distinct grades of complexity. Connectivity at the level now known for the mammalian cortex is much needed in other classes, with estimates of reciprocity, intrinsic differentiation, dendritic parcellation and afferent and efferent connections, both locally and projecting to other centers, each done quantitatively to permit comparison. Physiological system organization, personality properties of neurons and circuits, proclivities and emergent phenomena at several integrative levels are sketchily known only for parts of a few systems. Examples are given of opportunities for new research that can more adequately characterize grades of brains.  相似文献   

In recent years, a few colonial marine invertebrates have shown intracolonial genetic variability, a previously unreported phenomenon. Intracolonial genetic variability describes the occurrence of more than a single genotype within an individual colony. This variability can be traced back to two underlying processes: chimerism and mosaicism. Chimerism is the fusion of two or more individuals, whereas mosaicism mostly derives from somatic cell mutations. Until now, it remained unclear to what degree the ecologically important group of hermatypic (reef building) corals might be affected. We investigate the occurrence of intracolonial genetic variability in five scleractinian corals: Acropora florida, Acropora hyacinthus, Acropora sarmentosa, Pocillopora species complex and Porites australiensis. The main focus was to test different genera for the phenomenon via microsatellite markers and to distinguish which underlying process caused the genetic heterogeneity. Our results show that intracolonial genetic variability was common (between 46.6% for A. sarmentosa and 23.8% for P. species complex) in all tested corals. The main process was mosaicism (69 cases of 222 tested colonies), but at least one chimera existed in every species. This suggests that intracolonial genetic variability is widespread in scleractinian corals and could challenge the view of a coral colony as an individual and therefore a unit of selection. However, it might also hold potential for colony survival under rapidly changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The formal processes of alpha-taxonomy ensure that species have uniquenames and can be identified. No similar process is mandatory forinfraspecific variation, so the species is a uniquely importantpractical term. At present, there is little agreement of the definitionof a species. In the last 30 years, numerous concepts have beenproposed. The nature of fish species is reviewed. Clonal inheritance ofnuclear genes occurs in several lineages. Hybridization is frequent,often leading to introgression, which may lead to extinction of species.Species may have hybrid origins. There is good evidence for parallelspeciation in similar habitats. There are clearly exceptions to thecladistic assumption of dichotomous branching during speciation. Siblingspecies may exist with no discernible niche differentiation.Basic assumptions are violated for the recognition, phylogenetic,ecological and some formulations of the evolutionary species concepts.The most satisfactory definitions are two of the earliest proposed inthe light of evolutionary theory. The Darwinian view is that species arerecognizable entities which are not qualitatively distinct fromvarieties. A restatement of this concept in genetic terms provides ameans of dealing with all forms of species known in present-day fishes.This modified Darwinian concept is operated through the application offuzzy logic rather than rigid definition. This involves a search fordiscontinuities between species, rather than an a priori definition ofhow boundaries are to be determined. A subset of Darwinian species areMayrian or biological species, which are characterized by theirdemonstrable reproductive isolation from other species. The status of apopulation as a Mayrian species is a testable hypothesis. Moleculartechniques allow this hypothesis to be tested more easily thanpreviously, at least when dealing with sympatric populations.  相似文献   

Heterostyly is a genetically controlled floral polymorphism usually associated with an incompatibility system. This set of features is known to occur in several angiosperm families, but some aspects of its biology has not been well studied. The present study investigates cellular aspects of the pollen–pistil interaction after compatible and incompatible pollinations of Psychotria nuda, to increase our knowledge of heteromorphic self-incompatibility (HetSI). The use of bright field, fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy methods allowed us to demonstrate that pollen tubes behave differently after incompatible and compatible pollinations. Pollen tubes were particularly distinct after incompatible pollinations of L- and S-morph flowers. Relative to compatible pollen tubes, incompatible L-morph tubes had a drastic reduction in cellular contents, but no cell rupture. Incompatible S-morph tubes exhibited dense cytoplasm in apical regions, as well as in other regions, accompanied by a rupture of the apex. These results support the hypothesis that L- and S-morph flowers have different incompatibility mechanisms during HetSI.  相似文献   

The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is an obligate brood parasite that mimics the eggs of its hosts. The host-specific egg pattern is thought to be inherited matrilinearly, creating female-only host-specific races. Males are thought not to be adapted to their host and they maintain the species by mating arbitrarily with respect to host specialization of females. However, recent results suggest that male cuckoos may also show host-specific adaptations and these may require assortative mating with respect to host. The calls males produce on the breeding grounds could provide a potential mechanism for assortative mating. We tested whether male cuckoo calls differ more between nearby populations that parasitize different hosts than between distant populations that parasitize the same host. We recorded the calls of geographically distant pairs of populations in Hungary, with each pair consisting of a forest population and a nearby reed bed population. Each habitat is characterized by one main host species for the common cuckoo. Our results show that calls of distant cuckoo populations from the same habitat type are more similar to each other than they are to those of nearby populations from a different habitat. These results suggest that cuckoo calls differ sufficiently to allow recognition of habitat-specific individuals.  相似文献   

Annexins are a family of proteins generally described as Ca(2+)-dependent for phospholipid binding. Yet, annexins have a wide variety of binding behaviors and conformational states, some of which are lipid-dependent and Ca(2+)-independent. We present a model that captures the cation and phospholipid binding behavior of the highly conserved core of the annexins. Experimental data for annexins A4 and A5, which have short N-termini, were globally modeled to gain an understanding of how the lipid-binding affinity of the conserved protein core is modulated. Analysis of the binding behavior was achieved through use of the lanthanide Tb(3+) as a Ca(2+) analogue. Binding isotherms were determined experimentally from the quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of annexins A4 and A5 by Tb(3+) in the presence or absence of membranes. In the presence of lipid, the affinity of annexin for cation increases, and the binding isotherms change from hyperbolic to weakly sigmoidal. This behavior was modeled by isotherms derived from microscopic binding partition functions. The change from hyperbolic to sigmoidal binding occurs because of an allosteric transition from the annexin solution state to its membrane-associated state. Protein binding to lipid bilayers renders cation binding by annexins cooperative. The two annexin states denote two affinities of the protein for cation, one in the absence and another in the presence of membrane. In the framework of this model, we discuss membrane binding as well as the influence of the N-terminus in modifying the annexin cation-binding affinity by changing the probability of the protein to undergo the postulated two-state transition.  相似文献   

A few species of Morpho butterflies have a distinctive white stripe pattern on their structurally coloured blue wings. Since the colour pattern of a butterfly wing is formed as a mosaic of differently coloured scales, several questions naturally arise: are the microstructures the same between the blue and white scales? How is the distinctive whiteness produced, structurally or by means of pigmentation? To answer these questions, we have performed structural and optical investigations of the stripe pattern of a butterfly, Morpho cypris. It is found that besides the dorsal and ventral scale layers, the wing substrate also has the corresponding stripe pattern. Quantitative optical measurements and analysis using a simple model for the wing structure reveal the origin of the higher reflectance which makes the white stripe brighter.  相似文献   

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