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Characterization of guinea pig cytomegalovirus DNA.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
H C Isom  M Gao    B Wigdahl 《Journal of virology》1984,49(2):426-436
The genome of guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) was analyzed and compared with that of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). GPCMV and HCMV DNAs were isolated from virions and further purified by CsCl centrifugation. Purified GPCMV DNA sedimented as a single peak in a neutral sucrose gradient and was infectious when transfected into guinea pig embryo fibroblast cells. The cytopathology was characteristic of that seen after infection with GPCMV. Virus DNA purified from virions isolated from infected GPEF or 104C1 cells had a CsCl buoyant density of 1.713 g/cm3, which corresponds to a guanine plus cytosine content of 54.1%. The CsCl buoyant density of GPCMV DNA was slightly less than that of HCMV DNA (1.716 g/cm3), but sufficiently different so that the two virus DNA peaks did not coincide. GPCMV DNA cosedimented with T4 DNA in a neutral sucrose gradient. Restriction endonuclease cleavage of GPCMV or HCMV DNAs with HindIII, XbaI, or EcoRI yielded fragments easily separable by agarose gel electrophoresis and ranging from 1.0 X 10(6) to 25.8 X 10(6) daltons. The number, size, and molarity of GPCMV DNA fragments generated by restriction enzymes were determined. Hybridization of restriction endonuclease-cleaved GPCMV DNA with radioactively labeled HCMV DNA and, conversely, hybridization of restriction endonuclease-cleaved HCMV DNA with radioactively labeled GPCMV DNA indicated sequence homology between the two virus DNAs.  相似文献   

M A McVoy  D E Nixon    S P Adler 《Journal of virology》1997,71(6):4209-4217
The mechanisms by which herpesvirus genome ends are fused to form circles after infection and are re-formed by cleavage from concatemeric DNA are unknown. We used the simple structure of guinea pig cytomegalovirus genomes, which have either one repeated DNA sequence at each end or one repeat at one end and no repeat at the other, to study these mechanisms. In circular DNA, two restriction fragments contained fused terminal sequences and had sizes consistent with the presence of single or double terminal repeats. This result implies a simple ligation of genomic ends and shows that circularization does not occur by annealing of single-stranded terminal repeats formed by exonuclease digestion. Cleavage to form the two genome types occurred at two sites, and homologies between these sites identified two potential cis elements that may be necessary for cleavage. One element coincided with the A-rich region of a pac2 sequence and had 9 of 11 bases identical between the two sites. The second element had six bases identical at both sites, in each case 7 bp from the termini. To confirm the presence of cis cleavage elements, a recombinant virus in which foreign sequences displaced the 6- and 11-bp elements 1 kb from the cleavage point was constructed. Cleavage at the disrupted site did not occur. In a second recombinant virus, restoration of 64 bases containing the 6- and 11-bp elements to the disrupted cleavage site restored cleavage. Therefore, cis cleavage elements exist within this 64-base region, and sequence conservation suggests that they are the 6- and 11-bp elements.  相似文献   

Fragments of guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) DNA produced by HindIII or EcoRI restriction endonuclease digestion were cloned into vectors pBR322 and pACYC184, and recombinant fragments representing ca. 97% of the genome were constructed. Hybridization of 32P-labeled cloned and gel-purified HindIII, EcoRI, and XbaI fragments to Southern blots of HindIII-, EcoRI-, and XbaI-cleaved GPCMV DNA verified the viral origin of cloned fragments and allowed construction of HindIII, EcoRI, and XbaI restriction maps. On the basis of the cloning and mapping experiments, the size of GPCMV DNA was calculated to include 239 kilobase pairs, corresponding to a molecular weight of 158 X 10(6). No cross-hybridization between any internal fragments was seen. We conclude that the GPCMV genome consists of a long unique sequence with terminal repeat sequences but without internal repeat regions. In addition, GPCMV DNA molecules exist in two forms. In the predominant form, the molecules demonstrate sequence homology between the terminal fragments; in the minor population, one terminal fragment is smaller by 0.7 X 10(6) daltons and is not homologous with the fragment at the other end of the physical map. The structural organization of GPCMV DNA is unique for a herpesvirus DNA, similar in its simplicity to the structure reported for murine cytomegalovirus DNA and quite dissimilar from that of human cytomegalovirus DNA.  相似文献   

B P Griffith  M Chen    H C Isom 《Journal of virology》1990,64(5):1991-1997
The modulation of the outcome of intrauterine guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) infection by maternal viremia was investigated in the guinea pig model. Virus assay and in situ hybridization were used to study GPCMV infection of maternal blood, placentas, and fetuses following inoculation of pregnant guinea pigs by the subcutaneous, intracardiac, or intranasal route. Animals were inoculated in early gestation and were evaluated every 7 to 10 days throughout pregnancy. Although placental and fetal infections occurred in all groups examined, transfer of GPCMV to placentas and fetuses was most efficient in mothers inoculated subcutaneously. Primary viremia was followed by virus clearance from blood and by an episode of secondary viremia in the three groups of mothers examined. Placental and fetal infections in animals infected subcutaneously or intracardially were first detected at the time of primary viremia, persisted throughout gestation, and increased during secondary viremia. In contrast, placental and fetal infections in animals inoculated intranasally were demonstrated primarily during secondary viremia. Fetal infection was detected in all mothers with detectable primary and secondary viremia but in only 33% of mothers that experienced only primary viremia. These results suggest that secondary maternal viremia is associated with increased placental and fetal GPCMV infections.  相似文献   

Anesthesia in the guinea pig   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary The role of ovarian adrenergic nerves in follicular growth was studied in prepubertal guinea pigs by determining the effect of sympathectomy on 1) follicle populations and 2) follicular development following exogenous gonadotropin administration. Selective unilateral ovarian sympathectomy was achieved by injecting 6-hydroxydopamine into a surgically closed periovarian bursa on day 20 postpartum. The contralateral surgically closed ovarian bursa was injected with the vehicle used for 6-hydroxydopamine. On day 25, animals were injected with pregnant mare serum or saline followed by human chorionic gonadotropin or saline 48 h later. All animals were laparotomized on day 28 and blood from utero-ovarian veins was collected bilaterally for androstenedione determination. Ovaries were processed for morphometric analysis of follicles. The sympathectomized ovary in saline-injected animals had a significant decrease in preantral follicles (characterized by 2 layers of granulosa cells without antrum formation), an increase in 310–500 m diameter atretic follicles and an increase in follicles 700 um compared to the contralateral control ovary. There were no differences in androstenedione levels from the two sides, ovarian weights or the total number of follicles per ovary. Neither ovary had corpora lutea. The sympathectomized ovary in animals injected with gonadotropins was not different from the contralateral ovary in any of the parameters measured. Both control and sympathectomized ovaries had newly formed corpora lutea in response to the exogenous gonadotropins. These results suggest that ovarian adrenergic nerves normally participate in follicular development in the prepubertal guinea pig. However, exogenous gonadotropins may override neural influences on the prepubertal ovary.  相似文献   

J Beatty  G Gabella 《Acta anatomica》1988,133(3):255-259
We studied the ureter of guinea pigs to ascertain whether there are ganglia and ganglion neurons directly associated with this structure. We consistently observed ureteric ganglia and individual neurons in the adventitia of the ureter or very close to it. There were on average 87 neurons per ureter, and they were scattered over the entire length of the tube.  相似文献   

Guinea pig brain cell cultures were established from fetuses at 25, 31, and 37 days of gestation (DG). After 7 days in vitro, the cultures were infected with guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV). Based on cytopathic effect, immunofluorescence staining for GPCMV by using virus-specific antiserum, and the amount of virus recovered, cultures established from fetuses at 25 DG were least susceptible to replicating infection, and cultures established from fetuses at 37 DG were most susceptible. Using cell-type-specific markers, it was determined that the increase in susceptibility to replicating infection paralleled an increase in the number of differentiated cells. Astrocytes were the most abundant cell type identified and were susceptible to replicating GPCMV infection, whereas neurons were not.  相似文献   

Ovarian sympathectomy in the guinea pig   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of ovarian adrenergic nerves on follicular growth during the estrous cycle in the adult guinea pig was ascertained by comparing follicular development in control and chemically sympathectomized ovaries from the same animal. Selective ovarian sympathectomy was achieved by injecting 6-hydroxydopamine into a surgically closed periovarian membranous sac (bursa) on day 2 of the cycle (day 1 = day of estrus). The contralateral surgically closed ovarian bursa was injected with solvent used for 6-hydroxydopamine. Animals were laparotomized on days 5, 10 and 14 of the cycle. Blood from the utero-ovarian vein was collected bilaterally for measurement of progesterone and androstenedione. The ovaries were processed for histologic examination, and the number of follicles in each ovary was analyzed morphometrically. Sympathectomy on day 2 caused a decrease in healthy preovulatory follicles (greater than 700 micron diameter) on day 10 of the cycle. There were no differences in ovarian weights or the total number of follicles per ovary at this time. On days 5 and 14 of the cycle, there were no differences in ovarian weights, total number of follicles per ovary or follicles in any size classification. Sympathectomy did not alter progesterone levels in the utero- ovarian vein as compared to contralateral control levels. From control ovaries, there was a significant increase in progesterone in the blood of the utero-ovarian vein on day 10 but venous levels of progesterone from sympathectomized ovaries were not significantly different at any day of the cycle. In the venous effluent from sympathectomized ovaries, androstenedione was elevated at day 5 compared to days 10 and 14.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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