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争胜鼠的上门齿釉质结构分为两层。内层施氏明暗带界线清楚,呈横向延伸,带宽不规则,主要为1个釉柱宽。釉柱间质很发育,围绕釉柱,其微晶方向与釉往平行,属单系。争胜鼠与始鼠科共有单系门齿微细结构,而与先松鼠科共有始啮型头骨的特征,因前者为较进特征而后者为近祖的原始特征,故争胜鼠与始鼠科有较近的系统关系。  相似文献   

命名了中古新世的一个啮型类新属种——胡氏敏兽(Mina hui gen.et sp.nov.)。新属种的正型标本为可能属于同一个体的前颌骨和上颌骨,采自安徽省潜山县古井乡傅家山嘴中古新统望虎墩组上段上部。属名来源于周明镇先生的曾用名周敏,以纪念他对我国古新世生物地层和哺乳动物研究的杰出贡献;种名源自胡耀明博士,他为潜山哺乳动物的采集和研究做出过重要贡献。胡氏敏兽的特征如下:中等大小的模鼠兔类,上齿列齿式2·0·3·3;第一对门齿(d12)增大,无齿根、终生生长,釉质层双层,仅限于唇侧,表面无纵向浅沟;上颊齿列外缘显著凸出;颧弓前根后缘位于M1—M2之间,眶下孔位置低。以传统的模鼠兔目(Mimotonida)而论,它包括两个科:单型科模鼠兔科(Mimotonidae)只有模鼠兔(Mimotona)一属;模兔科(Mimolagidae)则包括模兔(Mimolagus),Gomphos,Anatolimys,敏兽和可能的Amar。在已知模鼠兔类中,模鼠兔很可能代表原始的兔形类祖先的"形态型",而模兔科则代表向兔形类进化的分支上分化出来的旁枝。晓鼠(Heomys)、模鼠兔和敏兽的共存说明啮形类在中古新世时已经分化。  相似文献   

大熊猫臼齿釉质的超微结构特征主要是施氏明暗带的宽度一般由8—15条釉柱组成;釉柱的横切面一般呈六角形或四角形,由里向外,釉柱的直径逐渐增大。在靠近釉牙本质界处,釉柱数量逐渐减少,有时甚至完全缺失,形成无釉柱结构的釉质。大熊猫臼齿釉质的氨基酸组成主要以甘氨酸,丙氨酸,谷氨酸,天冬氨酸和亮氨酸的含量为最高,而蛋氨酸,胱氨酸和酪氨酸的含量为最低。另外,还含有少量的羟脯氨酸。这种组成模式一般与人类和其它哺乳动物牙齿釉质的氨基酸组成相类似。  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜,观察阿尔泰察干鼠、始壮鼠门齿不同切面的釉质结构特征,通过分析得到下列结果。1.同一门齿的不同部位,其釉质形态虽有不同的表现形式,但反映釉质结构模式的两个主要特征不变,如HSB宽度和内外釉质层厚度比稳定.因此应用这些特征时,可以在不定位取样条件下比较.2.同一门齿的不同部位,内层HSB的倾斜度以及外层中放射状釉柱的倾斜度均有变化,变化范围可达0°—20°,但是,在通过门齿中心的各不同纵切面上,上述两个特征是稳定的,因此应用这些特征时,取样的定位范围要明确通过门齿的中心.3同一门齿的不同部位,其釉质层厚度、釉柱截面直径大小、釉柱形态等有变化,有时随外形的变化很大,因此应用这些特征时须要定位比较.4阿尔泰察干鼠为典型的多系结构,始壮鼠为典型的单系结构。  相似文献   

内蒙古宝格达乌拉晚中新世副竹鼠化石(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了1996-2007年间在内蒙古阿巴嘎旗晚中新世宝格达乌拉组采集的副竹鼠化石。材料包括下颌骨1件、牙齿14枚和肢骨4件,分别采自该组的2个地点。根据标本较大的尺寸、形态特征,以及颊齿的釉质曲线高度,宝格达乌拉材料被归入三趾马层副竹鼠Pararhizomys hipparionum Teilhard de Chardin Young,1931。Pararhizomys是一类具高冠、脊形和冠面构造简单颊齿的啮齿动物。该属目前发现的化石地点少,材料也不多,主要集中于中国北方和蒙古高原周缘,其地史分布为晚中新世早期至上新世中期。与鼢鼠类(siphneids)和鼠平类(arvicolids)一样,Pararhizomys属的颊齿有由低冠到高冠发展的趋势,具体表现为牙齿侧面釉质曲线(dentine tract)由平直、远离内外两侧谷底到起伏、接近甚至超过内外两侧谷底。为方便比较,本文为釉质曲线的高度设立"H"指数,即从每侧最深谷的谷底和釉质曲线的最高处取平行于冠面的平行线,此两平行线之间的垂直距离为"H"。H值越大,表明齿冠越低,反之则齿冠越高。尽管目前发现的副竹鼠标本不多,但似乎可以看到从早期到晚期,其颊齿的个体有从小变大,釉质曲线高度H值逐渐减小,即齿冠逐渐增高的趋势。由于Pararhizomys的牙齿形态多少与竹鼠类的低冠竹鼠Brachyrhizomys和竹鼠属Rhizo-mys及拟速掘鼠属Tachyoryctoides有相似之处,故常被与Brachyrhizomys和Rhizomys一起归入竹鼠科(Rhizom yidae),但该属的牙齿不具中脊和下中脊,褶沟少,一般为2-3个,与上述三属有明显的不同。本文对下门齿所作的切片观察也表明,Pararhizomys的釉质层结构与Brachyrhizomys,Rhizomys和Tachyoryctoides者相差甚远,其内层(PI)明显增厚,釉柱和釉柱间质(IPM)的排列方式存在明显差别。颊齿的冠高、冠面形态,以及下门齿的釉质层结构,似乎都表明了Pararhizomys属不大可能归入竹鼠科或速掘鼠科(Tachyorictoididae)。而下门齿釉质层切片显示了Brachyrhizomys与Rhizomys有着高度相似的釉质结构,进一步证明了两者有较接近的亲缘关系。地理分布上,Pararhizomys与Tachyoryctoides属只发现于古北区,伴生的哺乳动物显示了其可能适应偏冷、干旱的草原环境,而Brachyrhizomys和Rhizomys主要局限于东洋区,共生的哺乳动物多能适应温暖、湿润的树林环境。  相似文献   

2002年Bleefeld和Bock发现跟骨上一个独特的解剖结构——跟骨管——仅在现生与化石兔形目种类中存在,而在啮齿类以及相关类群中缺如,并认为这个独特的解剖特征支持了兔形目是一个单系类群。对安徽潜山古新世地层中发现的基干啮型类标本(IVPP V 7422)的观察表明其跟骨上也存在清晰的跟骨管,使得我们重新审视这一独特解剖特征。结合显微镜观察与CT扫描技术,发现兔形目种类,如Dawsonolagus,Ordolagus等存在较大的跟骨管,其进口与出口皆与骨体内部髓腔贯通;在双门齿啮型类如Mimolagus,Gomphos,单门齿啮型类Rhombomylus上也存在清晰的跟骨管。因此,跟骨管的存在可能是啮型类的共近裔性状,也支持了兔形类与啮齿类具有更近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

本文用扫描电镜研究了现代人牙齿和产自广西柳城县社冲村楞寨山巨猿洞,更新世早期的巨猿牙齿的超微结构。巨猿牙齿的表层釉质是Ⅰ型釉柱结构,厚度约为50-60μm,表层下牙尖中心区为Ⅰ型釉柱,其余为Ⅲa型及少量Ⅱ型釉柱结构。现代人牙表层釉质亦为Ⅰ型釉柱结构,厚度小于10μm,表层下,牙尖中心区处为Ⅰ型釉柱,其余为Ⅲa和Ⅲb型以及少量Ⅲ型釉柱。可以认为,这种差别具有分类学上的意义。此外,本文从研究方法上提出,研究釉柱横切面构造的最合适部位为牙尖部位的咬合面。  相似文献   

大连晚更新世的马类共包括三个种类:野驴(Equus hemionus)、小型的普氏野马中国马亚种(E. przewalskyi sinensis)、大型的大连马(E. dalianensis)。从它们颊齿的釉质层微观结构、釉柱大小及釉质层的厚度分析,晚更新世的野驴和现生的野驴是十分接近的,可以归于同一个种。大连马与现在的普氏野马也比较接近,可归于同一个大的类别。然而,普氏野马中国马亚种却与现生的普氏野马有着比较显著的区别:中国马颊齿釉质层的釉柱平均直径比现生的普氏野马大得多,而釉质层的厚度又比现生的普氏野马更薄,所以,原来的分类未必合适,中国马似不应归于普氏野马,它可能代表一个比较特殊的种类。  相似文献   

不同食性哺乳动物及人的牙釉质微结构对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据动物食性将搜集于西藏、新疆、江苏和吉林4省和自治区16种哺乳动物的581颗牙齿分为食草、杂食和食肉3类,设计了录像-截图-测量-定标4步微米量级牙釉质结构测量方法,测量得到牙釉质的颊面厚度和舌面厚度比、臼齿外轮廓平均牙釉质厚度比等牙釉质分布规律,观测到不同哺乳动物釉柱的组装直径均在100 μm 左右,但柱间晶体的宽度不同,发现3类哺乳动物牙釉柱与釉牙本质界夹角的规律:人和食肉动物狗的釉柱角度最大,接近90°,杂食动物猪釉柱角度约为70°,而食草动物釉柱角度在54°~68°之间.研究表明,不同食性哺乳动物牙齿外在和内在结构都和其生物力学功能密切相关,牙釉质的异型结构是使得釉质具有优异的力学性能的优化结构模式.  相似文献   

目的:目前国内外对氟斑牙的研究主要集中在流行病学调查和临床疗效分析,对其漂白后釉质表面脱矿程度的研究却鲜有报道.观察不同程度人氟斑牙电镜下微观结构的特点,了解冷光美白对不同程度人氟斑牙釉质表面的影响,探讨冷光美白对重度氟斑牙的安全性.方法:选择因牙周病拔除的完整无龋坏的正常牙10颗,人各型氟斑牙50颗,选取颊侧典型区域制备标本.氟斑牙标本按Dean氏分类法分为轻、中、重度3组,正常牙标本作为对照组.各组标本随机分为4个亚组,A组:不做任何处理;B组:釉质表面蚀刻;C组:釉质剖面蚀刻;D组:釉质表面冷光美白,扫描电镜下观察标本的表面形貌.结果:轻度氟斑牙釉柱间隙增宽,少量晶体排列紊乱,晶间隙增宽.重度氟斑牙釉质表面凹凸不平,呈弹坑状或蜂窝状,釉柱轮廓不清,晶体排列紊乱甚至消失.中度氟斑牙居于二者之间.冷光美白后,正常牙和氟斑牙釉质表面低倍镜下均未见明显改变,高倍镜下散在浅碟状凹坑;中重度氟斑牙还伴有大量粟粒状小孔.结论:随着氟斑牙严重程度的加重,釉质表层损害程度加重.冷光美白造成釉质表层的轻微脱矿,氟斑牙稍重于正常牙.从结构和漂白后釉质表面脱矿程度方面进一步探讨氟斑牙的表面结构特点,从而为氟斑牙的临床治疗提供基础数据.  相似文献   

The so-called Glires hypothesis postulates a sister-group relationship between Rodentia (e.g., rat and mouse) and Lagomorpha (e.g., rabbit). Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have yielded incongruent results, and either supported or refuted the Glires grouping. In order to study this inconsistency we have reconstructed phylogenetic trees based on data sets of 20 orthologous nuclear protein coding genes (6441 aa, sites) and 12 mitochondrial protein coding genes (3559 aa sites). The size of the nuclear data set is considerably larger than any comparable data set hitherto used to study the Glires concept. Analysis of the nuclear data strongly supported the phylogenetic tree (frog, chicken, ((rat, mouse), (rabbit, (human, (cattle, dog))))), while the mt data could not conclusively resolve the position of rabbit relative to that of human. This result was supported by all methods. Thus, the Glires hypothesis was rejected by this study.  相似文献   

Rodentia (e.g., mice, rats, dormice, squirrels, and guinea pigs) and Lagomorpha (e.g., rabbits, hares, and pikas) are usually grouped into the Glires. Status of this controversial superorder has been evaluated using morphology, paleontology, and mitochondrial plus nuclear DNA sequences. This growing corpus of data has been favoring the monophyly of Glires. Recently, Misawa and Janke [Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 28 (2003) 320] analyzed the 6441 amino acids of 20 nuclear proteins for six placental mammals (rat, mouse, rabbit, human, cattle, and dog) and two outgroups (chicken and xenopus), and observed a basal position of the two murine rodents among the former. They concluded that "the Glires hypothesis was rejected." We here reanalyzed [loc. cit.] data set under maximum likelihood and Bayesian tree-building approaches, using phylogenetic models that take into account among-site variation in evolutionary rates and branch-length variation among proteins. Our observations support both the association of rodents and lagomorphs and the monophyly of Euarchontoglires (=Supraprimates) as the most likely explanation of the protein alignments. We conducted simulation studies to evaluate the appropriateness of lissamphibian and avian outgroups to root the placental tree. When the outgroup-to-ingroup evolutionary distance increases, maximum parsimony roots the topology along the long Mus-Rattus branch. Maximum likelihood, in contrast, roots the topology along different branches as a function of their length. Maximum likelihood appears less sensitive to the "long-branch attraction artifact" than is parsimony. Our phylogenetic conclusions were confirmed by the analysis of a different protein data set using a similar sample of species but different outgroups. We also tested the effect of the addition of afrotherian and xenarthran taxa. Using the linearized tree method, [loc. cit.] estimated that mice and rats diverged about 35 million years ago. Molecular dating based on the Bayesian relaxed molecular clock method suggests that the 95% credibility interval for the split between mice and rats is 7-17 Mya. We here emphasize the need for appropriate models of sequence evolution (matrices of amino acid replacement, taking into account among-site rate variation, and independent parameters across independent protein partitions) and for a taxonomically broad sample, and conclude on the likelihood that rodents and lagomorphs together constitute a monophyletic group (Glires).  相似文献   

河南省啮齿动物地理分布的聚类研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
路纪琪等[1 ]对河南省啮齿动物区系与区划进行了研究 ,把河南省已知的 32种啮齿动物区系划分为豫西北太行山地森林省、豫西黄土台地农作省、豫东豫北平原及南阳盆地农作省、豫西伏牛山地森林省、淮南冲积平原农作省和豫南桐柏 大别山地森林省共 6个动物地理省。因为毛耳飞鼠(Belomys pearsonii )、中华鼢鼠(Myospalax fontaneri)、针毛鼠 (Rattusfulvescens) 3种动物尚无标本考证 ,故本文所列河南省啮齿动物计 2 9种。另据马勇等[2 ]研究 ,认为应恢复绒鼠平属 (Caryomys)的分…  相似文献   

将新疆北部 62种啮齿动物在新疆北部 6个动物地理省中有或无分布作为二元状态 ,用联合系数来表征啮齿动物地理省间啮齿类种类组成的相似程度 ,以类平均法进行聚类。聚类结果表明啮齿类在新疆北部各动物地理省的分布主要受各种生态因子的影响。还探讨了分布聚类与动物地理省区划的关系  相似文献   

系统收集并整理了我国湿润半湿润地区啮类动物的地理分布资料,基于GIS技术,通过生境分析,确定了每个物种的分布范围,采用6470 km2的等面积栅格作为地理分布单元,系统研究我国湿润半湿润地区啮类动物地理分布规律.我国湿润半湿润地区有啮类动物156种,隶属于2目、12科、62属,占我国啮类动物总数的71.23%.地理单元的物种丰富度分析结果表明,云南西部到四川中部的横断山区、陕西秦岭和甘肃南部山地的啮类动物丰富度较高;河北省东南部、山东、河南、江苏、安徽的长江以北地区及长江三角洲、湖南和湖北的沿江地区以及四川盆地等地物种丰富度较低.地理单元有无物种分布的层次聚类分析结果表明,我国湿润半湿润地区分为三大区域:东部季风区的南北两区(以长江下游-秦岭一线分界),以及青藏高原的半湿润区.  相似文献   

Lagomorphs (a group that consists of pikas, hares, rabbits and allies) are notable for their conservative morphology retained for most of their over 50 million years evolutionary history. On the other hand, their remarkable morphological uniformity partly stems from a considerable number of homoplasies in cranial and dental structures that hamper phylogenetic analyses. The premolar foramen, an opening in the palate of lagomorphs, has been characterized as an important synapomorphy of one clade, Ochotonidae (pikas). Within Lagomorpha, however, its phylogenetic distribution is much wider, the foramen being present not only in all ochotonids but also in leporids and stem taxa; its morphology and incidence also varies considerably across the order, even intraspecifically. In this study, we provide a broad survey of the taxonomic distribution of the premolar foramen in extant and fossil Lagomorpha and describe in detail the morphological variation of this character within the group. Micro-computed tomography was used to examine the hard palate and infraorbital groove morphology in Poelagus (Leporidae) and Ochotona. Scans revealed the course and contacts of the canal behind the premolar foramen and structural differences between the two crown clades. We propose that the premolar foramen has evolved independently in several lineages of Lagomorpha, and we discuss development and function of this foramen in the lagomorph skull. This study shows the importance of comprehensive studies on phylogenetically informative non-dental characters in Lagomorpha.  相似文献   

Rodents represent the largest order of living mammals. It comprises 5 sub-orders, among which Sciuromorpha (Sciuridae, Gliridae and Aplodontiidae) are assumed to occupy a basal position in rodent evolution. Banded karyotypes of some representatives of the Sciuridae family have been compared to each other, and comparisons with man were performed using chromosome paintings. Sciuridae karyotypes have conserved several eutherian ancestral syntenies. Like Sciuridae, Gliridae possess some chromosomes easily comparable with those of Primates. Comparisons of Gliridae and Sciuridae chromosomes with those of the presumed eutherian ancestor provide information about their chromosomal evolution and their position among Rodentia. Although both Sciuridae and Gliridae karyotypes are relatively conserved, they display many differences, indicating their early divergence. The reconstruction of their chromosomal evolution allowed us to propose the composition of their presumed ancestral karyotypes, with 2n = 48 and 2n = 38 for Gliridae and Sciuridae, respectively. Since rodent emergence, a single rearrangement is common to these 2 families. It formed a chromosome with fragments homologous to human chromosomes 4-8p-4-12-22, not detected in other rodents, and thus characteristic for the Sciuromorpha. This allowed us to reassess the chromosomal signatures of Rodentia. Finally, we show that the speed of chromosomal evolution in Gliridae is intermediate between that of Sciuridae (low) and Muridae (high).  相似文献   

Rodentia is the largest order of placental mammals, with approximately 2,050 species divided into 28 families. It is also one of the most controversial with respect to its monophyly, relationships between families, and divergence dates. Here, we have analyzed and compared the performance of three nuclear genes (von Willebrand Factor, interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein, and Alpha 2B adrenergic receptor) for a large taxonomic sampling, covering the whole rodent and placental diversity. The phylogenetic results significantly support rodent monophyly, the association of Rodentia with Lagomorpha (the Glires clade), and a Glires + Euarchonta (Primates, Dermoptera, and Scandentia) clade. The resolution of relationships among rodents is also greatly improved. The currently recognized families are divided here into seven well-defined clades (Anomaluromorpha, Castoridae, Ctenohystrica, Geomyoidea, Gliridae, Myodonta, and Sciuroidea) that can be grouped into three major clades: Ctenohystrica, Gliridae + Sciuroidea, and a mouse-related clade (Anomaluromorpha, Castoridae + Geomyoidea, and Myodonta). Molecular datings based on these three genes suggest that the rodent radiation took place at the transition between Paleocene and Eocene. The divergence between rodents and lagomorphs is placed just at the K-T boundary and the first splits among placentals in the Late Cretaceous. Our results thus tend to reconcile molecular and morphological-paleontological insights.  相似文献   

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