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Mutagenicity testing of biological samples and proteins is complicated by the presence of histidine and histidine-related growth factors which may produce a false positive result in the Ames/Salmonella plate incorporation test. A bioassay method, utilizing an automated dispenser-photometer and Salmonella typhimurium strain TA1535 as the indicator bacteria, was used to estimate the presence of histidine-related growth factors in three enzyme solutions submitted for mutagenicity testing. One of the solutions was clearly positive in the Ames/Salmonella test and also contained the highest amount of L-histidine-HCl-equivalents. The two other solutions, with low or undetectable amounts of L-histidine-HCl-equivalents, gave equivocal and negative results, respectively, in the Ames/Salmonella test. Studies were also performed with strains TA98, TA100 and TA1535 to determine the amount of added L-histidine-HCl that would result in a 'positive' result in the Ames/Salmonella test. Because the minimum amount of L-histidine-HCl required to double the number of revertant colonies was 150 nmol/plate, and the maximum amount of L-histidine-HCl-equivalents supplied by the enzyme preparations was 40 nmol/plate at the highest tested dose, the mutagenicity test results of the enzyme solutions cannot be explained solely by histidine or related compounds. Smokers' and non-smokers' urines, concentrated with liquid extraction (CHCl3) and adsorbent (XAD-2 and XAD-2/Sep-Pak C18) techniques, were studied to reveal differences in efficiencies to extract histidine and histidine-related compounds in the urines. Amounts of 'histidine' in concentrates of urine were measured using the bioassay method and a chemical method employing derivatization with fluorescamine. The fluorescamine method also efficiently detected 3-methyl-L-histidine, a product of muscle metabolism excreted in urine, which was found to be unable to support auxotrophic growth in TA1535, leading to exaggerated estimations of the auxotrophic growth enhancing properties of urine extracts. The urine extracts, and pure L-histidine-HCl, were tested using a two-step fluctuation test to estimate auxotrophic growth factor effects in this type of test. Because of a strong dilution effect when adding the histidine-free selection medium, the fluctuation test employed in this study was not found to be particularly sensitive to growth factors. The results of this study indicate that use of a bioassay, employing the same indicator bacteria as the mutagenicity test themselves, is a reliable way to measure histidine-related growth factors in biological samples.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this investigation, we describe a new approach to chiral synthesis of chloroquine and its analogues. All tested compounds displayed potent activity against chloroquine sensitive as well as chloroquine resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro and Plasmodium yoelii in vivo. Compounds S-13b, S-13c, S-13d and S-13i displayed excellent in vitro antimalarial activity with an IC50 value of 56.82, 60.41, 21.82 and 7.94 nM, respectively, in the case of resistant strain. Furthermore, compounds S-13a, S-13c and S-13d showed in vivo suppression of 100% parasitaemia on day 4 in the mouse model against Plasmodium yoelii when administered orally. These results underscore the application of synthetic methodology and need for further lead optimization.  相似文献   

The effect of mobile phase pH and dimethyloctylamine (DMOA) on the retention (k') and stereoselectivity (α) of antimalarial agents mefloquine, enpiroline, and chloroquine on the α1-acid glycoprotein chiral stationary phase (AGP-CSP) was investigated. An increase of k' with increasing pH was observed while the effect on α was a function of the solute. The magnitude and direction of changes induced by DMOA depended on pH and the structure of the solute. The results of this study are consistent with a change of the conformation of the AGP between pH 5 and 7. At pH 7, the effect of DMOA on mefloquine was relatively well described by a competitive displacement from one enantioselective site. The effect on chloroquine and enpiroline suggests a multiple-site mechanism in which both competitive and allosteric interactions are involved.  相似文献   

In the frame of the development of bis-cationic choline analogs, the RSA of bis-N-alkylamidines were studied and a new series of reverse-benzamidine derivatives was designed. Contrary to the lipophilicity, the basicity of alkylamidine compounds directly influences their antimalarial potencies.  相似文献   

Primaquine is the drug of choice for the radical cure of Plasmodium vivax malaria, but possesses serious side effects. In this study novel primaquine analogues were designed and synthesized. Lower toxicity was achieved by reducing or eliminating the tendency of forming chemically reactive and toxic intermediates and metabolites. In vitro and in vivo studies found that synthesized compounds were less toxic than the parent compound primaquine, while preserving the desired antimalarial activity. Some of these compounds possess a therapeutic index over 10 times superior to that of the commonly used antimalarial drug chloroquine. These compounds, as well as the underlying design rationale, may find usefulness in the discovery and development of new antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

The accumulation of the antimalarial drug mefloquine by human red blood cells has been studied by 19F-NMR spectroscopy. The uptake process was nonlinearly dependent on the external drug concentration. Concentrations inside cells as high as 60-times greater than those in the extracellular phosphate-buffered-saline were observed. Red-cell ghosts were also found to accumulate mefloquine with high-affinity binding sites for the drug. Hemoglobin was found to bind mefloquine with low affinity, but due to the high concentration of this protein it is a significant drug compartment in the red cell. Analysis of the 19F-NMR chemical shifts and linewidths of mefloquine in the presence of red cells, red-cells ghosts and hemoglobin indicates restricted mobility of the drug in the membrane-bound state and slow exchange with the extracellular medium. This is a significant characteristic of the reaction in connection with the prophylactic activity of the drug. Exchange of the drug between hemoglobin and the red-cell membrane, however, is fast and may play an important role in the bioavailability of the drug to the parasite.  相似文献   

4CMB gave a positive test response in the bacterial fluctuation test. The presence of S9 mix caused attenuation of the dose response indicating that 4CMB is a direct-acting bacterial mutagen that may undergo enzymatic detoxication.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the frequency of adverse events, particularly neuropsychiatric effects, from mefloquine and from chloroquine plus proguanil as used for malaria chemoprophylaxis. DESIGN: Retrospective questionnaire to travellers taking either regimen between November 1993 and February 1995; telephone interview with those reporting pronounced side effects. SETTING: Travellers from Britain who consulted an advisory helpline. SUBJECTS: 1214 adults taking mefloquine and 1181 taking chloroquine plus proguanil. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Reported presence of and degree of disability from 12 neuropsychiatric and other symptoms, as assessed by the subjects and by referees and on the basis of behaviour change. RESULTS: There were equal rates of any side effects (40%) and of stopping or changing medication. Overall, neuropsychiatric adverse events were significantly more common in travellers taking mefloquine. In all, 333 neuropsychiatric adverse events were reported by 1214 travellers taking mefloquine, compared with 189 such events in 1181 travellers taking proguanil plus chloroquine (P < 0.001). In all, 0.7% of travellers taking mefloquine had disabling neuropsychiatric adverse effects, compared with 0.09% of those taking proguanil plus chloroquine (P = 0.021). Two travellers taking mefloquine (1 in 607) were admitted to hospital as a result of the adverse event, compared with 1 in 1181 travellers taking proguanil plus chloroquine. CONCLUSION: There is a significant excess of adverse neuropsychiatric events of intermediate degrees of severity associated with the use of mefloquine compared with proguanil plus chloroquine. This finding may also explain the discrepant findings between earlier studies and clinical experience.  相似文献   

Guanylthiourea (GTU) has been identified as an important antifolate antimalarial pharmacophore unit, whereas, 4-amino quinolones are already known for antimalarial activity. In the present work molecules carrying 4-aminoquinoline and GTU moiety have been designed using molecular docking analysis with PfDHFR enzyme and heme unit. The docking results indicated that the necessary interactions (Asp54 and Ile14) and docking score (−9.63 to −7.36 kcal/mmol) were comparable to WR99210 (−9.89 kcal/mol). From these results nine molecules were selected for synthesis. In vitro analysis of these synthesized compounds reveal that out of the nine molecules, eight show antimalarial activity in the range of 0.61–7.55 μM for PfD6 strain and 0.43–8.04 μM for PfW2 strain. Further, molecular dynamics simulations were performed on the most active molecule to establish comparative binding interactions of these compounds and reference ligand with Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase (PfDHFR).  相似文献   

Febrifugine is an alkaloid isolated from Dichroa febrifuga Lour as the active component against Plasmodium falciparum. Strong liver toxicity has precluded febrifugine as a potential clinical drug. In this study novel febrifugine analogues were designed and synthesized. Lower toxicity was achieved by reducing or eliminating the tendency of forming chemically reactive and toxic intermediates and metabolites. Synthesized compounds were evaluated in vitro against chloroquine sensitive (D6) and chloroquine resistant (W2) P. falciparum strains for efficacy and in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes for potential cytotoxicity. The IC(50)'s of the best compounds were superior to their parent compound febrifugine. Noticeably, these compounds were also over 100 times less toxic than febrifugine. These compounds, as well as the underlying design rationale, may find usefulness in the discovery and development of new antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of bile acids using a fluctuation test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mutagenicity of bile acids was detected by a fluctuation test using Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and TA98 as tester strains. Cholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid, deoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid were mutagenic in this test while lithocholic acid was not. The mutagenicity of the bile acids on a molar basis was roughly one-fourth that of methyl methanesulfonate, a moderately potent mutagen. Epidemiological studies have shown a high correlation between levels of bile acids excreted and colon cancer. However, no evidence has previously been reported showing that bile acids are mutagenic. Our results suggest that bile acids may be important in the etiology of colon cancer.  相似文献   

Using four strains of E. coli with different DNA repairing capacities it was established that beryllium efficacy in the DNA repair test (extension inhibition zone and the lowest concentration inhibiting bacterial growth) depended on pH of the medium and the cation, anion concentration and the metal acted bacteriostatically. A conclusion was made that in the given case the repair test detected the nonidentified membrane function of the DNA repair system, possibly associated with the usage of exogenous orthophosphate rather than the repair synthesis in response to DNA damage by beryllium.  相似文献   

Atovaquone is an antiparasitic drug that selectively inhibits electron transport through the parasite mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex and collapses the mitochondrial membrane potential at concentrations far lower than those at which the mammalian system is affected. Because this molecule represents a new class of antimicrobial agents, we seek a deeper understanding of its mode of action. To that end, we employed site-directed mutagenesis of a bacterial cytochrome b, combined with biophysical and biochemical measurements. A large scale domain movement involving the iron-sulfur protein subunit is required for electron transfer from cytochrome b-bound ubihydroquinone to cytochrome c1 of the cytochrome bc1 complex. Here, we show that atovaquone blocks this domain movement by locking the iron-sulfur subunit in its cytochrome b-binding conformation. Based on our malaria atovaquone resistance data, a series of cytochrome b mutants was produced that were predicted to have either enhanced or reduced sensitivity to atovaquone. Mutations altering the bacterial cytochrome b at its ef loop to more closely resemble Plasmodium cytochrome b increased the sensitivity of the cytochrome bc1 complex to atovaquone. A mutation within the ef loop that is associated with resistant malaria parasites rendered the complex resistant to atovaquone, thereby providing direct proof that the mutation causes atovaquone resistance. This mutation resulted in a 10-fold reduction in the in vitro activity of the cytochrome bc1 complex, suggesting that it may exert a cost on efficiency of the cytochrome bc1 complex.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the semisynthesis of two series of ursolic and betulinic acid derivatives through designed by modifications at the C-3 and C-28 positions and demonstrate their antimalarial activity against chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum (W2 strain). Structural modifications at C-3 were more advantageous to antimalarial activity than simultaneous modifications at C-3 and C-28 positions. The ester derivative, 3β-butanoyl betulinic acid (7b), was the most active compound (IC50?=?3.4?µM) and it did not exhibit cytotoxicity against VERO nor HepG2 cells (CC50?>?400?µM), showing selectivity towards parasites (selectivity index?>?117.47). In combination with artemisinin, compound 7b showed an additive effect (CI?=?1.14). While docking analysis showed a possible interaction of 7b with the Plasmodium protease PfSUB1, with an optimum binding affinity of ?7.02?kcal/mol, the rather low inhibition displayed on a Bacillus licheniformis subtilisin A protease activity assay (IC50?=?93?µM) and the observed accumulation of ring forms together with a delay of appearance of trophozoites in vitro suggests that the main target of 3β-butanoyl betulinic acid on Plasmodium may be related to other molecules and processes pertaining to the ring stage. Therefore, compound 7b is the most promising compound for further studies on antimalarial chemotherapy. The results obtained in this study provide suitable information about scaffolds to develop novel antimalarials from natural sources.  相似文献   

A microbial fluctuation test, modified for the detection of environmental mutagens has been evaluated using a number of strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Auxotrophic diploid cultures of yeast which produce prototrophic colonies by both mitotic gene conversion and mutation have been extensively utilized for the detection and evaluation of chemicals showing genetic activity. A number of the yeast strains utilized were shown to be suitable for use in the fluctuation test although the time scales of the experiments were considerably extended (up to 16 days) compared to those involving bacteria. The yeast strains respond to doses of mutagens at least a 100-fold lower than that required in a conventional short exposure treat and plate experiment. In experiments involving the induction of mitotic gene conversion at the tryptophan-5 and histidine-4 loci in the fluctuation test significant increases in prototrophic cells were produced in the presence of the insecticide Lindex (0.05 microng/ml), the preservative Thiomersal (0.0001 microng/ml), a mahogany hair dye (0.01 microng/ml), the herbicide Paraquat (0.02 microng/ml) and the alkylating agent ethyl methane sulphonate (0.1 microng/ml). The results demonstrate that the fluctuation test provides an extremely sensitive assay for the detection of chemicals which show genetic activity in yeast at non-toxic concentrations.  相似文献   

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