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宁波地区黑斑蛙的繁殖生态和产卵地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑斑蛙是我国分布最广的两栖动物之一,但目前有关其繁殖生态和产卵地选择还所知甚少,而且多局限于定性描述。2004—2006年在宁波地区黑斑蛙的繁殖期,对黑斑蛙的繁殖生态研究分析表明,该蛙在繁殖期的种群密度为0.0903±0.0029只/m(n=11);该蛙是雌雄二形性的蛙类,雌性蛙类的体重和体长都显著大于雄性;该蛙窝卵数的变化幅度较大(1546—7897个),平均窝卵数为4643.04±235.96个(n=50);卵径范围为1.50—1.74mm,平均卵径大小为1.6050±0.0046mm(n=226)。对黑斑蛙产卵地选择的研究结果表明,产卵地在水域比率、裸地比率、植被盖度、水深、水温和水的透明度等方面与随机样方不同;该蛙偏爱在水域比率和植被盖度较高的生境产卵,而避免在水体较深的生境产卵。为了更好地保护黑斑蛙的产卵栖息地,今后应优先保护水域比率和植被盖度较高而水体不深的生境。  相似文献   

黑斑蛙是我国分布最广的两栖动物之一,但目前有关其繁殖生态和产卵地选择还所知甚少,而且多局限于定性描述。2004—2006年在宁波地区黑斑蛙的繁殖期,对黑斑蛙的繁殖生态研究分析表明,该蛙在繁殖期的种群密度为0.0903±0.0029只/m (n=11);该蛙是雌雄二形性的蛙类,雌性蛙类的体重和体长都显著大于雄性;该蛙窝卵数的变化幅度较大 (1 546—7 897个),平均窝卵数为4643.04±235.96个 (n=50);卵径范围为1.50—1.74 mm,平均卵径大小为1.6050±0.0046 mm (n=226)。对黑斑蛙产卵地选择的研究结果表明,产卵地在水域比率、裸地比率、植被盖度、水深、水温和水的透明度等方面与随机样方不同;该蛙偏爱在水域比率和植被盖度较高的生境产卵,而避免在水体较深的生境产卵。为了更好地保护黑斑蛙的产卵栖息地,今后应优先保护水域比率和植被盖度较高而水体不深的生境。  相似文献   

贵州茂兰泽陆蛙繁殖生态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用野外定点观测、室内解剖观测和调查访问等方法,于2007年4月~2009年7月观察贵州茂兰地区泽陆蛙的繁殖生态.结果表明,泽陆蛙体色多样,常态型(Ⅰ型)和背纵线型(Ⅱ型)为主要类型.泽陆蛙具有迁移繁殖习性,刚栽上秧苗的稻田为理想求偶场和繁殖场;繁殖盛期在5月中旬~6月下旬.泽陆蛙具有明显性二型现象,雌雄之比为1:1.46(n=257);解剖怀卵量1245.4±480.8枚(n=17), 单粒卵重0.837 mg±0.192 mg(n=14),Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型怀卵量及单粒卵重无显著性差异;为分批次产卵种类,每次产卵量约78枚,每批产卵量约469枚;卵产出后有胶质相连,聚集成一个平面内的卵群,漂浮于水面,动物极灰黑色,植物极灰白色.繁殖行为包括鸣叫求偶、抱对和产卵3个过程;雄蛙集体鸣叫,强制性抱对;鸣叫是雄体相互识别和吸引雌体的关键因素.野外条件下,受精卵孵化期为4~7 d,温度为制约因素;幼体至少需要1周年以上的生长期才能加入繁殖群体.体色多样、体形相对较小、怀卵量大、产卵期长,可能是泽陆蛙成为该地区优势两栖类的主要原因.  相似文献   

威宁趾沟蛙的繁殖生态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用野外定期、定点观测与室内观测相结合的方法,于2000年1月21日~2005年2月25日,对威宁趾沟蛙(Pseudorana weiningensis)的繁殖生态进行了研究。结果表明,威宁趾沟蛙的繁殖习性与同属的其他两种趾沟蛙有明显的差异,其繁殖期集中在2月下旬~3月上旬;怀卵量为345.7枚(n=10);产卵量为312.5枚(n=10);威宁蛙卵群呈团状,各卵粒由胶膜粘连成团,卵团平均长6.40 cm;宽3.90 cm;厚为1.44 cm。卵粒的动物极暗褐色,植物极浅黄褐色;卵粒直径为2.0~2.5 mm,连胶膜直径为4.0 mm。卵粒在室内静水中孵化所需时间约20 d,孵出时期为心跳期,在自然环境中该蛙达性成熟所需时间为2年。该蛙无冬眠现象,且在冬季繁殖,这是其最突出的繁殖生态特征之一。  相似文献   

黑斑蛙Rana nigromaculata(Hallowell)卵是研究正常个体发育和实验发生学以及教学上常用的实验材料。但黑斑蛙卵的发育系在水内进行,需经常补充及更换培养液,在操作上不方便。 基于自然界中产卵在水外发育的两栖动物之普遍存在,正常产卵于水内发育的黑斑蛙卵是否也可以进行水外培养呢?遵照毛主席关于“你要有知识,你就得  相似文献   

棘胸蛙繁育特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对棘胸蛙繁育特性进行研究,发现棘胸蛙有不滴水不产卵的习性,通过营造滴水环境可以诱导棘胸蛙年产卵次数达6~7次,年产卵量达1960粒;另外,设计了一种新方法,可使棘胸蛙卵的孵化率和蝌蚪的变态率达96.1%和96.8%.  相似文献   

我国北方狭口蛙的染色体组型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北方狭口蛙(Kaloula borealis)分布于我国北方数省,其交配与产卵季节随雨季迟早而定(刘承剑和胡淑琴,1961)。在北京,一般在7,8月间大雨的晚间产卵,受精卵往往在雨水所形成的临时性水坑干涸之前即完成变态,俗称“雨蛙”(亦称气鼓子)。据李汝祺(Li Ju-chi,1934,1935)报道,此蛙的特征是适应性强、发育异常迅速。在24—28℃的气温下,15天即完成变态,系发育生物学研究的良好试验材料。本文作者通过外周血液培养法(吴政安和杨慧一,1980)和骨髓直接法首次分析了北方狭口蛙的染色体组型。结果表明,其二倍体染色体数目为28(2n=28)个,可配成14对  相似文献   

蛙卵是研究动物胚胎发育的好材料。教学上要观察蛙胚发育,首先要备有蛙卵。现根据青蛙和泽蛙的产卵习性,将采集方法介绍如下。  相似文献   

北方狭口蛙[Koloula borealis(Barbour)]俗名“雨蛙”,它们在每年雨季产卵,平时钻入地下。产卵于雨水临时积成的水洼中,发育迅速(李汝琪,1934)。在自然条件下,从产卵到变成小蛙;约需21天。关于北方狭口蛙的个体发育,李汝祺教授曾进行了一系列的研究。  相似文献   

人工驯养棘胸蛙的繁殖研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在历时三年人工驯养棘胸蛙的繁殖研究中发现,静水或水势平缓的水域内,棘胸蛙不能繁殖;营养不良、环境噪杂对棘胸蛙的繁殖行为也有很大抑制作用。促进棘胸蝗在人工驯养条件下繁殖,必须提供流水及流水直接冲击到的浅水层产卵附着物;保证繁殖亲蛙充足的营养及足够的活动空间;保持繁殖场所安静荫凉和隐蔽。  相似文献   

Arenophryne rotunda is a small (2–8 g) terrestrial frog that inhabits the coastal sand dunes of central Western Australia. While sand burrowing is a strategy employed by many frog species inhabiting Australia’s semi-arid and arid zones, A. rotunda is unique among burrowing species because it lives independently of free water and can be found nocturnally active on the dune surface for relatively extended periods. Consequently, we examined the physiological factors that enable this unique frog to maintain water balance. A. rotunda was not found to have any special adaptation to reduce EWL (being equivalent to a free water surface) or rehydrate from water (having the lowest rehydration rate measured for 15 Western Australian frog species), but it was able to maintain water balance in sand of very low moisture (1–2%). Frogs excavated in the field were in dune sand of 4.4% moisture content, as a consequence of recent rain, which was more than adequate for these frogs to maintain water balance as reflected by their low plasma and urine osmotic concentrations. We suggest that in dry periods of the year, A. rotunda can achieve positive water balance by cutaneous water uptake by burrowing deeper into the substrate to where the percent water content is greater than 1.5%.  相似文献   

The transmission dynamics of the trematode Halipegus occidualis in its definitive host, Rana clamitans, have been examined over a 5-yr period in a North Carolina pond. The breeding season of green frogs coincides with the period of worm recruitment, during which time male frogs are territorial and females show strong site fidelity. This site fidelity allows inferences to be made regarding the suitability of a particular habitat for worm transmission based on frog infection intensities within that habitat. Four foci of infection were identified in the pond by plotting worm infrapopulation size against site of host capture. Sites within infection foci are characterized by shallow water and emergent vegetation, factors favorable for overlapping distributions of the 4 hosts in the life cycle of H. occidualis. Consistent year-to-year worm prevalences and intensities, despite fluctuations in frog population size, are thought to be the result of a relatively constant proportion of the frog population being present in infection foci each year. Removal of worms from heavily infected frogs in the fifth year resulted in further heavy worm recruitment by treated frogs suggesting that site selection can predispose a frog to heavy infection. Further, the sum of removed parasites and those recruited after parasite removal by treated frog hosts was higher than worm infrapopulations observed in previous years, indicating that worm density regulates parasite infrapopulation size in heavily infected frogs.  相似文献   

黄土高原小麦田土壤呼吸对强降雨的响应   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
全球气候变化的可能后果之一是干旱频繁,强降雨增多。土壤呼吸是全球碳循环的关键组成部分,探讨强降雨对土壤呼吸的影响,有助于预知在全球变化背景下,土壤CO2排放的可能反馈机制。然而,由于测定技术限制,目前在降雨前后,对土壤呼吸进行原位、全天候、高频率测定的研究尚不够深入。研究选取黄土高原半干旱区小麦田土壤为研究对象,采用全自动多通量箱系统,对降雨前后的土壤呼吸及环境因子在原位置进行了全天候连续监测,分析了3次强降雨前后的土壤呼吸变化。结果表明,(1)强降雨对土壤呼吸促进还是抑制取决于雨前、雨中、以及雨后的土壤水分状态。土壤水分相对亏缺条件下的强降雨促进土壤呼吸,降雨结束后土壤呼吸的平均水平是降雨发生前的1.5—2倍;湿季的强降雨整体上抑制土壤呼吸,降雨过程中观测到呼吸波谷,雨中及雨后土壤呼吸分别下降了约33%和15%。(2)土壤呼吸与土壤水分之间存在二次曲线关系,此关系同时受土壤水分状况和温度的影响。当土壤由干旱和水分相对亏缺状态过渡到湿润时,上述二次曲线关系可靠;当土壤水分充裕时,该二次曲线关系减弱。在于湿交替情况下,二次曲线拐点是土壤呼吸因土壤水分增加而受到抑制的临界点,并且当温度升高时,该临界点相应升高。(3)温度和水分共同影响土壤呼吸。在土壤水分相对亏缺时,水分的增加是影响土壤呼吸的关键因子,温度对土壤呼吸的影响处于相对次要的位置;在水分充裕时,温度是影响土壤呼吸的关键因子,水分的增加会抑制土壤呼吸,但其对土壤呼吸变化的影响相对弱化。  相似文献   

ATP splitting activity is progressively reduced with increasing heavy water (D2)) concentration. In contrast, sarcomere shorteining inhibition produced by D2O does not significantly depend on its concentration. Even at low concentration, the presence of D2O does reduce the excessive accumulation of radioactive sodium within glycerinated frog muscle. These heavy water effects on muscular contraction and soidum distribution can be interpreted to indicate adsorbed water within the cells. Evaluation of these experimental results in terms of Gibbs free enthalpy of binding at the adsorption sites of D20 or H20 is in good agreement with the data in the literature.  相似文献   

Malcolm  Coe 《Journal of Zoology》1974,172(1):13-34
The construction of foam nests by the Anura seems to be a habit that has evolved separately in all the main zoogeographical regions. Chiromantis is a large tree frog weighing up to 5.5 g which is restricted to the Ethiopian region. This genus comprises three species which are found in the three main African biomes from rain forest ( C. rufescens ), through woodland ( C. xerampelina ) to semi-arid savannah ( C. petersii ). The female of C. rufescens is shown in this study to construct her nest with the assistance of three males, and like the other two species, the nests are always fastened to objects over temporary water sources.
Although the rain forest and savannah species are the same size the latter lays twice as many eggs as the former. Additionally it is shown that the eggs of C. petersii are only half the size of C. rufescens. These facts can be correlated with the degree of permanence of the water source over which the nest is constructed.
Features of the water economy and ecology are also described.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two species of earthworms were used to unravel why some earthworm species crawl out of the soil at night after heavy rain. Specimens of Amynthas gracilis , which show this behavior, were found to have poor tolerance to water immersion and a diurnal rhythm of oxygen consumption, using more oxygen at night than during the day. The other species, Pontoscolex corethrurus , survived longer under water and was never observed to crawl out of the soil after heavy rain; its oxygen consumption was not only lower than that of A. gracilis but also lacked a diurnal rhythm. Accordingly, we suggest that earthworms have at least two types of physical strategies to deal with water immersion and attendant oxygen depletion of the soil. The first is represented by A. gracilis ; they crawl out of the waterlogged soil, especially at night when their oxygen consumption increases. The other strategy, shown by P. corethrurus , allows the earthworms to survive at a lower concentration of oxygen due to lower consumption; these worms can therefore remain longer in oxygen-poor conditions, and never crawl out of the soil after heavy rain.  相似文献   

Flight in rain represents a greater challenge for smaller animals because the relative effects of water loading and drop impact are greater at reduced scales given the increased ratios of surface area to mass. Nevertheless, it is well known that small volant taxa such as hummingbirds can continue foraging even in extreme precipitation. Here, we evaluated the effect of four rain intensities (i.e. zero, light, moderate and heavy) on the hovering performance of Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna) under laboratory conditions. Light-to-moderate rain had only a marginal effect on flight kinematics; wingbeat frequency of individuals in moderate rain was reduced by 7 per cent relative to control conditions. By contrast, birds hovering in heavy rain adopted more horizontal body and tail positions, and also increased wingbeat frequency substantially, while reducing stroke amplitude when compared with control conditions. The ratio between peak forces produced by single drops on a wing and on a solid surface suggests that feathers can absorb associated impact forces by up to approximately 50 per cent. Remarkably, hummingbirds hovered well even under heavy precipitation (i.e. 270 mm h(-1)) with no apparent loss of control, although mechanical power output assuming perfect and zero storage of elastic energy was estimated to be about 9 and 57 per cent higher, respectively, compared with normal hovering.  相似文献   

In the subtropical Atlantic rain forest of southern Brazil, reproduction of the catfish Pimelodella pappenheimi was studied over a two years period in a small coastal stream representing a widely undisturbed aquatic habitat. According to analyses of the gonad status, reproduction is mainly seasonal with a peak in the rainy summer months, consisting of multiple spawning. The average body length of the fishes attaining sexual maturity was the same in both sexes. At the study site summer storms cause flash floods, and heavy rainfalls can suddenly increase the river flow. Reproductive females were found to burrow in the clay palisades of the river sediments which is regarded a behavioural adaptation protecting the offspring from being washed away.  相似文献   


This study was performed heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, and Pb) in water, soil and frogs around an electronic-waste dump site. The bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) of heavy metals in three frog species and potential human health risks were assessed. Heavy metals were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. The Cd and Pb concentrations in water samples and As and Pb concentrations in soil samples from within the e-waste dump site exceeded the standards. The heavy metal concentrations in the muscles of three frog species were as follows: Cr?>?Pb?>?As?>?Cd, and there were no significant differences among frog species except in the case of Pb (p?<?0.05). Only the Cr concentrations exceeded the food quality standards. The relative order of the BAFs for heavy metals in frogs as a result of uptake from the water and soil was Cr?>?As?>?Pb?>?Cd and Cr?>?As?>?Cd?>?Pb, respectively, which indicated that the uptake from water was greater than that from the soil. The assessment of the health risk index and carcinogenic risk (CR) indicated potential human health effects from As, Cr, and Pb via the consumption of frogs.  相似文献   

Soybean adaptation to water stress at selected stages of growth   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Braxton) plants were grown in sandy soil with only natural rainfall (N) or with supplemental irrigation (I). Water-stressed plants grew more extensive root systems, whereas irrigated plants developed larger shoots and smaller root systems. Maximum stomatal apertures were observed at the beginning of each photoperiod. Partial stomatal closure occurred each afternoon, but stomata of I plants remained open longer than those of N plants. Significant reductions in net carbon fixation rate generally accompanied decreases in stomatal aperture, which coincided with periods of high temperature, low relative humidity, maximum solar radiation, and water stress. Leaf water potential decreased from morning to afternoon, with a greater decrease observed for N plants. Midafternoon stomatal closure did not occur in N plants with very large root systems following a heavy rain which saturated the soil profile. With smaller root systems and greater evaporative demand from larger shoots, the I plants continued to show midafternoon stress following the heavy rain. The large root systems of the N plants absorbed sufficient water to meet shoot evaporative demand for several days following the rain. Root soil system resistance apparently contributed to the afternoon water stress in the I plants.  相似文献   

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