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In view of the importance of Candida drug resistance protein (Cdr1p) in azole resistance, we have characterized it by overexpressing it as a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged fusion protein (Cdr1p-GFP). The overexpressed Cdr1p-GFP in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is shown to be specifically labeled with the photoaffinity analogs iodoarylazidoprazosin (IAAP) and azidopine, which have been used to characterize the drug-binding sites on mammalian drug-transporting P-glycoproteins. While nystatin could compete for the binding of IAAP, miconazole specifically competed for azidopine binding, suggesting that IAAP and azidopine bind to separate sites on Cdr1p. Cdr1p was subjected to site-directed mutational analysis. Among many mutant variants of Cdr1p, the phenotypes of F774A and ΔF774 were particularly interesting. The analysis of GFP-tagged mutant variants of Cdr1p revealed that a conserved F774, in predicted transmembrane segment 6, when changed to alanine showed increased binding of both photoaffinity analogues, while its deletion (ΔF774), as revealed by confocal microscopic analyses, led to mislocalization of the protein. The mislocalized ΔF774 mutant Cdr1p could be rescued to the plasma membrane as a functional transporter by growth in the presence of a Cdr1p substrate, cycloheximide. Our data for the first time show that the drug substrate-binding sites of Cdr1p exhibit striking similarities with those of mammalian drug-transporting P-glycoproteins and despite differences in topological organization, the transmembrane segment 6 in Cdr1p is also a major contributor to drug substrate-binding site(s).  相似文献   

The human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transport of specific molecules across lipid membranes is an essential function of all living organisms and a large number of specific transporters have evolved to carry out this function. The largest transporter gene family is the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily. These proteins translocate a wide variety of substrates including sugars, amino acids, metal ions, peptides, and proteins, and a large number of hydrophobic compounds and metabolites across extra- and intracellular membranes. ABC genes are essential for many processes in the cell, and mutations in these genes cause or contribute to several human genetic disorders including cystic fibrosis, neurological disease, retinal degeneration, cholesterol and bile transport defects, anemia, and drug response. Characterization of eukaryotic genomes has allowed the complete identification of all the ABC genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila, and C. elegans genomes. To date, there are 48 characterized human ABC genes. The genes can be divided into seven distinct subfamilies, based on organization of domains and amino acid homology. Many ABC genes play a role in the maintenance of the lipid bilayer and in the transport of fatty acids and sterols within the body. Here, we review the current knowledge of the human ABC genes, their role in inherited disease, and understanding of the topology of these genes within the membrane.  相似文献   

Members of the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) family of ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters consist of two homologous halves, each containing a nucleotide binding domain (NBD) and a transmembrane domain (TMD). The PDR transporters efflux a variety of hydrophobic xenobiotics and despite the frequent association of their overexpression with the multidrug resistance of fungal pathogens, the transport mechanism of these transporters is poorly understood. Twenty-eight chimeric constructs between Candida albicans Cdr1p (CaCdr1p) and Cdr2p (CaCdr2p), two closely related but functionally distinguishable PDR transporters, were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. All chimeras expressed equally well, localized properly at the plasma membrane, retained their transport ability, but their substrate and inhibitor specificities differed significantly between individual constructs. A detailed characterization of these proteins revealed structural features that contribute to their substrate specificities and their transport mechanism. It appears that most transmembrane spans of CaCdr1p and CaCdr2p provide or affect multiple, probably overlapping, substrate and inhibitor binding site(s) similar to mammalian ABC transporters. The NBDs, in particular NBD1 and/or the ~150 amino acids N-terminal to NBD1, can also modulate the substrate specificities of CaCdr1p and CaCdr2p.  相似文献   

Candida drug resistance protein (Cdr1p) is a major drug efflux protein, which plays a key role in commonly encountered clinical azole resistance in Candida albicans. We have analyzed its sequence in several azole resistant clinical isolates to evaluate the allelic variation within CDR1 gene and to relate it to its functional activity. The sequence analysis revealed 53 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), out of which six were non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (NS-SNPs) implying a change in amino acid and were found in two or more than two allelic combinations in different sensitive or resistant isolates. We have identified three new NS-SNPs namely, E948P, T950S, and F1399Y, in isolates wherein F1399Y appeared to be unique and was present in one of the naturally occurring azole resistant isolates obtained from Indian diabetic patients. However, site-directed mutagenesis showed that the residue F1399 in between TMS 11 and TMS 12 does not affect the functionality of Cdr1p. Taken together, our SNPs analyses reveal that unlike human P-gp, the naturally acquired allelic variations are mostly present in non-conserved regions of the protein which do not allow Cdr1p to genetically evolve in a manner, that would allow a change in its functionality to affect substrate recognition, specificity, and drug efflux activity of C. albicans cells.  相似文献   

Earlier, we have shown that the overexpression of an ABC transporter, CDR1, is involved in the emergence of multidrug resistance in Candida albicans. In this study, we checked its function in vivo by expressing it in different isogenic Saccharomyces cerevisiae erg mutants, which accumulated various intermediates of the ergosterol biosynthesis and thus altered the membrane fluidity. Functions like the accumulation of rhodamine 123, beta-estradiol, fluconazole and floppase activity associated with Cdr1p were measured to ascertain their responses to an altered membrane phase. The floppase activity appeared to be favoured by an enhanced membrane fluidity, while the effluxing of substrates and Cdr1p's ability to confer multidrug resistance were significantly reduced. We demonstrate that only some of the functions of Cdr1p were affected by an altered lipid environment.  相似文献   

《FEMS yeast research》2005,5(1):63-72
In order to ascertain the molecular basis of ATP-mediated drug extrusion by Cdr1p, a multidrug transporter of Candida albicans, we recently have reported that the Walker A motif of the N-terminal nucleotide biding domain (NBD) of this protein contains an uncommon cysteine residue (C193; GXXGXGCS/T) which is indispensable for ATP hydrolysis. This residue is exceptionally conserved in N-terminal NBDs of fungal ABC transporters and hence makes these transporters an evolutionarily divergent group. However, the presence of a conventional lysine residue at a similar position in the Walker A motif of the C-terminal NBD warrants the individual contribution of both the NBDs in the ATP-driven efflux function of such transporters. In this study we have investigated the contribution of this divergent Walker A motif in the context of the full Cdr1p protein under in vivo conditions by swapping these two crucial amino acids (C193K in Walker A motif of N-terminal NBD and K901C in Walker A motif of C-terminal NBD) between the two NBDs. Both the native and the mutant variants of Cdr1p were integrated at the PDR5 locus as GFP-tagged fusion proteins and were hyper-expressed. Our study shows that both C193K- and K901C-expressing cells elicit a severe impairment of Cdr1p’s ATPase function. However, both these mutations have distinct phenotypes with respect to other functional parameters such as substrate efflux and drug resistance profiles. In contrast to C193K, K901C mutant cells were substantially hypersensitive to the tested drugs (fluconazole, ansiomycin, miconazole and cycloheximide) and were unable to expel rhodamine 6G. Our results for the first time show that both NBDs influence the Cdr1p function asymmetrically, and that the positioning of the cysteine and lysine residues within the respective Walker A motifs is functionally not interchangeable.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the Candida albicans ATP‐binding cassette transporter CaCdr1p causes clinically significant resistance to azole drugs including fluconazole (FLC). Screening of a ~ 1.89 × 106 member d ‐octapeptide combinatorial library that concentrates library members at the yeast cell surface identified RC21v3, a 4‐methoxy‐2,3,6‐trimethylbenzenesulphonyl derivative of the d ‐octapeptide d ‐NH2‐FFKWQRRR‐CONH2, as a potent and stereospecific inhibitor of CaCdr1p. RC21v3 chemosensitized Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains overexpressing CaCdr1p but not other fungal ABC transporters, the C. albicans MFS transporter CaMdr1p or the azole target enzyme CaErg11p, to FLC. RC21v3 also chemosensitized clinical C. albicans isolates overexpressing CaCDR1 to FLC, even when CaCDR2 was overexpressed. Specific targeting of CaCdr1p by RC21v3 was confirmed by spontaneous RC21v3 chemosensitization‐resistant suppressor mutants of S. cerevisiae expressing CaCdr1p. The suppressor mutations introduced a positive charge beside, or within, extracellular loops 1, 3, 4 and 6 of CaCdr1p or an aromatic residue near the extracytoplasmic end of transmembrane segment 5. The mutations did not affect CaCdr1p localization or CaCdr1p ATPase activity but some increased susceptibility to the CaCdr1p substrates FLC, rhodamine 6G, rhodamine 123 and cycloheximide. The suppressor mutations showed that the drug‐like CaCdr1p inhibitors FK506, enniatin, milbemycin α11 and milbemycin β9 have modes of action similar to RC21v3.  相似文献   

In order to ascertain the molecular basis of ATP-mediated drug extrusion by Cdr1p, a multidrug transporter of Candida albicans, we recently have reported that the Walker A motif of the N-terminal nucleotide biding domain (NBD) of this protein contains an uncommon cysteine residue (C193; GXXGXGCS/T) which is indispensable for ATP hydrolysis. This residue is exceptionally conserved in N-terminal NBDs of fungal ABC transporters and hence makes these transporters an evolutionarily divergent group. However, the presence of a conventional lysine residue at a similar position in the Walker A motif of the C-terminal NBD warrants the individual contribution of both the NBDs in the ATP-driven efflux function of such transporters. In this study we have investigated the contribution of this divergent Walker A motif in the context of the full Cdr1p protein under in vivo conditions by swapping these two crucial amino acids (C193K in Walker A motif of N-terminal NBD and K901C in Walker A motif of C-terminal NBD) between the two NBDs. Both the native and the mutant variants of Cdr1p were integrated at the PDR5 locus as GFP-tagged fusion proteins and were hyper-expressed. Our study shows that both C193K- and K901C-expressing cells elicit a severe impairment of Cdr1p's ATPase function. However, both these mutations have distinct phenotypes with respect to other functional parameters such as substrate efflux and drug resistance profiles. In contrast to C193K, K901C mutant cells were substantially hypersensitive to the tested drugs (fluconazole, ansiomycin, miconazole and cycloheximide) and were unable to expel rhodamine 6G. Our results for the first time show that both NBDs influence the Cdr1p function asymmetrically, and that the positioning of the cysteine and lysine residues within the respective Walker A motifs is functionally not interchangeable.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transport proteins catalyze the translocation of substrates at the expense of hydrolysis of ATP, but the actual ATP/substrate stoichiometry is still controversial. In the osmoregulated ABC transporter (OpuA) from Lactococcus lactis, ATP hydrolysis and substrate translocation are tightly coupled, and the activity of right-side-in and inside-out reconstituted OpuA can be determined accurately. Although the ATP/substrate stoichiometry determined from the uptake of glycine betaine and intravesicular ATP hydrolysis tends to increase with decreasing average size of the liposomes, the data from inside-out reconstituted OpuA indicate that the mechanistic stoichiometry is 2. Moreover, the two orientations of OpuA in proteoliposomes allowed possible contributions from substrate (glycine betaine) inhibition on the trans-side of the membrane and inhibition by ADP to be determined. Here we show that OpuA is not inhibited by up to 400 mm glycine betaine on the trans-side of the membrane. ADP is an inhibitor, but accumulation of ADP was negligible in the assays with inside-out-oriented OpuA, and potential effects of the ATP/ADP ratio on the ATP/substrate stoichiometry determinations could be eliminated.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
The recent completion of the Escherichia coli genome sequence ( Blattner et al ., 1997 ) has permitted an analysis of the complement of genomically encoded ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins. A total of 79 ABC proteins makes this the largest paralogous family of proteins in E . coli . These 79 proteins include 97 ABC domains (as some proteins include more than one ABC domain) and are components of 69 independent functional systems (as many systems involve more than one ABC domain). The ABC domains are often, but not exclusively, the energy-generating domains of multicomponent membrane-bound transporters. Thus, 57 of the 69 systems are ABC transporters, of which 44 are periplasmic-binding protein-dependent uptake systems and 13 are presumed exporters. The genes encoding these ABC transporters occupy almost 5% of the genome. Of the 12 systems that are not obviously transport related, the function of only one, the excision repair protein UvrA, is known. A phylogenetic analysis suggests that the majority of ABC proteins can be assigned to 10 subfamilies. Together with statistical and, importantly, biological evidence, this analysis provides insight into the evolution and function of the ABC proteins.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic importers from the large family of ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters comprise four separate subunits: two membrane-embedded and two cytoplasmic ATP-binding subunits. This modular construction makes them ideal candidates for studies of the intersubunit interactions of membrane protein complexes that contain both hydrophobic and hydrophilic subunits. In the present paper, we focus on the vitamin B12 importer of Escherichia coli, BtuCD, that contains two transmembrane BtuC subunits and two ATP-binding BtuD subunits. We have studied the factors that induce subunit dissociation and unfolding in vitro. The BtuCD complex remains intact in alcohol and mild detergents, but urea or SDS separate the BtuC and BtuD subunits, with 6?M urea causing 80% of BtuD to be removed from BtuCD. ATP is found to stabilize the complex as a result of its binding to the BtuD subunits. In the absence of ATP, low concentrations of urea (0.5-3?M) also induce some unfolding, with approximately 14% reduction in helicity in 3?M urea, whereas, in the presence of ATP, no changes are observed. Disassembly at the BtuD-BtuD dimeric interface in BtuCD can be achieved with smaller concentrations of urea (0.5-3?M) than that required to cause disassembly at the BtuC-BtuD transmission interface (3-8?M), suggesting a stronger interaction of the latter. The results also suggest that unfolding and disassociation of subunits appear to be coupled processes. Our work provides insights into the subunit interactions of an ABC transporter and lays the foundation for studies of the reassembly of BtuCD.  相似文献   

To find novel drugs for effective antifungal therapy in candidiasis, we examined disulfiram, a drug used for the treatment of alcoholism, for its role as a potential modulator of Candida multidrug transporter Cdr1p. We show that disulfiram inhibits the oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity of Cdr1p and 2.5mM dithiothreitol reverses this inhibition. Disulfiram inhibited the binding of photoaffinity analogs of both ATP ([alpha-(32)P]8-azidoATP; IC(50)=0.76 microM) and drug-substrates ([(3)H]azidopine and [(125)I]iodoarylazidoprazosin; IC(50) approximately 12 microM) to Cdr1p in a concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that it can interact with both ATP and substrate-binding site(s) of Cdr1p. Furthermore, a non-toxic concentration of disulfiram (1 microM) increased the sensitivity of Cdr1p expressing Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells to antifungal agents (fluconazole, miconazole, nystatin, and cycloheximide). Collectively these results demonstrate that disulfiram reverses Cdr1p-mediated drug resistance by interaction with both ATP and substrate-binding sites of the transporter and may be useful for antifungal therapy.  相似文献   

Fungal ATP-binding cassette transporter regulation was investigated using Candida glabrata Cdr1p and Pdh1p expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rephosphorylation of Pdh1p and Cdr1p was protein kinase A inhibitor-sensitive but responded differentially to Tpk isoforms, stressors, and glucose concentration. Cdr1p Ser(307), which borders the nucleotide binding domain 1 ABC signature motif, and Ser(484), near the membrane, were dephosphorylated on glucose depletion and independently rephosphorylated during glucose exposure or under stress. The S484A enzyme retained half the wild type ATPase activity without affecting azole resistance, but the S307A enzyme was unstable to plasma membrane isolation. Studies of pump function suggested conformational interaction between Ser(484) and Ser(307). An S307A/S484A double mutant, which failed to efflux the Cdr1p substrate rhodamine 6G, had a fluconazole susceptibility 4-fold greater than the Cdr1p expressing strain, twice that of the S307A mutant, but 64-fold less than the control null strain. Stable intragenic suppressors indicative of homodimer nucleotide binding domain 1-nucleotide binding domain 1 interactions partially restored rhodamine 6G pumping and increased fluconazole and rhodamine 6G resistance in the S307A/S484A mutant. Nucleotide binding domain 1 of Cdr1p is a sensor of important physiological stimuli.  相似文献   

Chemotherapy-induced resistance by ATP-binding cassette transporter genes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A key issue in the treatment of many cancers is the development of resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. Resistance mechanisms are numerous and complex. One of them is mediated by the overexpression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters able to efflux drugs out of the tumor cell. The last two decades have seen notable growth of knowledge concerning the involvement of ABC transporters in resistance to chemotherapy. This review emphasizes these transporters, their clinical relevance and the diagnostic methods and strategies to circumvent multidrug resistance (MDR) mediated by ABC transporters.  相似文献   

PDR5-like proteins represent one group of the ABC superfamily of transporters. Members of this group are present in plants and, due to the function of PDR5-related proteins in fungi in the excretion of xenobiotics (including antifungal agents), it has been proposed that they might play a similar role in plants in the response to and detoxification of herbicides and fungicides. However, until now no functional data has been presented showing an altered plant response to any herbicide or fungicide as a result of manipulating the expression of a PDR5-like gene in plants. In this paper, we show that the plant SpTUR2 PDR5-like ABC transporter is localised to the plasma membrane and that expression of this protein in Arabidopsis leads to the acquisition of resistance to the diterpenoid antifungal agent sclareol. These data both define a possible endogenous substrate for this transporter and highlight the potential of manipulating plant chemical resistance via modulating the expression of specific PDR5-like transporters.  相似文献   

Herein, we discuss the role of the native cysteines present in a major multidrug ABC transporter of Candida albicans, Cdr1p, and describe the construction of this transporter's functional cysteine-less (cysless) protein version for cross-linking studies. In the experiments in which all 23 cysteines were replaced individually, we observed that most of the cysteine replacements were tolerated by the protein, but the replacement of C1056, C1091, C1106, C1294 or C1336 resulted in an enhanced drug susceptibility together with an abrogated drug efflux. Notably, the ATPase activity was uncoupled, which largely remained unaffected in these variants. The substitution of the critical cysteines with serines restored the normal expression and functionality of Cdr1p because serine can effectively mimic the hydrogen bonding properties of cysteine. Finally, we constructed a functional cysless His-tagged Cdr1p in which all the cysteines of the native protein were replaced with alanines and the critical cysteines were replaced with serines. Notably, cysless GFP-tagged variant of Cdr1p was non-functional. The cysless His-tagged variant of Cdr1p is the first example of a cysless ABC transporter in yeast, and it will lead to a greater understanding of the architecture of this important protein and provide insight into the nature of drug binding and interdomain communication.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR) in mammalian tumour cells is mediated by P-glycoproteins. The apparent similarities between MDR and the chloroquine-resistance phenotype (CQR) in Plasmodium falciparum suggests that homologous proteins may be involved. In mammals, P-glycoproteins are encoded by mdr genes that are a subset of a super-family characterized by ATP-binding cassettes (ABC). Three genes, pfmdr1, pfmdr2 and pfef3-rl, have been identified in P. falciparum that have homology to the ABC transporter gene family. Each protein encoded by these genes has a distinct structure, suggesting functional differences between the three. Justin Rubio and Alan Cowman here discuss the structure and possible function of the ABC proteins from P. falciparum and evidence that the protein encoded by the pfmdr1 gene can influence quinoline-containing antimalarial drug-resistance phenotypes.  相似文献   

The development of resistance to azole antifungals used in the treatment of fungal infections can be a serious medical problem. Here, we investigate the molecular mechanisms associated with reduced susceptibility to fluconazole in clinical isolates of Candida dubliniensis , showing evidence of the trailing growth phenomenon. The changes in membrane sterol composition were studied in the presence of subinhibitory fluconazole concentrations. Despite lanosterol and eburicol accumulating as the most prevalent sterols after fluconazole treatment, these ergosterol precursors still support growth of Candida isolates. The overexpression of ABC transporters was demonstrated by immunoblotting employing specific antibodies against Cdr1p and Cdr2p. The presence of a full-length 170?kDa protein Cdr1p was detected in two isolates, while a truncated form of Cdr1p with the molecular mass of 85?kDa was observed in isolate 966/3(2). Notably, Cdr2p was detected in this isolate, and the expression of this transporter was modulated by subinhibitory concentrations of fluconazole. These results suggest that C.?dubliniensis can display the trailing growth phenomenon, and such isolates express similar molecular mechanisms like that of fluconazole-resistant isolates and can therefore be associated with recurrent infections.  相似文献   

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