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Oxytocin as well as vasopressin potentiate ovine CRF in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have investigated the effects of synthetic oxytocin and vasopressin on corticotropin release induced by the 41-residue ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (oCRF) in vitro. Segments of the anterior pituitary glands obtained from male and female Wistar or from female hetero- and homozygous Brattleboro rats were used. Ovine CRF (0.1-2.5 nmol/l) stimulated corticotropin release by pituitaries of Wistar rats and this effect was augmented two- to threefold in the presence of arginine vasopressin (0.09-0.9 mIU/ml) or oxytocin (0.9-90 mIU/ml). A similar phenomenon was demonstrated in Brattleboro rats. These data favor the hypothesis that oxytocin might have a physiological role in the regulation of pituitary-adrenocortical function in homozygous Brattleboro rats which lack vasopressin.  相似文献   

We recently showed that central injections of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) inhibits oxytocin cells and reduces peripheral release of oxytocin, but induces oxytocin release from dendrites. Dendritic oxytocin release can be triggered by agents that mobilize intracellular calcium. Oxytocin, like alpha-MSH, mobilizes intracellular calcium stores in oxytocin cells and triggers presynaptic inhibition of afferent inputs that is mediated by cannabinoids. We hypothesized that this mechanism might underlie the inhibitory effects of alpha-MSH. To test this, we recorded extracellularly from identified oxytocin and vasopressin cells in the anesthetized rat supraoptic nucleus (SON). Retrodialysis of a CB1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist to the SON blocked the inhibitory effects of intracerebroventricular injections of alpha-MSH on the spontaneous activity of oxytocin cells. We then monitored synaptically mediated responses of SON cells to stimulation of the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT); this evoked a mixed response comprising an inhibitory component mediated by GABA and an excitatory component mediated by glutamate, as identified by the effects of bicuculline and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione applied to the SON by retrodialysis. Application of CB1 receptor agonists to the SON attenuated the excitatory effects of OVLT stimulation in both oxytocin and vasopressin cells, whereas alpha-MSH attenuated the responses of oxytocin cells only. Thus alpha-MSH can act as a "switch"; it triggers oxytocin release centrally, but at the same time through initiating endocannabinoid production in oxytocin cells inhibits their electrical activity and hence, peripheral secretion.  相似文献   

In male rats under anaesthesia, dialysis of the venous blood from sella turcica region was carried out. Vasopressin and oxytocin content was determined in the dialysates by radioimmunoassay. The obtained results indicate that: 1. Electrical stimulation of the superior cervical ganglion causes an increase in vasopressin and oxytocin release. 2. 20 days after superior cervical ganglionectomy the vasopressin and oxytocin release increased. 3. Superior cervical ganglionectomy immediately before the dialysis evoked a several times increase in vasopressin and oxytocin release. 4. Application of alpha1-blocker, prazosin, as well beta-blocker, propranolol, has partially prevented the increase in vasopressin release which was found immediately after superior cervical ganglionectomy. 5. Contrary to vasopressin, the increase in oxytocin release after superior cervical ganglionectomy is completely prevented by the beta-blocker, propranolol, and only partially by the alpha1-blocker, prazosin.  相似文献   

Rats dehydrated for 8 days and subsequently rehydrated were given intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) methoxamine hydrochloride (MX) or dihydroergotamine methanosulphonate (DHE), each in a daily dose of 10 micrograms dissolved in 10 microliter of 0.9% sodium chloride. A single dose of MX injected to normally hydrated animals increased the release of hypothalamic and neurohypophysial vasopressin but did not affect significantly the oxytocic activity in the hypothalamus as well as in the neurohypophysis. Under conditions of dehydration MX did not influence the hypothalamic vasopressin content but it stimulated the neurohypophysial vasopressin depletion. On the contrary, MX distinctly inhibited the decrease of hypothalamic and neurohypophysial oxytocin content in dehydrated animals. In rehydrated animals MX restrained some what the renewal of hypothalamic vasopressin and oxytocin storage but intensified this process in the neurohypophysis. A single dose of DHE decreased the vasopressin content in the hypothalamus as well as the oxytocin content both in the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis. Under conditions of dehydration DHE stimulated the depletion of hypothalamic vasopressin and oxytocin. On the contrary, DHE strongly inhibited the depletion of oxytocin in the neurohypophysis of dehydrated rats. DHE restrained the renewal of hypothalamic vasopressin and oxytocin stores as well as intensified this process in the neurohypophysis of subsequently rehydrated rats.  相似文献   

The comparative biological activities of intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of alpha-rat and alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (rANP and hANP, respectively) in the arginine vasopressin (AVP) release in conscious rats and the binding properties of these peptides to their specific receptors have been investigated. An icv injection of 5 micrograms rANP inhibited the AVP release induced by osmotic and hemorrhagic stimuli. In contrast, 20 micrograms of hANP was needed to exert an inhibitory effect on the AVP release. The receptor binding studies were carried out by using rat hypothalamic membrane preparations. The binding studies revealed that the potency of rANP was greater than that of hANP in displacing radioligand from its binding sites. Scatchard analysis revealed that the dissociation constant for rANP was significantly lower than that for hANP (0.52 +/- 0.04 vs 1.20 +/- 0.16 nM, P less than 0.01). The binding capacity of these peptides was similar. These results suggest that the greater biological potency of rANP compared with hANP in the inhibition of AVP release is caused by the difference in the binding potency of these peptides.  相似文献   

Neurophysiology of body fluid homeostasis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Oxytocin as well as vasopressin is released in rats following systemic osmotic stimulation. There is evidence that, in the rat, oxytocin is a natriuretic hormone. 2. Osmotically-induced activation of oxytocin and vasopressin cells and osmotically-induced hormone secretion are diminished by ablation of tissue in the region anterior and ventral to the third ventricle (AV3V region). 3. The nature and identity of the osmoreceptors subserving oxytocin and vasopressin release are discussed.  相似文献   

Hypothalamo-pituitary neurosecretory system (HPNS) of the Northern redbacked vole, Clethrionomys rutilus was studied at different stages of the population cycle using paraldehyde-fuchsin staining and immunohistochemical revealing of vasopressin and oxytocin. We found at the stages of high voles number (peak and recession), an increase of vasopressin synthesis in the neurosecretory cells (NSC) of paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei, as well as its active transport and release to the portal capillaries of the outer zone of median eminence (ME). At the stages of low voles number (depression and growth) was demonstrated that level of oxytocin synthesis in the NSC of SON was high and moderate in the NSC of PVN, which was accompanied by an extensive release of oxytocin to capillaries of the posterior pituitary (PP). Increased supply of vasopressin to portal blood flow of the vole pituitary in conditions of overpopulation is suggested to have highly stimulating influence on adrenocorticotropic function of pituitary, which negatively affects the reproductive function of the voles and leads to a decrease of their number. At the stages of low number of population in conditions favoring the life of the voles, the increased supply of oxytocin to the systemic blood flow stimulates the reproductive behavior of the voles, which results in rise of their population during this period.  相似文献   

In the mammalian peripartum period, the activity of both the brain oxytocin and vasopressin system is elevated as part of the physiological adaptations occurring in the mother. This is reflected by increased expression and intracerebral release of oxytocin and vasopressin, as well as increased neuropeptide receptor expression and binding. In this review we discuss the functional role of the brain oxytocin and vasopressin system in the context of maternal behavior, specifically maternal care and maternal aggression in rodents. In order to enable the identification of significant and peptide-specific contributions to the display of maternal behavior, various complementary animal models of maternal care and/or maternal aggression were studied, including rats selectively bred for differences in anxiety-related behavior (HAB and LAB dams), monitoring of local neuropeptide release during ongoing maternal behavior, and local pharmacological or genetic manipulations of the neuropeptide systems. The medial preoptic area was identified as a major site for oxytocin- and vasopressin-mediated maternal care. Furthermore, both oxytocin and vasopressin release and receptor activation in the central amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis play an important role for maternal aggression. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior.  相似文献   

The relationship of endogenous opiate peptides of rat neuro-intermediate lobe to the release of neurohypophysial peptides has been investigated. Both dehydrated rats, with increased oxytocin and vasopressin release, as well as rats homozygous for hypothalamic diabetes insipidus (DI) of the Brattleboro strain, with increased oxytocin release, showed significantly decreased levels of pituitary opiate peptides. We suggest that neuro-intermediate lobe opiate peptides may modulate the release of neurohypophysial antidiuretic peptides.  相似文献   

To elucidate whether interleukins are involved in vasopressin or oxytocin release during cytokine-related stressful conditions, we examined the effects of human interleukin-1 beta and interleukin-6 on plasma vasopressin and oxytocin levels in rats. Interleukin-1 beta administrated intravenously stimulated both the vasopressin and oxytocin secretion in dose-dependent manners. Neither hormone release was observed following interleukin-6 administration. Pretreatment with aspirin significantly attenuated the effects of interleukin-1 beta on both the vasopressin and oxytocin levels. SC-19220, a prostaglandin E2 receptor antagonist, did not affect the interleukin-1 beta-induced increase of plasma oxytocin levels, but almost completely abolished its effect on plasma vasopressin levels. These results suggest that under certain stressful conditions which accompany the stimulation of cytokine production, interleukin-1 is involved in the increase of plasma vasopressin and oxytocin levels and, moreover, different kinds of prostaglandins are suggested to participate in these interleukin-1-induced hormone release.  相似文献   

Simultaneous and independent release of vasopressin and oxytocin in the rat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relative dependence or independence of the secretion of the neurohypophysial hormones, arginine vasopressin and oxytocin, was investigated using a wide variety of stimuli reported to cause the secretion of one or the other hormone. Differences in species, animal preparations, sampling techniques, assays, and other factors make comparison of many previous studies difficult. The aim of this study was to overcome these problems by using the same methodology, animal species, and assays to compare vasopressin and oxytocin release. To further strengthen the analysis, determinations of vasopressin and oxytocin were done in the same blood samples. The results demonstrated that during simultaneous release of both hormones, vasopressin is released in greater proportion following restraint stress, hemorrhage, isotonic hypovolemia, and nicotine, whereas oxytocin is released in greater proportion following endotoxin or hypertonic saline. Vasopressin was released without oxytocin following diethylstilbestrol. Oxytocin was released without concomitant vasopressin release following exercise, hypothermia, hyperthermia, labour, and lactation. Neither oxytocin nor vasopressin release was observed following thyroid-releasing hormone or insulin-induced hypoglycemia. These data illustrate the marked flexibility of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system that regulates secretion of vasopressin and oxytocin.  相似文献   

Iloprost (ZK 36374; a stable prostacyclin analogue) increases basal as well as potassium-evoked vasopressin and oxytocin secretion from rat neurointermediate lobes in vitro. This finding suggests a possible regulatory role of endogenous prostacyclin in the release of neurohypophysial hormones.  相似文献   

Peripheral administration of vasopressin (VP) was previously shown to exert a negative feedback influence on its own release and on the release of oxytocin (OT). In this study we examined the possible influence that OT has on the function of hypothalamic magnocellular neurones. Oxytocin was administered intraperitoneally and its effects on release from VP neurones and from OT neurones were determined as indexed by plasma concentrations of vasopressin-associated neurophysin ([VP-RNP]) and oxytocin-associated neurophysin ([OT-RNP]) under basal conditions and conditions of high plasma osmolality (Posm) induced by acute salt loading. Studies were performed on conscious, chronically instrumented Long-Evans rats. Oxytocin (1 nmol or 10 nmol) dissolved in 1 mL of 0.9% saline was administered intraperitoneally to animals 1 h before they received an intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline over 60 min at a rate designed to raise Posm by approximately 0.75 mosmol.min-1. Intraperitoneal injection of vehicle or 1 nmol of OT did not significantly alter [VP-RNP], [OT-RNP], or basal Posm. Administration of 10 nmol OT also had no effect on [VP-RNP] or [OT-RNP], but this dose of peptide significantly lowered basal Posm (299 +/- 2 to 290 +/- 2 mosmol/kg H2O, p less than 0.001). Both doses of OT did not significantly alter the responsiveness of VP neurones to hyperosmotic stimulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of intracerebroventricular injection of graded amounts of vasopressin and related peptides on plasma ACTH levels was investigated. Picogram amounts of vasopressin and oxytocin suppressed ACTH levels whereas nanogram amounts of vasopressin resulted in a pronounced increase in plasma ACTH levels. The time course of this stimulatory action was found to be different to that of the inhibitory action. The desglycinamide analogue of vasopressin was less potent in suppressing ACTH release and the C-terminal tripeptide did not affect plasma ACTH levels. However, the C-terminal tripeptide of oxytocin suppressed ACTH release while the desglycinamide analogue was ineffective. Vasotocin and its desglycinamide analogue appeared to be equipotent, although both were less active than vasopressin and oxytocin in this respect. We conclude that the entire vasopressin molecule is needed to suppress ACTH release while oxytocin may exert its inhibitory action through a smaller fragment of the molecule.  相似文献   

Several physiological variables were measured after endotoxin administration in the rat to examine the relationship between these variables. Rats responded to endotoxin with a biphasic body temperature response, an initial decrease and a subsequent increase in body temperature. Plasma vasopressin and oxytocin levels increased markedly after endotoxin administration. Diarrhea occurred in some animals. There was a strong negative correlation between increase in body temperature and base-line body temperature, and weak correlations between body weight and plasma vasopressin release and between base-line body temperature and minimum body temperature reached. Plasma vasopressin and oxytocin levels were correlated if samples from all time points were analyzed together, whereas they were not correlated if data from each time point were analyzed separately or if total peptide release for each rat was evaluated. These data suggest similar regulation for the release of vasopressin and oxytocin, that is, release by a common stimulus, but the magnitude of release of vasopressin and oxytocin appears to be independent, probably reflecting differences in synthesis and storage of these two peptides.  相似文献   

The effect of centrally administered galanin (Gal; 100 pM i.c.v.) on the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial storage as well as blood plasma level of vasopressin and oxytocin was estimated in haemorrhaged (1 ml per 100 g b.w.) male Wistar rats. Gal i.c.v. treatment did not alter vasopressin and oxytocin content both in the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis as well as their concentration in blood plasma of not haemorrhaged rats. Haemorrhage decreased the hypothalamic and neurohypophysial vasopressin and oxytocin storage but increased the neurohormones plasma level in animals injected with vehicle solution. During the haemorrhage, the increase in plasma vasopressin and oxytocin was inhibited in rats previously treated i.c.v. with galanin. The hypothalamic and neurohypophysial vasopressin as well as oxytocin content significantly increased in animals treated with galanin and subsequently haemorrhaged. These results suggest that galanin may have a regulatory role in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial function especially under condition of hypovolemia.  相似文献   

In order to see whether the mother contributes to the vasopressin or oxytocin levels of amniotic fluid, these peptides were measured under conditions (1) in which the fetus lacks vasopressin (Brattleboro strain) and (2) where high maternal oxytocin and vasopressin plasma levels were induced by means of a controlled-delivery Accurel-collodion device. No vasopressin could be demonstrated in amniotic fluid of vasopressin-deficient fetuses present in a heterozygous (i.e., vasopressin-synthetizing mother). High peptide levels on the maternal side of Wistar rats generally failed to affect the amniotic fluid levels. The increase that was occasionally seen in amniotic vasopressin was probably due to fetal release concomitant with growth retardation. Amniotic vasopressin is derived from the fetus. Since amniotic fluid oxytocin is neither derived from the mother nor from the fetal brain, other fetal sources should be considered.  相似文献   

Galanin (Gal) as a neuropeptide with widespread distribution in the central nervous system may be involved in the mechanisms of vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Vasopressin and oxytocin content in the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis as well as plasma level of both neurohormones were studied after galanin treatment in euhydrated and dehydrated rats. In not dehydrated rats intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of Gal did not affect the hypothalamic and neurohypophysial OT content, however, distinctly increased plasma OT concentration. In the same animals Gal diminished the hypothalamic AVP content but was without the effect on neurohypophysial AVP storage; plasma AVP level then raised. Galanin, administered i.c.v. to rats deprived of water, distinctly inhibited AVP and OT release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Simultaneously, plasma AVP and OT level was significantly diminished after Gal treatment in dehydrated rats. These results suggest that modulatory effect of galanin on vasopressin and oxytocin release depends on the actual state of water metabolism. Gal acts as an inhibitory neuromodulator of AVP and OT secretion under conditions of the dehydration but stimulates this process in the state of equilibrated water metabolism.  相似文献   

The possibility of sequence-dependent, transient, and local inhibition of neuropeptide or neuropeptide receptor expression within the brain makes antisense targeting an attractive approach for those interested in the involvement of brain neuropeptide systems in behavioral and neuroendocrine regulation. Here, I describe our attempts to manipulate the synthetic activity of peptidergic systems of the hypothalamic-neurohypophysial system, i.e. , oxytocin and vasopressin, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. Detailed experimental protocols including different approaches for intracerebral antisense application in anesthetized or conscious rats are provided. As a consequence of local oxytocin or vasopressin antisense treatment within the hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus, various aspects of the neuronal activity are already altered after a few hours. Thus, we monitored electrophysiological parameters of oxytocinergic and vasopressinergic neurons, stimulus-induced expression of the Fos protein in oxytocin neurons, and stimulated release of oxytocin or vasopressin into blood as well as within the hypothalamus by dendrites and cell bodies as measured by simultaneous microdialysis in blood and brain, shortly after a single acute antisense infusion. We also employed chronic antisense infusion via osmotic minipumps or by repeated local infusion into the targeted brain region; for example, septal vasopressin receptor downregulation impairs the ability of male rats to discriminate between juvenile rats. Further, reduction of the amount of available CRH, vasopressin, and oxytocin within the hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei alters the neuroendocrine stress response of the HPA axis.  相似文献   

Under conditions of equilibrated water metabolism a single dose of methoxamine increased the content of vasopressin in the hypothalamus as well as that of oxytocin both in the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis. During dehydration the depletion of hypothalamic and neurohypophysial vasopressin was more marked in methoxamine-treated animals; this effect, however, was absent in the neurohypophysis on the 2nd day and in the hypothalamus on the 8th day of water deprivation. After two days of dehydration methoxamine inhibited the decrease of oxytocin content in the hypothalamus; simultaneously (2nd and 4th day of dehydration) it intensified this process in the neurohypophysis. During rehydration methoxamine impaired the renewal of vasopressin both in the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis; this effect was most marked on the 8th day of rehydration. On the contrary, it favoured somewhat the renewal of hypothalamic oxytocin in rehydrated rats (such an event was not found on the 8th day of rehydration). Moreover, methoxamine restrained initially (on the 2nd and 4th day of rehydration) the restoration of neurohypophysial oxytocin stores; following eight days of rehydration an opposite effect was here found. It is concluded that the response of the vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons to alpha-adrenergic stimulation, brought about by using methoxamine as pharmacological tool, seems to be depended on the actual state of water metabolism. Impulses from the osmoreceptors may be therefore of some importance in modifying the change in vasopressin and oxytocin synthesis, transport and release resulting from stimulation of alpha-adrenergic transmission through neural chains including units susceptible to methoxamine.  相似文献   

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