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本文记述黄足猎蝽属一新种——黑胸黄足猎蝽Sirthenea melanota sp.nov.,并与两个已知种——黄足猎蝽S.flavipes(Stal)及半黄足猎蝽S.dimidiata Horvath——进行了详细的比较。除黄足猎蝽外,其发音沟及雄性外生殖器构造均为首次记载。此外,指出S.clavata Miller可能是黄足猎蝽apicalis变型的同物异名。新种的鉴别特征是:黑色,光亮;头背面全为红黄褐色,前胸背板全为黑色;近似S.leonina Horvath,但其前翅色斑区别明显;体躯量度见表2;模式标本保存于西北农业大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

乌花蝽属Wollastoniella Reuter迄今已知共6种,其中分布于亚洲者仅1种。Carayon(1982)报导,爪哇产的W.testudo Carayon在茶树上捕食一种Tenuipalpidae的螨类。圆花蝽属Bilia Distant已知5种,均为亚洲分布,我国已有记录为台湾的B.castanea(Carvalho)(Carayon & Miyamoto,1960)。据Carayon & Miyamoto(1960),圆花蝽属可能捕食蚜虫和叶蝉的卵。 本文为乌花蝽属在我国以及圆花蝽属在中国大陆的首次报导。共记载乌花蝽属3新种  相似文献   

记述了盲蝽科单室盲蝽亚科Bryocorinae摩盲蝽亚族Monaloniina Reuter,1892中除已另文发表的曼盲蝽属Mansoniella Poppius以外的中国大陆种类,计7属15种,包括1个新属:拟颈盲蝽属Parapachypeltis gen.nov.,2个新纪录属即狄盲蝽属Dimia Kerzhner,1988,拉盲蝽属Ragwelellus Odhiambo,1962,4新种即单色真颈盲蝽Eupachypeltis unicolor sp.nov.,弯带非盲蝽Felisacus curvatus sp.nov,刻胸拟颈盲蝽Parapachypeltis punctatus sp.nov.红色拉盲蝽Ragwelellus rubrinus sp.nov.,4新纪录种即种狄盲蝽Dimia inexpectata Kerzhner,1988,印尼菲盲蝽Felisacus magnificus Distant,1904,文中附有中国已知属,种检索表(包括曼盲蝽属),共计8属32种,模式标本存南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

四川西部地区菜蝽属二新种(半翅目:蝽科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述在四川西部海拔近4000m地区发现的菜蝽属两个新种:山地菜蝽 Eurydemamantanum Ling和高山菜蝽Eurydema alpinum Ling。此两新种的雄虫抱器基部均具骨化突起,与已知广布种菜蝽 E.dominulus(Scopoli)区別明显。新种山地菜蝽体小,较宽短,虫体背腹面色斑及雄虫抱器形状与菜蝽和新种高山菜蝽极易区分。  相似文献   

中国肩花蝽属记述(半翅目:花蝽科)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
卜文俊  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》1991,34(2):198-203
肩花蝽属(Tetraphleps Fieber)是花蝽科中的一个不大的属,世界已知共十余种。该属的已知生物学资料说明此类花蝽喜生活在针叶树上,捕食蚜虫和蓟马等,是这些森林害虫的一类潜在天敌。近年加拿大即曾试从印度和巴基斯坦引入此属的花蝽以防治球蚜Adclges piceae(Clark et al 1971;Kelton 1966,1978)。我国迄今尚无此属的明确记录,仅 Pericart(1972)在 T.aterrimus(J.Sahlberg)的分布记录中提及“天山”,但未注明国别,其分布图则似包括我国新疆天山的范围。在历年来收集的花蝽科标本中,我们共发现此属5个种,其中包括3个新种和一个中国新记录种,现分别记述于下。新种模式标本均存在南开大学生物系。描述中的量度单位为mm。  相似文献   

跳蝽──善跳的半翅目昆虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈萍萍 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):179-180
跳蝽科Saldidae隶属于半翅目Heteroptera细蝽型(Leptopodomorpha),目前已知共有26属277种,估计该科在全世界可有300多种。作者曾报道过中国的跳蝽2亚科9属34种(1987)[1,2],现已增至2亚科11属41种。跳蝽为世界性分布,大部分种类分布于全北界。目前已较系统地进行过区系调查的包括欧洲、独联体、中国、北美和中美。南美、非洲、南亚、西亚及大洋洲等地区的跳蝽种类只见零星的报道。跳蝽个体小,一般体长3~8mm,黑色或黑褐色,翅上具浅色斑纹,两个复眼大而突出。不同的属一般外貌上差异不大,因此在分类鉴定上有一定的困难。翅多…  相似文献   

中国哎猎蝽属厘订(半翅目:猎蝽科:盗猎蝽亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者对中国的哎猎蝽属EctomocorisMayr进行了订正。 此属国内以前记述共4种。通过研究发现黑哎猎蝽E.atrox(Stal)实际上包括另一个种——小黑哎猎蝽E.maldonadoi,新种;我们观察的黑哎猪蝽的所有中国标本均比爪哇产的选模标本体大色深,二者雌虫生殖节的构造亦有一定差异,但其色斑型相似;前者是否应作为一亚种或新种尚需研究东南亚一带的大宗标本。二星哎猎蝽E.biguttulusStal与产菲律宾的模式标本在色斑的大小及形状上稍有差异,其地理变异及种群分化有待进一步研究。黑缘哎猎蝽E.erebus Distant,1904是马达加斯加产E.erebus(Distant),1903的同名,故而给前者以新名E.distanti Cai et Lu。“黄斑哎猎蝽”E.flavomaculatusStal为E.yayeyamae(Mats.)的错误鉴定,真正的E.flavomaculatusStal目前还没有在我国发现;由于其中文名称系据E.flavomaculaus的种名而来,所以作者建议E.yayeyamae(Mats.)的中名为“亚哎猎蝽”,这样中文名称不仅是根据其种名的第一个音节的发音,而且还意味着其在亚洲的分布。 根据亚哎猎蝽E.yayeyamae(Mats.)阳茎的特殊结构,建立了双臂哎猎蝽亚属Biarmocoris Cai et Lu,亚属名以其内阳茎体有两个臂状骨化结构而得。 文中为4种哎猎蝽E.atrox(Stal),E.biguttulus Stal,E.erebus(Distant)  相似文献   

本文提议将蕨盲蝽属BryocorisFall啨n分为两个亚属 :蕨盲蝽亚属subg BryocorisFall啨n和锥喙蕨盲蝽亚属subg CobalorrhynchusReuter (stat nov )。文中记载此属的中国种类共 13种 ,包括 8个新种 :卜氏蕨盲蝽B buisp nov (正模♂ ,云南绿春 ) ,凹背蕨盲蝽B concavussp nov (正模♂ ,云南云龙 ) ,李氏蕨盲蝽B liisp nov (正模♂ ,西藏亚东 ) ,奇突蕨盲蝽B insuetussp nov (正模♂ ,云南屏边 ) ,叶突蕨盲蝽B loba tussp nov (正模♂ ,云南屏边大围山 ) ,四川蕨盲蝽B sichuanensissp nov (正模♂ ,四川峨眉山九老洞 ) ,带蕨盲蝽B vittatussp nov (正模♂ ,云南屏边大围山 ) ,熊氏蕨盲蝽B xiongisp nov (正模♂ ,云南屏边大围山 )。此外 ,尚有以下新意见 :B convexicollisHsiao 194 1,sp dist (取消与biquadranguliferReuter 190 6的异名关系 ,恢复为独立种 ) ;HekistaalbicollisCarvalho 1981,syn nov (降为B gracilisLinnavuori 1961的次异名 ) ;Sineviapallidipes(ZhengetLiu ,1992 ) ,comb nov [将原置于Bryocoris属中的 pallidipesZhengetLiu移入宽垫盲蝽族 (Eccritotarsini)的息奈盲蝽属 (SineviaKerzhner)中 ]。文中附有此属已知种的分种检索表。模式标本除注明者外 ,均保存于南开大学生物系  相似文献   

记述中国鳖土蝽属Adrisa 3种,即大鳖土蝽Adrisa magna,黑鳖土蝽Adrisa birmana和台湾鳖土蝽Adrisa rawlinsi.其中黑鳖土蝽Adrisa birmana为中国首次记录种,Adrisa nigra在我国的分布实际应属于Adrisa birmana.编制了鳖土蝽属中国已知种分种检索表,提供了新记录种的特征图.研究标本保存于南开大学昆虫学研究所.  相似文献   

记述中国分布的长头网蝽属昆虫5种,其中包括1新种,鄂长头网蝽Cantacader hubeianus sp.nov., 2个中国新纪录种,日本长头网蝽 C. japanicus Drake, 1947和五脊长头网蝽 C. quinquecostatus (Fieber, 1844)。给出了长头网蝽属中国种类检索表和23幅形态图。模式标本保存于南开大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

C Bernard  G Corzo  A Mosbah  T Nakajima  H Darbon 《Biochemistry》2001,40(43):12795-12800
Ptu1 is a toxin from the assassin bug Peirates turpis which has been demonstrated to bind reversibly the N-type calcium channels and to have lower affinity than the omega-conotoxin MVIIA. We have determined the solution structure of Ptu1 by use of conventional two-dimensional NMR techniques followed by distance-geometry and molecular dynamics. The calculated structure of Ptu1 belongs to the inhibitory cystin knot structural family (ICK) that consists of a compact disulfide-bonded core from which four loops emerge. Analysis of the 25 converged solutions indicates that the molecular structure of Ptu1 contains a 2-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet (residues 24-27 and 31-34) as the only secondary structure. The loop 2 that has been described to be critical for the binding of the toxin on the channel is similar in Ptu1 and MVIIA. In this loop, the critical residue, Tyr13, in MVIIA is retrieved in Ptu1 as Phe13, but the presence of an acidic residue (Asp16) in Ptu1 could disturb the binding of Ptu1 on the channel and could explain the lower affinity of Ptu1 toward the N-type calcium channel compared to the one of MVIIA. Analysis of the electrostatic charge's repartition gives some insights about the importance of the basic residues, which could interact with acidic residues of the channel and then provide a stabilization of the toxin on the channel.  相似文献   

In this study, we sequenced four new mitochondrial genomes and presented comparative mitogenomic analyses of five species in the genus Peirates (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Mitochondrial genomes of these five assassin bugs had a typical set of 37 genes and retained the ancestral gene arrangement of insects. The A+T content, AT- and GC-skews were similar to the common base composition biases of insect mtDNA. Genomic size ranges from 15,702 bp to 16,314 bp and most of the size variation was due to length and copy number of the repeat unit in the putative control region. All of the control region sequences included large tandem repeats present in two or more copies. Our result revealed similarity in mitochondrial genomes of P. atromaculatus, P. fulvescens and P. turpis, as well as the highly conserved genomic-level characteristics of these three species, e.g., the same start and stop codons of protein-coding genes, conserved secondary structure of tRNAs, identical location and length of non-coding and overlapping regions, and conservation of structural elements and tandem repeat unit in control region. Phylogenetic analyses also supported a close relationship between P. atromaculatus, P. fulvescens and P. turpis, which might be recently diverged species. The present study indicates that mitochondrial genome has important implications on phylogenetics, population genetics and speciation in the genus Peirates.  相似文献   

With the aim of identifying the species of nasal mites of Paroaria coronata (red-crested cardinal), the nasal cavity of 40 birds were examined. The nasal mites were identified as Ptilonyssus sairae de Castro and Sternostoma pirangae Pence, with 50% and 7.5% of prevalence, respectively. This is the first record of these mite species parasitizing P. coronata. This report also amplifies the area of occurrence of S. pirangae for Brazil and that of P. sairae for Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.  相似文献   

Two species of dicyemid mesozoan are redescribed from Rossia pacifica Berry, 1911, collected off Iwase in Toyama Bay, Honshu, Japan. Dicyemennea brevicephaloides Bogolepova-Dobrokhotova, 1962, is a large species that reaches about 4,000 microm in length. This species attaches to the surface of the branchial heart appendages. The vermiform stages are characterized as having 23 peripheral cells, a disc-shaped calotte, and an axial cell that extends to the propolar cells. An anterior abortive axial cell is absent in vermiform embryos. Infusoriform embryos consist of 35 cells; a single nucleus is present in each urn cell and the refringent bodies are absent. Dicyemennea rossiae Bogolepova-Dobrokhotova, 1962, is a medium species that reaches about 2000 microm in length. This species lives in folds of the renal appendages. The vermiform stages are characterized as having 29-34 peripheral cells, a conical calotte, and an axial cell that extends to the middle of the metapolar cells. An anterior abortive axial cell is present in vermiform embryos. Infusoriform embryos consist of 39 cells; 2 nuclei are present in each urn cell and the refringent bodies are solid.  相似文献   

A thrips insect Caliothrips sp. (Thysanoptera: Panchaetothripinae) from persimmon fruit (Ebenaceae: Diospyros sp.) from an unknown origin, possibly Asia, was intercepted in a passenger bag in November 2012 at the Peace Arch Border Crossing from Canada to Blaine, WA, by a USDA-APHIS-PPQ port inspector. Nematodes were attached to the abdomen of the female insect and sent to us in saline. Seven nematodes (five females, two males) were measured and these and others were processed for permanent slides. An adult female and a female juvenile were prepared for PCR. Morphologically these nematodes belonged to the Trichodorus sparsus group, and the 28S rDNA D2-D3 sequence showed greatest similarity to Trichodorus paragiennensis (94%) and T. giennensis (93%), with greatest morphological similarity to the latter species. Among other morphological differences, the innermost uterus width is wider than in related species. Trichodorus spp. are normally found in soil, so this is the first population seen in the atypical habitat of an insect. Morphological and molecular characteristics of Trichodorus sp. are presented, but a putative new species name is not currently advisable because of relatively poor condition of specimens. Ecological associations are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes the sperm morphology of the mayfly Hexagenia (Pseudeatonica) albivitta (Ephemeroptera). Its spermatozoon measures approximately 30 μm of which 9 μm corresponds to the head. The head is composed of an approximately round acrosomal vesicle and a cylindrical nucleus. The nucleus has two concavities, one in the anterior tip, where the acrosomal vesicle is inserted and a deeper one at its base, where the flagellum components are inserted. The flagellum is composed of an axoneme, a mitochondrion and a dense rod adjacent to the mitochondrion. A centriolar adjunct is also observed surrounding the axoneme in the initial portion of the flagellum and extends along the flagellum for at least 2 μm, surrounding the axoneme in a half‐moon shape. The axoneme is the longest component of the flagellum, and it follows the 9+9+0 pattern, with no central pair of microtubules. At the posterior region of the flagellum, the mitochondrion has a dumb‐bell shape in cross sections that, together with the rectangular mitochondrial‐associated rod, is responsible for the flattened shape of the flagellum. An internal membrane is observed surrounding both mitochondrion and its associated structure.  相似文献   

小黑瓢虫对高氏瘤粉虱捕食作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在高氏瘤粉虱不同虫态共存的条件下,小黑标虫对高氏瘤粉虱各虫态的选择次序为卵>1龄若虫>2龄若虫>3龄若虫>4龄若虫和拟蛹,对卵的捕食率均最高,有明显的嗜好选择;小黑瓢虫幼虫捕食粉虱卵的数量,随着龄期的增长而递增,其中4龄幼虫的捕食量最大,4龄期捕食量平均为1565.42粒,占全幼虫期总食卵量的45.42%,整个幼虫期可捕食高氏瘤粉虱的卵数平均为3446.5粒。小黑瓢虫3龄幼虫对粉虱卵的捕食作用率在所给的猎物密度(1500粒/皿)条件下,随着自身密度的增加而降低。  相似文献   

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