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贺赫  陈进 《生物多样性》2011,19(5):589-596
植物园每年都吸引大量的游客,是向公众展示生物多样性和开展生物多样性教育的重要场所.了解游客参观植物园的动机以及游览后的满意度,对植物园的运营及科普功能的发挥至关重要.作者选择厦门园林植物园、中国科学院武汉植物园、北京市植物园、中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物园和中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园5个植物园为研究对象,通过向游览后...  相似文献   

《丽江高山植物园种子植物名录》一书已出版由中国科学院昆明植物研究所王红、张长芹、李德铢等研究员编著的《丽江高山植物园种子植物名录》一书已于2007年3月由云南出版集团公司和云南科技出版社出版。该书是作者们多年来对丽江高山植物园及玉龙雪山地区种子植物进行采集及调  相似文献   

苏铁的引种栽培与生长状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
厦门园林植物园自20世纪60年代开始开展苏铁的迁地保育工作,对园内引种苏铁的栽培现状、生物学特性以及生长状况的调查表明,厦门园林植物园引种种植的苏铁长势良好,花期为5~6月,种子10~11月成熟;植株生长缓慢,干高年均生长量3.026cm,地径年均生长量0.726cm。  相似文献   

<正>记者从中科院西双版纳热带植物园获悉,该园教授朱华野外考察时,在云南保山地区昌宁县天堂林场海拔2 400 m以上地区,发现有大片的中山湿性常绿阔叶林。"中山湿性常绿阔叶林尽管以壳斗科、樟科、茶科和木兰科植物占优势,但在分布区内的不同山地物种组成和优势种上有很大的多样性变化。"朱华说,中山湿性常绿阔叶林的生态外貌特征以单叶、革质、全缘、中叶为主的常绿中、小高位芽植物组成。层间木质藤本植物较丰富,  相似文献   

大叶樟(Cinnamomum porrectum)又名黄樟、沉水樟,是樟科常绿大乔木,高25米。自然分布在四川、云南、广东、广西、湖南、湖北、江西、福建、贵州等省区。在开发千岛湖旅游区工作中,浙江省淳安县光昌林场、金竹牌林场引种的外来树种中,大叶樟表现最好,它适应性强,生长快、遮荫效果好,是速生珍贵用材树种,也适宜在湖畔、荒山、庭院、公园里种植,孤植或片  相似文献   

本文介绍厦门园林植物园收集保存的近30个三角梅品种的生物学特性、栽培管理和繁殖技术。  相似文献   

调查了厦门地区棕榈科植物资源状况及其绿化应用,并结合多年来对厦门市园林植物园棕榈植物保育中心内棕榈科植物的物候期观察,选出适合厦门地区推广应用的棕榈科植物104种,同时对厦门地区棕榈科植物应用的种类、数量、分布以及应用频度等进行统计分析。  相似文献   

郑维艳  曾文豪  唐一思  石慰  曹坤芳 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8676-8687
以中国大陆北热带及亚热带地区优势科樟科、壳斗科植物为研究对象,利用专著发表大量的样方数据和物种分布数据,分析樟科、壳斗科与群落构建的关系、它们各大属的地理分布格局,探讨影响其分布的可能历史原因。结果表明:中国大陆北热带及亚热带地区森林乔木层优势科为樟科、壳斗科、山茶科、杜鹃花科。樟科、壳斗科物种丰富度均与其所在群落的物种丰富度呈现一定的正相关,樟科对群落构建的贡献较大。樟科、壳斗科植物种的空间多样性分布中心均出现在我国亚热带中部偏南地区。樟科的厚壳桂属、琼楠属以及壳斗科的锥属物种多样性分布中心主要在南亚热带及北热带区域,以广西、云南省份的南部为主。樟科的樟属、新木姜子属、润楠属、木姜子属及壳斗科的柯属、青冈属主要分布在我国大陆北热带及亚热带中部偏南的地区,其多样性分布中心与樟科、壳斗科科水平的物种多样性分布中心极为相似。樟科的山胡椒属、楠属、黄肉楠属,壳斗科的栎属主要分布在研究区域中部以西的地区。研究结果佐证物种的生态学特性以及生物地理学历史综合作用导致目前樟科和壳斗科植物的生物多样性分布格局。  相似文献   

三角梅生物学特性及引种栽培   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文介绍厦门园林植物园收集保存的近30个三角梅品种的生物学特性、栽培管理和繁殖技术。  相似文献   

樟树Cinnamomum camphora(L. )Presl是我国特有树种。别称樟,樟木,香樟,芳樟,小叶樟,细叶樟,油樟,红樟,乌樟,樟公。常绿乔木,一般高20—30米,最高达50米,胸高直径达5米。广布于浙江、苏南、安徽、江西、福建、台湾、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、四川、贵州、云南。山东有栽培。一般生于海拔600米以下低山丘陵及平原,西部达海拔1000米,台湾达海拔1800米,喜酸性至中性砂壤土及红壤、  相似文献   

GFP基因转化香樟胚性愈伤组织的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以香樟胚性愈伤组织作为受体,利用根癌农杆菌介导法进行了绿色荧光蛋白基因(GFP)的遗传转化研究。经农杆菌侵染后的胚性愈伤组织通过共培养、选择培养后获得抗性愈伤组织和体胚,对抗性愈伤组织及体胚的诱导过程进行了GFP荧光检测。结果表明,GFP基因能在抗性愈伤组织和体胚中强烈表达,证明GFP基因能够在香樟遗传转化中得到应用。对抗性愈伤组织的PCR检测初步证实外源GFP基因已整合到香樟胚性愈伤组织的基因组中。  相似文献   

为分析比较不同植物活枝的燃烧性,在森林防火戒严期内,对昆明地区15种常见木本植物中小径级的活枝进行了热辐射引燃试验,对小径级的活枝进行了氧指数试验。在测定样品直径、含水率、引燃时间、有焰燃烧时间、试验过程中烟气温度和质量损失变化过程等基础上,提出并计算了表征活枝燃烧性能的综合燃烧特性参数S,根据该参数对15种植物中小径级活枝的燃烧性能进行了排序。结果表明,15种植物小径级的活枝均具有较强的阻燃性,燃烧性能顺序为:云南松<野八角<华山松<滇青冈<地盘松<云南樟<厚皮香<大白花杜鹃<炮状花杜鹃<云南含笑<小白花杜鹃<南烛<光叶石栎<元江栲<云南野山茶。根据氧指数及试验现象将15种植物的小径级活枝分为3类,其中难燃类4种(大白花杜鹃、野八角、厚皮香、南烛)、可燃类7种(云南含笑、云南松、地盘松、华山松、滇青冈、云南樟、云南野山茶)、较易燃类4种(小白花杜鹃、炮状花杜鹃、光叶石栎、元江栲)。分析了造成2种试验结果差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

辛纳毒蛋白是从香樟种子中分离的一种Ⅱ核糖体失活蛋白.最近,从香樟种子中还分离到另一种微型双链核糖体失活蛋白,命名为新丰毒蛋白.还原的新丰毒蛋白表现出与还原的辛纳毒蛋白同样的RNA N-糖苷酶和体外对抑制蛋白质翻译的活力.新丰毒蛋白的B链与辛纳毒蛋白的B链具有同样的分子质量和相同的N端10个氨基酸序列.它的A链N端10个氨基酸序列也与辛纳毒蛋白的A链完全一致,并且C端与辛纳毒蛋白的A链一样具有半胱氨酸,但是它的分子质量却只有辛纳毒蛋白A链的一半.RT-PCR和RNA印迹结果表明体内不存在新丰毒蛋白的mRNA.推测新丰毒蛋白是从辛纳毒蛋白通过蛋白质剪接而产生的,是一种研究蛋白质剪接的好材料.  相似文献   

The acceptance of camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) as a host plant for the larvae of common bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon nipponum) was explained by the presence of feeding stimulants in the leaves. When the active methanol extract of C. camphora leaves was separated into hexane and water layers, both layers showed high feeding activities for the larvae of G. sarpedon nipponum. Bioassay-guided fractionation of the hexane layer resulted in the isolation of a highly active compound, which was identified as a-linolenic acid by nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The weevil Pagiophloeus tsushimanus Morimoto (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), native to Eastern Asia, is a wood-boring pest that causes severe damage to camphor trees (Cinnamomum sp.) in Shanghai, China. Other Lauraceae tree species that grew sympatrically with this pest in close proximity could face a potential threat. To assess the potential risks of host shift, we explored the phenotypic associations between preference and performance in P. tsushimanus reared on three Lauraceae tree species. In a no-choice experiment offering branches of each plant as diet material and oviposition sites, we found that individuals reared on Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl (Laurales: Lauraceae) exhibited the strongest performance with shorter development time, higher survival and growth rate in the immature stage, longer longevity and greater fecundity in adults. In contrast, those on novel Lauraceae tree species (Cinnamomum chekiangensis Nakai and Phoebe chekiangensis Shang) had difficulty completing their whole life cycle due to significantly lower survival and reproduction. In a multiple-choice experiment, C. camphora was established as the preferred host. However, we found that the larval experiences on the non-preferred host plants contributed to an increased preference for that plant species. These results indicated that both the preference-performance hypothesis and the Hopkins’ host selection principle are applicable in this weevil under experimental conditions. It is possible that although the weevil performed poorly on two novel Lauraceae tree species, under favourable conditions their surviving offspring could evolve into a new host-specific population. Consequently, this weevil pest needs to be monitored on these novel Lauraceae tree species.  相似文献   

我国樟属精油资源研究近况   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
概述我国樟属(CinnamomumBl.)植物资源的地理分布与现状,近年我国樟属枝叶精油化学成分及化学类型的研究以及枝叶蒸油取脑的精油开发新途径,研究结果表明,建立单一化学类型种植基地,可确保生产高质量樟属精油,同时也能保护樟属化学类型的种质资源。  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) is a harmful element that rapidly inhibits the elongation of plant roots in acidic soils. The release of organic anions explains Al resistance in annual crops, but the mechanisms that are responsible for superior Al resistance in some woody plants remain unclear. We examined cell properties at the surface layer of the root apex in the camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) to understand its high Al resistance mechanism. Exposure to 500 μm Al for 8 d, more than 20-fold higher concentration and longer duration than what soybean (Glycine max) can tolerate, only reduced root elongation in the camphor tree to 64% of the control despite the slight induction of citrate release. In addition, Al content in the root apices was maintained at low levels. Histochemical profiling revealed that proanthocyanidin (PA)-accumulating cells were present at the adjacent outer layer of epidermis cells at the root apex, having distinctive zones for cell division and the early phase of cell expansion. Then the PA cells were gradually detached off the root, leaving thin debris behind, and the root surface was replaced with the elongating epidermis cells at the 3- to 4-mm region behind the tip. Al did not affect the proliferation of PA cells or epidermis cells, except for the delay in the start of expansion and the accelerated detachment of the former. In soybean roots, the innermost lateral root cap cells were absent in both PA accumulation and active cell division and failed to protect the epidermal cell expansion at 25 μm Al. These results suggest that transient proliferation and detachment of PA cells may facilitate the expansion of epidermis cells away from Al during root elongation in camphor tree.  相似文献   

Cinnamomin, a type II ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP), was isolated from the mature seeds of camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora). In this paper, small amount of free A- and B-chain of cinnamomin were found to be present in the mature seed cell of C. camphora besides the intact cinnamomin. Our results demonstrated that camphorin, a type I RIP previously reported to coexist with cinnamomin in the seeds of C. camphora, actually was the A-chain of cinnamomin. The percentage of free A- and B-chain in the total cinnamomin was 2.6-2.8% in the seed extract. Of these free A- and B-chain approximate 80% already existed in the seed cell, only about 20% were produced during the purification operation. As the enzymatic activity to reduce disulfide bond of cinnamomin in the seed extract of C. camphora was detected, we proposed that the free A- and B-chain were derived from the enzymatic reduction of the interchain disulfide bond of cinnamomin. It was demonstrated that the endogenous type II RIPs of several plant species, such as Cinnamomum porrectum, Cinnamomum bodinieri and Ricinus communis, could be enzymatically reduced into the free A- and B-chain in their respective seed cells. The function of the free A-chain in the seed cell and the possibility that metabolic enzymes might be involved in the reduction of the interchain disulfide bond of type II RIPs in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

The toxicity of cinnamomin, a new type II ribosome-inactivating protein purified from the seeds of camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), to bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and mosquito (Culex pipines pallens) during larval stage was tested. The LC50 of cinnamomin to bollworm larvae fed on diet containing cinnamomin was 1839 ppm and the LC50 to larvae of mosquito was 168 ppm. The gut extract of bollworm larvae could apparently hydrolyze cinnamomin. The inhibition of protein synthesis by cinnamomin was tested in in vitro translation system of bollworm larvae, and its LC50 was determined to be approx. 14 nM. Bollworm larvae ribosome treated with cinnamomin produced a specific RNA fragment (R-fragment) characterized on urea-denatured polyacrylamide gel. Evidence was provided that hidden breaks exist in the largest ribosomal RNA of bollworm larvae.  相似文献   

Based on collections of powdery mildews (Erysiphales) in Taiwan and combined molecular and morphological analyses, camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) and orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata) are recognized as new hosts of the anamorph of the powdery mildew Erysiphe quercicola. The anamorphic powdery mildew on C. camphora has been known as Pseudoidium cinnamomi, but its relationship to a teleomorph was unknown. For M. paniculata as substrate of powdery mildew, only an anamorphic Cystotheca species has been named. Morphological investigation of the fungus on this host shows that the specimens from Taiwan belong to another genus because of the lack of fibrosin bodies. Analysis of internal transcribed spacer sequences indicates that the anamorphic powdery mildews on camphor and orange jasmine belong to a clade representing E. quercicola, with the teleomorph found only on oak species (Quercus, Fagaceae), but with its anamorph reported from a broad host range, particularly in the tropics.  相似文献   

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