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Landscape and Ecological Engineering - One of the most effective means of evaluating the effects of habitat loss and landscape configuration is to assess the response of bioindicators. The present...  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can exacerbate the effects of elevated seawater temperatures concomitant with climate change. Such stressors can collapse the mutualism of scleractinian...  相似文献   

Kotze DJ  O'Hara RB 《Oecologia》2003,135(1):138-148
We investigated some of the causes of ground beetle decline using atlas data from Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands, countries in which natural environments have all but disappeared. We used ordinal regression to identify characteristics that are significantly correlated with the decline of carabid beetle species over the last 50-100 years, using a stepwise selection procedure to select the optimal model according to the Akaike Information Criterion. The results showed that large-bodied carabid populations have declined more than smaller ones, possibly because of their lower reproductive output and lower powers of dispersal. Habitat specialist populations (i.e. species with small niche breadths) have also decreased more than habitat generalist populations. Species with both long- and short-winged individuals have been less prone to decline than those that are exclusively either short-winged or long-winged. Dimorphic species may survive better in highly altered environments because long-winged individuals are good at dispersing between suitable habitats and short-winged individuals are good at surviving and reproducing in these newly colonised habitats. Finally, populations of large carabids associated with coastal, woodland or riparian habitat types were less prone to decline than populations of large carabids associated with various, open or grassland habitat types. The pattern is reversed for carabid species smaller than 8 mm in size. These results are explained in the context of habitat restoration and destruction in these highly modified western European countries.  相似文献   

The depletion of biodiversity is a major environmental challenge of the present time, with the agricultural sector being a significant contributor to the loss. Therefore, farmers' decisions and practices are pivotal in safeguarding biodiversity at the farm level. Accordingly, this study aimed to unravel the key factors influencing farmers' intention to conserve biodiversity (ICB), and in doing so, it adopted the protection motivation theory (PMT) as the theoretical framework. The study's statistical population comprised 412 farmers residing in Bavi County in the southwestern region of Iran. The research employed a questionnaire as the data collection instrument, and the research hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings indicated that the respondents held a perception of high costs associated with implementing biodiversity conservation behaviors. They believed that such measures would not be easy to implement, and they would incur both monetary and non-monetary costs. Furthermore, the findings of the study revealed that the variables of SE and ICB among the studied farmers were lower than the theoretical median of 3, indicating that farmers may not have a strong desire and self-efficacy to engage in biodiversity conservation practices. Through the application of SEM, the study determined that the PMT accounts for 65.2% of farmers’ ICB. Additionally, perceived severity and self-efficacy were found to have the strongest effects on farmers’ ICB (as the first and second determinants), highlighting the importance of these variables in predicting farmers’ conservation behaviors. Overall, it can be concluded that these results have significant implications for policymakers in the agricultural sector, providing valuable insights into how to promote biodiversity conservation practices among farmers.  相似文献   

Tad A. Dallas  Luca Santini 《Ecography》2020,43(9):1341-1351
Species have been commonly hypothesized to have high population densities in geographic areas which correspond to either the centre of the species geographic range or climatic niche (abundant–centre hypothesis). However, there is mixed empirical support for this relationship, and little theoretical underpinning. We simulate a species spreading across a set of replicated artificial landscapes to examine the expected level of support for abundant–centre relationships in geographic and niche space. Species niche constraints were modeled as a single axis which was related directly to population growth rates. We found strong evidence for abundant–centre relationships when populations follow deterministic growth, dispersal is high, environmental noise is absent and intraspecific competition is low. However, the incorporation of ecological realism reduced the detectability of abundant–centre relationships considerably. Our results suggest that even in carefully constructed artificial landscapes designed to demonstrate abundant–centre dynamics, the incorporation of small amounts of demographic stochasticity, environmental heterogeneity or landscape structure can strongly influence the relationship between species population density and distance to species geographic range or niche centre. While some simulated relationships were of comparable strength to common empirical support for abundant–centre relationships, our results suggest that these relationships are expected to be fairly variable and weak.  相似文献   

Aim The southern European peninsulas (Iberian, Italian and Balkan) are considered to have been refugia for many European species of plants and animals during the climatic extremes of the Pleistocene ice ages. A number of recent studies (fossil and genetic), however, have provided evidence for full‐glacial survival of some species beyond these peninsulas. Here we explore the biogeographical traits of these species, and ask whether they possessed certain characteristics that enabled them to persist in more northerly refugia. Location Europe. Methods Fossil and genetic evidence for refugial localities of species that survived in Europe during the last full‐glacial was obtained from the literature (totalling 90 species: 34 woody plants and 56 vertebrates). Forty‐seven of these species (23 woody plants and 24 vertebrates) had fossil evidence, whereas the remaining 43 species (11 woody plants and 32 vertebrates) had only genetic evidence. All species were scored according to their present geographical distribution, habitat preference and life‐history traits. The species were classified on the basis of these traits using hierarchical cluster analysis. Analysis of similarities was used to examine differences in vertebrate and woody plant species groups that survived only in southerly refugia and those that also persisted in more northerly locations. Non‐metric multi‐dimensional scaling was used to examine patterns observed between and within groups. Results Results from our analysis of species with fossil and genetic evidence for survival in refugia reveal that species that survived only in southerly refugia were large‐seeded trees or thermophilous vertebrates. In contrast, species that had a full‐glacial distribution, including more northerly locations, were wind‐dispersed, habitat‐generalist trees with the ability to reproduce vegetatively, and habitat‐generalist mammals with present‐day northerly distributions. Main conclusions Analysis of the geographical distribution, habitat preference and life‐history traits of the species studied suggests that underlying biogeographical traits may have determined their response to Pleistocene glaciation. The traits most commonly found in present populations with a northerly distribution in Europe enabled the same species to exist much farther north than the southern European peninsulas during the full‐glacial. It is possible that many of these species are now in restricted populations, within the ‘warm‐stage’ refugia of the current interglacial. The northerly full‐glacial survival of a number of woody plants and vertebrate species has significant implications for understanding migration rates of these species in response to climate change. It also has important implications for understanding current patterns of genetic diversity of European species. We suggest that both fossil and genetic evidence should be used to identify and prioritize for conservation of refugial localities in southern and northern Europe.  相似文献   

The results of experimental studies suggest that estrogen may blunt blood pressure responses to stress, but increase heart rate responses. We investigated whether within-person associations of perceived stress with blood pressure and heart rate during normal working life in 26 premenopausal and 7 postmenopausal women varied according to endogenous estrogen level. Each woman measured her own blood pressure and heart rate and completed a diary reporting perceived stress levels on six occasions on each of 2 working days. Premenopausal women were assessed once between days 4 and 6 of their menstrual cycle (low estrogen) and again between days 11 and 13 (high estrogen), and urine samples were taken to verify expected variation in estrogen level. Results showed that perceived stress was significantly positively associated with systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate in the group as a whole. This association did not differ according to menopausal status. There was no difference in the association of perceived stress with SBP or DBP in premenopausal women according to day of assessment, but heart rate reactivity to perceived stress was significantly higher on the high-estrogen day. Our findings thus provide evidence that heart rate responses to perceived stress during everyday working life vary according to estrogen level in premenopausal women, but no evidence that blood pressure responses to stress vary according to endogenous estrogen level in women.  相似文献   

为了探讨植物对干旱、高温及协同胁迫的响应, 该研究以木犀(Osmanthus fragrans) ‘波叶金桂’为材料, 采用盆栽质量控水法模拟干旱胁迫(对照、轻度、中度和重度)和高温胁迫, 利用动态顶空气体循环吸附法和热脱附-气相色谱-质谱(TDS-GC-MS)联用技术对其挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)进行测定; 同时测定其非结构性碳(NSC)含量及次生代谢酶活性。结果表明: 干旱胁迫对‘波叶金桂’叶片NSC组分含量影响不显著; 可溶性糖和淀粉含量在高温胁迫下显著降低, 在协同胁迫后持续性下降, 重度协同胁迫下, 葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖和淀粉分别比对照降低47.7%、46.4%、34.4%和38.2%。干旱胁迫和协同胁迫下3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酸单酰辅酶A还原酶(HMGR)、1-脱氧木酮糖-5-磷酸还原酶(DXR)活性表现出先上升后下降, 而脂氧合酶(LOX)活性表现出持续性上升趋势; 高温胁迫后, HMGR、DXR和LOX活性显著高于对照。干旱胁迫下萜烯类VOCs释放量表现出先上升后下降趋势, 中度干旱胁迫和高温胁迫下分别比对照高37.9%和32.3%; 协同胁迫下萜烯类释放量逐渐降低, 干旱、高温和协同胁迫诱导醛类释放量明显增加。上述结果表明: 干旱胁迫条件下, ‘波叶金桂’通过NSC进行自我渗透调节, 同时合成大量萜烯类化合物来提高抗旱性; ‘波叶金桂’调控萜烯类化合物合成以及绿叶挥发物(GLVs)的释放抵御高温胁迫; 协同胁迫下萜烯类化合物的合成途径受阻, ‘波叶金桂’提高GLVs合成与释放量抵御协同胁迫; 中度和重度协同胁迫导致‘波叶金桂’细胞膜严重受损, 自我调节能力降低。  相似文献   

There are concerns over the increasing encroachment of humans, domestic livestock, and farming onto Maputo Special Reserve because of the potential for habitat modification. Therefore, differences between an undisturbed area of the reserve and a neighbouring farming area are assessed using dung beetle as indicators. In each of the two areas, pig-dung-baited pitfall traps were used to sample dung beetle assemblages in two contrasting habitats, grassland and forest. Distributional analysis of the 57 species and 36 942 individuals that were captured, showed that species richness, species turnover, relative abundance patterns, and biogeographical composition differed strongly between both habitats and areas under different land usage. However, in analyses that apportion variation, the greatest amounts were related to habitat rather than land usage. Even so, in both habitats, the total and mean number of species per trap was higher in the farmed area than in the reserve although this was a significant trend only in grassland. Furthermore, in grassland, widespread species were better represented in the farmed area than in the reserve whereas in forest, widespread species were poorly represented compared to grassland. Also in forest, Maputaland endemics were better represented in the reserve than in the farmed area. Further work is necessary to separate the different geographical, ecological, and land usage factors responsible for the patterns detected in this preliminary study. Even so, there are clearly differences between the Maputo Special Reserve and the farmed area.  相似文献   

Effects of pond size and isolation on total vascular plant species richness and number of obligate wetland species were compared. Subsequently, the potential for the presence of spatial patterns in wetland species distribution among ponds in an agricultural landscape was explored. Relationships between species richness and two main biogeographic parameters were analysed using simple and multiple linearised regression models. Spatial patterns were looked for by means of analyses carried out with the R CRAN software (join-count statistics). Simple regression analyses performed on the regional scale (n = 50) revealed the significance of the effect of pond size only (r = 0.46 for total plant species richness and r = 0.28 for wetland species richness vs. pond area). Further analyses conducted on the local scale identified the best multiple regression models in the largest pond cluster (n = 20); the models showed statistical significance of relationships between the species richness and both independent variables (r = 0.80 for total plant species richness and r = 0.70 for wetland species richness vs. pond area and isolation, including mean distance to the nearest ten ponds). Spatial analyses were performed for 26 obligate wetland species selected from 149 species recorded in all the 50 ponds. Exploratory spatial data analysis revealed the presence of significant positive spatial autocorrelation in the distribution of 8 species. In such cases, it is possible to reject the random distribution hypothesis, which justifies exploration of spatial regimes. In practice, correct spatial model specifications may have implications for predicting species occurrences under changing environmental conditions, e.g. changes in the number of ponds.  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether arthropod richness and abundance for combined taxa, feeding guilds and broad taxonomic groups respond in a globally consistent manner to a range of agricultural land‐use and management intensification scenarios. Location Mixed land‐use agricultural landscapes, globally. Methods We performed a series of meta‐analyses using arthropod richness and abundance data derived from the published literature. Richness and abundance were compared among land uses that commonly occur in agricultural landscapes and that represent a gradient of increasing intensification. These included land‐use comparisons, such as wooded native vegetation compared with improved pasture, and a management comparison, reduced‐input cropping compared with conventional cropping. Data were analysed using three different meta‐analytical techniques, including a simple vote counting method and a formal fixed‐effects/random‐effects meta‐analysis. Results Arthropod richness was significantly higher in areas of less intensive land use. The decline in arthropod richness was greater between native vegetation and agricultural land uses than among different agricultural land uses. These patterns were evident for all taxa combined, predators and decomposers, but not herbivorous taxa. Overall, arthropod abundance was greater in native vegetation than in agricultural lands and under reduced‐input cropping compared with conventional cropping. Again, this trend was largely mirrored by predators and decomposers, but not herbivores. Main conclusions The greater arthropod richness found in native vegetation relative to agricultural land types indicates that in production landscapes still containing considerable native vegetation, retention of that vegetation may well be the most effective method of conserving arthropod biodiversity. Conversely, in highly intensified agricultural landscapes with little remaining native vegetation, the employment of reduced‐input crop management and the provision of relatively low‐intensity agricultural land uses, such as pasture, may prove effective in maintaining arthropod diversity, and potentially in promoting functionally important groups such as predators and decomposers.  相似文献   

The deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients is a deeply cultural as well as political task. It entails the sharing of responsibility for human distress with family and community. Consequently, the locus of social control has also shifted from psychiatric and medical expertise to community and legal institutions. Diagnosis and treatment models must be more compatible with lay explanatory models. This paper explores the various meanings of going mental and being mental in the white, working class, ethnic neighborhood of South Boston. The data are extracted from a study of the impact of deinstitutionalization on a cohort of middle-aged, psychiatric patients discharged from Boston State Hospital in the attempt to return them to community living. Individual, family, and community responses to, and interpretations of, the symptoms of mental distress are discussed. The study indicates that even seriously disturbed individuals are sensitive to cultural meanings and social cues regarding the perception, expression, and content of psychiatric episodes. While madness invariably disenfranchises, it does not necessarily deculturate the individual.  相似文献   

Experiments suggest that biomass-derived black carbon (biochar) affects microbial populations and soil biogeochemistry. Both biochar and mycorrhizal associations, ubiquitous symbioses in terrestrial ecosystems, are potentially important in various ecosystem services provided by soils, contributing to sustainable plant production, ecosystem restoration, and soil carbon sequestration and hence mitigation of global climate change. As both biochar and mycorrhizal associations are subject to management, understanding and exploiting interactions between them could be advantageous. Here we focus on biochar effects on mycorrhizal associations. After reviewing the experimental evidence for such effects, we critically examine hypotheses pertaining to four mechanisms by which biochar could influence mycorrhizal abundance and/or functioning. These mechanisms are (in decreasing order of currently available evidence supporting them): (a) alteration of soil physico-chemical properties; (b) indirect effects on mycorrhizae through effects on other soil microbes; (c) plant–fungus signaling interference and detoxification of allelochemicals on biochar; and (d) provision of refugia from fungal grazers. We provide a roadmap for research aimed at testing these mechanistic hypotheses.  相似文献   

Production lands make up 58% of Aotearoa?New Zealand?s landcover and contribute greatly not only to the national economy but also to patterns and trends in native and introduced avian biodiversity. However, unlike in native forest and other indigenous habitats, birds in agro-ecosystems have received little attention to date. We argue that this is due to (1) a research focus on understanding the causes of the dramatic decline of New Zealand?s critically endangered, endemic species, (2) an adherence to a ?preservation for intrinsic value? over a ?conservation through sustainable use? paradigm for environmental management, and (3) a historical view of production landscapes as being devoid of endemic and native species and thus of no conservation value. In countering these attitudes, we suggest that the agricultural matrix may contain more native species than many people believe, and that many introduced bird species are key contributors to the social and environmental performance and resilience of these systems. We draw attention to the context, composition, ecology, and status of native and introduced birds in production landscapes in New Zealand, particularly in the face of ongoing agricultural intensification. We first identify the potential roles of local habitat, landscape composition, and introduced predators in shaping farmland bird communities. We then highlight the potential threats and opportunities for birds posed by ongoing intensification, particularly the influences of habitat modification and simplification, increased ecological subsidies through farm inputs, increased stocking rates and yields, and altered predator?prey interactions. We suggest the landscape is the appropriate spatial scale for research and management, and call for an integrated approach to the investigation of farmland birds that combines ecology, sociology, and agro-ecosystems management, and includes farmers, researchers, regulators, and the wider New Zealand public.  相似文献   

Research on how morphology, behavior, and life histories of insects determine their susceptibility to parasitism has primarily focused on the traits of single host species. Very little research has been conducted attempting to determine if similarities or differences in the traits of co-occurring species, on a single plant or in a habitat, influence levels of parasitism imposed on any member of an assemblage. In this study, we use categorical and regression tree analyses to determine which traits of the larvae of macrolepidopteran species are associated with highest levels of parasitism. Of a variety of morphological, behavioral, and ecological traits of 72 species (representing eight families), caterpillar color was the trait that had the greatest influence on susceptibility to parasitism. The highest levels of parasitism were associated primarily with green larvae. These results suggest that the herbivore species composition and, specifically, the traits possessed by the species may influence community or assemblagewide patterns of parasitism. That is, sharing of traits that enhance host finding and successful parasitism may result in associational susceptibility to parasitism, whereas co-occurrence with species that differ morphologically, behaviorally, or ecologically may reduce the likelihood of parasitism and thus result in associational resistance. The concepts of associational resistance and susceptibility have historically been restricted to plant-plant interactions. The extension of these concepts to herbivores is novel. If found to be widespread, these interactions can have significant impacts on our expectations of the effectiveness of biological control agents.  相似文献   

The alarm response to skin extract has been well documented in fish. In response to skin extract, there is a decline in both locomotion activity and aggressive interactions. Our observation herein of these responses in the cichlid Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, confirmed the existence of the alarm response in this species. However, so far there has been a paucity of information on the autonomic correlates of this response. In this study, the ventilatory change in response to the chemical alarm cue was evaluated. This parameter was measured 4 min before and 4 min after exposure to 1 mL of either conspecific skin extract or distilled water (extract vehicle). Skin extract induced an increase in the ventilation rate, which suggested an anticipatory adjustment to potentially harmful stimuli. The chemical cue (alarm substance) also interfered with the prioritisation of responses to different environmental stimuli (stimuli filtering); this was suggested by the observation that the Nile tilapia declined to fight after exposure to a cue that indicates a risk of predation. Furthermore, histological analysis of the Nile tilapia skin revealed the presence of putative alarm substance-producing (club) cells.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study examines whether competition between the unpalatable grass Hilaria mutica and three co‐occurring, palatable grasses in a Texan mixed prairie is altered by non‐selective or selective defoliation. In this four‐year study, plants were grown in monoculture or in combination with the unpalatable Hilaria in a replacement design. Under no defoliation, the unpalatable Hilaria had a lower growth potential than Bouteloua curtipendula and Nassella leucotricha that were of equal stature, and produced only as much as the shorter grass, Buchloe dactyloides. Bouteloua had the highest growth potential under no‐defoliation and was defoliation tolerant, except when defoliated at ground level. Nassella was more productive than the unpalatable Hilaria, since the ability to grow earlier in the year enabled it to compete successfully with Hilaria. These results indicate that with adequate deferment Bouteloua and Nassella should compete successfully with Hilaria and Buchloe should be able to maintain itself in the presence of Hilaria. Under non‐selective defoliation, Hilaria was able to compete successfully only with Buchloe. Hilaria was sensitive to defoliation, despite being rhizomatous, and competed less successfully with Buchloe after non‐selective defoliation than it did when not defoliated. This indicates that the management practice of burning and stocking heavily with livestock until Hilaria is avoided, resulting in non‐selective defoliation, will not cause Hilaria to be more competitive with the more palatable Bouteloua, Buchloe or Nassella. Hilaria was able to compete most successfully under selective defoliation when it was not defoliated. Under selective defoliation, by avoiding herbivory, Hilaria is able to compete strongly with at least Buchloe and Nassella. The reaction of Nassella and Buchloe to selective defoliation indicates that they may have been displaced by Hilaria in the past. In contrast, under the short‐term and non‐limiting growth conditions of this study, Bouteloua competed successfully with Hilaria even under selective defoliation. These results do not rule out the possibility that, through selective defoliation, Hilaria may have displaced other grasses including Bouteloua in the past.  相似文献   

Fire is a common form of recurrent disturbance in many ecosystems, but ecological theory has a poor record of predicting animal responses to fire, at both species and assemblage levels. As a consequence, there is limited information to guide fire regime management for biodiversity conservation. We investigated a key research gap in the fire ecology literature; that is, the response of an anuran assemblage to variation in the fire return interval. We tested two hypotheses using a spatially‐explicit fire database collected over a 40 year period: 1) species richness would peak at intermediate levels of disturbance. 2) Species with traits which enabled them to escape fire – burrowing or canopy dwelling – would be better able to survive fires, resulting in higher levels of occurrence in frequently burned sites. We found no evidence for either a reduction in species richness at locations with short fire return intervals, or a peak in species richness at intermediate levels of disturbance. Although we found some support for individual species responses to fire return intervals, these were inconsistent with the interpretation of burrowing or climbing being functional traits for fire‐avoidance. Instead burrowing and climbing species may be more likely to be disadvantaged by frequent fire than surface dwelling frogs. More generally, our results show that many species in our study system have persisted despite a range of fire frequencies, and therefore that active management of fire regimes for anuran persistence may be unnecessary. The responses of anurans to fire in this location are unlikely to be predictable using simple life‐history traits. Future work should focus on understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of fire responses, by integrating information on animal behavior and species’ ecological requirements.  相似文献   

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