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Tropical forests store large amounts of carbon in tree biomass, although the environmental controls on forest carbon stocks remain poorly resolved. Emerging airborne remote sensing techniques offer a powerful approach to understand how aboveground carbon density (ACD) varies across tropical landscapes. In this study, we evaluate the accuracy of the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) system to detect top-of-canopy tree height (TCH) and ACD across the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. LiDAR and field-estimated TCH and ACD were highly correlated across a wide range of forest ages and types. Top-of-canopy height (TCH) reached 67 m, and ACD surpassed 225 Mg C ha-1, indicating both that airborne CAO LiDAR-based estimates of ACD are accurate in tall, high-biomass forests and that the Osa Peninsula harbors some of the most carbon-rich forests in the Neotropics. We also examined the relative influence of lithologic, topoedaphic and climatic factors on regional patterns in ACD, which are known to influence ACD by regulating forest productivity and turnover. Analyses revealed a spatially nested set of factors controlling ACD patterns, with geologic variation explaining up to 16% of the mapped ACD variation at the regional scale, while local variation in topographic slope explained an additional 18%. Lithologic and topoedaphic factors also explained more ACD variation at 30-m than at 100-m spatial resolution, suggesting that environmental filtering depends on the spatial scale of terrain variation. Our result indicate that patterns in ACD are partially controlled by spatial variation in geologic history and geomorphic processes underpinning topographic diversity across landscapes. ACD also exhibited spatial autocorrelation, which may reflect biological processes that influence ACD, such as the assembly of species or phenotypes across the landscape, but additional research is needed to resolve how abiotic and biotic factors contribute to ACD variation across high biomass, high diversity tropical landscapes.  相似文献   

马占相思人工林生态系统的碳格局及其动态模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用BIOME-BGC模型对广东鹤山的马占相思(Acaciamangium)人工林生态系统1985~2100年间的碳格局及其动态变化进行了模拟.结果表明,马占相思生物量在前12 a增长较快,之后增长缓慢,最终达到300 t hm-2;预计2100年马占相思生物量在干、根、叶中的分配分别为73.91%、21.74%和4.35%.马占相思人工林的碳贮量在前12 a增长较快,之后增长缓慢并最终维持在325 t C hm-2左右,在造林初始阶段主要分布于土壤中,之后在植被、土壤和凋落物3大碳库中的分配分别为43.08%、52.30%和4.62%;马占相思净初级生产力(NPP)在4~12 a较大,最大可达11 t C hm-2,之后下降至3~6 t C hm-2;马占相思叶面积指数(LAI)前3 a增长迅速,5 a达到7.84,之后下降,约为2.7~5.0;LAI与NPP的回归分析结果显示LAI可能是限制马占相思林NPP增长的主要因子.模拟结果还显示马占相思林前期生长迅速,但随后生长缓慢,叶生物量还出现负增长现象.因此,我国南亚热带地区在以马占相思作为先锋树种进行地带性森林植被恢复时,可在12 a后进行林分改造.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are carbon-dense and highly productive ecosystems. Consequently, they play an important role in the global carbon cycle. In the present study we used an individual-based forest model (FORMIND) to analyze the carbon balances of a tropical forest. The main processes of this model are tree growth, mortality, regeneration, and competition. Model parameters were calibrated using forest inventory data from a tropical forest at Mt. Kilimanjaro. The simulation results showed that the model successfully reproduces important characteristics of tropical forests (aboveground biomass, stem size distribution and leaf area index). The estimated aboveground biomass (385 t/ha) is comparable to biomass values in the Amazon and other tropical forests in Africa. The simulated forest reveals a gross primary production of 24 tcha-1yr-1. Modeling above- and belowground carbon stocks, we analyzed the carbon balance of the investigated tropical forest. The simulated carbon balance of this old-growth forest is zero on average. This study provides an example of how forest models can be used in combination with forest inventory data to investigate forest structure and local carbon balances.  相似文献   

Aboveground Forest Biomass and the Global Carbon Balance   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
The long‐term net flux of carbon between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere has been dominated by two factors: changes in the area of forests and per hectare changes in forest biomass resulting from management and regrowth. While these factors are reasonably well documented in countries of the northern mid‐latitudes as a result of systematic forest inventories, they are uncertain in the tropics. Recent estimates of carbon emissions from tropical deforestation have focused on the uncertainty in rates of deforestation. By using the same data for biomass, however, these studies have underestimated the total uncertainty of tropical emissions and may have biased the estimates. In particular, regional and country‐specific estimates of forest biomass reported by three successive assessments of tropical forest resources by the FAO indicate systematic changes in biomass that have not been taken into account in recent estimates of tropical carbon emissions. The ‘changes’ more likely represent improved information than real on‐the‐ground changes in carbon storage. In either case, however, the data have a significant effect on current estimates of carbon emissions from the tropics and, hence, on understanding the global carbon balance.  相似文献   

BackgroundAfrican tropical rainforests are one of the most important hotspots to look for changes in the upcoming decades when it comes to C storage and release. The focus of studying C dynamics in these systems lies traditionally on living aboveground biomass. Belowground soil organic carbon stocks have received little attention and estimates of the size, controls and distribution of soil organic carbon stocks are highly uncertain. In our study on lowland rainforest in the central Congo basin, we combine both an assessment of the aboveground C stock with an assessment of the belowground C stock and analyze the latter in terms of functional pools and controlling factors.Conclusions/SignificanceWe suggest nutrient limitation, especially potassium, as the driver for aboveground versus belowground C allocation. However, other drivers such as C turnover, tree functional traits or demographic considerations cannot be excluded. We argue that large and unaccounted variability in C stocks is to be expected in African tropical rain-forests. Currently, these differences in aboveground and belowground C stocks are not adequately verified and implemented mechanistically into Earth System Models. This will, hence, introduce additional uncertainty to models and predictions of the response of C storage of the Congo basin forest to climate change and its contribution to the terrestrial C budget.  相似文献   

Mediterranean semi-arid forest ecosystems are especially sensitive to external forcing. An understanding of the relationship between forest carbon (C) stock, and environmental conditions and forest structure enable prediction of the impacts of climate change on C stocks and help to define management strategies that maximize the value of forests for C mitigation. Based on the national forest inventory of Spain (1997?C2008 with 70,912 plots), we estimated the forest C stock and spatial variability in Peninsular Spain and, we determined the extent to which the observed patterns of stand C stock can be explained by structural and species richness, climate and disturbances. Spain has an average stand C stock of 45.1?Mg C/ha. Total C stock in living biomass is 621 Tg C (7.8% of the C stock of European forests). The statistical models show that structural richness, which is driven by past land use and life forest history including age, development stage, management activities, and disturbance regime, is the main predictor of stand tree C stock with larger C stocks in structurally richer stands. Richness of broadleaf species has a positive effect on both conifer and broadleaf forests, whereas richness of conifer species shows no significant or even a negative effect on C stock. Climate variables have mainly an indirect effect through structural richness but a smaller direct predictive ability when all predictors are considered. To achieve a greater standing C stock, our results suggest promoting high structural richness by managing for uneven-aged stands and favoring broadleaf over conifer species.  相似文献   

Carbon Quality and Stocks in Organic Horizons in Boreal Forest Soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the mechanisms that determine the quality and quantity of organic carbon (C) stocks in boreal forest soils by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative changes in the organic fractions in the soil organic matter (OM) in a vertical gradient in the decomposition continuum of the organic horizon [litter layer (L), fermentation layer (F), and humus layer (H)] in forest soils using a sequential fractionation method at two forest types along a climatic gradient in Finland. We predicted that the concentrations of water-soluble (WSE) and non-polar (NPE) extractives should decrease and those of the acid-soluble (AS) fraction and acid-insoluble residue (AIR) should increase from the L to the F, and from the F to the H layers, but the C/N ratio of soil OM should stay constant after reaching the critical quotient. We also predicted that the AIR concentrations should be higher in the south than north boreal, and in sub-xeric than mesic forests. Consistent with our hypothesis, the concentrations of WSE and NPE fractions decreased and concentrations of AIR increased in the vertical soil gradient. The highest concentrations of the AS fraction were found in the F layer. The C/N ratio was lowest in the F layer, and the highest in the H layer, indicating that soil OM is depleted in N in relation to C along the vertical soil gradient. Concentrations of WSE and NPE were lower, and concentrations of AIR were higher in the south than in north boreal forests, which is in agreement with our hypothesis that higher soil temperatures may enhance accumulation of slowly decomposable OM in the soil. The concentrations of AIR were higher in the sub-xeric than mesic forests. Contrary to our expectations, however, the differences in the chemical quality in soil OM between the site types were amplified from the L to the H layer. The size of the C storage was significantly larger in south than north boreal sites, and larger in the mesic than in the sub-xeric sites.  相似文献   

贡嘎山典型植被地上生物量与碳储量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用典型样地调查和异速生长模型相结合的方法,测定了贡嘎山东坡垂直带谱上常绿与落叶阔叶混交林、针阔叶混交林、亚高山暗针叶林、高山灌丛4种典型植被类型的地上部分生物量与碳储量.结果表明,(1)随着海拔的升高,植被地上生物量呈先上升后下降的趋势,其生物量分别为:常绿与落叶阔叶混交林233.49 t/hm2、针阔叶混交林524.55 t/hm2、暗针叶林415.81 t/hm2、高山灌丛20.86 t/hm2,而相应的单株树木平均地上生物量分别为320.11 kg、1 140.78 kg、623.15 kg、11.89 kg,显示出与植被垂直带生物量相一致的变化趋势.(2)不同树木器官的含碳率中,以叶片的平均含碳率(48.25%)最高,依次为树枝(4 6.29%)、树干(4 4.65%);海拔从低到高的4个垂直带植被碳储量分别为103.60 t/hm2、245.26 t/hm2、192.99 t/hm2、9.82 t/hm2.研究认为,年平均降水量与地上生物量显著相关,是影响贡嘎山植被垂直带地上生物量分异的重要气候因子.  相似文献   

Although stream ecosystems are recognized as an important component of the global carbon cycle, the impacts of climate-induced hydrological extremes on carbon fluxes in stream networks remain unclear. Using continuous measurements of ecosystem metabolism, we report on the effects of changes in snowmelt hydrology during the anomalously warm winter 2013/2014 on gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (ER), and net ecosystem production (NEP) in an Alpine stream network. We estimated ecosystem metabolism across 12 study reaches of the 254 km2 subalpine Ybbs River Network (YRN), Austria, for 18 months. During spring snowmelt, GPP peaked in 10 of our 12 study reaches, which appeared to be driven by PAR and catchment area. In contrast, the winter precipitation shift from snow to rain following the low-snow winter in 2013/2014 increased spring ER in upper elevation catchments, causing spring NEP to shift from autotrophy to heterotrophy. Our findings suggest that the YRN transitioned from a transient sink to a source of carbon dioxide (CO2) in spring as snowmelt hydrology differed following the high-snow versus low-snow winter. This shift toward increased heterotrophy during spring snowmelt following a warm winter has potential consequences for annual ecosystem metabolism, as spring GPP contributed on average 33% to annual GPP fluxes compared to spring ER, which averaged 21% of annual ER fluxes. We propose that Alpine headwaters will emit more within-stream respiratory CO2 to the atmosphere while providing less autochthonous organic energy to downstream ecosystems as the climate gets warmer.  相似文献   

高寒草甸生态系统磷素循环   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
试验在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站进行了实验样地设置在冬春草场上,应用分室模型,将高寒草甸生态系统分为大气,土壤,植物,食草动物4个分室,主要讨论了磷素在各分室内的贮量,流动方向,流通数量及其系统磷素的供需状况,高寒草旬生态系统磷素的循环过程中,大气分室通过降水输入土壤磷量为0.36kg/hm^2.a植物从土壤库摄取速效磷7.06kg/hm^2.a这些磷素一部分(0.57kg/hm^2.a  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) are generally considered important active biogeochemical pools of total carbon and nitrogen. Many studies have documented the contributions of soil fauna to litter decomposition, but the effects of the soil fauna on labile substances (i.e., DOC and TDN) in litter during early decomposition are not completely clear. Therefore, a field litterbag experiment was carried out from 13th November 2013 to 23rd October 2014 in an alpine forest and an alpine meadow located on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Litterbags with different mesh sizes were used to provide access to or prohibit the access of the soil fauna, and the concentrations of DOC and TDN in the foliar litter were measured during the winter (the onset of freezing, deep freezing and thawing stage) and the growing season (early and late). After one year of field incubation, the concentration of DOC in the litter significantly decreased, whereas the TDN concentration in the litter increased. Similar dynamic patterns were detected under the effects of the soil fauna on both DOC and TDN in the litter between the alpine forest and the alpine meadow. The soil fauna showed greater positive effects on decreasing DOC concentration in the litter in the winter than in the growing season. In contrast, the dynamics of TND in the litter were related to seasonal changes in environmental factors, rather than the soil fauna. In addition, the soil fauna promoted a decrease in litter DOC/TDN ratio in both the alpine forest and the alpine meadow throughout the first year of decomposition, except for in the late growing season. These results suggest that the soil fauna can promote decreases in DOC and TDN concentrations in litter, contributing to early litter decomposition in these cold biomes.  相似文献   

Nieland  Matthew A.  Moley  Priscilla  Hanschu  Janaye  Zeglin  Lydia H. 《Ecosystems》2021,24(8):2042-2060
Ecosystems - Nitrogen (N) from anthropogenic sources has dramatically increased in terrestrial ecosystems globally. Although belowground microbial processes and events that release N into the...  相似文献   

森林是生态系统的重要组成部分,是改善全球气候变暖趋势的机体,森林的固碳能力越来越受到重视,而研究森林中立木的含碳量对森林生态系统量化固碳能力具有重要意义。本文基于大兴安岭44株天然落叶松解析木实测数据和各器官碳密度样木数据,借鉴相容性生物量模型的思想来研究相容性立木含碳量模型,基于基础模型y=aDb和y=a(D2H)b,利用非线性度量误差模型系统构建了总含碳量和干、枝、叶、根四个分含碳量之间相容的一元和二元立木含碳量模型。通过比较各模型的拟合优度和独立检验统计量,计算拟合优度结果显示:在一元和二元基础模型下的4个器官,树干的确定系数R2分别为0.960,0.985,都是2个模型中各器官确定系数的最高值,树枝、树叶和树根相对偏低,但均达到了85%以上,说明建立的模型可行;模型检验统计量表明:一元和二元基础模型的树干模拟效率EF值为0.904,0.951,相应的预估精度P值为80.5%,85.5%,其次是树枝模拟效率0.830,0.898,精度都在70%以上,树叶和树根预估精度偏低,其值在70%左右。综上研究结果表明:二元立木含碳量预估模型的拟合及预测精度优于一元模型。  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that secondary production in aquatic systems can be driven by inputs of energy from terrestrial sources. Temporary forest ponds appear to be unproductive ecosystems that are reliant upon allochthonous inputs of energy to support secondary production, but the functioning of these systems has not been well quantified. To assess the metabolic state of this type of ecosystem as well as to quantify the importance of terrestrial subsidies of carbon to ecosystem function, we conducted an experiment in which we manipulated the amount of leaf litter in ponds. Litter was either removed or removed and replaced (that is, control) from the dry basins of ponds immediately after leaf abscission. Once the ponds filled, we monitored net ecosystem production (NEP) on a biweekly basis from 9 April to 27 May 2002. All ponds were consistently net heterotrophic; however, NEP was significantly less negative in removal ponds. Furthermore, removal ponds also had lower levels of respiration (R) and higher dissolved oxygen levels than control ponds. The removal of litter had no effect on gross primary production, indicating that the difference in NEP between treatments was driven by the change in R. Therefore, it appears that terrestrial inputs of organic carbon support heterotrophic respiration in these ponds, and that the endogenous production of carbon is insufficient to support secondary production.  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea (PNG) has become the focus of climate change mitigation initiatives such as reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, but defensible estimates of forest carbon are lacking. Here we present a methodology for estimating aboveground forest carbon, and apply it to a large Permanent Sample Plot system maintained by Papua New Guinea Forest Research Institute. We report the first estimates of forest carbon in lowland tropical forest in PNG. Average aboveground carbon in stems >10 cm diam. for 115 selectively harvested 1-ha plots in lowland tropical forest was 66.3±3.5 Mg C/ha (95% CI) while for 10 primary forest plots the average was 106.3±16.2 Mg C/ha. We applied ratios based on field observations, in-country studies, and the literature to estimate unmeasured pools of aboveground carbon (stems <10 cm diam., fine litter and coarse woody debris). Total aboveground carbon was estimated at 90.2 and 120.8 Mg C/ha in selectively harvested and primary lowland forest, respectively. Our estimate for primary tropical forest is lower than biome averages for tropical equatorial forest, and we hypothesize that frequent disturbances from fire, frost, landslides, and agriculture are limiting carbon stock development. The methodology and estimates presented here will assist the PNG government in its preparedness for mitigation initiatives, are of interest to communities that are seeking to participate in voluntary carbon markets, and will encourage transparency and consistency in the estimation of forest carbon.  相似文献   

Long-term trends including depopulation and shifts in agricultural policies and management have led to large-scale land-use changes throughout the European Alps which are likely to affect the size of carbon (C) stocks of the respective land-use types. This article analyzes landscape-scale changes of C-stocks present in the vegetation in relation to historical land use (1865), current land use (2003), and three contrasting scenarios of future land use (2020) in the Stubai Valley, Austria. Results show that more than 47% of the total valley area and more than 90% of the usable agricultural area have undergone a change in land use during the last approximately 140 years. Changes of land use were seen to peak between 1954 and 1973 and slow down there after. Phytomass and C-stocks in 1865 amounted to 63.1 Mg ha−1 and 30.8 Mg C ha−1, and increased until 2003 to 75.8 Mg ha−1 and 37.2 Mg C ha−1, respectively. Evaluations along an altitudinal gradient indicate the highest C gain to be in the sub-Alpine belt (more than doubling of the C-stock) due to the abandonment of pastures and hay meadows. All future scenarios project only a minor increase in phytomass (0.3–2.8 Mg ha−1) and C-stocks (0.2–1.4 Mg C ha−1) because major elements of the landscape (forests, rocks, screes) will be either largely unaffected or are unimportant in their spatial extent (built environment). Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Forest cover in Switzerland and other European countries has gradually increased in the past century. Our knowledge of the impacts of forest expansion and development on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage is, however, limited due to uncertainties in land-use history and lack of historical soil samples. We investigated the effect of forest age on current SOC storage in Switzerland. For 857 sites, we analysed SOC stocks and determined the minimal forest age for all presently forested sites using digitized historical maps, classifying all sites into three categories: young (≤60 years), medium (60–120 years), and old (≥120 years) forests. Grassland was the primary previous use of afforested land. Forest age affected current SOC stocks only moderately, whereas climate, soil chemistry, and tree species exerted a stronger impact. In the organic layer, highest SOC stocks were found in medium sites (3.0 ± 0.3 kg C m?2). As compared to other age categories, these sites had a 10% higher cover in coniferous forests with higher organic layer C stocks than broadleaf forests. SOC stocks in mineral soils decreased with increasing forest age (12.5 ± 0.9, 11.4 ± 0.5, 10.5 ± 0.3 kg C m?2). This decrease was primarily related to a 200-m higher average elevation of young sites and higher SOC stocks in a colder and more humid climate. In summary, forest age has only a minor effect on SOC storage in Swiss forest soils. Therefore, ongoing forest expansion in mountainous regions of Europe is unlikely contributing to soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

The precise and accurate quantitative evaluation of the temporal and spatial pattern of carbon (C) storage in forest ecosystems is critical for understanding the role of forests in the global terrestrial C cycle and is essential for formulating forest management policies to combat climate change. In this study, we examined the C dynamics of forest ecosystems in Shaanxi, northwest China, based on four forest inventories (1989–1993, 1994–1998, 1999–2003, and 2004–2008) and field-sampling measurements (2012). The results indicate that the total C storage of forest ecosystems in Shaanxi increased by approximately 29.3%, from 611.72 Tg in 1993 to 790.75 Tg in 2008, partially as a result of ecological restoration projects. The spatial pattern of C storage in forest ecosystems mainly exhibited a latitude-zonal distribution across the province, increasing from north (high latitude) to south (low latitude) generally, which signifies the effect of environmental conditions, chiefly water and heat related factors, on forest growth and C sequestration. In addition, different data sources and estimation methods had a significant effect on the results obtained, with the C stocks in 2008 being considerably overestimated (864.55 Tg) and slightly underestimated (778.07 Tg) when measured using the mean C density method and integrated method, respectively. Overall, our results demonstrated that the forest ecosystem in Shaanxi acted as a C sink over the last few decades. However, further studies should be carried out with a focus on adaption of plants to environmental factors along with forest management for vegetation restoration to maximize the C sequestration potential and to better cope with climate change.  相似文献   

Northern permafrost soils contain important carbon stocks. Here we report the long-term response of carbon stocks in high Arctic dwarf shrub tundra to short-term, low-level nutrient enrichment. Twenty years after experimental nitrogen addition, carbon stocks in vegetation and organic soil had almost halved. In contrast, where phosphorus was added with nitrogen, carbon storage increased by more than 50%. These responses were explained by changes in the depths of the moss and organic soil layers. Nitrogen apparently stimulated decomposition, reducing carbon stocks, whilst phosphorus and nitrogen co-stimulated moss productivity, increasing organic matter accumulation. The altered structure of moss and soil layers changed soil thermal regimes, which may further influence decomposition of soil carbon. If climate warming increases phosphorus availability, any increases in nitrogen enrichment from soil warming or expanding human activity in the Arctic may result in increased carbon sequestration. Where phosphorus is limiting in tundra areas, however, nitrogen enrichment may result in carbon loss.  相似文献   

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