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Variables such as weather or other abiotic factors should have a higher influence on demographic rates in border areas than in central areas, given that climatic adaptation might be important in determining range borders. Similarly, for a given area, the relationship between weather and reproduction should be dissimilar for species which are in the centre of their breeding range and those that are near the edge. We tested this hypothesis on two sympatric ground‐nesting raptors, the hen harrier Circus cyaneus and the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus in Madrid, central Spain, where the hen harrier is at the southern edge of its breeding range in the western Palearctic and the Montagu's harrier is central in its distribution. We examined the reproductive success of both species during an 8‐yr period, and looked at the influence of the most stressful abiotic factors in the study area (between‐year variation in rainfall and within‐year variation in temperature) on reproductive parameters. In the hen harrier, low levels of rainfall during the breeding season had a negative influence on annual fledging success and thus on population fledgling production. The relationship between rainfall and reproduction was probably mediated through food abundance, which in Mediterranean habitat depends directly on rainfall levels. In the Montagu's harrier, no negative effect of dry seasons on productivity was found. Additionally, in the hen harrier, the proportion of eggs that did not hatch in each clutch increased with higher temperatures during the incubation period. No such relationship was found in the Montagu's harrier. We interpret these between‐species differences in terms of differences of breeding range and adaptations to the average conditions existing there. Hen harriers, commonest at northern latitudes, are probably best adapted to the most typical conditions at those latitudes, and have probably not developed thermoregulatory or behavioural mechanisms to cope with drought and high temperatures in Mediterranean habitats, in contrast to Montagu's harrier. Thus hen harrier distribution might be constrained by these variables, due to lower reproductive success or higher reproductive costs. Accordingly, a logistic regression analysis of the presence or absence of both species in 289 random points throughout the western Palearctic showed that the distribution of both species was related to temperature, but the relationship was in opposite directions for the two species: hen harriers had lower probability of breeding in areas with higher temperature (as expected in a species with a more northerly distribution).  相似文献   

Seasonal fecundity is a composite metric that is determined by component parameters such as clutch size, nest survival and re‐nesting probability. Many of these component parameters are known to vary with environmental conditions, in particular rainfall prior to or during the breeding season. In some species, seasonal fecundity is positively related to rainfall, but little is known about which component parameters of seasonal fecundity respond most strongly to rainfall. We used intensive nest monitoring of a multi‐brooded tropical forest passerine, the Montserrat Oriole Icterus oberi, to examine the effects of rainfall during the pre‐breeding season on component parameters of annual fecundity. We monitored all nests of a total of 42 pairs over 5 years in which rainfall varied substantially. We then related clutch size, nest survival, onset and length of the breeding season, re‐nesting probability and re‐nesting interval to pre‐breeding season rainfall using generalized linear mixed models that accounted for random variation across sites and individual pairs, and incorporated other variables known to affect the response. Higher pre‐breeding season rainfall led to an increase in clutch size and a decrease in re‐nesting interval, but nest survival, re‐nesting probability and length of the breeding season were not affected by variation in rainfall. The onset of the breeding season was delayed in very dry years. We conclude that higher rainfall is likely to increase food availability and thus body condition of female Montserrat Orioles, leading to an increase in fecundity due to larger clutch sizes.  相似文献   

水分与氮素作为干旱和半干旱草原生产力的共同限制性因子在退化草原的生态快速修复过程中备受关注。以不同放牧强度背景下的短花针茅荒漠草原为研究对象,开展围封模拟放牧利用实验,同时添加氮素和水分。通过分析历史放牧强度与年份对生产力的影响,以及添加氮素和水分对不同功能群植物生物量的作用,探讨放牧强度对短花针茅草原生产力的内在作用机制,以及如何实现荒漠草原资源合理开发和可持续利用。研究结果显示,降雨量与放牧强度决定着短花针茅草原的植物群落结构。氮素和水分添加可分别提升11%-29%和12%-32%的群落地上生物量,且二者存在显著的交互作用。不同功能群植物的地上生物量对氮素与水分添加的响应存在差异,多年生丛生禾草对氮素和水分添加响应最敏感。氮素与水分添加可显著提高多年生丛生禾草的地上生物量,但与自然降水量相关。氮素添加对地上生物量的影响在正常降雨和稍旱年份作用显著,而水分添加在干旱年份作用显著。在正常降雨年份,以半灌木植物为优势种的轻度放牧背景以添加水分对提升生产力最宜,以多年生丛生禾草和半灌木为共优种的中度放牧背景和以多年生丛生禾草为优势种的重度放牧以同时添加水分和氮素对提升生产力最为宜;在干旱年份不同放牧强度背景下均以同时添加水分和氮素对提升生产力最为宜。我们的结果表明了养分与资源的改善有利于退化短花针茅草原的快速恢复和可持续生产。  相似文献   

Stochastic and catastrophic events may strongly impact the dynamics of wild populations. Annual fluctuations in rainfall may affect parrot populations, but few studies address the impact of other stochastic or catastrophic events on their population dynamics. The Maroon‐fronted Parrot Rhynchopsitta terrisi is an endangered species that nests colonially in cavities and crevices in limestone cliffs. From 1995 to 2010, we quantified Parrot attendance at nesting colonies throughout its breeding range, and reproductive output of nesting Parrots from 1997 to 2010 at the two most important nesting colonies. There was significant variation among colonies in the number of cavities occupied by Parrots each year. Rainfall significantly influenced both the number of occupied cavities and productivity, which declined after very dry years. Natural unpredictable events such as hurricanes did not modify the nesting activity of Maroon‐fronted Parrots at breeding colonies. However, wildfires increased in dry years, negatively affecting attendance at breeding colonies. The Maroon‐fronted Parrot may overcome the impacts of climatic variability, natural stochastic processes, and human‐induced catastrophic events by using nesting colonies as a network of resources throughout the breeding range. Given the current trends in climate change, it is likely the species may suffer stronger and more frequent unpredictable catastrophic events, potentially putting at risk its survival in the long term.  相似文献   

The Capricorn yellow chat Epthianura crocea macgregori (Aves: Meliphagidae) occurs in the seasonal wet‐dry tropics. This region, although coastal, is typified by highly variable annual rainfall. The Capricorn yellow chat breeds in wetlands, predominantly in the summer–autumn period, but has the capacity to breed in response to out‐of‐season rainfall events, consistent with an opportunistically breeding species. Most studies of breeding cues in passerines have been on species centred on temperate climates with predictable rainfall season, arid biomes with a highly variable rainfall quantity and season, and the relatively non‐seasonal wet tropics. This study was focused on a species that occurs in an intermediate situation with a highly variable but summer dominant rainfall season. It aimed to identify which proximal cues are used by birds in such environments to prepare for breeding. Monthly observations at a breeding ground over a 45‐month period were regressed against environmental and climatic variables. There was a significant positive relationship of chat abundance with average minimum monthly air temperature and the extent of inundation. Invertebrate food availability was also sampled. Cross‐correlation with prior monthly rainfall showed that abundance of insects (Diptera, Hemiptera and Lepidoptera) and semi‐aquatic invertebrates peaked 1–2 months following large rainfall events, coinciding with peaks in presence of dependent young of Capricorn yellow chats. Thus, the Capricorn yellow chat matches the model for arid‐adapted birds in which seasonal cues (e.g. increasing day‐length or temperature) in spring lead to breeding preparedness, but breeding only occurs in response to proximal factors such as rainfall. However, the Capricorn yellow chat differs in that breeding is delayed until rainfall is sufficient to inundate its wetland habitat and stimulate the production of food resources associated with the low vegetation and muddy margins of the temporarily flooded pools and channels; suggesting that inundation may be the most important breeding cue.  相似文献   

1. Although the influence of water availability and precipitation regimes on amphibians has been studied at large scales, whether and how interannual rainfall and hydrological variations affect amphibians dynamics at a local scale have rarely been addressed. In this respect, accounting for variations in species detectability in space and time has also been overlooked. 2. We assessed the effects of rainfall and hydrological variations on the breeding dynamics of three amphibian taxa: Pelodytes punctatus, Hyla meridionalis and Pelophylax spp. in 20 ponds of the Camargue region (southern France) over a 7‐year study period. 3. We used multiple season occupancy models to test the effect of winter–spring rainfall and interannual variations in hydroperiod, mean water depth and drought events on tadpole presence in spring (March–June), a proxy for breeding dynamics. 4. We used an independent survey with spatial replicates (dipnet sweeps) to disentangle the relative contributions of phenology and detectability to the absence of records in a given month. For the three taxa considered, the probability of missing a species when that species was actually present in a pond was most often negligible. Hence, we could consider that multiseason models properly tracked changes in species phenology. 5. Pelodytes punctatus was first detected in March, while the two other taxa appeared later in April. Hyla meridionalis appeared as a mid‐season species with much more synchronous pond occupancy than Pelodytes punctatus. The detection peak of Pelophylax spp. was short and unexpectedly early for this taxon. 6. Seasonal winter–spring rainfall was associated with a decrease in extinction rates and even more strongly with an increase in colonisation rates at individual ponds. 7. Colonisation rate increased following an annual drought and was best modelled as a negative quadratic effect of the variance of pond hydroperiod. Extinction probability was best modelled by a negative quadratic effect of mean water level. Hence, breeding was more stochastic (i) in unpredictable and shallow ponds because of yearly drying up and (ii) in highly predictable and deep ponds, possibly due to the presence of predators such as fish and crayfish. 8. Overall, we show that ponds with intermediate rather than extreme variations in environmental conditions currently correspond to optimal breeding sites. Our study demonstrates that amphibian monitoring coupled with fine‐scale analysis of environmental conditions is necessary to understand species dynamics in the long run and to inform conservation efforts for these species.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance in birds depends on several factors, one of the most important being the time of breeding. Birds try to fit offspring birth and growth to peak vegetative production in order to assure fledgling survival. In arid environments, where weather conditions are often extreme, birds must face unpredictable abiotic conditions. This study uses a border population of the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus) as a model to test whether climate variables (rainfall and temperature) influence breeding parameters by comparing 2 years with very different weather. The study was carried out in the Tabernas desert (southeastern Spain) in 2004 and 2005. A comparison of laying dates in the 2 years shows a 40-day delay in the date of the first clutch in the coldest year (mean minimum temperature 3°C lower in 2005 than in 2004). However, once the breeding season started, the number of clutches, clutch size, duration of the incubation period, nestling phase, fledgling rates and productivity were similar. One likely explanation for this delay is that low temperatures did not allow the germination of Diplotaxis sp., a plant forming the bulk of the trumpeter finch diet during spring. Its absence could prevent onset of breeding, although other temperature-related factors could also be involved. Although rainfall has frequently been reported as a limiting factor for arid bird species, our 2-year study shows that temperature can also influence the breeding biology of arid bird species, by affecting its timing.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the vegetation of the Southeast Saline Everglades (SESE), where water management and sea level rise have been important ecological forces during the last 50 years. Marshes within the SESE were arranged in well‐defined compositional zones parallel to the coast, with mangrove‐dominated shrub communities near the coast giving way to graminoid‐mangrove mixtures, and then Cladium marsh. The compositional gradient was accompanied by an interiorward decrease in total aboveground biomass, and increases in leaf area index and periphyton biomass. Since the mid‐1940s, the boundary of the mixed graminoid‐mangrove and Cladium communities shifted inland by 3.3 km. The interior boundary of a low‐productivity zone appearing white on both black‐and‐white and CIR photos moved inland by 1.5 km on average. A smaller shift in this ‘white zone’ was observed in an area receiving fresh water overflow through gaps in one of the SESE canals, while greater change occurred in areas cut off from upstream water sources by roads or levees. These large‐scale vegetation dynamics are apparently the combined result of sea level rise ‐ ca. 10 cm since 1940 ‐ and water management practices in the SESE.  相似文献   

We report a comparative analysis of the environmental conditions prevailing at each successful breeding event of the Chilean flamingo (Phoenicoptarus chilensis) during the 1969–2010 period in Mar Chiquita, a large salt lake near Córdoba, Argentina. Breeding was monitored annually by air. The following parameters were measured: rainfall, water level water salinity, availability of shoreline and offshore (islands) mudflats, presence of brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana), and presence of the Argentine silverside fish (Odonthotestes bonariensis). During the study period, Mar Chiquita underwent great variations in level, reaching the highest level in its geological history. Salinity ranged from 274 down to 22 g l−1. Artemia was present during the high-salinity periods and was absent when salinity dropped below 55 g l−1, and the lake was invaded by the silverside. Flamingos bred irregularly during both high- and low-salinity periods (11 successful attempts in 42 years). Comparison of breeding and non-breeding years showed that the only environmental factor always associated with breeding events was availability of mudflats, mostly bordering islands. Water level increases over 0.90 m during the breeding season may flood the nesting areas and affect breeding success. Rapid decreases in lake level may also affect breeding by favoring predation or via nutrient availability. Other factors (water level, water salinity, local rainfall, and presence of Artemia and silverside) were within similar ranges in breeding and non-breeding years. Our surveys provided indirect evidence suggesting that food availability may influence flamingo breeding in Mar Chiquita. Management implications of our study include: (a) habitat suitability analysis of wetlands like Mar Chiquita should consider that availability of offshore mudflats free of vertebrate predators is an essential requirement for flamingo conservation and (b) drastic and rapid increases or decreases in water level due to human control of river inflows may affect chances of successful flamingo breeding and therefore should be evaluated carefully.  相似文献   

Although confined to fresh water, non‐parasitic species of lampreys and the landlocked parasitic sea lamprey, all of which were derived relatively recently from anadromous ancestors, still develop chloride cells, whose function in their ancestors was for osmoregulation in marine waters during the adult parasitic phase. In contrast, such cells are not developed by the non‐parasitic least brook lamprey Lampetra aepyptera, which has been separated from its ancestor for >2 million years, nor by the freshwater parasitic species of the genus Ichthyomyzon. The length of time that a non‐parasitic species or landlocked parasitic form or species has spent in fresh water is thus considered the overriding factor determining whether chloride cells are developed by those lampreys.  相似文献   

Low spring temperatures have been found to benefit mobile herbivores by reducing the rate of spring‐flush, whereas high rainfall increases forage availability. Cold winters prove detrimental, by increasing herbivore thermoregulatory burdens. Here we examine the effects of temperature and rainfall variability on a temperate sedentary herbivore, the Eurasian beaver, Castor fiber, in terms of inter‐annual variation in mean body weight and per territory offspring production. Data pertain to 198 individuals, over 11 years, using capture‐mark‐recapture. We use plant growth (tree cores) and fAPAR (a satellite‐derived plant productivity index) to examine potential mechanisms through which weather conditions affect the availability and the seasonal phenology of beaver forage. Juvenile body weights were lighter after colder winters, whereas warmer spring temperatures were associated with lighter adult body weights, mediated by enhanced green‐up phenology rates. Counter‐intuitively, we observed a negative association between rainfall and body weight in juveniles and adults, and also with reproductive success. Alder, Alnus incana, (n = 68) growth rings (principal beaver food in the study area) exhibited a positive relationship with rainfall for trees growing at elevations >2 m above water level, but a negative relationship for trees growing <0.5 m. We deduce that temperature influences beavers at the landscape scale via effects on spring green‐up phenology and winter thermoregulation. Rainfall influences beavers at finer spatial scales through topographical interactions with plant growth, where trees near water level, prone to water logging, producing poorer forage in wetter years. Unlike most other herbivores, beavers are an obligate aquatic species that utilize a restricted ‘central‐place’ foraging range, limiting their ability to take advantage of better forage growth further from water during wetter years. With respect to anthropogenic climate change, interactions between weather variables, plant phenology and topography on forage growth are instructive, and consequently warrant examination when developing conservation management strategies for populations of medium to large herbivores.  相似文献   

Abstract. We measured the effects of annual variation in climate and experimentally augmented rainfall on patterns of distribution and above-ground productivity in annual plant communities at Carpinteria Salt Marsh in central California. In the driest year, Hutchinsia procumbens was codominant throughout much of the upper marsh; however, Hutchinsia was very rare or not present in the wetter years. Conversely, Juncus bufonius was common in the wettest year and absent in the driest year. Elevational distributions of other annual species also differed among years with different total precipitation. In 1989–1990, an exceptionally dry season, supplemental water decreased soil salinity, increased above-ground productivity of annuals, and caused significant changes in spatial patterns and relative density. In the lowest zone, Hutchinsia occurred only in watered plots and supplemental water increased the density of Spergularia marina. At intermediate elevations Lasthenia glabrata occurred only in watered plots and supplemental water increased the density of Spergularia, Hutchinsia, and Parapholis incurva. At upper elevations, Juncus occurred only in watered plots, and Lasthenia was the only species that increased significantly in density with watering. Unlike natural shifts in species abundance, no species declined significantly in cover in any zone in the watered treatment. Although climatic variation has complex affects on annual plant communities, our experiments isolated important affects of total annual rainfall on the structure of annual plant communities that were similar to those that occurred with natural variation in rainfall. We conclude that variation in total annual precipitation promotes dynamic community composition and spatial distributions among years, and thus increases overall species diversity in the salt marsh.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of population trends to the climate and environment is generally considered a species-specific trait. However, evidence that populations may show different responses to the climate and environmental conditions is growing. Whether this differential sensitivity may arise even among neighboring populations remains elusive. We compared the trends of two neighboring populations of the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni, using data from a 12-year survey of 158 colonies in Sicily, Italy; the two populations inhabiting a lowland and an highland area, respectively. Population trends were modeled through the TRIM algorithms implemented in R (package rtrim). A reversed U-shaped population trend was observed in the lowland, while the highland population showed oscillations around a stable trend. Sahel rainfall 2 years before each annual survey significantly affected population variation in the lowland, while rainfall in March and an index of primary productivity in the breeding areas affected population variation in the highland. This suggests that the population in the lowland may be limited mainly by winter survival in Sahel, because the lowland may be an optimal breeding area for this species. In contrast, the highland population, which occupies a different part of the climatic niche of the species, may be limited mainly by reproductive output, because rainfall in March and the primary productivity in May could represent prey availability immediately before and during the breeding months. Overall, our findings suggest that population-specific environmental sensitivity might occur even over small (<100 km) geographical scales, highlighting the need for population-specific conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The loss and degradation of natural habitats in coastal areas worldwide has adversely affected many waterbird species, changing their breeding distribution and reducing their productivity. Anthropogenic habitats such as saltpans can provide alternative or complementary habitats for waterbirds and mitigate the increasing human impact on natural coastal habitats. Unvegetated linear paths between salt ponds are used by ground‐nesting waterbird species to breed but their linear structure may facilitate the detection of nests by predators. This negative effect may, however, be counterbalanced by the advantages of breeding in mixed colonies. To evaluate the importance and the risks of breeding in saltpans we used the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus breeding in coastal saltpans of southern Portugal as a model species. Specifically, we assessed the role of nest‐site characteristics, predation and nesting proximity to species with aggressive antipredator behaviour (black‐winged stilt Himantopus himantopus) on their breeding success. Kentish plovers selected nest‐sites on the edges of paths, with about 20% of water around the nest, and a mean visibility of more than 72%; however nest‐site characteristics were not correlated with nesting success. Predation was the main cause of nest loss in saltpans (42%); carrion crows Corvus corone were responsible for most daylight nest predation (58%) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes; 73%) for night predation. An 8‐yr monitoring plan of a Kentish plover population showed a linear increase in their breeding success as their breeding season increasingly overlapped with that of the black‐winged stilt. An experiment with artificial nests showed a significant increase in the number of exposure days (7 to 12) when these nests were within close distance of black‐winged stilt nests. Overall, our results showed that saltpans are an important alternative breeding habitat for the Kentish plover, especially for the maintenance of mixed species colonies.  相似文献   

ARA MONADJEM  ANDREW J. BAMFORD 《Ibis》2009,151(2):344-351
A decline in breeding success with later laying dates throughout a nesting season is a widespread phenomenon in species living in environments with distinct seasonality, with evidence that some environmental correlate of timing is at least partly responsible in many species. This correlate is often thought to be food availability, which is often related to climatic factors; however, few studies have examined the role of climate. We studied a breeding colony of Marabou Storks Leptoptilos crumeniferus in Southern Africa over five breeding seasons. Timing of breeding was related to rainfall preceding the breeding season. Fecundity (chicks fledged per nest) declined through each season. The probability of an individual hatchling fledging was influenced by rainfall during the hatchling period, temperature during the hatchling period and laying date, three variables that were strongly intercorrelated. To disentangle the three effects, inter‐annual variation in each was compared with the large inter‐annual variation in breeding success, with rainfall providing the greatest explanatory power. Rainfall, which tends to increase through the breeding season, seems to be at least partly responsible for the seasonal decline in breeding success. We were unable to find evidence for the influence of other factors, such as colony size and nest re‐use, known to affect nest success in this and other colonial breeding storks.  相似文献   

The Hillesden experiment, established in 2005/2006 to test the delivery of biodiversity benefits under Environmental Stewardship, covers c. 1000 ha of arable farmland in central lowland England. It is a randomized block experiment with five replicates of three treatments: (1) CC: cross compliance, the control; (2) ELS: 1% of land removed from production for wildlife habitat provision; and (3) ELS‐X: 5% of land used for wildlife habitat, each treatment being applied to contiguous areas of 70–80 ha. Bird usage of winter food patches, comprising three different seed mixes, was monitored through the winter and was also related to seed yield. Winter and breeding season bird/territory abundance was recorded before and after the provision of the winter food patches. Bird use of the patches differed between seed mixes. There was large variation between individual patches in both seed yield and bird numbers and between individual bird species in their use of different seed mixes, suggesting that the availability of a range of patch types would be beneficial. Use of all patch types declined sharply in late January to February, indicating depletion and/or inability of birds to access shed seed. Winter bird abundance at a farm scale for all species combined, granivorous species and nine individual species increased for all monitored species when seed patches were available. At a treatment level, the increases tended to be greater in ELS‐X, where most of the patches were located. In the breeding season at a farm scale, the numbers of territories for all species combined and granivorous species increased significantly when seed patches had been available in the previous winter. There was little evidence of a treatment‐scale response. The provision of winter food appeared to increase winter bird abundance and to follow on into an overall increase in the breeding population, but if the latter effect is to be reflected elsewhere, this requires that sufficient breeding habitat is available to accommodate an increase.  相似文献   

Global climate models predict significant changes to the rainfall regimes of the grassland biome, where C cycling is particularly sensitive to the amount and timing of precipitation. We explored the effects of both natural interannual rainfall variability and experimental rainfall additions on net C storage and loss in annual grasslands. Soil respiration and net primary productivity (NPP) were measured in treatment and control plots over four growing seasons (water years, or WYs) that varied in wet‐season length and the quantity of rainfall. In treatment plots, we increased total rainfall by 50% above ambient levels and simulated one early‐ and one late‐season storm. The early‐ and late‐season rain events significantly increased soil respiration for 2–4 weeks after wetting, while augmentation of wet‐season rainfall had no significant effect. Interannual variability in precipitation had large and significant effects on C cycling. We observed a significant positive relationship between annual rainfall and aboveground NPP across the study (P=0.01, r2=0.69). Changes in the seasonal timing of rainfall significantly affected soil respiration. Abundant rainfall late in the wet season in WY 2004, a year with average total rainfall, led to greater net ecosystem C losses due to a ~50% increase in soil respiration relative to other years. Our results suggest that C cycling in annual grasslands will be less sensitive to changes in rainfall quantity and more affected by altered seasonal timing of rainfall, with a longer or later wet season resulting in significant C losses from annual grasslands.  相似文献   

Bush flies, Musca vetustissima attracted to a human, and arthropod fauna attracted to fresh cattle dung in 24 hours, were sampled every 2 weeks for 2 years (1980–1982) near Alice Springs in central Australia. Substantial rain fell in both summers, but it was more prolonged in the second. The bush fly occurred and bred throughout the year, although its abundance was usually low. The only major increase in bush fly abundance occurred after the first summer's rainfall caused the growth of new herbage. This was followed by increased feeding on dung by adult flies and intensified breeding. Bush fly abundance was low in the second summer, despite evidence of a long period of continuous breeding. A variety of dung-feeding and predatory beetles and also mites was almost always present, although numbers were usually low. The introduced dung beetles Euoniticellus intermedius and Onthophagus gazella numerically dominated samples. Dung fauna abundance also increased after significant rainfall, particularly in the second summer. Dissections of the dung beetles showed that they bred at these times.  相似文献   

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