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1. Occasional sex in organisms that otherwise propagate clonally combines the advantages of both reproductive modes. Although theory predicts that this is a winning combination, evidence for its long‐term importance in natural populations is scarce. 2. We studied the sperm‐dependent parthenogenetic form of the freshwater planarian Schmidtea (formerly Dugesia) polychroa in which occasional sex is known to occur. By comparing subpopulations within the same lake, we showed that occasional sex does indeed leave telltale signatures in the population genetic structure of this species. 3. Using microsatellites, we found differences in genotypic diversity and evenness between six local subpopulations. Moreover, some locations showed temporal fluctuations in genotype and/or allele frequencies, while stability was observed in others. The results indicate that although some subpopulations show all the traits of clonal reproduction, others clearly have characteristics typical of sexual recombination, including the particular subpopulation for which we previously demonstrated the occurrence of occasional sex. 4. We show that within the same metapopulation, neighbouring localities can differ in the degree of occasional sex, as demonstrated by genetic signatures of clonality versus (occasional) genetic recombination. This makes S. polychroa particularly suitable to test the role of occasional sex to explain the persistence of parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

One explanation for the success of sexual reproduction is that sex increases the efficacy of natural selection. Recombination and segregation lead to fitness variance among offspring which then offers a wider target for natural selection. Consequently, adaptation to changing environments is accelerated and population mean fitness will increase. We investigated whether low levels of sex are associated with increased fitness variance and mean in parthenogenetic biotypes of the planarian flatworm Schmidtea polychroa. Parthenogenetic S. polychroa are triploid and reproduce clonally with occasional sexual reproduction. By-products and measures of occasional sex are the local presence of tetraploids and elevated levels of genotypic diversity. We correlated the proportion of tetraploids and genotypic diversity with fitness attributes of six genetically differentiated locations within one meta-population. Results indicate strong, positive correlations with variance and with mean offspring number produced during a 5-week period. The ecological and evolutionary implications for the maintenance of parthenogenetic S. polychroa are discussed.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction are often provoked by internal genetic factors rather than extrinsic selection pressures. In the cladoceran crustacean Daphnia pulex, the shift to asexuality has been linked to sex-limited meiosis suppression. Most populations of this species reproduce by obligate parthenogenesis, but cyclically parthenogenetic populations persist in the southern portion of its range. The meiosis-suppressor model predicts that asexuality in D. pulex has polyphyletic origins and that the coexistence of cyclically parthenogenetic lines with male-producing obligately asexual clones should be unstable. For the present study, we examined the genotypic structure of D. pulex populations from a region in which there is an abrupt microgeographical shift in breeding system. Populations in Michigan largely reproduce by cyclic parthenogenesis, while those in Ontario are obligately asexual. Allozyme studies on 77 populations from this area revealed 50 obligately asexual clones, divisible into two groups: one derived from a single parent species and the other derived via interspecific hybridization. Although nearly 50% of the clones retained male production, there was, as predicted, no evidence of coexistence between cyclically parthenogenetic populations and male-producing obligately asexual clones. The survey did, however, reveal a low incidence of cyclically parthenogenetic populations in Ontario. The high genotypic diversity of these populations suggests that they are not only resistant to meiosis suppression, but able to rework genetic variation gained from asexual clones into a sexual breeding system.  相似文献   

Many plants combine sexual reproduction with some form of asexual reproduction to different degrees, and lower genetic diversity is expected with asexuality. Moreover, the ratios of sexual morphs in species with gender dimorphism are expected to vary in proportion to the reproductive success of the sexual process. Hence, sex ratios can directly influence the genetic structure and diversity of a population. We investigated genotypic diversity in 23 populations of a facultative, apomictic gynodioecious orchid, Satyrium ciliatum, to examine the effect on genotypic diversity of variation in the frequency of females and in the amount of sexual reproduction. The study involved one pure female, seven gynodioecious (both females and hermaphrodites present) and 15 hermaphroditic populations. Pollinia receipt was higher in hermaphroditic than in gynodioecious populations. Analyses of variation in ISSRs demonstrated that genotypic diversity was high in all populations and was not significantly different between hermaphroditic and gynodioecious populations. We used character compatibility analysis to determine the extent to which recombination by sexual reproduction contributed to genotypic diversity. The results indicate that the contribution of recombination to genotypic diversity is higher in hermaphroditic than in gynodioecious populations, consistent with the finding that hermaphroditic populations received higher amounts of pollinia. Our finding of reduced recombination in gynodioecious populations suggests that maintenance of sex in hermaphrodites plays an important role in generating genotypic diversity in this apomictic orchid.  相似文献   

Asexual populations are usually considered evolutionary dead-ends because they lack the mechanisms to generate and maintain sufficient genetic diversity. Yet, some asexual forms are remarkably widespread and genetically diverse. This raises the question whether asexual systems are always truly clonal or whether they have cryptic forms of sexuality that enhance their viability. In the planarian flatworm Schmidtea polychroa parthenogens are functional hermaphrodites (as are their sexual conspecifics), copulate and exchange sperm. Sperm is required for initiation of embryogenesis but usually does not contribute genetically to the offspring (sperm-dependent parthenogenesis). Using karyology and genotyping of parents and offspring, we show that in a purely parthenogenetic population an estimated 12% of all offspring are the result of partial genetic exchange. Several processes of chromosome addition and loss are involved. Some of these result in an alternation between a common triploid and a rare tetraploid state. We conclude that genetic recombination does not necessarily require segregation and fusion within the same generation, as is the case in most sexual species. These occasional sexual processes help to explain the geographical dominance of parthenogens in our study species.  相似文献   

Do parasites and accumulation of deleterious mutations act synergistically in balancing the costs of sex? We addressed this possibility in the freshwater planarian flatworm Schmidtea polychroa. Sexual and parthenogenetic forms of this species sometimes coexist but show no ecological separation. Previous studies indicate that in a mixed sexual/ parthenogenetic population in Lago di Caldonazzo (N. Italy) parthenogens get more frequently infected with parasites. At the same time, they suffer from higher embryo mortality, which has been interpreted as a sign of accumulation of deleterious mutations. In the present study, we test whether these two factors are correlated, by focusing on the differences among the clonal lineages of a predominantly parthenogenetic subpopulation. Our results suggest that, for two out of three parasite types found, the infections are positively associated with the indirect measure of host mutation load.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction is commonly thought to be associated with low genetic diversity in animals. Echmepteryx hageni (Insecta: 'Psocoptera') is one of several psocopteran species that are primarily parthenogenetic, but also exists in small, isolated sexual populations. We used mitochondrial DNA sequences to investigate the population history and genealogical relationships between the sexual and asexual forms of this species. The asexual population of E. hageni exhibits extremely high mitochondrial haplotype diversity (H=0.98), whereas the sexual forms had significantly lower haplotypic diversity (H=0.25, after correcting for sample size). This diversity in asexuals represents one the greatest genetic diversities reported for asexual animals in the literature. Nucleotide diversities were also higher in asexual compared to sexual populations (π=0.0071 vs. 0.00027). Compared to other reported estimates of π in insects, asexual nucleotide diversity is high, but not remarkably elevated. Three hypotheses might explain the elevated genetic diversity of asexual populations: (i) larger effective population size, (ii) greater mutation rate or (iii) possible recent origin of sexuals. In addition, phylogeographic analysis revealed little geographic structure among asexual E. hageni, although specimens from the upper Midwest form a single clade and are genetically differentiated. The mismatch distribution and neutrality tests indicate a historical population size increase, possibly associated with expansion from glacial refugia.  相似文献   

Ecological factors affecting reproduction and dispersal are particularly important in determining genetic structure of plant populations. Polyoicous reproductive system is not rare in bryophytes; however, to date, nothing is known about its functioning and possible population genetic effects. Using the liverwort Mannia fragrans as a model species, the main aims of this study were to separate the relative importance of the components of the polyoicous reproductive system and to assess its consequences on the genetic structure of populations. High sex expression rates increasing with patch size and strongly female-biased sex ratios were detected. Additional input into clonal growth after production of sex organs was found in males compared to females. Similar clonal traits of the rare bisexual and asexual plants and preference toward newly colonized patches suggest that selection prefers colonizers that first develop organs of both sexes, hence ensuring sexual reproduction when no partner is present. Despite frequent spore production, ISSR markers revealed low genetic diversity, probably resulting from the effective clonal propagation of the species and frequent crossing between genetically identical plants. The presence of numerous rare alleles and unique recombinant haplotypes indicates occasional recombination and mutation. Effective spreading of new haplotypes is probably hampered however by large spore size. Since populations are small and isolated, such haplotypes are probably continuously eliminated by genetic drift. These results suggest that although both sexual and asexual reproductions seem to be effective, asexual components of the reproductive system play a greater role in shaping the genetic composition of the populations.  相似文献   

One of the most promising hypotheses for the evolution of sex is that sexual reproduction is advantageous because it increases the rate of adaptive evolution in response to parasites. To investigate this advantage of sex, we compared genetic variation of geminiviruses infecting sexual and asexual populations of Eupatorium (Asteraceae). The infection frequency was 37.5% in the sexual population and 87.8% in the asexual population. The lower infection frequency in the sexual population might be the result of higher genetic diversity of host plants. If geminiviruses have diverged to counter defence systems of genetically variable hosts, genetic diversity of viruses is expected to be higher in sexual host populations than in asexual host populations. To test this expectation, we used single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to examine genetic diversity of the geminiviruses in a DNA region containing the open-reading frame (ORF) C4 gene, which is known to function as a host range determinant. As predicted, higher genetic diversity of viruses was observed in the sexual population: three SSCP types were found in the asexual population while six types were found in the sexual population. Sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products revealed further genetic diversity. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences showed that the SSCP types belonged to four different clades. Several SSCP types from the same clade were found in the sexual population, whereas the asexual population included only one SSCP type from each clade. Amino acid replacements of ORF C4 are suggested to be accelerated in the sexual population. This evidence supports the hypothesis that sexual reproduction is advantageous as a defence against epidemic disease.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic lineages that arise in a hermaphroditic, sexual population will inherit the male function from their sexual progenitors. Natural selection then acts to reduce male allocation of the parthenogens, freeing resources presumably for the female function. Depending on age and the available genetic variation, one therefore expects to find reduced male allocation in naturally occurring parthenogenetic lineages. We investigated the allocation to sperm production in the hermaphroditic flatworm Dugesia polychroa in three lakes containing a sexual (S), a (pseudogamous) parthenogenetic (P), and a mixed sexual-parthenogenetic population (M). Parthenogenetic lineages from M were assumed to be relatively young due to recurrent origins from the coexisting sexuals, whereas those from P were assumed to be older on biogeographical grounds. As predicted, we found drastically reduced sperm production in parthenogens compared to sexuals, even in the parthenogenetic lineages from M, which may be younger. M parthenogens did not have more testes, but produced more sperm than individuals from the purely parthenogenetic population (P). However, the latter result could not be reproduced with laboratory-raised animals and therefore may be a consequence of different ecological conditions in the different lakes, for example, differences in mating rates. To study the behavioral component of male allocation, copulation frequencies were recorded for sexuals from M and for parthenogens from P. Compared to the drastic reduction in sperm production, copulation frequency was less reduced in parthenogens. This may be a consequence of allosperm limitation in pseudogamous parthenogenetic populations.  相似文献   

The continuous generation of genetic variation has been proposed as one of the main factors explaining the maintenance of sexual reproduction in nature. However, populations of asexual individuals may attain high levels of genetic diversity through within‐lineage diversification, replicate transitions to asexuality from sexual ancestors and migration. How these mechanisms affect genetic variation in populations of closely related sexual and asexual taxa can therefore provide insights into the role of genetic diversity for the maintenance of sexual reproduction. Here, we evaluate patterns of intra‐ and interpopulation genetic diversity in sexual and asexual populations of Aptinothrips rufus grass thrips. Asexual A. rufus populations are found throughout the world, whereas sexual populations appear to be confined to few locations in the Mediterranean region. We found that asexual A. rufus populations are characterized by extremely high levels of genetic diversity, both in comparison with their sexual relatives and in comparison with other asexual species. Migration is extensive among asexual populations over large geographic distances, whereas close sexual populations are strongly isolated from each other. The combination of extensive migration with replicate evolution of asexual lineages, and a past demographic expansion in at least one of them, generated high local clone diversities in A. rufus. These high clone diversities in asexual populations may mimic certain benefits conferred by sex via genetic diversity and could help explain the extreme success of asexual A. rufus populations.  相似文献   

In isogamous brown algae, the sexuality of populations needs to be tested by laboratory crossing experiments, as the sexes of gametophytes are morphologically indistinguishable. In some cases, gamete fusion is not observed and the precise reproductive mode of the populations is unknown. In the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria in Japan, both asexual (gamete fusion is unobservable) and sexual populations (gamete fusion is observable) have been reported. In order to elucidate the reproductive mode of asexual populations in this species, we used PCR‐based sex markers to investigate the sex ratio of three asexual and two sexual field populations. The markers indicated that the asexual populations consisted only of female individuals, whereas sexual populations are composed of both males and females. In culture, female gametes of most strains from asexual populations were able to fuse with male gametes; however, they had little to no detectable sexual pheromones, significantly larger cell sizes, and more rapid parthenogenetic development compared to female/male gametes from sexual populations. Investigations of sporophytic stages in the field indicated that alternation of gametophytic and parthenosporophytic stages occur in an asexual population. These results indicate that the S. lomentaria asexual populations are female populations that lack sexual reproduction and reproduce parthenogenetically. It is likely that females in the asexual populations have reduced a sexual trait (pheromone production) and have acquired asexual traits (larger gamete sizes and rapid parthenogenetic development).  相似文献   

Under the Red Queen hypothesis, host-parasite coevolution selects against common host genotypes. Although this mechanism might underlie the persistence of sexual reproduction, it might also maintain high clonal diversity. Alternatively, clonal diversity might be maintained by multiple origins of parthenogens from conspecific sexuals, a feature in many animal groups. Herein, we addressed the maintenance of overall genetic diversity by coevolving parasites, as predicted by the Red Queen hypothesis. We specifically examined the contribution of parasites to host clonal diversity and the frequency of sexually reproducing individuals in natural stream populations of Potamopyrgus antipodarum snails. We also tested the alternative hypothesis that clonal diversity is maintained by the input of clones by mutation from sympatric sexuals. Clonal diversity and the frequency of sexual individuals were both positively related to infection frequency. Surprisingly, although clones are derived by mutation from sexual snails, parasites explained more of the genotypic variation among parthenogenetic subpopulations. Our findings thus highlight the importance of parasites as drivers of clonal diversity, as well as sex.  相似文献   

Cyclical parthenogens are a valuable system in which to empirically test theoretical predictions as to the genetic consequences of sexual reproduction in natural populations, particularly if the frequency of sexual relative to asexual reproduction can be quantified. In this study, we used a series of lake populations of the cyclical parthenogen, Daphnia pulicaria, that vary consistently in their investment in sexual reproduction, to address the questions of whether the ecological variation in investment in sex is detectable at the genetic level, and if so, whether the genetic patterns seen are consistent with theoretical predictions. We show that there is variation in the genetic structure of these populations in a manner consistent with their investment in sexual reproduction. Populations engaging in a high frequency of sex were in Hardy-Weinberg and gametic phase equilibrium, and showed little genotypic differentiation across sampled years. In contrast, populations with a lower frequency of sex deviated widely from equilibrium, had reduced multilocus clonal diversity, and showed significant temporal genotypic deviation.  相似文献   

Dormancy is an ecological strategy by which organisms avoid stressful environments, but it also can have genetic consequences. Many facultative parthenogens shift from asexual to sexual reproduction to enter dormancy. Hence, conditions that favour dormancy are predicted to select for more sex, which should increase clonal diversity. We examined lake populations of Daphnia that face different ecological risks to remaining active year‐round, and quantified the extent to which they have differentiated in their investment in dormancy and sex. There was substantial genetic variation among populations and clones for sex induction and production of dormant eggs, and striking evidence of gender specialization. We also observed a positive association between the magnitudes of population‐level investment in dormancy and of variance among clones in sex induction. These results document an ecological gradient in dormancy that is manifest as a genetic gradient in clonal variation for the propensity to engage in sex.  相似文献   

Based largely on analogy with latitudinal trends in species diversity, it has been proposed that levels of genotypic (clonal) diversity in parthenogenetic populations from high latitudes should be lower than those in populations from the temperate zone or the tropics. Prior studies have shown that low-arctic populations of obligately asexual Daphnia pulex are less clonally diverse than temperate-zone populations. To test for the existence of a latitudinal trend, an allozymic survey of obligately parthenogenetic populations of D. pulex was conducted at a site in the Canadian high-arctic. The study revealed the presence of 75 clones in 179 tundra ponds that were surveyed. On average, 4.5 clones coexisted in single ponds with a range of 1–14 clones. These diversity values are as great (or greater) than those observed in more southerly populations and conflict with the notion of reduced levels of genetic variation in arctic populations. Mechanisms that may influence genetic (clonal) diversity in apomictic complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

There is wide interest in understanding how genetic diversity is generated and maintained in parthenogenetic lineages, as it will help clarify the debate of the evolution and maintenance of sexual reproduction. There are three mechanisms that can be responsible for the generation of genetic diversity of parthenogenetic lineages: contagious parthenogenesis, repeated hybridization and microorganism infections (e.g. Wolbachia). Brine shrimps of the genus Artemia (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) are a good model system to investigate evolutionary transitions between reproductive systems as they include sexual species and lineages of obligate parthenogenetic populations of different ploidy level, which often co-occur. Diploid parthenogenetic lineages produce occasional fully functional rare males, interspecific hybridization is known to occur, but the mechanisms of origin of asexual lineages are not completely understood. Here we sequenced and analysed fragments of one mitochondrial and two nuclear genes from an extensive set of populations of diploid parthenogenetic Artemia and sexual species from Central and East Asia to investigate the evolutionary origin of diploid parthenogenetic Artemia, and geographic origin of the parental taxa. Our results indicate that there are at least two, possibly three independent and recent maternal origins of parthenogenetic lineages, related to A. urmiana and Artemia sp. from Kazakhstan, but that the nuclear genes are very closely related in all the sexual species and parthenogegetic lineages except for A. sinica, who presumable took no part on the origin of diploid parthenogenetic strains. Our data cannot rule out either hybridization between any of the very closely related Asiatic sexual species or rare events of contagious parthenogenesis via rare males as the contributing mechanisms to the generation of genetic diversity in diploid parthenogenetic Artemia lineages.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction could offer up to a two‐fold fitness advantage over sexual reproduction, yet higher organisms usually reproduce sexually. Even in facultatively parthenogenetic species, where both sexual and asexual reproduction is sometimes possible, asexual reproduction is rare. Thus, the debate over the evolution of sex has focused on ecological and mutation‐elimination advantages of sex. An alternative explanation for the predominance of sex is that it is difficult for an organism to accomplish asexual reproduction once sexual reproduction has evolved. Difficulty in returning to asexuality could reflect developmental or genetic constraints. Here, we investigate the role of genetic factors in limiting asexual reproduction in Nauphoeta cinerea, an African cockroach with facultative parthenogenesis that nearly always reproduces sexually. We show that when N. cinerea females do reproduce asexually, offspring are genetically identical to their mothers. However, asexual reproduction is limited to a nonrandom subset of the genotypes in the population. Only females that have a high level of heterozygosity are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction and there is a strong familial influence on the ability to reproduce parthenogenetically. Although the mechanism by which genetic variation facilitates asexual reproduction is unknown, we suggest that heterosis may facilitate the switch from producing haploid meiotic eggs to diploid, essentially mitotic, eggs.  相似文献   

Models of coexistence of sexual and asexual lineages in aphids assume that obligate parthenogenetic lineages predominate in areas with mild winter climate because of their high reproductive output, while sexual lineages predominate in areas with severe winter because they produce eggs resistant to frost. To validate this hypothesis in natural conditions, the reproductive mode of populations of the aphid Sitobion avenae was assessed in two very contrasting climatic situations, Romania (severe winter) and Western France (mild winter). To achieve this, reproductive modes were inferred from both (1) the population composition in sexual and asexual forms in autumn, and (2) the genetic structure of Romanian and French populations of S. avenae using microsatellite markers. Romanian populations encompassed a high proportion of sexual forms and were characterised by a very high genotypic diversity and low linkage disequilibrium. In constrast, the French population showed frequent linkage disequilibria, low genetic diversity, and high level of clonal amplification with two asexual genotypes representing over 60% of the sample. In agreement with the model's predictions, these results clearly indicate that sexual reproduction in S. avenae is predominant under the continental climate of Romania, while asexual lineages prevail under the oceanic climate of Western France.  相似文献   

The rarity of eukaryotic asexual reproduction is frequently attributed to the disadvantage of reduced genetic variation relative to sexual reproduction. However, parthenogenetic lineages that evolved repeatedly from sexual ancestors can generate regional pools of phenotypically diverse clones. Various theories to explain the maintenance of this genetic diversity as a result of environmental and spatial heterogeneity [frozen niche variation (FNV), general-purpose genotype] are conceptually similar to community ecological explanations for the maintenance of regional species diversity. We employed multivariate statistics common in community ecological research to study population genetic structure in the freshwater crustacean, Daphnia pulex × pulicaria. This parthenogenetic hybrid arose repeatedly from sexual ancestors. Daphnia pulex × pulicaria populations harboured substantial genetic variation among populations and the clonal composition at each pond corresponded to nutrient levels and invertebrate predator densities. The interclonal selection process described by the FNV hypothesis likely structured our D. pulex × pulicaria populations.  相似文献   

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