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The acyclic nucleoside phosphonates 9-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)adenine (HPMPA) and 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine (PMEA) are potent inhibitors of DNA viruses and retroviruses, respectively. Unlike nucleoside triphosphates, the metabolically active (diphosphorylated) forms of HPMPA and PMEA (designated HPMPApp and PMEApp) are synthesized in a reversible reaction in which the pyrophosphate group of 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) is directly transferred to HPMPA and PMEA by purified PRPP synthetase. In this respect, PRPP synthetase does not act stereospecifically in that it recognizes both the S-enantiomer and the R-enantiomer of HPMPA as substrate. PRPP synthetase also recognizes other acyclic adenine and 2,6-diaminopurine riboside phosphonates as a substrate. It is now imperative to evaluate the potential role of PRPP synthetase, as activating enzyme, in the antiviral action of this type of molecules in intact cells.  相似文献   

Conditions are described where 5-phosphoribosyl-α-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) can be determined by thin-layer chromatographic methods commonly used for the determination of nucleoside triphosphate pools in 32P-labeled bacteria. A two-dimensional chromatographic system is described where very small pools of PRPP (about 0.03 μmol per gram dry weight bacteria) can be determined. In a uni-dimensional chromatographic system the lower limit for detection of PRPP pools is about 0.3 μmol per gram dry weight bacteria. This uni-dimensional system offers an assay also for PRPP synthetase activity even in crude extracts using [γ-32P]ATP as a substrate. The assay is highly specific due to the chromatographic isolation of PRPP and is very sensitive due to the use of 32P labeling.The chromatographic methods for determination of PRPP pools and of activities of PRPP synthetase have been applied to the analysis of some mutants of Salmonella typhimurium and have provided results that agree well with the results obtained by conventional methods of PRPP analysis.  相似文献   

Several carbocyclic phosphonate analogs of 2′,3′-dideoxyadenosine-5′-monophosphate (ddAMP) were pyrophosphorylated by E. coli 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) synthetase in the presence of PRPP. Structure-activity relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

The activity of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) synthetase (ATP: D-ribose-5-phosphate pyrophosphotransferase, EC is decreased in the erythrocyte in hereditary pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase (P5N) deficiency. Given the increased pyrimidine nucleotide content of the P5N-deficient erythrocyte, we evaluated the effects of prototypic pyrimidine nucleotides on the activity of PRPP synthetase. In normal hemolysate a 1.0 mM combination of cytidine tri-, di- and monophosphate (CTP/CDP/CMP) inhibited PRPP synthetase activity and changed the ribose 5-phosphate (R5P) saturation curve from a hyperbola to a biphasic shape. Untreated crude hemolysate from P5N-deficient erythrocytes showed a biphasic R5P kinetic curve. Since the activity of PRPP synthetase is dependent on its state of subunit aggregation, we examined PRPP synthetase subunit aggregation using gel permeation chromatography. P5N-deficient erythrocytes had a decreased absolute amount of aggregated PRPP synthetase and almost a total loss of disaggregated PRPP synthetase. Using normal hemolysate, 1 mM CTP/CDP/CMP interfered with the ability of 1.0 mM ATP and 2.0 mM MgCl2 to promote PRPP synthetase subunit aggregation. Increasing the MgCl2 to 6.0 mM overcame the inhibitory effect of CTP/CDP/CMP. Thus, the decreased PRPP synthetase activity of the P5N-deficient erythrocyte is due, at least in part, to the ability of the accumulated pyrimidine nucleotides to sequester magnesium and to interfere with the subunit aggregation of PRPP synthetase.  相似文献   

A total of 17 Nudix hydrolases were tested for their ability to hydrolyze 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate (PRPP). All 11 enzymes that were active toward dinucleoside polyphosphates with 4 or more phosphate groups as substrates were also able to hydrolyze PRPP, whereas the 6 that could not and that have coenzyme A, NDP-sugars, or pyridine nucleotides as preferred substrates did not degrade PRPP. The products of hydrolysis were ribose 1,5-bisphosphate and P(i). Active PRPP pyrophosphatases included the diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrolase (DIPP) subfamily of Nudix hydrolases, which also degrade the non-nucleotide diphosphoinositol polyphosphates. K(m) and k(cat) values for PRPP hydrolysis for the Deinococcus radiodurans DR2356 (di)nucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase, the human diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase, and human DIPP-1 (diadenosine hexaphosphate and diphosphoinositol polyphosphate hydrolase) were 1 mm and 1.5 s(-1), 0.13 mm and 0.057 s(-1), and 0.38 mm and 1.0 s(-1), respectively. Active site mutants of the Caenorhabditis elegans diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase had no activity, confirming that the same active site is responsible for nucleotide and PRPP hydrolysis. Comparison of the specificity constants for nucleotide, diphosphoinositol polyphosphate, and PRPP hydrolysis suggests that PRPP is a significant substrate for the D. radiodurans DR2356 enzyme and for the DIPP subfamily. In the latter case, generation of the glycolytic activator ribose 1,5-bisphosphate may be a new function for these enzymes.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that concanavalin A is synthesized as a glycoprotein precursor that is unable to bind to sugars and is processed through six intermediate forms before assembly of the mature active lectin. Since processing involves removal of the N-glycan, four proteolytic steps and a religation, the precise event that leads to carbohydrate binding activity was not known. We have now purified the glycoprotein precursor from microsomal membranes and show that deglycosylation in vitro is sufficient alone to convert the precursor to an active carbohydrate binding protein. This is the first demonstration of a novel role for N-glycans and N-glycanases in the regulation of protein activity.  相似文献   

Pyrroline-5-carboxylase (P5C), a physiological stimulator of hexose-monophosphate-pentose pathway activity, was found before to increase 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) generation and nucleotide synthesis in human erythrocytes and cultured fibroblasts. We now report the stimulation of PRPP generation by P5C also in mouse liver in vivo. In addition we demonstrated a simultaneous elevation in ribose-5-phosphate (R5P) concentration, which was relatively smaller and transient. The demonstrated effect of P5C on liver R5P and PRPP content in vivo provides strong evidence for the physiological role of R5P availability in the regulation of PRPP and purine production.  相似文献   

A photoreactive, radiolabeled pyrimidine nucleotide, 3'-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoylcytidine 5'-triphosphate was synthesized from benzoylbenzoic acid and radiolabeled CTP. Benzoylbenzoyl-[5-3H]CTP could substitute for CTP, in an enzymatic reaction with N-acetylneuraminic acid catalyzed by Escherichia coli or rat liver CMP-NeuAc synthetase, to yield radiolabeled benzoyl-benzoyl-CMP-NeuAc. E. coli CMP-NeuAc synthetase could be specifically radiolabeled using benzoylbenzoyl-[alpha-32P]CTP as a photoaffinity label. This specific covalent binding occurred using enzyme preparations of different degrees of purity. These results suggest that benzoylbenzoic acid derivatives of pyrimidines should be of general use in the identification and active site mapping of pyrimidine-requiring proteins and enzymes. These include glycosyltransferases, sugar nucleotide synthetases, and transporters, and enzymes participating in the conjugation of bile acids and biosynthesis of nucleic acids and choline nucleotides.  相似文献   

1-beta-D-Ribofuranosyl-4-methylthiopyrazolo(3,4-d)pyrimidine (I) has been converted into its 5'-monophosphate (III) by reacting with POCl3 in trialkyl phosphates or by phosphorylating 2',3'-O-ethoxymethylidene derivative of riboside (I) using 2-cyanoethyl phosphate in the presence of DCC and subsequent removal of blocking groups. Condensation of nucleotide (III) imidazolide with pyrophosphoric acid afforded corresponding 5'-triphosphate. Pools of natural NTPs and riboside (I) phosphates were monitored by HPLC after administering riboside (I), phosphate (III), or 4-methylthiopyrazolo(3,4-d)pyrimidine (II) into mice with leukemia L1210 or after incubating CaOv culture cells with these compounds. Treatment with riboside (I) or nucleotide (III) possessing antileukemic and cytotoxic activites led to much higher level of monophosphate (III), than treatment with biologically inactive base (II). ATP and GTP levels in CaOv cells incubated with (I) or (III) decreased by 60-70%, whereas (II) did not affect NTP pool. Bioactivation of nucleoside (I) into monophosphate (III) proceeds via direct phosphorylation by adenosine kinase. No tranformation of (II) into (I) or (III) occurs under these conditions.  相似文献   

The possible relationship of the soluble, “cytosolic” estradiol receptor with complex membranous and cytoskeletal structures of the cell matrix has been studied using a model erythrocyte system. Extraction of erythrocyte ghosts with a nonionic detergent (Triton X-100) under conditions that yield a cytoskeletal matrix reveals the presence of a limited number (less than 100) of specific sites having high affinity (kd 10?9 M) for the estradiol-receptor complex. The interation between the estradiol receptor and the cytoskeleton is critically dependent on temperature and it is improved by 25 mM KCl or NaCl and by 2.5 mM MgCl2. The data suggest that the estradiol receptor, which has been generally considered to be freely “soluble” in the cytoplasm, may actually be physiologically associated in an integral manner with a complex cytoskeletal network in the cell cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The concentration dependence of the chemical shifts of the protons H-2, H-8, H-10, H-11, and H-1' of 1,N6-ethenoadenosine 5'-triphosphate (epsilon-ATP4-) has been measured in D2O at 27 degrees C to elucidate the self-association. The results are consistent with the isodesmic model of indefinite noncooperative stacking; the association constant, K = 1.9 +/- 0.2 M-1, is only slightly larger than the value for ATP4-, K = 1.3 +/- 0.2 M-1. The self-stacking tendency of epsilon-ATP4- is promoted by a factor of about 4 by (1:1) coordination of Mg2+ to the phosphate moieties, which probably links these together and also neutralizes part of the negative charge; Zn2+ is only about half as effective as Mg2+ in promoting the self-association. This result contrasts with the self-stacking properties of Mg(ATP)2- and Zn(ATP)2-, Zn2+ being considerably more effective in a 1:1 ATP system. It is assumed that due to the enhanced affinity of the N-6/N-7 site of the epsilon-adenine moiety towards Zn2+ repulsion of the bases occurs resulting thus in a lower stacking tendency; in addition, the simple isodesmic model is no longer applicable to the Zn(epsilon-ATP)2- system: to explain the experimental data, the formation of an intermolecular metal ion bridge in the dimeric stacks is proposed. The experimental conditions required for studies of the properties of monomeric epsilon-ATP systems are described. Care should be exercised in employing epsilon-ATP as a probe for ATP.  相似文献   

The DNA targets may be labeled and simultaneously amplified in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a pair of respective primers after elongation with nucleoside-5'-triphosphates carrying photoreactive groups. The amplified DNA may be subsequently photoactivated by irradiation above 300 nm, resulting in photo-cross-linking of the strands. For this goal 5-[3-(E)-(4-azido-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzamido)propenyl-1]-, 5-{N-[N'-(4-azido-2,3,5, 6-tetrafluorobenzoyl)-3-aminopropionyl]aminomethyl}-, and 5-{N-[N'-(2-nitro-5-azidobenzoyl)-3-aminopropionyl]aminomethyl}-2'-de oxyuridine-5'-triphosphate (VII, VIa, and VIb) derivatives have been synthesized. It was found that VII is capable of efficiently elongating DNA primers with both Klenow fragment DNA polymerase I and Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase. Thereto, it turned out to provide quantitative incorporation in DNA as revealed by the formation of the full-length amplificate by PCR in the presence of this photoreactive analogue without any dilution with natural dTTP. On the contrary, it was found, that incorporation of VIa and VIb do not permit further DNA replication.  相似文献   

Hyperuricemia is a significant factor in a variety of diseases, including gout and cardiovascular diseases. Although renal excretion largely determines plasma urate concentration, the molecular mechanism of renal urate handling remains elusive. Previously, we identified a major urate reabsorptive transporter, URAT1 (SLC22A12), on the apical side of the renal proximal tubular cells. However, it is not known how urate taken up by URAT1 exits from the tubular cell to the systemic circulation. Here, we report that a sugar transport facilitator family member protein GLUT9 (SLC2A9) functions as an efflux transporter of urate from the tubular cell. GLUT9-expressed Xenopus oocytes mediated saturable urate transport (K(m): 365+/-42 microm). The transport was Na(+)-independent and enhanced at high concentrations of extracellular potassium favoring negative to positive potential direction. Substrate specificity and pyrazinoate sensitivity of GLUT9 was distinct from those of URAT1. The in vivo role of GLUT9 is supported by the fact that a renal hypouricemia patient without any mutations in SLC22A12 was found to have a missense mutation in SLC2A9, which reduced urate transport activity in vitro. Based on these data, we propose a novel model of transcellular urate transport in the kidney; urate [corrected] is taken up via apically located URAT1 and exits the cell via basolaterally located GLUT9, which we suggest be renamed URATv1 (voltage-driven urate transporter 1).  相似文献   

A rapid method of sequentially phosphorylating picomole quantities of [3H]-araC to [3H]araCTP is described (ara = 1-β-d-arabinofuranosyl). The procedure utilizes a system of phosphorylating enzymes isolated from rat spleen and requires a single incubation step. The [3H]araCTP product is isolated by ion-exchange chromatography and analyzed by PEI-cellulose thin-layer chromatography. At low concentrations of [3H]araC as much as 80% can be phosphorylated to the triphosphate, and the produet may be obtained in radiochemical purity greater than 97%.  相似文献   

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