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The primary purpose of this study was to establish a methodology for determining and perhaps predicting (via regression analysis of anthropometric measures) Macaca fascicularis isometric pinch strength for a specific task. The larger purpose of this work was to properly scale a pinching task for the monkeys in order to study dose-response relationships in a non-human primate model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Three female and one male macaque (n = 4) of varying size and age were trained to perform a left-handed pad–pad pinch. The task required 60° of wrist flexion at a static pinching distance of 3 cm between the thumb and fingers. Subjects were trained for a period of 20-weeks. After that time, an analysis of performance gradients found that they had each reached a plateau in their force output. Pinch strength for the four animals ranged from 29.4 to 59.8 N. Regression analysis revealed that body mass (kg) and wrist circumference (cm) were both predictive of pinch strength, exhibiting adjusted R2 values of 0.93 (p = 0.024) and 0.96 (p = 0.015), respectively. Thus, the results suggest that maximal pinch strength could be acceptably estimated in future subjects using either the wrist circumference or the body mass measures, as both were strong predictors of pad–pad pinch strength.  相似文献   

【背景】主要组织相容性复合体(major histocompatibility complex,MHC)的多态性在很大程度上会影响生物医学实验的结果,而且特定的MHC-B等位基因与多种疾病的发展进程密切相关。食蟹猴(Macaca fascicularis,Mafa)是一种开展生物医学研究的重要实验动物,与人类相比,目前尚缺乏对食蟹猴Mafa-B等位基因的综合表征。【目的】获得全面的食蟹猴Mafa-B等位基因信息,鉴定Mafa-B等位基因共表达与进化关系。【方法】基于三代测序获得的食蟹猴MHC-B基因组信息,设计特异性引物扩增33只越南食蟹猴群体中的Mafa-B序列,并结合多种生物信息学方法进行分析。【结果】基于92个Mafa-B等位基因信息,鉴定了65个新的Mafa-B等位基因。其中,8个Mafa-B等位基因与其他地理来源的食蟹猴群体中已报道的序列相同,32个Mafa-B等位基因与其他猕猴物种中已报道的序列相同。此外,鉴定了7个高频Mafa-B谱系和7对共表达的Mafa-B等位基因,并检测到了一个潜在的重组事件。进化分析表明不同地理来源的食蟹猴群体Mafa-B序列具有很高的相似性。【结论】越南食蟹猴群体中共表达的Mafa-B等位基因经历了某些抗原的选择,不同地理来源的食蟹猴群体可能微调其Mafa-B序列以适应病原体的选择压力,本文为食蟹猴MHC遗传背景研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

2013年8至12月,对陕西省米仓山国家级自然保护区境内野生猕猴的种群数量及其社会结构进行调查,并估测该物种栖息环境的偏好性。通过在预先选取的样区域内采用"V"型路线调查法调查,发现该区域生活12群,共有460—500只野生猕猴。结合对其中5个猴群长时间的持续跟踪观察,统计得出成年个体占45.93%,未成年个体占34.45%,幼仔占19.61%,成年与未成年比例为1.33,成年雄雌的比例为0.36。并证实猕猴倾向于选择海拔700—1600m裸露的悬崖峭壁、平缓山坡农田带上缘、灌丛-森林带和半山中部及以上区域的阔叶林带下缘活动。  相似文献   

开展食物组成研究为人们了解灵长类对栖息地的反应提供了很好的途径,对深刻理解动物的行为可塑性及适应性具有重要意义。猕猴属(Macaca)为果食性灵长类,但是不同种类的食性差异很大;即使便同一物种,其不同地理种群也因其栖息环境不同,食物组成存在差异。一般说来,热带地区的种类比生活在较高纬度的种类采食更多的果实。于2012年7—9月,采用瞬时扫描法对广西弄岗自然保护区石山中的两群熊猴(Macaca assamensis)进行了跟踪和观察,对猴群的雨季食物组成及其日时段变化规律进行了研究。结果表明:研究期间熊猴共采食45种植物,其中乔木30种,灌木3种,藤本11种,草本1种。平均每月采食植物22.3种。嫩叶和果实是熊猴的主要食物,分别占食物组成的52.4%和46.1%(其中未成熟果实占21.3%,成熟果实占24.8%)。另外,花占食物组成的0.9%,成熟叶和其它部位分别占0.3%。石山特有植物芸香竹(Bonia saxatilis)的嫩叶提供了43.8%的食物。9种主要植物分别占食物组成的2%,共为猴群提供了85.5%的食物。分析还发现熊猴并不是严格按照环境中的植物生物量来选择食物。嫩叶在弄岗熊猴的食物中的比例高于其他地理种群,而果实低于其他地理种群,这可能与喀斯特石山中果实的丰富度和可利用性较低有关。熊猴一天中不同时间段的食物组成并不相同,主要表现在:熊猴上午时间段对成熟果实和总果实的采食比例高于下午时间段,而嫩叶的采食比例低于下午时间段。另外,不同时间段的食物组成受外界温度的影响,表现为温度与嫩叶的觅食比例成正比,与成熟果实和总果实的觅食比例成反比。这可能与猴群采取的能量平衡策略有关。对熊猴的食物组成的日时段变化规律进行首次报道,研究结果将有助于深入理解熊猴对喀斯特石山生境的适应策略。  相似文献   

I examined dietary selection by Yakushima macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui)in relation to food availability and air temperature. Multiple regression analysis indicates that both food availability and temperature influenced the selection of foods. Feeding on young leaves, seeds, and flowers was affected more by availability, while feeding on fruits, mature leaves, and fallen seeds was affected more by temperature. Feeding on insects is strongly correlated with temperature,perhaps because availability of insects increased with temperature. These results suggest that temperature influences dietary selection of Yakushima macaques by changing the energy expenditure required for thermoregulation and through its influence on the accessibility to insects, which are an important protein source for the monkeys.  相似文献   

于2012~2013年,以样带法、样方法和无样地法相结合,分4次对蟒河国家级自然保护区猕猴栖息地食源植物种类进行了实地调查,并分析了其区系特征。研究发现:(1)蟒河保护区猕猴栖息地内有维管植物659种,隶属102科374属,其中54科126属261种为猕猴的食源植物,占猕猴栖息地植物科、属、种总数的52.94%、33.69%和39.61%;蔷薇科是食源植物中包含种类最多的科,有16属39种,其次为豆科,含11属23种。(2)蟒河保护区内猕猴食源植物区系特征为:食源植物所在科有6个分布型和2个变型,所在属有13个分布型和6个变型;在属的分布类型中,温带性质分布类型的属占优势,有75个,占总属数的66.96%,其中北温带分布类型的属46个,占总属数的41.07%;热带性质分布类型的属有24个,地中海区、中亚、东亚和中国特有分布成分的属共有13个,分别占总属数的21.43%和11.61%,说明蟒河保护区内猕猴食源植物区系为暖温带性质。  相似文献   

We describe short-term changes in foraging behavior by wild Yakushima macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui),which inhabit a warm-temperate broad—leaved forest on Yakushima Island (30°N, 131°E), Japan. Rapid changes of dietary composition, activity budget, and range use by the monkeys occurred from May to June, apparently associated with changes in the availability of the fruit of Myrica rubraBefore the fruit ripened, monkeys spent less time moving and more time feeding on many species of leaves, which accounted for 40% of feeding time. However, when M. rubrabegan to ripen, they fed intensively on the fruit, which accounted for three-fourths of feeding time,though the activity budget remained unaffected As fiuit of M. rubradecreased,the monkeys fed more on the fruit of other species and on insects, and spent more time moving at higher speeds. There marked shifts in foraging pattern occurred within only two months. In terms of moving cost and dietary quality,Yakushima macaques shifted their foraging pattern according to the availability of M. rubrafrom a “low-cost, low-yield” strategy to a “low-cost, high-yield” strategy, and then to a more costly strategy. The ability to make such rapid shifts in foraging pattern may allow the macaques to effectively use the highly variable food supply within their small range.  相似文献   

Rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and long-tailed (M. fascicularis) macaques belong to the same species, and are parapatric within a zone that lies between 15° and 20° N on the Indochinese peninsula. Researchers have reported probable hybrids between the 2 species from that zone, but have not studied the extent of introgression. To test for phenotypic evidence of hybridization, we collected body mass, morphometrics (body size and proportions), and pelage color readings from free-ranging rhesus living close to the zonal boundary at Wat Tham Pa Mak Ho (WTPMH), Wang Saphun district, Loei province, northeastern Thailand (17°14′N, 101°47′E). Female WTPMH rhesus macaques (n =12) were 10–20% smaller, but with a greater relative tail length than the captive Chinese or Indian female rhesus. Female WTPMH were larger than the free-ranging long-tailed macaques, but with similar limb proportions and a shorter relative tail length. The WTPMH rhesus macaques also displayed the bipartite pelage color pattern typical of Macaca mulatta . The evidence suggests slight contribution of long-tailed macaques to the gene pool of the WTPMH population. Further sampling of other macaque populations within the zone and genetic analysis are essential to address better the question of hybridization. Determination of the distribution and range of biobehavioral variation of macaques within the zone is urgently needed, because their habitat is being rapidly destroyed by deforestation, and their demography and social structure are threatened by artificial disturbance.  相似文献   

The relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive success has been a topic of interest since the beginning of primatology. From a theoretical point of view the existence or absence of this relationship has great implications with respect to the meaning of dominance rank and more general of the social relationships between individuals within social groups. Until fairly recently mating behaviour has been used as an indicator of reproductive success, but these two variables need not be correlated. The relations between mating success, reproductive success, and dominance rank indicate whether selective mating is involved (different mating partners at different phases of fertility, for example through male contest or female choice). With the development of genetic techniques to determine reproductive success directly, it has now become possible to investigate these relations. In our study on wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) we find a relatively strong correlation between rank and reproductive success which is attributable to selective mating by the alpha male during fertile periods of the females. In most previous studies no such clear results have been obtained, and we discuss the differences in outcome in relation to the study conditions, group sizes, and possible differences between species in terms of reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Female long-tailed macaques are attracted to infants and frequently groom mothers bearing them. Such grooming often involves the groomer contacting the infant and may be a trade of grooming for infant handling. To identify if grooming and infant handling are directly traded, I collected samples on times after female-to-mother grooming and on interactions in which a female groomed a mother and contacted her infant. I determined that grooming tended to promote an exchange with infant handling and that the supply of available infants was related to how long a female groomed a mother. Grooming interactions were longer when infants were scarce in the surrounding social environment than when they were abundant, indicating a possible supply-and-demand effect. This supports that grooming may be payment for infant handling. Grooming-infant handling interchanges tended to be unidirectional as mothers usually did not reciprocate grooming. Instead, infant contact occurred. A larger proportion of grooming-infant handling interchanges involved younger infants, but infant age did not seem to influence grooming durations. The length of female-to-mother grooming had no observable effect on handling time. Lower-ranked females groomed higher-ranked mothers and their infants longer than vice versa. Moreover, it was possible to predict up-rank grooming via supply and demand better than down-rank grooming. There was no observable influence of kinship on grooming-infant handling interchange. These results support the conclusion that grooming and infant handling may be traded. Grooming promoted infant handling, while supply and rank predicted the grooming payment a female would offer to access an infant.  相似文献   

Summary The seeds in fruits consumed by primates may be chewed and digested, swallowed and defecated intact, or separated from the flesh and spat out. We show by a combination of close field observations and experiments with caged animals, that long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) have a remarkably low threshold of 3–4 mm for swallowing seeds and also that wild macaques rarely break them. The seeds of 69% of the ripe fruit species eaten are spat out intact or cleaned outside the mouth and dropped. Seed-spitting significantly reduces the swallowed food bulk and may lessen the risk of releasing seed toxins during mastication. However, it requires that even small fruits are processed in the mouth one or a few at a time. We suggest that fruit storage in the cheek pouches of cercopithecine monkeys allows them to spit seeds individually without excessively slowing fruit intake while feeding on patchily distributed fruit. In contrast, Apes and New World monkeys apparently swallow and defecate most ripe seeds in their diet and colobine monkeys break and digest them, detoxifying seed defenses by bacterial fermentation.  相似文献   

This is the first report of Y-chromosome introgression between primate species. We sequenced 3.1 Kb of Y-chromosome DNA and 1.5 Kb of mtDNA for 27 macaques of Fooden's (Folia Primatol. [1976] 25: 225–236) fascicularis species group and 5 outgroup taxa (Macaca sylvanus, Papio hamadryas, Theropithecus gelada, Allenopithecus nigroviridis, and Cercopithecus mona). Phylogenies constructed separately for the paternal and maternal data sets show a Y-chromosome paraphyly among lineages of Macacafascicularis, but a mitochondrial monophyly for the same individuals. The Y-chromosome topology depicts Indochinese Macaca fascicularis haplotypes joining with those of M. mulatta, followed by M. cyclopis and M. fuscata, before clustering with a clade of lineages of M. fascicularis from peninsular Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. These contrasting patterns of mitochondrial and Y-chromosome DNA, evaluated in the context of the evolutionary consequences of macaque sex-biased dispersal, present strong evidence for contemporary hybridization between Macaca fascicularis and M. mulatta in Indochina and a biogeographic barrier in the Isthmus of Kra.  相似文献   

Vigna mungo, Vigna radiata and Vigna unguiculata are important legume crops cultivated in India, but little is known about the genetic resources in native rhizobia that nodulate these species. To identify these bacteria, a core collection of 76 slow-growing isolates was built from root nodules of V. mungo, V. radiata and V. unguiculata plants grown at different sites within three agro-ecological-climatic regions of India. The genetic diversity of the bacterial collection was assessed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of PCR-amplified DNA fragments of the 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer (IGS) region, and the symbiotic genes nifH and nodC. One rDNA IGS type grouped 91% of isolates, but more diversity was found at the symbiotic loci (17 symbiotic genotypes). Overall, no host plant specificity was shown, the three host plant species sharing common bradyrhizobial genotypes that represented 62% of the collection. Similarly, the predominant genotypes were found at most sampling sites and in all agro-ecological-climatic regions. Phylogenies inferred from IGS sequencing and multi-locus sequence analysis of the dnaK, glnII and recA genes indicated that all isolates but one were clustered with the Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense species. The nifH phylogeny also grouped the different nif haplotypes within a cluster including B. yuanmingense, except for one infrequent nif haplotype which formed a new lineage within the Bradyrhizobium genus. These results may reflect a long history of co-evolution between B. yuanmingense and Vigna spp. in India, while intra-species polymorphism detected in the symbiotic loci may be linked with the long history of diversification of B. yuanmingense coinciding with that of its host legumes.  相似文献   

In the four species of macaques that constitute the fascicularis-group, relative tail length generally decreases with increasing latitude, in accord with Allen's Rule. Although this generalization applies to Macaca mulatta in the northern part of its range—north of ca. 26°N, it does not apply south of ca. 26°N, where the tail is anomalously short in Macaca mulatta. This suggests that the anomalously short-tailed population of Macaca mulatta did not originate within its present latitudinal range, but instead dispersed there from farther north. The anomalously short-tailed population apparently replaced a now-extinct longer-tailed population, from which founders of insular Macaca cyclopis previously had been derived. Southward dispersal of the anomalously short-tailed population of Macaca mulatta, and correlated extinction of the longer-tailed population that it apparently replaced, may have been induced by a major glacial advance.  相似文献   

In preparing for testing a pharmaceutical grade preparation of chimeric (mouse/human) antibody CGP 47 439 in HIV-1 infected individuals, it was administered toMacaca fascicularis (cynomolgus) monkeys to study tolerability, immunogenicity and pharmacokinetics. Four groups of monkeys, three males and three females per group, received respectively four infusions of 0, 1.43, 4.3, and 14.3 mg of CGP 47 4391 kg body weight at one-week intervals. The chimeric antibody induced no fever, was tolerated well throughout the 50-day observation period, elicited no tissue damage and no anti-antibody response. The pharmacokinetic profile was similar at all dose levels with a mean T1/2 of 14.2 h (range 11.8–19.3 h) and a mean T1/2 of 172.6h (range 137.2–220.5h). Following four successive antibody infusions serum concentrations of CGP 47 439 increased without reaching a steady state, and its measured concentrations were comparable to the simulated values. Collectively the study has provided safety and pharmacokinetic data that would allow human studies with this antibody in AIDS patients.  相似文献   

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