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A long‐standing question in biology and economics is whether individual organisms evolve to behave as if they were striving to maximize some goal function. We here formalize this “as if” question in a patch‐structured population in which individuals obtain material payoffs from (perhaps very complex multimove) social interactions. These material payoffs determine personal fitness and, ultimately, invasion fitness. We ask whether individuals in uninvadable population states will appear to be maximizing conventional goal functions (with population‐structure coefficients exogenous to the individual's behavior), when what is really being maximized is invasion fitness at the genetic level. We reach two broad conclusions. First, no simple and general individual‐centered goal function emerges from the analysis. This stems from the fact that invasion fitness is a gene‐centered multigenerational measure of evolutionary success. Second, when selection is weak, all multigenerational effects of selection can be summarized in a neutral type‐distribution quantifying identity‐by‐descent between individuals within patches. Individuals then behave as if they were striving to maximize a weighted sum of material payoffs (own and others). At an uninvadable state it is as if individuals would freely choose their actions and play a Nash equilibrium of a game with a goal function that combines self‐interest (own material payoff), group interest (group material payoff if everyone does the same), and local rivalry (material payoff differences).  相似文献   

Neutral theory in ecology is aimed at describing communities where species coexist due to similarities rather than the classically posited niche differences. It assumes that all individuals, regardless of species identity, are demographically equivalent. However, Hubbell suggested that neutral theory may describe even niche communities because tradeoffs equalize fitness across species which differ in their traits. In fact, tradeoffs can involve stabilization as well as fitness equalization, and stabilization involves different dynamics and can lead to different community patterns than neutral theory. Yet the important question remains if neutral theory provides a robust picture of all fitness-equalized communities, of which communities with demographic equivalence are one special case. Here, I examine Hubbell’s suggestion for a purely fitness-equalizing interspecific birth–death tradeoff, expanding neutral theory to a theory describing this broader class of fitness-equalized communities. In particular, I use a flexible framework allowing examination of the influence of speciation dynamics. I find that the scaling of speciation rates with birth and death rates, which is poorly known, has large impacts on community structure. In most cases, the departure from the predictions of current neutral models is substantial. This work suggests that demographic and speciation complexities present a challenge to the future development and use of neutral theory in ecology as null model. The framework presented here will provide a starting point for meeting that challenge, and may also be useful in the development of stochastic niche models with speciation dynamics.  相似文献   

ProjectSerum samples may not be appropriate to assess lead (Pb) concentrations because they may contain artificially higher Pb concentrations compared with those measured in plasma samples. Here, we compared Pb concentrations in serum versus heparin plasma separated from blood collected with or without vacuum. We have also examined the effects of sample standing time on Pb concentrations measured in serum, heparin plasma, and EDTA plasma.ProcedureWe studied plasma and serum samples from twelve healthy subjects. Blood samples were collected via venous drainage phlebotomy with and without vacuum into trace metal free tubes containing no anticoagulants (serum), or lithium heparin, or EDTA (to obtain plasma). Variable sample standing times (0, 5, and 30 min) prior to centrifugation were allowed. Plasma and serum Pb and iron concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Plasma and serum cell-free hemoglobin concentrations were measured.ResultsPb concentrations in serum and in heparin plasma from blood samples collected with or without vacuum were similar and not associated with significant changes in iron or hemoglobin concentrations. The sample standing time (up to 30 min) did not affect Pb concentrations in serum or in heparin plasma, which were approximately 50% lower than those found in EDTA plasma.ConclusionsSerum or heparin plasma separated from blood samples collected via venous phlebotomy with or without vacuum are appropriate medium to assess Pb concentrations, independently of the sample standing time.  相似文献   

Aggregation during dispersal can allow persistence of weak competitors, by creating conditions where stronger competitors are more likely to interact with conspecifics than with heterospecifics. However, aggregation mechanisms operate over a wide range of spatial scales, and species experience space in very different ways. The net effect of dispersal aggregation on coexistence will depend on how these scales interact. We show that it is possible to approximate the effects of aggregated dispersal on coexistence by considering three empirically measurable parameters: the spatial scale of interaction (how strongly competition drops off with distance), the spatial scale of aggregation (how large propagule packets are), and the temporal scale of aggregation (how frequently packets arrive). We use a novel metacommunity moment closure based on this approximation and stochastic simulations to show that aggregated dispersal allows for coexistence only when the stronger competitor is both aggregated and interacts at the same or a smaller spatial scale than the weaker competitor. When species interact and are aggregated at the same scales, coexistence outcomes are only weakly sensitive to the absolute scales of interaction and aggregation, as long as the scale of interaction is smaller than the scale of aggregation. However, coexistence is sensitive to the time‐scale of aggregation: increasing the frequency of packet arrival substantially reduces the region of fitness inequalities where both species persist. Finally, coexistence is less likely and global extinction of both competitors is more frequent when aggregation is fixed (with a constant number of propagules per packet), compared to density‐dependent (number of propagules increases with adult density).  相似文献   

Desensitization of the µ-opioid receptor (MOR) has been implicated as an important regulatory process in the development of tolerance to opiates. Monitoring the release of intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i), we reported that [D-Ala2, N-Me-Phe4, Gly5-ol]-enkephalin (DAMGO)-induced receptor desensitization requires receptor phosphorylation and recruitment of β-arrestins (βArrs), while morphine-induced receptor desensitization does not. In current studies, we established that morphine-induced MOR desensitization is protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent. By using RNA interference techniques and subtype specific inhibitors, PKCε was shown to be the PKC subtype activated by morphine and the subtype responsible for morphine-induced desensitization. In contrast, DAMGO did not increase PKCε activity and DAMGO-induced MOR desensitization was not affected by modulating PKCε activity. Among the various proteins within the receptor signaling complex, Gαi2 was phosphorylated by morphine-activated PKCε. Moreover, mutating three putative PKC phosphorylation sites, Ser44, Ser144 and Ser302 on Gαi2 to Ala attenuated morphine-induced, but not DAMGO-induced desensitization. In addition, pretreatment with morphine desensitized cannabinoid receptor CB1 agonist WIN 55212-2-induced [Ca2+]i release, and this desensitization could be reversed by pretreating the cells with PKCε inhibitor or overexpressing Gαi2 with the putative PKC phosphorylation sites mutated. Thus, depending on the agonist, activation of MOR could lead to heterologous desensitization and probable crosstalk between MOR and other Gαi-coupled receptors, such as the CB1.  相似文献   

The stability of models of age-dependent predation in continuous time with predators exhibiting a functional response are analyzed. A number of new features of biological importance emerge that are not present in simpler models. These include limits to the length of juvenile periods (both upper and lower) for stability, and the possibility that increases or decreases in any of the model parameters can be stabilizing or destabilizing. Hence, increased delays are not necessarily destabilizing. The variance in the length of the juvenile period is shown to be an important factor determining stability. Additionally, the relative stability of predation only on juveniles or only on adults is compared.  相似文献   

Accumulation of lead in root cells of Pisum sativum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ever-increasing environmental pollution necessitates organisms to develop specific defense systems in order to survive and function effectively. Lead is taken up by plants mainly through roots and over 96% are accumulated there.Pea plants were cultivated hydroponically for 4 days with 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mM Pb(NO3)2. Uptake of lead ions from nutrient solution and accumulation in root stems and leaves during 96-h cultivation was estimated. The root tip cells were observed with transmission electron microscope to analyse their ultrastructure and lead localization. Pb was accumulated in the cell wall, cell membrane, vacuoles, mitochondria and peroxisomes. The fractions of mitochondria and peroxisomes were isolated from pea roots purified by means Percoll gradient, and were observed by means of electron microscope with the attachment for X-ray microanalysis. Visible deposits containing Pb were observed in both cell organelles.  相似文献   

Background: In the Middle East region, consanguinity remains to be a central feature where it has shown an increasing trend. Breast cancer is an extremely complex disease, characterized by a progressive multistep process caused by interactions of both environmental and genetic factors. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the possible effect of consanguinity on the risk of breast cancer in a population with a high rate of consanguinity and find the associated risk-modifying factors. Subjects and methods: The study included 167 Qatari and other Arab expatriates women with breast cancer and 341 age and ethnicity matched control women. A questionnaire that included the socio-demographic information, type of consanguinity, medical history, life style habits, dietary intake and tumor grade was designed to collect, the information of cases and controls. A total number of 214 breast cancer patients were approached and 167 cases completed the questionnaires with a response rate of 78%. Of the 417 healthy women who agreed to participate in this study, 341 responded to the questionnaire (81.8%). Results: The study revealed that the rate of parental consanguinity was lower in breast cancer patients (24%) than in controls (32.3%) (p = 0.062). Female controls were slightly younger (46.5 ± 11.9) than breast cancer patients (48.4 ± 10.7). Breast cancer incidence was significantly higher in Qatari women (34.1%) compared to other Arab women (65.9%) (p = 0.034). A significant difference was noted only in occupation of the studied women between cases and controls (p < 0.001). Overweight (46.7%) and obesity (32.9%) were significantly higher in female breast cancer patients compared to controls (p = 0.028). Overall, the mean coefficient of consanguinity was lower in breast cancer patients (0.014) than in controls (0.018) (p = 0.0125). Family history of breast cancer was significantly more often in breast cancer patients (14.4%) than in controls (6.2%) (p = 0.002). However, the family history of breast cancer was more often positive in cases of non-consanguineous parents (15.7%) than cases of consanguineous parents (10.0%). Conclusion: The present study revealed the lack of association between of breast cancer and the parental consanguinity in Arab women residing in Qatar. The family history of breast cancer and the body mass index (BMI) are highly associated with breast cancer.  相似文献   

Does male-biased predation lead to male scarcity in viviparous fish?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male predation risk due to ornaments seldom reduces female mating opportunities because males escape costs through alternative mating strategies and/or females cease to select for highly ornamented males. Males of the Amarillo fish Girardinichthys multiradiatus (Goodeidae) have large sexually selected fins that impair attack-avoidance manoeuvres. This fish was used to seek evidence that intersexual selection for handicapping traits can result in a deficit of acceptable mating partners. Also it was examined whether, under male scarcity, females remain choosy to the point of missing mating opportunities, and that they can exert effective control over matings, which is a pre-condition of effective female choice. It was found that snakes prey disproportionately on males, that it leads to female-biased sex ratios, and that highly ornamented males are more scarce after predation than males with small ornaments. Females can avoid being fertilized by unattractive males, and that missing one reproductive period can lead to infertility. Thus it appears that females have promoted the exaggeration of a male trait that increases predation risk, remain choosy even when acceptable males are scarce, and pay a large cost when missing mating opportunities. A prediction from these results is that females enjoy substantial fitness benefits from mating with highly ornamented males, which override the occasional fatal costs of refusing to mate with sub–optimal males. One potential consequence of female selectivity and control over matings when males are scarce may be a reduced capability to colonize new habitats.  相似文献   

Moderate rates of herbivory can enhance primary production. This hypothesis has led to a controversy as to whether such positive effects can result in mutualistic interactions between plants and herbivores. We present a model for the ecology and evolution of plant-herbivore systems to address this question. In this model, herbivores have a positive indirect effect on plants through recycling of a limiting nutrient. Plants can evolve but are constrained by a trade-off between growth and antiherbivore defense. Although evolution generally does not lead to optimal plant performance, our evolutionary analysis shows that, under certain conditions, the plant-herbivore interaction can be considered mutualistic. This requires in particular that herbivores efficiently recycle nutrients and that plant reproduction be positively correlated with primary production. We emphasize that two different definitions of mutualism need to be distinguished. A first ecological definition of mutualism is based on the short-term response of plants to herbivore removal, whereas a second evolutionary definition rests on the long-term response of plants to herbivore removal, allowing plants to adapt to the absence of herbivores. The conditions for an evolutionary mutualism are more stringent than those for an ecological mutualism. A particularly counterintuitive result is that higher herbivore recycling efficiency results both in increased plant benefits and in the evolution of increased plant defense. Thus, antagonistic evolution occurs within a mutualistic interaction.  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating that elderly individuals are more susceptible to infection with organisms to which they were previously immune. This indicates that there might be a limit to the persistence of immune memory. This fact is particularly disturbing because the average life expectancy of humans has almost doubled in the past 200 years and is still increasing. We discuss mechanisms that might constrain the persistence of memory T cells and consider whether humans will suffer from memory T-cell exhaustion as life expectancy increases.  相似文献   

The Eastern North American monarch butterfly population has severely declined over the past decade. The decreasing availability of larval host plants (milkweeds) due to the use of herbicide-tolerant crops has been implicated in this decline. Roadsides could provide additional habitat for monarchs. In this study we document the occurrence of milkweed and monarchs on roadsides, and discuss whether roadsides are appropriate targets for monarch habitat restoration. We sampled roadside rights-of-way in the Upper Midwestern U.S. during the summer of 2015 to estimate the abundance, distribution, and diversity of milkweeds and the extent to which monarchs use these milkweeds. We then compared monarch densities in roadsides to other habitat types and modelled immature monarch densities based on several site characteristics. Our findings suggest that roadsides have conservation potential for monarchs, especially when other habitat is scarce and if wildlife-friendly management practices are enacted. Milkweeds were found on ~60% of roadside transects. Asclepias syriaca was the most common of the seven species encountered, occurring on 97% of transects with milkweed. Immature monarchs were observed in roadsides, but in lower densities than other habitats during the same time period. At lower milkweed densities, immature monarch density per unit area is positively correlated with milkweed density. However, milkweed density weakens as a predictor of immature monarch density over ~0.6 plants per m2, possibly indicating a saturation effect.  相似文献   

This paper develops a set of simplified dynamical models with which to explore the conditions under which division of labor leads to optimized system output, as measured by the rate of production of a given product. We consider two models: in the first model, we consider the flow of some resource into a compartment, and the conversion of this resource into some product. In the second model, we consider the growth of autoreplicating systems. In this case, we divide the replication and metabolic tasks among different agents. The general features that emerge from our models is that division of labor is favored when the resource to agent ratio is at intermediate values, and when the time cost associated with transporting intermediate products is small compared to characteristic process times. The results of our model are consistent with the behavior of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discodeum, which switches from a single-celled to a multi-celled state when resources become limited. We also argue that division of labor in the context of our replication model suggests an evolutionary basis for the emergence of the stem-cell-based tissue architecture in complex organisms. Finally, the results of this paper may be useful for understanding how, in an economic context, firm productivity is maximized at intermediate firm sizes.  相似文献   

Can antioxidants be beneficial in the treatment of lead poisoning?   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Recent studies have shown that lead causes oxidative stress by inducing the generation of reactive oxygen species, reducing the antioxidant defense system of cells via depleting glutathione, inhibiting sulfhydryl-dependent enzymes, interfering with some essential metals needed for antioxidant enzyme activities, and/or increasing susceptibility of cells to oxidative attack by altering the membrane integrity and fatty acid composition. Consequently, it is plausible that impaired oxidant/antioxidant balance can be partially responsible for the toxic effects of lead. Where enhanced oxidative stress contributes to lead-induced toxicity, restoration of a cell's antioxidant capacity appears to provide a partial remedy. Several studies are underway to determine the effect of antioxidant supplementation following lead exposure. Data suggest that antioxidants may play an important role in abating some hazards of lead. To explain the importance of using antioxidants in treating lead poisoning the following topics are addressed: (i) Oxidative damage caused by lead poisoning; (ii) conventional treatment of lead poisoning and its side effects; and (iii) possible protective effects of antioxidants in lead toxicity.  相似文献   

A series of new cyanopyridine–triazine hybrids were designed, synthesized and screened as multitargeted anti-Alzheimer’s agents. These molecules were designed while using computational techniques and were synthesized via a feasible concurrent synthetic route. Inhibition potencies of synthetic compounds 4a4h against cholinesterases, Aβ1–42 disaggregation, oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, and neuroprotection against Aβ1–42-induced toxicity of the synthesized compounds were evaluated. Compounds 4d and 4h showed promising inhibitory activity on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with IC50 values 0.059 and 0.080 μM, respectively, along with good inhibition selectivity against AChE over butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). Molecular modelling studies revealed that these compounds interacted simultaneously with the catalytic active site (CAS) and the peripheral anionic site (PAS) of AChE. The mixed type inhibition of compound 4d further confirmed their dual binding nature in kinetic studies. Furthermore, the results from neuroprotection studies of most potent compounds 4d and 4h indicate that these derivatives can reduce neuronal death induced by H2O2-mediated oxidative stress and Aβ1–42 induced cytotoxicity. In addition, in silico analysis of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) profile of best compounds 4d and 4h revealed that they have drug like properties. Overall, these cyanopyridine–triazine hybrids can be considered as a candidate with potential impact for further pharmacological development in Alzheimer’s therapy.  相似文献   

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