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H. U. Koop 《Protoplasma》1981,109(1-2):143-157
Summary A compilation of characteristics of the two different systems of intracellular transport inAcetabularia (Koop andKiermayer 1980 a and b) is given.The presence of microfilaments-presumably F-actin-in the cytoplasm ofAcetabularia is demonstrated by electron microscopy.The evidence for an involvement of microtubules in streaming is strengthened by the induction of birefringent vinblastine crystals in the stalk of vegetative cells.Isolated portions of cytoplasm formin vitro more than 100 m long filopodium-like processes, which are highly birefringent. The processes show intensive immunofluorescent staining with both, anti-actin and anti-tubulin as a primary antibody.A perfusion buffer is presented, which after replacing the vacuolar sap does not lead to a change in cytoplasmic morphology or streaming pattern and velocities.  相似文献   

Summary Cross sections and cross tangential sections of 1 to 3-day-old cysts (gametangia) ofAcetabularia mediterranea were examined by electron microscopy. In a defined zone of the peripheral cytoplasm of the cysts, where the lid is to be formed, a characteristic circular band-like structure, the putative lid forming apparatus, can be identified. In 1 -day-old cysts this structure is characterized by two electron dense amorphous layers close and parallel to the plasma membrane. In 3-day-old cysts the lower layer consists of rod-like structures. The position of the circular band-like lid forming apparatus is correlated to the position of the cyst organizing secondary nucleus which occupies a non central position. Usually the center of the lid forming apparatus lies on the shortest line between the secondary nucleus and the cyst wall. This suggests that the cyst organizing secondary nucleus plays an important role in the formation of the cyst lid.  相似文献   

Summary Cysts of the green algaAcetabularia develop a unique lid structure to enable the release of gametes. This lid is separated from the rest of the thick cellulose cell wall by a circular fault line formed within the fibrillar texture of the wall. By immunofluorescence microscopy, we show that, prior to the first division of the single cyst nucleus, the radially symmetrical, perinuclear microtubule system which is a remnant carried over from previous developmental stages of cyst morphogenesis transforms into a circular microtubule band (CMB) around the nucleus. This band consisting of only a few bundled microtubules beneath the plasma membrane encircles the cyst nucleus at a distance of 75 to 100m. In a previous fine structural study, a lid-forming apparatus (LFA) was described as a circular band of rod-like structures in the plane of the plasma membrane, demarcating the contour of the future lid. Both the CMB and the LFA are superimposed on the rim of the lid. We therefore propose that the microtubule band is a component of the LFA identical with the rod-like structures. Formation of the CMB and, hence, lid formation are blocked by the microtubule-specific herbicide Oryzalin but not by the actin filament-disrupting inhibitor cytochalasin D. Upon recovery from Oryzalin treatment, the nuclei but not the prospective sites of the CMBs serve as nucleation centers, indicating that the CMB is not formed by a pre-existing template in the plasma membrane. This suggests that the dynamic behavior of the microtubules within the perinuclear microtubule cytoskeleton gives rise to the CMB. Since the stage of CMB assembly marks the beginning of cell wall formation, it is proposed that the CMB determines the position of the lid by spatially controlling cell wall deposition. On the basis of current hypotheses, two scenarios for the role of the LFA/CMB in lid formation are discussed.Abbreviations CMB circular microtubule band - EGTA ethylene glycol bis-(-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - LFA lid-forming-apparatus - MAP microtubule-associated protein - MT microtubule - MTOC microtubuleorganizing center Dedicated to the memory of Professor Oswald Kiermayer  相似文献   

Various methods have been used to study cytoplasmic streaming in giant algal cells during the past three decades. Simple techniques can be used with characean internodal cells to modify the cell constitution in various ways to gain insight into the mechanism of cytoplasmic streaming. Another method involves isolatingin vitro a huge drop of uninjured endoplasm, to examine its physical and dynamic properties. The motive force responsible for streaming has been measured by three different techniques with similar results. Subcortical fibrils consisting of bundles of F-actin with the same polarity are indispensable for streaming. Differential treatment of the endoplasm and ectoplasm has shown that putative characean myosin is localized in the endoplasm. Studies of the roles of ATP, Mg2+, Ca2+, H+ etc. in the streaming have been conducted by cellular perfusion, which allows removal of the tonoplast, or by techniques permeabilizing the protoplasmic membrane. A slow version of the movement can even be artificially reproduced by combining characean actinin situ and exogenous myosin in the presence of Mg-ATP. The findings thus far obtained support the hypothesis that cytoplasmic streaming in characean cells is caused by an active shearing force produced by interaction of the actin filament bundles on the cortex with myosin in the endoplasm.  相似文献   

In young Acetabularia mediterranea Lamouroux (=A. acetabulum (L.) Silva) the formation of the lateral hair whorls can be induced by a short pulse of blue light after continuous red preillumination. In this paper we describe the experimental conditions for optimum response and the properties of the action spectrum. The probit of the cells which eventually form hair whorls is linearly correlated to the logarithm of the incident quanta of blue light. Parallel fluence-response curves for all wavelengths indicate the involvement of only one photoreceptor pigment. The action spectrum shows no effectiveness of wavelengths above 520 nm, a high action peak at 470 nm and two lower ones at 425 and 370 nm, and is in accordance with those of cryptochrome-like photoreceptors.  相似文献   

A. Lüttke  S. Bonotto 《Planta》1982,155(2):97-104
Cells of Acetabularia mediterranea were irradiated with increasing doses of X-rays (64.5–258·10-4 kC kg-1). The cells are radioresistant up to 193.5·10-4 kC kg-1 in terms of growth and progression through he life cycle but the morphogenesis of whorls, caps, and cysts is accompanied by morphological alterations. Microscopical examination of cyst bearing caps in irradiated cells has shown the presence of giant cysts neighboring particularly small ones. Photographic recording of cyst development showed that the multinucleate cap cytoplasm partitions into multinucleate portions rather than uninucleate ones as in the control cells. After complete cleavage a cyst wall is deposited onto the multinucleate cytoplasm. In contrast to uninucleate cysts with one lid the wall contains multiple lids. Their number appears to correspond to the number of nuclei in the cytoplasm compartment during cleavage. The results indicate that X-rays preferentially inhibit the synthesis of a factor which plays a role in establishing the normal spatial morphogenetic pattern necessary for cyst formation.  相似文献   

After a pre-treatment with red light, hair formation at the growing tip of the siphonaceous green alga Acetabularia mediterranea Lamour. (= A. acetabulum (L.) Silva) can be induced by a pulse of blue light. Red light is needed again after the inductive blue-light pulse if the new whorl of hairs is to develop within the next 24 h. In order to investigate the role of this red light, the duration of the red irradiation was varied and combined with periods of darkness. The response of hair-whorl formation was dependent on the total amount of red light, regardless of whether the red irradiation followed the blue pulse immediately or was separated from it by a period of darkness. Furthermore, periods of exposure to the photosynthesis inhibitor 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-1dimethylurea had a similar effect to darkness. Both observations indicate that this red irradiation acts as a light source for photosynthesis. Whether or not the red light had an additional effect via phytochrome was tested in another type of experiment. The dependence of hair-whorl formation on red-light irradiance in the presence of simultaneous far-red irradiation was determined for the pre-irradiation period as well as for the irradiation period after the blue pulse. In both experiments, far-red light caused a small promotion of hair-whorl formation when low irradiances of red light were used. However, these differences were attributable to a low level of photosynthetic activity (which in fact was measurable) caused by red light reflected in the growth chamber. Furthermore, lowering the proportion of active phytochrome by far-red light would be expected to suppress hair-whorl formation. The influence of far-red light was also tested in a strain of Acetabularia mediterranea that developed hair whorls in about 20% of cells even when kept in complete darkness after the blue-light pulse. Far-red irradiation had no effect. These results strongly indicate that phytochrome is not involved in hair-whorl formation. Rather it is concluded that the effects of red light are caused by photosynthesis.Abbreviation DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  相似文献   

A. Lüttke  S. Bonotto 《Planta》1981,153(6):536-542
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) distribution in the giant unicellular, uninucleate alga Acetabularia mediterranea was analyzed with the DNA-specific fluorochrome 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) at various stages of the cell cycle. The number of chloroplasts exhibiting DNA/DAPI fluorescence changes during the cell's developmental cycle: (1) all chloroplasts in germlings contain DNA; (2) the number of plastids with DNA declines during polar growth of the vegetative cell; (3) it increases again prior to the transition from the vegetative to the generative phase; (4) several nucleoids of low fluorescence intensity are present in the chloroplasts of the gametes. The temporal distribution of the number of chloroplasts with DNA appears to be linked to the different mode of chloroplast division and growth during the various stages of development. The chloroplast cycle in relation to the cell cycle is discussed.Abbreviations cpDNA chloroplast DNA - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole  相似文献   

Laser-velocimetry was applied in order to study the effect of light on the velocity of protoplasmic streaming (pps) in Characean cells. A change from dark to light (= 6 W · m–2) leads to an acceleration of streaming by about 15–30% with a time-constant of approx. 300 s. The transition from light to dark causes a transient decrease of velocity below the original dark level. This response occurs with a time constant of about 500 s. It returns to its initial value with a time-constant of about 2000 s. This may indicate that a control loop of cytosolic homeostasis takes a decrease in pCa more seriously than an increase. A possible involvement of temperature effects caused by illumination was excluded by measuring the influence of temperature. Steady-state velocity of streaming changed by 5% per 1° C. Irradiation with infra-red light ( > 780 nm) did not cause a change in velocity. The absence of a light effect on streaming velocity in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) shows that photosynthesis and not phytochrome is involved. The role of light-induced changes of pCa is discussed, especially with respect to the hypothesis of Vanselow and Hansen (1989, J. Membr. Biol. 110, 175–187) that photosynthesis acts on the plasmalemma K+-channel via light-induced uptake of Ca2+ into the chloroplasts.Abbreviations and Symbols ASF auto structure function - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - pps protoplasmic streaming - L, D, C time-constants of the light and dark responses, and of a putative Ca-control system Financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged. The first author was granted a scholarship by the state of Schleswig-Holstein. We are indebted to Prof. Dr. G. Pfister for technical advice and helpful discussions and to Mrs. E. Götting for drawing the figures.  相似文献   

P. Bachmann  K. Zetsche 《Planta》1979,145(4):331-337
The synthesis of cell wall mannan and the activities of guanosine-diphosphate-mannose-pyrophosphorylase (EC2.7.7.13) and mannan synthetase were studied during the development of nucleate and enucleated cells of the alga Acetabularia mediterranea. The activities of both enzymes are relatively high as long as the cells grow and synthesize mannans. With termination of growth and mannan synthesis, the activities of both enzymes, but especially of mannan synthetase, drop to a low value. Furthermore, the activities of both enzymes are distributed in the cell along an apical-basal gradient. High activities are present in the apical regions of the cell where growth and mannan synthesis mainly occur, whereas in the basal region, growth, mannan synthesis and the activity of the two enzymes are slight. Since the in vitro activity of GDP-Man-pyr is at least 100 times higher than that of mannan synthetase, it was concluded that mannan synthetase activity is the limiting factor in mannan synthesis. This conclusion is supported by the determined pool sizes of Fru 6-P, Man 6-P, Man 1-P and GDP-Man during the development of the cells. The control of mannan synthesis and with it cell wall formation and growth through the regulation of mannan synthetase activity is discussed.Abbreviations DD dark-dark regime - Fru 6-P fructose-6-phosphate - GDP-Man guanosine-diphosphate-mannose - GDP-Manpyr GDP-diphosphate-mannose-pyrophosphorylase - GTP guanosine-triphosphate - LD light-dark regime - Man 1-P mannose-1-phosphate - Man 6-P mannose-6-phosphate - TCA trichloracetic acid  相似文献   

T. Shimmen  M. Tazawa 《Protoplasma》1982,112(1-2):101-106
Summary The plasmalemma ofNitella internode was made freely permeable to solutes by treating the cell with detergent and EGTA under plasmolysis. After the treatment, the cytoplasmic streaming was stopped by bathing the cell in a medium lacking ATP. The streaming was reactivated by perfusing the exterior of the permeabilized cell with a medium containing both Mg2+ and ATP. The reactivated streaming could be reversibly stopped by depletion of ATP. However, depletion of Mg2+ irreversibly inhibited the streaming.Cytochalasin B at 5 g/ml irreversibly inhibited the reactivated streaming within a minute, showing that microfilaments are involved in the streaming.Abbreviations ATP adenosine-5-triphosphoric acid - CB cytochalasin B - CyDTA cyclohexanediamine-N,N-tetraacetic acid - DMSO dimethylsulfooxide - DTT dithiothreitol - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis(-aminoethylether)-N,N tetraacetic acid - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid) - PMSF phenylmethyl-sulfonylfluoride  相似文献   

Summary Whorls of sterile hairs inA. mediterranea show, at the moment of first appearance of hair initials, a spacing independent of number of hairs in the whorl but dependent on temperature. By changing the temperature at various times before appearance of hair initials, the pattern-forming event can be located at about 3–4 hours before initials become visible.The temperature dependence of spacing is like that of a chemical rate parameter: In (spacing)versus 1/T is linear. This suggests that the spacing is controlled by kinetic rather than structural factors, and correlates well with reaction-diffusion theory.Mathematical analysis and computer simulation have been used to show that the observed sequence of tip-flattening followed by whorl initiation can be interpreted in terms of published models for generation of dissipative structures by reaction and diffusion, and that at least two sequential processes must occur, the first of which shifts growth activity from extremity to circumference of the growing tip, permitting the second to operate around the circumference.Submitted to workshop on Morphogenesis inAcetabularia, Berlin (West), September 1980.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of organelle movement during progression of the cell cycle in single-celled protonemata of the fernAdiantum capillus-veneris is determined microscopically with a time-lapse video system. Under red light organelle movement is very slow (1.8 m/min) in early G1 in the apical 100-m region. The rate of organelle movement becomes higher in proportion to distance from the nuclear region, reaching a plateau in the neighborhood of 300 m from the tip. Organelle movement during the progression of G1 and S phases in the dark does not show a significant difference from that in early G1 under red light. In M phase, however, organelle movement in the nuclear region slows down a few minutes after nucleolar disappearance and then stops until the beginning of cell plate formation. Organelle movement in the basal region of the protonema slows down, but does not stop, shortly after movement in the nuclear region has ceased. This indicates that a message is sent from the nuclear region to the basal region.  相似文献   

After a prolonged period of red light the formation of a new whorl of lateral hairs can be induced inAcetabularia mediterranea Lamouroux (=A. acetabulum (L.) Silva) by a pulse of blue light. It has previously been shown that the response to blue light obeys the law of reciprocity. In this paper we demonstrate that the responses to blue light are additive only within 10 min after the onset of blue-light treatment, since the responsiveness of the cells is also affected by blue light. One hour after a short blue-light pulse the response to a second blue-light pulse has come to a minimum. After that, the responsiveness is restored in a refractory period of several hours. The fluenceresponse curves for hair-whorl formation at the time of minimum responsiveness are shifted parallel to the original fluence-response curves without preirradiation. Again, the law of reciprocity applies. This indicates an increased light requirement only for the same degree of hair-formation response. The sensitivity to blue light of the reduction of responsiveness response is higher by a factor of about 50 than the induction of hairformation response.  相似文献   

W. Herth  B. Heck  H. U. Koop 《Protoplasma》1981,109(3-4):257-269
Summary Ultrastructural investigation of the flagellar root system ofAcetabularia gametes reveals one type of organization for both male and female gametes. There is a modified cruciate system with four microtubular bands X-2-X-2, with X=4. A prominent distal striated fiber and a small proximal striated fiber connect the flagellar bases. A striated root fiber type I underlies the microtubular root type II, and a short striated root fiber type I underlies the microtubular root type I (terminology ofMelkonian 1980 b). This specific root system has some details in common with theChlamydomonas type, and others with theUlvaphyceae and the siphonalean algaeDerbesia andBryopsis. This might indicate the phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

The plasmodium of the true slime mold Physarum polycephalum is a large amoeboid organism that displays “smart” behavior such as chemotaxis and the ability to solve mazes and geometrical puzzles. These amoeboid behaviors are based on the dynamics of the viscoelastic protoplasm and its biochemical rhythms. By incorporating both these aspects, we constructed a mathematical model for the dynamics of the organism as a first step towards understanding the relation between protoplasmic movement and its unusual abilities. We tested the validity of the model by comparing it with physiological observation. Our model reproduces fundamental characteristics of the spatio-temporal pattern of the rhythmic movement: (1) the antiphase oscillation between frontal tip and rear when the front is freely extending; (2) the asynchronous oscillation pattern when the front is not freely extending; and (3) the formation of protoplasmic mounds over a longer time scale. Both our model and physiological observation suggest that cell stiffness plays a primary role in plasmodial behaviors, in contrast to the conventional theory of coupled oscillator systems.  相似文献   

Berger  S.  Menzel  D.  Traub  P. 《Protoplasma》1994,178(3-4):119-128
Protoplasma - Giant primary nuclei of the unicellular green algaAcetabularia contain 40 small lampbrush chromosomes which have proved difficult to visualize in the light microscope in vivo by...  相似文献   

Summary Gravity induces a polarity of cytoplasmic streaming in vertically-oriented internodal cells of characean algae. The motive force that powers cytoplasmic streaming is generated at the ectoplasmic/endoplasmic interface. The velocity of streaming, which is about 100 m/s at this interface, decreases with distance from the interface on either side of the cell to 0 m/s near the middle. Therefore, when discussing streaming velocity it is necessary to specify the tangential plane through the cell in which streaming is being measured. This is easily done with a moderate resolution light microscope (which has a lateral resolution of 0.6 m and a depth of field of 1.4 m), but is obscured when using any low resolution technique, such as low magnification light microscopy or laser Doppler spectroscopy. In addition, the effect of gravity on the polarity of cytoplasmic streaming declines with increasing physiological age of isolated cells. Using a classical mechanical analysis, we show that the effect of gravity on the polarity of cytoplasmic streaming cannot result from the effect of gravity acting directly on individual cytoplasmic particles. We suggest that gravity may best be perceived by the entire cell at the plasma membrane-extracellular matrix junction.  相似文献   

Buchen B  Hejnowicz Z  Braun M  Sievers A 《Protoplasma》1991,165(1-3):121-126
Summary In-vivo videomicroscopy ofChara rhizoids under 10–4g demonstrated that gravity affected the velocities of cytoplasmic streaming. Both, the acropetal and basipetal streaming velocities increased on the change to microgravity. The endogenous difference in the velocities of the oppositely directed cytoplasmic streams was maintained under microgravity, yet the difference was diminished as the basipetal streaming velocity increased more than the acropetal streaming velocity. Direction and structure of microfilaments labeled by rhodamine-phalloidin had not changed after 6 min of microgravity.Abbreviations g gravitational acceleration - Nizemi slow rotating centrifuge microscope - Texus technological experiments under reduced gravity  相似文献   

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