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中国湖南省丽蛛属二新种记述(蜘蛛目,球蛛科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述了采自湖南省球蛛科丽蛛属Chrysso 2新种:石门丽蛛C.shimenensis sp.nov.和胡氏丽蛛C.huae sp.nov.。石门丽蛛背面有一个非常独特的叉形红斑,其外雌器的详细结构均与丽蛛属其它种类不同,插入器基部近方形,针管部分鞭索状,呈“C”形,引导器粗大,弯曲呈“S”形,其末端有角质化爪状结构2个;胡氏丽蛛与玻璃丽蛛C.vitra Zhu,1998相似,但腹部斑纹不同,外雌器交媾腔大而扁,呈椭圆形,而后者近乎圆形,纳精囊肾形,而后者圆球形。模式标本保存在湖南省生物研究所。文中量度单位为mm。  相似文献   

记述了云南高黎贡山球蛛科灵蛛属2新种:长灵蛛Thymoites elongatus Peng,Yin et Hu,sp.nov.和三刺灵蛛Thymoites trisetaceus Peng,Yin et Griswold,sp.nov.。并提供了详细的描述和分布数据。模式标本保存在湖南师范大学生命科学学院和美国加州科学院。长灵蛛,新种Thymoites elongatus Peng,Yin et Hu,sp.nov.(图1 ~6)正模♂,副模1♀,云南腾冲县界头乡桥头村, 1 652m,2006-05-17 ,尹长民,胡佳芳,杨小华采(保存于湖南师范大学)。副模: 1 ♂,云南腾冲县界头乡大塘村大河岭干脚,1 952m,2006-05-17 ,彭贤锦,王新平,胡鹏采(保存于美国加州科学院) ;1 ♂,云南腾冲县界头乡大塘村大河岭干脚,1 952m,2006-05-17 ,彭贤锦,王新平,胡鹏采(保存于湖南师范大学)。新种雌蛛与Thymoites chikuniiYoshida,1988相似,但是有以下几点不同:新种交媾腔位于生殖板中部,远离生殖沟。而Thymoites chikunii的交媾腔则位于生殖沟附近。交媾管也比后者更长,弯曲缠绕更复杂。新种雄蛛与王氏灵蛛Thymoites wangi Zhu,1998类似。但有以下区别:新种插入器很长,几乎围绕整个生殖球边缘,而王氏灵蛛的插入器则相对较短,位于生殖球的中部。新种的贮精管清晰可见,后者的则不明显。词源:雄蛛触肢器具有长的引导器,故名长灵蛛。地理分布:中国云南。三刺灵蛛,新种Thymoites trisetaceus Peng,Yin et Griswold,sp.nov.(图7 ~12)正模♂,副模1♀,云南腾冲县界头乡大塘村大河岭干脚, 1 952m,2006-05-14 ,彭贤锦,王新平,胡鹏采(保存于湖南师范大学)。副模: 2 ♂♂,云南腾冲县新华乡龙井村山清, 1 880m,2006-05-27 ,尹长民,胡佳芳,杨小华采(保存于美国加州科学院) ; 1 ♂,云南腾冲县上阴乡窜龙村,1 990m,2006-06-04 ,尹长民,胡佳芳,杨小华采(保存于湖南师范大学) ;1 ♂,云南腾冲县猴桥乡找笔塘村, 2 510m,2006-05-29 ,彭贤锦,王新平,胡鹏采(保存于湖南师范大学)。新种雌雄蛛都类似于王氏灵蛛Thymoites wangiZhu,1998 ,但有以下不同: 1)新种的外雌器后端无球状隆起,而王氏灵蛛的外雌器后端有球状隆起;2)新种雌蛛的交媾管呈纵向排列,而王氏灵蛛的则呈横向排列; 3)新种的交媾孔接近生殖沟,而后者的则远离生殖沟; 4)新种雄蛛的插入器很短,起始部位于9点的位置,而王氏灵蛛的插入器长,起始部位于3点的位置; 5)新种的插入器基部较小,生殖球腹面突起较少。词源:新种因前中、侧眼间的突起上有3根刺,故名三刺灵蛛。地理分布:中国云南。  相似文献   

本文报道了蜘蛛目球蛛科3属3新种和1个中国新记录属2新记录种。新种为笠腹希蛛Achaearanea galeiforma sp.nov.,三斑丽蛛Chryssa trimaculata sp.nov.,奇异球蛛Theridion mirabilis sp.nov.。模式标本保存在河北教育学院生物系。  相似文献   

中国球蛛科三新种(蛛形纲,蜘蛛目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了球蛛科Theridiidae 3新种,肋脊球蛛Therid-ion carinatumsp.noV.,双凹球蛛Theridion bidepressum sp.noV.和蝶斑高蛛Takayus papiliomaculatus sp.nov.  相似文献   

记述了采自中国湖南省石门县壶瓶山国家自然保护区境内的跳蛛科Salticidae暗跳蛛属Asemonea 1新种:三点暗跳蛛Asemonea trispila sp.nov.,新种与谷川暗跳蛛Asemonea tanikawai Ikeda,1996较为近似,但有以下几点不同:1)腹背斑纹不同,本种斑纹大而对称,腹背后部有3个黑点斑,十分显目;2)本种纳精囊粗,交媾管未能见及.本种因其腹背后部有3个黑色点状斑纹而得名.模式标本保存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

记述了中国平腹蛛科Gnaphosidae幽蛛属Sco-tophaeus 2新种:思茅幽蛛Scotophaeus simaoensis sp.nov.和明才幽蛛Scotophaeus mingcaii sp.nov.。思茅幽蛛,新种Scotophaeus simaoensis Zhang,Yin et Bao,sp.nov.(图1~6)。正模♀,副模17♀♀,云南思茅,1979年3月3~4日;1♀,湖南沅江,1979年3月29日,王家福采。本种与布氏幽蛛Scotophaeus blackwallii(Thorell,1871)相似,但它们有如下不同:外雌器腹面观前端正中有1较大的角质兜,两侧褶襞之间相距较窄;纳精囊形状很不相同。交媾管较短,弯曲呈半圆形,后者呈螺旋形。新种以模式产地命名。明才幽蛛,新种Scotophaeus mingcaii Yin,Zhang et Bao,sp.nov.(图7~11)。正模♀,湖南大庸市,1986年6~7月,张明才采。本种与布氏幽蛛Scotophaeus blackwallii(Thorell,1871)近似,但它们有如下不同:外雌器腹面观前端正中无角质兜,两侧褶襞短,合抱呈心形。纳精囊与交媾管之间有1个扭曲,交媾管弯曲呈“U”形。新种以采集者名字命名。模式标本保存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院。文中量度单位为mm。  相似文献   

中国冕蟹蛛属一新种记述(蜘蛛目,蟹蛛科)   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
记述了采自中国湖南省石门县壶瓶山境内的蟹蛛科形状不同,本种纳精囊细管状,而后者囊状;3)新种螯肢Thomisidae冕蟹蛛属Smodicinodes 1新种,壶瓶冕蟹蛛Smod- 前齿堤有5根须状长毛,而后者为2个小齿.雄蛛与Smodiicinodes hupingesissp nov..新种与Smodicinodes kovaci Ono,cinodes schwendingeri Benjamin,2002相似,但有以下几点不1993相似,但有以下几点不同:1)两者头胸部和腹部的比同:1)腹部形状不同;2)本种触肢胫节腹突和跗舟延伸部例不同,且前者腹部梨形,后者腹部长卵圆形;2)交媾腔分尖锐,而后者圆钝;3)胫节后侧突指状,而后者分叉.  相似文献   

本文记述了我国西南部武陵山地区球蛛科蜘蛛四新种:后弯齿螯蛛Enoplognatha lordosa sp.nov.,类刺丘腹蛛Episinus spinigeroides sp.nov.,盔肥腹蛛Steatoda craniformis sp.nov.和咸丰球蛛Theridion xianfengensis sp.nov.模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

记述湖南省巨蟹蛛科2新种:壶瓶巨蟹蛛Heteropoda hupingensis sp.nov.和谢氏中盾蛛Sinopoda xieae sp.nov.,模式标本存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院,量度单位为mm,比例尺为1mm。壶瓶巨蟹蛛,新种Heteropoda hupingensis sp.nov.(图1-4)正模♂,湖南省石门县壶瓶山,1992年6月25日-7月5日,彭贤锦采。鉴别特征:新种与白额巨蟹蛛Heteropoda venatoria (Linnaeus,1775)相似,但有以下区别:1)胫节突不同,新种的胫节突腹面观腹支呈拇指状,背支不易见及,后者腹面观明显可见两分支,背支较长;3)新种的插入器较粗短,沿生殖球中间向端部延伸,后者的插入器较细长,沿生殖球边缘向端部延伸。新种的种名来自模式标本产地。谢氏中盾蛛,新种Sinopoda xieae sp.nov.,正模♀,湖南省石门县壶瓶山,1992年6月25日-7月5日,谢莉萍采。鉴别特征,新种的外雌器腹面观似Sinopoda forcipata(Karsch,1881)但有以下区别;1)交后缘相跨较近,其间的夹角远小于后者的夹角;2)与中隔端部相连的横向裂陷远宽于后者;3)纳精囊远较后者粗大,无明显分支;后者纳精囊较细小,有明显分支。新种的种名来自模式标本采集者的姓氏。  相似文献   

中国管巢蛛属两新种记述(蜘蛛目,管巢蛛科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道采自太行山区的管巢蛛科管巢蛛属2新种:白石山管巢蛛Clubiona baishishan sp. nov.和克氏管巢蛛Clubiona kropfi sp. nov. .模式标本保存在河北大学生命科学学院.文中测量单位为mm.白石山管巢蛛,新种Clubiona baishishan sp.nov.(图1)正模♂,副模2♀♀,河北省涞源县(39.3°N,114.7°E)白石山,1999年7月4日,海拔1 300~1 400 m,张锋、张俊霞采;副模7♂♂,3♀♀,河北省平山县驼梁,1999年6月5日,海拔1 500~1 700 m,张锋采.新种与沟岸管巢蛛Clubiona riparia L. Koch, 1866相似,但有以下3点区别:1)本种雄蛛触肢的胫节突复杂,而后者较为简单;2)本种外雌器呈"门"字形,而后者不同于此;3)本种螯肢的后齿堤2齿,而后者为4齿.词源学:新种的种名依模式标本的产地拟定.克氏管巢蛛,新种Clubiona kropfi sp. nov.(图2)正模♀,副模1♀,河北省涞源县白石山,1999年7月16日,海拔1 300 m,张锋采.新种近似巴氏管巢蛛Clubiona bakurovi Mikhailov,1990,但本种的外雌器后缘硬化部分超越生殖沟向后延伸,后中部形成一舌状的突起.词源学:新种的种名以瑞士蛛形学家克罗普夫博士(Dr. C. Kropf)的姓氏拟定,以感谢他对此研究工作的支持.  相似文献   

The Chinese cleptoparasitic bee genus Tetralonioidella Strand,1914 is studied.Fourteen species are found in China,with nine new species,namely T.damenglongensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.dinghuensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.emeiensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.goumenensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.leigongensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.longqiensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.maniwengensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.tianmuensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.and T.wuae Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,respectively.T.pendleburyi (Cockerell,1926) is firstly recorded in China.An illustrated key to Chinese known species is provided.All type specimens of new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China.  相似文献   

Four species of the family Theridiidae, Robertus naejangensis sp. nov., Chrysso pulcherrima (Mello‐Leitao), Neottiura herbigrada (Simon) and Theridion longipalpum Zhu, are described with illustrations of their diagnostic features. The latter three species are newly recorded in the Korean spider fauna.  相似文献   

记述了中国乌蚤蝇属2新种,葫片乌蚤蝇Woodiphora lageniformis Liu et Zhu,sp.nov.和明带乌蚤蝇Woodiphora fasciaria Liu et Zhu,sp.nov.葫片乌蚤蝇第6背板内部小骨片呈葫芦形,第7背板向后明显变狭区别于其它种.明带乌蚤蝇以第4背板中部具1无色横条,第5背板长等于宽,几乎呈正方形区别于其它种.模式标本存于沈阳大学生物与环境工程学院.  相似文献   

本文记述采自中国福建省的金小蜂三新种。短缘高角金小蜂Apsilocerabrevivenasp .nov .与Ap silocerabramleyiGraham相似 ,但本种缘脉短于后缘脉 ,颚眼距为复眼高的 1 /4。宽头短颊金小蜂Cleonymusgrandicepssp .nov .与CleonymuslaticornisWalker相似 ,但头宽为中胸宽的 1 .4倍 ,缘脉长为痣脉的 1 .9倍。圆唇宽胸金小蜂Norbanusarcuatussp .nov .唇基下缘中部呈明显的弧形的特征可以与该属其它种类相区别。模式标本均保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆  相似文献   

Four species of cycad megasporophyll from the Lower Permian of Taiyuan, China, are described as Crossozamia chinensis (Zhu and Du) comb. nov., C. minor sp. nov., C. spadicia sp. nov. and C. cucullata comb. nov. together with the associated leaves Tianbaolinia circinalis gen. et sp. nov., Yuania chinensis Zhu and Du and Taeniopteris taiyuanensis Halle. An axis bearing megasporophylls in organic connection is described for the first time. Two possible evolutionary pathways from this structure to those of the female reproductive organs of extant cycads are proposed, involving either the reduction of the megasporophylls and their compaction on the axis, or the reduction of the “strobilus” axis. It is suggested that migration of cycads from North China to Europe might have occurred through transportation of their buoyant seeds by the palaeoceanic currents of the Tethys sea.  相似文献   

报道了中国新纪录属脉蚤蝇属Anevrina Lioy,并记述该属2新种,微毛脉蚤蝇A microcilia Liu et Fang,sp.nov.和裸斑脉蚤蝇A.glabrata Liu et Zhu,sp.nov..微毛脉蚤蝇与A.unispinosa(Zetterstedt)相似,但前者Rs脉的细毛极弱,尾器侧尾叶细长;裸斑脉蚤蝇以中足腿节前表面的长卵形裸斑区别于本属其它种.模式标本存于沈阳大学生物与环境工程学院.  相似文献   

A new species, Theridion longipili sp. nov. (Theridiidae), is described from Korea. It is easily distinguished from other congeners by the structure of conductor, radix, median apophysis, and the female epigynum and internal genitalia.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Three previously unknown octopods are described from Upper Cenomanian limestones of the Hâqel and Hâdjoula localities (Lebanon). Keuppia levante gen. nov., sp. nov., Keuppia hyperbolaris gen. nov,. sp. nov. and Styletoctopus annae gen. nov, . sp. nov. are regarded as the earliest representatives of the Octopoda (= Incirrata). This assumption is mainly based on their medially isolated bipartite gladius vestige. As can be inferred from growth increments, Keuppia gen. nov. can be distinguished from the genus Palaeoctopus by blades that grow forwards along their longitudinal axis. The gladius vestige of Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov. differs from that of Keuppia levante sp. nov. in having a more heterogeneous course of growth lines. Based on a pair of widely separated stylets, which closely resemble the rods of modern octopods, Styletoctopus annae gen. nov., sp. nov. is assigned to the Recent family Octopodidae. Peculiar encrustations, which are situated in close association with the gladius vestiges of Keuppia levante sp. nov., Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov., and Styletoctopus annae sp. nov. are interpreted as basal fin cartilages. The gladius vestige morphology of Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov. and Keuppia levante sp. nov. opens the possibility that both the Octopda and the Cirroctopoda originated from loligosepiid vampyropods instead of teudopseid. The surprising existence of a stylet-like gladius vestige in Styletoctopus annae sp. nov. suggests that the octopod clade branched off much earlier than previously believed. Octopod apomorphies such as the development of stylets, loss of fins and cirri must have been occurred before the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

The species of the bee genus Tropidopedia stat. nov. are revised. Thirteen new species are proposed: T. carinata sp. nov. , T. caracicola sp. nov. , T. danunciae sp. nov. , T. duckeana sp. nov. , T. eliasi sp. nov. , T. flavolineata sp. nov. , T. friesei sp. nov. , T. japuraensis sp. nov. , T. nigrita sp. nov. , T. nigrocarinata sp. nov. , T. ornata sp. nov. , T. peruana sp. nov. and T. venezuelana sp. nov. Taxonomic notes are provided for another four species: Tropidopedia punctifrons (Smith, 1879) comb. nov. , T. pallidipennis (Friese, 1899) comb. nov. , T. seabrai (Michener & Moure, 1957) and T. arcuatilis (Vachal, 1909) comb. nov. , including designation of a lectotype for Tetrapedia arcuatilis Vachal. An identification key, illustrations for main diagnostic characters, and distributions maps for all species are provided. A phylogenetic analysis was carried out to evaluate the monophyly of Tropidopedia and its main species groups, as well as to position it among the related genera. Biogeographical patterns are discussed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 511–554.  相似文献   

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