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Agami  Moshe  Yoav Waisel 《Hydrobiologia》2002,482(1-3):197-200
The interrelationships between two submerged macrophytes, Najas marina and Myriophyllum spicatum, were investigated. Double-reciprocal analysis was used to distinguish between the possible types of negative relationships. Results have demonstrated that interspecific inhibition was more severe than the intraspecific one. The intensity of inhibition was negatively correlated with the density of the examined species. The mutual inhibitory effect and the pattern of the obtained results suggest that competitive relationships exist between Najas marina and Myriophyllum spicatum.  相似文献   

M. Agami  Y. Waisel 《Oecologia》1988,76(1):83-88
Summary The effects of three species of fish (tilapia, grass carp and common carp) on the seeds of Najas marina L. and of Ruppia maritima L. were investigated. Practically all the seeds that were injested by the common carp were digested. The two other fish were less affective: they digested seeds with soft seed-coats but excreted a good portion of the hard ones. Germination of the excreted seeds was improved. Seeds have been retained in the digestion tracts of the fish for up to 65 h. It is thus suggested that tilapias and grass-carps play a role in the distribution and the improvement of reproduction of Najas and Ruppia.  相似文献   

The life histories of Myriophyllum spicatum L., Elodea canadensis Michx., and Potamogeton crispus L., serious aquatic nuisances in many regions of the world, are reviewed to provide insights into the life style of successful aquatic nuisance plants. Specifically, their distribution and spread in North America; their life cycle, productive and reproductive potential; and their ecosystem relationships are reviewed. Hopefully this review will improve a manager's ability to deal with aquatic nuisance problems. It also provides suggestions for basic research needed to develop more effective management practices.It was found that all three species possess a number of adaptations, including an ability to rapidly propagate vegetatively, an opportunistic nature for obtaining nutrients, a life cycle that favors cool weather, and a number of mechanisms which enhance photosynthetic efficiency, which allow them to proliferate.These three species do provide benefits to the ecosystem through their roles in materials cycling and energy flow. Therefore, management of these species should take an integrated approach which recognizes these benefits.The life history information available about the three species varies tremendously; however, a better understanding of resource gain and allocation is needed to manage all three species. Specifically, more research is needed to provide a better understanding of: 1) the role bicarbonate plays in photosynthesis, 2) the role roots play in supplying CO2 to the plabts, 3) resource accumulation and allocation under different temperature and light regimes, 4) resource allocation on a seasonal basis, and 5) nutrient cycling under different management regimes.  相似文献   

North America has a growing problem with invasive aquatic plants. At every level of the aquatic food web, long-standing checks and balances have become dramatically eroded by the introduction of non-native species. The northeastern United States contains thousands of diverse freshwater habitats, highly heterogeneous in geology and locale, where nuisance aquatic plant growth results in decreased lake water quality, interference with recreational access, degraded flood control structures, and impacts to their aesthetic quality. Early infestation and spread of exotic species is often poorly documented at local and state levels. Consequently, successful management of these species depends on continuous monitoring and definitive identification by both public officials and waterside homeowners. With new mapping capabilities employing software such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) coupled with the growing computerization of taxonomic records and online availability of regional herbarium records, we have been able to illustrate the␣temporal and geographic spread of these species, thus enabling aquatic ecologists and managers to make predictions of future infestations. In this paper we evaluate these techniques focusing on three of the most pervasive of exotic aquatic plant species in New York State: Myriophyllum spicatum, Trapa natans and Potamogeton crispus.  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophytes play a central role in preserving the ecological equilibrium of shallow lakes and in the restoration of eutrophic lakes that have switched to phytoplankton-dominated turbid water. Massaciuccoli Lake, a shallow lake located along the Tuscan coast in Italy, has shown a constant and progressive simplification of the submerged plant community, for anthropogenic reasons, leading, in recent years, to turbid water. The growth and nutrient absorption capability of two macrophyte species, Myriophyllum verticillatum L. and Elodea canadensis Michaux, in the lake was investigated, with the prospect of a future lake restoration programme centred on their replacement. Mesocosm experiments were conducted to monitor the plant growth and nutrient (NO2, NO3, NH4+, Ntot, PO43−, Ptot) content in the plant dry matter and water at the beginning and at the end of the trial. Bacterial activity was analysed in the water in order to verify the possible nutrient absorption contribution by organisms other than plants. Both M. verticillatum and E. canadensis showed satisfactory growth and nutrient reduction in the water body. Moreover, their different growth patterns suggested that optimal replacement can be performed with their introduction in two steps, starting with M. verticillatum, which shows the best capacity to colonise the aquatic environment, due to its tendency towards lengthening.  相似文献   

Physiological integration may help clonal macrophytes invade or escape from existing communities. No studies have tested the above hypothesis in aquatic plants. In an outdoor pond experiment, we subjected clonal fragments of the submerged macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis L. to heterogeneous environments in which V. spiralis spread from bare habitats towards vegetated habitats occupied by Myriophyllum spicatum L. or V. spiralis spread from vegetated habitats towards bare habitats. V. spiralis stolons between ramets in bare habitats and in vegetated habitats were either intact or severed. We investigated the habitat selection of V. spiralis by examining the allocation of biomass and ramets to heterogeneous habitats during its vegetative spread phase. Results showed that the stolon connection had different effects on the habitat selection of V. spiralis with regard to invasion and escape. When V. spiralis spread from bare to vegetated habitats, in comparison to severing the stolon, the stolon connection eventually facilitated a 49% increase in biomass and a 27% increase in number of ramets allocated to vegetated habitats. However, when V. spiralis spread from vegetated to bare habitats, biomass and ramets allocated to bare habitats were not significantly changed by the stolon connection (only a 5% increase in biomass and a 6% increase in number of ramets). These results indicate that clonal integration facilitated V. spiralis not to escape from but invade into vegetated habitats. The study provides evidence that physiological integration is important for survival and tolerance of ramets in competitively stressful environments and can help clonal macrophytes coexist with other species.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in 55-liter aquariums under controlled environment conditions to evaluate growth regulator effects of flurprimidol [-(1-methylethyl)--[4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenyl]-5-pyrimidinemethanol] on Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.). Treatments included flurprimidol concentrations ranging from 0 to 500 g L-1, with exposure times varying from 0.25 to 28 days. Extending the flurprimidol contact time increased the growth inhibitory response. Flurprimidol-treated shoots were 14–64% shorter than untreated plants at 14 DAT (days after treatment). Growth inhibition persisted 56 DAT for plants exposed to 25 and 100 g L-1 flurprimidol for 28 days or 200 g L-1 flurprimidol for 10 days. Growth-inhibited plants accumulated starch in shoots and roots, whereas plants showing little or no growth suppression utilized available assimilate for growth. Treatments that most effectively suppressed shoot length accumulated up to 68% more total nonstructural carbohydrate compared with untreated plants. Shoot and root dry weight biomass were unaffected by flurprimidol.Abbreviations PGR(s) plant growth regulator(s) - TNC total non-structural carbohydrate - DAT days after treatment - PVC polyvinyl chloride - DW dry weight - BOD biological oxygen demand - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - LSD least significant difference  相似文献   

Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & Schmidt is a submerged annual macrophyte, rare in Europe, which is protected under the EC Habitats Directive. N. flexilis appears to be decreasing in the British Isles, its main stronghold in Europe. We outline the environmental conditions required for N. flexilis growth, comparing between present and recently extinct sites for the plant. Plant traits (leaf area/shoot length; and reproductive number/shoot length) can be used to assess N. flexilis population success, and models are produced that can predict this. Both the comparison between present and extinct sites, and the models, suggest that eutrophication and acidification of lakes are the main threats to N. flexilis. Acidification appears to reduce the ability of N. flexilis to produce seeds (potentially fatal for an annual). On the other hand, eutrophication leads to conditions where N. flexilis, an obligate carbon dioxide utiliser, cannot photosynthesise due to the predominance of bicarbonate rather than dissolved carbon dioxide in lake water.  相似文献   

Phloem sap was collected from white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) and castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) and analysed for gibberellins (GAs) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A large number of GAs were found in the phloem exudate of all three species, particularly where the sap was collected from pods (white lupin and cowpea) and in these legumes GAs representing both the early C-13-hydroxylation and non-hydroxylation pathways of biosynthesis were identified. In the sap collected from the vegetative tissues of castor bean the number of GAs identified was fewer than that in the other species, representing mainly the non-hydroxylation pathway. Data from sap collected from the pedicel and stylar ends of pods and by making feeds of radiolabelled GAs to seeds in situ in white lupin indicate that the GAs present in the phloem are derived mainly from the vegetative tissues of the plant. No evidence for metabolism of GAs in the phloem could be found.  相似文献   

The effect of red and white light on ethylene production was investigated in several plant species. In most cases light inhibited ethylene production. However, stimulation or no effect were also observed in a few species. In those plants where light inhibited ethylene synthesis, the effect of red light was much stronger than that of white light.Both red and white light inhibited ethylene production in green and etiolated seedlings and green leaves of Impatiens balsamina L. The inhibitory effect of red light was stronger than that of white light and much more pronounced when the plants were pretreated with ACC. The effect of red light could be reversed by far-red light. These results suggest that light affects the ethylene forming enzyme (EFE) activity and that its action is mediated by phytochrome.  相似文献   

The mineral composition of deepwater rice (cultivar Kartik Sail) was studied during 1986 in a field near Sonargaon, Bangladesh, which is flooded by water from R. Meghna. Samples were taken four times, once prior to flooding and three times during the flood season. On two of the latter days (10 August = end of first flood peak, 23 September = second flood peak) the study was extended to other components of the ecosystem (sediments + soil, water, other aquatic macrophytes). On 23 September, 32% of the mass of the plant was out of water, 65% in water and 3% in sediment/soil. There were marked differences between elements in their pattern of accumulation by deepwater rice through the season. In comparison with the final totals for each element, about 48% of N, but only 11% of P and 10% of Na had been accumulated by the time the floodwater had arrived. The aquatic roots doubled in mass between the times of the two flood peaks and it is suggested that much of the P taken up by the plant may reach the plant via its aquatic roots after having becoming mobilized and released to the water when sediments become anaerobic. In comparison with other parts of the plant, Na was always much higher in the stem and Zn in the basal roots.Other aquatic macrophytes (weeds) increased from 0.40% of the mass (dry weight) of deepwater rice on 10 August to 4.0% on 23 September. However their content of each element (% dry weight) was considerably higher than that in deepwater rice, so they may at times compete effectively with the rice for nutrients. During the flood period (to 23 September) weeds accumulated 16% of the N accumulated by rice during the same period.  相似文献   

Plants and seedlings of Potamogeton pectinatus were obtained from tubers grown under laboratory conditions. Four plants (mean total length: 14.3 m) and two seedlings (mean height: 10.9 cm) were placed in each of twenty 1001 aquaria illuminated with fluorescent lighting. A 5 cm-thick layer of muddy sediment was then put in each aquarium together with two size-matched fish (mean size classes: 6.8, 14.1 and 23.0 g) of the species Cyprinus carpio. After four weeks, the total length of the plants in the control and small fish aquaria had increased by 71% and 3% respectively, whereas plant total length in the aquaria with medium and large fish had diminished by 33% and 76%, respectively. Few seedlings survived in the presence of the fish. The reduction in plant growth was associated with an increase in water turbidity in all treatments as a result of the benthic feeding habit of C. carpio, and of direct herbivory action in the case of medium- and large-sized fish.  相似文献   

Summary We began this experiment to test specific hypotheses regarding direct and indirect effects of fish predation on the littoral macroinvertebrate community of Bays Mountain Lake, Tennessee. We used 24 m2 enclosures in which we manipulated the presence and absence of large redear sunfish (Lepomis microlophus>150 mm SL), and small sunfish (L. macrochirus and L. microlophus <50 mm SL) over a 16-mo period. Here we report on effects of fish predation on gastropod grazers that appear to cascade to periphyton and macrophytes.Both large redear sunfish and small sunfish maintained low snail biomass, but snails in fish-free controls increased significantly during the first 2-mo of the experiment. By late summer of the first year of the experiment, the difference in biomass between enclosures with and without fish had increased dramatically (>10×). Midway through the second summer of the experiment, we noted apparent differences in the abundance of periphyton between enclosures containing fish and those that did not. We also noted differences in the macrophyte distribution among enclosures. To document these responses, we estimated periphyton cover, biovolume and cell size frequencies as well as macrophyte distributions among enclosures at the end of the experiment. When fish were absent, periphyton percent cover was significantly reduced compared to when fish were present. Periphyton cell-size distributions in enclosures without fish were skewed toward small cells (only 12% were greater than 200 m3), which is consistent with intense snail grazing. The macrophyte Najas flexilis had more than 60 x higher biomass in the fish-free enclosures than in enclosures containing fish; Potamogeton diversifolius was found only in fish-free enclosures. These results suggest a chain of strong interactions (i.e. from fish to snails to periphyton to macrophytes) that may be important in lake littoral systems. This contrasts sharply with earlier predictions based on cascading trophic interactions that propose that fish predation on snails would enhance macrophyte biomass.  相似文献   

The response of Ceratophyllum demersum and Myriophyllum spicatum to three levels of UV-B radiation – reduced (ca. 50% reduction), ambient and enhanced UV-B radiation, simulating 17% ozone depletion – is discussed. The research revealed that UV-B stimulated the production of UV-B absorbing compounds in C. demersum, but not in M. spicatum. The relative amount of UV-B absorbing compounds was about four times lower in C. demersum. Enhanced UV-B also affected respiratory potential in C. demersum (on average 3.7 mg O2/gDM/h), but no effect on M. spicatum (on average 5.5 mg O2/gDM/h) was detected. Increased need for energy revealed that UV-B radiation exerted stress in C. demersum. No changes in chlorophyll a and no disturbance to photochemical efficiency due to UV-B were observed in either species.  相似文献   

Seed protein electrophoresis confirms the existence of polymorphism among hexaploid populations ofFestuca arundinacea. Both protein and morphological results suggest thatF. pratensis andF. arundinacea should retain independent specific status. High protein homology of these two species withF. gigantea points towards phylogenetic links between these taxa.  相似文献   

The independent and interactive effects of nutrient concentration and epiphyte grazers on epiphyte biomass and macrophyte growth and production were examined in Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) microcosms. Experiments were conducted during early summer, late summer, fall, and spring in a greenhouse on the York River estuary of Chesapeake Bay. Nutrient treatments consisted of ambient or enriched (3× ambient) concentrations of inorganic nitrogen (ammonium nitrate) and phosphate. Grazer treatments consisted of the presence or absence of field densities of isopods, amphipods, and gastropods. epiphyte biomass increased with both grazer removal and nutrient enrichment during summer and spring experiments. The effect of grazers was stronger than that of nutrients. There was little epiphyte response to treatment during the fall, a result possibly of high ambient nutrient concentrations and low grazing pressure. Under low grazer densities of early summer, macrophyte production (g m–2 d–1) was reduced by grazer removal and nutrient enrichment independently. Under high grazer densities of late summer, macrophyte production was reduced by enrichment only with grazers absent. During spring and fall there were no macrophyte responses to treatment. The relative influence of epiphytes on macrophyte production may have been related to seasonally changing water temperature and macrophyte requirements for light and inorganic carbon.  相似文献   

Summary The heterochromatins of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri R.), brown trout (Salmo trutta fario L.) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis M.) were characterized by sequential chromomycin A3/distamycin A/DAPI (CDD) and DAPI/actinomycin D (DAPI/AmD) fluorescence. On most biarmed chromosomes, an equilocal localization of prominent DAPI/AmD positive, chromomycin A3 negative, AT-rich blocks at the centromeres were observed in all three species. Band karyotypes of the three species were established. In rainbow trout, several DAPI/AmD positive heterochromatin blocks behaved positive in a silver-staining method. Mitotic and interphase studies proved the presence of inter-individual NOR variation in brown trout. The NORs of brook trout were localized on chromosomes 5, 10, 14, 15 and 29.  相似文献   

The biomass and maximum depth of colonization (Z max) of Egeria najas Planchon (submerged), and the biomass and area covered by a stand of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Salvinia herzogii Raddi (floating species) were assessed to measure the effects of a 5 m drawdown in water level of the Itaipu Reservoir (Brazil–Paraguay), which lasted about 3 months. The frequency of occurrence of the two first species, and of Salvinia spp was also assessed in the main arms of the reservoir. A conspicuous decrease of E. najas biomass was observed and this attribute did not reach the previous values even 10 months after the water level had returned to normal. Rapid growth of free-floating species (surface t doub = 2.9 and 3.2 days for total biomass of S. herzogii and E. crassipes, respectively, and 2.3 days for surface area covered by both species) was recorded immediately after the water level returned to normal. This fast growth was related to phosphorus increases in water. A clear succession was observed over a period of 103 days, during which S. herzogii was slowly substituted by E. crassipes. The effects of water level drawdown were also observed on E. najas frequency, given that this species occurred in 38% of the stands investigated before the water drawdown, but in only 9 and 6% of stands following 1 and 10 months of water level recovery, respectively. Water drawdown did not affect the frequency of occurrence of the floating species, which remained approximately constant, and lower than 15% in several of the reservoir arms investigated.  相似文献   

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