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Normal and excision-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts were X-irradiated and the influence on DNA repair of either the repair inhibitor cytosine arabinoside or the specific inhibitor of Dna polymerase alpha, aphidicolin, investigated. The data indicated that the repair of a certain fraction of X-ray-induced lesions can be inhibited in both cell lines by both compounds. Thus, as aphidicolin blocks the operation of polymerase alpha, this enzyme must be involved in an excision repair pathway operating in both normal and excision-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum cells.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonuclease activities were examined in isoelectric focusing fractions of non-histone chromatin-associated and nucleoplasmic proteins of isolated nuclei of normal human and xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group A, lymphoblastoid cells using parallel procedures. In the nucleoplasm of both cell lines, a very similar series of both DNA endo- and exo-nuclease activities were found; in chromatin a series of similar endonuclease but no exonuclease activites were present. Several differences were observed in the xeroderma pigmentosum cells, however, notably a striking increase in DNA endonuclease activity in a chromatin fraction at pI 4.6 against linear duplex DNA and a decrease in a chromatin endonuclease activity focusing at pI 7.8.  相似文献   

The capacity of monolayers of both normal human and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) filbroblasts to support plaque formation by herpes simplex virus was decreased when the monolayers were ultraviolet (UV) irradiated and infected with virus. Fibroblasts of XP complementation groups A, B, and D were sensitive to UV, being 4-6 fold more sensitive than either fibroblasts of XP complementation group C or fibroblasts from a normal individual. When the monolayers were irradiated 4 days prior to infection, the capacity of normal fibroblasts to support herpes virus growth recovered, whereas the capacity of the XP strains decreased further compared to that measured when infection immediately followed irradiation. Concurrent experiments with UV-irradiated herpes virus showed that the survival of this virus did not increase when infection by irradiated virus immediately followed irradiation of the monolayers. However, if the monolayers were irradiated 4 days prior to infection, the survival of this virus increased by a factor of nearly 2. Such Weigle reactivation (WR) occurred at lower fluences to the XP fibroblasts than to normal fibroblasts, suggesting that WR results from residual cellular DNA damage left after excision repair.  相似文献   

Summary Assessment of DNA repair in cultured human fibroblasts by autoradiography may be facilitated by using semiautomated grain counting instruments. The instrument-determined number of autoradiographic grains per nucleus in cultured human skin fibroblasts was found to be linear in comparison to visual counts up to only 30 grains per nucleus. However, with two different instruments a greater range of linearity (to 100 to 120 grains per nucleus) was attained by measuring the grain surface area per nucleus. Semiautomated analysis of the grain surface area per nucleus yielded measurements of relative rates of unscheduled DNA synthesis after ultraviolet irradiation in xeroderma pigmentosum and normal human fibroblasts, which were reproducible and rapid.  相似文献   

Host-cell reactivation, that is, the degree of survival of Herpes simplex virus after UV irradiation, was high in African green monkey BSC-1 cells, intermediate in normal human fibroblasts and human FL cells, and low in both xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells and mouse L cells. However, colony-forming ability after UV was high for FL, normal human fibroblasts and L cells, slightly low for BSC-1 cells and extremely low for XP cells. During the 24-h post-UV incubation period, up to about 50% of the thymine-containing dimers in the acid-insoluble DNA fraction disappeared at an almost equal rate for BSC-1, FL and normal human cells but remained unaltered for the XP cells. Alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation of DNA after UV irradiation revealed only a slight difference between FL and BSC-1 cells in the kinetics of formation of single-strand breaks and their apparent repair. From these and the previously known characters of L cells possessing reduced excision-repair ability, if any, we may conclude that, if the survival of UV-irradiated Herpes simplex virus on a test line of human or other mammalian cells is as low as that on excisionless XP cells, then it is very probable that the test cell line is defective in excision repair. This reasoning leads to the presumptive conclusion that mouse L cells have an enhanced post-replication repair other than excision repair to deal with UV damage responsible for inactivation of colony-forming ability.  相似文献   

UV-induced DNA repair synthesis, as measured by autoradiography as well as by isopycnic centrifugation methods, was studied in a large number of cell strains from patients with the classic form of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) or the De Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome (DSC) and several of their heterozygous parents. On the basis of the kinetics of repair synthesis in the cultured skin fibroblasts we have recognized four distinct groups of XP patients: (1) classic XP patients with low residual repair capacities, (2) classic XP patients with intermediate, but dose-dependent, levels of repair synthesis relative to the normal level, (3) patients, diagnosed as having classic XP, with a normal or only slightly reduced repair capacity and (4) DSC patients with a complete deficiency of repair synthesis. Complementation studies reported elsewhere have shown that different mutations are responsible for the detect in at least three of these groups. Cell strains of each of the four XP types were able to rejoin single-strand DNA breaks induced by X-rays. Most of the cell strains derived from heterozygotes showed normal repair activities. However, in the parents some of the of DSC-patients a significant reduction of the level of repair synthesis was found.  相似文献   

Host-cell reactivation (HCR) of UV-irradiated herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), capacity of UV-irradiated cells to support HSV-2 plaque formation and UV-enhanced reactivation (UVER) of UV-irradiated HSV-2 were examined in fibroblasts from 4 patients with Cockayne syndrome (CS), 5 with xeroderma pigmentosum and 5 normals. All UV-survival curves for HSV-2 plaque formation showed 2 components. HCR was similar to normal for the XP variant strain and the 2 CS strains tested, but substantially reduced in the 4 excision-deficient XP strains. The capacity of UV-irradiated fibroblasts to support HSV-2 plaque formation was determined by UV-irradiating fibroblast monolayers with various doses of UV and 48 h later, infecting the monolayers with unirradiated HSV-2. The D37 values for the delayed-capacity curves so obtained were in the range 8.6-12.4 J/m2 for the normal strains, 2.8-3.2 J/m2 for the CS strains, 6.7 J/m2 for an XP variant strain and between 0.3 and 1.5 for the XP excision-deficient strains tested. These results indicate that delayed capacity for HSV-2 plaque formation is a more sensitive assay than HCR in the detection of cellular DNA-repair deficiency for XP and CS. For the examination of UVER, fibroblasts were irradiated with various UV doses and subsequently infected with either unirradiated or UV-irradiated HSV and scored for plaque formation 2 days later. UVER expression was maximum when the delay between UV-irradiation of the cells and HSV infection was 48 h. The magnitude of UVER expression was also found to be dependent on the UV dose to the cells and increased with increasing UV dose to the virus. Using a UV dose to the virus resulting in a plaque survival of about 10(-2) on unirradiated cells, the the maximum UVER factor had a mean value of 1.3 for the normal strains following a dose of 15 J/m2 to the cells. Somewhat higher UVER values were found for all the patient strains tested and resulted from lower UV doses to the cells than for normal strains. Maximum UVER factors for the CS strains ranged from 2.2 to 3.3 at a dose of 5 J/m2 to the cells, for the XP excision-deficient strains; 2.1 to 2.6 at doses of 0.5 to 2.5 J/m2 to the cells and for the XP variant strain tested; 2.5 at UV dose of 10 J/m2 to the cells.  相似文献   

The clastogenic effect of mitomycin C (MC) was determined in two normal fibroblast cell lines and two xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cell lines, a variant and a group A excision-deficient line. The group A xeroderma cell line was substantially more sensitive to MC than either the XP variant or the normal human cells. On caffeine post-treatment potentiation of the MC-induced aberration frequency occurred in all the cell lines. The XP varian cell line exhibited a distinctly higher sensitivity to caffeine than the classical XP or the normal human cell lines.  相似文献   

Enhanced reactivation (ER) and enhanced mutagenesis (EM) of herpes simplex virus type 1 were studied simultaneously in UV-irradiated stationary cultures of diploid normal human and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) fibroblasts. Mutagenesis was assayed with unirradiated herpes simplex virus type 1 as a probe in a forward mutation assay (resistance to iododeoxycytidine). Dose-response studies showed that ER increased with the UV dose given to the virus. Optimal reactivation levels were obtained when normal cells and XP variant cells were exposed to a UV dose of 8 J . m-2 and the virus was irradiated with 150 J . m-2. Repair-deficient XP cells of complementation groups A, C, and D showed optimal reactivation levels with a UV dose to the cells of 1.0 J . m-2 and a UV dose to the virus of 40 J . m-2. The time course of appearance of ER and EM was also studied, both in the normal and XP cells. In all cell types except the XP variant cells, EM followed similar kinetics of appearance as did ER. Maximal activities occurred when infection was delayed 1 or 2 days after cell treatment. In XP variant cells, however, maximal expression of the EM function was significantly delayed with respect to ER. The results indicate that ER and EM are transiently expressed in normal and repair-deficient XP cells. Although both phenomena may be triggered by the same cellular event, ER and EM appear to be separate processes that occur independently of each other.  相似文献   

Benzo(a)pyrene diol-epoxide I (r-7,t-8,dihydroxy-t-9,10 oxy-7,8,9,10 tetrahydrobenzo(a)pyrene) was used to treat either human adenovirus 5 or cultures of human fibroblasts. The survival of diol-epoxide I treated adenovirus was greater when infecting fibroblasts from normal persons than when infecting fibroblasts from patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). One diol-epoxide I molecule bound per viral genome correlated with one lethal hit as measured using XP fibroblasts.

Normal fibroblasts blocked in semi-conservative DNA synthesis incorporated into their DNA more [3H]thymidine in response to diol-epoxide I treatment than did XP fibroblasts, and also excised more diol-epoxide I from their DNA. All of the effects described above were similar to those obtained when the inactivating agent was ultraviolet light rather than benzo(a)pyrene diol-epoxide I.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells are dificient in the repair of damage induced by ultraviolet irradiation. Excision-repair-deficient XP cell strains have been classified into 7 distinct complementation groups, according to results of studies on cell fusion and UV irradiation. XP cells are not only abnormally sensitive to UV, but also to a variety of chemical carcinogens, including 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO). Complementation analysis with XP strains from 4 different complementation groups with respect to the repair of 4NQO-induced DNA damage revealed that the classification of the strains into complementation groups with respect to 4NQO-induced repair coincides with the classification based on the repair of UV damage.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure for measuring unscheduled DNA synthesis has been studied in detail. Human fibroblasts were brought into the non-dividing state by either growing to confluence or starvation for arginine. Residual semi-conservative synthesis was abolished by hydroxyurea. Hydroxyurea-resistant DNA synthesis which was induced by irradiation and chemical mutagens was presumed to represent repair synthesis and provided a very rapid semi-quantitative procedure for its measurement. Problems were encountered, however, when comparing the quantitative response of different cell strains. The variability between experiments was quite large, and we found that the level of repair synthesis depended not only on the mutagen and the genotype of the cell, but also on physiological factors. This led to some anomalous results. The system was able to detect with ease the large defects in UV-induced repair synthesis in fibroblasts from patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) but it would probably not easily detect less than a 50% reduction in the level of repair synthesis. By extension of this procedure, in combination with cell fusion induced by polyethylene glycol, we have developed a method for carrying out genetic complementation of XP fibroblasts, which does not entail the use of either Sendai virus or of autoradiography. Results of complementation analysis of 4 XP cell strains are presented.  相似文献   

Sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) induced by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and viability after UV irradiation were studied in lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from 7 patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) and 6 normal donors. UV irradiation caused significant increases of SCEs in both XP and normal cells. In 3 XP cell lines, which were deficient in unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) and sensitive to the killing effect of UV, very high SCE frequencies were observed after UV irradiation. Cells from a patient with the De Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome were the most sensitive to UV in terms of both SCE induction and cell killing. In 2 of 4 UDS-proficient XP cell lines tested, the incidences of UV-induced SCEs were similar to those in normal cell lines, but in 2 other UDS-proficient lines from 2 XP patients with skin cancer, the frequencies of UV-induced SCEs were significantly higher than in normal cells.Continuous post-UV treatment with 1 mM caffeine markedly enhanced UV-induced SCEs in 3 of 4 UDS-proficient XP cell lines but had only slight effects on cells from the 4th UDS-proficient XP patient and from normal individuals.  相似文献   

The xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblast strains XP2RO, complementation group E, and XP23OS, group F, were compared with normal human primary fibroblasts with regard to repair of damage induced by 254-nm UV. In XP2RO cells, repair DNA synthesis, measured by autoradiography (unscheduled DNA synthesis = UDS), was about 50% of the value found in normal human cells. In these cells also the removal of UV-induced sites recognized by a specific UV-endonuclease proceeds at a reduced rate. By having BUdR incorporated into the repaired regions, followed by the induction of breaks in these patches by 313-nm UV, it was shown that the reduced repair synthesis is not caused by a shorter length of the repair regions in XP2RO, but is solely due to a reduction in the number of sites removed by excision repair. In XP23OS a discrepancy was observed between the level of UDS, which was about 10% of the normal value, and other repair-dependent properties such as UV survival, host-cell reactivation and removal of UV-endonuclease-susceptible sites, which were less reduced than could be expected from the UDS level. However, when UDS was followed over a longer period than the 2 or 3 h normally used in UDS analysis, it appeared that in XP23OS cells, the rate of UDS remained constant whereas the rate decreased in normal control cells. Consequently, the residual level of UDS varies with the period over which it is studied.  相似文献   

The capacity of a variety of human fibroblasts to incise DNA following exposure to far ultraviolet-light is determined from the rate of single-strand DNA break accumulation in the presence of DNA synthesis inhibitors. We have quantitated incision, one of the early steps in the UV excision repair pathway, in cells form normal, xeroderma pigmentosum groups C, D, G, H and variant individuals, and in the parents of one XPA patient. On the basis of the estimated initial rates of incision the different XP cells examined in this work can be ranked as follows: XP variant much greater than XPH greater than XPH greater than XPD greater than XPC greater than XPG greater than XPA. In each cell strain breaks accumulate immediately after irradiation over a range of 0.5-20 Jm-2 with the exception of the XPC strain examined, where there is an initial delay of 15 min. The rate of incision in XPA heterozygote cells is roughly half that of normal fibroblasts. Analysis of the kinetics of break accumulation over short intervals after irradiation permits estimation of the apparent enzymatic parameters, Km and Vmax, for the incision step. The approximate values of Km and Vmax for normal and XP variant are similar while for the heterozygotes of an XPA individual Km values are normal (around 1 Jm-2), but there is only half the amount of normal enzyme activity. XPD and H cells express low levels of active enzyme, between 5 and 15% of that of the normal, but while the Km of XPH is very similar to that of normal cells, that of two XPD strains examined is between 2- and 3-fold higher.  相似文献   

The comparative photosensitizing effects to near-UV irradiation (UVA) of several naturally occurring furocoumarins, 5-methoxypsoralen (5MOP), psoralen, 8-methoxypsoralen (8MOP) and angelicin in producing chromosome damage in vitro in cells derived from hamster, normal human, ataxia telangiectasia (AT) and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients were studied. In Chinese hamster cells, lethality was greatest with psoralen and least with angelicin; 8MOP and 5MOP were intermediate. 8MOP and 5MOP produced sister-chromatid exchanges with almost equal efficiency and to a larger extent by far than angelicin. In all human cell lines studied 8MOP and 5MOP were similarly effective in the production of sister-chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations. AT and XP cells responded with higher frequencies of sister-chromatid exchanges as well as chromosomal aberrations than normal human cells to 5MOP, 8MOP and angelicin. Evidence is presented which suggests that cell death in Chinese hamster cells following angelicin photosensitization is not clearly related to the production of sister-chromatid exchanges. AT cells were unexpectedly more sensitive to angelicin than normal cells. The presence of 5MOP in some sun-tan preparations is not acceptable in view of the present evidence of its biological activity.  相似文献   

H Slor 《Mutation research》1973,19(2):231-235
The carcinogen 7-bromomethylbenz(a)anthracene (BBA), which can bind strongly to DNA, induces unscheduled DNA synthesis (DNA repair) in normal lymphocytes but almost none in lymphocytes from patients with Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), and inherited disease known to be defective in excision repair of ultraviolet-damaged DNA. We studied [3H]BBA's ability to bind to DNA of normal and XP lymphocytes, its influence on unscheduled DNA synthesis, and its removal from the DNA of both cell types. We found that 20–30% of the BBA is bound to macromolecules other than DNA and that its binding to DNA is essentially complete after 30 min. The induction of unscheduled DNA synthesis by the carcinogen in XP lymphocytes was approximately 10% of that induced in normal lymphocytes. While 15–20% of the BBA was removed from the DNA of normal cells 6 h after treatment, only 1–2% was removed from the DNA of XP cells. Thus, XP cells not only are defective in repairing ultraviolet-damaged DNA and excising thymine dimers but also fail to repair DNA damaged by certain carcinogens, and, most importantly, fail to remove the DNA-bound carcinogen, BBA.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of aflatoxin B1-dichloride (AFB1-Cl2), a direct-acting carcinogen which is a model for the proposed ultimate reactive metabolite of AFB1 (the 2,3-epoxide), was compared in normal, repair-proficient, diploid human fibroblasts and in complementation Group A xeroderma pigmentosum cells (XP12BE) which are virtually incapable of excision repair of DNA damage induced by ultraviolet radiation, the 7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide of benzo[alpha]pyrene, and several reactive aromatic amide derivatives. The XP cells were significantly more sensitive than normal to the cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of AFB1-Cl2, not only as a function of concentration administered but also of the number of AFB1-Cl2 residues initially bound to DNA. Cytotoxicity was determined from survival of colony-forming ability; resistance to 6-thioguanine was the genetic marker used for mutagenicity. We compared the rate of loss of AFB1-Cl2-DNA adducts from cells treated and held in the non-dividing state (confluent) over several days, as well as their ability to recover from the potentially mutagenic and/or cytotoxic effects of the agent. AFB1-Cl2 residues were lost from both strains of cells and both exhibited a gradual increase in survival. However, the rate of loss of adducts from the DNA in the normal cells was more rapid than in XP cells and they exhibited recovery from higher doses of AFB1-Cl2 than XP cells. The major primary DNA adduct formed in the human cells and in isolated DNA was a chemically unstable guanine derivative which could undergo a change in structure with time posttreatment to form a more stable secondary adduct. The cytotoxic effect of AFB1-Cl2 was highly correlated with the presence of either of these guanine adducts. Evidence suggests that the primary adduct is an N7-guanine adduct. The kinetics of the loss of this guanine and its transformation into the more stable secondary adduct resembled that reported recently for the major primary DNA adduct formed by the reaction of AFB1 at the N-7 position of guanine in the DNA of normal and XP cells and its transformation into the putative AFB1-ring opened triamino pyrimidyl structure.  相似文献   

Human centrin 2 (HsCen2), an EF-hand calcium binding protein, plays a regulatory role in the DNA damage recognition during the first steps of the nucleotide excision repair. This biological action is mediated by the binding to a short fragment (N847-R863) from the C-terminal region of xeroderma pigmentosum group C (XPC) protein. This work presents a detailed structural and energetic characterization of the HsCen2/XPC interaction. Using a truncated form of HsCen2 we obtained a high resolution (1.8 A) X-ray structure of the complex with the peptide N847-R863 from XPC. Structural and thermodynamic analysis of the interface revealed the existence of both electrostatic and apolar inter-molecular interactions, but the binding energy is mainly determined by the burial of apolar bulky side-chains into the hydrophobic pocket of the HsCen2 C-terminal domain. Binding studies with various peptide variants showed that XPC residues W848 and L851 constitute the critical anchoring side-chains. This enabled us to define a minimal centrin binding peptide variant of five residues, which accounts for about 75% of the total free energy of interaction between the two proteins. Immunofluorescence imaging in HeLa cells demonstrated that HsCen2 binding to the integral XPC protein may be observed in living cells, and is determined by the same interface residues identified in the X-ray structure of the complex. Overexpression of XPC perturbs the cellular distribution of HsCen2, by inducing a translocation of centrin molecules from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The present data confirm that the in vitro structural features of the centrin/XPC peptide complex are highly relevant to the cellular context.  相似文献   

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