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Gene silencing by targeted DNA methylation has potential applications in basic research and therapy. To establish targeted methylation in human cell lines, the catalytic domains (CDs) of mouse Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b DNA methyltransferases (MTases) were fused to different DNA binding domains (DBD) of GAL4 and an engineered Cys2His2 zinc finger domain. We demonstrated that (i) Dense DNA methylation can be targeted to specific regions in gene promoters using chimeric DNA MTases. (ii) Site-specific methylation leads to repression of genes controlled by various cellular or viral promoters. (iii) Mutations affecting any of the DBD, MTase or target DNA sequences reduce targeted methylation and gene silencing. (iv) Targeted DNA methylation is effective in repressing Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection in cell culture with the viral titer reduced by at least 18-fold in the presence of an MTase fused to an engineered zinc finger DBD, which binds a single site in the promoter of HSV-1 gene IE175k. In short, we show here that it is possible to direct DNA MTase activity to predetermined sites in DNA, achieve targeted gene silencing in mammalian cell lines and interfere with HSV-1 propagation.  相似文献   

In vitro selection of single-stranded nucleic acid aptamers from large random sequence libraries is now a straightforward process particularly when screening with a single target molecule. These libraries contain considerable shape diversity as evident by the successful isolation of aptamers that bind with high affinity and specificity to chemically diverse targets. We propose that aptamer libraries contain sufficient shape diversity to allow deconvolution of a complex mixture of targets. Using unfractionated human plasma as our experimental model, we aim to develop methods to obtain aptamers against as many proteins as possible. To begin, it is critical that we understand how aptamer populations change with increasing rounds of in vitro selection when using complex mixtures. Our results show that sequence representation in the selected population changes dramatically with increasing rounds of selection. Certain aptamer families were apparent after only three selection rounds. Two additional cycles saw a decline in the relative abundance of these families and the emergence of yet another family that accounted for more than 60% of sequences in the pool. To overcome this population convergence, an aptamer-based target depletion method was developed, and the library screen was repeated. The previous dominant family effectively disappeared from the selected populations but was replaced by other aptamer families. Insights gained from these initial experiments are now being applied in the creation of second generation plasma protein screens and also to the analysis of other complex biological targets.  相似文献   

Interaction of DNA with a novel photoactive platinum diimine compound has been studied by electronic absorption spectra, fluorescence spectra and viscosity measurements. The red light-induced DNA cleavage activity of the platinum compound has also been studied by agarose gel electrophoresis. The results suggest that the platinum compound may interact with DNA by intercalation mode. When irradiated with red light, the platinum compound can generate singlet oxygen, resulting in cleavage of DNA.  相似文献   

In this study, we have applied Surface Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering (SERRS) technology to the specific detection of DNA. We present an innovative SERRS sandwich-hybridization assay that allows specific DNA detection without any enzymatic amplification, such as is the case with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). In some substrates, such as ancient or processed remains, enzymatic amplification fails due to DNA alteration (degradation, chemical modification) or to the presence of inhibitors. Consequently, the development of a non-enzymatic method, allowing specific DNA detection, could avoid long, expensive and inconclusive amplification trials. Here, we report the proof of concept of a SERRS sandwich-hybridization assay that leads to the detection of a specific chamois DNA. This SERRS assay reveals its potential as a non-enzymatic alternative technology to DNA amplification methods (particularly the PCR method) with several applications for species detection. As the amount and type of damage highly depend on the preservation conditions, the present SERRS assay would enlarge the range of samples suitable for DNA analysis and ultimately would provide exciting new opportunities for the investigation of ancient DNA in the fields of evolutionary biology and molecular ecology, and of altered DNA in food frauds detection and forensics.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of amino acids at the periphery of the EcoRV endonuclease active site suggests that moderate-range electrostatic effects play a significant role in modulating the efficiency of phosphoryl transfer. Asp36 and Lys38 located on minor-groove binding surface loops approach within 7-9 A of the scissile phosphates of the DNA. While the rates of single-site mutations removing the carboxylate or amine moieties at these positions are decreased 10(3)-10(5)-fold compared to that of wild-type EcoRV, we find that double mutants which rebalance the charge improve catalysis by up to 500-fold. Mutational analysis also suggests that catalytic efficiency is influenced by Lys173, which is buried at the base of a deep depression penetrating from a distal surface of the enzyme. The Lys173 amine group lies just 6 A from the amine group of the conserved essential Lys92 side chain in the active site. Kinetic and crystallographic analyses of the EcoRV E45A mutant enzyme further show that the Glu45 carboxylate group facilitates an extensive set of conformational transitions which occur upon DNA binding. The crystal structure of E45A bound to DNA and Mn2+ ions reveals significant conformational alterations in a small alpha-helical portion of the dimer interface located adjacent to the DNA minor groove. This leads to a tertiary reorientation of the two monomers as well as shifting of the key major-groove binding recognition loops. Because the Glu45 side chain does not appear to play a direct structural role in maintaining the active site, these rearrangements may instead originate in an altered electrostatic potential caused by removal of the negative charge. A Mn2+ binding site on the scissile phosphate is also disrupted in the E45A structure such that inner-sphere metal interactions made by the scissile DNA phosphate and conserved Asp90 carboxylate are each replaced with water molecules in the mutant. These findings argue against a proposed role for Asp36 as the general base in EcoRV catalysis, and reveal that the induced-fit conformational changes necessary for active site assembly and metal binding are significantly modulated by the electrostatic potential in this region.  相似文献   

The mismatch repair proteins, MutS and MutL, interact in a DNA mismatch and ATP-dependent manner to activate downstream events in repair. Here, we assess the role of ATP binding and hydrolysis in mismatch recognition by MutS and the formation of a ternary complex involving MutS and MutL bound to a mismatched DNA. We show that ATP reduces the affinity of MutS for mismatched DNA and that the modulation of DNA binding affinity by nucleotide is even more pronounced for MutS E694A, a protein that binds ATP but is defective for ATP hydrolysis. Despite the ATP hydrolysis defect, E694A, like WT MutS, undergoes rapid, ATP-dependent dissociation from a DNA mismatch. Furthermore, MutS E694A retains the ability to interact with MutL on mismatched DNA. The recruitment of MutL to a mismatched DNA by MutS is also observed for two mutant MutL proteins, E29A, defective for ATP hydrolysis, and R266A, defective for DNA binding. These results suggest that ATP binding in the absence of hydrolysis is sufficient to trigger formation of a MutS sliding clamp. However, recruitment of MutL results in the formation of a dynamic ternary complex that we propose is the intermediate that signals subsequent repair steps requiring ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The free carboxyl group of hypermodified nucleosides N6-methyl-N6-(threoninocarbonyl)adenosine (mt6A37) and 3-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)uridine (acp3U20:1) in tRNAmMet (yellow lupine), and N6-(threoninocarbonyl)adenosine (t6A37) in tRNAiMet (yellow lupine) can be converted quantitatively and under very mild conditions into the respective anilides in a reaction with aniline and a water-soluble carbodiimide. The tRNA reactions proceed with rates very similar to that reported previously for t6A nucleoside. Detailed analysis of the products of tRNA modification with [3H]aniline on tRNA (chromatography on BD-DEAE-cellulose), oligonucleotide (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and nucleoside (HPLC on Aminex A6) levels clearly indicates that only the hypermodified nucleoside residues undergo the reaction. The site of modification is confirmed for mono-modified (at mt6A37) and bis-modified (at mt6A37 and acp3U20:1) tRNAmMet, and for mono-modified (at t6A37) tRNAiMet by sequence analysis using 5'end 32P-labeled tRNAs. The modification procedure seems to be universally applicable for all hypermodified nucleosides bearing a free carboxyl group and for different amine reagents designed for the studies on tRNA function.  相似文献   

Highly efficient DNA delivery mediated by pH-sensitive immunoliposomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
C Y Wang  L Huang 《Biochemistry》1989,28(24):9508-9514
We have previously shown that pH-sensitive immunoliposomes can mediate a target-specific delivery of plasmid DNA to tumor cells grown in a mouse model [Wang, C.-Y., & Huang, L. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 7851-7855]. The efficiency of delivery in terms of the target cell transformation frequency has now been characterized for both short- and long-term gene expression in a tissue culture system. Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene was used as a reporter gene. It was placed under the control of the promoter for the rat phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase gene, which contains a cAMP regulatory element. Therefore, the expression of the exogenous gene in the target cell, mouse Ltk- cells, can be regulated by cAMP drugs. The plasmid DNA was encapsulated in liposomes using a detergent dialysis method. The efficiency of gene delivery was optimized with respect to the time course and dose of liposome-associated DNA. The existence of antibody of the liposomes was essential for the maximal level of DNA delivery. Delivery was also dependent on the lipid composition of the liposome. The pH-sensitive lipid composition gave 8-fold higher efficiency than the corresponding pH-insensitive composition. The transformation efficiency of the target cell also depended on the regulation of gene expression; cells incubated with dibutyryl-cAMP and theophylline showed a much higher level of transformation frequency than cells incubated without the drugs. When all liposome and incubation parameters are optimized, the Ltk- cells showed a 47% efficiency for the short-term transformation, and 2% for the long-term transformation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Development of efficient molecular medicines, including gene therapeutics, RNA therapeutics, and DNA vaccines, depends on efficient means of transfer of DNA or RNA into the cell. Potential problems, including toxicity and immunogenicity, surrounding viral methods of DNA delivery have necessitated the use of nonviral, synthetic carriers. To better design synthetic carriers, or transfection reagents, the modular design of viruses has inspired a modular approach to DNA and RNA delivery. Each modular component can be designed to circumvent each of the many barriers. The modular approach will allow modification of individual components for a specific application. By utilizing a dense silica nanoparticle to form a ternary complex, transfection efficiency of a DNA-transfection reagent complex was increased by a factor of approximately 10 by concentrating the DNA at the surface of cells. Surface modification of the silica nanoparticles allowed determination of the cellular uptake mechanism with only minor alteration of transfection efficiency. Nanoparticles are internalized by an endosome-lysosomal route followed by perinuclear accumulation. The modification mechanism confirms that surface modification of the modular system can allow specific moieties to be incorporated into the modular system without significant alteration of the transfection efficiency. By showing that the modular system based upon concentration of DNA at the level of the cell can be used to increase transfection efficiency, we have shown that further modification of the system may better target DNA delivery and overcome other barriers of DNA expression.  相似文献   

The ability to place a series of gene constructs at a specific site in the genome opens new possibilities for the experimental examination of gene expression and chromosomal position effects. We report that the FLP- FRT site-specific recombination system of the yeast 2mu plasmid can be used to integrate DNA at a chromosomal FRT target site in Drosophila. The technique we used was to first integrate an FRT- flanked gene by standard P element-mediated transformation. FLP was then used to excise the FRT- flanked donor DNA and screen for FLP-mediated re-integration at an FRT target at a different chromosome location. Such events were recovered from up to 5% of the crosses used to screen for mobilization and are easily detectable by altered linkage of a white reporter gene or by the generation of a white + gene upon integration.  相似文献   

Jiang G  Park K  Kim J  Kim KS  Oh EJ  Kang H  Han SE  Oh YK  Park TG  Kwang Hahn S 《Biopolymers》2008,89(7):635-642
A novel target specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery system was successfully developed using polyethyleneimine (PEI)-hyaluronic acid (HA) conjugate. Anti-PGL3-Luc siRNA was used as a model system suppressing the PGL3-Luc gene expression. The siRNA/PEI-HA complex with an average size of ca. 21 nm appeared to be formed by electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged siRNA and the positively charged PEI of PEI-HA conjugate. The cytotoxicity of siRNA/PEI-HA complex to B16F1 cells was lower than that of siRNA/PEI complex according to the MTT assay. When B16F1 and HEK-293 cells were treated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled siRNA/PEI-HA complex, B16F1 cells, with a lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor-1 (LYVE-1), showed higher green fluorescent intensity than HEK-293 cells because of the HA receptor mediated endocytosis of the complex. Accordingly, the PGL3-Luc gene silencing of anti-PGL3-Luc siRNA/PEI-HA complex was more efficient in B16F1 cells than in HEK-293 cells. In addition, the inhibited PGL3-Luc gene silencing effect in the presence of free HA in the transfection medium revealed that siRNA/HA-PEI complex was selectively taken up to B16F1 cells via HA receptor mediated endocytosis. All these results demonstrated that the intracellular delivery of anti-PGL3-Luc siRNA/PEI-HA complex could be facilitated by the HA receptor mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

The interaction forces between a platinum dichloride complex and DNA molecules have been studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The platinum dichloride complex, di-dimethylsulfoxide-dichloroplatinum (II) (Pt(DMSO)2Cl2), was immobilized on an AFM probe by coordinating the platinum to two amino groups to form a complex similar to Pt(en)Cl2, which is structurally similar to cisplatin. The retraction forces were measured between the platinum complex and DNA molecules immobilized on mica plates using force curve measurements. The histogram of the retraction force for λ-DNA showed several peaks; the unit retraction force was estimated to be 130 pN for a pulling rate of 60 nm/s. The retraction forces were also measured separately for four single-base DNA oligomers (adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine). Retraction forces were frequently observed in the force curves for the DNA oligomers of guanine and adenine. For the guanine DNA oligomer, the most frequent retraction force was slightly lower than but very similar to the retraction force for λ-DNA. A higher retraction force was obtained for the adenine DNA oligomer than for the guanine oligomer. This result is consistent with a higher retraction activation energy of adenine with the Pt complex being than that of guanine because the kinetic rate constant for retraction correlates to exp(FΔx – ΔE) where ΔE is an activation energy, F is an applied force, and Δx is a displacement of distance.  相似文献   

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