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High-throughput sequencing of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) amplicons has opened up the door to large-scale comparative studies of microbial community structures. The short reads currently produced by massively parallel sequencing technologies make the choice of sequencing region crucial for accurate phylogenetic assignments. While for 16S rDNA, relevant regions have been well described, no truly systematic design of 18S rDNA primers aimed at resolving eukaryotic diversity has yet been reported. Here we used 31,862 18S rDNA sequences to design a set of broad-taxonomic range degenerate PCR primers. We simulated the phylogenetic information that each candidate primer pair would retrieve using paired- or single-end reads of various lengths, representing different sequencing technologies. Primer pairs targeting the V4 region performed best, allowing discrimination with paired-end reads as short as 150 bp (with 75% accuracy at genus level). The conditions for PCR amplification were optimised for one of these primer pairs and this was used to amplify 18S rDNA sequences from isolates as well as from a range of environmental samples which were then Illumina sequenced and analysed, revealing good concordance between expected and observed results. In summary, the reported primer sets will allow minimally biased assessment of eukaryotic diversity in different microbial ecosystems.  相似文献   

We found and sequenced intervening sequences (IVSs) in the PCR-amplicons of 16S rRNA genes of 3 strains of Campylobacter rectus, 2 strains of C. curvus and 2 strains of C. sputorum. The lengths of the IVSs were 140 to 233 bp. The IVSs of C. rectus were identical and had a sequence homology of 55 to 79% against those of C. curvus and C. helveticus. The IVSs of C. sputorum were 97.9-100% homologous but poorly homologous to the other IVSs. In spite of the diversities of the lengths and the nucleotide sequences, all of the IVSs were located at the same position in the 16S rRNA genes.  相似文献   

We quantified the diversity of oxygenic phototrophic microorganisms present in eight hypersaline microbial mats on the basis of three cultivation-independent approaches. Morphological diversity was studied by microscopy. The diversity of carotenoids was examined by extraction from mat samples and high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis. The diversity of 16S rRNA genes from oxygenic phototrophic microorganisms was investigated by extraction of total DNA from mat samples, amplification of 16S rRNA gene segments from cyanobacteria and plastids of eukaryotic algae by phylum-specific PCR, and sequence-dependent separation of amplification products by denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis. A numerical approach was introduced to correct for crowding the results of chromatographic and electrophoretic analyses. Diversity estimates typically varied up to twofold among mats. The congruence of richness estimates and Shannon-Weaver indices based on numbers and proportional abundances of unique morphotypes, 16S rRNA genes, and carotenoids unveiled the underlying diversity of oxygenic phototrophic microorganisms in the eight mat communities studied.  相似文献   

Molecular diversity of protists from bovine rumen fluid incubated with condensed tannins of Leucaena leucocephala hybrid‐Rendang at 20 mg/500 mg dry matter (treatment) or without condensed tannins (control) was investigated using 18S rRNA gene library. Clones from the control library were distributed within nine genera, but clones from the condensed tannin treatment clone library were related to only six genera. Diversity estimators such as abundance‐based coverage estimation and Chao1 showed significant differences between the two libraries, although no differences were found based on Shannon–Weaver index and Libshuff.  相似文献   



The concept of ribosomal constraints on rRNA genes is deduced primarily based on the comparison of consensus rRNA sequences between closely related species, but recent advances in whole-genome sequencing allow evaluation of this concept within organisms with multiple rRNA operons.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using the 23S rRNA gene as an example, we analyzed the diversity among individual rRNA genes within a genome. Of 184 prokaryotic species containing multiple 23S rRNA genes, diversity was observed in 113 (61.4%) genomes (mean 0.40%, range 0.01%–4.04%). Significant (1.17%–4.04%) intragenomic variation was found in 8 species. In 5 of the 8 species, the diversity in the primary structure had only minimal effect on the secondary structure (stem versus loop transition). In the remaining 3 species, the diversity significantly altered local secondary structure, but the alteration appears minimized through complex rearrangement. Intervening sequences (IVS), ranging between 9 and 1471 nt in size, were found in 7 species. IVS in Deinococcus radiodurans and Nostoc sp. encode transposases. T. tengcongensis was the only species in which intragenomic diversity >3% was observed among 4 paralogous 23S rRNA genes.


These findings indicate tight ribosomal constraints on individual 23S rRNA genes within a genome. Although classification using primary 23S rRNA sequences could be erroneous, significant diversity among paralogous 23S rRNA genes was observed only once in the 184 species analyzed, indicating little overall impact on the mainstream of 23S rRNA gene-based prokaryotic taxonomy.  相似文献   

利用多对引物,扩增并测定出大黄鱼16SrRNA基因和18SrRNA基因的部分序列,其长度分别为1202bp和1275bp,16SrRNA基因序列的GC含量为46.12%,18SrRNA基因的Gc含量为53.oo%。将大黄鱼16SrRNA基因序列与GenBank中15种硬骨鱼类的同源序列结合,同时将其18SrRNA基因序列与GenBank中9种脊索动物的同源序列相结合,运用软件获得各自序列间差异百分比,转换和颠换数值等信息。基于这两种基因序列,利用NJ法和BI法,分别构建16种硬骨鱼类和10种脊索动物的分子系统树。18SrRNA构建的系统树包括三大支,一支为哺乳类、鸟类和爬行类共6个物种,一支为两栖类的1个物种,另一支为2种硬骨鱼类。16SrRNA构建的系统树显示大黄鱼所在的石首鱼科与鲈科和盖刺鱼科亲缘关系较近。此外还讨论了这两个基因的序列特征。  相似文献   

The Rehai and Ruidian geothermal fields, located in Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, China, host a variety of geochemically distinct hot springs. In this study, we report a comprehensive, cultivation-independent census of microbial communities in 37 samples collected from these geothermal fields, encompassing sites ranging in temperature from 55.1 to 93.6°C, in pH from 2.5 to 9.4, and in mineralogy from silicates in Rehai to carbonates in Ruidian. Richness was low in all samples, with 21–123 species-level OTUs detected. The bacterial phylum Aquificae or archaeal phylum Crenarchaeota were dominant in Rehai samples, yet the dominant taxa within those phyla depended on temperature, pH, and geochemistry. Rehai springs with low pH (2.5–2.6), high temperature (85.1–89.1°C), and high sulfur contents favored the crenarchaeal order Sulfolobales, whereas those with low pH (2.6–4.8) and cooler temperature (55.1–64.5°C) favored the Aquificae genus Hydrogenobaculum. Rehai springs with neutral-alkaline pH (7.2–9.4) and high temperature (>80°C) with high concentrations of silica and salt ions (Na, K, and Cl) favored the Aquificae genus Hydrogenobacter and crenarchaeal orders Desulfurococcales and Thermoproteales. Desulfurococcales and Thermoproteales became predominant in springs with pH much higher than the optimum and even the maximum pH known for these orders. Ruidian water samples harbored a single Aquificae genus Hydrogenobacter, whereas microbial communities in Ruidian sediment samples were more diverse at the phylum level and distinctly different from those in Rehai and Ruidian water samples, with a higher abundance of uncultivated lineages, close relatives of the ammonia-oxidizing archaeon “Candidatus Nitrosocaldus yellowstonii”, and candidate division O1aA90 and OP1. These differences between Ruidian sediments and Rehai samples were likely caused by temperature, pH, and sediment mineralogy. The results of this study significantly expand the current understanding of the microbiology in Tengchong hot springs and provide a basis for comparison with other geothermal systems around the world.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the group of molting protostomes were reconstructed by comparing the sets of 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences considered either separately or in combination. The reliability of reconstructions was estimated from the bootstrap indices for major phylogenetic tree nodes and from the degree of congruence of phylogenetic trees obtained by different methods. By either criterion, the phylogenetic trees reconstructed on the basis of both 18 and 28S rRNA gene sequences were better than those based on the 18S or 28S sequences alone. The results of reconstruction are consistent with the phylogenetic hypothesis classifying protostomes into two major clades: molting Ecdysozoa (Priapulida + Kinorhyncha, Nematoda + Nematomorpha, Onychophora + Tardigrada, Myriapoda + Chelicerata, and Crustacea + Hexapoda) and nonmolting Lophotrochozoa (Plathelminthes, Nemertini, Annelida, Mollusca, Echiura, and Sipuncula). Nematomorphs (Nematomorpha) do not belong to the clade Cephalorhyncha (Priapulida + Kinorhyncha). It is concluded that combined data on the 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences provide a more reliable basis for phylogenetic inferences.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 590–601.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Petrov, Vladychenskaya.  相似文献   

Cloning of cDNA obtained from 16S rRNA (16S rcDNA) selectively retrieves species-specific sequence information useful for analyzing the composition and structure of natural microbial communities. With this technique we obtained recombinant 16S rcDNA libraries from Escherichia coli and from a model hot-spring cyanobacterial-mat community. The recombinant plasmids contained exclusively 16S rRNA-derived inserts. This selective approach is independent of biasing culture techniques and eliminates the laborious screening required to locate 16S rRNA gene-bearing recombinants in genomic DNA libraries obtained from natural communities.  相似文献   

The microbial diversity of intertidal hot springs on the seashore of northwest Iceland was examined by combining directed in situ enrichments, artificial support colonization, and mat sampling. Analysis of 16S rRNA genes revealed the presence of clones related to both marine and terrestrial, thermophilic, mesophilic, and psychrophilic microorganisms scattered among 11 bacterial divisions. No archaea were found. The species composition of the enrichments was affected by the length of the hot periods experienced at low tide and was very different from those found in the biomass. A total of 36 chitinase genes were detected by molecular screening of the samples with degenerate primers for glycoside hydrolase family 18. The chitinase gene diversity was at least twofold higher in the enrichment samples than in the controls, indicating that a much higher diversity of hydrolytic genes can be accessed with this approach.  相似文献   

The deep sequencing of 16S rRNA genes amplified by universal primers has revolutionized our understanding of microbial communities by allowing the characterization of the diversity of the uncultured majority. However, some universal primers also amplify eukaryotic rRNA genes, leading to a decrease in the efficiency of sequencing of prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes with possible mischaracterization of the diversity in the microbial community. In this study, we compared 16S rRNA gene sequences from genome-sequenced strains and identified candidates for non-degenerate universal primers that could be used for the amplification of prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes. The 50 identified candidates were investigated to calculate their coverage for prokaryotic and eukaryotic rRNA genes, including those from uncultured taxa and eukaryotic organelles, and a novel universal primer set, 342F-806R, covering many prokaryotic, but not eukaryotic, rRNA genes was identified. This primer set was validated by the amplification of 16S rRNA genes from a soil metagenomic sample and subsequent pyrosequencing using the Roche 454 platform. The same sample was also used for pyrosequencing of the amplicons by employing a commonly used primer set, 338F-533R, and for shotgun metagenomic sequencing using the Illumina platform. Our comparison of the taxonomic compositions inferred by the three sequencing experiments indicated that the non-degenerate 342F-806R primer set can characterize the taxonomic composition of the microbial community without substantial bias, and is highly expected to be applicable to the analysis of a wide variety of microbial communities.  相似文献   

A web-based resource, Microbial Community Analysis (MiCA), has been developed to facilitate studies on microbial community ecology that use analyses of terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLP) of 16S and 18S rRNA genes. MiCA provides an intuitive web interface to access two specialized programs and a specially formatted database of 16S ribosomal RNA sequences. The first program performs virtual polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of rRNA genes and restriction of the amplicons using primer sequences and restriction enzymes chosen by the user. This program, in silico PCR and Restriction (ISPaR), uses a binary encoding of DNA sequences to rapidly scan large numbers of sequences in databases searching for primer annealing and restriction sites while permitting the user to specify the number of mismatches in primer sequences. ISPaR supports multiple digests with up to three enzymes. The number of base pairs between the 5′ and 3′ primers and the proximal restriction sites can be reported, printed, or exported in various formats. The second program, APLAUS, infers a plausible community structure(s) based on T-RFLP data supplied by a user. APLAUS estimates the relative abundances of populations and reports a listing of phylotypes that are consistent with the empirical data. MiCA is accessible at .  相似文献   

The diversity and distribution of a bacterial community from Coffee Pots Hot Spring, a thermal spring in Yellowstone National Park with a temperature range of 39.3 to 74.1°C and pH range of 5.75 to 6.91, were investigated by sequencing cloned PCR products and quantitative PCR (qPCR) of 16S rRNA and metabolic genes. The spring was inhabited by three Aquificae genera—Thermocrinis, Hydrogenobaculum, and Sulfurihydrogenibium—and members of the Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria, Deinococcus-Thermus, and candidate division OP5. The in situ chemical affinities were calculated for 41 potential metabolic reactions using measured environmental parameters and a range of hydrogen and oxygen concentrations. Reactions that use oxygen, ferric iron, sulfur, and nitrate as electron acceptors were predicted to be the most energetically favorable, while reactions using sulfate were expected to be less favorable. Samples were screened for genes used in ammonia oxidation (amoA, bacterial gene only), the reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle (aclB), the Calvin cycle (cbbM), sulfate reduction (dsrAB), nitrogen fixation (nifH), nitrite reduction (nirK), and sulfide oxidation (soxEF1) by PCR. Genes for carbon fixation by the rTCA cycle and nitrogen fixation were detected. All aclB sequences were phylogenetically related and spatially correlated to Sulfurihydrogenibium 16S rRNA gene sequences using qPCR (R2 = 0.99). This result supports the recent finding of citrate cleavage by enzymes other than ATP citrate lyase in the rTCA cycle of the Aquificaceae family. We briefly consider potential biochemical mechanisms that may allow Sulfurihydrogenibium and Thermocrinis to codominate some hydrothermal environments.  相似文献   

测定了角蟾亚科2属8种(亚种)和外群3种的线粒体12S和16S rRNA基因部分DNA序列,比对后序列长共949bp,其中变异位点数320,简约位点数206。邻接法和最大简约法分析的系统关系树一致表明内群为一单系群,其中腺角蟾首先与其他物种分开;沙坪角蟾与宽头短腿蟾聚为一支;余下的5种(亚种)角蟾组成一支,其中小角蟾短肢亚种的广西种群和香港种群聚为一亚支,另一亚支包括峨眉角蟾、小角蟾指名亚种、尾凸角蟾和重庆武隆的角蟾种,后两种角蟾进化关系最近。本结果支持短肢角蟾为有效种,同时提示腺角蟾、沙坪角蟾与宽头短腿蟾可能隶属3个不同的亚属或属。  相似文献   

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