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C. S. Houston 《CMAJ》1977,117(6):648-651
The date of onset of the last menstrual period should be given on radiographic requisitions for all women of reproductive age. Every effort should be made to avoid unnecessary irradiation of any woman who might be pregnant. Radiation damage in the first 2 weeks of pregnancy, however, should be "all or none", resulting in either a miscarriage or a normal child. Diagnostic radiology procedures are not indications for therapeutic abortion. Ultrasound has now replaced ionizing radiation in most examinations of the fetus and placenta. Pelvimetry should be done only when the decision to do a cesarean section hinges on precise knowledge of measurements of the bony pelvis. On the rare occasion when a radiograph of the fetus is necessary the woman should be prone for the examination. All such examinations are best ordered after consultation with a radiologist. Radiography of distant areas with the beam directed away from the woman''s abdomen can be done without concern at any stage of pregnancy.  相似文献   


Different constructions of the fetus lie at the centre of reproductive, abortion and disability politics. Recent developments mean that, within the same hospital, a fetus may be perceived in contrasting and potentially conflicting ways. It is also argued that the status given to the fetus is directly relevant to the status given to pregnant women. During group discussions facilitated by an ethicist, health-care staff highlighted various perceptions of the fetus which included: person; patient; 'nobody'; commodity. Perhaps not surprisingly in view of the current legal situation, staff tended to claim that it is usually the pregnant woman who decides how her fetus will be constructed, and the practitioner who responds to this. However, various ways in which practitioners might influence women's perceptions of their fetus are highlighted, as are some ways in which the perceptions of staff might be influenced. This paper illustrates how sensitive health-care staff will need to be if they are indeed to respond to, rather than shape, women's constructions of their fetus.  相似文献   

The actions of pregnant women can cause harm to their future children. However, even if the possible harm is serious and likely to occur, the law will generally not intervene. A pregnant woman is an autonomous person who is entitled to make her own decisions. A fetus in‐utero has no legal right to protection. In striking contrast, the child, if born alive, may sue for injury in‐utero; and the child is entitled to be protected by being removed from her parents if necessary for her protection. Indeed, there is a legal obligation for health professionals to report suspected harm, and for authorities to protect the child's wellbeing. We ask whether such contradictory responses are justified. Should the law intervene where a pregnant woman's actions risk serious and preventable fetal injury? The argument for legal intervention to protect a fetus is sometimes linked to the concept of ‘fetal personhood’ and the moral status of the fetus. In this article we will suggest that even if the fetus is not regarded as a separate person, and does not have the legal or moral status of a child, indeed, even if the fetus is regarded as having no legal or moral status, there is an ethical and legal case for intervening to prevent serious harm to a future child. We examine the arguments for and against intervention on behalf of the future child, drawing on the example of excessive maternal alcohol intake.  相似文献   

Anstötz C 《Bioethics》1993,7(4):340-350
In October 1992 a young woman died in a car accident. She was pregnant and her fetus appeared to be unhurt, so a decision had to be made: should the mother's body be artificially supported in order to give the fetus a chance to live? The situation became a public question that split the nation in two. One side demanded -- that the young woman -- and her child -- be left to die in dignity. The other side referred to the unborn child's right to live and therefore wanted the body of the woman maintained until the fetus could be born. The following report consists of four parts. The first describes the case. In the second part the decision and its official justification are presented. The third part offers an impression of the unusual emotional reactions to which the case of the "Erlanger Baby" has given rise. The final part is a discussion of the issue and some comments.  相似文献   

Viruses like rubella, cytomegalovirus, varicella-zoster virus and parasites like Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus and can affect fetal development. Several factors determine the likelihood of fetal infection and the risk of consequences for the fetus, such as the timing of transmission during gestation or the immunologic status of the mother. No single diagnostic modality can be applied to all infections. Knowledge of the diagnostic methods available is essential for accurate counseling and treatment of affected pregnant women.  相似文献   

Two cases are presented in which the effects of blunt trauma to a pregnant woman''s abdomen were apparently minor but resulted in fetal death. Blunt trauma may result in serious injury to the fetus or the placenta. Three-point restraint systems should be worn by pregnant women travelling in automobiles to minimize the risks to mother and fetus. Awareness of the potential for injury in these circumstances is essential to reduce the risks to the fetus.  相似文献   

The principle of informed refusal poses a specific problem when it is invoked by a pregnant woman who, in spite of having accepted her pregnancy, refuses the diagnostic and/or therapeutic measures that would ensure the well-being of her endangered fetus. Guidelines issued by professional bodies in the developed world are conflicting: either they allow autonomy and informed consent to be overruled to the benefit of the fetus, or they recommend the full respect of these principles. A number of medical ethicists advocate the overruling of alleged irrational or unreasonable refusal for the benefit of the fetus. The present essay supports the view of fetal rights to health and to life based on the principle that an 'accepted' fetus is a 'third person'. In developing countries, however, the implementation of the latter principle is likely to be in conflict with a 'communitarian' perception of the individual -- in this case, the pregnant woman. Within the scope of the limitations to the right to autonomy of J.S. Mill's 'harm principle', the South African Patients' Charter makes provision for informed refusal. The fact that, in practice, it is not implemented illustrates the well-known difficulty of applying Western bioethical principles in real life in the developing world.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnostic testing raises a number of important ethical issues, some related to diagnostic testing in general and others related to the special circumstances of pregnancy. These issues are most effectively addressed in the context of a broader understanding of the goals of prenatal diagnosis. Our dual obligations--to the pregnant woman and to the fetus--have an important influence on the goals of testing. Testing seldom leads to treatment beneficial to the fetus, but more often can be beneficial to the pregnant woman, particularly if the information provided enhances her ability to make sound decisions about reproductive matters. The process of prenatal diagnostic testing can, however, limit a woman''s sense of control over the decisions made about her pregnancy. It can also provide an opportunity for third parties to become involved in what are usually considered private matters. It is therefore important that the process of testing include adequate counseling and follow-up and that the patient''s confidence be respected. As prenatal diagnostic technology expands, both in terms of patients to be tested and diagnoses to be sought, society will face difficult questions concerning access to testing and the justification for its use.  相似文献   

A clinician faces a problem in how best to counsel the woman with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer about her options for pregnancy prevention. The physician must guide her as she makes new and complex decisions. Recent data strongly support an amplified effect of the estrogens in oral contraceptives for the woman with a genetic risk for breast cancer. Nonetheless, a woman's immediate need to prevent pregnancy may be much more important to her than worrying about the long-term risk of breast cancer. Another factor is that oral contraceptives prevent ovarian cancer, so the physician may wish to prescribe them to protect her from ovarian cancer. In some genetic backgrounds, however, oral contraceptives not only do not prevent ovarian cancer, but they may raise the risk of breast cancer so significantly that they should not be taken. With other genetic backgrounds, oral contraceptives will protect the woman from ovarian cancer without much effect on her breast cancer risk. When does each of these cancer risks or benefits become significant? The clinician can provide an important benefit to a woman who must prevent pregnancy yet worries about her cancer risk. The physician can help her evaluate the evidence, with its gaps and uncertainties, in the context of her own preferences. To assist in this evaluation, this decision aid provides base-line estimates of the cancer risk that accompanies each of a woman's options. In some cases, genetic testing is likely to provide valuable information as she makes choices about contraception and the risks vs. benefits of different alternatives available to her.  相似文献   

W. F. Bowker 《CMAJ》1963,88(14):745
Scientists test new drugs by giving them to volunteers. In spite of every precaution, the drug may harm the volunteer. Under Canadian law, can he recover damages against any of the persons connected with the test? He cannot succeed against the scientist if the latter had made complete disclosure of the risks and had then obtained the volunteer''s free consent. Where the subject of a test is a child or one of unsound mind, the guardian''s consent probably does not protect the scientist from a possible claim by the subject. Where a married woman is a volunteer, her husband''s consent is unnecessary. The volunteer cannot succeed against his family physician who referred him to the scientist unless the physician took an active part in an experiment that was conducted negligently or without a proper consent. The volunteer cannot succeed against the maker unless he has negligently prepared the drug or given misleading information.  相似文献   

Informed consent is a legal obligation due from a physician to his patient, an obligation which may not be met by the physician''s skillful treatment of his patient. It may only be met by the treating physician obtaining from his patient knowing authorization for carrying out the intended medical procedure. The physician is required to disclose whatever would be material to his patient''s decision, including the nature and purpose of the procedure, and the risks and alternatives. The disclosures should be made by the physician to his patient, and not through use of consent forms which are not particular to individual patients. To minimize any subsequent claim by the patient that there was a lack of adequate disclosures, the physician should record in the patient''s chart the circumstances of the patient''s consent, and should not rely on the patient''s unreliable ability to recall those circumstances.  相似文献   

Balancing the risks of prolonged gestation against those of induced labour is difficult. Risks to the fetus increase slightly after 42 weeks'' gestation but women having labour induced are more likely to have instrumental deliveries or babies with low Apgar scores. Since many women are now expressing a preference for minimal interference in childbirth the most acceptable management of post-term pregnancy seems to be increased fetal surveillance. Each case needs to be considered individually and it is important that the woman is involved in the decision to induce.  相似文献   

Objective: To use familial patterns of recurrence of pre-eclampsia to investigate whether paternal genes expressed in the fetus contribute to the mother’s risk of pre-eclampsia and whether mother’s susceptibility to pre-eclampsia is related to maternal inheritance by mitochondrial DNA. Design: Linked data on pregnancies of different women who had children with the same father, and subsequently linked data on pregnancies of half sisters who either had same mother and different fathers or had same father and different mothers. Setting: Population based data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway covering all births since 1967 (about 1.7 million) and the Norwegian Central Population Register. Main outcome measures: Relative risk of pre-eclampsia after a previous pre-eclamptic pregnancy in the family. Relative risks approximated by odds ratios. Results: If a woman becomes pregnant by a man who has already fathered a pre-eclamptic pregnancy in a different woman her risk of developing pre-eclampsia is 1.8 (95% confidence interval 1.2 to 2.6). If the woman has a half sister who had pre-eclampsia and with whom she shares the same mother but different fathers the risk of pre-eclampsia is 1.6 (0.9 to2.6). If the two sisters have the same father but different mothers the risk is 1.8 (1.01 to 2.9). Conclusions: Both the mother and the fetus contribute to the risk of pre-eclampsia, the contribution of the fetus being affected by paternal genes. Mitochondrial genes, which are transmitted by mothers, do not seem to contribute to the risk.

Key messages

  • Paternal genes in the fetus may contribute substantially to a pregnant woman’s risk of pre-eclampsia
  • The role of the fetus may be as important as that of the mother
  • Purely maternal inheritance (specifically by mitochondrial DNA) is probably not involved in pre-eclampsia
  • Search for specific genes that predispose for pre-eclampsia should include the fetus as well as the mother

A farmer''s wife who had helped with lambing aborted spontaneously in March after a short febrile illness in the 28th week of her pregnancy. She developed disseminated intravascular coagulation post partum with acute renal failure and pulmonary oedema. Recovery was complete after two weeks of hospital care. A strain of Chlamydia psittaci, probably of ovine origin, was isolated from the placenta and fetus. The patient''s serum showed rising titres of antibody against chlamydia group antigen; the placental and fetal isolates; and a known ovine abortion, but not a known avian, strain of C psittaci. IgG against both ovine abortion and enteric strains of C psittaci was detected, but IgM against only an abortion strain was detected. Histological examination showed pronounced intervillus placentitis with chlamydial inclusions in the trophoblast but no evidence of fetal infection or amnionitis. Laboratory evidence of chlamydial infection was found in an aborting ewe on the farm in January and in remaining sheep and lambs in July. Doctors should recognise the possible risk to pregnant women in rural areas where chlamydial infections in farm animals are widespread.  相似文献   

I G Levy  N A Iscoe  L H Klotz 《CMAJ》1998,159(5):509-513
A 70-year-old woman who experienced a long period of depression after her first husband''s death from prostate cancer at the age of 63 has become increasingly anxious about her own health and that of her close family. A few years ago she married a man her own age; he is in good physical condition. Last year the family spent much of the winter in Florida, where the woman noticed several studies in the media suggesting that an epidemic of prostate cancer is occurring in North America and that because early detection can save lives men of retirement age should be checked by their physicians as soon as possible. In addition, 2 close friends recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. On his latest fishing trip her husband learned from a friend that 1 in 8 men get prostate cancer. He has not seen his family physician for several years, but his wife has booked an appointment for them to discuss their concerns.  相似文献   

A diagnosis of fetal abnormality presents parents with a difficult – even tragic – moral dilemma. Where this diagnosis is made in the context of surrogate motherhood there is an added difficulty, namely that it is not obvious who should be involved in making decisions about abortion, for the person who would normally have the right to decide – the pregnant woman – does not intend to raise the child. This raises the question: To what extent, if at all, should the intended parents be involved in decision‐making? In commercial surrogacy it is thought that as part of the contractual agreement the intended parents acquire the right to make this decision. By contrast, in altruistic surrogacy the pregnant woman retains the right to make these decisions, but the intended parents are free to decide not to adopt the child. We argue that both these strategies are morally unsound, and that the problems encountered serve to highlight more fundamental defects within the commercial and altruistic models, as well as in the legal and institutional frameworks that support them. We argue in favour of the professional model, which acknowledges the rights and responsibilities of both parties and provides a legal and institutional framework that supports good decision‐making. In particular, the professional model acknowledges the surrogate's right to decide whether to undergo an abortion, and the intended parents' obligation to accept legal custody of the child. While not solving all the problems that arise in surrogacy, the model provides a framework that supports good decision‐making.  相似文献   

High concentrations of alpha-fetoprotein (alpha-FP) were found at 14, 19, and 21 weeks gestation in the serum of a woman with a history of unexplained fetal death in her previous pregnancies. The alpha-FP concentration of the liquor also was high at 21 weeks and the pregnancy was terminated. Though the fetus was macroscopically normal, measurement of albumin, alpha-FP, IgG, and alpha2-macroglobulin in the fetal urine showed a selective proteinuria, and congenital nephrosis was diagnosed after examination of the fetal kidneys by electron microscopy. Possibly some fetuses reported to be "false-positive for neural tube defect" may have had renal lesions of this nature. Examination of fetal urine may be the simplest initial diagnostic procedure in any future case.  相似文献   

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