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Venus is a recently developed, fast maturating, yellow fluorescent protein that has been used as a probe for in vivo applications. In the present work the photophysical characteristics of Venus were analyzed spectroscopically at the bulk and single molecule level. Through time-resolved single molecule measurements we found that single molecules of Venus display pronounced fluctuations in fluorescence emission, with clear fluorescence on- and off-times. These fluorescence intermittencies were found to occupy a broad range of time scales, ranging from milliseconds to several seconds. Such long off-times can complicate the analysis of single molecule counting experiments or single-molecule FRET experiments.  相似文献   

Atmospheric organic nitrogen (ON) appears to be a ubiquitous but poorly understood component of the atmospheric nitrogen deposition flux. Here, we focus on the ON components that dominate deposition and do not consider reactive atmospheric gases containing ON such as peroxyacyl nitrates that are important in atmospheric nitrogen transport, but are probably not particularly important in deposition. We first review the approaches to the analysis and characterization of atmospheric ON. We then briefly summarize the available data on the concentrations of ON in both aerosols and rainwater from around the world, and the limited information available on its chemical characterization. This evidence clearly shows that atmospheric aerosol and rainwater ON is a complex mixture of material from multiple sources. This synthesis of available information is then used to try and identify some of the important sources of this material, in particular, if it is of predominantly natural or anthropogenic origin. Finally, we suggest that the flux of ON is about 25 per cent of the total nitrogen deposition flux.  相似文献   

A search for fluorescent emission due to the presence of possible organic molecules in the Jovian atmosphere is described. We first consider natural Jovian fluorescent emission excited by precipitating auroral particles. Due to our lack of knowledge of the Jovian precipitating particle energies and fluxes we nest consider fluorescent emission excited by a laser system aboard a Jupiter spacecraft. Laser-induced fluorescence is routinely used to monitor trace constituents and pollutants in the terrestrial atmosphere. Several spacecraft laser systems are currently under development. Our calculations indicate that laser-induced fluorescent detection is approximately two orders of magnitude more sensitive than rocket ultraviolet measurements of possible Jovian absorption features at 2600 Å that have been attributed to the presence of adenine or benzene.  相似文献   

A search for fluorescent emission due to the presence of possible organic molecules in the Jovian atmosphere is described. We first consider natural Jovian fluorescent emission excited by precipitating auroral particles. Due to our lack of knowledge of the Jovian precipitation particle energies and fluxes we next consider fluorescent emission excited by a laser system aboard a Jupiter spacecraft. Laser-induced fluorescence is routinely used to monitor trace constituents and pollutants in the terrestrial atmosphere. Several spacecraft laser systems are currently under development. Our calculations indicate that laser-induced fluorescent detection is approximately two orders of magnitude more sensitive than rocket ultraviolet measurements of possible Jovian absorption features at 2600 A that have been attributed to the presence of adenine or benzene.  相似文献   

N G Fedtsova 《Ontogenez》1991,22(3):237-244
Undissociated tissue explants of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of 3,5-, 4-, 5- and 8-day-old chick embryos were cultured in vitro. After 7 days in culture, lentoids were observed in explants of either retina or RPE from 3,5-, 4- and 5-day-old embryos. As demonstrated by immunohistochemistry, these lentoids contained specific chick lens proteins (alpha-, beta- and delta-crystallins). No crystallin-containing cells were found in eye tissue explants from 8-day-old embryos. However, when 5-bromo-deoxyuridine (25 microM) was introduced into the medium at the beginning of culturing (for 12 h), large eosinophilic cells containing alpha-, beta- and delta-crystallins were detected in retinal explants of the 8-day old embryos. Thus, retina and RPE of 3,5-5-day-old chick embryos are capable of lens differentiation after explantation in vitro without dissociation into individual cells. This capacity is lost during development.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation of the ground state and the first excited state of the pyrimidine bases of uracil, cytosine, thymine and their stacked homodimers is carried out by the Extended Hückel method. The first exicted state is shown to be the (see article)-state. The excitation is localized mainly on the C5-C6 bond region. The energy dependence of the ground state and the first excited state of the homodimers on the mutual position of bases is considered. For every dimer a minimum on the exicted state potential curve is found. This fact creates the possibility for the formation of excimer. The obtained data give some reason for the suggestion about participation of the excimer state as a precursor of photodimer.  相似文献   

Lavrik NL  Bazhin NM 《Biofizika》2011,56(3):574-576
formation of OH- radical from the hydroxyl ion in waterthe The enthalpy and free energy of have been calculated. It has been shown that this reaction cannot take place.  相似文献   

IR spectra (1600-1800 and 3000-3650 cm-1) of lincomycin base solutions in inert (CCl4 and C2Cl4), proton acceptor (dioxane, dimethylsulfoxide and triethyl amine) and proton donor (CHCl3, CD3OD and D2O) solvents were studied. Analysis of the concentration and temperature changes in the spectra revealed that association in lincomycin in the inert solvents was due to intramolecular hydrogen linkage involving amide and hydroxyl groups. Disintegration of the associates after the solution dilution and temperature rise was accompanied by formation of intramolecular bonds stabilizing the stable conformation structure of the lincomycin molecule. The following hydrogen linkage in the conformation was realized: NH...N (band v NH...N at 3340 cm-1), OH...O involving the hydroxyl at C-7 and O atoms in the D-galactose ring (band v OH...O at 3548 cm-1), a chain of the hydrogen bonds OH...OH...OH in the lincomycin carbohydrate moiety (band v OH...O at 3593 cm-1 and v OH of the end hydroxyl group at 3625 cm-1). Bonds NH and C-O of the amide group were located in transconformation. Group C-O did not participate in the intramolecular hydrogen linkage.  相似文献   

The role of the epithelial adhesion molecule uvomorulin in the formation of the epithelial junctional complex in the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell line was investigated. Experiments were carried out to determine whether specific inhibition of uvomorulin function would interfere selectively with the formation, stability, or function of the apical zonula adherens (ZA) and zonula occludens (ZO), or whether it would interfere with all forms of intercellular contact including the desmosomes. The effects of blocking antibodies and Fab fragments to uvomorulin on the formation of the junctional complex was examined with a Ca2+ switch assay for de novo junction assembly. The formation of the ZO, the ZA, and the desmosomes was assayed by fluorescence staining with an antibody to the tight junction-specific protein ZO-1, with rhodamine-phalloidin for ZA-associated actin filaments, and with an anti-desmoplakin antibody, respectively. Under different conditions and times of antibody treatment the extent of inhibition of the formation of each of the junctional elements was very similar. The ability of the cells to eventually overcome the inhibitory effect of the antibodies and form junctions correlated with the reappearance of uvomorulin at the regions of cell-cell contact. Therefore uvomorulin seems to mediate an early adhesion event between epithelial cells that is a prerequisite for the assembly of all elements of the junctional complex. In contrast, the transepithelial electrical resistance of confluent, well-established monolayers of MDCK cells grown on filters was not greatly affected by treatment with the various antibodies or Fab fragments. A small transient decrease in resistance observed with the polyclonal alpha-uvomorulin IgG may be due to a more subtle modulation of the junctional complex.  相似文献   

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