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The phylogenetic relationships of species are fundamental to any biological investigation, including all evolutionary studies. Accurate inferences of sister group relationships provide the researcher with an historical framework within which the attributes or geographic origin of species (or supraspecific groups) evolved. Taken out of this phylogenetic context, interpretations of evolutionary processes or origins, geographic distributions, or speciation rates and mechanisms, are subject to nothing less than a biological experiment without controls. Cypriniformes is the most diverse clade of freshwater fishes with estimates of diversity of nearly 3,500 species. These fishes display an amazing array of morphological, ecological, behavioral, and geographic diversity and offer a tremendous opportunity to enhance our understanding of the biotic and abiotic factors associated with diversification and adaptation to environments. Given the nearly global distribution of these fishes, they serve as an important model group for a plethora of biological investigations, including indicator species for future climatic changes. The occurrence of the zebrafish, Danio rerio, in this order makes this clade a critical component in understanding and predicting the relationship between mutagenesis and phenotypic expressions in vertebrates, including humans. With the tremendous diversity in Cypriniformes, our understanding of their phylogenetic relationships has not proceeded at an acceptable rate, despite a plethora of morphological and more recent molecular studies. Most studies are pre-Hennigian in origin or include relatively small numbers of taxa. Given that analyses of small numbers of taxa for molecular characters can be compromised by peculiarities of long-branch attraction and nodal-density effect, it is critical that significant progress in our understanding of the relationships of these important fishes occurs with increasing sampling of species to mitigate these potential problems. The recent Cypriniformes Tree of Life initiative is an effort to achieve this goal with morphological and molecular (mitochondrial and nuclear) data. In this early synthesis of our understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of these fishes, all types of data have contributed historically to improving our understanding, but not all analyses are complementary in taxon sampling, thus precluding direct understanding of the impact of taxon sampling on achieving accurate phylogenetic inferences. However, recent molecular studies do provide some insight and in some instances taxon sampling can be implicated as a variable that can influence sister group relationships. Other instances may also exist but without inclusion of more taxa for both mitochondrial and nuclear genes, one cannot distinguish between inferences being dictated by taxon sampling or the origins of the molecular data.  相似文献   

The Cracidae is one of the most endangered bird families in the World. Several studies have been published recently on the evolution and conservation of cracids. Phylogenetic analyses using a fragment of 661 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene for 39 different species of cracids corroborated most relationships found in previous studies. The present work attempts to refine the former phylogenetic hypothesis by increasing taxon sampling and combining molecular with osteological, integumentary and behavioural characters using Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Bayesian analyses. We present both separate and combined total evidence analyses with our molecular data, 152 osteological and 74 integumentary + behavioural characters. While supporting most aspects of the molecular-based hypotheses, the tree based on the combined matrix suggests several modifications of the generic composition for each of the two subfamilies: Penelopinae and Cracinae, and supports the merging of the genera Pipile with Aburria and Mitu with Pauxi . These results suggest that increased taxon and character sampling from a diversity of sources may be at least as important as increased sampling of only one type. Besides, of a total of 891 characters we had 437 parsimony-informative sites (almost half of the analyzable sites) proving the efficiency of a total-evidence approach.  相似文献   

We provide 15 new primers for amplifying and sequencing the mitochondrial ND4/ND5 gene region of the Cypriniformes in an attempt to resolve relationships of this diverse group of freshwater fishes with extensive taxonomic sampling. Sequences from this region have the following desirable characteristics for phylogenetic analyses, some of which are lacking from the more commonly used cyt b and 12S/16S rRNA genes: they are (1) easy to align, (2) relatively long (ca. 3.4 kb), and (3) contain more phylogenetically informative variation at 1st and 2nd codon positions. Moreover, the ND4/ND5 gene region is easy to amplify and sequence when employing the protocol suggested herein.  相似文献   

类群取样与系统发育分析精确度之探索   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Appropriate and extensive taxon sampling is one of the most important determinants of accurate phylogenetic estimation. In addition, accuracy of inferences about evolutionary processes obtained from phylogenetic analyses is improved significantly by thorough taxon sampling efforts. Many recent efforts to improve phylogenetic estimates have focused instead on increasing sequence length or the number of overall characters in the analysis, and this often does have a beneficial effect on the accuracy of phylogenetic analyses. However, phylogenetic analyses of few taxa (but each represented by many characters) can be subject to strong systematic biases, which in turn produce high measures of repeatability (such as bootstrap proportions) in support of incorrect or misleading phylogenetic results. Thus, it is important for phylogeneticists to consider both the sampling of taxa, as well as the sampling of characters, in designing phylogenetic studies. Taxon sampling also improves estimates of evolutionary parameters derived from phylogenetic trees, and is thus important for improved applications of phylogenetic analyses. Analysis of sensitivity to taxon inclusion, the possible effects of long-branch attraction, and sensitivity of parameter estimation for model-based methods should be a part of any careful and thorough phylogenetic analysis. Furthermore, recent improvements in phylogenetic algorithms and in computational power have removed many constraints on analyzing large, thoroughly sampled data sets. Thorough taxon sampling is thus one of the most practical ways to improve the accuracy of phylogenetic estimates, as well as the accuracy of biological inferences that are based on these phylogenetic trees.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the Tree of Life is a central goal in biology. Although numerous novel phyla of bacteria and archaea have recently been discovered, inconsistent phylogenetic relationships are routinely reported, and many inter-phylum and inter-domain evolutionary relationships remain unclear. Here, we benchmark different marker genes often used in constructing multidomain phylogenetic trees of bacteria and archaea and present a set of marker genes that perform best for multidomain trees constructed from concatenated alignments. We use recently-developed Tree Certainty metrics to assess the confidence of our results and to obviate the complications of traditional bootstrap-based metrics. Given the vastly disparate number of genomes available for different phyla of bacteria and archaea, we also assessed the impact of taxon sampling on multidomain tree construction. Our results demonstrate that biases between the representation of different taxonomic groups can dramatically impact the topology of resulting trees. Inspection of our highest-quality tree supports the division of most bacteria into Terrabacteria and Gracilicutes, with Thermatogota and Synergistota branching earlier from these superphyla. This tree also supports the inclusion of the Patescibacteria within the Terrabacteria as a sister group to the Chloroflexota instead of as a basal-branching lineage. For the Archaea, our tree supports three monophyletic lineages (DPANN, Euryarchaeota, and TACK/Asgard), although we note the basal placement of the DPANN may still represent an artifact caused by biased sequence composition. Our findings provide a robust and standardized framework for multidomain phylogenetic reconstruction that can be used to evaluate inter-phylum relationships and assess uncertainty in conflicting topologies of the Tree of Life.  相似文献   

Previous attempts to resolve plesiosaurian phylogeny are reviewed and a new phylogenetic data set of 66 taxa (67% of ingroup taxa examined directly) and 178 characters (eight new) is presented. We recover two key novel results: a monophyletic Plesiosauridae comprising Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus, Hydrorion brachypterygius, Microcleidus homalospondylus, Occitanosaurus tournemirensis and Seeleyosaurus guilelmiimperatoris; and five plesiosaurian taxa recovered outside the split between Plesiosauroidea and Pliosauroidea. These taxa are Attenborosaurus conybeari, ‘Plesiosaurusmacrocephalus and a clade comprising Archaeonectrus rostratus, Macroplata tenuiceps and BMNH 49202. Based on this result, a new name, Neoplesiosauria, is erected for the clade comprising Plesiosauroidea and Pliosauroidea. Taxon subsamples of the new dataset are used to simulate previous investigations of global plesiosaurian relationships. Based on these simulations, most major differences between previous global phylogenetic hypotheses can be attributed to differences in taxon sampling. These include the position of Leptocleididae and Polycotylidae and the monophyly or paraphyly of Rhomaleosauridae. On this basis we favour the results recovered by our, larger analysis. Leptocleididae and Polycotylidae are sister taxa, forming a monophyletic clade within Plesiosauroidea, indicating that the large‐headed, short‐necked ‘pliosauromorph’ body plan evolved twice within Plesiosauria. Rhomaleosauridae forms the monophyletic sister taxon of Pliosauridae within Pliosauroidea. Problems are identified with previous phylogenetic definitions of plesiosaurian clades and new, stem‐based definitions are presented that should maintain their integrity over a range of phylogenetic hypotheses. New, rank‐free clade names Cryptoclidia and Leptocleidia are erected to replace the superfamilies Cryptoclidoidea and Leptocleidoidea. These were problematic as they were nested within the superfamily Plesiosauroidea. The incongruence length difference test indicates no significant difference in levels of homoplasy between cranial and postcranial characters.  相似文献   

After the completion of several entire genome projects and a remarkable increase in public genetic databases in the recent years the results of post-genomic analyses can facilitate a better understanding of the genomic evolution underlying the diversity of organisms and the complexity of gene function. This influx of genomic information and resources is also beneficial to the discipline of systematic biology. In this paper, we describe a set of 6 previous and 22 new PCR/sequencing primers for RAG1, Rhodopsin and four novel nuclear markers from IRBP, EGR1, EGR2B and EGR3 that we developed through an approach making use of public genetic/genomic data mining for one of the ongoing tree of life projects aimed at understanding the evolutionary relationships of the planet's largest clade of freshwater fishes — the Cypriniformes. The primers and laboratory protocols presented here were successfully tested in 33 species comprising all cypriniform family and subfamily groups. Phylogenetic performance of each gene, as well as their implications in the investigation of the evolution of cypriniform fishes were assessed and discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Morphological, molecular and biogeographical information bearing on early evolution of the sunflower alliance of families suggests that the clade containing the extant daisy family (Asteraceae) differentiated in South America during the Eocene, although palaeontological studies on this continent failed to reveal conclusive support for this hypothesis. Here we describe in detail Raiguenrayun cura gen. & sp. nov., an exceptionally well preserved capitulescence of Asteraceae recovered from Eocene deposits of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina.


The fossil was collected from the 47·5 million-year-old Huitrera Formation at the Estancia Don Hipólito locality, Río Negro Province, Argentina.

Key Results

The arrangement of the capitula in a cymose capitulescence, the many-flowered capitula with multiseriate–imbricate involucral bracts and the pappus-like structures indicate a close morphological relationship with Asteraceae. Raiguenrayun cura and the associated pollen Mutisiapollis telleriae do not match exactly any living member of the family, and clearly represent extinct taxa. They share a mosaic of morphological features today recognized in taxa phylogenetically close to the root of Asteraceae, such as Stifftieae, Wunderlichioideae and Gochnatieae (Mutisioideae sensu lato) and Dicomeae and Oldenburgieae (Carduoideae), today endemic to or mainly distributed in South America and Africa, respectively.


This is the first fossil genus of Asteraceae based on an outstandingly preserved capitulescence that might represent the ancestor of Mutisioideae–Carduoideae. It might have evolved in southern South America some time during the early Palaeogene and subsequently entered Africa, before the biogeographical isolation of these continents became much more pronounced. The new fossil represents the first reliable point for calibration, favouring an earlier date to the split between Barnadesioideae and the rest of Asteraceae than previously thought, which can be traced back at least 47·5 million years. This is the oldest well dated member of Asteraceae and perhaps the earliest indirect evidence for bird pollination in the family.  相似文献   

We studied the population genetic structure of Cobitis vettonica, an endangered freshwater fish species endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, in order to propose a biogeographic model of the responses of species to the multiple changes that occurred in the Iberian hydrological system during the Quaternary period. We also deciphered the relationship of C. vettonica with its sister species C. paludica, particularly in sympatric areas, and provide genetic information for conservation purposes. To achieve this goal, we analyzed both mitochondrial and nuclear data (the cytochrome b and the nuclear recombination activating 1 genes) and a battery of single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of 248 individuals of C. vettonica or C. paludica from 38 localities, including some sympatric ones, covering the entire distribution area of C. vettonica. We highlight the important role played by the hydrogeomorphological processes and climatic changes that occurred in the Iberian Peninsula during the Quaternary on both the population structure of C. vettonica and its relationship with its sister species C. paludica. Our results support the genetic introgression of populations at the eastern limit of the distribution of C. vettonica. Furthermore, we postulate genetic introgression in sympatric areas. Finally, we propose the establishment or expansion of four Operational Conservation Units (OCUs) for C. vettonica, and highlight the threat faced by its populations due to the low level of genetic diversity detected for some of its populations and genetic introgression with C. paludica, which could eventually displace C. vettonica, resulting in a loss of diversity in this species.  相似文献   

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