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Circadian rhythms of animals are reset by exposure to light as well as dark; however, although the parameters of photic entrainment are well characterized, the phase-shifting actions of dark pulses are poorly understood. Here, we determined the tonic and phasic effects of short (0.25 h), moderate (3 h), and long (6-9 h) duration dark pulses on the wheel-running rhythms of hamsters in constant light. Moderate- and long-duration dark pulses phase dependently reset behavioral rhythms, and the magnitude of these phase shifts increased as a function of the duration of the dark pulse. In contrast, the 0.25-h dark pulses failed to evoke consistent effects at any circadian phase tested. Interestingly, moderate- and long-dark pulses elevated locomotor activity (wheel-running) on the day of treatment. This induced wheel-running was highly correlated with phase shift magnitude when the pulse was given during the subjective day. This, together with the finding that animals pulsed during the subjective day are behaviorally active throughout the pulse, suggests that both locomotor activity and behavioral activation play an important role in the phase-resetting actions of dark pulses. We also found that the robustness of the wheel-running rhythm was weakened, and the amount of wheel-running decreased on the days after exposure to dark pulses; these effects were dependent on pulse duration. In summary, similarly to light, the resetting actions of dark pulses are dependent on both circadian phase and stimulus duration. However, dark pulses appear more complex stimuli, with both photic and nonphotic resetting properties.  相似文献   

The response of the circadian system to light varies markedly depending on photic history. Under short day lengths, hamsters exhibit larger maximal light-induced phase shifts as compared with those under longer photoperiods. However, effects of photoperiod length on sensitivity to subsaturating light remain unknown. Here, Syrian hamsters were entrained to long or short photoperiods and subsequently exposed to a 15-min light pulse across a range of irradiances (0-68.03 μW/cm(2)) to phase shift activity rhythms. Phase advances exhibited a dose response, with increasing irradiances eliciting greater phase resetting in both conditions. Photic sensitivity, as measured by the half-saturation constant, was increased 40-fold in the short photoperiod condition. In addition, irradiances that generated similar phase advances under short and long days produced equivalent phase delays, and equal photon doses produced larger delays in the short photoperiod condition. Mechanistically, equivalent light exposure induced greater pERK, PER1, and cFOS immunoreactivity in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of animals under shorter days. Patterns of immunoreactivity in all 3 proteins were related to the size of the phase shift rather than the intensity of the photic stimulus, suggesting that photoperiod modulation of light sensitivity lies upstream of these events within the signal transduction cascade. This modulation of light sensitivity by photoperiod means that considerably less light is necessary to elicit a circadian response under the relatively shorter days of winter, extending upon the known seasonal changes in sensitivity of sensory systems. Further characterizing the mechanisms by which photoperiod alters photic response may provide a potent tool for optimizing light treatment for circadian and affective disorders in humans.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of plasma insulin, Cortisol, and glucose concentrations were examined in scotosensitive (reproductively sensitive to inhibitory effects of short daylengths) and scotorefractory male and female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) maintained on short (LD 10:14) and long (LD 14:10) daylengths. The baseline concentration (mean of all values obtained every 4 hr six times of day) of insulin was much greater in female than in male scotosensitive hamsters kept on short daylengths. These differences in insulin concentration may account for the observed heavy fat stores in female and low fat stores in male scotosensitive hamsters kept on short daylengths. The baseline concentrations of Cortisol were approximately equal in both scotosensitive and scotorefractory males held on short and long daylengths, but were relatively low in females held on short daylengths and especially high in scotorefractory females held on long daylengths.

The plasma concentrations of both cortisol and insulin varied throughout the day in many of the groups tested. However, the variations were not equivalent. The circadian variations of cortisol were similar irrespective of sex, seasonal condition and daylength. Peak concentrations generally occurred about 12 hr after light onset. In contrast, the circadian variations of insulin differed markedly. For example in male hamsters, robust daily variations were found in scotosensitive hamsters held on short daylengths but not on long daylengths and in scotorefractory hamsters held on long daylengths but not on short daylengths. Furthermore, the daily peak occurred during the light in the scotosensitive hamsters and during the dark in the scotorefractory animals. Neither the daily feeding pattern (about 60% consumed during dark) nor the daily variations of glucose concentration varied appreciably with seasonal condition or daylength. They do not appear to determine nor directly reflect the variations in cortisol and glucose concentrations. It is postulated that the daily rhythms of cortisol and insulin are regulated by different neural pacemaker systems and that changes in the phase relations of circadian systems account in part for seasonal changes in body fat stores.  相似文献   

In mammals, light entrains endogenous circadian pacemakers by inducing daily phase shifts via a photoreceptor mechanism recently discovered in retinal ganglion cells. Light that is comparable in intensity to moonlight is generally ineffective at inducing phase shifts or suppressing melatonin secretion, which has prompted the view that circadian photic sensitivity has been titrated so that the central pacemaker is unaffected by natural nighttime illumination. However, the authors have shown in several different entrainment paradigms that completely dark nights are not functionally equivalent to dimly lit nights, even when nighttime illumination is below putative thresholds for the circadian visual system. The present studies extend these findings. Dim illumination is shown here to be neither a strong zeitgeber, consistent with published fluence response curves, nor a potentiator of other zeitgebers. Nevertheless, dim light markedly alters the behavior of the free-running circadian pacemaker. Syrian hamsters were released from entrained conditions into constant darkness or dim narrowband green illumination (~0.01 lx, 1.3 x 10(-9) W/cm(2), peak lambda = 560 nm). Relative to complete darkness, constant dim light lengthened the period by ~0.3 h and altered the waveform of circadian rhythmicity. Among animals transferred from long day lengths (14 L:10 D) into constant conditions, dim illumination increased the duration of the active phase (alpha) by ~3 h relative to complete darkness. Short day entrainment (8 L:16 D) produced initially long alpha that increased further under constant dim light but decreased under complete darkness. In contrast, dim light pulses 2 h or longer produced effects on circadian phase and melatonin secretion that were small in magnitude. Furthermore, the amplitude of phase resetting to bright light and nonphotic stimuli was similar against dimly lit and dark backgrounds, indicating that the former does not directly amplify circadian inputs. Dim illumination markedly alters circadian waveform through effects on alpha, suggesting that dim light influences the coupling between oscillators theorized to program the beginning and end of subjective night. Physiological mechanisms responsible for conveying dim light stimuli to the pacemaker and implications for chronotherapeutics warrant further study.  相似文献   

Light regulates a variety of behavioral and physiological processes, including activity rhythms and hormone secretory patterns. Seasonal changes in the proportion of light in a day (photoperiod) further modulate those functions. Recently, short (SP) versus long days (LP) were found to markedly increase light sensitivity for phase shifting in Syrian hamsters. To our knowledge, photoperiod effects on light sensitivity have not been studied in other rodents, nor is it known if they generalize to other circadian responses. We tested whether photic phase shifting and melatonin suppression vary in Siberian hamsters maintained under LP or SP. Select irradiances of light were administered, and shifts in activity were determined. Photic sensitivity for melatonin suppression was examined in a separate group of animals via pulses of light across a 4 log-unit photon density range, with post-pulse plasma melatonin levels determined via RIA. Phase shifting and melatonin suppression were greater at higher irradiances for both LP and SP. The lower irradiance condition was below threshold for phase shifts in LP but not SP. Melatonin suppression did not vary by photoperiod, and the half saturation constant for fitted sigmoid curves was similar under LP and SP. Thus, the photoperiodic modulation of light sensitivity for phase shifting is conserved across two hamster genera. The dissociation of photoperiod effects on photic phase shifting and melatonin suppression suggests that the modulation of sensitivity occurs downstream of the common retinal input pathway. Understanding the mechanistic basis for this plasticity may yield therapeutic targets for optimizing light therapy practices.  相似文献   

Dark pulses presented on a background of constant light (LL) result in phase advances during midsubjective day and early subjective night, and phase delays during late subjective night, as shown in the dark-pulse phase response curve. In hamsters, the phase-shifting effects of dark pulses are thought to be mediated by increased activity, as previous studies have shown that restraining animals during dark pulses blocks the phase shifts observed in midsubjective day and late subjective night. This study focuses on dark-pulse-induced phase shifting during early subjective night, examining the influence of both LL intensity and restraint on the magnitude of these phase shifts. Syrian hamsters were maintained in LL of four different illumination levels (1, 10, 100, or 600 lux) and periodically presented with 6-h pulses (dark pulse alone, restraint alone, or dark pulse plus restraint) beginning at circadian time 11. Phase advances were observed in response to dark pulses alone, and the magnitude of these shifts was dependent on background illumination, with significantly larger advances seen under higher intensities. No relationship was found between the amount of activity displayed during dark pulses and phase shift magnitude. Six-hour periods of restraint resulted in phase delays, the magnitude of which was also dependent on background illumination. Restraining hamsters during dark pulses reduced the magnitude of phase advances, but the extent of this reduction could be predicted from the additive effects of the dark-pulse-alone and restraint-alone conditions. These results indicate that the phase-shifting effects of dark pulses during early subjective night are not mediated by behavioral activation and may instead reflect a mirror image of the phase-delaying effects of light pulses at this phase.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of non-parametric light effects in entrainment, Djungarian hamsters of two different circadian phenotypes were exposed to skeleton photoperiods, or to light pulses at different circadian times, to compile phase response curves (PRCs). Wild-type (WT) hamsters show daily rhythms of locomotor activity in accord with the ambient light/dark conditions, with activity onset and offset strongly coupled to light-off and light-on, respectively. Hamsters of the delayed activity onset (DAO) phenotype, in contrast, progressively delay their activity onset, whereas activity offset remains coupled to light-on. The present study was performed to better understand the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon. Hamsters of DAO and WT phenotypes were kept first under standard housing conditions with a 14:10 h light–dark cycle, and then exposed to skeleton photoperiods (one or two 15-min light pulses of 100 lx at the times of the former light–dark and/or dark–light transitions). In a second experiment, hamsters of both phenotypes were transferred to constant darkness and allowed to free-run until the lengths of the active (α) and resting (ρ) periods were equal (α:ρ = 1). At this point, animals were then exposed to light pulses (100 lx, 15 min) at different circadian times (CTs). Phase and period changes were estimated separately for activity onset and offset. When exposed to skeleton-photoperiods with one or two light pulses, the daily activity patterns of DAO and WT hamsters were similar to those obtained under conditions of a complete 14:10 h light–dark cycle. However, in the case of giving only one light pulse at the time of the former light–dark transition, animals temporarily free-ran until activity offset coincided with the light pulse. These results show that photic entrainment of the circadian activity rhythm is attained primarily via non-parametric mechanisms, with the “morning” light pulse being the essential cue. In the second experiment, typical photic PRCs were obtained with phase delays in the first half of the subjective night, phase advances in the second half, and a dead zone during the subjective day. ANOVA indicated no significant differences between WT and DAO animals despite a significantly longer free-running period (tau) in DAO hamsters. Considering the phase shifts induced around CT0 and the different period lengths, it was possible to model the entrainment patterns of both phenotypes. It was shown that light-induced phase shifts of activity offset were sufficient to compensate for the long tau in WT and DAO hamsters, thus enabling a stable entrainment of their activity offsets to be achieved. With respect to activity onsets, phase shifts were sufficient only in WT animals; in DAO hamsters, activity onset showed increasing delays. The results of the present paper clearly demonstrate that, under laboratory conditions, the non-parametric component of light and dark leads to circadian entrainment in Djungarian hamsters. However, a stable entrainment of activity onset can be achieved only if the free-running period does not exceed a certain value. With longer tau values, hamsters reveal a DAO phenotype. Under field conditions, therefore, non-photic cues/zeitgebers must obviously be involved to enable a proper circadian entrainment.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of destruction of the geniculo-hypothalamic tract (GHT) on the circadian system of golden hamsters. In the first experiment, intact hamsters were housed in constant darkness, and phase shifts in running-wheel activity rhythms were assessed following 15-min light pulses administered at circadian time (CT) 12 (defined as the beginning of activity), CT 14, CT 18, and CT 20. Responses to light pulses at the same CTs were then reassessed after GHT lesions. Hamsters with complete lesions showed decreases in phase advances caused by light pulses at CT 18 and CT 20. Phase delays elicited by light at CT 12 and CT 14 were not altered. In a second study, intact and GHT-ablated hamsters housed in constant light received 6-hr dark pulses at various CTs. Hamsters with complete GHT ablation showed smaller advances than controls to dark pulses centered on CT 8-10. After 110 days in constant light, 7 of 10 intact hamsters showed splitting of their activity rhythms into two components, while only 1 of the 8 similarly treated ablated hamsters displayed dissociated activity components. Ablated hamsters had significantly shorter free-running periods during the first 35 days of exposure to constant light than did the intact hamsters. These results demonstrate that destruction of the GHT in the hamster alters phase shifting in response to periods of light or dark, and they indicate a role for the GHT in mediating several photic effects on the circadian system.  相似文献   

Aging involves many alterations in circadian rhythms, including a loss of sensitivity to both photic and nonphotic time signals. This study investigated the sensitivity of young and old hamsters to the phase advancing effect of a 6-h dark pulse on the locomotor activity rhythm. Each hamster was tested four times during a period of approximately 9 mo; periods of exposure to a 14-h photoperiod were alternated with the periods of exposure to constant light (20-80 lx), during which the dark pulses were administered. There was no significant difference in the phase shifts exhibited by the young (4-10 mo) and old hamsters (19-25 mo) or in the amount of wheel running activity displayed during each dark pulse. However, young hamsters had a significantly greater propensity to exhibit split rhythms immediately after the dark pulses. These results suggest that, although aging does not reduce the sensitivity of the circadian pacemaker to this nonphotic signal, it alters one property of the pacemaker, i.e., the flexibility of the coupling of its component oscillators.  相似文献   

C-Fos expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and phase shifts of the activity rhythm following photic stimulation were investigated in Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) of two different circadian phenotypes. Wild-type (WT) hamsters display robust daily patterns of locomotor activity according to the light/dark conditions. Hamsters of the DAO (delayed activity onset) phenotype, however, progressively delay the activity onset, whereas activity offset remains coupled to “light-on”. Although the exact reason for the delayed activity onset is not yet clarified, it is connected with a disturbed interaction between the light/dark cycle and the circadian clock. The aim was to test the link between photoreception and the behavioral output of the circadian system in hamsters of both phenotypes, to get further insight in the underlying mechanism of the DAO phenomenon. Animals were exposed to short light pulses at different times during the dark period to analyze phase shifts of the activity rhythm and expression of Fos protein in the SCN. The results indicate that the photosensitive phase in DAO hamsters is shifted like the activity onset. Also, phase shifts were significantly smaller in DAO hamsters. At the same time, levels of Fos expression did not differ between phenotypes regarding the circadian phase. The results provide evidence that the shifted photosensitivity of the circadian system in DAO hamsters does not differ from that of WT animals, and lead us to conclude that processes within the SCN that enable light information to reset the circadian pacemaker might offer an explanation for the DAO phenomenon.  相似文献   

The circadian mutation duper in Syrian hamsters shortens the free-running circadian period (τ(DD)) by 2 hours when expressed on a tau mutant (τ(ss)) background and by 1 hour on a wild-type background. We have examined the effects of this mutation on phase response curves and entrainment. In contrast to wild types, duper hamsters entrained to 14L:10D with a positive phase angle. Super duper hamsters (expressing duper on a τ(ss) background) showed weak entrainment, while τ(ss) animals either completely failed to entrain or showed sporadic entrainment with episodes of relative coordination. As previously reported, wild-type and τ(ss) hamsters show low amplitude resetting in response to 15-minute light pulses after short-term (10 days) exposure to DD. In contrast, super duper hamsters show high amplitude resetting. This effect is attributable to the duper allele, as hamsters carrying duper on a wild-type background also show large phase shifts. Duper mutants that were born and raised in DD also showed high amplitude resetting in response to 15-minute light pulses, indicating that the effect of the mutation on PRC amplitude is not an aftereffect of entrainment to 14L:10D. Hamsters that are heterozygous for duper do not show amplified resetting curves, indicating that for this property, as for determination of free-running period, the mutant allele is recessive. In a modified Aschoff type II protocol, super duper and duper hamsters show large phase shifts as soon as the second day of DD. Despite the amplification of the PRC in super duper hamsters, the induction of Period1 gene expression in the SCN by light is no greater in these mutants than in wild-type animals. Period2 expression in the SCN did not differ between super duper and wild-type hamsters exposed to light at CT15, but albumin site D-binding protein (Dbp) mRNA showed higher basal levels and greater light induction in the SCN of super duper compared to wild-type animals. These results indicate that the duper mutation alters the amplitude of the circadian oscillator and further distinguish it from the tau mutation.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in Syrian hamsters can be phase advanced by activity or arousal stimulated during the daily rest phase ("subjective day"). A widely used method for stimulating activity is confinement to a novel wheel. Some hamsters decline to run, and some procedures may reduce the probability of running. The authors evaluated food deprivation (FD) as a method to promote running. Given evidence that perturbations of cell metabolism or glucose availability may affect circadian clock function in some tissues or species, they also assessed the effects of FD on free-running circadian phase, resetting responses to photic and nonphotic stimuli and plasma glucose. In constant light, a 27-h fast significantly increased running in a novel wheel and marginally increased the average size of resulting phase shifts. FD, without novel wheel confinement, was associated with some very large phase shifts or disruption of rhythmicity in hamsters that spontaneously ran in their home wheels during the subjective day. Hamsters that ran only during the usual active phase (subjective night) or that were prevented from running did not exhibit phase shifts, despite refeeding in the mid-subjective day. Using an Aschoff Type II design for measuring shifts, a 27-h fast significantly increased the number of hamsters that ran continuously when confined to a novel wheel but did not affect the dose-response relation between the amount of running and the size of the resulting shift. A day of fasting also did not affect the size of phase delay or advance shifts to 30-min light pulses in the subjective night. Plasma glucose was markedly reduced by wheel running in combination with fasting but was increased by running in nonfasted hamsters. These results establish FD as a useful tool for stimulating activity in home cage or novel wheels and indicate that in Syrian hamsters, significant alterations in glucose availability, associated with running, fasting, and refeeding, have surprisingly little effect on circadian pacemaker function.  相似文献   


The mammalian circadian pacemaker can be phase shifted by photic, pharmacological, and behaviorally‐derived stimuli. The phase‐response curves (PRCs) characterizing these diverse stimuli may comprise two distinct families; a photic PRC typified by the response to brief light pulses, and a non‐photic PRC, typified by the response to dark pulses and to behavioral activation. The present study examined the phase shifting effects of acute systemic treatment with the alpha2‐adrenoceptor agonist, clonidine, in Syrian hamsters. Clonidine injections (0.25 mg/kg, ip) delivered during subjective night mimicked the phase shifting effects of light pulses in animals housed in both constant darkness (DD) and constant red light (RR), but similar effects were not seen in saline‐treated controls. Both clonidine and saline injections resulted in phase advances during subjective day, but only in RR‐housed animals. Clonidine‐induced phase shifting was dose‐dependent, but rather high doses were required to induce phase shifts. Pretreatment with the selective noradrenergic neurotoxin, DSP‐4, blocked clonidine‐induced phase shifting. These results suggest that clonidine acts at presynaptic alpha2‐adrenergic autoreceptors to disinhibit spontaneous and/or evoked activity in the photic entrainment pathway.  相似文献   

Plano SA  Agostino PV  Golombek DA 《FEBS letters》2007,581(28):5500-5504
Nocturnal light pulses induce phase shifts in circadian rhythms and activate cFos expression in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). We have studied the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the intercellular communication within the dorsal and ventral portions of the SCN in Syrian hamsters. Administration of the NO scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide blocked photic phase advances in a dose-dependent manner and inhibited light-induced cFos-ir, without affecting light-induced circadian phase delays. These results suggest that NO may act as an intercellular messenger in the SCN, mediating light-induced phase advances.  相似文献   

Autoradiographic studies using [125I]iodomelatonin in several species, including the Syrian hamster, have revealed that the rostral region of the anterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (aPVT) contains a very high density of binding sites for melatonin. In two studies, small or large bilateral electrolytic lesions of the aPVT were made in adult male hamsters maintained on long days (LD 16:8). The hamsters were then transferred to short days (LD 8:16) to test whether testicular regression could occur in response to a decrease in photoperiod. Serum prolactin concentrations were measured as a second photoperiodic response. All unoperated control hamsters showed the typical short-day photoperiodic response: A decrease in serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin concentrations and testicular regression all occurred within 6 weeks in short days, followed by the development of scotorefractoriness. Lesions of the aPVT did not significantly affect the rate or the degree of the short-day-induced decline in serum levels of LH or prolactin, nor the pattern of testicular regression and the subsequent expression of refractoriness. To enable us to determine whether the aPVT might be involved in the entrainment or the expression of circadian rhythms, locomotor activity was monitored continuously in lesioned and control groups in Experiment 2, prior to and following the switch to short days. The reduction in photoperiod (involving an 8-hr advance in the time of lights-off and an 8-hr extension of the dark phase) caused a decompression of the nocturnal activity bout of control animals, so that after 2 weeks in short days, activity onset had also advanced to regain its phase relationship to the timing of lights-off. A similar pattern of reentrainment was observed in lesioned animals, and no differences were observed between treatment groups in the rate of entrainment and decompression. In addition, both intact controls and animals bearing large bilateral lesions of the aPVT exhibited robust free-running circadian rhythms of locomotor activity when held under constant dim red light. In summary, the integrity of the aPVT is not necessary for the seasonal response of the reproductive axis and prolactin secretion to photoperiod, nor for photic entrainment of activity rhythms, in the Syrian hamster.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom holds that the circadian pacemaker of rodents and humans is minimally responsive to light of the intensity provided by dim moonlight and starlight. However, dim illumination (<0.005 lux) provided during the daily dark periods markedly alters entrainment in hamsters. Under dimly lit scotophases, compared to completely dark ones phases, the upper range of entrainment is increased by ~4 h, and re‐entrainment is accelerated following transfer from long to short day lengths. Moreover, the incidence of bimodal entrainment to 24 h light:dark:light:dark cycles is increased fourfold. Notably, the nocturnal illumination inducing these pronounced effects is equivalent in photic energy to that of a 2 sec, 100 lux light pulse. These effects may be parsimoniously interpreted as an action of dim light on the phase relations between multiple oscillators comprising the circadian pacemaker. An action of dim light distinct from that underlying bright‐light phase‐resetting may promote more effective entrainment. Together, the present results refute the view that scotopic illumination is environmental “noise” and indicate that clock function is conspicuously altered by nighttime illumination like that experienced under dim moonlight and starlight. We interpret our results as evidence for a novel action of dim light on the coupling of multiple circadian oscillators.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in Syrian hamsters can be phase shifted by procedures that stimulate wheel running ("exercise") in the mid-subjective day (the hamster's usual sleep period). The authors recently demonstrated that keeping hamsters awake by gentle handling, without continuous running, is sufficient to mimic this effect. Here, the authors assessed whether wakefulness, independent of wheel running, also mediates phase shifts to dark pulses during the midsubjective day in hamsters free-running in constant light (LL). With running wheels locked during a 3 h dark pulse on day 3 of LL, hamsters (N = 16) averaged only 43+/-15 min of spontaneous wake time and phase shifted only 24+/-43 min. When wheels were open during a dark pulse, two hamsters remained awake, ran continuously, and showed phase advance shifts of 7.3 h and 8.7 h, respectively, whereas the other hamsters were awake <60 min and shifted only 45+/-38 min. No animals stayed awake for 3 h without running. Additional time in LL (10 and 20 days) did not potentiate the waking or phase shift response to dark pulses. When all hamsters were sleep deprived with wheels locked during a dark pulse, phase advance shifts averaged 261+/-110 min and ranged up to 7.3 h. These shifts are large compared to those previously observed in response to the 3 h sleep deprivation procedure. Additional tests revealed that this potentiated shift response is dependent on LL prior to sleep deprivation but not LL after sleep deprivation. A final sleep deprivation test showed that a small part of the potentiation may be due to suppression of spontaneous wheel running by LL. These results indicate that some correlate of waking, other than continuous running, mediates the phase-shifting effect of dark pulses in the mid-subjective day. The mechanism by which LL potentiates shifting remains to be determined. The lack of effect of subsequent LL on the magnitude of shifts to sleep deprivation in the dark suggests that LL reduces responsivity to light by processes that take >3 h of dark to reverse.  相似文献   

This study tested whether light pulses with a dusklike offset or a dawnlike onset caused phase shifts of different sizes in the circadian wheel-running activity of Syrian hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus. Six experiments were conducted, each with 30 hamsters; the hamsters received first one type of pulse and then the other type a few weeks later, allowing a paired comparison. The six experiments represented the combination of two maximum light intensities (150 and 250 lux) and three zeitgeber times (ZTs) at which the pulses were given (ZT13.5, ZT14.5, and ZT20). Pulses were 30 minutes long, a relatively short duration to minimize circadian time effects. Aschoff's type II method of measuring phase shifts was used. In none of the six experiments did a two-tailed paired t test detect a significant difference in the size of phase shifts caused by dusklike versus dawnlike pulses. A three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the combined data from all six experiments (with pulse type, pulse intensity, and ZT as factors) also failed to detect a significant effect of pulse type. Statistical power was calculated and found to be reasonably good. These negative results are in line with those of a previous study in which a different methodology was used. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 413-421, 2001)  相似文献   

Short day lengths increase the duration of nocturnal melatonin (Mel) secretion, which induces the winter phenotype in Siberian hamsters. After several months of continued exposure to short days, hamsters spontaneously revert to the spring-summer phenotype. This transition has been attributed to the development of refractoriness of Mel-binding tissues, including the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), to long-duration Mel signals. The SCN of Siberian hamsters is required for the seasonal response to winter-like Mel signals, and becomes refractory to previously effective long-duration Mel signals restricted to this area. Acute Mel treatment phase shifts circadian locomotor rhythms of photosensitive Siberian hamsters, presumably by affecting circadian oscillators in the SCN. We tested whether seasonal refractoriness of the SCN to long-duration Mel signals also renders the circadian system of Siberian hamsters unresponsive to Mel. Males manifesting free-running circadian rhythms in constant dim red light were injected with Mel or vehicle for 5 days on a 23.5-h T-cycle beginning at circadian time 10. Mel injections caused significantly larger phase advances in activity onset than did the saline vehicle, but the magnitude of phase shifts to Mel did not differ between photorefractory and photosensitive hamsters. Similarly, when entrained to a 16-h light/8-h dark photocycle, photorefractory and photosensitive hamsters did not differ in their response to Mel injected 4 h before the onset of the dark phase. Activity onset in Mel-injected hamsters was masked by light but was revealed to be significantly earlier than in vehicle-injected hamsters upon transfer to constant dim red light. The acute effects of melatonin on circadian behavioral rhythms are preserved in photorefractory hamsters.  相似文献   

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