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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the base excision DNA repair (BER) pathway has been thought to involve only a multinucleotide (long-patch) mechanism (LP-BER), in contrast to most known cases that include a major single-nucleotide pathway (SN-BER). The key step in mammalian SN-BER, removal of the 5'-terminal abasic residue generated by AP endonuclease incision, is effected by DNA polymerase beta (Polbeta). Computational analysis indicates that yeast Trf4 protein, with roles in sister chromatin cohesion and RNA quality control, is a new member of the X family of DNA polymerases that includes Polbeta. Previous studies of yeast trf4Delta mutants revealed hypersensitivity to methylmethane sulfonate (MMS) but not UV light, a characteristic of BER mutants in other organisms. We found that, like mammalian Polbeta, Trf4 is able to form a Schiff base intermediate with a 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate substrate and to excise the abasic residue through a dRP lyase activity. Also like Polbeta, Trf4 forms stable cross-links in vitro to 5'-incised 2-deoxyribonolactone residues in DNA. We determined the sensitivity to MMS of strains with a trf4Delta mutation in a rad27Delta background, in an AP lyase-deficient background (ogg1 ntg1 ntg2), or in a pol4Delta background. Only a RAD27 genetic interaction was detected: there was higher sensitivity for strains mutated in both TRF4 and RAD27 than either single mutant, and overexpression of Trf4 in a rad27Delta background partially suppressed MMS sensitivity. The data strongly suggest a role for Trf4 in a pathway parallel to the Rad27-dependent LP-BER in yeast. Finally, we demonstrate that Trf5 significantly affects MMS sensitivity and thus probably BER efficiency in cells expressing either wild-type Trf4 or a C-terminus-deleted form.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum is a parasitic protozoan which infects humans. This paper reports the expression in Escherichia coli and purification of the L. infantum gene product (AF182167), as well as its characterization as a DNA polymerase beta (Polbeta)-like, template-dependent DNA repair enzyme, with a metal preference for Mn2+ over Mg2+. As is the case with mammalian Polbeta and DNA polymerase lambda (Pollambda), L. infantum DNA polymerase beta (Li Polbeta) prefers gapped-DNA substrates having a 5'-phosphate end, in agreement with its role in DNA repair reactions. Purified Li Polbeta also displayed a 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate (dRP) lyase activity, consistent with a beta-elimination mechanism. The concerted action of dRP lyase and DNA polymerization activities of Li Polbeta on a uracil-containing DNA suggests its participation in "single-nucleotide" base excision repair (BER). Analysis of Li Polbeta DNA polymerization activity at different stages of the L. infantum infective cycle supports a role for Li Polbeta in nuclear DNA repair after the oxidative damage occurring inside the macrophage.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA polymerase (pol) lambda is a member of the X-family of DNA polymerases and has striking enzymatic and structural similarities to mammalian DNA pol beta. Because pol beta provides two important enzymatic activities for base excision repair (BER), we examined whether pol lambda might also contribute to BER. We used extracts from mouse embryonic fibroblasts representing wild-type and null genotypes for pol beta and pol lambda. In combination with neutralizing antibodies against pol beta and pol lambda, our results show a BER deficiency in the pol lambda -/- cell extract compared with extract from isogenic wild-type cells. In addition, the pol lambda antibody strongly reduced in vitro BER in the pol beta -/- cell extract. These data indicate that pol lambda is able to contribute to BER in mouse fibroblast cell extract.  相似文献   

Base excision repair is one of the major mechanisms by which cells correct damaged DNA. We have developed an in vitro assay for base excision repair which is dependent on a uracil-containing DNA template. In this report, we demonstrate the fractionation of a human cell extract into two required components. One fraction was extensively purified and by several criteria shown to be identical to DNA polymerase beta (Polbeta). Purified, recombinant Polbeta efficiently substituted for this fraction. Escherichia coli PolI, mammalian Poldelta and to a lesser extent Polalpha and epsilon also functioned in this assay. We provide evidence that multiple polymerases function in base excision repair in human cell extracts. A neutralizing antibody to Polbeta, which inhibited repair synthesis catalyzed by pure Polbeta by approximately 90%, only suppressed repair in crude extracts by a maximum of approximately 70%. An inhibitor of Polbeta, ddCTP, decreased base excision repair in crude extracts by approximately 50%, whereas the Polalpha/delta/epsilon inhibitor, aphidicolin, reduced the reaction by approximately 20%. A combination of these chemical inhibitors almost completely abolished repair synthesis. These data suggest that Polbeta is the major base excision repair polymerase in human cells, but that other polymerases also contribute to a significant extent.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase X (pol X) from African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the smallest naturally ocurring DNA-directed DNA polymerase (174 amino acid residues) described so far. Previous biochemical analysis has shown that ASFV pol X is a highly distributive, monomeric enzyme, lacking a proofreading 3'-5' exonuclease. Also, ASFV pol X binds intermediates of the single-nucleotide base excision repair (BER) process, and is able to efficiently repair single-nucleotide gapped DNA. In this work, we perform an extensive kinetic analysis of single correct and incorrect nucleotide insertions by ASFV pol X using different DNA substrates: (i) a primer/template DNA; (ii) a 1nt gapped DNA; (iii) a 5'-phosphorylated 1nt gapped DNA. The results obtained indicate that ASFV pol X exhibits a general preference for insertion of purine deoxynucleotides, especially dGTP opposite template C. Moreover, ASFV pol X shows higher catalytic efficiencies when filling in gapped substrates, which are increased when a phosphate group is present at the 5'-margin of the gap. Interestingly, ASFV pol X misinserts nucleotides with frequencies from 10(-4) to 10(-5), and the insertion fidelity varies depending on the substrate, being more faithful on a phosphorylated 1nt gapped substrate. We have analyzed the capacity of ASFV pol X to act on intermediates of BER repair. Although no lyase activity could be detected on preincised 5'-deoxyribose phosphate termini, ASFV pol X has lyase activity on unincised abasic sites. Altogether, the results support a role for ASFV pol X in reparative BER of damaged viral DNA during ASFV infection.  相似文献   

The Ape1 protein initiates the repair of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites during mammalian base excision repair (BER) of DNA. Ape1 catalyzes hydrolysis of the 5'-phosphodiester bond of abasic DNA to create nicks flanked by 3'-hydroxyl and 5'-deoxyribose 5-phosphate (dRP) termini. DNA polymerase (pol) beta catalyzes both DNA synthesis at the 3'-hydroxyl terminus and excision of the 5'-dRP moiety prior to completion of BER by DNA ligase. During BER, Ape1 recruits pol beta to the incised apurinic/apyrimidinic site and stimulates 5'-dRP excision by pol beta. The activities of these two enzymes are thus coordinated during BER. To examine further the coordination of BER, we investigated the ability of Ape1 to modulate the deoxynucleotidyltransferase and 5'-dRP lyase activities of pol beta. We report here that Ape1 stimulates 5'-dRP excision by a mechanism independent of its apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease activity. We also demonstrate a second mechanism, independent of Ape1, in which conditions that support DNA synthesis by pol beta also enhance 5'-dRP excision. Ape1 modulates the gap-filling activity of pol beta by specifically inhibiting synthesis on an incised abasic substrate but not on single-nucleotide gapped DNA. In contrast to the wild-type Ape1 protein, a catalytically impaired mutant form of Ape1 did not affect DNA synthesis by pol beta. However, this mutant protein retained the ability to stimulate 5'-dRP excision by pol beta. Simultaneous monitoring of 5'-dRP excision and DNA synthesis by pol beta demonstrated that the 5'-dRP lyase activity lags behind the polymerase activity despite the coordination of these two steps by Ape1 during BER.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome is a matrilineally inherited DNA that encodes numerous essential subunits of the respiratory chain in all metazoans. As such mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence integrity is vital to organismal survival, but it has a limited cadre of DNA repair activities, primarily base excision repair (BER). We have known that the mtDNA is significantly oxidized by both endogenous and exogenous sources, but this does not lead to the expected preferential formation of transversion mutations, which suggest a robust base excision repair (BER) system. This year, two different groups reported compelling evidence that what was believed to be exclusively nuclear DNA repair polymerase, POLB, is located in the mitochondria and plays a significant role in mitochondrial BER, mtDNA integrity and mitochondrial function. In this commentary, we review the findings and highlight remaining questions for the field.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase lambda (pol lambda) is a recently discovered nuclear enzyme belonging to the pol X family of DNA polymerases that exhibits a 32% sequence identity with the nuclear DNA repair protein, pol beta. Structural modeling suggests that pol lambda contains the palm, fingers, thumb, and 8 kDa lyase domains present in pol beta, as well as an additional N-terminal BRCT domain and a serine-proline-rich linker that are presumably involved in protein-protein interactions. The 8 kDa domain of pol beta is important for DNA binding and contains the dRP lyase activity, which is the rate-limiting step in the single-nucleotide base excision repair (BER) pathway of damaged DNA. Recently, it was shown that the 8 kDa domain of pol lambda also contains the dRP lyase activity. To gain further insight into the catalytic mechanism of dRP removal by pol lambda, we have determined the solution structure of the 8 kDa lyase domain of human DNA pol lambda via multidimensional NMR methods and the ARIA program. The resulting structures exhibited a high degree of similarity with the 8 kDa lyase domain of pol beta. Specifically, the side chains of residues W274, R275, Y279, K307, R308, and K312 are in similar positions to the functionally important side chains of residues H34, K35, Y39, K60, K68, and K72 in the 8 kDa lyase domain of pol beta. This suggests that, on the basis of the proposed roles of these residues in pol beta, the corresponding pol lambda side chains may be involved in DNA binding and dRP lyase activity. The structural alignment of W274 (pol lambda) with H34 (pol beta) indicates that the former is probably involved in a similar base stacking interaction with template DNA at the position of the gap, in contrast with several previous proposals which aligned D272 with H34. In a few cases for which there is a nonconservative substitution in the sequence alignment, a structural comparison shows a positionally and, hence, probably a functionally equivalent residue, e.g., K60 in pol beta and K307 in pol lambda. Additionally, on the basis of the structural alignment obtained, several previously proposed mechanistic hypotheses can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Frosina G 《Free radical research》2004,38(10):1037-1054
DNA base excision repair (BER) is the main pathway for repair of endogenous damage in human cells. It was expected that a number of degenerative diseases could derive from BER defects. On the contrary, the link between BER defects and human pathology is elusive and the literature is full of conflicting results. The fact that most studies have investigated DNA variations but not their functional consequences has probably contributed to this confusing picture. From a functional point of view, it is likely that gross BER defects are simply not compatible with life and only limited reductions can be observed. Notwithstanding those limits, the pathological consequences of partial BER defects might be widespread and significant at the population level. This starts to emerge in particular for colorectal and lung cancer.  相似文献   

The two base excision repair (BER) subpathways in mammalian cells are characterized by the number of nucleotides synthesized into the excision patch. They are the "single-nucleotide" BER pathway and the "long patch" (several nucleotides incorporated) BER pathway. Both of these subpathways involve excision of a damaged base and/or nearby nucleotides and DNA synthesis to fill the excision gap. Whereas DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) is known to participate in the single-nucleotide BER pathway, the identity of polymerases involved in long patch BER has remained unclear. By analyzing products of long patch excision generated during BER of a uracil-containing DNA substrate in mammalian cell extracts we find that long patch excision depends on pol beta. We show that the excision of the characteristic 5'-deoxyribose phosphate containing oligonucleotide (dRP-oligo) is deficient in extracts from pol beta null cells and is rescued by addition of purified pol beta. Also, pol beta-neutralizing antibody inhibits release of the dRP-oligo in wild-type cell extracts, and the addition of pol beta after inhibition with antibody completely restores the excision reaction. The results indicate that pol beta plays an essential role in long patch BER by conducting strand displacement synthesis and controlling the size of the excised flap.  相似文献   

Damaged DNA bases are removed from mammalian genomes by base excision repair (BER). Single nucleotide BER requires several enzymatic activities, including DNA polymerase and 5',2'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase. Both activities are intrinsic to four human DNA polymerases whose base substitution error rate during gap-filling DNA synthesis varies by more than 10,000-fold. This suggests that BER fidelity could vary over a wide range in an enzyme dependent manner. To investigate this possibility, here we describe an assay to measure the fidelity of BER reactions reconstituted with purified enzymes. When human uracil DNA glycosylase, AP endonuclease, DNA polymerase beta, and DNA ligase 1 replace uracil opposite template A or G, base substitution error rates are 相似文献   

In mammalian cells, single-base lesions, such as uracil and abasic sites, appear to be repaired by at least two base excision repair (BER) subpathways: "single-nucleotide BER" requiring DNA synthesis of just one nucleotide and "long patch BER" requiring multi-nucleotide DNA synthesis. In single-nucleotide BER, DNA polymerase beta (beta-pol) accounts for both gap filling DNA synthesis and removal of the 5'-deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) of the abasic site, whereas the involvement of various DNA polymerases in long patch BER is less well understood. Recently, we found that beta-pol plays a role in mammalian cell extract-mediated long patch BER, in that formation of a key excision product, 5'-dRP-trinucleotide (5'-dRP-N(3)), is dependent upon beta-pol (Dianov, G. L., Prasad, R., Wilson, S. H., and Bohr, V.A. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 13741-13743). The structure-specific endonuclease flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) has also been suggested to be involved in long patch BER excision. Here, we demonstrate by immunodepletion experiments that 5'-dRP-N(3) excision in long patch BER of uracil-DNA in a human lymphoid cell extract is, indeed, dependent upon FEN1. Next, we reconstituted the excision step of long patch BER using purified human proteins and an oligonucleotide substrate with 5'-dRP at the margin of a one-nucleotide gap. Formation of the excision product 5'-dRP-N(3) was dependent upon both strand displacement DNA synthesis by beta-pol and FEN1 excision. FEN1 stimulated strand displacement DNA synthesis of beta-pol. FEN1 acting either alone, or without DNA synthesis by beta-pol, produced a two-nucleotide excision product, 5'-dRP-N(1), but not 5'-dRP-N(3). These results demonstrate that human FEN1 and beta-pol can cooperate in long patch BER excision and specify the predominant excision product seen with a cell extract.  相似文献   

The paradigm for repair of oxidized base lesions in genomes via the base excision repair (BER) pathway is based on studies in Escherichia coli, in which AP endonuclease (APE) removes all 3' blocking groups (including 3' phosphate) generated by DNA glycosylase/AP lyases after base excision. The recently discovered mammalian DNA glycosylase/AP lyases, NEIL1 and NEIL2, unlike the previously characterized OGG1 and NTH1, generate DNA strand breaks with 3' phosphate termini. Here we show that in mammalian cells, removal of the 3' phosphate is dependent on polynucleotide kinase (PNK), and not APE. NEIL1 stably interacts with other BER proteins, DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) and DNA ligase IIIalpha. The complex of NEIL1, pol beta, and DNA ligase IIIalpha together with PNK suggests coordination of NEIL1-initiated repair. That NEIL1/PNK could also repair the products of other DNA glycosylases suggests a broad role for this APE-independent BER pathway in mammals.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are highly specialised organelles required for key cellular processes including ATP production through cellular respiration and controlling cell death via apoptosis. Unlike other organelles, mitochondria contain their own DNA genome which encodes both protein and RNA required for cellular respiration. Each cell may contain hundreds to thousands of copies of the mitochondrial genome, which is essential for normal cellular function – deviation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number is associated with cellular ageing and disease. Furthermore, mtDNA lesions can arise from both endogenous or exogenous sources and must either be tolerated or corrected to preserve mitochondrial function. Importantly, replication of damaged mtDNA can lead to stalling and introduction of mutations or genetic loss, mitochondria have adapted mechanisms to repair damaged DNA. These mechanisms rely on nuclear-encoded DNA repair proteins that are translocated into the mitochondria.Despite the presence of many known nuclear DNA repair proteins being found in the mitochondrial proteome, it remains to be established which DNA repair mechanisms are functional in mammalian mitochondria. Here, we summarise the existing and emerging research, alongside examining proteomic evidence, demonstrating that mtDNA damage can be repaired using Base Excision Repair (BER), Homologous Recombination (HR) and Microhomology-mediated End Joining (MMEJ). Critically, these repair mechanisms do not operate in isolation and evidence for interplay between pathways and repair associated with replication is discussed. Importantly, characterising non-canonical functions of key proteins and understanding the bespoke pathways used to tolerate, repair or bypass DNA damage will be fundamental in fully understanding the causes of mitochondrial genome mutations and mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase beta (polbeta) is one of mammalian DNA polymerases and is known to be involved in a G:T/G:U mismatch repair. In order to investigate an involvement of this enzyme in a base excision repair, we searched a mutation of human polbeta in human gastric cancer and studied a function of the mutation. We observed cancer-specific missense mutations in 6 of 20 samples. All of these mutations were, however, heterozygous. We further analyzed the base excision repair activity of these mutants to know whether these mutants cause an error of mismatch repair. One of these mutants, which resulted in an amino acid substitution of Glu for Lys at codon 295, showed an inhibitory effect by in vitro base excision repair assay, suggesting that this mutation might play some role in carcinogenesis of the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

Zhang QM  Dianov GL 《DNA Repair》2005,4(2):263-270
Base excision repair (BER), responsible for the removal of altered DNA bases, is accomplished via two pathways that involve different subsets of repair enzymes and result in removal and replacement of one (short-patch BER) or several (long-patch BER) nucleotides. In this study, we constructed single-lesion containing DNA substrates that are predominantly repaired via one of the two pathways and investigated the fidelity of pathway specific repair in human whole cell extracts. We find that a single nucleotide deletion generated during addition of the first nucleotide into the repair gap is the major mutation characteristic for both pathways. This data suggest that for both BER pathways, mutations generated during repair in human whole cell extracts are principally the result of a slippage of DNA polymerase during initiation of repair synthesis.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus-1 DNA polymerase is a heterodimer of Mr 190,000 which consists of the products of the UL30 (Pol) and UL42 genes. The 136-kilodalton Pol gene product contains an intrinsic ribonuclease H activity that specifically degrades RNA.DNA heteroduplexes or duplex DNA substrates in the 5'----3' direction. It can therefore catalyze the excision of the RNA primers that initiate the synthesis of Okazaki fragments at a replication fork during herpes DNA replication.  相似文献   

Summary The in vivo excision repair functions of Escherichia coli exonuclease III and 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase I, and bacteriophage T4 pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase were investigated. Following exposure of bacteriophage T4 or lambda to methyl methanesulfonate or ultraviolet irradiation, survival was determined by plating on E. coli have various genetic backgrounds. Although exonuclease III was shown to participate in base excision repair initiated by 3-methyladenine DNA glcosylase I, it had no detectable role in base excision repair initiated by the T4 pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase. Despite its 3 apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease activity in vitro, T4 pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase, even in large quantities, did not complement mutants defective in exonuclease III in the repair of apurinic sites generated by 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase I in vivo.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome patients are deficient in the Werner protein (WRN), which is a multifunctional nuclear protein possessing 3'-5' exonuclease and ATP-dependent helicase activities. Studies of Werner syndrome cells and biochemical studies of WRN suggest that WRN plays a role in several DNA metabolic pathways. WRN interacts with DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) and stimulates pol beta strand displacement synthesis on a base excision repair (BER) intermediate in a helicase-dependent manner. In this report, we examined the effect of the major human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE1) and of pol beta on WRN helicase activity. The results show that WRN alone is able to unwind several single strand break BER intermediates. However, APE1 inhibits WRN helicase activity on these intermediates. This inhibition is likely due to the binding of APE1 to nicked apurinic/apyrimidinic sites, suggesting that APE1 prevents the promiscuous unwinding of BER intermediates. This inhibitory effect was relieved by the presence of pol beta. A model involving the pol beta-mediated hand-off of WRN protein is proposed based on these results.  相似文献   

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