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Summary The present study provides further details on the fine-structural three-dimensional architecture of the zona pellucida (ZP) in growing and atretic follicles of mice by use of ruthenium red in combination with the detergents Triton X100 and saponin. These detergents were used for extraction of the soluble fraction of the zonal proteins in an attempt to expose the structural zonal glycoproteins, which in turn can be viewed as minute three-dimensional networks upon transmission- and scanning electron-microscopic examination. By use of these methods, the ZP of growing follicles appeared to be formed by interconnected filaments which also bind to globular structures building up a three-dimensional lattice. In contrast, the ZP of stage I as well as other (II and III) stages of atretic follicles showed a structure characterized by the presence of closely packed granules connected with short filaments to form a close-mesh reticulum. This structural change of the ZP, which in the present study is also associated with the disappearance of gap junctions within the granulosa and cumulus cell population, might represent one of the early events involved in the onset of atresia. These changes, most probably depending on an altered secretory activity of both oocytes and follicle cells, might lead to a degradation of the ZP network structure and to its subsequent increased density (condensation). All these morphodynamic events eventually contribute to a sequestration of the oocyte in the early stage of atresia.  相似文献   

Summary Morphologically detectable protein (intramembrane particles) and cholesterol (filipin labelling) in the membranes of autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes were studied in mouse hepatocytes using thin-section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Both isolated autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes, and intact tissue blocks were used due to the facts (i) that lysosomes are difficult to recognize in freeze-fracture replicas of intact hepatocytes, and (i) that filipin penetration into the tissue blocks is unsatisfactory. Intramembrane particle density was low in the membranes of early autophagic vacuoles (defined as round-shaped vacuoles in which an inner membrane parallel with the outer limiting membrane was clearly visible). The lysosomal membranes contained considerably more intramembrane particles. Particle-rich lysosomes or other vesicles were observed to fuse with the early autophagic vacuoles. The membranes of nascent autophagic vacuoles with morphologically intact contents were usually not labelled by filipin, whereas the membranes of all other autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes were heavily labelled. The increased cholesterol in the membranes of slightly older autophagic vacuoles is presumably derived from cholesterol-rich lysosomes or other vesicles fusing with the vacuoles and from the degrading organelles inside the autophagic vacuoles.  相似文献   

The alginate bead culture system has unique properties that make it possible to study the accumulation and turnover of macromolecules in two distinct matrix compartments of the cartilage matrix: the cell-associated matrix (CM) and the further removed matrix (FRM). Taking advantage of this culture system, the purpose of this study was to examine age-related changes in the metabolism of hyaluronan (HA) in these two compartments. Bovine chondrocytes, isolated from fetal, young adult, and old adult articular cartilage, were cultured in alginate beads. On Days 7 and 14 of culture, the alginate gel was solubilized, the CM and FRM were separated and macromolecules in both compartments were analyzed. When compared to the cells from fetal and old adult animals, the young adult cells proliferated at the fastest rate. Fetal cells produced a more abundant CM that was richer in proteoglycans (PGs) than the CM of young or old adult cells. With increasing age, there was an increased tendency for PG, collagen, and HA to escape incorporation into the CM and to become immobilized in the FRM. Very striking changes also were observed in the ratio of HA to PG, which increased markedly with age, and in the size of the HA molecules, which decreased markedly with age. The results suggest that the metabolism of HA in cartilage undergoes pronounced age-related changes, some of which are retained during culture in alginate gel. The findings also suggest that the previously documented age-related decrease in the size of HA in native bovine cartilage reflects, at least in part, a biochemical process occurring at the time or at least soon after the glycosaminoglycan chain is synthesized. It does not appear to simply be the result of age-related changes occurring slowly with time after synthesis, as was previously suggested to be the case for human articular cartilage.  相似文献   

A chromosomal histone, H2S, specific to the mouse testis has been purified. Amino acid analysis indicated lack of cysteine and a high basic amino acid content typical of histones. Specific antibodies against histones H2S have been generated in rabbits and partially purified using (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and ion-exchange chromatography. Protein transfer experiments indicate presence of antigenically similar histones in the rat and rabbit testes but not in the guinea pig and dog testes. In addition, histone complement of somatic tissues such as lung, kidney, liver and spleen lacked antigenically similar proteins. Immunocytochemical studies using peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex indicated presence of immunoreactive cells in the seminiferous epithelium which were lacking in the interstitium. These data demonstrate histone H2S to be a unique histone associated with spermatogenesis in the mouse.  相似文献   

In the mammalian ovary, there is a striking difference in the distribution of blood vessels to individual follicles, suggesting that a microvascular network affects the selective growth of oocytes and follicles. In the present study the role of microvascular networks and angiogenic factors on the selective growth of oocytes and follicles was evaluated histologically in fetuses and newborns of ICR strain mice. Apparent selective growth of oocytes and follicles was observed in the ovaries of 1 day old newborns and, at this time, microvascular networks were recognized electronmicroscopically around the follicle that had completed the formation of its follicular structure and contained oocytes more than about 20 μm in diameter. In 3 day old newborns, oocytes more than 30 μm in diameter were detected where blood capillaries were well vascularized. Immunoreactivity to epidermal growth factor (EGF) and a strongly negative charged (colloidal iron-positive) substance (glycosaminoglycans; GAG), which have angiogenic activity, were detected in the ovaries of 3 day or older newborns and were identified more often around growing follicles containing oocytes more than 30 (GAG) and 40 (EGF) μm in diameter. Ovaries removed from 20 day old fetuses and cultured for 4 and 6 days in vitro showed a different distribution of growing follicles. A proportion of oocytes 20.0–24.9 μm in diameter increased during 4 and 6 days of incubation. However, the majority of oocytes did not grow further. These findings indicate that microvascular networks and angiogenic factors are deeply involved in selective oocyte growth beyond approximately 20–30 μm in diameter in mouse ovaries.  相似文献   

JNK is one of the key molecules regulating cell differentiation and migration in a variety of cell types, including cerebral cortical neurons. MUK/DLK/ZPK belongs to the MAP kinase-kinase-kinase class of protein kinases for the JNK pathway and is expressed predominantly in neural tissue. We have determined the expression pattern of MUK/DLK/ZPK and active JNK in the cerebellum at different stages of postnatal development. Quantitative analysis by Western blotting has showed that high expression levels of MUK/DLK/ZPK and active JNK are maintained during the postnatal development of the cerebellum, and that these levels decrease in the adult cerebellum. Immunohistochemical staining has revealed, however, that their distribution in the developing cerebellum is considerably different. Although active JNK is highly concentrated in the premigratory zone of the external germinal layer (EGL), high expression of MUK/DLK/ZPK has been observed in the molecular layer and in the premigratory zone. Neither the active JNK nor MUK protein has been detected in the proliferative zone of the EGL. These observations suggest that during the postnatal development of the cerebellum, the MUK-JNK signaling pathway contributes to the regulation of granule cell differentiation and migration; further, the activity of MUK/DLK/ZPK is tightly regulated by posttranslational mechanisms and by its expression level.This work was supported by a Ishizu Shun memorial scholarship and grants from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.  相似文献   

血管生长抑素是一种新的抑制血管生成的因子,它能够特异性地抑制血管生成。本文通过宫角注射法对血管生长抑素抑制小鼠胚胎植入的最低有效量进行了探讨,并通过明胶酶谱分析和免疫印迹等方法研究了不同剂量血管生长抑素对MMP-2和MMP-9活性及蛋白表达的影响。实验表明,宫角注射4μg血管生长抑素是抑制小鼠胚胎植入的最低有效剂量,这一最低有效剂量显著抑制了小鼠子宫MMP-2和MMP-9的活性及蛋白的表达[动物学报49(3):332—338,2003]。  相似文献   

Spin-lattice relaxation time measurements were made on the muscle, heart, kidneys, spleen, liver, brain and blood of both normal mice and those injected with Sarcoma-180. As well as a marked increase in the relaxation time of the tumout itself, mice injected with Sarcoma-180 showed a rise in the kidney relaxation time, along with blood relaxation times which were often either above or below the range found in normal mice.Correlation coefficients for the relaxation times of the various organs were calculated and found to be very sensitive to the physiological state of the animal. For healthy mice, the correlatiosn were reasonably high, but even mild stress decreased the correlated, whilst the presence of cancer almost completely destroyed the correlations. These findings are all consistent with the hypothesis that cancer affects the water regulatory system of the animal as a whole.  相似文献   

Summary The tracheo-bronchial mucosa of the mouse has been found to contain an extensive system of argyrophilic epithelial cells. In the trachea the cells morphologically resemble enterochromaffin cells. Normally, these enterochromaffin-like cells contain no fluorogenic amine, as revealed by the Falck-Hillarp formaldehyde technique. On the other hand the cells have the capacity to take up and decarboxylate 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) or 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP); the amine formed is stored in the cytoplasm in a reserpine-sensitive store. This capacity to produce and store amines under experimental conditions may reflect the presence in the tracheal enterochromaffin-like cells of an amine which can not be demonstrated with available fluorescence histochemical techniques. In the electron microscope the tracheal enterochromaffin-like cells were identified by a positive argyrophil reaction and by their capacity to accumulate radioactivity after administration of 3H-DOPA or 3H-5-HTP as revealed by autoradiography. The radioactive labelling was associated with cytoplasmic electron-dense granules (800–1000 Å), suggesting that the amine formed was stored in these granules. Accordingly, the granules stained argentaffin after DOPA-pre-treatment of the animal. It is suggested that, like similar cells in the gastric mucosa, these argyrophilic enterochromaffin-like cells constitute an endocrine system in which amines are of cytophysiological importance.  相似文献   

Projections and chemistry of Dogiel type II neurons in the mouse colon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The physiological properties, shapes, projections and neurochemistries of Dogiel type II neurons have been thoroughly investigated in the guinea-pig intestine in which these neurons have been identified as intrinsic primary afferent neurons. Dogiel type II neurons in the myenteric ganglia of mice have similar physiological properties to those in guinea-pigs but whether other features of the neurons are similar is unknown. We have used intracellular dye-filling, retrograde tracing, immunohistochemistry and nerve lesions to determine salient features of Dogiel type II neurons of the mouse colon. Dye-filling showed that the neurons provide profuse terminal networks in the myenteric ganglia and also have axons that project towards the mucosa. Retrograde tracing and lesion studies showed that these axons provide direct innervation to the mucosa. High proportions of the neurons had immunoreactivity for calretinin, calbindin, choline acetyltransferase, the purine P2X2 receptor and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). CGRP was the most selective marker of the neurons. Following surgery to remove an area of myenteric plexus, the CGRP-immunoreactive nerve fibres in the mucosa degenerated. Thus, Dogiel type II neurons in mice have similar shapes and projections but some differences in chemistry from those in guinea-pigs. The close similarities between the two species in the shapes, projections and electrophysiology of these neurons suggest that they serve the same functions in both species.These studies were funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)  相似文献   

Summary Angiotensin II (AII) is present in the mammalian ovary and has been correlated with atresia in follicles. Since the theca interna may be one site at which atresia is intiated, we wished to determine whether AII exerts an effect on theca interna from explanted ovarian follicles of hamsters. Hamsters were sacrified on the morning of proestrus, and ovaries were removed. Preovulatory follicles were excised from the ovaries, and cultured with one of the following components: medium alone (control); medium plus AII (1x10-6 M); the AII-receptor antagonist [Sar1, Ile8] AII (1x10-4 M); or AII plus antagonist. After 72 h, the follicles were processed for transmission electron microscopy (to determine quantities of theca interna organelles involved in the steroid synthetic pathway) or for protein determination (to normalize steroid production rates). The incubation medium was drawn off and analyzed by radioimmunoassay for progesterone, androstenedione, or estradiol-17. There was a significant positive correlation (r=0.92, P<0.01) between follicular androstenedione secretion and area comprising theca interna smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In the theca interna, AII induced a two-fold and 1.6-fold increase in lipid droplet number and area comprising smooth endoplasmic reticulum, respectively (P<0.05). Excess antagonist negated the increase in cell or-ganelles and also reduced androstenedione secretion compared with AII alone (P<0.05). Most importantly, AII significantly augmented the ratio of androstenedione: estradiol-17 secretion by 44% over that of control. The ultrastructural changes observed in this study and the increase in the andostenedione: estradiol-17 production ratio are consistent with atresia-like changes in ovarian follicles. We believe, therefore, that AII is involved, possibly at its membrane receptor, in an aspect of the overall process of follicular atresia, operating in part at the level of the theca interna.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of a calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase, calcineurin, was studied in the mouse testis in relation to previous observations showing that calmodulin is unusually rich in spermatogenic stages from mid-pachytene spermatocytes to elongating spermatids. The antibodies raised against calcineurin from scallop testis reacted with subunit B, but not subunit A, of calcineurin isoforms from mouse brain and testis. Indirect immunofluorescence using these antibodies on the mouse testis revealed positive reactions only in the nuclei of round or elongating spermatids: calcineurin started to accumulate in nuclei from the acrosomal cap phase, peaked at the initial stage of nuclear elongation, and decreased thereafter. There was almost no signal in the cytoplasm; spermatogenic cells at other stages, including spermatogonia, spermatocytes, mature sperm, and other somatic cells in the seminiferous tubules were totally negative. Immuno-electron microscopy gave the same result, on the basis of measuring the density of immunogold particles. These results suggest a role for calcineurin in remodeling of the nuclear chromatin in metamorphosing spermatids.  相似文献   

The anthracycline antibiotic daunomycin (DM) is useful for the treatment of leukemia but has side-effects such as alopecia. Using immunocytochemistry, we show that, after a single i.v. injection, DM accumulates in the nuclei of matrix cells and in the outer root sheath of hair follicles. DM-positive matrix cells are detectable up to 48 h after injection and exhibit a characteristic granular morphology, which is not observed in saline-injected controls. TUNEL-staining has revealed that DM injection induces programmed cell death (PCD) in rat hair follicles. Cells undergoing PCD are detectable as late as 5 days postinjection in both the matrix and outer root sheath. Newly developed double-staining has shown that some of the DM-positive matrix cell nuclei are also TUNEL-positive. Staining for activated caspase-3 has demonstrated immunopositive cells following DM administration both in the matrix and in the outer root sheath. Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry has shown the presence of DM-positive cells with two different types of morphology. About half of the immunopositive cells exhibit a morphology typical of classical apoptosis (PCD type 1), whereas the other half show signs of autophagic cell death (PCD type 2). Interestingly, little, if any, DM accumulation or apoptosis has been detected in the dermal hair papillae. This may have a bearing on potential regeneration of the hair follicles. Thus, DM accumulates in a characteristic pattern in hair follicles. This accumulation is associated with the induction of two morphologically distinct forms of PCD.  相似文献   

N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2 (NDRG2) is believed to be involved in cell growth events. However, its exact function is still unknown. To elucidate the role of this gene, we used an anti-Ndrg2 monoclonal antibody in immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence assays to analyze the expression pattern of Ndrg2 protein in mouse embryos at various gestational ages and in a variety of adult mouse tissues. Ndrg2 immunoreactivity was generally localized to the cytoplasm. During mouse development, Ndrg2 expression was observed in many developing tissues and organs including the heart, brain, lung, gut, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, cartilage, chorion, epidermis, and whisker follicles. Ndrg2 expression was developmentally dynamic, being generally lower in the early stages of development and markedly increasing during later stages. Ndrg2 expression was also observed in a variety of adult mouse tissues, particularly in the heart and brain. This is the first demonstration of Ndrg2 protein expression in both embryonic and adult mouse tissues. Our results suggest that NDRG2 plays important roles in histogenesis and organogenesis.This study was supported by grants from the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (no. 2002CB513007), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 30370315 and 30171044) and PCSIRT04-59.  相似文献   

The effect of acetylcholine and the cholecystokinin-like peptide, caerulein on the fractional efflux of 86Rb+ from preloaded isolated segments of mouse pancreas were studied. Both secretagogues evoked a marked transient increase in 86Rb+ efflux. The removal of Ca2+ from the superfusing medium and addition of 10?4 M EGTA, markedly reduced, but did not abolish the responses to either acetylcholine or caerulein. Furosemide (10?5?10?3M) or piretanide (10?4 M) reduced the basal efflux and inhibited the secretagogue-elicited responses. Stimulus-induced 86Rb+ outflow was abolished when the Cl? component of the superfusing solution was replaced by either NO3?, SO42? or I? but not in case of replacement by Br?, When Na+ was replaced with either Li+ or choline+ both acetylcholine and caerulein failed to elicit any detectable increase in 86Rb+ outflow. However, when Tris+ was substituted for Na+, acetylcholine caused a moderate increase in 86Rb+ efflux which was abolished by either furosemide (10?4 M) or chloride depletion (nitrate substitution). The removal of extracellular K+ or pretreatment with 10?3 M ouabain had little effect on secretagogue-evoked 86Rb+ efflux. These results indicate the presence of a diuretic-sensitive Na+-K+-Cl? cotransport system in the mouse pancreatic acinar cell membrane.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes prepared from clonal NB-15 mouse neuroblastoma cells were sequentially incubated with 125I-labeled insulin (10 nM) and the bifunctional cross-linking agent disuccinimidyl suberate. This treatment resulted in the cross-linking of 125I-labeled insulin to a polypeptide that gave an apparent Mr of 135 000 on a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresed in the presence of 10% β-mercaptoethanol. Affinity labeling of this polypeptide was inhibited by the presence of 5 μM unlabeled insulin, but not by 1 μM unlabeled nerve growth factor. Using the same affinity labeling technique, 125I-labeled nerve growth factor (1 nM) did not label any polypeptide appreciably in the plasma membranes of NB-15 cells but labeled an Mr 145 000 and an Mr 115 000 species in PC-12 rat pheochromocytoma cells. The number of insulin binding sites per cell in the intact differentiated NB-15 mouse neuroblastoma cells was approx. 6-fold greater than that in the undifferentiated NB-15 mouse neuroblastoma cells as measured by specific binding assay, suggesting an increase of the number of insulin receptors in NB-15 mouse neuroblastoma cells during differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The olfactory epithelium of mice after axotomy was investigated to clarify the stem cells of olfactory cells by double immunostaining using antikeratin (MA903) and anti-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) antibodies and by conventional electron microscopy. When a single dose of BrdU was given to mice 9 days after axotomy, immunostaining for BrdU was found in the globose basal cells which were negative for MA903, but not in the basal cells proper which were positive for MA903. The BrdU-immunoreactive cells increased 3-to 6-fold over the number of these cells in the controls, indicating active cell proliferation. At other postoperative days (4 and 14 days), fewer BrdU-immunoreactive cells were found. Furthermore, three pulses of BrdU resulted in numerous BrdU-immunolabelings in the globose basal cells and a few in the basal cells proper. There was no detectable difference in the number of labeled basal cells proper in operated and unoperated mice. In the electron micrographs 9 days after axotomy, the basal cells proper, flat-shaped in unoperated mice, appeared cylindrical or pyramidal in shape and the globose basal cells often lay between the basal cells proper. In unoperated controls, the globose basal cells were located above the flat-shaped basal cells proper. The results suggest that the stem cells of the olfactory cells are globose basal cells and not basal cells proper, and that the shape of basal cells proper changes in relation to the active proliferation of stem cells.  相似文献   

Summary Semiquantitative electron-microscopic observations on the pineal gland of dd-mice were carried out to determine whether 24-h rhythms exist in pinealocytes, pericapillary and intercellular spaces and capillary endothelial cells. Nuclear and cytoplasmic areas of pinealocytes and the area of condensed chromatin in pinealocytes showed inversely related circadian rhythms; the former two increased, whereas the latter decreased, during the light period. The extent of pericapillary and wide intercellular spaces exhibited 24-h changes, with an increase and decrease occurring during the light period and the dark period, respectively. The cross-sectional area of endothelial cells decreased and the number of fenestrae increased during the light period; this was reversed during the dark period. The results suggest that the increase in the nuclear and cytoplasmic areas of pinealocytes, the area of pericapillary and wide intercellular spaces and the number of fenestrae, and the decrease in the area of condensed chromatin and endothelial cells during the light period may be related to an increase in synthetic activity of pinealocytes in the mouse.  相似文献   

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