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A. D. Rosemond 《Oecologia》1993,94(4):585-594
Using stream-side, flow-through channels, I tested for the effects of nutrients (NU) (nitrogen plus phosphorus), irradiance (L), and snail grazing (G) on a benthic algal community in a small, forested stream. Grazed communities were-dominated by a chlorophyte (basal cells ofStigeoclonium) and a cyanophyte (Chamaesiphon investiens), whereas ungrazed communities were comprised almost entirely of diatoms, regardless of nutrient and light levels. Snails maintained low algal biomass in all grazed treatments, presumably by consuming increased algal production in treatments to which L and NU were increased. When nutrients were increased, cellular nutrient content increased under ambient conditions (shaded, grazed) and biomass and productivity increased when snails were removed and light was increased. Together, nutrients and light had positive effects and grazing had negative effects on biomass (chlorophylla, AFDM, algal biovolume) and chlorophyll-and areal-specific productivity in ANOVAs. However, in most cases, only means from treatments in which all three factors were manipulated (ungrazed, +NU&L treatments) were significantly different from controls; effects of single factors were generally undetectable. These results indicate that all three factors simultaneously limited algal biomass and productivity in this stream during the summer months. Additionally, the effects of these factors in combination were in some cases different from the effects of single factors. For example, light had slight negative effects on some biomass parameters when added at ambient snail densities and nutrient concentrations, but had strong positive effects in conjunction with nutrient addition and snail removal. This study demonstrates that algal biomass and productivity can be under multiple constraints by irradiance, nutrients, and herbivores and indicates the need to employ multifactor experiments to test for such interactive effects.  相似文献   

Ratios of 13C/12C and 15N/14N were measured in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), marginal vegetation, benthic macrodetritus (diameter > 1 mm) and selected invertebrate consumers in the Gamtoos estuary, South Africa to: (1) trace the provenance of benthic detrital deposits, and (2) determine the extent to which three abundant species of macroinvertebrates utilise this resource. DIC was strongly depleted in 13C with average 13C values (–9.5±0.5) being typical of limnetic waters. Benthic detrital particles (13C–24.1±0.3) originated mainly from marginal vegetation (13C–25.7±0.3), but their slightly elevated carbon ratio suggests additional input from 13C-rich sources-possibly C4 plants cultivated on the floodplain. Populations of the fossorial ghost shrimp Callianassa kraussi, the bentho-pelagic amphipod Grandidierella lignorum and the epifaunal crab Hymenosoma robiculare together account for 96% of total benthic biomass in the upper regions of this estuary. Marked differences in trophic niches were evident among these three consumer species. Ghost shrimp (13C –32.5±0.3) foraged by filter-feeding on fine suspended particulate organic matter (13C–31.2±0.5). Amphipods (13C–28.0±0.6) utilised some benthic detritus but fed mainly on suspended material. Only the relatively rare crabs (13C–23.8±1.5) appeared to utilise benthic detrital particles to any significant extent. In the benthic consumer community of the upper Gamtoos estuary, suspension feeders make up 98% of biomass and thus clearly dominate over deposit feeders. This can be traced to the low contribution of higher plants (c. 13%) to overall carbon production, and detritus originating from macrophytes is consequently relatively unimportant in supporting invertebrate secondary production in this particular system.  相似文献   

In this study we quantified invertebrate drift and related it to the structure of the benthic community, over a 6–8 month period, in a 4th-order tropical stream in Costa Rica. Relative to reports from similar-sized temperate and tropical streams, drift densities were high (2-fold greater: mean 11.2 m−3; range 2.5–25 m−3), and benthic insect densities were relatively low (>3-fold lower: mean 890 m−2; range 228–1504 m−2). Drift was dominated by larval shrimps that represented more than 70% of total drift on any given date; the remaining 30% was composed of 54 insect taxa. Among insects, Simuliidae and Chironomidae (Diptera) and Baetidae, Leptohyphes and Tricorythodes (Ephemeroptera) comprised 24% of total drift. Drift periodicity was strongly nocturnal, with peaks at 18:00 h (sunset) and 03:00 h. Our results, and those of previous experiments in the study stream, suggest that nighttime drift is driven by the presence of predatory diurnal drift-feeding fishes and nocturnal adult shrimps. There were no clear seasonal patterns over both ‘dry’ and wet seasons, suggesting that benthic communities are subject to similar stresses throughout the year, and that populations grow and reproduce continuously. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the role that different predators can have to be able to predict how changes in the predator assemblage may affect the prey community and ecosystem attributes. We tested the effects of different stream predators on macroinvertebrates and ecosystem attributes, in terms of benthic algal biomass and accumulation of detritus, in artificial stream channels. Predator richness was manipulated from zero to three predators, using two fish and one crayfish species, while density was kept equal (n = 6) in all treatments with predators. Predators differed in their foraging strategies (benthic vs. drift feeding fish and omnivorous crayfish) but had overlapping food preferences. We found effects of both predator species richness and identity, but the direction of effects differed depending on the response variable. While there was no effect on macroinvertebrate biomass, diversity of predatory macroinvertebrates decreased with increasing predator species richness, which suggests complementarity between predators for this functional feeding group. Moreover, the accumulation of detritus was affected by both predator species richness and predator identity. Increasing predator species richness decreased detritus accumulation and presence of the benthic fish resulted in the lowest amounts of detritus. Predator identity (the benthic fish), but not predator species richness had a positive effect on benthic algal biomass. Furthermore, the results indicate indirect negative effects between the two ecosystem attributes, with a negative correlation between the amount of detritus and algal biomass. Hence, interactions between different predators directly affected stream community structure, while predator identity had the strongest impact on ecosystem attributes.  相似文献   

Summary 1. During the low-flow period (April–October) in sunlit pools of Big Sulphur Creek (northern coastal California), the attached algal community predictably changes from an assemblage dominated by lush, upright Cladophora glomerata filaments in spring and early summer to one dominated by epilithic diatoms and blue-green algae (together=microalgae) in late summer through early autumn. Previous studies in this stream indicated that grazing by the caddisflies Helicopsyche borealis and Gumaga nigricula maintain low algal biomass during the latter part of this period. We used a combination of in situ exclusion/enclosure experiments to examine (1) the separate and combined effects of these grazers on Cladophora and microalgal assemblages, and (2) food preferences, growth, and microdistribution patterns of grazers when offered these different algal foods. 2. Grazers exerted strong but divergent effects on algal assemblages. Selective grazing on Cladophora by G. nigricula greatly accelerated the transition from upright Cladophora to epilithic microalgae, whereas selective grazing on microalgae by H. borealis dramatically reduced biomass of these forms. Grazers were largely ineffective at reducing the non-preferred algal food source (i.e. Cladophora by H. borealis, microalgae by G. nigricula). In the case of each grazer, growth was highest on the preferred algal food. Together, the activity of these grazers produced a low-biomass assemblage dominated by microalgal cells. 3. Removal of the Cladophora overstory by G. nigricula resulted in a three-fold increase in the abundance of epilithic microalgae, the preferred food of H. borealis. Elimination of Cladophora by G. nigricula can increase food availability for H. borealis and, in so doing, can indirectly facilitate the growth of this grazer during food-limited conditions. However, microdistribution of G. nigricula shifts from high overlap with H. borealis in spring and early summer when Cladophora is abundant to low overlap in late summer after Cladophora has been eliminated. This may indicate intense competition between these species for limited epilithic algae, and a concomitant movement by G. nigricula to areas in the stream where food resources are more available.  相似文献   

Despite their role in supporting diverse marine fish communities, tropical rocky shores and reefs have attracted less research and fewer targeted conservation efforts compared to coral reefs. We studied fish community composition in Playa Blanca Marine Reserve (9 degrees 40' N - 84 degrees 40' W), a rocky shore site on the central Pacific coast of Costa Rica. We conducted visual surveys of fishes along six strip transects soon after the area was designated a marine reserve in 1995, then again in 2006 following an eleven-year period of complete protection. We recorded a total of 31 406 sightings of 72 species from 30 families. Pomacentrids (42.5%), labrids (16.6%) and haemulids (14.8%) dominated the community, accounting for > 70% of total fish abundance. In comparison to other sites in the region, the fish community was more similar to one reported from Bahia Honda, Panama (7 degrees 50' N - 81 degrees 35 W) than from the geographically more proximate Culebra Bay, Costa Rica (10 degrees 45' N - 85 degrees 43 W). Sixty-one species from 26 families were recorded in 1995; sixty-nine species from 28 families in 2006. Our results suggest that the Playa Blanca Marine Reserve is fulfilling its conservation role. Average fish abundance, species richness and Shannon's index of community diversity were greater in 2006 than 1995, and fish community composition varied significantly within each transect among years. Much of the change in community composition among years resulted from spatial and temporal variation in the abundance of a few dominant species, including Abudefduf troschelli, Thalassoma lucasanum, Chromis atrilobata, and Stegastes flavilatus/acapulcoensis. Of the 48 species/species groups recorded in both years, 37 (77%) were more abundant in 2006 than 1995, and several species recorded as uncommon or rare in 1995 were more frequent and abundant in 2006. Fish community composition and the abundance of some species changed in the reserve over time, but further study is needed to determine the role of small-scale marine reserves in the conservation of tropical marine biodiversity.  相似文献   

Species composition and herbage dynamics in relation to rainfall variability and cattle grazing were studied in permanently protected, grazed, and temporarily fenced treatments on three sites in a seasonally dry tropical savanna. Permanently protected sites, established between 1979 and 1984, were 55–79% similar with each other in species composition, and 14–25% similar with grazed sites during the period 1986–1988. Similarity among grazed sites was only 36–43%. Number of species was greater in the grazed treatment than in the permanently protected treatment. The percentages of annual grasses and non-leguminous forbs were greater in grazed savanna than in permanently protected savanna. Species diversity was higher in grazed savanna than in the corresponding permanently protected savanna. Species the two annual cycles studied, peak live shoot biomass was 614 g m-2 in permanently protected savanna, 109 g m-2 in grazed savanna, and 724 g m-2 in temporarily fenced savanna. Live shoot biomass in temporarily fenced savanna was 18 to 44% greater than in permanently protected savanna. Peak canopy biomass ranged from 342 to 700 g m-2 in permanently protected savanna. It was related with total rainy season rainfall, and was particularly sensitive to late rainy season rainfall. On the other hand, peak canopy biomass in grazed savanna ranged from 59 to 169 g m-2 and was related to grazing intensity rather than either total rainy season rainfall or late rainy season rainfall. Coefficient of variation of green biomass in permanently protected savanna was related with rainfall variability indicating it to be a pulsed system which responds quickly to rainfall events. Biomass of woody species ranged from 2466 to 5298 g m-2 in permanently protected savanna and from 744 to 1433 g m–2 in the grazed savanna. Green foliage biomass was 3.7 to 6.4% of the woody biomass in permanently protected and 5.6 to 5.9% in grazed savanna, and supplements substantially the fodder resource during the dry periods of the year.  相似文献   

As part of a larger project that aimed to determine the factors that regulate fish productivity in a clear water river of the Atlantic rainforest, São Paulo State, Brazil, composition and the trophic structure of the fish community of the middle course of the river were studied from January 1995 to May 1996. Of the 17 species collected, Mimagoniates microlepis, Schizolecis guentheri, Phalloceros caudimaculatus and Kronichthys heylandi accounted for 83.2% of the total fish abundance. Most of the species were insectivorous (35.7%), followed by detritivores (21.4%), benthivores (14.2%), omnivores (14.2%), herbivores (7.1%), and piscivores (7.1%). Results of food overlap analysis as calculated by the Index of Morisita showed that 17.5% of the species pairs overlapped. Habitat segregation, however was observed among most of the species, suggesting some degree of food partitioning. Despite the characteristics of this escarpment river, which produces spates year round, no seasonal variation in diet was observed, suggesting that although food abundance may fluctuate throughout the year, most items are in constant supply. The importance of allochthonous food was considered and it appears that, though only a few species feed on this source (including detritivores), they make up 87.2% of the total fish abundance. The low abundance of most of the fishes, the high number of endemic species and the strong dependence of the species on a few food resources suggest that these systems are sensitive to anthropogenic impacts and require future studies.  相似文献   

1. To evaluate the spatial extent of the effects of forest cover on stream ecosystems, we measured algae, invertebrate, and fish biomass and invertebrate and fish community structure in 38 small first- to third-order streams in the National Capital Region of Canada along with forest cover at different spatial scales.
2. We considered 55 spatial scales of forest cover including several buffer widths (doubling 10–320 m) and lengths (doubling 10–1280 m, entire riparian distance upstream from sampling area) and entire catchments to determine which spatial scale maximized the correlation with biomass and metrics of community structure.
3. The proportion of variability in biomass and structural metrics explained by forest cover generally increased with increasing scale, suggesting that catchment-wide disturbances are the most influential determinants of benthic and fish communities.
4. Catchment forest cover explained more variation in algal (adjusted r 2   =   0.54), invertebrate (adjusted r 2   =   0.51) and fish (adjusted r 2   =   0.33) biomass than structural metrics of invertebrates and fish (adjusted r 2   =   0.08–0.27).
5. Analyses of the partial effects of forest cover at three scales (reach, riparian and the entire catchment) on biomass and community structure metrics identified catchment and reach scales as being most influential and never detected a significant partial effect of forest cover at the riparian scale.
6. These results suggest that maintenance or protection of reach and riparian buffers alone will not sufficiently protect stream function and structure from catchment-wide impacts.  相似文献   

Summary 1. We studied the relative contributions of the magnitude and direction of vertical hydrological exchange, subsurface sediment composition and interstitial physicochemistry in determining the distribution of hyporheic invertebrates in the Kye Burn, a fourth order gravel‐bed stream in New Zealand. 2. In winter 2000 and summer 2001, we measured vertical hydrological gradient (VHG), dissolved oxygen, water temperature and water chemistry using mini‐piezometers, each installed in a different upwelling or downwelling zone. Next to every piezometer, a freeze core sample was taken to quantify the sediment, particulate organic matter and invertebrates. 3. Dissolved oxygen concentration at 25 cm was high on both occasions (>9 mg L?1) but was higher in winter than summer. Interstitial water temperature was higher in down than upwellings and was substantially higher in summer than winter. Other features of the subsurface sediments and interstitial nitrate–nitrite concentrations were similar on both occasions and in up and downwellings. Interstitial ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorous concentrations were higher in winter than summer and ammonium was higher in up than downwelling areas. 4. The proportion of fine sediment (63 μm–1 mm), sediment heterogeneity and VHG accounted for the greatest proportion of variance in invertebrate distributions in both summer and winter. 5. The hyporheos was numerically dominated by early instar leptophlebiid mayfly nymphs and asellotan isopods. Water mites were a taxonomically diverse group with 13 genera. Taxonomic diversity (Shannon–Weaver), but not taxon richness, was higher in upwelling areas, reflecting lower numerical dominance by a few taxa in these locations. 6. Sediment composition (particularly the amount of fine sediments) and vertical hydrological exchange determined the composition and distribution of the hyporheos. Patchiness in these factors is important in planning sampling regimes or field manipulations in the hyporheic zone.  相似文献   

Genotoxic responses (chromosomal damage, DNA strandbreakage) of redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritis)populations exposed to industrial effluent andmutagenicity of the associated sediments weredetermined in order to compare them to changes incommunity structure. Data were collected from areference stream and East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC), afirst-order stream which originates on the grounds ofthe Department of Energy Y-12 Plant at Oak Ridge, TN. This stream is contaminated with mercury, PCBs, andnumerous other compounds. Previous studies have shownthat sediment contaminant concentrations, as well asphysiological biomarker responses of the local fishpopulations, are highest at the headwaters of EFPC anddecrease with increasing distance from the DOEfacility as contaminant loading decreases. Chromosomal damage was measured by flow cytometry – asreflected by variation in cellular DNA content – andstrand breakage was determined by agarose gelelectrophoresis using blood as the source of DNA. Mutagenicity was determined by theSalmonella/microsome assay using organic solventextracts of sediment surface samples. Community levelresponses included community diversity and percentpollution-tolerant species. Biomarker responses andmutagenicity were found to be highest at theheadwaters of EFPC, and tended to decrease withincreasing distance from the effluent. In general,biomarker responses appeared to be correlated withmutagenicity of the sediment, and both of theserelated to fish community disturbance and level ofstream contamination. Because responses at severallevels of biological organization show similarpatterns of downstream effects, this suggests thatthere may be a causal relationship betweencontamination and biological effects.  相似文献   

The competitive abilities of a given species are inversely proportional to its tolerance to environmental stress. Thus, in estuaries, vegetation is generally controlled by salinity and flooding in their lower limits, and by biotic drivers in their upper limits. Crinum americanum L. is vastly distributed over flooded regions of American seacoast, frequently associated with stressful habitats. We aimed to explain the role of hydrologic, edaphic, and biotic drivers in the distribution of this species on the Massaguaçu River estuary, Southeastern Brazil (23°37′20″S and 54°21′25″W). We sampled randomly 400 plots in the estuary, and registered covering of all species, the height of the C. americanum individuals, and the relative height of the plots. We collected soil samples from every five plots. We measured the estuary level daily for two years. We used Correspondence Analysis, Simple and Canonical, and graphic analysis. The salinity has explained the major part of the observed pattern, and the C. americanum population was positively related to it. The estuary level was also important. C. americanum has presented higher densities in intermediary flooding classes than in the extremes of the gradient. Species reduction in regions of low salinity or its absence has probably been due to the highly competitive environment, and not to the lack of salt per se.  相似文献   

New streams formed following ice recession in Glacier Bay National Park, southeastern Alaska allow insights into the role of abiotic and biotic interactions in the assemblage of benthic communities. Reductions in abundance of a pioneer chironomid colonizer, Diamesa alpina/lupus, in one new stream, Wolf Point Creek, is considered to be a result of competitive interactions with subsequent colonizers, as opposed to intolerance of warmer water temperature as previously suggested. Reduced densities of potential competitors (25–50 larvae per 500 cm2) in a cobble transplant experiment between streams, allowed persistence of D. alpina/lupus at low densities. In addition, significantly more D. alpina/lupus larvae emigrated from artificial stream channels containing other chironomid taxa than channels without potential competitors while there was no significant correlation of emigration with water temperature. A small number of D. alpina/lupus transplanted from a cold stream (4–6 °C) survived at water temperatures of 10–15 °C for 1 week. These results infer that interference competition is the causal mechanism in the decline of D. alpina/lupus. Complete exclusion of D. alpina/lupus from the stream has not occurred and water temperature may play a role in partitioning D. alpina/lupus from other taxa on a temporal or a spatial basis. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in foraging group structure of a fish assemblage was examined in a flood-prone stream in southern Hokkaido, Japan. Foraging behaviour was observed underwater for four species which inhabit the water column: ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, white-spotted charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis, masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou, and Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, with each species being categorized into five size classes (species-size group; SSG). Based on foraging behaviour, each SSG of the fish assemblage was classified into one of four foraging groups: algae grazers, drift foragers, benthos-drift foragers, and omnivores, defined as SSG exhibiting similar foraging behaviour. All size classes of ayu, and of charr and salmon were categorized as algae grazers and drift foragers, respectively, throughout the study period. In contrast, size classes of dace were categorized as drift foragers, benthos-drift foragers, or omnivores with the same size classes often assigned to different foraging groups from month to month. Digestive tract contents of the fishes in the four foraging groups reflected their observed foraging behaviour, and foraging groups were therefore regarded as representing trophic groups. Abundance and membership of each foraging group varied in accordance with changes in abundance of SSG due to their growth, immigration, emigration, and/or mortality. Moreover, due to numerical dominance within the assemblage, plasticity in foraging behaviour of small- and medium-sized dace also played a key role in determining variability in the foraging group structure. Relative frequencies of two types of foraging behaviour, algae nipping and benthos foraging, of the small-sized dace were significantly correlated with the level of each resource, whereas no significant relationship was detected between foraging frequencies of the medium-sized dace and either resource. Fluctuations in foraging group structure within this assemblage occurred through niche shifts of some component members and by changes in SSG composition.  相似文献   

Alexander D. Huryn 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):173-183
Ecosystem-wide effects of introduced brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and native river galaxias (Galaxiaseldoni McDowall) were studied by analysing ecosystem production budgets for two adjacent tributaries of a grassland stream-system in the South Island of New Zealand. One tributary was inhabited by brown trout, the other by river galaxias. No other fish species were present in either stream. The budget for the river galaxias stream indicated little top-down control of invertebrates by fish predation (river galaxias consumed ∼18% of available prey production). A large proportion of annual net primary production was required to support production by invertebrates (invertebrates consumed an average of ∼75% of available primary production), and mean surplus primary production (i.e. not consumed) was not significantly different from zero. Primary and secondary production were presumably mutually limiting in this system (i.e. controlled by simultaneous top-down and bottom-up mechanisms). In contrast, the budget for the brown trout stream indicated extreme top-down control of invertebrate populations by fish predation; essentially all invertebrate production (∼100%) was required to support trout production. Invertebrate production required only a minor portion of annual net primary production (∼21%) and primary production was presumably controlled by mechanisms other than grazing (e.g. sloughing, nutrient limitation). Predatory invertebrates had little quantitative effect on prey populations in either stream. Recent experimental studies of invertebrate behaviour, fish behaviour, and food-web structure in New Zealand streams with physically stable channels indicate that a trophic cascade should be observed in streams inhabited by brown trout, in contrast to those inhabited by native fish. The results reported here provide ecosystem-level evidence supporting this prediction. Received: 10 March 1997 / Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

1. Despite wide recognition that fish assemblages are influenced by factors operating over a range of spatial scales, little effort has been devoted to quantifying large‐scale variation and the multiscale dependencies of assemblage patterns and processes. This is particularly true for Mediterranean streams, where seasonally predictable drying‐up may lead to a strong association between assemblage attributes and large‐scale factors affecting the distribution of population sources and extinction likelihood. 2. The contribution of large‐scale factors to stream fish assemblage variation was quantified across a Mediterranean landscape, in south‐west Portugal. Fish abundance and species composition were estimated at 166 sites across third‐ to sixth‐order streams, in March–July 1998. Variance partitioning by redundancy analyses was used to analyse assemblage variation against three sets of predictor variables: environmental (catchment position, and geomorphic and hydrological factors), large‐scale spatial trends and neighbourhood effects. 3. Environmental variables and spatial trends accounted for 34.6% of the assemblage variation across the entire region, and for 36.6 and 57.8% within the two largest catchments (Mira and Seixe). Neighbourhood effects were analysed at the catchment scale, increasing the explained variation to 56.1% (Mira) and 70.7% (Seixe). 4. A prevailing environmental gradient was reflected in an increase in the abundance of all species and size‐classes in relation to catchment position, with more fish present in larger streams and in downstream reaches. Variables describing geomorphic and hydrological settings were less important in explaining assemblage variation. 5. Spatial trends always accounted for the smallest fraction of assemblage variation, and they were probably associated with historical barriers to fish dispersal. The strong neighbourhood effects may be related to spatially autocorrelated habitat conditions, but they are also a likely consequence of fish emigration/extinction and colonisation processes. 6. These results emphasise that a substantial proportion of fish assemblage variation in Mediterranean streams may be explained by large‐scale factors, irrespective of microhabitats and local biotic interactions. It is suggested that this pattern results to a large extent from the seasonal drying‐up, with the summer shortage of surface water limiting fish occurrence in headwaters, and consequently the key core areas for fish concentrating in larger streams and tributaries adjacent to large streams because of neighbourhood effects.  相似文献   

A three-state, discrete-time Markov chain is used to model the dynamics of energy flow in a tri-trophic food web. The distribution of energy in the three trophic levels is related to the rates of flow between the trophic levels and calculated for the entire range of possible flow values. These distributions are then analysed for stability and used to test the idea that plants are resource-limited and herbivores are predation-limited. Low rates of death and decomposition, when coupled with low rates of herbivory and carnivory, tend to destabilize this food web. Food webs with higher rates of death and decomposition are relatively more stable regardless of rates of herbivory and carnivory. Plants are more prone to resource-limitation and herbivores are, in general, limited by their predators, which supports Hairston et al. (Am. Nat. 94 (1960) 421). The rate of decomposition often mediates the roles of top-down and bottom-up control of energy flow in the food web.  相似文献   

Dendritic ecological network (DEN) architecture can be a strong predictor of spatial genetic patterns in theoretical and simulation studies. Yet, interspecific differences in dispersal capabilities and distribution within the network may equally affect species’ genetic structuring. We characterized patterns of genetic variation from up to ten microsatellite loci for nine numerically dominant members of the upper Gila River fish community, New Mexico, USA. Using comparative landscape genetics, we evaluated the role of network architecture for structuring populations within species (pairwise FST) while explicitly accounting for intraspecific demographic influences on effective population size (Ne). Five species exhibited patterns of connectivity and/or genetic diversity gradients that were predicted by network structure. These species were generally considered to be small‐bodied or habitat specialists. Spatial variation of Ne was a strong predictor of pairwise FST for two species, suggesting patterns of connectivity may also be influenced by genetic drift independent of network properties. Finally, two study species exhibited genetic patterns that were unexplained by network properties and appeared to be related to nonequilibrium processes. Properties of DENs shape community‐wide genetic structure but effects are modified by intrinsic traits and nonequilibrium processes. Further theoretical development of the DEN framework should account for such cases.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities such as land‐use change, pollution and fishing impact the trophic structure of coral reef fishes, which can influence ecosystem health and function. Although these impacts may be ubiquitous, they are not consistent across the tropical Pacific Ocean. Using an extensive database of fish biomass sampled using underwater visual transects on coral reefs, we modelled the impact of human activities on food webs at Pacific‐wide and regional (1,000s–10,000s km) scales. We found significantly lower biomass of sharks and carnivores, where there were higher densities of human populations (hereafter referred to as human activity); however, these patterns were not spatially consistent as there were significant differences in the trophic structures of fishes among biogeographic regions. Additionally, we found significant changes in the benthic structure of reef environments, notably a decline in coral cover where there was more human activity. Direct human impacts were the strongest in the upper part of the food web, where we found that in a majority of the Pacific, the biomass of reef sharks and carnivores were significantly and negatively associated with human activity. Finally, although human‐induced stressors varied in strength and significance throughout the coral reef food web across the Pacific, socioeconomic variables explained more variation in reef fish trophic structure than habitat variables in a majority of the biogeographic regions. Notably, economic development (measured as GDP per capita) did not guarantee healthy reef ecosystems (high coral cover and greater fish biomass). Our results indicate that human activities are significantly shaping patterns of trophic structure of reef fishes in a spatially nonuniform manner across the Pacific Ocean, by altering processes that organize communities in both “top‐down” (fishing of predators) and “bottom‐up” (degradation of benthic communities) contexts.  相似文献   

There is currently considerable evidence support that plant community structures are driven by plant-plant interactions (e.g., competition and facilitation). In contrast, there is also evidence demonstrating that plant community structure is affected by the impact of consumer pressure (e.g., grazing). In this study, 15 and 10 Acacia gerrardii nurse plants were selected inside and outside Sudyrah natural reserve (protected) area in western Saudi Arabia, respectively. The understory vegetation abundance (e.g. cover and density) was measured among quadrats around the nurse trees in both protected and unprotected areas to examine the impact of grazing and the positive interaction on the understory species. I found that understory vegetation associated with nurse trees (A. gerrardii) has been driven by both the positive impact of nurse plant and the grazing. Although the understory vegetation was positively affected by the impact of facilitation, the composition of such vegetation has been changed due to the impact of herbivory.  相似文献   

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