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Homer proteins regulate sensitivity to cocaine   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Drug addiction involves complex interactions between pharmacology and learning in genetically susceptible individuals. Members of the Homer gene family are regulated by acute and chronic cocaine administration. Here, we report that deletion of Homer1 or Homer2 in mice caused the same increase in sensitivity to cocaine-induced locomotion, conditioned reward, and augmented extracellular glutamate in nucleus accumbens as that elicited by withdrawal from repeated cocaine administration. Moreover, adeno-associated virus-mediated restoration of Homer2 in the accumbens of Homer2 KO mice reversed the cocaine-sensitized phenotype. Further analysis of Homer2 KO mice revealed extensive additional behavioral and neurochemical similarities to cocaine-sensitized animals, including accelerated acquisition of cocaine self-administration and altered regulation of glutamate by metabotropic glutamate receptors and cystine/glutamate exchange. These data show that Homer deletion mimics the behavioral and neurochemical phenotype produced by repeated cocaine administration and implicate Homer in regulating addiction to cocaine.  相似文献   

Homer proteins are involved in the functional assembly of postsynaptic density proteins at glutamatergic synapses and are implicated in learning, memory and drug addiction. Here, we report that Homer1-knockout (Homer1-KO) mice exhibit behavioral and neurochemical abnormalities that are consistent with the animal models of schizophrenia. Relative to wild-type mice, Homer1-KO mice exhibited deficits in radial arm maze performance, impaired prepulse inhibition, enhanced 'behavioral despair', increased anxiety in a novel objects test, enhanced reactivity to novel environments, decreased instrumental responding for sucrose and enhanced MK-801- and methamphetamine-stimulated motor behavior. No-net-flux in vivo microdialysis revealed a decrease in extracellular glutamate content in the nucleus accumbens and an increase in the prefrontal cortex. Moreover, in Homer1-KO mice, cocaine did not stimulate a rise in frontal cortex extracellular glutamate levels, suggesting hypofrontality. These behavioral and neurochemical data derived from Homer1 mutant mice are consistent with the recent association of schizophrenia with a single-nucleotide polymorphism in the Homer1 gene and suggest that the regulation of extracellular levels of glutamate within limbo-corticostriatal structures by Homer1 gene products may be involved in the pathogenesis of this neuropsychiatric disorder.  相似文献   

Homer 1 gene products are involved in synaptic transmission and plasticity, and hence, distinct behavioral abnormalities, including anxiety- and depression-like behaviors, have been observed in Homer 1 knockout (KO) mice. Here we report that Homer 1 KO mice additionally exhibit a pronounced endocrine phenotype, displaying a profoundly increased adrenal gland weight and increased adrenal/body weight ratio. Histological examinations of Homer 1 deficient adrenal glands revealed an increased size of the adrenal cortex, especially the sizes of the zona fasciculata and zona glomerulosa. Moreover, the plasma corticosterone and aldosterone were higher in Homer 1 KO than wild-type (WT) mice while the plasma ACTH levels were not different between the genotypes. The in vivo ACTH test revealed that corticosterone and aldosterone plasma levels were higher in saline injected Homer 1 KO mice than in WT mice (saline injected mice served as controls for the respective groups of ACTH-injected animals), but the magnitude of steroid responses to ACTH was similar in both genotypes. In contrast, an in vitro experiment performed on isolated cells of adrenal cortex clearly showed increased production of both steroids in response to ACTH in Homer 1 KO cells, which is in line with an ~8-fold increase in the expression of ACTH receptor mRNA in the adrenal cortex of these mutants. These results, together with the detection of Homer 1 mRNA and protein in the adrenal cortex of WT mice, indicate that Homer 1 directly affects the steroidogenic function of the adrenal glands.  相似文献   

Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1), a primary anti-oxidative enzyme, protects cells against oxidative stress. We report herein on a comparison of behavioral and neurobiological changes between SOD1 knockout (KO) and wild-type mice, in an attempt to assess the role of SOD1 in brain functions. SOD1 KO mice exhibited impaired motivational behavior in both shuttle-box learning and three-chamber social interaction tests. High levels of dopamine transporter protein and an acceleration of serotonin turnover were also detected in the cerebrums of the SOD1 KO mice. These findings suggest that SOD1 deficiency disturbs monoaminergic neurotransmission leading to a decrease in motivational behavior.  相似文献   

The loss of fragile X mental retardation (FMR1) gene function causes fragile X syndrome (FXS), a common mental retardation syndrome. Anxiety and abnormal social behaviors are prominent features of FXS in humans. To better understand the role of FMR1 in these behaviors, we analyzed anxiety-related and social behaviors in Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice. In the mirrored chamber test, Fmr1 KO mice showed greater aversion to the central mirrored chamber than wild-type (WT) littermates, suggesting increased anxiety-like responses to reflected images of mice. Fmr1 KO mice exhibited abnormal social interactions in a tube test of social dominance, winning fewer matches than WT littermates. In a partition test, Fmr1 KO mice had normal levels of social interest and social recognition. However, during direct interaction tests, Fmr1 KO mice showed significant increases in sniffing behaviors. We further tested the influence of environmental familiarity on the social responses of Fmr1 KO mice to unfamiliar partners. In unfamiliar partitioned cages, Fmr1 KO mice did not differ from WT mice in investigation of unfamiliar partners. However, in familiar partitioned cages, Fmr1 KO mice showed less investigation of a newly introduced partner during the first 5 min and more investigation during the last 5 min of a 20-min partition test, behaviors consistent with initial social anxiety followed by enhanced social investigation. Our findings indicate that the loss of Fmr1 gene function results in altered anxiety and social behavior in mice and demonstrate that the Fmr1 KO mouse is a relevant animal model for the abnormal social responses seen in FXS.  相似文献   

The cholinergic system is a neuromodulatory neurotransmitter system involved in a variety of brain processes, including learning and memory, attention, and motor processes, among others. The influence of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the cholinergic system are moderated by lynx proteins, which are GPI-anchored membrane proteins forming tight associations with nicotinic receptors. Previous studies indicate lynx1 inhibits nicotinic receptor function and limits neuronal plasticity. We sought to investigate the mechanism of action of lynx1 on nicotinic receptor function, through the generation of lynx mouse models, expressing a soluble version of lynx and comparing results to the full length overexpression. Using rotarod as a test for motor learning, we found that expressing a secreted variant of lynx leads to motor learning enhancements whereas overexpression of full-length lynx had no effect. Further, adult lynx1KO mice demonstrated comparable motor learning enhancements as the soluble transgenic lines, whereas previously, aged lynx1KO mice showed performance augmentation only with nicotine treatment. From this we conclude the motor learning is more sensitive to loss of lynx function, and that the GPI anchor plays a role in the normal function of the lynx protein. In addition, our data suggests that the lynx gene plays a modulatory role in the brain during aging, and that a soluble version of lynx has potential as a tool for adjusting cholinergic-dependent plasticity and learning mechanisms in the brain.  相似文献   

The delta family of ionotropic glutamate receptors consists of glutamate δ1 (GluD1) and glutamate δ2 (GluD2) receptors. While the role of GluD2 in the regulation of cerebellar physiology is well understood, the function of GluD1 in the central nervous system remains elusive. We demonstrate for the first time that deletion of GluD1 leads to abnormal emotional and social behaviors. We found that GluD1 knockout mice (GluD1 KO) were hyperactive, manifested lower anxiety-like behavior, depression-like behavior in a forced swim test and robust aggression in the resident-intruder test. Chronic lithium rescued the depression-like behavior in GluD1 KO. GluD1 KO mice also manifested deficits in social interaction. In the sociability test, GluD1 KO mice spent more time interacting with an inanimate object compared to a conspecific mouse. D-Cycloserine (DCS) administration was able to rescue social interaction deficits observed in GluD1 KO mice. At a molecular level synaptoneurosome preparations revealed lower GluA1 and GluA2 subunit expression in the prefrontal cortex and higher GluA1, GluK2 and PSD95 expression in the amygdala of GluD1 KO. Moreover, DCS normalized the lower GluA1 expression in prefrontal cortex of GluD1 KO. We propose that deletion of GluD1 leads to aberrant circuitry in prefrontal cortex and amygdala owing to its potential role in presynaptic differentiation and synapse formation. Furthermore, these findings are in agreement with the human genetic studies suggesting a strong association of GRID1 gene with several neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorders and major depressive disorder.  相似文献   

Glutamate delta-1 (GluD1) receptors are expressed throughout the forebrain during development with high levels in the hippocampus during adulthood. We have recently shown that deletion of GluD1 receptor results in aberrant emotional and social behaviors such as hyperaggression and depression-like behaviors and social interaction deficits. Additionally, abnormal expression of synaptic proteins was observed in amygdala and prefrontal cortex of GluD1 knockout mice (GluD1 KO). However the role of GluD1 in learning and memory paradigms remains unknown. In the present study we evaluated GluD1 KO in learning and memory tests. In the eight-arm radial maze GluD1 KO mice committed fewer working memory errors compared to wildtype mice but had normal reference memory. Enhanced working memory in GluD1 KO was also evident by greater percent alternation in the spontaneous Y-maze test. No difference was observed in object recognition memory in the GluD1 KO mice. In the Morris water maze test GluD1 KO mice showed no difference in acquisition but had longer latency to find the platform in the reversal learning task. GluD1 KO mice showed a deficit in contextual and cue fear conditioning but had normal latent inhibition. The deficit in contextual fear conditioning was reversed by D-Cycloserine (DCS) treatment. GluD1 KO mice were also found to be more sensitive to foot-shock compared to wildtype. We further studied molecular changes in the hippocampus, where we found lower levels of GluA1, GluA2 and GluK2 subunits while a contrasting higher level of GluN2B in GluD1 KO. Additionally, we found higher postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD95) and lower glutamate decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) expression in GluD1 KO. We propose that GluD1 is crucial for normal functioning of synapses and absence of GluD1 leads to specific abnormalities in learning and memory. These findings provide novel insights into the role of GluD1 receptors in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common form of inherited mental retardation (MR). FXS is typically caused by a mutation of the Fmr1 gene (Verkerk et al. 1991, Cell 65, 905-914). To better understand the role of Fmr1 and its gene product fragile X mental-retardation protein (FMRP) in central nervous system function, researchers have turned to the use of animal model systems to generate an Fmr1 knockout (KO) mouse that is deficient in FMRP (Bakker et al. 1994, Cell 78, 23-33). Unfortunately, a number of studies have found no consistent, robust learning and memory impairment in the Fmr1 KO mice. We conducted a study to assess the performance of Fmr1 KO and wildtype (WT) animals in a leverpress escape/avoidance paradigm. Fmr1 KO and WT littermates were studied in four daily 1-h sessions. The Fmr1 KO mice performed fewer avoidance and total responses than WT mice. The KO animals were not simply deficient in avoidance, but a within-factor ANOVA revealed that they did not acquire the leverpress response to any appreciable degree. Observation during the sessions indicated that the Fmr1 KO animals clearly responded to the shock, eliminating an obvious sensory explanation for the deficit. The fact that other studies have found that the KO mice displayed increased exploratory and locomotor activity compared with WT controls argues against a motoric deficit. Future studies will attempt to delineate the nature of the behavioral deficit as well as attempt to rescue the response with glutamatergic or dopaminergic agents.  相似文献   

Loss of motivation and learning impairments are commonly accepted core symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as depression and schizophrenia. Reward-motivated learning is dependent on the hippocampal formation but the molecular mechanisms that lead to functional incentive motivation in this brain region are still largely unknown. Recent evidence implicates neurotransmission via metabotropic glutamate receptors and Homer1, their interaction partner in the postsynaptic density, in drug addiction and motivational learning. As previous reports mainly focused on the prefrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens, we now investigated the role of hippocampal Homer1 in operant reward learning in the present study. We therefore tested either Homer1 knockout mice or mice that overexpress Homer1 in the hippocampus in an operant conditioning paradigm. Our results show that deletion of Homer1 leads to a diverging phenotype that either displays an inability to perform the task or outstanding hyperactivity in both learning and motivational sessions. Due to the apparent bimodal distribution of this phenotype, the overall effect of Homer1 deletion in this paradigm is not significantly altered. Overexpression of hippocampal Homer1 did not lead to a significantly altered learning performance in any stage of the testing paradigm, yet may subtly contribute to emerging motivational deficits. Our results indicate an involvement of Homer1-mediated signaling in the hippocampus in motivation-based learning tasks and encourage further investigations regarding the specific molecular underpinnings of the phenotypes observed in this study. We also suggest to cautiously interpret the results of this and other studies regarding the phenotype following Homer1 manipulations in animals, since their behavioral phenotype appears to be highly diverse. Future studies would benefit from larger group sizes that would allow splitting the experimental groups in responders and non-responders.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a common cause of inherited intellectual disability and a well-characterized form of autism spectrum disorder. As brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is implicated in the pathophysiology of FXS we examined the effects of reduced BDNF expression on the behavioral phenotype of an animal model of FXS, Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice, crossed with mice carrying a deletion of one copy of the Bdnf gene (Bdnf(+/-)). Fmr1 KO mice showed age-dependent alterations in hippocampal BDNF expression that declined after the age of 4 months compared to wild-type controls. Mild deficits in water maze learning in Bdnf(+/-) and Fmr1 KO mice were exaggerated and contextual fear learning significantly impaired in double transgenics. Reduced BDNF expression did not alter basal nociceptive responses or central hypersensitivity in Fmr1 KO mice. Paradoxically, the locomotor hyperactivity and deficits in sensorimotor learning and startle responses characteristic of Fmr1 KO mice were ameliorated by reducing BNDF, suggesting changes in simultaneously and in parallel working hippocampus-dependent and striatum-dependent systems. Furthermore, the obesity normally seen in Bdnf(+/-) mice was eliminated by the absence of fragile X mental retardation protein 1 (FMRP). Reduced BDNF decreased the survival of newborn cells in the ventral part of the hippocampus both in the presence and absence of FMRP. Since a short neurite phenotype characteristic of newborn cells lacking FMRP was not found in cells derived from double mutant mice, changes in neuronal maturation likely contributed to the behavioral phenotype. Our results show that the absence of FMRP modifies the diverse effects of BDNF on the FXS phenotype.  相似文献   

A wealth of studies has implicated oxytocin (Oxt) and its receptors (Oxtr) in the mediation of social behaviors and social memory in rodents. It has been suggested that failures in this system contribute to deficits in social interaction that characterize autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In the current analyses, we investigated the expression of autism-related behaviors in mice that lack the ability to synthesize the oxytocin receptor itself, Oxtr knockout (KO) mice, as compared to their wild-type (WT) littermates. In the visible burrow system, Oxtr KO mice showed robust reductions in frontal approach, huddling, allo-grooming, and flight, with more time spent alone, and in self-grooming, as compared to WT. These results were corroborated in the three-chambered test: unlike WT, Oxtr KO mice failed to spend more time in the side of the test box containing an unfamiliar CD-1 mouse. In the social proximity test, Oxtr KO mice showed clear reductions in nose to nose and anogenital sniff behaviors oriented to an unfamiliar C57BL/6J (B6) mouse. In addition, our study revealed no differences between Oxtr WT and KO genotypes in the occurrence of motor and cognitive stereotyped behaviors. A significant genotype effect was found in the scent marking analysis, with Oxtr KO mice showing a decreased number of scent marks, as compared to WT. Overall, the present data indicate that the profile for Oxtr KO mice, including consistent social deficits, and reduced levels of communication, models multiple components of the ASD phenotype. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior.  相似文献   

Previous studies using neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) ?/? knockout (KO) mice provided evidence for a role of NCAMs in social behaviors. However, polysialic acid (PSA), the most important post‐translational modification of NCAM, was also absent in these mice, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the specific involvement of either PSA or NCAM in social interactions. To address this issue, we assessed two lines of mice deficient for one of the two sialyltransferase enzymes required for the polysialylation of NCAM, sialyltransferase‐X (St8SiaII or STX) and polysialyltransferase (ST8SiaIV or PST), in a series of tests for social behaviors. Results showed that PST KO mice display a decreased motivation in social interaction. This deficit can be partly explained by olfactory deficits and was associated with a clear decrease in PSA‐NCAM expression in all brain regions analyzed (amygdala, septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and frontal cortices). STX KO mice displayed both a decreased social motivation and an increased aggressive behavior that cannot be explained by olfactory deficits. This finding might be related to the reduced anxiety‐like behavior, increased locomotion and stress‐induced corticosterone secretion observed in these mice. Moreover, STX KO mice showed mild increase of PSA‐NCAM expression in the lateral septum and the orbitofrontal cortex. Altogether, these findings support a role for PSA‐NCAM in the regulation of social behaviors ranging from a lack of social motivation to aggression. They also underscore STX KO mice as an interesting animal model that combines a behavioral profile of violence and hyperactivity with reduced anxiety‐like behavior.  相似文献   

Retinal ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) is extensively involved in ocular diseases, causing retinal ganglion cell (RGCs) death resulting in visual impairment and blindness. Homer1a is considered as an endogenous neuroprotective protein in traumatic brain injury. However, the roles of Homer1a in RGCs I/R injury have not been elucidated. The present study investigated the changes in expression and effect of Homer1a in RGCs both in vitro and in vivo after I/R injury using Western blot, TUNEL assay, gene interference and overexpression, and gene knockout procedures. The levels of Homer1a and phosphorylated Erk (p-Erk) increased in RGCs and retinas after I/R injury. Upregulation of Homer1a in RGCs after I/R injury decreased the level of p-Erk, and mitigated RGCs apoptosis. Conversely, downregulation of Homer1a increased the level of p-Erk, and augmented RGCs apoptosis. Furthermore, inhibition of the p-ERK reduced RGCs apoptosis, and increased the expression of Homer 1a after I/R injury. Finally, the retinas of Homer1a KO mice treated with I/R injury had significantly less dendrites and RGCs, compared with Homer1a WT mice. These findings demonstrated that Homer1a may contribute to RGCs survival after I/R injury by interacting with Erk pathway.  相似文献   

Adducins are a family of proteins found in cytoskeleton junctional complexes, which bind and regulate actin filaments and actin-spectrin complexes. In brain, adducin is expressed at high levels and is identified as a constituent of synaptic structures, such as dendritic spines and growth cones of neurons. Adducin-induced changes in dendritic spines are involved in activity-dependent synaptic plasticity processes associated with learning and memory, but the mechanisms underlying these functions remain to be elucidated. Here, β-adducin knockout (KO) mice were used to obtain a deeper insight into the role of adducin in these processes. We showed that β-adducin KO mice showed behavioral, motor coordination and learning deficits together with an altered expression and/or phosphorylation levels of α-adducin and γ-adducin. We found that β-adducin KO mice exhibited deficits in learning and motor performances associated with an impairment of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) in the hippocampus. These effects were accompanied by a decrease in phosphorylation of adducin, a reduction in α-adducin expression levels and upregulation of γ-adducin in hippocampus, cerebellum and neocortex of mutant mice. In addition, we found that the mRNA encoding β-adducin is also located in dendrites, where it may participate in the fine modulation of LTP and LTD. These results strongly suggest coordinated expression and phosphorylation of adducin subunits as a key mechanism underlying synaptic plasticity, motor coordination performance and learning behaviors.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is caused by the absence of the mRNA-binding protein Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), encoded by the Fmr1 gene. Overactive signaling by group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor (Grp1 mGluR) could contribute to slowed synaptic development and other symptoms of FXS. Our previous study has identified that facilitation of synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) by D1 receptor is impaired in Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice. However, the contribution of Grp1 mGluR to the facilitation of synaptic plasticity by D1 receptor stimulation in the prefrontal cortex has been less extensively studied. RESULTS: Here we demonstrated that DL-AP3, a Grp1 mGluR antagonist, rescued LTP facilitation by D1 receptor agonist SKF81297 in Fmr1KO mice. Grp1 mGluR inhibition restored the GluR1-subtype AMPA receptors surface insertion by D1 activation in the cultured Fmr1KO neurons. Simultaneous treatment of Grp1 mGluR antagonist with D1 agonist recovered the D1 receptor signaling by reversing the subcellular redistribution of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) in the Fmr1KO neurons. Treatment of SKF81297 alone failed to increase the phosphorylation of NR2B-containing N-methyl D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) at Tyr-1472 (p-NR2B-Tyr1472) in the cultures from KO mice. However, simultaneous treatment of DL-AP3 could rescue the level of p-NR2B-Tyr1472 by SKF81297 in the cultures from KO mice. Furthermore, behavioral tests indicated that simultaneous treatment of Grp1 mGluR antagonist with D1 agonist inhibited hyperactivity and improved the learning ability in the Fmr1KO mice. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate that mGluR1 inhibition is a useful strategy to recover D1 receptor signaling in the Fmr1KO mice, and combination of Grp1 mGluR antagonist and D1 agonist is a potential drug therapy for the FXS.  相似文献   

Social behavior involves both the recognition and production of social cues. Mice with selective deletion (knockout) of either the gene for oxytocin (OT) or genes for the estrogen receptor (ER) -α or -β display impaired social recognition. In this study we demonstrate that these gene knockout mice also provide discriminably different social stimuli in behavioral assays. In an odor choice test, which is a measure of social interest and discrimination, outbred female Swiss-Webster mice discriminated the urine odors of male knockouts (KO: OTKO, αERKO, βERKO) from the odors of their wildtype littermates (WT: OTWT, αERWT, βERWT). Females showed marked initial choices of the urine odors of OTWT and βERWT males over those of OTKO and βERKO males, and αERKO males over αERWT males. The odors of OTKO and βERKO males also induced aversive, analgesic responses, with the odors of WTs having no significant effects. Odors of both the αERWT and αERKO males induced aversive, analgesic responses, with the odors of the WT inducing significantly greater analgesia. The odors of restraint stressed WT and KO males also elicited analgesia with, again, females displaying significantly greater responses to the odors of stressed OTKO and βERKO males than their WTs, and significantly lower analgesia to the odors of stressed αERKO than αERWT males. These findings show that the KO mice are discriminated from their WTs on the basis of odor and that the various KOs differ in the relative attractiveness/aversiveness of their odors. Therefore, in behavioral assays one causal route by which gene inactivation alters the social behavior of knockout mice may be mediated through the partners' modified responses to their odors.  相似文献   

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